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Proyseria decora (Dujardin, 1845) (the type-species of the genus Proyseria Petter, 1959) is redescribed on the basis of specimens from Alcedo atthis (L.) (Coraciiformes: Alcedinidae) from Iran. P. petterae n. sp. is described from Corythornis vintsioides (Eydoux & Gervais) (Alcedinidae) from Madagascar by light and scanning electron microscopy. Proyseria sp. from Alcedo euryzona Temminck from continental Malaysia is described on the basis of a single male specimen. Stegophorus alcedonis Puqin, Yanyin & Guocal, 1991 from A. atthis in China is transferred to the genus Proyseria as P. alcedonis n. comb. The generic diagnosis of Proyseria is amended. Review of the species of the genera Proyseria and Stegophorus Wehr, 1934 is presented.  相似文献   

During the ecological studies on marine nematodes in the intertidal zone and an adjacent seagrass Zostera marina Linne bed in Amakusa, south Japan, two new species of the genus Rhynchonema Cobb, 1920 were found. They are described as R. kikuchii and R. amakusanum. Up to now, Rhynchonema species were unknown from Japan.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species, Beaninema nayaritense n. gen., n. sp. and Rhabdochona xiphophori n. sp., are described on the basis of the specimens recovered from the gall bladder and intestine of 2 fishes, Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) (Cichlidae, Perciformes) and Xiphophorus sp. (Poeciliidae, Cyprinodontiformes), respectively, from Mexico. The monotypic genus Beaninema differs from other rhabdochonid genera mainly in the presence of large conical teeth in the middle of the prostom. Rhabdochona xiphophori is characterized mainly by a unique structure of the prostom (presence of 6 anterior teeth; dorsal and ventral teeth unusually broad, with 2 lateral horns) and the shape of the deirids (bifurcated, with markedly long base).  相似文献   

Summary A new criconematid genus Amphisbaenema is proposed, its type being a new species, A. paradoxiger, from Western Samoa which shows an unusual combination of features in that the outer layer of the female cuticle is broken up into numerous platelets and the female head is rounded without submedian lobes, labial plates or pseudolips; the male has prominent caudal alae and juveniles have longitudinal rows of tubercles over most of the body which is covered by an outer layer of fine backwardly directed spines. Nothocriconema lamellatum (Raski & Golden, 1966) De Grisse, 1967 is transferred to this genus and a second new species, A. amicorum, from Tonga is tentatively assigned to it. Two new Nothocriconema species, N. polynesianum and N. lanxifrons, are also described. ac]19810806  相似文献   

Summary Two new species of Xiphinema are described from Colombia. X. colombiense n.sp. is characterized by a continuous lip region, a median vulva with both genital tracts fully developed and without Z-differentiation, a total stylet length of 197–233 m and a short, rounded tail bearing two pairs of pores and with refractive lines leading through the cuticle to a terminal depression in the protoplasm; it is differentiated from X. clavatum Heyns, 1965, X. guirani Luc & Williams, 1978, X. pyrenaicum Dalmasso, 1969, X. silvaticum Luc & Williams, 1978 and X. yapoense Luc, 1958. X. riocaquetae n.sp. is distinguished from X. macrostylum Esser, 1966. ac]19810707  相似文献   

In the present paper we describe a new species of the genus Sciadiocara from Haematopus palliatus from the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°46S, 57°27W), Argentina. We provide two host records (H. palliatus and Larus dominicanus) for the genus, both from Buenos Aires province, Argentina. S. haematopodi n. sp. closely resembles S. legendrei Petter, 1967. The new species can be distinguished by the morphology of the distal end of the left spicule, the shorter length of the right spicule, the number of pre- anal papillae and the ratio of the length of the vagina vera to the length of the vagina uterina.  相似文献   

Akanthepsilonema helleouetae gen. et sp.n. (Epsilonematidae) is described from supralittoral marine sediments in New Caledonia. Its main features are a heterogeneous cuticule with large horn-like dorsal spines and a field of copulatory horns in the male. The taxonomic position of the new genus within the family is discussed.  相似文献   

Moniliformis tarsii n. sp. was found in Tarsius bancanus. It is unique in possessing 11-12 longitudinal rows of 6-7 hooks each. Hooks 2 and 3 are conspicuously enlarged, 41-55 microns long. Moniliformis echinosorexi n. sp. differs from all other species in having 12-15 rows of 11-13 hooks that are 34-36 microns long, and in having a proboscis receptacle 1.2-2.0 mm long. Several new host records for M. moniliformis are presented.  相似文献   

Three new species of Protricoma were found among the material collected during a deep-sea survey near Corsica: P. Maramphis sp.n., P. mocrocephala sp.n. and P. corsicana sp.n. The new species are characterized by their small body size. a slender cylindrican body with finely annulated body cuticle and a very small head.  相似文献   

The fertile glossopterid Senotheca is represented by linear fructifications with broad wings attached to the midribs of Glossopteris leaves. The architecture of the reproductive structures supports their placement within the Dictyopteridiaceae. The genus is emended, the validity of two established species (Senotheca murulidihensis and S. kingii) is confirmed, two new species (Senotheca keiraensis and S. magna) are formally defined and one taxon characterized by an attached leaf with coarse venation is retained under open nomenclature. Senotheca is distributed from northeastern India to eastern Australia and ranges from the (?)Artinskian to Changhsingian but the biostratigraphic utility of the genus is constrained by its rarity. Several other reports of the genus from Antarctica and southeastern Australia remain doubtful.  相似文献   

Two untapered, heterocytous species were observed and collected from the intertidal and supratidal zones of the Mexican coastline of the Pacific Ocean near Oaxaca and from the Gulf of Mexico. These populations were highly similar in morphology to the freshwater taxon Petalonema incrustans in the Scytonemataceae. However, 16S rRNA sequence data and phylogenetic analysis indicated that they were sister taxa to the epiphyllic, Brazilian species Phyllonema aveceniicola in the Rivulariaceae, described from culture material. While genetic identity between the two new species was high, they differed significantly in morphology, 16S rRNA gene sequence identity, and sequence and structure of the 16S–23S ITS region. Their morphology differed markedly from the generitype of the previously monotypic Phyllonema, which has tapered, heteropolar, single‐false branched trichomes with very thin or absent sheath. The two new species, Phyllonema ansata and Phyllonema tangolundensis, described from both culture and environmental material, have untapered, isopolar, geminately false branched trichomes with thick, lamellated sheaths, differences so significant that the species would not be placed in Phyllonema without molecular corroboration. The morphological differences are so significant that a formal emendation of the genus is required. These taxa provide a challenge to algal taxonomy because the morphological differences are such that one would logically conclude that they represent different genera, but the phylogenetic evidence for including them all in the same genus is conclusive. This conclusion is counter to the current trend in algal taxonomy in which taxa with minor morphological differences have been repeatedly placed in separate genera based primarily upon DNA sequence evidence.  相似文献   

Yeates  G.W.  Boag  B.  Brown  D.J.F. 《Systematic parasitology》1997,38(1):33-43
Xiphinema waimungui n. sp. from native forest in the North Island, New Zealand, is distinguished from many Xiphinema spp. by having two equal female genital branches, Z differentiation absent and tail short, convex-conoid. Females are 2.71–3.19 mm long, odontostyle 117–130 µm and odontophore 65–75 µm. Four juvenile stages are distinguished; tail shape does not vary markedly. Males were not found. Longidorus waikouaitii n. sp. from a native forest remnant in the South Island, New Zealand, has a rather posteriorly positioned guide-ring, large female body size (>6 mm), a bluntly conoid lip region which is continuous with the body contour and a bluntly rounded tail less than an anal body width long. No males and few juveniles were found. A dichotomous key is provided to the seven species of longidorids currently known from New Zealand.  相似文献   

Spiroxys ankarafantsika, sp. nov. is described from Madagascar in two species of freshwater turtles, Pelusios castanoides and Pelomedusa subrufa. Spiroxys ankarafantsika differs from other species of the genus in having pseudolabial teeth only on the median lobes and no other cuticular prominences, a smooth cuticular collar, deirides as cervical minute spine-like projections, and a gubernaculum without tubes. This is the first record of a nominal species of the genus Spiroxys from the Ethiopian region.  相似文献   

In this study, a new species of Pseudogilbia Møller, Schwarzhans & Nielsen 2004 is described based on two male specimens (40–44 mm LS) from shallow reefs of Bahia, Brazil. Pseudogilbia australis sp. nov. is distinguished from its only congener, Pseudogilbia sanblasensis Møller, Schwarzhans & Nielsen 2004 from Caribbean Panama, by having: two lower preopercular pores (vs. one); dorsal-fin rays 65–67 (vs. 69); anal-fin rays 51–53 (vs. 56); pectoral-fin rays 18 (vs. 20); caudal vertebrae 27–28 (vs. 30); pectoral-fin length 15.0%–15.9% LS (vs. 14.3); pelvic-fin length 13.5% LS (vs. 16.4) and a different morphology of the male copulatory organ. Pseudogilbia australis sp. nov. is the only dinematichthyid so far recorded in the South Atlantic. An updated diagnosis for the genus is also provided.  相似文献   

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