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用壳聚糖亲和磁性微球纯化血浆凝血酶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过化学共沉淀法合成纳米粒子Fe3O4磁核,以壳聚糖为包裹材料包被自制的磁核,采用乳化交联法制备了具有核-壳结构的磁性高分子微球-壳聚糖磁性微球,并偶联肝素配基得到了一种新型亲和磁性微球,应用SEM、FT-IR、XRD等对微球的粒径、形貌、结构和磁响应性进行了表征.考察了该亲和磁性微球对凝血酶的分离纯化性能,并与传统的DEAE离子交换色谱法进行了比较.结果表明,所得亲和磁性微球具有较窄的粒径分布、形状规整,粒径在50nm左右.对凝血酶一步吸附纯化获得了比活为1879.71U/mg的酶,得率85%,纯化倍数11.057,而传统柱层析法得率为72%,纯化倍数仅为5.33.制备了壳聚糖亲和磁性微球,并将磁分离技术应用于凝血酶的分离纯化,得到了较好的效果,这将对于凝血酶的纯化及生产具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

磁性微球的制备及在生物分离应用中的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
磁性微球是一类新型的功能材料,雀生物医学工程、细胞生物学和环境工程具有广泛的应用。本文从磁性微球的结构、特性和制备方法进行了探讨,并详细介绍了磁性微球在细胞分离、蛋白质以及核酸的制备纯化领域中的应用。  相似文献   

用磁性微球载体固定化酶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
含铁磁体的高分子微球,其表面可化学偶联酶,抗体、抗原等生物活性物质,从而增加生物质的稳定性和存活期,同时可用外部磁场快速简便地分离反应物,因此磁性微球载体已逐渐应用于细胞、蛋白质的分离、亲和层析和放射免疫等生化技术领域。许多酶反应是临床  相似文献   

偶联剂修饰纳米磁性微球的制备及其表征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以三氯化铁水溶液作原料,采用部分还原沉淀法,通过控制一些影响反应的参数,制备纳米磁性微球(Magnetic nanoparticles,MNPs),并用道康宁Z-6040硅烷偶联剂对其进行了表面修饰。利用透射电镜、X-射线衍射、红外光谱、古埃磁天平、可见光分光光度计等手段对MNPs的形貌、粒度分布、物相组成、表面包覆官能团、磁化率、分散性等进行了表征。用硅烷偶联修饰前后粒度分布呈高斯正态分布,主要集中在10~25mm;主要物相为Fe3O4晶体,另外还夹杂着少量γ-Fe2O3;分散性得到改善的同时,磁响应性保持良好。  相似文献   

纳米磁性壳聚糖微球固定化酵母醇脱氢酶的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了以纳米级磁性壳聚糖微球(magnetic chitosan microspheres , M-CS)为载体固定化酵母醇脱氢酶(yeast alcohol dehydrogenase,YADH)的方法,优化了YADH的固定化条件,考察了固定化酶的性质。结果表明,M-CS 呈规则的圆球形,粒径在30nm 左右,具有较好的磁响应性。酵母醇脱氢酶固定化适宜条件为:50 mg 磁性壳聚糖微球,加入20mL 0.25 mg/mL 酵母醇脱氢酶(蛋白质含量)磷酸盐缓冲液(0.05 mol/L ,pH 7.0) ,在4 ℃固定2h。M-CS 容易吸附酵母醇脱氢酶,但吸附的酶量受载体与酶的比例、溶液的离子浓度、溶液pH的影响明显,而温度对吸附的酶量的影响则相对较弱。相对于游离的酵母醇脱氢酶,固定化酶的最适温度略有升高,可明显改善其热稳定性、酸碱稳定性、操作稳定性和贮存稳定性。  相似文献   

磁性微球是一类新型的功能材料,在生物医学工程、细胞生物学和环境工程具有广泛的应用。本文从磁性微球的结构、特性和制备方法进行了探讨,并详细介绍了磁性微球在细胞分离、蛋白质以及核酸的制备纯化领域中的应用。  相似文献   

漆酶在磁性壳聚糖微球上的固定及其酶学性质研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以磁性壳聚糖微球为载体,戊二醛为交联剂,共价结合制备固定化漆酶。探讨了漆酶固定化的影响因素,并对固定化漆酶的性质进行了研究。确定漆酶固定化适宜条件为:50 mg磁性壳聚糖微球,加入10mL 0.8mg/mL 漆酶磷酸盐缓冲液(0.1mol/L,pH 7.0),在4℃固定2h。固定化酶最适pH为3.0, 最适温度分别为10℃和55℃,均比游离酶降低5℃。在pH 3.0,温度37℃时,固定化酶对ABTS的表观米氏常数为171.1μmol/L。与游离酶相比,该固定化漆酶热稳定性明显提高,并具有良好的操作和存储稳定性。  相似文献   

目的:建立及评价使用磁性纳米微球作为固相载体的人酌干扰素(Interferon-gamma,IFN-gamma)双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附实验 (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测方法。方法:以杂化细乳液合成法制备磁性纳米微球,将其作为免疫检测的固相 载体。将磁性微球与IFN-酌抗体进行偶联,建立基于磁性微球的ELISA 检测方法,检测人IFN-gamma,绘制IFN-gamma标准曲线并进行方法 学评价。结果:获得包被有人IFN-gamma抗体的免疫微球, 抗体偶联率为54.5 %。用它建立IFN-gamma的双抗体夹心的ELISA 检测方法,检 测范围为0-1000 pg/mL,相关系数为0.9996,灵敏度23.2 pg/mL,功能灵敏度0 pg/mL,批内和批间变异系数(Coefficients of Variance,CVs)<8 %,检测总共需要2 小时。结论:成功制备了IFN-酌免疫微球并建立了定量检测人IFN-gamma的双抗体夹心磁珠 酶联免疫方法。  相似文献   

纳米微球作为药物载体被越来越多地应用于医药领域,这一技术得到研究者的广泛重视。目前已有多种纳米微球制剂投入临床使用。纳米微球的深入研究具有重要的意义。我们概述了近年来纳米微球的研究及应用情况,展望了纳米微球药物载体缓释技术的应用前景及需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

氧化硅包裹的磁性纳米粒子纯化质粒DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质粒的分离纯化在分子生物学实际工作中占有重要地位.本文采用氧化硅包裹的磁性纳米粒子,平均粒径为20 nm左右,在外加磁场的作用下,从细胞粗提掖中快速分离质粒DNA.用这种方法成功地从大肠杆菌DH5α浓缩和纯化得到了pUC19质粒,该质粒具有生物活性,可直接用于限制性酶切和细胞转化等分子生物学下游操作.  相似文献   

A copper-deprived form of the enzyme Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase was identifiedin the liver of rats made copper-deficient by dietary restriction. In homogenates ofsuch livers Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase presents a dis-homogeneous electrophoreticprofile with respect to the native enzyme. When rat liver extracts were treated withexogenous copper an electrophoretic pattern resembling the native one was observed.Enzyme purified by chromatography on DE-52 resin shows two major components, onecorresponding to genuine, native enzyme and another one, eluting at higher ionicstrength. The latter protein (Fraction II) consists of several isoforms which showthe same characteristics of the native superoxide dismutase as far as immunoreactivityand molecular weight are concerned, but with decreased contents of copper and zinc. Itscatalytic constant, referring to copper content, was 15 times lower than that obtainedfor the native enzyme. Moreover, the catalytic power of purified Fraction II was notregained upon incubation with copper. The occurrence of a superoxide dismutase voidof metals confirms the hypothesis that this protein plays a dual physiological role:in metal metabolism and in superoxide anion dismutation.  相似文献   

Cytosolic superoxide dismutase (SOD) of the onion maggot, Delia antiqua, was purified to apparent homogeneity by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, and gel filtration chromatographies. Native molecular mass was estimated as 32,000 daltons. SDS-PAGE revealed only one subunit of 16,000 daltons, indicating that SOD is a homodimer. Isoelectric focusing revealed 3 charge isomers of pls 5.3, 5.5, and 5.7. The specific activity of purified SOD was 4,250 U/mg protein. A monoclonal antibody (MAb, aSOD2B7) raised against Delia SOD recognized only SOD of the same genus, but another MAb (aSOD1H11) recognized SOD of Drosophila melanogaster as well. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two cyanide-sensitive and organic solvent-inactivated superoxide dismutase isoenzymes were purified from pea leaves, Pisum sativum, cv Thomas Laxto  相似文献   

The cDNA sequences for Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase from two Cervus elaphus subspecies, North American wapiti and European red deer, were determined. The derived amino acid sequences showed two differences: residue 8 was Leu in wapiti and Met in red deer and residue 25 was His in wapiti and Asn in red deer. The extra positive charge at position 25 in the wapiti isoform accounted for its greater mobility towards the cathode during non-denaturing electrophoresis, a procedure widely used in the genetic analysis of deer. There was no difference in specific activity between the two Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase isoforms, but the wapiti isoform was slightly more susceptible to heat denaturation.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) was purified from cells of the strict anaerobic methanogenic archaeon Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus strain AZ. The four-step purification procedure resulted in enzyme with specific activity of 3970 units/mg and yield of 22%. It was shown that the SOD is a Fe-containing homotetramer composed of subunits of 21.2 kD each. Sodium azide (13.5 mM), unlike KCN, inhibits the activity of the SOD. Hydrogen peroxide (0.5 mM) inactivates the enzyme, which is consistent with the properties of the known Fe-containing SODs from methanogenic Archaea.  相似文献   

Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase fromAscaris suum (Nematoda) was purified in a new, more efficient, and faster manner. The process included differential centrifugation, fractionation with ammonium sulfate, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis, yielding a 340-fold purification (specific activity of 47 units/mg). Optimal storage conditions, optimal pH range, thermostability, molecular weight and ultravioltet-visible absorption spectrum of the enzyme are described, and a new enzymatic model for pharmacological screening is suggested.Abbreviations (SOD) Superoxide dismutase - (EDTA) Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - (SDS) Sodium dodecyl sulfate - (NBT) p-nitrotetrazolium blue - (UV) Ultraviolet  相似文献   

The osteoclast is the specialized multinucleated cell primarily responsible for the degradation of the inorganic and organic components of bone matrix. Isolated avian osteoclasts have been used to immunize mice and generate an osteoclast-directed monoclonal antibody library (J. Cell Biology, 100:1592). A subset of these monoclonal antibodies recognizes antigens which are expressed on osteoclasts and which are absent or nearly so on multinucleated giant cells formed in vitro from monocyte or marrow mononuclear cells. One of these antibodies, designated 121F, has been used to identify and purify an osteoclast plasma membrane-associated glycoprotein. Western blot analysis on disulfide bond-reduced extracts from osteoclasts or multinucleated giant cells formed in vitro demonstrates that the 121F antibody recognizes a 150 kDa protein detectable only in osteoclasts. This high molecular weight protein has been purified by a combination of immunoaffinity and gel filtration chromatography procedures, in conjunction with electroelution of a single band from SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Silver staining of the purified antigen on SDS-polyacrylamide gels has revealed a single protein species larger than 200 kDa in its unreduced form and 150 kDa when disulfides are reduced. Isoelectric focusing of the purified antigen reveals a single species, having a neutral pl point of 6.95. Whereas endoglycosidase treatment and lectin affinity chromatographic analyses demonstrate that the antigen recognized by the 121F antibody possesses complex N-linked sugars, trifluoromethanesulfonic acid treatment indicates there are no additional O-linked carbohydrate components. Periodate oxidation and monosaccharide hapten inhibition studies provide no evidence for the antigenic epitope bound by the 121F antibody being carbohydrate in nature. Although the native antigen is blocked at its N-terminus, amino acid analysis of a hydroxylamine generated peptide disclosed a striking relationship between the osteoclast antigen recognized by the 121F monoclonal antibody and manganese and iron superoxide dismutase. Therefore, in addition to serving as a distinguishing cell type-specific marker for osteoclasts, this cell surface glycoprotein may function directly in osteoclast-mediated bone resorption.  相似文献   

S. HERZOG 《Animal genetics》1990,21(4):391-400
A study of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase in Cervus dama, Cervus elaphus, Cervus nippon and Cervus elaphus x Cervus nippon hybrids has revealed a polymorphism of this enzyme system in Cervus elaphus as well as in the hybrid population. Genetic analysis suggests that this enzyme system is controlled by one gene locus with two codominant alleles. The allele frequencies allow a clear discrimination between the hybrid population and the red deer population, whereas the fallow deer are fixed for the allele which is most common in red deer. The comparison of the genotypic structures with the Hardy-Weinberg structure shows a slight excess of homozygotes in all populations, but the deviation is significant only for the hybrid population as well as one red deer population. Genetic variation within and differentiation between demes is quantified using different measures. Finally, some management implications of these first results are discussed.  相似文献   

Two immunoassays have been developed for the determination of rat erythrocyte dismutase (Cu,Zn-SOD). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was very sensitive down to 4 ng/ml with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 18% while the single radial immunodiffusion assay (SRID) permitted an adequate detection level (5 μg/ml) with far better accuracy (CV = 4.2%). The latter was thus selected for the determination of Cu,Zn-SOD in the red blood cells of normal and copper-depleted rats. The average value of Cu,Zn-SOD in normal adult rat erythrocytes was 1142 ± 120 ng/mg hemoglobin. When compared to activity measurements, good correlation was obtained between enzyme content and enzyme activity (r = 0.803, P < .001). In an experimental copper deficiency followed by supplementation, good correlation was observed in the course of depletion (r = 0.848, P < .001) and repletion (r = 0.896, P < .001). During depletion, the loss of enzyme activity was mainly related to a loss of enzyme. However, enzymatically inactive protein was formed which would be activated when copper was added. These results indicate the importance of a combined use of Cu,Zn-SOD immunoquantitation and activity measurements to enable a better understanding of changes occuring with respect to enzyme activity.  相似文献   

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