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作者多年来从我国禾本科等植物叶表分离了大量掷孢酵母,本文重点报道70株掷孢酵母与类酵母的初步分类,共分为三属,即掷孢酵母属(Sporobolomyces),布勤掷孢酵母属(Bul-lera)与腥掷孢菌属(Tilletiopsis);其中掷孢酵母属占75%。至于53株掷孢酵母,共分为三种,即攻红掷孢酣母(Sporobolomyces roseus)、赭色掷孢酵母(Sporobolomyces salmonicolor)、Sporobolomyces shibatanus);经统计,后者最为常见,占此属的84%。这些种在我国尚未见报道,作为新记录。  相似文献   

作者多年来从我国禾本科等植物叶表分离了大量掷孢酵母,本文重点报道70株掷孢酵母与类酵母的初步分类,共分为三属,即掷孢酵母属(Sporobolomyces),布勒掷孢酵母属(Bul-lera)与腥掷孢菌属(Tilletiopsis);其中掷孢酵母属占75%。至于53株掷孢酵母,共分为三种,即玫红掷孢酵母(Sporobolomyces roseus)、赭色掷孢酵母(Sporobolomyces salmonicolor)、Sporobolomyces shibatanus);经统计,后者最为常见,占此属的84%。这些种在我国尚未见报道,作为新记录。  相似文献   

本文以分离自中国的大量掷孢酵母为材料,研究了不同属的掷孢酵母生掷孢子的能力,以及此能力的持久性,发现属间差异很大。此外还报道了142株不同酵母的产厚垣孢子的情况,发现与担子菌有关的4属酵母在接近致死温度时,都会出现特大厚垣孢子如红掷静酵母Sporobolomyces),布勒掷孢酵母(Bullera),红酵母(Rhodotorula)与隐球酵母(Cryp-tococcus),而属于子囊菌的酵母属(Saccharomyces)则无此现象,从而对某些接近担子菌的酵母又增加了新的认识。  相似文献   

本文以分离自中国的大量掷孢酵母为材料,研究了不同属的掷孢酵母生掷孢子的能力,以及此能力的持久性,发现属间差异很大。此外还报道了142株不同酵母的产厚垣孢子的情况,发现与担子菌有关的4属酵母在接近致死温度时,都会出现特大厚垣孢子如红掷孢酵母(Sporobolomyces),布勒掷孢酵母(Bullera),红酵母(Rhodotorula)与隐球酵母(cryptococcus),而属于子囊菌的酵母属(Saccharomyces)则无此现象,从而对某些接近担子菌的酵母又增加了新的认识。  相似文献   

以掷孢酵母作为伴生菌产生VC前体KGA的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以掷孢酵母作为伴生菌与氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌组成新混菌体系,通过测定生长代谢曲线,对其产酸性能和特点进行了研究。结果表明:相同条件下,新菌系产酸能力高于现有菌系,酸量增加5-7mg/ml,发酵周期缩短6-8h,酸转化率提高3-4%,最高产酸点pH值下降约0.5个单位,表现出较大的产酸潜力和可修饰性。  相似文献   

作者于1978年从福建省福州市西湖公园的芒果花中分离出一株酵母1519。该菌株不产生子囊孢子、掷孢子,亦未见到有锁状连合。未发现有性繁殖。无性繁殖是在母细胞上产生小梗,小梗上产生子细胞,子细胞还可再生小梗再生子细胞。如果子细胞不脱落则成链状或分枝的链状。不发酵任何糖。按照形态和繁殖特征只符合Lodder(1970)酵母分类专著中半知菌部分的梗孢酵母。因此将它放入梗孢酵母属,命名为福州梗孢酵母(Sterigmatomyces fuzhouensis sp.n.)。  相似文献   

中国丝孢酵母属的几个新种和新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者从中国的北京、湖北等地的鸟粪,霉变柿子以及酒药中分离到了三株未描述的丝孢酵母菌。本文描述了这三个新种:板仓丝孢酵母(Trichosporon bancangense),北京丝孢酵母(Tr.beijingense)和中国丝孢酵母(Tr.sinense)并讨论了它们与属中近似种的差别。本文还发现了丝孢酵母属的4个新记录:皮刺丝孢酵母(Tr.aculeatum),埃利丝孢酵母(Tr.eriense),斐氏丝孢酵母(Tr.figueriae)和蜜二糖丝孢酵母(Tr.melibiosaceam)。  相似文献   

以玉米浆为培养基生产锁掷酵母,对干燥后锁掷酵母的质量进行研究,比较不同干燥方式对锁掷酵母中类胡萝卜素以及干酵母粉亮度值L、红色值a、黄色值b的影响。结果表明:冷冻干燥能较好地保持锁掷酵母中的类胡萝卜素,并且对其酵母粉的L、a、b值影响较小。选择-70℃冷冻干燥,干酵母粉的L、a、b值分别为64.55、18.44和32.71,类胡萝卜素的保持率达到88.87%。  相似文献   

通过3株红酵母对膨化大豆进行固态发酵预处理,油脂和豆粕中类胡萝卜素的含量都显著增加,且油脂中脂肪酸组成没有显著变化。其中,锁掷酵母发酵膨化大豆所提取的油脂中类胡萝卜素含量最高,为15.010μg/g,比未发酵样品提高了5.526倍。进一步对锁掷酵母固态发酵进行工艺优化,培养时间、培养基含水量、接种量和发酵温度均显著影响油脂中类胡萝卜素的含量(P<0.05),且确定最佳培养条件为培养基含水量50%、接种量50%、培养温度30℃、发酵时间72 h,优化后油脂中类胡萝卜素含量较优化前提高了7.928%,所得功能性油脂符合油脂常规理化指标的国家标准。本研究表明,通过锁掷酵母对膨化大豆进行固态发酵预处理,所得油脂含有丰富的类胡萝卜素,且发酵后豆粕的营养价值也有所提升,这为开发富含微生物来源的生物活性物质、营养价值提升的功能油脂产品奠定了研究基础。  相似文献   

组学分析技术的发展推动生物学逐渐成为一门以数据分析为中心的科学。依托生物数据在细胞整体系统水平建立数字细胞模型,对于理解细胞系统组织原理和生命产生进化规律,预测各种环境和基因扰动对细胞功能的影响并指导设计人工生命具有重要意义,因此数字细胞的构建模拟设计已成为合成生物学的核心研究内容与底层支撑技术。本文重点对天津工业生物技术研究所创立十年来在数字细胞研究方面的进展进行回顾介绍,重点包括基因组尺度代谢网络模型的构建、质控以及其在途径设计和指导菌种代谢工程改造方面的应用,进一步结合近年来细胞模型研究的前沿趋势,对整合多种约束的模型的构建和分析研究方面的最新成果进行了介绍,最后对数字细胞研究的未来发展方向进行展望。数字细胞技术将与基因组测序、合成和编辑等合成生物学前沿技术一起提升人们对生命进行读写改创的能力。  相似文献   

Purpose: Oleaginous yeasts, fatty acids biosynthesis and regulation in the oleaginous yeasts and the fatty acids from the oleaginous yeasts and their applications are reviewed in this article.

Results: Oleaginous yeasts such as Rhodosporidium toruloides, Yarrowia lipolytica, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, and Aureobasidium melanogenum, which can accumulate over 50% lipid of their cell dry weight, have many advantages over other oleaginous microorganisms. The fatty acids from the oleaginous yeasts have many potential applications. Many oleaginous yeasts have now been genetically modified to over-produce fatty acids and their derivatives. The most important features of the oleaginous yeasts are that they have special enzymatic systems for enhanced biosynthesis and regulation of fatty acids in their lipid particles. Recently, some oleaginous yeasts such as R. toruloides have been found to have a unique fatty acids synthetase and other oleaginous yeasts such as A. melanogenum have a unique highly reducing polyketide synthase (HR-PKS) involved in the biosynthesis of hydroxyl fatty acids.

Conclusions: It is necessary to further enhance lipid biosynthesis using metabolic engineering and explore new applications of fatty acids in biotechnology.  相似文献   

Killer toxins secreted by some yeast strains are the proteins that kill sensitive cells of the same or related yeast genera. In recent years, many new yeast species have been found to be able to produce killer toxins against the pathogenic yeasts, especially Candida albicans. Some of the killer toxins have been purified and characterized, and the genes encoding the killer toxins have been cloned and characterized. Many new targets including different components of cell wall, plasma membrane, tRNA, DNA and others in the sensitive cells for the killer toxin action have been identified so that the new molecular mechanisms of action have been elucidated. However, it is still unknown how some of the newly discovered killer toxins kill the sensitive cells. Studies on the killer phenomenon in yeasts have provided valuable insights into a number of fundamental aspects of eukaryotic cell biology and interactions of different eukaryotic cells. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of their action will be helpful to develop the strategies to fight more and more harmful yeasts.  相似文献   

Stem cells continuously perceive and respond to various environmental signals during development, tissue homeostasis, and pathological conditions. Mechanical force, one of the fundamental signals in the physical world, plays a vital role in the regulation of multiple functions of stem cells. The importance of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM), cell-cell junctions, and a mechanoresponsive cell cytoskeleton has been under intensive study in the fields of stem cell biology and mechanobiology. However, the involvement of mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels in the mechanical regulation of stem cell activity has just begun to be realized. Here, we review the diversity and importance of mechanosensitive channels (MSCs), and discuss recently discovered functions of MSCs in stem cell regulation, especially in the determination of cell fate.  相似文献   

The last years there has been a significant rise in the number of publications in the international literature that deal with the production of lipids by microbial sources (the ‘single cell oils; SCOs’ that are produced by the so‐called ‘oleaginous’ micro‐organisms). In the first part of the present review article, a general overview of the oleaginous micro‐organisms (mostly yeasts, algae and fungi) and their potential upon the production of SCOs is presented. Thereafter, physiological and kinetic events related with the production of, mostly, yeast and fungal lipids when sugars and related substrates like polysaccharides, glycerol, etc. (the de novo lipid accumulation process) or hydrophobic substrates like oils and fats (the ex novo lipid accumulation process) were employed as microbial carbon sources, are presented and critically discussed. Considerations related with the degradation of storage lipid that had been previously accumulated inside the cells, are also presented. The interplay of the synthesis of yeast and fungal lipids with other intracellular (i.e. endopolysaccharides) or extracellular (i.e. citric acid) secondary metabolites synthesized is also presented. Finally, aspects related with the lipid extraction and lipidome analysis of the oleaginous micro‐organisms are presented and critically discussed.  相似文献   

The incidence of yeasts in the oral cavity, rectum and urine of a population of 60 children hospitalized for treatment of acute second and third degree burns was approximately the same at the time of their admission as would be expected in healthy subjects. After hospitalization, the incidence of yeasts was reduced in the intestinal tract of acute patients who received nystatin orally but increased in the oral cavity. The majority of 418 yeasts were inhibited in vitro by less than 50 units/ml nystatin and only 6 yeasts were resistant to more than 3.1 g/ml amphotericin B. The oral cavity appeared to act as a significant reservoir from which yeasts spread to cause or contribute to the deaths of 2 of 5 patients who died during the study.  相似文献   

Laminin, a major structural multidomain protein of basement membranes, has been shown to exert a variety of biological activities. Prominent among those are mediation of cell attachment as well as influences on cellular proliferation, differentiation and motility. Distinct domains of laminin have been identified which carry these activities. The active sites on laminin are recognized by cellular receptors, several of which belong to the integrin class of heterodimeric transmembrane proteins. These are in direct contact with intracellular proteins and mediate signals from the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton and possibly to other intracellular regulatory systems. The biological activities of laminin may be used to design optimal conditions for the expression of a differentiated phenotype of cells in culture.  相似文献   

Summary— Peroxisomes are essential in cellular metabolism as their dysgenesis or defects in single enzymes or impairment of multiple peroxisomal enzymatic functions have been found in several inherited metabolic diseases with serious clinical sequelae. The assembly and formation of these cytoplasmic organelles constitute a major and intringuing research topic. In the present study the biogenesis of peroxisomes and the developmental patterns of their enzymes have been reviewed during embryonic and/or post-embryonic ontogenesis of lower (amphibians) and higher (avians, mammals) vertebrates. In developing vertebrates, epithelial cell differentiation is accompanied by increases in frequency and size of peroxisomes. The tissue-specific expression of peroxisomal enzymes contributes substantially to the biochemical maturation of epithelial cells. The relationship between biogenesis of peroxisomes, expression of peroxisomal enzymes and structural and functional cellular phenotype has also been investigated in differentiating epithelial cells along the crypt-villus axis of the adult rat intestine. Cytochemical studies at the ultrastructural level have provided evidence that peroxisomes are already present in proliferating cells of the intestinal crypt region before they begin to differentiate. Migration and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells from crypt to villus compartments are marked by significant increases in number and size of catalase-positive structures. Increasing activity gradients from crypt to surface areas are found for the peroxisomal oxidases examined (enzymes of the peroxisomal β-oxidation system, d -amino acid oxidase and polyamine oxidase). Thus, peroxisomes are more and more involved in oxidative metabolic pathways as intestinal epithelial cells differentiate. Finally, we have analyzed the peroxisomal behaviour in human neoplastic epithelial cells. The presence of peroxisomes has been cytochemically revealed in human breast and colon carcinomas. Peroxisomal enzyme specific activities are significantly lower in human breast and colon carcinomas than in the adjacent healthy mucosa. Furthermore, a relationship is found between the specific activities of some peroxisomal enzymes and the histological tumour grades.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulphoxide is a water miscible solvent that has wide applications in cell biology. It acts as a cryoprotective agent in a variety of cells and tissues allowing prolonged storage at subzero temperatures. The action of dimethyl sulphoxide on the stability of the liquid matrix of cell membranes appears to be responsible for its effects and this appears also to be true for related effects on membrane permeability and fusion. Dimethyl sulphoxide is also known to act as an inducer of cellular differentiation and as a free radical scavenger and radioprotectant. A review of the underlying molecular basis of all these effects of dimethyl sulphoxide is presented.  相似文献   

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