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最大熵原理及其在生态学研究中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
最大熵原理(the principle of maximum entropy)起源于信息论和统计力学,是基于有限的已知信息对未知分布进行无偏推断的一种数学方法.这一方法在很多领域都有成功应用,但只是近几年才被应用到生态学研究中,并且还存在很多争论.我们从基本概念和方法出发,用掷骰子的例子阐明了最大熵原理的概念,并提出运用最大熵原理解决问题需要遵从的步骤.最大熵原理在生态学中的应用主要包括以下方面:(1)用群落水平功能性状的平均值作为约束条件来预测群落物种相对多度的模型;(2)基于气候、海拔、植被等环境因子构建物种地理分布的生态位模型;(3)对物种多度分布、种一面积关系等宏生态学格局的推断;(4)对物种相互作用的推断;(5)对食物网度分布的研究等等.最后我们综合分析了最大熵原理在生态学应用中所存在的争议,包括相应模型的有效性、可靠性等方面,介绍了一些对最大熵原理预测能力及其局限性的检验结果,强调了生态学家应用最大熵原理需要注意的问题,比如先验分布的选择、约束条件的设置等等.在物种相互作用、宏生态学格局等方面对最大熵原理更广泛的讨论与应用可能会给生态学带来新的发展机会.  相似文献   

物种多度格局研究进展   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
物种多度格局研究始于20世纪30年代,是种群生态学和群落生态学研究的起点。物种多度格局研究主要在两个水平上进行:1)初期研究主要集中于群落水平,希望在不同群落之间发现一个共同的整体格局来描述群落的组织结构。常用模型包括几何级数、对数级数、对数正态和断棍模型,不同模型代表了不同的生态学过程。2)目前转向重视物种水平,并以物种多度的区域分布规律及其生态学机制研究为主。物种分布区多度关系有正相关、无相关和负相关3种形式。局部多度高的物种一般趋于广布,而局部多度低的物种趋于受限分布。物种多度区域分布的生态位模型预测为单峰型,还经常会出现“热点地区”;而异质种群模型预测为双峰型。物种多度的区域分布主要由环境资源特性、物种生态位和扩散过程等因素决定。3)物种多度格局的时间变化与空间变异类似,代表了这些生态学过程的时间异质性。4)物种多度格局的尺度变化经常表现出自相似性,但该规律并非一直存在,因为生物多样性由不同尺度上的不同生态学过程决定。5)多度(稀有度)是物种保护的基本依据,而群落多度模型能够指示生态学和干扰过程变化对群落结构的影响。物种多度格局的模型手段仍需改进,机制研究尚不系统,应用研究亟待扩展,对于物种多度格局的深入理解将为揭示生物多样性分布机制和有效保护提供帮助。  相似文献   

群落生态学的中性理论   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
生物多样性的分布格局和维持机制一直是群落生态学研究的核心问题,其中的关键是物种的共存机制。长期以来,生态位分化的思想在这一研究领域占据着主导地位。然而这一理论在解释热带雨林很高的物种多样性时遇到了困难。而以Hubbell为代表提出的群落中性漂变理论则假定在同一营养级物种构成的群落中不同物种的不同个体在生态学上可看成是完全等同的;物种的多度随机游走,群落中的物种数取决于物种灭绝和物种迁入/新物种形成之间的动态平衡。在这一假定之下,该理论预言了两种统计分布。一种是集合群落在点突变形成新物种的模式下其各个物种相对多度服从对数级数分布,而受扩散限制的局域群落以及按照随机分裂为新物种模式形成的集合群落则服从零和多项式分布。与生态位理论相反,中性理论不以种间生态位差异作为研究群落结构的出发点,而是以物种间在个体水平上的对等性作为前提。该理论第一次从基本生态学过程(出生、死亡、迁移、物种分化)出发,给出了群落物种多度分布的机理性解释,同时其预测的物种多度分布格局在实际群落中也得到了广泛的印证。因此,中性理论自诞生以来便在生态学界引发了极大的反响,也包括一些反对的声音。该文重点综述了关于中性理论的假设、预测和物种形成模式等方面的最新研究进展,包括中性理论本身的发展、关于中性理论的假设和预测的合理性检验以及在集合群落尺度上物种分化模式的讨论;并指出未来发展方向可能是在生态位理论和中性理论之间架起一座桥梁,同时发展包含随机性的群落生态位模型,以及允许种间差异的近中性模型。  相似文献   

为探究亚热带喀斯特地区不同地形下植物群落物种多度分布格局,揭示不同地形下群落的物种多度格局形成的作用机制,丰富该地区植物群落构建理论,该文以贵州茂兰喀斯特地区山脊、槽谷、鞍部、洼地4种典型地形下植物群落的乔木层与灌木层为对象,统计物种多度,采用累计经验分布曲线(ECDF)表征多度分布格局,采取Wilcoxon秩和检验探究不同地形之间物种多度的差异性。采用不同生态学模型进行多度拟合,利用Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S)检验与赤池信息量准则(AIC)检验模型接受与拟合优度。结果表明:(1)不同地形下植物群落的个体数量与物种数存在差异,鞍部个体数最多,洼地的物种数最多,山脊的个体数、物种数均最少。(2)不同地形下植物群落的乔木层物种多度格局无显著差异,灌木层之间出现显著差异,山脊与鞍部、洼部,鞍部与槽谷、洼部都存在显著差异。(3)不同地形下乔木层物种多度对中性模型接受较好,其中山脊拟合最优,对生态位模型接受较差,仅山脊与鞍部通过两种生态位模型,拟合优度不及中性模型。灌木层对中性模型接受也较好,鞍部拟合最优,对生态位模型接受较差,仅洼地通过断棍模型。整体而言,乔木层比灌木层能更好地接受两种生态学模型,可能乔木层物种多度格局有更明显生态过程的印记,但不同地形下灌木层拟合优度差异更大,可能与灌木层物种对环境变化更剧烈有关。不同地形会引起群落构建不同程度的生态学过程,物种多度分布格局会逐渐适应地形。  相似文献   

王永健  钟章成  陶建平 《生态学报》2008,28(7):3082-3091
运用空间格局、生态位及多样性分析,探讨了重庆缙云山自然保护区林缘旷地(OAFE)、竹林(BF)及常绿阔叶林(EBF)3类生境蝴蝶花(Iris japonica Thumb.)自然种群分株格局特征及对草本多样性的影响机制.结果表明:方差均值比(V/m)和Moristia指数(Iδ)的格局判别分析表明,3类生境中蝴蝶花分株种群从0.5 m×0.5 m至2 m×2 m尺度均为聚集分布;从林缘旷地-竹林-常绿阔叶林,种群分株密度逐渐降低,总体格局规模与格局强度(PI)在各尺度均呈下降趋势.林缘旷地与竹林生境中,蝴蝶花的分布,降低了原优势种的优势度,并显著降低草本层物种多样性(p<0.05),但在常绿阔叶林生境中对原优势种的优势度及草本物种多样性的影响很小.不同生境中蝴蝶花种群格局对草本多样性的影响机制各不相同:林缘旷地生境,通过强的更新生态位(地上空间与根生态位)与营养生态位(获取水分与养分资源)竞争,降低草本物种丰富度尤其是偶见种丰富度;竹林生境,通过更新生态位(根生态位)与营养生态位(获取光与养分资源)竞争,降低了草本偶见种丰富度;常绿阔叶林生境,物种间生态位重叠较低,表现一定的资源竞争,但对草本多样性影响很小.林冠决定蝴蝶花分株种群格局强度、克隆生长的强弱及林下土壤状况,从而影响蝴蝶花与草本层其它物种之间生态位竞争的强弱是决定蝴蝶花种群对草本层物种多样性影响机制的重要因素.  相似文献   

北京暖温带次生林种群分布格局与种间空间关联性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
种群分布格局和种间空间关联性研究有助于深入理解物种共存机制.本研究在北京地区5个1 ha典型暖温带森林样地,在0-50 m尺度范围内综合分析了常见种的种群分布格局及成年树种问的空间关联性.研究发现:(1)所有检验的物种都表现了聚集格局,主要发生在较小(0-15 m)的尺度范围内,并且同种聚集强度峰值普遍出现在目标个体周围1 m的距离内;在>15 m的较大尺度上,随着尺度增加,随机和规则格局成为物种分布的主要形式;(2)种间不相关联的比例高(~50%),即使种间存在显著的关联性,也是以隔离和部分重叠为主要的关联形式;很少的物种对(~4%)呈混合分布.种子扩散限制和牛境异质性在某种程度上解释了种群普遍聚集的格局,种群聚集分布又促使种间分布不相关联,或者种间呈现隔离和部分重叠格局,反映了物种分布与生境存在紧密的关联性.另外,种间隔离的格局会阻止种间个体相互竞争.然而,由于同种个体聚集分布,密度制约成为调节种群分布的主要形式.本结果将有助于揭示森林群落物种共存的潜在维持机制.  相似文献   

生物群落中的物种多样性是群落生态学研究的一个基本问题。大量的实验研究表明物种多样性和生境面积的常数次幂成比例,这说明它们的对数数量级呈线性正相关。我们研究了中国境内15块湿地的高等植物和32块湿地鸟类多样性,发现它们分别和湿地面积在对数尺度上呈线性正相关.进一步支持了种数与面积的幂指数关系。我们还借助计算机模拟系统地讨论了产生这种简单规律的生态学机理,包括中性理论、集合种群动态和物种分布的自相似性。中性理论假设了群落中物种的个体之间只有竞争关系,忽略了其它的种间关系。集合种群动态理论考虑的是由多个亚群落构成的集合群落,在研究种数和面积关系时也忽略了种间关系,所以也是中性的。尽管物种分布的自相似性可导致这种面积幂指数关系,但在自然界中自相似性也可能不成立。  相似文献   

宏生态尺度上景观破碎化对物种丰富度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性的地理格局及其形成机制是宏生态学与生物地理学的研究热点。大量研究表明,景观尺度上的生境破碎化对物种多样性的分布格局具有重要作用,但目前尚不清楚这种作用是否足以在宏生态尺度上对生物多样性地理格局产生显著影响。利用中国大陆鸟类和哺乳动物的物种分布数据,在100 km×100 km网格的基础上生成了这两个类群生物的物种丰富度地理格局,进一步利用普通最小二乘法模型和空间自回归模型研究了物种丰富度与气候、生境异质性、景观破碎化的相关关系。结果表明,景观破碎化因子与鸟类和哺乳动物的物种丰富度都具有显著的关联关系,其方差贡献率可达约30%—50%(非空间模型)和60%—80%(空间模型),略低于或接近于气候和生境异质性因子。方差分解结果显示,景观破碎化因子与气候和生境异质性因子的方差贡献率的重叠部分达20%—40%。相对鸟类而言,景观破碎化对哺乳动物物种丰富度的地理格局具有更高的解释率。  相似文献   

物种丰富度垂直分布格局及影响机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物种丰富度分布格局是一定地域内物种丰富度沿三维空间的立体分布,包括物种丰富度在经度、纬度和垂直梯度(海拔高度和海水深度)三个维度上的空间分异。近年来物种多样性的垂直分布格局与机制研究得到了生物地理学家和生态学家的重视。物种丰富度的垂直分布格局存在多种类型,但随海拔增加而物种数减少的单调递减模型和中海拔物种丰富度最高的单峰模型较为常见。目前在机制研究中验证较多的是气候稳定性、生物因子(种间相互作用)、能量、生境异质性、干扰、进化时间、物种分化速率、面积、中域效应(mid-domain effect)、生态位保守性(niche conservatism)等假说和机制。物种丰富度的分布格局是多方面因素综合作用的结果;由于地理、地形、气候、地质演化历史、物种库和进化历史、物种分化速率、干扰等差异,在不同地区存在着特别的物种丰富度空间分布格局和机制;处于同一地区的不同类群的物种也因进化扩散历史和生态适应能力不同而呈现多样化的分布格局。因此,对不同地区和类群的物种丰富度格局和机制进行研究应具体分析后才能得到可信结论。  相似文献   

基于七姊妹山自然保护区内6 hm~2监测样地多度数据,通过累计经验分布曲线(ECDF)表征该样地内不同生活型功能群的物种-多度分布格局,并采用6种模型对各功能群不同取样尺度物种等级-多度曲线进行拟合并检验其拟合效果,分析多度格局与模型拟合在不同尺度间的差异,探讨其背后的生态学过程与机制。结果表明:(1)各尺度下落叶种比常绿种的物种数多,物种多样性指数更大,但个体数相对较少;不同功能群稀有种比例排序为:落叶种所有种常绿种。(2)6种模型中的断棍模型的拟合效果较差;中大尺度(50 m×50 m、100 m×100 m)上不同生活型树种多度分布能接受的模型较少,除大尺度的常绿树种外,拟合最优模型均为对数正态分布模型,大尺度的常绿树种拟合最优模型为中性模型;小尺度上(20 m×20 m)常绿树种的最优模型为对数正态分布模型,落叶树种最优模型为生态位优先模型,所有树种在小尺度最优模型为Zipf-Mandelbrot模型。研究认为,随着尺度逐渐扩大,中性过程较生态位过程对物种-多度格局的解释力度更大,落叶树种物种多度格局的形成机制较常绿树种更接近于样地所有树种物种-多度格局的形成机制。  相似文献   

Modes of speciation and the neutral theory of biodiversity   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hubbell's neutral theory of biodiversity has generated much debate over the need for niches to explain biodiversity patterns. Discussion of the theory has focused on its neutrality assumption, i.e. the functional equivalence of species in competition and dispersal. Almost no attention has been paid to another critical aspect of the theory, the assumptions on the nature of the speciation process. In the standard version of the neutral theory each individual has a fixed probability to speciate. Hence, the speciation rate of a species is directly proportional to its abundance in the metacommunity. We argue that this assumption is not realistic for most speciation modes because speciation is an emergent property of complex processes at larger spatial and temporal scales and, consequently, speciation rate can either increase or decrease with abundance. Accordingly, the assumption that speciation rate is independent of abundance (each species has a fixed probability to speciate) is a more natural starting point in a neutral theory of biodiversity. Here we present a neutral model based on this assumption and we confront this new model to 20 large data sets of tree communities, expecting the new model to fit the data better than Hubbell's original model. We find, however, that the data sets are much better fitted by Hubbell's original model. This implies that species abundance data can discriminate between different modes of speciation, or, stated otherwise, that the mode of speciation has a large impact on the species abundance distribution. Our model analysis points out new ways to study how biodiversity patterns are shaped by the interplay between evolutionary processes (speciation, extinction) and ecological processes (competition, dispersal).  相似文献   

Aims Spatial distribution patterns of species reflect not only the ecological processes but also the habitat features that are related to species distribution. In karst topography, species distribution patterns provide more specific information about their environments. The objectives of this study are as follows: (i) to analyse and explain the spatial distribution patterns of conspecific trees in an old-growth subtropical karst forest; (ii) to investigate pattern changes at different spatial scales; (iii) to test the spatial pattern similarity (or dissimilarity) between trees at different abundances, diameter at breast height classes, canopy layers and different functional groups (shade tolerance and seed dispersal mode); (iv) to examine whether habitat heterogeneity has an important effect on the species spatial distribution.Methods The spatial distributions of woody species with ≥20 individuals in a 1-ha subtropical karst forest plot at Maolan in southwestern China were quantified using the relative neighbourhood density Ω based on the average density of conspecific species in a circular neighbourhood around each species.Important findings Aggregated distribution is the dominant pattern in the karst forest, but the ratio of aggregated species in total species number decreases with an increase in spatial scale. Less abundant species are more aggregated than most abundant species. Aggregation is weaker in larger diameter classes, which is consistent with the prediction of self-thinning. Seed dispersal mode influences spatial patterns, with species dispersed by animals being less aggregated than those dispersed by wind and gravity. Other species functional traits (e.g. shade tolerance) also influence the species spatial distributions. Moreover, differences among species habitat associations, e.g. with rocky outcrops, play a significant role in species spatial distributions. These results indicate that habitat heterogeneity, seed dispersal limitation and self-thinning primarily contribute to the species spatial distributions in this subtropical karst forest.  相似文献   

We investigate the patterns of abundance‐spatial occupancy relationships of adult parasite nematodes in mammal host populations (828 populations of nematodes from 66 different species of terrestrial mammals). A positive relationship between mean parasite abundance and host occupancy, i.e. prevalence, is found which suggests that local abundance is linked to spatial distribution across species. Moreover, the frequency distribution of the parasite prevalence is bimodal, which is consistent with a core‐satellite species distribution. In addition, a strong positive relationship between the abundance (log‐transformed) and its variance (log‐transformed) is observed, the distribution of worm abundance being lognormally distributed when abundance values have been corrected for host body size.
Hanski et al. proposed three distinct hypotheses, which might account for the positive relationship between abundance and prevalence in free and associated organisms: 1) ecological specialisation, 2) sampling artefact, and 3) metapopulation dynamics. In addition, Gaston and co‐workers listed five additional hypotheses. Four solutions were not applicable to our parasitological data due to the lack of relevant information in most host‐parasite studies. The fifth hypothesis, i.e. the confounded effects exerted by common history on observed patterns of parasite distributions, was considered using a phylogeny‐based comparison method. Testing the four possible hypotheses, we obtained the following results: 1) the variation of parasite distribution across host species is not due to phylogenetic confounding effects; 2) the positive relationship between mean abundance and prevalence of nematodes may not result from an ecological specialisation, i.e. host specificity, of these parasites; 3) both a positive abundance‐prevalence relationship and a negative coefficient of variation of abundance‐prevalence relationship are likely to occur which corroborates the sampling model developed by Hanski et al. We argue that demographic explanations may be of particular importance to explain the patterns of bimodality of prevalence when testing Monte‐Carlo simulations using epidemiological modelling frameworks, and when considering empirical findings. We conclude that both the bimodal distribution of parasite prevalence and the mean‐variance power function simply result from demographic and stochastic patterns (highlighted by the sampling model), which present compelling evidence that nematode parasite species might adjust their spatial distribution and burden in mammal hosts for simple epidemiological reasons.  相似文献   

区域生态学是近年才发展起来的一门新兴学科,综述了区域生态学的学科特点、近期研究进展,以及区域生态学发展中存在的主要问题及其主要的研究热点。其研究热点主要集中在物种分布-多度模型、体型与分布范围、物种多样性纬度梯度格局、区域生态学与生物保护及区域生态学的新陈代谢理论等几个方面。尽管目前区域生态学研究中还存在研究方法、数据质量限制、数据统计、研究尺度不确定等一系列问题,它对于解决目前紧迫的区域环境问题及生物保护仍然具有重要意义,而且随着其研究方法和手段的进步,将发挥越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Macroecology strives to identify ecological patterns on broad spatial and temporal scales. One such pattern, Rapoport''s rule, describes the tendency of species'' latitudinal ranges to increase with increasing latitude. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this rule. Some invoke climate, either through glaciation driving differential extinction of northern species or through increased seasonal variability at higher latitudes causing higher thermal tolerances and subsequently larger ranges. Alternatively, continental tapering or higher interspecific competition at lower latitudes may be responsible. Assessing the incidence of Rapoport''s rule through deep time can help to distinguish between competing explanations. Using fossil occurrence data from the Palaeobiology Database, we test these hypotheses by evaluating mammalian compliance with the rule throughout the Caenozoic of North America. Adherence to Rapoport''s rule primarily coincides with periods of intense cooling and increased seasonality, suggesting that extinctions caused by changing climate may have played an important role in erecting the latitudinal gradients in range sizes seen today.  相似文献   

Abstract Palaeontological evidence raises several questions that relate to current explanations of ecological communities, to the classification of communities and to interpretations of species richness. The first question relates to the stability of species detected in the fossil record. Coupled with that is the issue of incidental association of species on the same trophic level through differential effects of climatic change on the different species. Such observations are seen to support the ‘individualistic’ concept of communities. Recent statements about this concept leave unresolved questions about the acquisition of adaptation, and about the place of adaptation theory in theories of ecological communities and interpretations of ‘regional species richness’. At issue is whether there is justification for continuing to classify communities as a basis for understanding them. There is good reason to reject this approach for one in which questions about communities and ‘local’ and ‘regional’ species richness are replaced by more specific and basic questions about the relationship between adaptation, distribution and abundance, and ecological interactions. Some recent efforts to incorporate species theory into community theory fail because their basis remains the flawed concept of ‘local community’.  相似文献   

Despite its radical assumption of ecological equivalence between species, neutral biodiversity theory can often provide good fits to species abundance distributions observed in nature. Major criticisms of neutral theory have focused on interspecific differences, which are in conflict with ecological equivalence. However, neutrality in nature is also broken by differences between conspecific individuals at different life stages, which in many communities may vastly exceed interspecific differences between individuals at similar stages. These within-species asymmetries have not been fully explored in species-neutral models, and it is not known whether demographic stage structure affects macroecological patterns in neutral theory. Here, we present a two-stage neutral model where fecundity and mortality change as an individual transitions from one stage to the other. We explore several qualitatively different scenarios, and compare numerically obtained species abundance distributions to the predictions of unstructured neutral theory. We find that abundance distributions are generally robust to this kind of stage structure, but significant departures from unstructured predictions occur if adults have sufficiently low fecundity and mortality. In addition, we show that the cumulative number of births per species, which is distributed as a power law with a 3/2 exponent, is invariant even when the abundance distribution departs from unstructured model predictions. Our findings potentially explain power law-like abundance distributions in organisms with strong demographic structure, such as eusocial insects and humans, and partially rehabilitate species abundance distributions from past criticisms as to their inability to distinguish between biological mechanisms.  相似文献   

The delimitation of bioregions helps to understand historical and ecological drivers of species distribution. In this work, we performed a network analysis of the spatial distribution patterns of plants in south of France (Languedoc‐Roussillon and Provence‐Alpes‐Côte d'Azur) to analyze the biogeographical structure of the French Mediterranean flora at different scales. We used a network approach to identify and characterize biogeographical regions, based on a large database containing 2.5 million of geolocalized plant records corresponding to more than 3,500 plant species. This methodology is performed following five steps, from the biogeographical bipartite network construction to the identification of biogeographical regions under the form of spatial network communities, the analysis of their interactions, and the identification of clusters of plant species based on the species contribution to the biogeographical regions. First, we identified two sub‐networks that distinguish Mediterranean and temperate biota. Then, we separated eight statistically significant bioregions that present a complex spatial structure. Some of them are spatially well delimited and match with particular geological entities. On the other hand, fuzzy transitions arise between adjacent bioregions that share a common geological setting, but are spread along a climatic gradient. The proposed network approach illustrates the biogeographical structure of the flora in southern France and provides precise insights into the relationships between bioregions. This approach sheds light on ecological drivers shaping the distribution of Mediterranean biota: The interplay between a climatic gradient and geological substrate shapes biodiversity patterns. Finally, this work exemplifies why fragmented distributions are common in the Mediterranean region, isolating groups of species that share a similar eco‐evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Abundance patterns in ecological communities have important implications for biodiversity maintenance and ecosystem functioning. However, ecological theory has been largely unsuccessful at capturing multiple macroecological abundance patterns simultaneously. Here, we propose a parsimonious model that unifies widespread ecological relationships involving local aggregation, species‐abundance distributions, and species associations, and we test this model against the metacommunity structure of reef‐building corals and coral reef fishes across the western and central Pacific. For both corals and fishes, the unified model simultaneously captures extremely well local species‐abundance distributions, interspecific variation in the strength of spatial aggregation, patterns of community similarity, species accumulation, and regional species richness, performing far better than alternative models also examined here and in previous work on coral reefs. Our approach contributes to the development of synthetic theory for large‐scale patterns of community structure in nature, and to addressing ongoing challenges in biodiversity conservation at macroecological scales.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of rainfall amount on the abundance, species richness, and species occurrence and abundance distribution of the ciliate community associated with the bromeliad Aechmea distichantha. The plants were collected from a rock wall of about 10‐km long at the left bank of Paraná River. We assessed the effects of both spatial and temporal variables on the community attributes, as well as whether plants geographically closer have a similar abundance distribution and species composition. The ciliate community was substantially distinct between both hydrological periods, with greater values of species richness and abundance in the rainy period. No spatial structuring (differences in the species occurrence and abundance distribution among strata) or geographical similarity (similarity in ciliate species composition among the plants) was found. Multiple regression analysis showed a positive relationship only between the ciliate abundances and water volumes for both periods. Although few of the formulated predictions were confirmed, our study provides valuable information on the ecological aspects of the ciliate community inhabiting bromeliad phytotelmata.  相似文献   

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