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Mark Crane 《Hydrobiologia》1994,281(2):91-100
Gammarus pulex were sampled from five English streams during April 1992. The population density, number of precopula pairs and incidence of parasitic infection were recorded, and the biomass was estimated from subsamples by relating body area to dry weight. Physical and chemical measurements were taken from each stream. The abundance and standing crop biomass differed significantly between streams, probably due to the influence of pollutants or the physical structure of the stream bed. The size of individual G. pulex also differed significantly between streams, although there was no obvious causal explanation for this. Few individuals were visibly parasitised in any of the populations. Males were significantly larger than females, both in precopula pairs and in the general populations. The sex ratio differed between populations and may explain inter-stream differences in the relationship between precopula male and female size.  相似文献   

1. The influence of coarse substratum and flow, coarse substratum and food, and predation risk and flow on habitat use by Gammarus pulex was studied in three experiments conducted in artificial stream channels. Each stream channel consisted of a riffle and pool habitat.
2. Location of coarse substrata and food was manipulated by placing cobbles (coarse substratum) and leaf packs (food) in different habitats. Predation risk was varied by running experiments in the presence and absence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ), and flow was varied by pumping water with one or two pumps.
3. In all experiments Gammarus were most abundant in pools but placement of cobbles in riffles increased use of the latter. An even greater percentage of Gammarus used riffles if leaf packs were also placed there. Decreased discharge and the presence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ) also caused Gammarus to increase use of riffles. These data indicate that Gammarus is able to evaluate differences in habitat quality and respond accordingly.  相似文献   

1. The influence of coarse substratum and flow, coarse substratum and food, and predation risk and flow on habitat use by Gammarus pulex was studied in three experiments conducted in artificial stream channels. Each stream channel consisted of a riffle and pool habitat.
2. Location of coarse substrata and food was manipulated by placing cobbles (coarse substratum) and leaf packs (food) in different habitats. Predation risk was varied by running experiments in the presence and absence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ), and flow was varied by pumping water with one or two pumps.
3. In all experiments Gammarus were most abundant in pools but placement of cobbles in riffles increased use of the latter. An even greater percentage of Gammarus used riffles if leaf packs were also placed there. Decreased discharge and the presence of sculpins ( Cottus gobio ) also caused Gammarus to increase use of riffles. These data indicate that Gammarus is able to evaluate differences in habitat quality and respond accordingly.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples of Gammarus pulex L. taken from a small Danish stream during 1975 showed mean annual population densities varying from 500 m–2 in early May to 5 500 m–2 in late September. The mean annual biomass was 1.5 g dry weight m–2. No discrete cohorts could be distinguished from the size frequency distributions. Annual production, estimated by the size-frequency method, was 3.9 g dry weight M-2 and P/B ratio was 2.6. The contribution to trout energetics may have been as much as 17%.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Gammarus pulex L. was studied at three sites in a Danish spring. Breeding took place during the summer and therefore cohorts could be followed. Sexual maturity was not reached until the next summer and maximum age appeared to be two years.
Changes in population size differed between stations and was tentatively related to differences in drift and numbers of predators. Generally the drift was non-selective between cohorts and within cohorts.
Yearly production estimated from production curves was 2.6 g dry weight m−2 (the young cohort) and 1.2 g dry weight (the old cohort) at Station 1. The respective P / ratios were 3.35 and 1.22. Production of the youngest cohort at the three stations in the period September-May was 0.9–1.3 g m−2 and P / ratios were 2.14–2.31. Total yearly production at the three stations was estimated at 4–7 g dry weight m−2.  相似文献   

The acanthocephalan parasite Polymorphus minutus induces both physiological and behavioural effects in its intermediate host, Gammarus pulex. The net effect of parasite infection is to increase the likelihood of transmission to the definitive host. Osmoregulation is an energetically expensive mechanism that allows G. pulex to survive in dilute media. Any factor influencing osmoregulation is thus likely to affect the allocation of resources to other areas. This study investigated whether P. minutus infection alters sodium regulation in G. pulex. Haemolymph sodium concentration, water permeability and sodium fluxes were measured over the salinity acclimation range of G. pulex. Water permeability was unaltered by either acclimation salinity or parasite infection. Acclimation to 12‰ significantly raised the haemolymph sodium concentration, reduced the sodium influx, and increased the sodium efflux, to the same extent in both uninfected and infected G. pulex. However, parasite infection induced a significant increase in haemolymph sodium concentration in G. pulex acclimated to 6‰, which was not observed in uninfected G. pulex acclimated to the same salinity. Also, both sodium influx and sodium efflux were significantly lower in parasitized G. pulex acclimated to 6‰, when compared to uninfected G. pulex acclimated to the same salinity. It was concluded that the parasite induced disturbances to sodium regulation in G. pulex acclimated to 6‰ were a functional consequence of the manipulative strategy employed to alter behaviour, rather than a primary target.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The toxicity to the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex (L.) of soft water (pH6.0) with three concentrations of XAD-extracted aquatic humus was treated in the laboratory.
2. Exposure to pH6.0 water without humus added resulted in 92% mortality after 3 weeks. Humus, added at concentrations of 7 and 20 g Cm 3, decreased the mortality to 80% and 64% in the same period.
3. Surviving animals kept at pH6.0 had a lower growth rate, lower food conversion efficiency and higher body water content than animals kept at pH 7.3.
4. Humus had no significant effects on growth, food conversion or body composition of G. pulex kept at pH 6.0. However, there was a tendency for growth and food conversion to increase, and for body water content to decrease with increased humus concentration. The effects of humus on growth and food conversion of G. pulex observed in this study do not support the contention that humus acts as a free coupler to lower metabolic efficiency. On the contrary, humus tended to benefit food conversion.
5. It is suggested that low concentrations of humus can be directly beneficial to organisms in acidified water in ways other than by complexing toxic metals.  相似文献   

1. Populations of Gammarus pulex (density 4000m?2) were exposed, over a 100-day period in a continuous-flow dosing system, to concentrations of copper below the 240 h median lethal concentration (LC50) for juveniles. 2. There was a significant effect of copper on the resulting population density. In the control and lowest treatment (11.0μg1-?1) it was double the initial density, but with increasing copper concentration there was a decrease in density until at the highest treatment (23.1 μg1-?1), it was less than that of the initial population. The lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) for population density was 14.6 μg 1-?1. 3. Copper significantly affected the age composition of the final populations. In the control and lowest treatment concentration, the population was composed mainly of juvenile animals. With increasing copper concentration, however, there was a decrease in the number of juveniles, the LOEC being 14.6 μg1-?1. The number of adults in the final population was also significantly reduced by copper, with an LOEC of 18.2 μg1-?1. 4. The relationship between the body length and number of antennal segments of animals in the populations at each treatment concentration showed that growth was impaired by increased copper concentrations.  相似文献   

Four protozoan epizooites are found attached to the gills of Gammarus pulex collected from Rutland Water. The suctorian, Dendrocometes paradoxus, and the peritrichs, Epistylis sp. and Lagenophrys sp., are relatively abundant, but the chonotrich, Spirochona gemmipara is only occasionally found. SEM studies of various aspects of these protozoa are described. SEM has been useful in distinguishing between the two species of Lagenophrys found on Gammarus. L. ampulla is found on the gills and L. nassa is found on the limbs. The two species are distinguished by the differences in the structure of the loricastome. The relationship between the epizooites and their host is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

We characterized the first microsatellite markers for Gammarus fossarum. Eight loci gave satisfactory amplification patterns in two stream populations (Southern France) with number of alleles ranging from 2 to 10 and expected heterozygosity from 0.076 to 0.857. We performed cross-amplification in two closely related gammarid species, Gammarus pulex and Gammarus orinos. Among the eight tested microsatellite loci, four correctly amplified in G. pulex and three in G. orinos.  相似文献   

1. The amphipod Gammarus pulex (L.) is increasingly used in toxicity assessments and is usually obtained from wild populations. Interpopulation variability in response to toxicants may be due to genetic or phenotypic differences and could be large in wild-caught organisms exposed to different environmental conditions. This paper describes an investigation designed to assess the extent of lethal and sublethal variability between four different G. pulex populations when exposed to zinc, and to determine whether differences observed in the parental generation were also apparent in offspring bred in the laboratory. 2. The mortality of G. pulex from one of the four field-caught populations (Crags Stream) was significantly lower than for animals from the other three populations for the first 2 days of exposure. After 6 days’ exposure the LC50 values for all four populations did not differ significantly, and were approximately 1.0 mg Zn 1-?1. Sublethal effects on feeding rate after 6 days’ exposure were also similar for all four populations (feeding rate EC50 approximately 0.5 mg Zn 1-?1). 3. Lethal effects on the F1 generation were similar among the four populations, in contrast to the short-term differences observed in the parental generation. These results suggest that interpopulation differences in zinc tolerance in G. pulex are short-lived, and phenotypically rather than genetically based.  相似文献   

Because mating can be costly in terms of time and energy, an individual's propensity to engage in courtship and mating activities might be modulated by its physiological state. However, so far, state-dependent mate choice has received little attention The present study examined the effect of both prior pairing status and time left to the moult on the ability of male Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) to enter in precopula with receptive females. In the lab, males that were freshly collected in precopula pairs in the field had a higher probability of re-pairing and were quicker to enter in precopula with receptive females compared to males of similar size that were freshly collected unpaired. In addition, unpaired males found in the field were closer to their moult than paired males. Considered together, our results strongly suggest that time left to the moult and prior mating status directly influence male propensity to pair in G. pulex.  相似文献   

In a river survey, Gammarus pulex amphipods both unparasitised and parasitised with the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus truttae were distributed similarly with respect to flow regimen, tending to be more abundant in faster, shallower, riffle patches. However, there was a higher prevalence of parasitism in faster, shallower areas than in slower, deeper areas and abundance correlated with macrophyte coverage for unparasitised but not parasitised amphipods, indicating subtle differences in habitat usage. A laboratory 'patch' simulation indicated that parasitism influenced micro-distribution. There were higher proportions of unparasitised amphipods in/under stone substrates and within weed. In contrast, there were higher proportions of parasitised amphipods in the water column and at the water surface. As the experiment progressed, unparasitised but not parasitised amphipod habitat usage shifted from those micro-habitats above the substrate and in the water column to those in/under the substrates. Experiments also demonstrated that parasitised amphipods were more active and had a greater preference for illumination. Previous studies of the effects of acanthocephalan parasitism of amphipod hosts have focussed on how drift behaviour is altered, now we show that subtle differences in micro-habitat usage could translate to greatly increased vulnerability to fish predation. We discuss how aggregation of parasitised individuals within specific habitats could promote parasite transmission.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Sets of ten Gammarus pulex fed on controlled diets of sterile alder leaves, or fungal mycelium, or alder leaves incubated for 10 days with an aquatic hyphomycete, were assayed for cellulase, β-1,3-glucanase an d chiitinase activity and compared with (a) animals taken directly from the stream, (b) animals starved for 2 days, and (c) enzyme activity in fungal mycelium.
2. Gut enzyme activity was compared on natural substrates of sterile leaves, mycelium and inoculated leaves as well as on model substrates.
3. G. pulex secretes an endogenous coupled cellulase system capable of degrading native cellulose in plant cell walls. It also secretes β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase capable of degrading fungal cell walls thus affording access for gut enzymes to cell contents.
4. Secretion of enzymes active on native cellulose is enhanced on a diet of leaves already partially degraded by fungal enzymes. Gut enzymes extract more reducing sugar from this substrate than from sterile leaves. Specific enzyme secretion is enhanced by the presence in the diet of exposed, accessible substrates. Fungal enzymes do not appear to contribute to the digestive processes of G. pulex.  相似文献   

The effect of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) on invertebrate drift density was examined in three previously fish-free springbrooks. Drift density was studied during the day following the sequential introduction of: 1) empty cages, 2) cages containing trout, and 3) empty cages. Each period lasted three whole days, and drift density was measured at daytime and night-time every day. Control drift density was determined using empty cages in two similar springbrooks.Night-time drift density of large Gammarus pulex L. (>3.9 mg DW ind–1) decreased compared to that of smaller size-groups following trout introduction, and was significantly lower (p<0.05) than the pre-introductory level after the trout had been removed again.The daytime drift density of large G. pulex remained unchanged, as did both daytime and night-time drift density of smaller size-groups of G. pulex, and the other taxa investigated (Leuctra hippopus (Kempny), Leuctra nigra (Olivier), Amphimura sp., Nemoura flexuosa Aubert, and Baetis rhodani (Pict.)). No significant changes in drift density were observed in two control springbrooks.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Gut extracts from Gammarus pulex hydrolysed native and other cellulose substrates in vitro. Digestive fluid cellulase is probably endogenous as cell-free fluid mediated cellulose hydrolysis, but no bacteria were isolated from the fluid which produced a detectable extra-cellular cellulase. There was no apparent digestion of plant cell walls during their passage along the digestive tract, which took about 5–7 h at 10°C. The pH sensitivities of the digestive enzymes and the pH of the various regions of the gut suggest that carbohydrate digestion occurs in the proventriculus, midgut glands and anterior midgut, but protein digestion may be largely limited to the posterior midgut. The pH of the digestive fluid was altered slightly, but significantly, by the consumption of different natural and artificial test diets and by starvation. The most probable reason for the non-digestion of plant cell-walls is the lack of necessary enzymes other than cellulase. The role of cellulase may be confined to digesting the many small, non-cellular particles which are present in the gut.  相似文献   

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