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The use of cytokines from the IL-2 family (also called the common γ chain cytokine family) such as interleukin (IL)-2, IL-7, IL-15, and IL-21 to activate the immune system of cancer patients is one of the most important areas of current cancer immunotherapy research. The infusion of IL-2 at low or high doses for multiple cycles in patients with metastatic melanoma and renal cell carcinoma was the first successful immunotherapy for cancer proving that the immune system could completely eradicate tumor cells under certain conditions. The initial clinical success observed in some IL-2-treated patients encouraged further efforts focused on developing and improving the application of other IL-2 family cytokines (IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21) that have unique biological effects playing important roles in the development, proliferation, and function of specific subsets of lymphocytes at different stages of differentiation with some overlapping effects with IL-2. IL-7, IL-15, and IL-21, as well as mutant forms or variants of IL-2, are now also being actively pursued in the clinic with some measured early successes. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the biology of the IL-2 cytokine family focusing on IL-2, IL-15 and IL-21. We discuss the similarities and differences between the signaling pathways mediated by these cytokines and their immunomodulatory effects on different subsets of immune cells. Current clinical application of IL-2, IL-15 and IL-21 either as single agents or in combination with other biological agents and the limitation and potential drawbacks of these cytokines for cancer immunotherapy are also described. Lastly, we discuss the future direction of research on these cytokines, such as the development of new cytokine mutants and variants for improving cytokine-based immunotherapy through differential binding to specific receptor subunits.  相似文献   

Clinical trials have demonstrated that an increased number of effector cells, especially tumor-specific T cells, is positively linked with patients’ prognosis. Although the discovery of checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs) has led to encouraging progress in cancer immunotherapy, the lack of either T cells or targets for CPIs is a limitation for patients with poor prognosis. Since interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-7 are cytokines that target many aspects of T-cell responses, they have been used to treat cancers. In this review, we focus on the basic biology of how these cytokines regulate T-cell response and on the clinical trials using the cytokines against cancer. Further, we introduce several recent studies that aim to improve cytokines’ biological activities and find the strategy for combination with other therapeutics.  相似文献   

Single intratumoural treatment of nude mice with a vaccinia virus (VV)-expressing interleukin-1 (IL-2) or IL-12 induced significant tumour growth inhibition associated with clear signs of toxicity. At a low virus dose, only some treated animals showed signs of toxicity. We characterized and compared the activity of NK and B cells and major pro-inflammatory factors (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha) in treated animals with and without toxicity. One week after treatment animals exhibiting signs of cytokine-related toxicity showed dramatic increases in several measured parameters. High leukocyte and lymphocyte counts in blood and marked increases in NK and CD25(+)cells in both blood and spleen were associated with IL-2-induced toxicity, while IL-12-induced toxicity was related to a great elevation of CD25(+)cells in blood and CD71(+)cells in the spleen. In contrast, immune activation in animals free of toxicity was observed on day 2 after the treatment, which drastically declined by day 7. Thus, immune responses induced by IL-2 and IL-12 therapy appear to play important roles in both tumour inhibition and the accompanying toxicity. Short-term effects induced by IL-2 and IL-12 could be critical for antitumour therapy that prolongs survival and protects from adverse side effects.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani, a protozoan parasite, inflicts a fatal disease, visceral leishmaniasis. The suppression of antileishmanial T cell responses that characterizes the disease was proposed to be due to deficiency of a T cell growth factor, IL-2. We demonstrate that during the first week after L. donovani infection, IL-2 induces IL-10 that suppresses the host-protective functions of T cells 14 days after infection. The observed suppression is concurrent with increased CD4+ glucocorticoid-induced TNF receptor+ T cells and Foxp3 expression in BALB/c mice, implicating IL-2-dependent regulatory T cell control of antileishmanial immune responses. Indeed, IL-2 and IL-10 neutralization at different time points after the infection demonstrates their distinct roles at the priming and effector phases, respectively, and establishes kinetic modulation of ongoing immune responses as a principle of a rational, phase-specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Lymphokine activated killer cells (LAK cells) or interleukin 2 (IL-2)-activated killer cells were induced by recombinant IL-2 (TGP-3) for clinical adoptive immunotherapy of malignant diseases. After incubation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) with IL-2 and normal human plasma for 1-2 weeks LAK cells were obtained that showed a maximum cytotoxicity against target cells, and did not need a toxic dose of IL-2 to enhance or maintain their cytotoxicity. Both autologous and allogeneic LAK cells were used in five clinical cases without any immune side effects, and were effective in three cases.  相似文献   

We performed functional assays on polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes from 21 patients with advanced cancers, before, during, and after IL-2 administration. Of these, 19 were treated with high dose bolus IL-2 infusions (10(5) U/kg every 8 h) and 2 patients received low dose continuous infusions of IL-2 (250 U/kg/h). Five of six patients studied after IL-2 therapy had a decrease in their PMN chemotactic response to FMLP after bolus IL-2 (mean 8 doses) or, after the 4th day of continuous infusion IL-2 (pre-IL-2 values of 82% +/- 17% to 45% +/- 1% post-IL-2, p2 less than 0.004) compared with normal control values. In 8 of 10 patients studied, PMN capacity to oxidize intracellular dichlorofluorescein dye, an indirect measurement of O2- production in response to PMA stimulation, decreased after IL-2 administration (pre-IL-2 mean dichlorofluorescein oxidation (by channel number) 243 +/- 128 vs 3-day post-IL-2 87 +/- 86, p2 less than 0.02). Furthermore, a marked decrease in Fc gamma R III (Leu-11, CD16) expression was observed in 12/13 patients' PMN studied after IL-2 therapy (mean percent of PMN population with positive FcR expression was 81.1 +/- 15.4% pre-IL-2 which decreased to 56.0 +/- 30.5% post-IL-2, p2 less than 0.001). Other PMN surface markers (My4, My7, ICAM-1, LFA1, LFA3, Mac1) did not change significantly. PMN-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity did not change after IL-2 therapy (only 4/15 patients demonstrated more than 50% reduction in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity). PMN phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus was also not significantly altered by IL-2 administration in six patients studied (pre-IL-2, 99 +/- 17% vs 111 +/- 28% post-IL-2, p2 greater than 0.2). We conclude that the systemic administration of IL-2 by intermittent or continuous administration is associated with marked changes in PMN function and cell surface receptor expression. These alterations may contribute to the apparent increased susceptibility to bacterial infection observed in these patients.  相似文献   

IL-21, the most recently discovered member of the IL-2 cytokine family, is an attractive subject for research due to its involvement in experimental models of autoimmunity, its ability to down-regulate IgE production, and its anti-tumor properties. Its interest for cancer immunotherapy stems from its physiological immune-enhancing functions. These include regulation of T, B and NK cell proliferation, survival, differentiation, and effector functions. IL-21’s functional activities partially overlap those of IL-2. Both cytokines display similar structural features and use the common γ-chain receptor and its downstream signaling pathways. Besides its activities on normal lymphoid cells, IL-21 is an in vitro growth factor for myeloma and acute-T cell leukemia cells, whereas it induces the apoptosis of B-CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) cells. These findings indicate that the IL-21/IL-21R system exerts opposite functions in different lymphoid neoplasias, and suggest its employment in B-CLL therapy. Since IL-2, but not IL-21, is specifically required for the development of regulatory T (Treg) cell immune-suppressive functions, IL-21 may be a new tool for cancer immunotherapy. It is, in fact, a powerful anti-tumor agent in a variety of murine experimental tumor models through its activation of specific or innate immune responses against neoplastic cells. The preliminary data from phase-I clinical studies suggest that the use of IL-21 is feasible and may result in immune-enhancing effects.  相似文献   

Freshly isolated tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) from stage IV melanoma patients were cultured for 2 weeks with low doses of interleukin-2 (IL-2; 120 IU/ml), to select potentially for tumor-specific lymphocytes present in the neoplastic lesion, followed by high doses (6000 IU/ml) to achieve lymphocyte expansion. TIL were serially analyzed for their expansion, phenotype and cytotoxic activity against autologous and allogeneic tumor cells. A preferential lysis of autologous melanoma cells was obtained in long-term cultures of 7/13 cases (54%), while the remaining ones showed a major-histocompatibility-complex-unrestricted, lymphokine-activated-killer(LAK)-like activity at the time of in vivo injection. Sixteen patients with metastatic melanoma were infused with TIL (mean number: 6.8×109, range: 0.35 × 109–20 × 109) and IL-2 (mean dose: 130 × 106 IU, range: 28.8 × 106–231 × 106 IU); 1 complete and 3 partial responses were observed in 12 evaluable patients (response rate 33%). In all responding patients, injected TIL showed an in vitro preferential lysis of autologous tumor cells, while in no cases were TIL with LAK-like activity associated with a clinical response. The mean autologous tumor cytotoxic activity of TIL at the time of in vivo injection was significantly higher in responding patients in comparison to nonresponding ones, suggesting that a marked and preferential cytolysis of autologous tumor cells is associated with the therapeutic efficacy of TIL.  相似文献   

Combined IL-15/IL-15Ralpha immunotherapy maximizes IL-15 activity in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IL-15 has substantial potential as an immunotherapeutic agent for augmenting immune responses. However, the activity of IL-15 is mediated by a unique mechanism in which the cytokine is transpresented by cell-bound high-affinity IL-15Ralpha to target cells expressing the IL-15Rbeta and the common gamma-chain. Thus, the efficacy of administered IL-15 alone may be limited by the availability of free IL-15Ralpha. We now show that administration of soluble IL-15/IL-15Ralpha complexes greatly enhanced IL-15 half-life and bioavailability in vivo. Treatment of mice with this complex, but not with IL-15 alone, resulted in robust proliferation of memory CD8 T cells, NK cells, and NK T cells. The activity of the complex required IL-15Rbeta, but not IL-15Ralpha, expression by the responding cells and was IL-7-independent. Interestingly, IL-15/IL-15Ralpha immunotherapy also caused naive CD8 T cell activation and development into effector cells and long-term memory T cells. Lastly, complexed IL-15, as compared with IL-15 alone, dramatically reduced tumor burden in a model of B16 melanoma. These findings hold significant importance for the use of IL-15 as a potential adjuvant/therapeutic and inducer of homeostatic proliferation, without the necessity for prior immunodepletion.  相似文献   

Our method of adoptive immunotherapy (AIT) using autologous IL-2-cultured lymphocytes differs from so-called LAK therapy in several points. We (1) obtain cultured lymphocytes from effusion lymphocytes (EL) or regional lymph-node lymphocytes (RLNL), when possible, rather than peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), (2) use crude IL-2 to induce T cell proliferation and to maintain killer activity, (3) use sonicated autologous tumor extract as antigen (Ag) to stimulate proliferation of cytotoxic T cells, and (4) pretreat the patients with local administration of OK-432 before AIT to induce effector cells that act synergistically with transferred killer cells. Surface marker analysis showed that OKT3, IL-2 receptor, Leu 2+15- cells were elevated while Leu 11a and Leu 3+8+ cells were decreased. Culture of RLNL augmented the expression of Leu 3+8- marker. Both of PBL and RLNL responded to Ag, and their auto-tumor killing activities were augmented in about half of the patients while rarely decrease by the addition of Ag. Response rates of patients with pleural effusion due to breast cancer and those with liver metastasis of breast cancer were 94% and 60%, respectively. Moreover, the survival was prolonged in the treated patients with pleural effusion or gastric cancer patients with peritoneal dissemination.  相似文献   

Because of its immunosuppressive effect, surgery-induced immunosuppression may depend at least in part on the postoperative hypersecretion of IL-6, which is also responsible for surgical complications. Most of the immunosuppressive events induced by surgery, including lymphocytopenia, NK and T lymphocyte decline, and dendritic cell deficiency have been proven to be abrogated by a preoperative injection of IL-2 for few days. However, the cytokine mechanisms responsible for IL-2-induced abrogation of surgery-related immunosuppression need to be better investigated and understood. This study was performed to analyze the influence of IL-2 presurgical immunotherapy on IL-6 secretion in the postoperative period. The study was performed in 12 operable colorectal cancer patients, who were preoperatively pretreated with IL-2 (12 million lU/day subcutaneously for 3 consecutive days before surgery). The control group consisted of 21 age-and disease-matched colorectal cancer patients who underwent surgery without a preoperative immunotherapy with IL-2. Serum levels of IL-6 were measured by an enzyme immunoassay before surgery, and at days 3 and 7 of the postoperative period. A significant increase in mean serum levels of IL-6 occurred in the postoperative period only in the control patients, whereas in the IL-2 pretreated group no significant difference was seen between presurgical and postoperative IL-6 mean concentrations. The difference between controls and IL-2 group was particularly evident for patients with abnormally elevated presurgical values of IL-6. This study, by showing that a presurgical injection of IL-2 may prevent surgery-induced IL-6 enhanced secretion, would suggest that the previously described neutralization of surgery-induced immunosuppression by IL-2 preoperative immunotherapy may depend at least in part on the inhibition of postoperative production of IL-6, whose immunosuppressive effects have been well demonstrated at least on anticancer immunity.  相似文献   

Pericardial effusion (PE) and cardiac tamponade caused by malignant pericarditis are critical conditions in cancer patients, which still lack a recommended protocol for their long-term management. Percutaneous pericardiocentesis and simple drainage are commonly performed as the initial treatment. The aims of this study were to investigate the presence of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in malignant PE and to determine the clinical response to administering autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) into the pericardial cavity. Initially, we identified human lymphocyte antigen class-I-restricted and tumor-specific CTLs within the interleukin-2 (IL-2)-activated TILs in PEs from four patients, on the basis of interferon-γ production and lactate dehydrogenase-release assays. Clinically we observed favorable responses to the pericardial transfer of IL-2-activated autologous TILs in four patients: one male with advanced esophageal cancer, one female with recurrent lung cancer and two females with recurrent breast cancer, respectively. Autologous TILs from PEs were expanded in vitro with IL-2, characterized for CD3, CD4 and CD8 markers, checked for contamination and then infused into the patient’s pericardial space through a catheter. This was repeated biweekly. After treatment, there were no signs of recurrence of PE in either case, as determined by radiography, echocardiography and computed tomography. The only adverse effects seen were grade 1 fevers. These results suggested that intrapericardial cellular immunotherapy with autologous TILs could be a safe and effective treatment for controlling malignant pericarditis with associated cardiac tamponade, and that tumor-specific CTLs present in malignant PE might be important for tumor rejection.  相似文献   

Waldmann T 《Arthritis research》2002,4(Z3):S161-S167
Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a 14-15-kDa member of the 4alpha helix bundle family of cytokines that stimulate T and NK (natural killer) cells. IL-15 and IL-2 utilize heterotrimeric receptors that include the cytokine-specific private receptors IL-2Ralpha and IL-15Ralpha, as well as two receptor elements that they share, IL-2Rbeta and gammac. Although IL-2 and IL-15 share two receptor subunits and many functions, at times they provide contrasting contributions to T-cell-mediated immune responses. IL-2, through its pivotal role in activation-induced cell death (AICD), is involved in peripheral tolerance through the elimination of self-reactive T cells. In contrast, IL-15 in general manifests anti-apoptotic actions and inhibits IL-2-mediated AICD. IL-15 stimulates the persistence of memory phenotype CD8+ T cells, whereas IL-2 inhibits their expression. Abnormalities of IL-15 expression have been described in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease and in diseases associated with the retrovirus HTLV-I (human T-cell lymphotropic virus I). Humanized monoclonal antibodies that recognize IL-2Ralpha, the private receptor for IL-2, are being employed to inhibit allograft rejection and to treat T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. New approaches directed toward inhibiting the actions of the inflammatory cytokine, IL-15, are proposed for an array of autoimmune disorders including rheumatoid arthritis as well as diseases associated with the retrovirus HTLV-I.  相似文献   

The GD2 ganglioside expressed on neuroectodermal tumor cells is weakly immunogenic in tumor-bearing patients and induces predominantly IgM antibody responses in the immunized host. Using a syngeneic mouse challenge model with GD2-expressing NXS2 neuroblastoma, we investigated novel strategies for augmenting the effector function of GD2-specific antibody responses induced by a mimotope vaccine. We demonstrated that immunization of A/J mice with DNA vaccine expressing the 47-LDA mimotope of GD2 in combination with IL-15 and IL-21 genes enhanced the induction of GD2 cross-reactive IgG2 antibody responses that exhibited cytolytic activity against NXS2 cells. The combined immunization regimen delivered 1 day after tumor challenge inhibited subcutaneous (s.c.) growth of NXS2 neuroblastoma in A/J mice. The vaccine efficacy was reduced after depletion of NK cells as well as CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes suggesting involvement of innate and adaptive immune responses in mediating the antitumor activity in vivo. CD8+ T cells isolated from the immunized and cured mice were cytotoxic against syngeneic neuroblastoma cells but not against allogeneic EL4 lymphoma, and exhibited antitumor activity after adoptive transfer in NXS2-challenged mice. We also demonstrated that coimmunization of NXS2-challenged mice with the IL-15 and IL-21 gene combination resulted in enhanced CD8+ T cell function that was partially independent of CD4+ T cell help in inhibiting tumor growth. This study is the first demonstration that the mimotope vaccine of a weakly immunogenic carbohydrate antigen in combination with plasmid-derived IL-15 and IL-21 cytokines induces both innate and adaptive arms of the immune system leading to the generation of effective protection against neuroblastoma challenge. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This work was supported by the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation, funds to commemorate Dr. Goro Chihara’s research activity, and by a research grant R21 AI060375 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

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