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Saitohin (STH) Q7R polymorphism has been reported to influence the individual's susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease (AD); however, conclusions remain controversial. Therefore, we performed this meta‐analysis to explore the association between STH Q7R polymorphism and AD risk. Systematic literature searches were performed in the PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and Web of Science for studies published before 31 August 2016. Pooled odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to assess the strength of the association using a fixed‐ or random‐effects model. Subgroup analyses, Galbraith plot and sensitivity analyses were also performed. All statistical analyses were performed with STATA Version 12.0. A total of 19 case–control studies from 17 publications with 4387 cases and 3972 controls were included in our meta‐analysis. The results showed that the Q7R polymorphism was significantly associated with an increased risk of AD in a recessive model (RR versus QQ+QR, OR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.01–1.60, P = 0.040). After excluding the four studies not carried out in caucasians, the overall association was unchanged in all comparison models. Further subgroup analyses stratified by the time of AD onset, and the quality of included studies provided statistical evidence of significant increased risk of AD in RR versus QQ+QR model only in late‐onset subjects (OR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.07–2.26, P = 0.021) and in studies with high quality (OR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.01–1.86, P = 0.043). This meta‐analysis suggests that the RR genotype in saitohin Q7R polymorphism may be a human‐specific risk factor for AD, especially among late‐onset AD subjects and caucasian populations.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has major implications. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships are generally investigated at the interspecific level, although intraspecific diversity (i.e. within‐species diversity) is increasingly perceived as an important ecological facet of biodiversity. Here, we provide a quantitative and integrative synthesis testing, across diverse plant and animal species, whether intraspecific diversity is a major driver of community dynamics and ecosystem functioning. We specifically tested (i) whether the number of genotypes/phenotypes (i.e. intraspecific richness) or the specific identity of genotypes/phenotypes (i.e. intraspecific variation) in populations modulate the structure of communities and the functioning of ecosystems, (ii) whether the ecological effects of intraspecific richness and variation are strong in magnitude, and (iii) whether these effects vary among taxonomic groups and ecological responses. We found a non‐linear relationship between intraspecific richness and community and ecosystem dynamics that follows a saturating curve shape, as observed for biodiversity–function relationships measured at the interspecific level. Importantly, intraspecific richness modulated ecological dynamics with a magnitude that was equal to that previously reported for interspecific richness. Our results further confirm, based on a database containing more than 50 species, that intraspecific variation also has substantial effects on ecological dynamics. We demonstrated that the effects of intraspecific variation are twice as high as expected by chance, and that they might have been underestimated previously. Finally, we found that the ecological effects of intraspecific variation are not homogeneous and are actually stronger when intraspecific variation is manipulated in primary producers than in consumer species, and when they are measured at the ecosystem rather than at the community level. Overall, we demonstrated that the two facets of intraspecific diversity (richness and variation) can both strongly affect community and ecosystem dynamics, which reveals the pivotal role of within‐species biodiversity for understanding ecological dynamics.  相似文献   

To alleviate the environmental contamination due to persistent chemical usage, approaches to integrated pest management were conceived. In this perspective, microbe–microbe interactions such as mycorrhizal relationships with other soil microbiota in the rhizosphere like the plant growth‐promoting fungi (PGPF) are particularly important. Better understanding of the interactions between beneficial microbial groups is imperative in the identification of possible synergistic or antagonistic effects to improve their practical usage as biocontrol agents or biofertilizers. In this study, the consequence of co‐inoculation of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus mosseae (Gm) and the PGPF Fusarium equiseti (isolates GF18‐3 and GF19‐1) in terms of plant growth enhancement, root and rhizosphere colonisation, and development of anthracnose (Colletotrichum orbiculare) and damping‐off (Rhizoctonia solani AG‐4) diseases in cucumber plants was investigated under controlled conditions. The amendment of either GF18‐3 or GF19‐1 singly or in combination with Gm indicated a general tendency to significantly enhance the shoot dry weight (SDW) of cucumber plants at 4 weeks after planting (WAP). Similarly, Gm alone significantly enhanced SDW at 4 WAP. Gm showed a tendency to depress root colonisation by F. equiseti but such antagonistic effect was not observed in the rhizosphere soil. Both GF18‐3 and GF19‐1 significantly reduced percent root colonisation of Gm. However, these general tendencies may vary with the inoculum densities of AMF and PGPF. Both F. equiseti and Gm inoculated singly significantly increased percent of protection against anthracnose, but the combined inoculation was more effective in controlling the disease compared to single inoculation. The inoculation of the cucumber seedlings with GF18‐3, GF19‐1 or Gm, 6 or 12 days prior to damping‐off pathogen inoculation, increased percent of protection against damping‐off disease. This study shows that the co‐inoculation of F. equiseti and Gm resulted in additive effect on the suppression of anthracnose disease in cucumber.  相似文献   

chifish is a 32‐bit Windows/DOS program evaluating divergence at multiple gene loci. It tests the hypothesis of no difference at any locus both by means of Pearson's traditional chi‐square and by using Fisher's method of combining P values obtained by Fisher's exact test. Input data are read from a file formatted for genepop . Commonly used population genetics software do not perform chi‐square tests, and the simultaneous application of both techniques aids in situations where poor power of the ‘exact approach’ may prevent detection of true differentiation (e.g. few populations and few alleles per locus).  相似文献   

农业技术措施对AM真菌群落结构的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统中AM真菌多样性丰富,并以独特的群落结构发挥其功能.寄主植物和环境因子对AM真菌群落结构具有重要影响,此外,农业技术措施对农业生态系统中AM真菌群落结构的影响也值得关注.本文系统总结了施肥、灌溉、轮作、间作、土壤耕作、化学药剂等农业技术措施对AM真菌群落结构的影响研究进展,分析了农业技术措施改变AM真菌群落结构的可能机制,探讨了提高农业生态系统中AM真菌多样性的可能途径,提出通过改进施肥体制及其配套技术、增加植物多样性和人工接种AM真菌等可提高农业生态系统中AM真菌多样性;并指出当前存在的问题和今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Changes in soil nutrient availability during long‐term ecosystem development influence the relative abundances of plant species with different nutrient‐acquisition strategies. These changes in strategies are observed at the community level, but whether they also occur within individual species remains unknown. Plant species forming multiple root symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi, and nitrogen‐(N) fixing microorganisms provide valuable model systems to examine edaphic controls on symbioses related to nutrient acquisition, while simultaneously controlling for plant host identity. We grew two co‐occurring species, Acacia rostellifera (N2‐fixing and dual AM and ECM symbioses) and Melaleuca systena (AM and ECM dual symbioses), in three soils of contrasting ages (c. 0.1, 1, and 120 ka) collected along a long‐term dune chronosequence in southwestern Australia. The soils differ in the type and strength of nutrient limitation, with primary productivity being limited by N (0.1 ka), co‐limited by N and phosphorus (P) (1 ka), and by P (120 ka). We hypothesized that (i) within‐species root colonization shifts from AM to ECM with increasing soil age, and that (ii) nodulation declines with increasing soil age, reflecting the shift from N to P limitation along the chronosequence. In both species, we observed a shift from AM to ECM root colonization with increasing soil age. In addition, nodulation in A. rostellifera declined with increasing soil age, consistent with a shift from N to P limitation. Shifts from AM to ECM root colonization reflect strengthening P limitation and an increasing proportion of total soil P in organic forms in older soils. This might occur because ECM fungi can access organic P via extracellular phosphatases, while AM fungi do not use organic P. Our results show that plants can shift their resource allocation to different root symbionts depending on nutrient availability during ecosystem development.  相似文献   

The adaptation capacity of olive trees to different environments is well recognized. However, the presence of microorganisms in the soil is also a key factor in the response of these trees to drought. The objective of the present study was to elucidate the effects of different arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi coming from diverse soils on olive plant growth and water relations. Olive plants were inoculated with native AM fungal populations from two contrasting environments, that is, semi‐arid – Freila (FL) and humid – Grazalema (GZ) regions, and subjected to drought stress. Results showed that plants grew better on GZ soil inoculated with GZ fungi, indicating a preference of AM fungi for their corresponding soil. Furthermore, under these conditions, the highest AM fungal diversity was found. However, the highest root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr) value was achieved by plants inoculated with GZ fungi and growing in FL soil under drought conditions. So, this AM inoculum also functioned in soils from different origins. Nine novel aquaporin genes were also cloned from olive roots. Diverse correlation and association values were found among different aquaporin expressions and abundances and Lpr, indicating how the interaction of different aquaporins may render diverse Lpr values.  相似文献   

Veech (2013, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22 , 252–260) introduced a formula to calculate the probability of two species co‐occurring in various sites under the assumption of statistical independence between the two distributional patterns. He presented his model as a new procedure, a ‘pairwise approach’, different from analyses of whole presence–absence matrices to examine patterns of co‐occurrence. Here I show that: (1) Veech's method is identical to Fisher's exact test, a standard procedure for measuring the statistical association between two discrete variables; (2) in a broad sense, the pairwise approach is very similar to early analyses of spatial association, such as the one advanced by Forbes in 1907; (3) implicit in Veech's formula is a sampling scheme that is indistinguishable from well‐known matrix‐level null models that randomize the distribution of species among equiprobable sites; (4) pairwise co‐occurrence patterns can be analysed using any matrix‐level null model, so pairwise comparisons are not limited to using Veech's formula. The methodological distinction that Veech proposed between pairwise and matrix‐level approaches does not in fact exist, although the conceptual distinction between the two approaches is still a debated topic.  相似文献   

Within the framework of Fisher's discriminant analysis, we propose a multiclass classification method which embeds variable screening for ultrahigh‐dimensional predictors. Leveraging interfeature correlations, we show that the proposed linear classifier recovers informative features with probability tending to one and can asymptotically achieve a zero misclassification rate. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the method via extensive simulations and use this method to classify posttransplantation rejection types based on patients' gene expressions.  相似文献   

Global mean temperature is predicted to increase by 2–7 °C and precipitation to change across the globe by the end of this century. To quantify climate effects on ecosystem processes, a number of climate change experiments have been established around the world in various ecosystems. Despite these efforts, general responses of terrestrial ecosystems to changes in temperature and precipitation, and especially to their combined effects, remain unclear. We used meta‐analysis to synthesize ecosystem‐level responses to warming, altered precipitation, and their combination. We focused on plant growth and ecosystem carbon (C) balance, including biomass, net primary production (NPP), respiration, net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and ecosystem photosynthesis, synthesizing results from 85 studies. We found that experimental warming and increased precipitation generally stimulated plant growth and ecosystem C fluxes, whereas decreased precipitation had the opposite effects. For example, warming significantly stimulated total NPP, increased ecosystem photosynthesis, and ecosystem respiration. Experimentally reduced precipitation suppressed aboveground NPP (ANPP) and NEE, whereas supplemental precipitation enhanced ANPP and NEE. Plant productivity and ecosystem C fluxes generally showed higher sensitivities to increased precipitation than to decreased precipitation. Interactive effects of warming and altered precipitation tended to be smaller than expected from additive, single‐factor effects, though low statistical power limits the strength of these conclusions. New experiments with combined temperature and precipitation manipulations are needed to conclusively determine the importance of temperature–precipitation interactions on the C balance of terrestrial ecosystems under future climate conditions.  相似文献   

The adaptive value of transgenerational effects (the ancestor environmental effects on offspring) in changing environments has received much attention in recent years, but the related empirical evidence remains equivocal. Here, we conducted a meta‐analysis summarising 139 experimental studies in plants and animals with 1170 effect sizes to investigate the generality of transgenerational effects across taxa, traits, and environmental contexts. It was found that transgenerational effects generally enhanced offspring performance in response to both stressful and benign conditions. The strongest effects are in annual plants and invertebrates, whereas vertebrates appear to benefit mostly under benign conditions, and perennial plants show hardly any transgenerational responses at all. These differences among taxonomic/life‐history groups possibly reflect that vertebrates can avoid stressful conditions through their mobility, and longer‐lived plants have alternative strategies. In addition to environmental contexts and taxonomic/life‐history groups, transgenerational effects also varied among traits and developmental stages of ancestors and offspring, but the effects were similarly strong across three generations of offspring. By way of a more comprehensive data set and a different effect size, our results differ from those of a recent meta‐analysis, suggesting that transgenerational effects are widespread, strong and persistent and can substantially impact the responses of plants and animals to changing environments.  相似文献   

Elevational gradients provide powerful natural systems for testing hypotheses regarding the role of environmental variation in the evolution of life‐history strategies. Case studies have revealed shifts towards slower life histories in organisms living at high elevations yet no synthetic analyses exist of elevational variation in life‐history traits for major vertebrate clades. We examined (i) how life‐history traits change with elevation in paired populations of bird species worldwide, and (ii) which biotic and abiotic factors drive elevational shifts in life history. Using three analytical methods, we found that fecundity declined at higher elevations due to smaller clutches and fewer reproductive attempts per year. By contrast, elevational differences in traits associated with parental investment or survival varied among studies. High‐elevation populations had shorter and later breeding seasons, but longer developmental periods implying that temporal constraints contribute to reduced fecundity. Analyses of clutch size data, the trait for which we had the largest number of population comparisons, indicated no evidence that phylogenetic history constrained species‐level plasticity in trait variation associated with elevational gradients. The magnitude of elevational shifts in life‐history traits were largely unrelated to geographic (altitude, latitude), intrinsic (body mass, migratory status), or habitat covariates. Meta‐population structure, methodological issues associated with estimating survival, or processes shaping range boundaries could potentially explain the nature of elevational shifts in life‐history traits evident in this data set. We identify a new risk factor for montane populations in changing climates: low fecundity will result in lower reproductive potential to recover from perturbations, especially as fewer than half of the species experienced higher survival at higher elevations.  相似文献   

Although invasive plants are a major source of terrestrial ecosystem degradation worldwide, it remains unclear which trophic levels above the base of the food web are most vulnerable to plant invasions. We performed a meta‐analysis of 38 independent studies from 32 papers to examine how invasive plants alter major groupings of primary and secondary consumers in three globally distributed ecosystems: wetlands, woodlands and grasslands. Within each ecosystem we examined if green (grazing) food webs are more sensitive to plant invasions compared to brown (detrital) food webs. Invasive plants have strong negative effects on primary consumers (detritivores, bacterivores, fungivores, and/or herbivores) in woodlands and wetlands, which become less abundant in both green and brown food webs in woodlands and green webs in wetlands. Plant invasions increased abundances of secondary consumers (predators and/or parasitoids) only in woodland brown food webs and green webs in wetlands. Effects of invasive plants on grazing and detrital food webs clearly differed between ecosystems. Overall, invasive plants had the most pronounced effects on the trophic structure of wetlands and woodlands, but caused no detectable changes to grassland trophic structure.  相似文献   

Invasive plants affect soil biota through litter and rhizosphere inputs, but the direction and magnitude of these effects are variable. We conducted a meta‐analysis to examine the different effects of litter and rhizosphere of invasive plants on soil communities and nutrient cycling. Our results showed that invasive plants increased bacterial biomass by 16%, detritivore abundance by 119% and microbivore abundance by 89% through litter pathway. In the rhizosphere, invasive plants reduced bacterial biomass by 12%, herbivore abundance by 55% and predator abundance by 52%, but increased AM fungal biomass by 36%. Moreover, CO2 efflux, N mineralisation rate and enzyme activities were all higher in invasive than native rhizosphere soils. These findings indicate that invasive plants may support more decomposers that in turn stimulate nutrient release via litter effect, and enhance nutrient uptake by reducing root grazing but forming more symbioses in the rhizosphere. Thus, we hypothesise that litter‐ and root‐based loops are probably linked to generate positive feedback of invaders on soil systems through stimulating nutrient cycling, consequently facilitating plant invasion. Our findings from limited cases with diverse contexts suggest that more studies are needed to differentiate litter and rhizosphere effects within single systems to better understand invasive plant‐soil interactions.  相似文献   

Most psychotherapies for depression have been developed in high‐income Western countries of North America, Europe and Australia. A growing number of randomized trials have examined the effects of these treatments in non‐Western countries. We conducted a meta‐analysis of these studies to examine whether these psychotherapies are effective and to compare their effects between studies from Western and non‐Western countries. We conducted systematic searches in bibliographical databases and included 253 randomized controlled trials, of which 32 were conducted in non‐Western countries. The effects of psychotherapies in non‐Western countries were large (g=1.10; 95% CI: 0.91‐1.30), with high heterogeneity (I2=90; 95% CI: 87‐92). After adjustment for publication bias, the effect size dropped to g=0.73 (95% CI: 0.51‐0.96). Subgroup analyses did not indicate that adaptation to the local situation was associated with the effect size. Comparisons with the studies in Western countries showed that the effects of the therapies were significantly larger in non‐Western countries, also after adjusting for characteristics of the participants, the treatments and the studies. These larger effect sizes in non‐Western countries may reflect true differences indicating that therapies are indeed more effective; or may be explained by the care‐as‐usual control conditions in non‐Western countries, often indicating that no care was available; or may be the result of the relative low quality of many trials in the field. This study suggests that psychotherapies that were developed in Western countries may or may not be more effective in non‐Western countries, but they are probably no less effective and can therefore also be used in these latter countries.  相似文献   

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