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Plantations are frequently established on abandoned pasture lands to speed forest recovery. This strategy requires matching a tree species mix with the prevailing microenvironmental conditions. In four degraded pastures of the Mexican Lacandon rainforest, we planted 2,400 trees of 6 species (Guazuma ulmifolia, Inga vera, Ochroma pyramidale, Trichospermum mexicanum, Bursera simaruba, and Spondias mombin) to (1) test survival, initial growth, and establishment costs; (2) evaluate whether vegetative cuttings outperform direct seeding or transplants of nursery‐raised seedlings; (3) determine tree response to herbaceous dominance and soil compaction; and (4) scrutinize the results' consistency across sites and sampling scales of tree–microenvironment interactions (individual tree vs. averaged plot responses). After 2 years, overall survival and growth rates were high for 2 of 3 nursery‐raised species. Contrary to expectations, all seedlings outperformed the cuttings while direct seeding resulted in a cost‐effective option of intermediate efficacy. The impact of soil resistance to root penetration on tree biomass accumulation was species dependent while bulk density was not relevant. Soil‐covering, herbaceous vegetation accelerated growth in 3 of 4 tested species during the dry season. At this initial stage of forest restoration in abandoned pastures, Guazuma and Trichospermum were the most restoration‐effective species. Costs can be reduced by using direct‐seeding Inga and avoiding weeding during the dry season. Finally, our results demonstrate how species selection trials can be misleading due to site variations in tree response and to sampling scales that fail to account for small‐scale environmental heterogeneity. We recommend ways to improve the design of restoration trials.  相似文献   

The significant loss of the longleaf pine‐wiregrass ecosystem in the southeastern United States has serious implications for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In response to this loss, we have initiated a long‐term and landscape‐scale restoration experiment at the 80,125 ha (310 mi2) Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SRS) located near Aiken, South Carolina. Aristida beyrichiana (wiregrass), an important and dominant grass (i.e., a “matrix” species) of the longleaf pine savanna understory, and 31 other herbaceous “non‐matrix” species were planted at six locations throughout SRS in 2002 and 2003. Of the 36,056 transplanted seedlings, 75% were still alive in June 2004, while mean 1–2 year survival across all planted species was 48%. Lespedeza hirta (hairy lespedeza) exhibited the greatest overall survival per 3 × 3 m cell at 95%, whereas Schizachyrium spp. (little bluestem) exhibited the greatest mean cover among individual species at 5.9%. Wiregrass survival and cover were significantly reduced when planted with non‐matrix species. Aggregate cover of all planted species in restored cells averaged 25.9% in 2006. High rates of survival and growth of the planted species resulted in greater species richness (SR), diversity, and vegetative cover in restored cells. Results suggest that the loss of the longleaf pine‐wiregrass ecosystem may be ameliorated through restoration efforts and illustrate the positive impact of restoration plantings on biodiversity and vegetative cover.  相似文献   

Little information exists about the establishment of native longleaf pine flatwoods species for use in restoration efforts and as buffers around natural areas in the southeastern United States. Composition of groundcover in these systems is dominated by perennial graminoid species. Vegetation in current buffers is generally non‐native turfgrass that can escape into natural areas, often reducing establishment and survival of native species. Where management objectives involve actively restoring native groundcover or reducing the probability of invasion by these non‐native turfgrasses, identification of native species and restoration methods is needed. We investigated seed germination and establishment of four species native to longleaf pine flatwoods in central Florida and one species native to the adjacent wetland communities. Paspalum setaceum, Panicum anceps, Eustachys petraea, and Eragrostis refracta were directly seeded, and P. distichum was planted as sprigs into three former P. notatum pastures. Irrigation, fertilization, weed control, and mowing treatments were assessed in terms of cover development of the sown species. Paspalum distichum developed the highest percent cover—over 80% in wet areas after 1 year. Mowing had mixed impacts depending on the species, and fertilization never significantly increased cover. Directly seeded species developed sparse cover (0–40%), probably as a result of drought conditions. However, E. petraea and E. refracta appeared more promising for use on rights‐of‐way when using high sowing rates. A second experiment conducted on a roadside included these two species and sprigged P. distichum. Both E. petraea and P. distichum developed more than 45% cover on the roadside. Establishment of these natives from seed or sprigs was significantly enhanced when site preparation effectively reduced the seedbank of other species present in the soil.  相似文献   

Fig (Ficus spp.) trees have been promoted as framework species for tropical forest restoration throughout Asia, because they are considered to be keystone species. This article presents optimal propagation and planting techniques for six Asian dioecious Ficus species, which will enable their inclusion in forest restoration plantings across the Asia‐Pacific region: Ficus auriculata, F. fulva, F. hispida, F. oligodon, F. semicordata, and F. variegata. Nursery experiments compared the growth performance of propagating planting stock from seed and from leafy cuttings, whereas field experiments assessed the cost‐effectiveness and the relative performance of (1) direct seeding, (2) planting stock from seed, and (3) planting stock from cuttings. The most efficient method of producing Ficus spp. was from seed. Propagation from cuttings was much less successful. Seedlings produced from seed had the highest rates of growth and survival both in the nursery and in field trials. In field trials, use of planting stock from seed was also more cost‐effective than direct seeding and vegetative propagation. Establishment costs calculated on the basis of “per plant established” were $1.14 for seed, $6.95 for cutting, and $25.88 for direct seeding.  相似文献   

We conducted a field experiment to examine how seeding method, soil ripping, and soil characteristics affected the initial establishment and growth of seeded species and if differences among treatments persisted into the second growing season. We planted seeds into a compacted field plot where most of the topsoil had been removed. The native seed mixture of Artemisia californica, Eschscholzia californica, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Lupinus succulentus, Nassella pulchra, and Vulpia microstachys represented different seed sizes and life histories. Three seeding methods (hydroseeding, imprinting, and drilling) and three ripping depths (0, 20, and 40 cm) were combined in a factorial experiment. Soil organic matter and NO3 ? were used as covariates. For two years, we measured density, percent cover, mean size, and flower production of the selected species, and weed emergence. Only seeding method and soil variation affected initial establishment of natives. Small‐seeded species had higher density in imprinted and hydroseeded than drilled treatments, whereas large‐seeded species had higher density in imprinted and drilled than hydroseeded treatments. These patterns persisted with only slight modification into the second year. Weed density in year 1 decreased with soil ripping. In year 1, Vulpia height and Lupinus height and flowering were greater with drilling or imprinting than hydroseeding but were not affected by ripping. Eschscholzia, Lupinus, and Vulpia produced seeds in the first year, but only Vulpia reestablished successfully in the second year. Vulpia had high cover in the second year that increased with increasing NO3 ? , but did not vary by treatment. In year 2 perennial Nassella, and to some extent Eriogonum, grew largest, produced more inflorescences, and had their highest percent cover in the 40‐cm rip treatment. Size and inflorescence production also increased with increasing NO3 ? ; sometimes this relationship was stronger than the effects of treatments. We found only positive associations between estimated biomass (density × height) of annuals and survival of shrubs. Potential for erosion control, as measured by total density in year 1 and total vegetative cover in year 2, was greatest in imprinted and hydroseeded treatments and increased with increasing NO3 ? . This relatively simple experiment yielded information critical to understanding optimum seeding methods and seedbed preparation and indicates that seeding method can be determined by seed size and germination biology. Although an experiment such as this enables some generalizations, it does not eliminate the need for site‐specific experiments prior to restoration.  相似文献   

Restoration of wetland and associated ecosystems is a major goal of land management agencies throughout the world. On the lower Colorado River, creation of riparian forests is planned to mitigate riparian habitat degradation by historic land-use conversions and river management. Current restoration practices use propagated plant stock. If direct seeding can be implemented, genetic and structural diversity could be enhanced at restoration sites even while reducing costs compared to vegetative propagation methods. A small-scale field study was implemented in Cibola, Arizona, to determine the effectiveness of direct seeding of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii), Goodding's willow (Salix gooddingii), and coyote willow (S. exigua). For the first growing season, establishment of Fremont cottonwood averaged 7% of pure live seed rates for all treatments combined, whereas establishment of willows was less than 1%. Volunteer species were abundant, with grasses dominating cover and biomass after one growing season. Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) established in abundance, but showed lower growth rates than Fremont cottonwood during the first growing season. Monitoring for three growing seasons indicated higher growth rates and survival of Fremont cottonwood compared to all volunteer species. Study results indicated that direct seeding of Fremont cottonwood is likely to be an efficient method for tree re-vegetation. Additional studies are required for willow species to determine if establishment from seed can be increased through enhanced weed control and elimination of Fremont cottonwood from the seed mix.  相似文献   

为探明种植翻压山黧豆绿肥与减施氮肥下的水稻生产潜力,通过3年田间定位试验,设置冬闲+不施肥(NF)、山黧豆绿肥(GM)、冬闲+常规氮肥(100%N,CK)、山黧豆绿肥+80%常规氮肥(GM+80%N)、山黧豆绿肥+70%常规氮肥(GM+70%N)、山黧豆绿肥+60%常规氮肥(GM+60%N)6个处理,研究不同处理对水稻生长、养分吸收及产量的影响。结果表明:(1)与CK相比,翻压山黧豆绿肥并减施氮肥处理均能够显著提升水稻株高、增加水稻分蘖数、提高水稻干物质积累量,其中以GM+70%N施肥处理提升效果最为明显。(2)GM+70%N施肥处理下,不同生育时期水稻株高、有效分蘖数分别较对照常规施肥(100%N)提升了13.32%~ 15.73%和33.98%~59.47%,水稻干物质积累量提高了23.19%~144.18%,且随着生育时期的推进增加速率依次降低。(3)种植翻压山黧豆绿肥并减施氮肥处理下水稻产量均有所提高,其中GM+70%N和GM+80%N处理显著提高,增产分别达13.84%,7.25%,且GM+70%N处理下水稻植株和籽粒养分吸收更为全面。研究发现,种植翻压山黧豆并适量减施氮肥能有效促进水稻生长和养分的吸收积累,显著提高水稻产量,说明翻压山黧豆绿肥可替代稻田30%~40%的氮肥施入量,并可在避免水稻旺长的同时实现水稻高产,是四川水稻种植较好的耕作措施。  相似文献   

In large areas of the world that are deeply scarred by desertification and hampered by low capacity for natural regeneration, the scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation can be achieved only if it is low in cost with high return on investment, and shows promise of providing long‐lasting social‐economic as well as ecological benefits. In the Monte Austral region of Patagonia Argentina, concerted efforts are underway to facilitate scaling up of ecological restoration and rehabilitation practices. Here, we evaluate financial costs and preliminary results of direct seeding as compared to outplanting of nursery‐grown seedlings of three native species (Atriplex lampa, Senecio subulatus var. subulatus, and Hyalis argentea var. latisquama) considered to be high‐priority dryland framework species. Comparative success is expressed in terms of plant survival and in monetary terms. The three candidate species showed low survival rates, ranging from 4.3 to 22.3%, after the first summer following direct seeding. In contrast, survival rates for planted seedlings of the same three taxa varied between 84 and 91%, after the first summer following reintroduction. However, cost of direct seeding varied between 1,693 and 1,772 US$ less per hectare, that is, 64% less than the cost of outplanting nursery seedlings. Therefore, in the search for ways to scale up ecological restoration and rehabilitation in drylands, direct seeding should receive more attention. We discuss the social and ecological perspectives and the way forward for direct seeding techniques in Patagonia. We also consider how costs could be reduced and effectiveness improved in large‐scale efforts.  相似文献   

Although direct tree seeding may be a potentially useful restoration practice, many biotic and abiotic barriers prevent seedling emergence and early development, reducing its success and applicability. To overcome these barriers, we undertook a field experiment to test the effects of using green manure and hydrogel alone, or in combination, on seedling performances of 14 native tree species that were planted by direct seeding in a deforested tropical seasonal forest area in southern Brazil and to examine how green manure affected the initial weed coverage in the study plots. We evaluated competing vegetation coverage and tree seedling emergence and early development for 2 years after sowing. Weed infestation was significantly higher in the experimental plots with no green manure; however, neither green manure nor hydrogel improved tree seedling emergence and early development at any time of measurement. Our results suggest that the use of green manure and hydrogel alone, or in combination, were not effective in guaranteeing direct seeding success; however, green manure can be an effective method to reduce weed infestation. Direct seeding techniques for tree species still need to be improved in order to restore tropical seasonal forests on a larger scale.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated that reduced light availability, which can be manipulated at local scales by planting or seeding canopy species, can curtail the growth of invasive species and promote the growth of native species. Species differences in functional traits, such as light use and stress tolerance, may be used to determine how native and invasive species will respond to these resource manipulations. We altered light availability in a mesic Hawaiian forest understory and found that low light levels reduced the biomass and growth of two invasive grasses (Pennisetum clandestinum and Ehrharta stipoides) relative to two native shrubs (Pipturus albidus and Coprosma rhynchocarpa) and two native canopy species (Metrosideros polymorpha and Acacia koa). Native species generally displayed traits associated with shade tolerance (high quantum yield, chlorophyll content, and leaf mass per area), whereas the two invasive grasses displayed traits associated with shade intolerance (high photosynthetic rate and growth rate). Several key traits pertaining to light acquisition and shade tolerance (quantum yield, chlorophyll content, and leaf mass per area) predicted seedling survival in low‐light treatments. Our data suggest that differences in light use among native and invasive species can help to determine the utility of resource manipulation as a restoration tool and, more specifically, to predict which native species will be optimal for restoration efforts that manipulate light availability.  相似文献   

Direct seeding is one of the most feasible techniques in practical, logistical, and economic terms for large-scale restoration of arid lands. However, several factors are still under study to enhance the outcomes of this restoration alternative, with species selection being a pivotal component. To evaluate differences in the performance of species in direct seeding, we selected five shrubs from the arid region known as “Monte Desert” in Argentina: Atriplex lampa, Hyalis argentea, Larrea divaricata, Neltuma flexuosa var. depressa, and Parkinsonia praecox. Direct seeding was carried out in furrows (4.0 m long, 0.5 m wide, and 0.4 m deep) with seeds previously treated to dormancy alleviation and with a density of 250 seeds/m2. We evaluated results in 12 furrows, where topsoil and hydrogel were deposited. The biological variables considered were seedling emergence, seedlings establishment regarding sowed seeds, and seedling success (survival in relation to emerged seedlings) after almost 3 years. The species with the highest emergence and establishment rates was A. lampa (50.16 and 23.75%, respectively). L. divaricata showed the lowest values for these variables (2.17 and 0.83%, respectively). On the other hand, the survival of N. flexuosa seedlings was >2× that of L. divaricata (65.02 vs. 30.36%). We discuss the notable differences in species performance and the possible role of furrows in the results.  相似文献   

Rangeland degradation is a serious problem in semiarid Africa. Extensive areas of bare, compacted, nutrient‐poor soils limit the productivity and biodiversity of many areas. We conducted a set of restoration experiments in which all eight combinations of soil tilling, fertilization, and seeding with native perennial grasses were carried out in replicated plots. After 6 months, little aboveground biomass was produced in plots without tilling, regardless of seeding or fertilization. Tilling alone tripled plant biomass, mostly of herbaceous forbs and annual grasses. Perennial grasses were essentially limited to plots that were both tilled and seeded. The addition of fertilizer had no significant additional effects. After 7 years, vegetation had declined, but there were still large differences among treatments. After 10 years, one tilled (and seeded) plot had reverted to bare ground, but the other tilled plots still had substantial vegetation. Only one seeded grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) was still a contributor to total cover after 10 years. We suggest that restoration efforts on these soils be directed first to breaking up the surface crust, and second to the addition of desirable seed. A simple ripping trial inspired by this experiment showed considerable promise as a low‐cost restoration technique.  相似文献   

Inoculation with beneficial soil microorganisms has the potential to enhance success of restoration, particularly in harsh Mediterranean‐type ecosystems (MTEs). We investigated the effects of microorganisms (mycorrhizal fungi and root nodule bacteria) and planting material (seed and nursery‐raised seedlings) on early establishment and growth of two key postdisturbance colonizing species with different life histories, life forms and functional types (Eucalyptus gomphocephala and Acacia saligna) under field conditions. Establishment and growth were monitored at 13 months, following the first MTE drought period. For E. gomphocephala, establishment was higher for seedlings (81%) than for seeding (7.5%). Inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungal spores was not beneficial. For A. saligna, establishment was also higher for seedlings (84%) than for seeding (42.5%). Mycorrhizal fungal inoculum had no effect on establishment or growth. This study has shown that in harsh MTE conditions, the use of seedlings is more effective than seeding in degraded woodlands even when attempting to reintroduce key colonizing species. The microorganism treatments tested did not result in significant improvement in establishment or growth.  相似文献   

Due to frequent fire, low nutrient availability, and prolonged drought, tropical savanna is a stressful environment for the survival and growth of woody plant seedlings. To understand why forest species do not succeed in this environment while savanna species are able to persist, the effects of fire and woody cover on seedlings of these two functional groups were investigated in the Brazilian Cerrado. Seedlings were established in experimental plots under three densities of woody cover, in sites protected from fire and sites to be subjected to fire. There was a clear difference in the ability of savanna and forest species to survive fire. None of the three forest species were able to survive fire during the first two years of life, whereas eight of the nine savanna species were able to resprout following fire. The small seed size of the ninth savanna species, Miconia albicans, predisposed its seedlings to be sensitive to fire, because there was a strong positive correlation between seed size and survivorship. Savanna species were less dependent on woody cover than were forest species, which exhibited higher growth and survival under tree canopies than in open grassland. The low rates of establishment and survival of forest trees in savanna, combined with high sensitivity to fire, appear sufficient to prevent the expansion of forest into savanna under current fire regimes in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

Unsanctioned travel routes through alpine ecosystems can influence water drainage patterns, cause sedimentation of streams, and erode soils. These disturbed areas can take decades to revegetate. In 2012, a volunteer‐driven project restored a 854‐m section of unsanctioned road along the Continental Divide in Colorado, United States. The restored area was seeded with three native grass species and then treated by installing erosion matting or adding supplemental rock cover. Four years later, results suggest that the seeding along with the use of erosion matting or supplemental rock can enhance revegetation. Matting appeared to accumulate litter, and this effect might have contributed to enhanced moisture retention. Treated areas contained 40% of the vegetation cover found on adjacent controls, which averaged 69% vascular plant absolute cover. Recovery on both treatments was markedly higher than published estimates of passive revegetation of disturbed areas measured elsewhere suggesting seeding with added cover or protection led to substantial vegetative cover after 4 years. Two of the 3 seeded grass species, Trisetum spicatum and Poa alpina, dominated the restored plots, composing 81.7% of relative vegetation cover on matting sites and 73.4% of relative cover on rock‐supplemented areas. Presumably due to its preference for moister sites, Deschampsia cespitosa had low establishment rates. Volunteer species, that is species that appeared on their own, contributed 6.3% to the absolute vegetation cover of matting and rock sites, and species such as Minuartia biflora, Minuartia obtusiloba, Poa glauca, and Festuca brachyphylla should be considered for use in future restorations.  相似文献   

Planting multiple species in wetland restoration sites could potentially accelerate ecological succession while enhancing ecological services. Our study of thick‐mat floating marsh demonstrated that two species performed better than monocultures for developing a more structurally sound root mat. Although Panicum hemitomon is the typical dominant and focal species of all restoration efforts of this habitat type, we evaluated the effects of additional species, including Sagittaria lancifolia, a ubiquitous floating marsh constituent, and three laterally growing specialists (Alternanthera philoxeroides, Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, and Ludwigia peploides). In a mesocosm experiment, we found greater P. hemitomon biomass in monocultures but greater vegetative cover and total mat biomass with P. hemitomon plus L. peploides, but not greater biomass in the most species‐rich treatment or treatment with the greatest initial planting density. We conclude that L. peploides aids restoration of thick‐mat floating marsh by increasing mat buoyancy, enhancing lateral growth, and providing greater root mat structural integrity. This type of laterally growing specialist should accelerate coalescence of neighboring constructed and naturally formed mats. Planting species that occupy complementary niches should also minimize competition for key resources.  相似文献   

The decline in grasslands and other species‐rich early successional habitats on the coastal sandplains of the northeastern United States has spurred management to increase the area of these declining plant communities. We mechanically removed overstory oak and applied seed from a nearby sandplain grassland on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, to evaluate this technique for creating an open oak community able to support sandplain herbaceous species. We compared vegetation structure and composition before and after clearing in an area of total tree removal (clearcutting), an area where 85% of tree basal area was removed (savanna cutting), and in adjacent coastal oak forest. Plant responses to clearcutting and savanna cutting were similar. Sandplain herbs colonized at high frequencies after seeding and increased herbaceous cover from less than 7% before clearing to 22–38% three growing seasons later. Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica) increased in cover approximately 6‐fold, accounting for 84–90% of the increased herbaceous cover. Other native ruderals and exotic herbs reached 2 and less than or equal to 1%, cover, respectively, after three years. Species richness across cleared treatments increased from 30 to 79 species. All forest species were retained. Forest shrubs and trees initially declined from their dominant cover but rebounded after three years. Tree clearing plus seeding appeared to be a viable management practice for increasing cover of herbaceous sandplain species while causing minimal increases in exotic herbaceous cover. The long‐term persistence of sandplain herbs may require periodic disturbances that limit woody regrowth.  相似文献   

Disturbed natural areas frequently experience invasion by introduced plant species that can reduce native biodiversity. Biological control can suppress these introduced species, but without restoration another introduced species can invade. Integration of biological control with concurrent revegetation can both aid in weed reduction via interspecific plant competition and establish a restored native plant community. This 3‐year study investigated an integrated approach to controlling the introduced annual Mile‐a‐minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata [L.] H. Gross [Polygonaceae]) using the biocontrol weevil Rhinoncomimus latipes Korotyaev (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and restoration planting using a native seed mix. A fully factorial design tested weevils and seeding, separately and together, using insecticide to eliminate weevils. The weevils together with the native seed mix reduced P. perfoliata percent cover in 2009 and 2010, and peak seed cluster production in 2010, compared to the insecticide ? no seed control treatment. Persicaria perfoliata final dry biomass was reduced by 75% in 2010 and by 57% in 2011 in the weevils plus seed treatment compared to the control, with weevils having the greatest effect in 2010 and the seed treatment having the greatest impact in 2011. Results suggest an additive effect of biocontrol and seeding in suppressing P. perfoliata. Seeded treatments also developed the highest native plant species richness and diversity, comprised of spontaneous recolonization in addition to species from the seed mix. Results support the use of integrated management of this invasive weed, with suppression through biological control and native revegetation together helping prevent reinvasion while restoring native plant biodiversity.  相似文献   

孟鹏飞  郭涛  刘文 《微生物学通报》2023,50(3):1111-1122
【背景】在农田生态系统中,土壤微生物与植物互作的机制仍不清楚。【目的】进一步加强对植物-微生物互作的认识,筛选出引起不同反馈作用的关键微生物或微生物类群。【方法】采集豆科绿肥救荒野豌豆(Vicia sativa, V)、十字花科绿肥油菜(Brassica napus, N)和荒坡土壤(remnant prairie, R)驯化的田块土壤0-20 cm作为菌剂在温室进行植物-土壤反馈(plant-soil feedback,PSF)试验。土壤菌剂的接种量为10%,即有90%理化性质一致的灭菌土壤作为背景土,同时设置灭菌土壤菌剂作为对照(CK),种植玉米。每组土壤菌剂处理均分为50 mg/kg高磷(high phosphorus,HP)和5 mg/kg低磷(low phosphorus, LP)两个磷浓度处理。玉米收获后,测定产量和植株地上部磷含量,并取土壤样品进行高通量测序,解析不同养分供给情况下微生物对作物生长的反馈效应。【结果】高磷和土壤反馈效应均促进了玉米的生长。在低磷水平下,V、N和R处理的玉米地上部生物量均高于CK处理,但N处理的玉米地上部生物量增加最多(38%),且增幅显著高...  相似文献   

Reestablishment of perennial vegetation is often needed after wildfires to limit exotic species and restore ecosystem services. However, there is a growing body of evidence that questions if seeding after wildfires increases perennial vegetation and reduces exotic plants. The concern that seeding may not meet restoration goals is even more prevalent when native perennial vegetation is seeded after fire. We evaluated vegetation cover and density responses to broadcast seeding native perennial grasses and mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata Nutt. spp. vaseyana [Rydb.] Beetle) after wildfires in the western United States in six juniper (Juniperus occidentalis ssp. occidentalis Hook)‐dominated mountain big sagebrush communities for 3 years postfire. Seeding native perennial species compared to not seeding increased perennial grass and sagebrush cover and density. Perennial grass cover was 4.3 times greater in seeded compared to nonseeded areas. Sagebrush cover averaged 24 and less than 0.1% in seeded and nonseeded areas at the conclusion of the study, respectively. Seeding perennial species reduced exotic annual grass and annual forb cover and density. Exotic annual grass cover was 8.6 times greater in nonseeded compared to seeded areas 3 years postfire. Exotic annual grass cover increased over time in nonseeded areas but decreased in seeded areas by the third‐year postfire. Seeded areas were perennial‐dominated and nonseeded areas were annual‐dominated at the end of the study. Establishing perennial vegetation may be critical after wildfires in juniper‐dominated sagebrush steppe to prevent the development of annual‐dominated communities. Postwildfire seeding increased perennial vegetation and reduced exotic plants and justifies its use.  相似文献   

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