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Various approaches to coral restoration have been developed to help increase rate of reef recovery from perturbations, among the most common of which is coral transplantation. Success is often evaluated based on short‐term observations that capture only the initial phase of space colonization by coral transplants. Here, an individual‐based model is developed to quantify uncertainty in future trajectories in experimental plots given past observations. Empirical data were used to estimate probabilistic growth, survival, and fission rates of Acropora pulchra and A. intermedia (order Scleractinia) in a sandy reef flat (Bolinao, Philippines). Simulations were initialized with different densities (25 or 50 transplants per species per 16 m2) to forecast possible coral cover trajectories over a 5‐year period. Given current conditions, there is risk of local extinction which is higher in low‐density plots for both species, and higher for A. intermedia compared to A. pulchra regardless of density. While total coral cover is projected to increase, species composition in the future is more likely to be highly uneven. The model was used to quantify effect on recovery rate of protection from pulse anthropogenic disturbances, given different initial transplantation densities. When monitoring data are limited in time, stochastic models may be used to assess whether the restoration trajectory is heading toward the desired state and at what rate, and foresee system response to various adaptive interventions.  相似文献   

Transplantation of coral fragments is seen as a potential method to rapidly restore coral cover to areas of degraded reef; however, considerable research is still needed to assess the effectiveness of coral transplantation as a viable reef restoration tool. Initially, during restoration efforts, coral transplants are attached artificially. Self‐attachment (i.e., growth of coral tissue onto the substrate) provides a more secure and lasting bond, thus knowledge about self‐attachment times for corals is of importance to reef restoration. While it is known that coral fragments may generate new tissue and bond to substrata within a few weeks of transplantation, surprisingly little is known about the speed of self‐attachment for most species. Two independent experiments were carried out to examine the self‐attachment times of 12 scleractinian and one non‐scleractinian coral species to a natural calcium carbonate substrate. The first experiment examined times to self‐attachment in 11 species of differing morphologies from seven families over approximately 7 months, whereas the second experiment examined three fast‐attaching Acropora species over approximately 1 month. In the first experiment, the branching species Acropora muricata had a significantly faster self‐attachment time compared to all other species, while Echinopora lamellosa had the slowest self‐attachment time. For the second experiment, A. muricata was significantly slower to self‐attach than Acropora hyacinthus (tabular) and Acropora digitifera (corymbose‐digitate). The results suggest that a combination of factors including growth rates, growth form and life history may determine how quickly fragments of coral species self‐attach after fragmentation and transplantation.  相似文献   

With many coral reef areas being degraded whether by anthropogenic or natural causes, a search is on for resilient species of corals that can restore coral cover where needed, if coral reefs are to continue to provide adequate ecosystem services. A series of experiments were undertaken in two sites with different environmental attributes and substrates in a lagoonal area in the northwestern Philippines to test the potentials of a local species, Porites cylindrica, for reef rehabilitation. With the use of asexual fragmentation of donor colonies, different treatments were tested, particularly to determine if the species would survive on different substrates, that is, solid, massive versus digitate/anastomosing, dead colonies. The results after nearly 2 years of the experiment were extraordinarily successful, with survival of transplants ranging from a high of 98% to a low of 80% of colonies, resulting in extensive coral cover on both original and new or different substrate from the original. A subsequent observation after another 16 months showed the coral cover to have been complete or nearly complete in the experimental plots, with the transplanted colonies fusing, and with evident reef fish communities where there were none before. Had there been no intervention, it is highly likely that the reefs would have remained in a degraded state .  相似文献   

In situ nurseries have been a crucial part of coral reef restoration initiatives for the past two decades. However, the advantages over direct transplantation in sedimented waters has yet to be examined. In the present study, we showed that Pachyseris speciosa and Pocillopora damicornis fragments reared in in situ nurseries (NR) in Singapore’s sedimented waters grew significantly faster (by three to five times) than those which were directly transplanted (DT) onto the substrates. The increased growth rate during the nursery phase augmented the size of NR transplants, and had a flow-on effect on their performance during the post-transplantation phase. Overall, the maximum diameter of the NR transplants was 1.8–2.7 times larger than DT transplants after 11 months. The growth enhancement of the nursery-reared transplants improved the cost-effectiveness of our restoration effort: the estimated cost per centimetre growth of NR transplants was one-fifth of the DT corals despite the additional costs incurred to construct the nurseries. These results highlight that coral nurseries are beneficial to reef restoration in chronically sedimented waters.  相似文献   

High coral cover and topographic complexity are favorable qualities of a healthy coral reef. Because coral reef restoration is expensive and coral growth is naturally slow, there is a need to strategically arrange coral transplants to maximize coral cover and topographic complexity. Similarly, it is important to understand how differences in the life history characteristics of coral transplants can influence changes in the structural attributes of coral reefs. This study utilizes agent‐based computer modeling to explore the different spatial scenarios of coral transplantation using corals with contrasting r‐ and K‐selected life histories. Spatial indexes are used to compare coral cover and topographic complexity at incremental time scales, within which disturbance events are of minor importance in spatial structuring. The outcomes of the model suggest that even‐spaced grided transplanting arrangements provide the fastest increase in coral cover and three‐dimensional habitat space (topographic complexity) across large temporal scales (<30 years) for corals with r‐selected life history strategies.  相似文献   

Little is known about the reproductive biology of corals from the Philippines, despite this archipelago being at the center of coral reef biodiversity. Here, we report on the reproductive biology of a branching poritid species provisionally identified as Porites cf. cylindrica in the Bolinao‐Anda reef complex (BARC), northwestern Philippines. Histological examination and ex situ planulation observations reveal P.cf. cylindrica colonies to be gonochoric brooders that release actively swimming zooxanthellate larvae. Planulation appeared to occur throughout the year and there was significant lunar periodicity in planular release. The mean peak of release occurred from the 25th to 29th lunar day or just before the new moon, while peak in diel timing in planulation occurred during daytime between 08:00–11:00 h. Elsewhere in the Pacific, Porites cylindrica colonies are reported to broadcast spawn. If our species identification is correct, then this is the first report of brooding in P. cylindrica. Although there are no apparent morphological differences between the coral in this study and P. cylindrica reported from other sites, an alternative explanation for our findings is that our provisionally identified Porites cf. cylindrica is a different species. If so, our findings further highlight how difficulties with species identification in corals can influence our understanding of geographical variation in reproductive biology.  相似文献   

A form of active restoration for coral assemblages involves culturing coral nubbins at nursery sites before transplantation to recipient reefs. Incidental grazing and/or directed predation by local fish assemblages are major sources of dislodgement and mortality for coral nubbins in nurseries. However, the rate of coral nubbin detachment, how this varies across fish taxa, and whether nubbin size affects rates of detachment warrant further investigation. We used field and aquaria experiments to examine the effect of incidental grazing and predation on the detachment of Porites cylindrica nubbins of different sizes (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cm height). Short‐term (6 hours) exposure of nubbins to local fish assemblages at Lucero Reef, northwestern Philippines, caused higher detachment (1.93% ± 0.53 SE) compared to caged controls (0.16% ± 0.16 SE), with no detectable effect of nubbin size. To identify the impact of individual fish species, nubbins were exposed to one of four locally abundant herbivorous and corallivorous fish species in aquaria for 8 hours. Nubbin detachment was greater when exposed to Chlorurus spilurus (1.20–36.2%) and Siganus fuscescens (0.00–15.0%) than Chaetodon lunulatus (0.00–4.00%) and Chaetodon kleinii (0.00–1.20%), with the smallest nubbins (0.5 cm) being the most vulnerable. Our results suggest that incidental grazing by herbivorous fishes, especially parrotfishes, may potentially be an important source of detachment and likely mortality of nubbins. Optimizing coral nursery protocols should consider potential trade‐offs between excluding grazing fishes and the accumulation of algal material on caging structures to minimize nubbin mortality and improve coral restoration success.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of coral reef fish species are potentially determined by habitat preferences and behavioural interactions. However, the relative importance of these factors and whether or not behavioural interactions reinforce or disrupt habitat associations are poorly understood. This paper explores the degree to which habitat and social preferences explain the association that three common coral reef cardinalfish species (Zoramia leptacanthus, Archamia zosterophora and Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus; family Apogonidae) have with coral substrata at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. At diurnal resting sites, species were strongly associated with branching corals, with 80–90% of each species inhabiting one branching coral species, Porites cylindrica. Species were also highly gregarious, forming large con-specific and hetero-specific aggregations in coral heads, potentially reinforcing habitat associations. Three-way choice experiments were conducted to test fishes habitat preferences for living coral over dead substrata, for particular coral species, and the influence of gregarious behaviour on these habitat choices. The strength of habitat preferences differed among species, with Z. leptacanthus preferring live coral and P. cylindrica, A. zosterophora preferring P. cylindrica, whether live or dead and C. quinquelineatus exhibiting no preferences. All species were attracted to conspecifics, and for C. quinquelineatus and A. zosterophora, conspecific attraction resulted in stronger preferences for live corals. Gregarious behaviour also increased C. quinquelineatus associations with P. cylindrica. The relative strength of social attraction versus habitat preferences was investigated by comparing fish habitat preferences in the presence and/or absence of conspecifics. The presence of conspecifics on non-preferred rubble habitat reduced each species association with live coral. This study’s results indicate that in the field, habitat preferences and conspecific attraction combine to reinforce the association between cardinalfishes and a narrow range of coral substrata.  相似文献   

Under bleaching conditions, corals lose their symbiotic zooxanthellae, and thus, the ability to synthesize fatty acids (FAs) from photosynthetically derived carbon. This study investigated the lipid content and FA composition in healthy and bleached corals from the Odo reef flat in Okinawa, southern Japan, following a bleaching event. It was hypothesized that the FA composition and abundance would change as algae are lost or die, and possibly microbial abundance would increase in corals as a consequence of bleaching. The lipid content and FA composition of three healthy coral species (Pavona frondifera, Acropora pulchra, and Goniastrea aspera) and of partially bleached and completely bleached colonies of P. frondifera were examined. The FA composition did not differ among healthy corals, but differed significantly among healthy, partially bleached, and completely bleached specimens of P. frondifera. Completely bleached corals contained significantly lower lipid and total FA content, as well as lower relative amounts of polyunsaturated FAs and higher relative amounts of saturated FAs, than healthy and partially bleached corals. Furthermore, there was a significantly higher relative concentration of monounsaturated FAs and odd-numbered branched FAs in completely bleached corals, indicating an increase in bacterial colonization in the bleached corals.  相似文献   

Studies on coral reef restoration through a two-step coral gardening protocol have lately proved it to be a viable solution for future reef restoration. This involves a first step of gardening small colonies in mid-water nurseries and a second step, their transplantation, upon reaching suitable size, onto the pre-surveyed damaged areas. We established in September 2007 two mid-water nurseries, each holding 10,000 fragments measuring 2 cm average initial size, at 4 m depths (high tide) in Zanzibar and Mafia Islands, Tanzania. Each nursery comprised six species, each of which was represented by three genotypes. During 9 months, we followed developments by analyzing and comparing survivorship and growth rates of fragments between the different nurseries, species and genotypes. A significant difference between species survival and growth rates was observed in acroporid species, in Pocillopora verrucosa and Millepora sp., which showed better success than Porites cylindrica. In both sites, Millepora suffered no mortality and other species exhibited low mortality, ranging (per coral genotype) between 3% and 24% in Zanzibar (most cases below 10%) and between 13% and 44% (mostly below 25%) in Mafia Island. Most of fragments’ mortality occurred during the first two nursery months. Coral species in Zanzibar nursery also performed better in growth rates than those in Mafia, but in both sites, farmed corals were ready for transplantation just 9 months after the nursery was set up. Economic evaluations involved in the overall nursery set-up and the results indicated that the coral gardening approach could be used in Tanzania to generate large quantities of coral colonies for the restoration of damaged reefs at relatively low cost.  相似文献   

Parrotfish grazing scars on coral colonies were quantified across four reef zones at Lizard Island, Northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The abundance of parrotfish grazing scars was highest on reef flat and crest, with massive Porites spp. colonies having more parrotfish grazing scars than all other coral species combined. Massive Porites was the only coral type positively selected for grazing by parrotfishes in all four reef zones. The density of parrotfish grazing scars on massive Porites spp., and the rate of new scar formation, was highest on the reef crest and flat, reflecting the lower massive Porites cover and higher parrotfish abundance in these habitats. Overall, it appears that parrotfish predation pressure on corals could affect the abundance of preferred coral species, especially massive Porites spp, across the reef gradient. Parrotfish predation on corals may have a more important role on the GBR reefs than previously thought.  相似文献   

As part of a study of reef rehabilitation, whole coral colonies (primarily Acropora, Pocillopora, Porites, Eavia and Favites) were transplanted and cemented in place onto three approximately 20 m2 areas of Armorflex concrete mats on a 0.8–1.5 m deep reef-flat in the Maldives which had been severely degraded by coral mining. Growth, in situ mortality, and losses from mats due to wave action of a total of 530 transplants were monitored over 28 months. Natural recruitment of corals to both the transplanted Armorflex areas and concrete mats without transplants was also studied. Overall survivorship of corals 28 moths after transplantation was 51%. Most losses of transplants due to wave action occurred during the first 7 months when 25% were lost, with only a further 5% of colonies being lost subsequently. Within 16 months most colonies had accreted naturally to the concretemats. Thirty-two percent of transplants which remained attached died with Acropora hyacinthus and Pocillopora perrucosa having the highest mortality rates (approx. 50% nortality over two years) and Porites lobata and P. lutea the lowest (2.8 and 8.1% mortality respectively over two years). Growth rates were very variable with a quarter to a third of transplants showing negative growth during each inter-survey period. Acropora hyacinthus, A. cytherea and A. divaricata transplants had the highest growth rates (colony mean linear radial extension 4.15–5.81 cm y-1), followed by Pocillopora verrucosa (mean 2.51 cm y-1). Faviids and poritids had lowest growth rates. Favia and Favites showed the poorest response to transplantation whilst Acropora divaricata, which combined a high growth rate with relatively low mortality, appeared particularly amenable to transplantation. Natural recruitment did not differ significantly between concrete mats with and without transplanted corals. Visible recruits wer first recorded 10 months after emplacement of the mats and were predominantly Acropora and Pocillopora. On near vertical surfaces their density was almost 18 m-2. Recruits grew fast producing many 20–30 cm diameter colonies on the mats within 3.5 years. Growth and survival of transplants are compared with results of transplantation studies in other locations. We conclude: (1) species transplanted should be selected with care as certain species are significantly more amenable than others to transplantation, (2) the choice of whether fragments or whole colonies are transplanted may profoundly influence survival, (3) considerable loss of transplants is likely from higher energy sites whatever method of attachment, (4) transplantation should, in general, be undertaken only if recovery following natural recruitment is unlikely.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the Florida reef tract has lost over 95% of its coral cover. Although isolated coral assemblages persist, coral restoration programs are attempting to recover local coral populations. Listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, Acropora cervicornis is the most widely targeted coral species for restoration in Florida. Yet strategies are still maturing to enhance the survival of nursery‐reared outplants of A. cervicornis colonies on natural reefs. This study examined the survival of 22,634 A. cervicornis colonies raised in nurseries along the Florida reef tract and outplanted to six reef habitats in seven geographical subregions between 2012 and 2018. A Cox proportional hazards regression was used within a Bayesian framework to examine the effects of seven variables: (1) coral‐colony size at outplanting, (2) coral‐colony attachment method, (3) genotypic diversity of outplanted A. cervicornis clusters, (4) reef habitat, (5) geographical subregion, (6) latitude, and (7) the year of monitoring. The best models included coral‐colony size at outplanting, reef habitat, geographical subregion, and the year of monitoring. Survival was highest when colonies were larger than 15 cm (total linear extension), when outplanted to back‐reef and fore‐reef habitats, and when outplanted in Biscayne Bay and Broward–Miami subregions, in the higher latitudes of the Florida reef tract. This study points to several variables that influence the survival of outplanted A. cervicornis colonies and highlights a need to refine restoration strategies to help restore their population along the Florida reef tract.  相似文献   

Worldwide, coral reefs are degrading due to increasing anthropogenic pressures. Yet, management of reefs still falls short of effectively addressing these threats, and active restoration methods are increasingly being called for. Coral transplantation is frequently advocated as a possible means of coral reef rehabilitation. Fragments produced in coral nurseries or farms have been proposed as a potential source for transplantation, and culture media (inexpensive but non‐durable materials such as wood or bamboo) may serve as transplantation substrate if placed directly in the reef. However, the performance of coral transplants attached to such substrates has not been examined yet. Here, the long‐term survival of transplants attached to bamboo substrates is reported. A total of 6,164 fragments of 4 coral species (Acroporids and Pocilloporids) were monitored for up to 20 months at three sites in North Sulawesi/Indonesia. Bamboo failed as a suitable inexpensive substrate in at least two of the three sites examined. Mortality of transplants 2 years after transplantation was high in three of the four species (67–95%) and was partially linked to substrate disintegration. The results show that, in places were currents or waves threaten to dislocate transplants, a higher effort needs to be directed at a strong and durable attachment of transplanted corals.  相似文献   

Two common goals for restoration are rapid plant establishment and long‐term plant persistence. The success of transplanted populations may be jeopardized if the donor transplants are not genetically diverse, and/or poorly matched to their new environment. Here, we test the effects of local adaptation and plot‐level genetic diversity on the early establishment phase of a threatened seagrass species, Posidonia australis, by performing a reciprocal transplant experiment across two genetically and geographically distinct populations in southeastern Australia. Posidonia australis is a long‐lived, slow‐growing species that has no seed bank, and the successful transplantation of live shoots and seedlings is the only available restoration method. Our results show a strong effect of local adaptation and genetic diversity on P. australis survivorship and performance over the first 6 months following transplantation. High‐genetic diversity plots displayed higher survival rates and exhibited reduced productivity and increased carbohydrate reserves within the rhizome. This suggests that high‐diversity plots included shoots that were conserving energy stores by actively reducing growth rates during the early stages of transplantation. The lowest diversity plots exhibited high leaf and root productivity and corresponding low carbohydrate reserves. This may be a sign of stress in the low‐diversity transplants, potentially explaining the very low survival rate. We suggest that future restoration efforts source donor transplants from multiple local sources to ensure both local adaptation and sufficient genetic diversity to increase the likelihood of early establishment success.  相似文献   

Mass spawning of corals provides a large seasonal pulse of high-energy prey that potentially benefits reef fish that are capable of capturing and digesting coral propagules. This study examines the range of fish species that consume coral propagules and also tests whether reef fish experience a significant increase in physiological condition when feeding on coral propagules. Thirty-six species of diurnal reef fish were seen to consume coral propagules released during mass coral spawning. Stomach content analyses of three reef fish species (Pomacentrus moluccensis, Abudefduf whitleyi, and Caesio cunning) revealed that both P. moluccensis and A. whitleyi feed almost exclusively on coral propagules during mass coral spawning. Fish feeding extensively on coral propagules also amassed considerable lipid stores, which could greatly improve the quality and survivorship of their progeny. In contrast, C. cunning consumed only very small quantities of coral propagules, and showed no detectable change in lipid stores during the course of the study. This study provides the first direct evidence that reef fish benefit from mass coral spawning, and reveals a potentially significant trophic link between scleractinian corals and reef fish. Accepted: 9 June 2000  相似文献   

Recreational and other human activities degrade coral reefs worldwide to a point where efficient restoration techniques are needed. Here we tested several strategies for gardening denuded reefs. The gardening concept consists of in situ or ex situ mariculture of coral recruits, followed by their transplantation into degraded reef sites. In situ nurseries were established in Eilat's (Northern Red Sea) shallow waters, sheltering three types of coral materials taken from the branching species Stylophora pistillata (small colonies, branch fragments, and spat) that were monitored for up to two years. Pruning more than 10% of donor colonies' branches increased mortality, and surviving colonies displayed reduced reproductive activity. Maricultured isolated branches, however, exceeded donor colony life span and reproductive activity and added 0.5–45% skeletal mass per year. Forty‐four percent of the small colonies survived after 1.5‐year mariculture, revealing average yearly growth of 75 ± 32%. Three months ex situ maintenance of coral spat (sexual recruits) prior to the in situ nursery phase increased survivorship. Within the next 1.5 years, they developed into colonies of 3–4 cm diameter. Nursery periods of 2 years, 4–5 years, and more than> 5 years have been estimated for small colonies, spat, and isolated branches, respectively. These and other results, including the possible use of nubbins (minute fragments the size of a single or few polyps), are discussed, revealing benefits and drawbacks for each material. In situ coral mariculture is an improved practice to the common but potentially harmful protocol of direct coral transplantation. It is suggested that reef gardening may be used as a key management tool in conservation and restoration of denuded reef areas. The gardening concept may be applicable for coral reefs worldwide through site‐specific considerations and the use of different local coral species.  相似文献   

Transplanting nursery-reared corals is among one of the most common approaches to assist the recovery of degraded reefs. The nursery phase is considered essential for providing a favourable environment for coral fragments to grow into suitable sizes before transplantation to natural reef substrates. Several types of coral nursery designs have been used, but the effect of nursery table slope orientation on survival and growth of coral fragments has not been fully evaluated. Survival and growth of coral fragments from four species (Pectinia paeonia, Podabacia crustacea, Pocillopora acuta, Merulina ampliata) on three inclinations of nursery table top (horizontal (0°), diagonal (45°) and vertical (90°)) were monitored over six months. The effects of slope orientation on survival and growth of fragments were not significant among species except P. acuta, for which survivorship and growth decreased significantly only on vertical nursery tables. The conditions required for coral propagation, such as slope orientation of nursery tables and the initial size of fragments, clearly differ among species due to their inherent attributes and restoration success will greatly benefit from empirical studies derived from a wider range of species.  相似文献   

Fragments of the coral Pocillopora spp. were collected from Carrizales Reef to assess two transplantation techniques for coral reef restoration: (1) coral clusters (CC) technique, in which five to seven coral fragments were joined using plastic straps, and (2) simple aggregation (SA) technique, in which fragments were placed evenly on the seabed. Over 270 days, the transplanted fragments were monitored for various indicators of coral health, including skeletal growth, the proportion of colonizing invertebrates, coral fragmentation, the proportion of algal growth, signs of coral disease, and the degree of fusion of coral fragments. We found 95.5% and 89.0% survival of fragments with the CC and SA techniques, respectively. These results indicate that the CC technique leads to greater stability, merger and integration of fragments, and greater aggregation of the fragments with the substrate at transplantation sites. Both transplantation methods are economical and could easily be applied at a broad scale for coral reef restoration.  相似文献   

Large-scale coral reef restoration is needed to help recover structure and function of degraded coral reef ecosystems and mitigate continued coral declines. In situ coral propagation and reef restoration efforts have scaled up significantly in past decades, particularly for the threatened Caribbean staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, but little is known about the role that native competitors and predators, such as farming damselfishes, have on the success of restoration. Steep declines in A. cervicornis abundance may have concentrated the negative impacts of damselfish algal farming on a much lower number of coral prey/colonies, thus creating a significant threat to the persistence and recovery of depleted coral populations. This is the first study to document the prevalence of resident damselfishes and negative effects of algal lawns on A. cervicornis along the Florida Reef Tract (FRT). Impacts of damselfish lawns on A. cervicornis colonies were more prevalent (21.6% of colonies) than those of other sources of mortality (i.e., disease (1.6%), algal/sponge overgrowth (5.6%), and corallivore predation (7.9%)), and damselfish activities caused the highest levels of tissue mortality (34.6%) among all coral stressors evaluated. The probability of damselfish occupation increased as coral colony size and complexity increased and coral growth rates were significantly lower in colonies with damselfish lawns (15.4 vs. 29.6 cm per year). Reduced growth and mortality of existing A. cervicornis populations may have a significant effect on population dynamics by potentially reducing important genetic diversity and the reproductive potential of depleted populations. On a positive note, however, the presence of resident damselfishes decreased predation by other corallivores, such as Coralliophila and Hermodice, and may offset some negative impacts caused by algal farming. While most negative impacts of damselfishes identified in this study affected large individual colonies and <50% of the A. cervicornis population along the FRT, the remaining wild staghorn population, along with the rapidly increasing restored populations, continue to fulfill important functional roles on coral reefs by providing essential habitat and refuge to other reef organisms. Although the effects of damselfish predation are, and will continue to be, pervasive, successful restoration efforts and strategic coral transplantation designs may help overcome damselfish damage by rapidly increasing A. cervicornis cover and abundance while also providing important information to educate future conservation and management decisions.  相似文献   

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