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E. coli genes that contain a high frequency of the tetranucleotide CTAG are also rich in the tetramers CTTG, CCTA, CCAA, TTGG, TAGG, and CAAG (group-I tetramers). Conversely, E. coli genes lacking CTAG are rich in the tetranucleotides CCTG, CCAG, CTGG, and CAGG (group-II tetramers). These two gene samples differ also in codon usage, amino acid composition, frequency of Dcm sites, and contrast vocabularies. Group-I tetramers have in common that they are depleted by very-short-patch repair (VSP), while group-II tetramers are favored by VSP activity. The VSP system repairs G:T mismatches to G:C, thereby increasing the overall G+C content of the genome; for this reason the CTAG-rich sample has a lower G+C content than the CTAG-poor sample. This compositional heterogeneity can be tentatively explained by a low level of VSP activity on the CTAG-rich sample. A negative correlation is found between the frequency of group-I tetramers and the level of gene expression, as measured by the Codon Adaptation Index (CAI). A possible link between the rate of VSP activity and the level of gene expression is considered.Correspondence to: A. Marine  相似文献   

Our dream of determining the entire Escherichia coli K12 genome sequence has been realized. This calls for new approaches for the analysis of gene expression and function in biology's best-understood organism. Comparison of the E. coli genome sequence with others will provide important taxonomic insights and have implications for the study of bacterial virulence. Approximately 20% of E. coli genes have been designated FUN genes, because they have no known function or homologies to sequence databases. FUN genes promise to have an exciting impact on bacterial research. The post-genome era requires novel strategies that address gene regulation at the level of the entire cell. These strategies need to supersede the reductionist approach to genetic analysis. Only then will the genome sequence lead us to an understanding of how a bacterial cell really works.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli K-12 chromosome encodes at least five proteic toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. The mazEF and relBE systems have been extensively characterized and were proposed to be general stress response modules. On one hand, mazEF was proposed to act as a programmed cell death system that is triggered by a variety of stresses. On the other hand, relBE and mazEF were proposed to serve as growth modulators that induce a dormancy state during amino acid starvation. These conflicting hypotheses led us to test a possible synergetic effect of the five characterized E. coli TA systems on stress response. We compared the behavior of a wild-type strain and its derivative devoid of the five TA systems under various stress conditions. We were unable to detect TA-dependent programmed cell death under any of these conditions, even under conditions previously reported to induce it. Thus, our results rule out the programmed-cell-death hypothesis. Moreover, the presence of the five TA systems advantaged neither recovery from the different stresses nor cell growth under nutrient-limited conditions in competition experiments. This casts a doubt on whether TA systems significantly influence bacterial fitness and competitiveness during non-steady-state growth conditions.  相似文献   

The ATP synthase from Escherichia coli is a prototype of the ATP synthases that are found in many bacteria, in the mitochondria of eukaryotes, and in the chloroplasts of plants. It contains eight different types of subunits that have traditionally been divided into F1, a water-soluble catalytic sector, and Fo, a membrane-bound ion transporting sector. In the current rotary model for ATP synthesis, the subunits can be divided into rotor and stator subunits. Several lines of evidence indicate that is one of the three rotor subunits, which rotate through 360 degrees. The three-dimensional structure of is known and its interactions with other subunits have been explored by several approaches. In light of recent work by our group and that of others, the role of in the ATP synthase from E. coli is discussed.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of Escherichia?coli contains three quinones. Menaquinone and demethylmenaquinone have low midpoint potentials and are involved in anaerobic respiration, while ubiquinone, which has a high midpoint potential, is involved in aerobic and nitrate respiration. Here, we report that demethylmenaquinone plays a role not only in trimethylaminooxide-, dimethylsulfoxide- and fumarate-dependent respiration, but also in aerobic respiration. Furthermore, we demonstrate that demethylmenaquinone serves as an electron acceptor for oxidation of succinate to fumarate, and that all three quinol oxidases of E.?coli accept electrons from this naphtoquinone derivative.  相似文献   

Determination of the genome sequence of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 Sakai and genomic comparison with the laboratory strain K-12 has revealed that the two strains share a highly conserved 4.1-Mb sequence and that each also contains a large amount of strain-specific sequence. The analysis also revealed the presence of a surprisingly large number of prophages in O157, most of which are lambda-like phages that resemble each other. Based on these results, we discuss how the E. coli strains have diverged from a common ancestral strain, and how bacteriophages contributed to this process. We also describe possible mechanisms by which O157 acquired many closely related phages, and raise the possibility that such bacteria might function as 'phage factories', releasing a variety of chimeric or mosaic phages into the environment.  相似文献   

Stress-induced mutation is a collection of molecular mechanisms in bacterial, yeast and human cells that promote mutagenesis specifically when cells are maladapted to their environment, i.e. when they are stressed. Here, we review one molecular mechanism: double-strand break (DSB)-dependent stress-induced mutagenesis described in starving Escherichia coli. In it, the otherwise high-fidelity process of DSB repair by homologous recombination is switched to an error-prone mode under the control of the RpoS general stress response, which licenses the use of error-prone DNA polymerase, DinB, in DSB repair. This mechanism requires DSB repair proteins, RpoS, the SOS response and DinB. This pathway underlies half of spontaneous chromosomal frameshift and base substitution mutations in starving E. coli [Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011;108:13659-13664], yet appeared less efficient in chromosomal than F' plasmid-borne genes. Here, we demonstrate and quantify DSB-dependent stress-induced reversion of a chromosomal lac allele with DSBs supplied by I-SceI double-strand endonuclease. I-SceI-induced reversion of this allele was previously studied in an F'. We compare the efficiencies of mutagenesis in the two locations. When we account for contributions of an F'-borne extra dinB gene, strain background differences, and bypass considerations of rates of spontaneous DNA breakage by providing I-SceI cuts, the chromosome is still ~100 times less active than F. We suggest that availability of a homologous partner molecule for recombinational break repair may be limiting. That partner could be a duplicated chromosomal segment or sister chromosome.  相似文献   

Occurrences of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in two springs of a karstic system (NW France) providing drinking water were determined to study the role of aquifers in the dissemination of the resistance genes. Water samples were collected during wet and dry periods and after a heavy rainfall event to investigate E. coli density, antibiotic resistance patterns, and occurrences of class 1, 2, and 3 integrons. By observing patterns of the resistant isolates (i.e. number and type of resistances) and their occurrences, we were able to define two resistant subpopulations, introduced in the aquifer via surface water: (1) R1-2, characterized by one or two resistance(s), essentially to chloramphenicol and/or tetracycline (96.5%), was always found during the heavy rainfall event; (2) R3-10, characterized by three or more resistances, mostly resistant to tetracycline (94.1%) and beta-lactams (86%), was found transiently. Class 1 and 2 integrons were detected, mostly in the R3-10 subpopulation for class 1 integrons. The characteristics of these two subpopulations strongly suggest that the contamination originates from pasture runoff for the R1-2 subpopulation and from wastewater treatment plant effluents for the R3-10 subpopulation. These two subpopulations of E. coli could be used as biological indicators to determine the origin of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

Humans and animals are increasingly being subjected to various probiotic formulations with the claim of providing a number of health benefits to the consumer. These formulations usually incorporate bacterial consortia comprising of mostly lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Recent studies have shown that strains found in different regions of the gut are genetically different from each other and may therefore have different abilities to interact with bacteria that they come into contact with. Even LAB show differences in their ability to interact, and further, inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria in vitro due to individual strain differences. If these results are repeatedly shown to be true in future assessments, an evaluation of bacterial consortia used in probiotic formulations may now be necessary. This may have an impact in the way future probiotic formulations are prepared.  相似文献   

Treatment of Escherichia coli with p-hydroxybenzoic acid (pHBA) resulted in upregulation of yhcP, encoding a protein of the putative efflux protein family. Also upregulated were the adjacent genes yhcQ, encoding a protein of the membrane fusion protein family, and yhcR, encoding a small protein without a known or suggested function. The function of the upstream, divergently transcribed gene yhcS, encoding a regulatory protein of the LysR family, in regulating expression of yhcRQP was shown. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that several aromatic carboxylic acid compounds serve as inducers of yhcRQP expression. The efflux function encoded by yhcP was proven by the hypersensitivity to pHBA of a yhcP mutant strain. A yhcS mutant strain was also hypersensitive to pHBA. Expression of yhcQ and yhcP was necessary and sufficient for suppression of the pHBA hypersensitivity of the yhcS mutant. Only a few aromatic carboxylic acids of hundreds of diverse compounds tested were defined as substrates of the YhcQP efflux pump. Thus, we propose renaming yhcS, yhcR, yhcQ, and yhcP, to reflect their role in aromatic carboxylic acid efflux, to aaeR, aaeX, aaeA, and aaeB, respectively. The role of pHBA in normal E. coli metabolism and the highly regulated expression of the AaeAB efflux system suggests that the physiological role may be as a "metabolic relief valve" to alleviate toxic effects of imbalanced metabolism.  相似文献   

The German Neurospora Genome Project has assembled sequences from ordered cosmid and BAC clones of linkage groups II and V of the genome of Neurospora crassa in 13 and 12 contigs, respectively. Including additional sequences located on other linkage groups a total of 12 Mb were subjected to a manual gene extraction and annotation process. The genome comprises a small number of repetitive elements, a low degree of segmental duplications and very few paralogous genes. The analysis of the 3218 identified open reading frames provides a first overview of the protein equipment of a filamentous fungus. Significantly, N.crassa possesses a large variety of metabolic enzymes including a substantial number of enzymes involved in the degradation of complex substrates as well as secondary metabolism. While several of these enzymes are specific for filamentous fungi many are shared exclusively with prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Temperature induction of bacteriophage in Escherichia coli depends on bacterial population density. The lowest rate of viability loss at the temperature threshold results in maximal gene expression of . -Infection causes bacterial cells to lose cell viability and thus decrease temperature induction efficiency. In addition, shifting-up in temperature increases the probability of progeny ; thus, the mortality of bacterial hosts increases and the expression of recombinant proteins by naked significantly decrease.  相似文献   

Choice of network topology for gene regulation has been a question of interest for a long time. How do simple and more complex topologies arise? In this work, we analyze the topology of the marRAB operon in Escherichia coli, which is associated with control of expression of genes associated with conferring resistance to low-level antibiotics to the bacterium. Among the 2102 promoters in E. coli, the marRAB promoter is the only one that encodes for an autoactivator and an autorepressor. What advantages does this topology confer to the bacterium? In this work, we demonstrate that, compared to control by a single regulator, the marRAB regulatory arrangement has the least control cost associated with modulating gene expression in response to environmental stimuli. In addition, the presence of dual regulators allows the regulon to exhibit a diverse range of dynamics, a feature that is not observed in genes controlled by a single regulator.  相似文献   

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