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Antigenic properties of the proteins of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles, (hnRNP), weakly bound nonhistone chromatin proteins (WB(N)P) and single-strand DNA-binding proteins (SSB proteins) from chromatin and extrachromatin fraction of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cells have been comparatively studied. The chromatin and extrachromatin SSB proteins displayed similar mobility in the tube and slab SDS/PAGE, had the same ssDNA-binding capacity and similarly stimulated the replicative synthesis in permeable cells. However, the chromatin SSB proteins contained 1.4 times higher phosphate amount than the extrachromatin ones (3.1 and 2. 2. moles phosphorus per 1 mole protein, respectively). The study of four protein groups with the use of a rabbit antiserum to/against extrachromatin SSB proteins (titer 1:13000 by enzyme immunoassay) showed that the chromatin and the extrachromatin SSB proteins have similar antigenic properties. One fraction of the hnRNP proteins was also reactive with the antiserum, whereas the WB(N)P displayed no cross-reactivity. The specificity of the ferm "SSB proteins" as applied to eukaryotic cells, their affinity with hnRNP proteins and differences from the HMG proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Characterization of mammalian heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex protein A1 is reported after large-scale overproduction of the protein in Escherichia coli and purification to homogeneity. A1 is a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein of 320 amino acids and 34,214 Da. The protein has two domains. The NH2-terminal domain is globular, whereas the COOH-terminal domain of about 120 amino acids has low probability of alpha-helix structure and is glycinerich. Nucleic acid binding properties of recombinant A1 were compared with those of recombinant and natural proteins corresponding to the NH2-terminal domain. A1 bound to single-stranded DNA-cellulose with higher affinity than the NH2-terminal domain peptides. Protein-induced fluorescence enhancement was used to measure equilibrium binding properties of the proteins. A1 binding to poly (ethenoadenylate) was cooperative with the intrinsic association constant of 1.5 X 10(5) M-1 at 0.4 M NaCl and a cooperativity parameter of 30. The NH2-terminal domain peptides bound noncooperatively and with a much lower association constant. With these peptides and with intact A1, binding was fully reversed by increasing [NaCl]; yet. A1 binding was much less salt-sensitive than binding by the NH2-terminal domain peptides. A synthetic polypeptide analog of the COOH-terminal domain was prepared and was found to bind tightly to poly-(ethenoadenylate). The results are consistent with the idea that the COOH-terminal domain contributes to A1 binding through both cooperative protein-protein interaction and direct interaction with the nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Reovirus nonstructural protein sigmaNS interacts with reovirus plus-strand RNAs in infected cells, but little is known about the nature of those interactions or their roles in viral replication. In this study, a recombinant form of sigmaNS was analyzed for in vitro binding to nucleic acids using gel mobility shift assays. Multiple units of sigmaNS bound to single-stranded RNA molecules with positive cooperativity and with each unit covering about 25 nucleotides at saturation. The sigmaNS protein did not bind preferentially to reovirus RNA over nonreovirus RNA in competition experiments but did bind preferentially to single-stranded over double-stranded nucleic acids and with a slight preference for RNA over DNA. In addition, sigmaNS bound to single-stranded RNA to which a 19-base DNA oligonucleotide was hybridized at either end or near the middle. When present in saturative amounts, sigmaNS displaced this oligonucleotide from the partial duplex. The strand displacement activity did not require ATP hydrolysis and was inhibited by MgCl(2), distinguishing it from a classical ATP-dependent helicase. These properties of sigmaNS are similar to those of single-stranded DNA binding proteins that are known to participate in genomic DNA replication, suggesting a related role for sigmaNS in replication of the reovirus RNA genome.  相似文献   

We have used an antisynthetic peptide antiserum to a murine recombinant virus gp70 to probe normal mouse tissues for immunologically related proteins. In addition to cognate gp70s, this antiserum reacts with the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoparticle protein A1 by virtue of a 5-amino acid epitope, PRNQG. Further structural similarity is evident both 5' and 3' of this epitope. Since the function of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles in the cell is to aid in the stabilization and processing of newly synthesized RNA, we have investigated whether this retroviral sequence exhibits any nucleic acid-binding properties by the same criteria established for the identification of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles. Analysis of the peptide in a poly(eA) binding assay shows this retroviral sequence to bind with high affinity to single-stranded nucleic acid. This binding occurs in a salt-sensitive manner characteristic of single-stranded nucleic acid-binding proteins. Flanking peptides not containing this sequence generated from either the A1 or gp70 show no ability to bind single-stranded nucleic acids by this assay.  相似文献   

Ribonucleoprotein particles containing either heterogeneous nuclear RNA or polyribosomal messenger RNA were isolated from growing HeLa cells in order to compare their respective protein components. The major obstacle to analysing the proteins bound to HeLa cell mRNA proved to be the cosedimentation of a large fraction of the mRNP2 particles with ribosomal subunits following puromycin or EDTA disassembly of polyribosomes. This was circumvented by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography, in which essentially all of the ribosomal subunits passed through the column without retention, while approximately 80% of the pulse-labeled, poly(A)-containing mRNP became bound and could be eluted with formamide. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the non-bound fraction (ribosomal subunits) revealed polypeptides between 15,000 and 55,000 molecular weight, with no detectable components greater than 55,000. The oligo-(dT)-bound mRNP contained a much simpler protein complement, consisting of three major components having molecular weights of 120,000, 76,000 and 52,000.In the case of the nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles that contain heterogeneous nuclear RNA, oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography revealed two classes of particles. The first contained 10 to 20% of the hnRNA, did not bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose in 0.25 m-NaCl, 10 mm-sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.0 (4 °C), and contained primarily a single polypeptide component having an estimated molecular weight of 40,000 (“informofers”). A second population of hnRNP particles comprised approximately 80% of the hnRNA, displayed strong binding to oligo(dT)-cellulose at 0.25 m-NaCl, and contained a very complex population of proteins, having molecular weights between 40,000 and 180,000, the same as unfractionated hnRNP. The results indicate that, at the resolution of gel electrophoresis and at the sensitivity of Coomassie blue dye, the proteins bound to HeLa cell hnRNA are qualitatively distinct from those bound to polyribosomal mRNA and, in addition, that the hnRNP proteins are the more complex of the two. These results are discussed in relation to the possible nucleotide sequence elements in hnRNA and mRNA to which these specific proteins are bound.  相似文献   

When E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) coats single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) in the presence of 1 mM MgCl2 it inhibits the subsequent binding of recA protein, whereas SSB binding to ssDNA in 12 mM MgCl2 promotes the binding of recA protein. These two conditions correspond respectively to those which produce 'smooth' and 'beaded' forms of ssDNA-SSB filaments. By gel filtration and immunoprecipitation we observed active nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein and SSB on ssDNA that contained on average 1 monomer of recA protein per 4 nucleotides and 1 monomer of SSB per 20-22 nucleotides. Filaments in such a mixture, when digested with micrococcal nuclease produced a regular repeating pattern, approximately every 70-80 nucleotides, that differed from the pattern observed when only recA protein was bound to the ssDNA. We conclude that the beaded ssDNA-SSB nucleoprotein filament readily binds recA protein and forms an intermediate that is active in the formation of joint molecules and can retain substantially all of the SSB that was originally bound.  相似文献   

A number of physicochemical properties of blood plasma proteins of mice and piglets which display their primary affinity to single-stranded DNA are studied. These proteins exert an activating effect on DNA-polymerase alpha from the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma and an inhibitory effect on the venom phosphodiesterase. A comparison of properties of the proteins under study with those of antibodies to the single-stranded DNA described in the literature permits supposing an identity of these proteins.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone for carbohydrate binding protein 35, a galactose-specific lectin identified in the nucleus of mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, has been determined. The deduced amino acid sequence suggests that the protein consists of two domains: (a) an amino-terminal portion that is homologous to certain regions of proteins of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex, and (b) a carboxyl-terminal portion that is homologous to beta-D-galactoside-specific lectins isolated from a number of animal tissues. This two-domain motif is reminiscent of several DNA- and RNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The primary sequences were compared among several proteins: gene product 5 protein (GP5) from phage M13; PIKE from phage Ike; gene product 32 protein (GP32) from phage T4; RecA, SSB and SSF from Escherichia coli. These proteins bind strongly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA with no sequence specificity. GP5 is the smallest in this group and its three-dimensional structure is well-characterized. Using the entire sequence of GP5 as a template we searched for the regions in other single-stranded DNA binding proteins yielding the best alignment of aromatic and basic residues. The identified domains show alignment of five aromatic and four charged residues in these proteins. The domains in PIKE, GP32 and RecA exhibit statistically significant sequence homology with GP5. These observations strongly favor the hypothesis that the protein-single-stranded DNA complex in this class of proteins is stabilized by the stacking interaction of the aromatic residues with the bases of the DNA, and by the electrostatic interaction of the basic residues with the phosphate groups of the DNA. We also find that the DNA binding domains of these proteins have similar secondary structural preferences, mainly beta structures. The triple-stranded beta-sheet may be a common motif in the DNA binding domains of these proteins.  相似文献   

A1 is a core protein of the eukaryotic heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complex and is under study here as a prototype single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein. A1 is a two-domain protein, NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal, with highly conserved primary structure among vertebrate homologues sequenced to date. It is well documented that the NH2-terminal domain has single-stranded DNA and RNA binding activity. We prepared a proteolytic fragment of rat A1 representing the COOH-terminal one-third of the intact protein, the region previously termed COOH-terminal domain. This purified fragment of 133 amino acids binds to DNA and also binds tightly to the fluorescent reporter poly(ethenoadenylate), which is used to access binding parameters. In solution with 0.41 M NaCl, the equilibrium constant is similar to that observed with A1 itself, and binding is cooperative. The purified COOH-terminal fragment can be photochemically cross-linked to bound nucleic acid, confirming that COOH-terminal fragment residues are in close contact with the polynucleotide lattice. These binding results with isolated COOH-terminal fragment indicate that the COOH-terminal domain in intact A1 can contribute directly to binding properties. Contact between both COOH-terminal domain and NH2-terminal domain residues in an intact A1:poly(8-azidoadenylate) complex was confirmed by photochemical cross-linking.  相似文献   

The DNA binding characteristics of the rat nuclear matrix were investigated. A saturable and temperature-dependent, salt-resistant DNA binding to the nuclear matrix was discovered, with 70-80% of total bound DNA resistant to extraction with high concentrations of salt at 37 degrees C, compared to less than 5% at 0 degrees C. The initial binding of DNA to nuclear matrix is sensitive to salt concentration, indicating a transition to a salt-resistant binding state. The nuclear matrix shows a preference for single-stranded DNA, both in saturation and competition assays, with little binding of RNA or double-stranded DNA. Further competition studies show a preference for matrix-attached DNA probably involving predominantly AT-rich sequences, while a specific sequence defined previously as a matrix-attached region (MAR; Cockerill, P. N., and Garrard, W. T. (1986) Cell 46, 273-282) only showed preference for a limited number of the total matrix binding sites. These results and estimates from saturation data of approximately 150,000 single-stranded DNA binding sites per matrix lead us to propose that the nuclear matrix contains different classes of DNA binding sites, each with a separate sequence specificity. Binding of DNA to individual matrix polypeptides separated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and transferred to nitrocellulose blots was also temperature-dependent, salt-resistant, and showed a preference for binding DNA over RNA and nuclear matrix DNA over total genomic DNA. Subnuclear fractionation experiments further demonstrated that the nuclear matrix is enriched in the subset of higher molecular weight (greater than 50,000) DNA binding proteins of isolated nuclei and correspondingly depleted of the lower molecular weight ones. Of the approximately 12 major proteins separated on nonequilibrium two-dimensional gels, 7 were identified as specific DNA binding proteins including lamins A and C (but not B), and the internal nuclear matrix proteins, matrins D, E, F, G, and 4.  相似文献   

J Davis  M Scherer  W P Tsai    C Long 《Journal of virology》1976,18(2):709-718
A sensitive nitrocellulose filter assay that measures the retention of 125I single-stranded calf thymus DNA has been used to detect and purify DNA-binding proteins that retain a biological function from Rauscher murine leukemia virus. By consecutive purification on oligo (dT)- cellulose and DEAE-Bio-Gel columns and centrifugation in 10 to 30% glycerol gradients, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase has been separated from a second virion DNA-binding protein. The binding of this protein to DNA was strongly affected by NaCl concentration but showed little change in activity over a wide range of temperature or pH. After glycerol gradient purification, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this protein showed one major band with a molecular weight of approximately 9,800. This protein binds about as well as to single-stranded Escherichia coli or calf thymus DNA or 70S type C viral RNA. The binding to 125I single-stranded calf thymus DNA is very efficiently inhibited by unlabeled single-stranded DNA from either E. coli or calf thymus and by 70S murine or feline viral RNA. Much larger amounts of double-stranded DNA are required to produce an equivalent percentage of inhibition. This protein, therefore, shows preferential binding to single-stranded DNA or viral RNA.  相似文献   

DNA binding and antigenic specifications of DNA gyrase.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
H Lother  R Lurz    E Orr 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(2):901-914
Complexes of DNA gyrase and minichromosomal DNA containing the origin of replication of Escherichia coli (oriC) can be formed without metabolic energy and visualised by electron microscopy. The A subunit, part of the A2B2-DNA gyrase complex is the binding protein. Various binding sites are scattered around the minichromosomal DNA including oriC. The minimal origin contains the only prominent and reproducible binding site. Binding to this site is suppressed by oxolinic acid and the ATP analogue beta-y-imido ATP. If gyrase isolated from the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis is used no binding to oriC is seen. This observation is consistent with antigenic differences between the A subunits of the two microorganisms. The binding to oriC might reflect a requirement for DNA gyrase during the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Antibodies induced against mammalian single-stranded DNA binding protein (ssDBP) UP I were shown to be cross-reactive with most of the basic hnRNP core proteins, the main constituents of 40S hnRNP particles. This suggested a structural relationship between both groups of proteins. Using the anti-ssDBP antibodies, a cDNA clone (pRP10) was isolated from a human liver cDNA library in plasmid expression vector pEX1. By DNA sequencing this clone was shown to encode in its 949 bp insert the last 72 carboxy terminal amino acids of the ssDBP UP I. Thereafter, an open reading frame continued for another 124 amino acids followed by a UAA (ochre) stop codon. Direct amino acid sequencing of a V8 protease peptide from hnRNP core protein A1 showed that this peptide contained at its amino terminus the last 11 amino acids of UP I followed by 19 amino acids which are encoded by the open reading frame of cDNA clone pRP10 immediately following the UP I sequence. This proves that ssDBP UP I arises by proteolysis from hnRNP core protein A1. This finding must lead to a re-evaluation of the possible physiological role of UP I and related ssDBPs. The formerly assumed function in DNA replication, although not completely ruled out, should be reconsidered in the light of a possible alternative or complementary function in hnRNA processing where UP I could either be a simple degradation product of core protein A1 (as a consequence of controlling the levels of active A1) or may continue to function as an RNA binding protein which has lost the ability to interact with the other core proteins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We present a biochemical analysis of the effects of three single-stranded DNA binding proteins on extension of oligonucleotide primers by the Tetrahymena telomerase. One of them, a human protein designated translin, which was shown to specifically bind the G-rich Tetrahymena and human telomeric repeats, slightly stimulated the primer extension reactions at molar ratios of translin/primer of <1:2. At higher molar ratios, it inhibited the reactions by up to 80%. The inhibition was caused by binding of translin to the primers, rather than by a direct interaction of this protein with telomerase. A second protein, the general human single-stranded DNA binding protein Replication Protein A (RPA), similarly affected the primer extension by telomerase, even though its mode of binding to DNA differs from that of translin. A third protein, the E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB), whose binding to DNA is highly cooperative, caused more substantial stimulation and inhibition at the lower and the higher molar ratios of SSB/primer, respectively. Both telomere-specific and general single-stranded DNA binding proteins are found in living cells in telomeric complexes. Based on our data, we propose that these proteins may exert either stimulatory or inhibitory effects on intracellular telomerases, depending on their local concentrations.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made by oligonucleotide analysis of three fractions of HeLa cell hnRNA: (1) the "snap-back" fraction (ds-hnRNA, 5% of the total); (2) the fraction that self-anneals during prolonged incubation (25% of total); and (3) the fraction that hybridizes most rapidly to an excess of HeLa cell DNA (rep-hnRNA, 10% of the total). T1 fingerprints of each of these hnRNA fractions were similar to one another and featured the largest T1 oligonucleotides of known sequence previously isolated from ds-hnRNA (Robertson, H.D., et al. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 115, 571--590; Jelinek, W. (1977 J. Mol. Biol. 115, 591--602). When hybridized to DNA either in solution or immobilized on filters, the isolated ds-hnRNA and the rep-hnRNA fractions showed similar hybridization kinetics in the COt range of "intermediate" repetitive DNA sequences; the ds-hnRNA and the rep-hnRNA also self-annealed to equal extents in the absence of any DNA. DNA of all buoyant density classes contained the T1 oligonucleotides diagnostic of the ds-hnRNA and the rep-hnRNA. While hnRNA is rich in inverted repeated sequences, cytoplasmic mRNA contains far fewer such sequences.  相似文献   

The structural-functional aspects of the tubulin binding domain on the microtubule-associated protein MAP-2, and its relationship with the tubulin binding domain on tau, were studied using anti-idiotypic antibodies that react specifically with the epitope(s) on MAPs involved in their interaction with tubulin in addition to other tau and MAP-2 specific antibodies. Previous studies showed that MAP-2 and tau share common binding sites on tubulin defined by the peptide sequences alpha (430-441) and beta (422-434) of tubulin subunits. Furthermore, binding experiments revealed the existence of multiple sites for the interaction of the alpha- and beta-tubulin peptides with MAP-2 and tau. Most recent studies showed that the synthetic tau peptide Val187-Gly204 (VRSKIGSTENLKHQPGGG) from the repetitive sequence on tau defines a tubulin binding site on tau. Our present immunological studies using anti-idiotypic antibodies which interact with the synthetic tau peptide and antibodies against the Val187-Gly204 tau peptide indicate that MAP-2 and tau share common antigenic determinants at the level of their respective tubulin binding domains. These antigenic determinants appear to be present in the 35 kDa tubulin binding fragment of MAP-2 and in 18-20 kDa chymotryptic fragments containing the tubulin binding site(s) on MAP-2. These findings, along with structural information on these proteins, provide strong evidence in favor of the hypothesis that tubulin binding domains on MAP-2 and tau share similar structural features.  相似文献   

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