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While hypertension is observed in only two of the three major subtypes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 11β- and 17-hydroxylase deficiencies, deoxycorticosterone ( (DOC) production is increased in all. The elevated zona fasciculata (ZF) DOC produces mineralocorticoid hypertension with suppressed renin and reduced potassium concentrations. The DOC levels in 21-hydroxylase deficiency are in part produced by renin stimulation of the Zona glomerulosa (ZG) along with aldosterone. Assessment of the mineralocorticoid hormones of the ZF and ZF (17-deoxy steroids) provides additional unique characteristics of each subtype. Dissociation of DOC from cortisol is not unique to CAH. This dissociation is seen in other disorders and contrived conditions. There is a strong suggestion of a non-ACTH regulator of 17-deoxy steroids (DOC) that may contribute significantly to DOC production in general and effect DOC levels in CAH.  相似文献   

Molecular defects in the gene encoding steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP21) result in impairment of adrenal steroid synthesis in patients affected with autosomal-recessive congenital adrenal hyperplasias (CAH). In this study, we report on the molecular screening of six point mutations, large deletions, gene conversion events and duplications in 25 unrelated Lebanese families affected by CAH due to steroid 21-hydroxylase. The methods used (PCR-digestion and southern blot) allowed the detection of 96% of the disease chromosomes. In classical forms, the most frequent mutation was the splice site mutation in intron 2 accounting for 39% of the disease alleles. Gene conversion events accounted for 14% of the alleles, but no large deletions were found. In nonclassical forms, the V281L mutation in exon 7 represent 86% of the tested alleles. Genotype-phenotype correlations were as expected: Delta 8nt, Q318X and gene conversion correspond to SW forms, whereas the intron 2 splice site mutation may give either SW or SV forms; the V281L mutation was responsible for nonclassical forms. The spectrum of mutations underlines the genetic diversity of the Lebanese population. No correlation could be drawn out between mutations and some specific religious communities, except for the Delta 8nt mutation, which is present only in the Christian Maronite group. Molecular study of the CYP21 gene might constitute a good support for clinicians, especially in consanguineous families, for whom we could provide genetic counselling.  相似文献   

The effects of prednisone therapy and the withdrawal of prednisone for 3 days on hormonal relationships was investigated in 6 adolescent patients, age 10--19 years with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Prednisone continuously suppressed adrenal release of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) in 4 patients and adequately controlled 17-oxosteroid (17-OS) excretion in 5. Serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DS) concentrations were not elevated during or 3 days after withdrawal of medication. Growth hormone (GH) secretion was not suppressed by prednisone. Withdrawal of treatment was associated with a decrease in the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to luteinizing hormone (LH) ratio in 5 patients and a rise in serum testosterone in 4. The clinical courses of these patients emphasize the difficulty in achieving optimum control.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-related changes in 17OH-progesterone (17P) concentrations were studied in 13 patients receiving treatment for 21-hydroxylase deficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Blood spot and saliva 17P levels were elevated, with or without loss of diurnal rhythm, within 24 h of stopping maintenance glucocorticoid therapy. A single dose of dexamethasone (0.01 mg/kg) given either intravenously or orally at 09.00 h resulted in rapid onset of complete pituitary-adrenal suppression characterised by a prompt and exponential fall in 17P levels (first-order elimination half-life, mean 2.87 h, range 1.98-3.98 h). Concentrations of 17P remained low throughout the day until the onset of an abrupt nocturnal rise, which occurred between 24.00 and 05.00 h. There were individual differences in both the rate of fall and the timing of the nocturnal rise in 17P levels which may partly explain the need to vary individual steroid requirements in the treatment of CAH.  相似文献   

Individuals with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) experience impaired glucocorticoid production and are treated postnatally with glucocorticoids. Prior research with animals and other human populations indicates that glucocorticoids can influence memory, particularly working memory. We tested the hypothesis that children with CAH would show reduced working memory. Children in the United Kingdom, aged 7–11 years, with classical CAH (31 girls, 26 boys) were compared to their unaffected relatives (30 girls, 20 boys) on a test of working memory, the Digit Span test. Vocabulary was also assessed to measure verbal intelligence for control purposes. Children with CAH showed reduced working memory performance compared to controls, on both components of the Digit Span test: p = .008 for Digit Span Forward, and p = .027 for Digit Span Backward, and on a composite score, p = .004. These differences were of moderate size (d = .53 to .70). Similar differences were also seen in a subset of 23 matched pairs of children with CAH and their relatives (d = .78 to .92). There were no group differences on Vocabulary. Glucocorticoid abnormality, including treatment effects, could be responsible for the reduced Digit Span performance in children with CAH. Other factors related to CAH, such as salt-wasting crises, could also be involved. Additional research is needed to identify the cause of the memory reduction, which will help to determine if more rapid diagnosis or more precise glucocorticoid treatment would help prevent memory reduction. Educational interventions might also be considered for children with CAH.  相似文献   

AIMS: Conflicting results exist regarding bone mineral density (BMD), metabolism and reproductive function of adult patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). We evaluated the long-term outcome and the impact of chronic glucocorticoid replacement in these patients. METHODS: Physical characteristics, serum hormone concentrations, BMD and metabolism were studied in 45 consecutive CAH adult patients. RESULTS: Among the 36 women, only 14 (39%) had regular menses. Among the 27 women with classical CAH, the mean number of surgical reconstructions of virilized genitalia was 2.1 +/- 0.2. Twenty of them (74%) were sexually active. Three men presented with testicular adrenal rest tumors. Twenty-five patients (55%) had decreased BMD at the femoral neck and/or at the lumbar spine. BMI was correlated with the BMD T-score at the femoral neck (p < 0.001) and at the lumbar spine (p < 0.01). Hydrocortisone dose was negatively correlated with the BMD T-score at the femoral neck (p = 0.04). Subjects with osteopenia had a significantly lower BMI and received higher hydrocortisone dose than those with normal BMD. Overweight was found in 21 patients (47%). There was a significantly positive correlation between HOMA and BMI (p < 0.001), and between HOMA and 17-OHP levels (p = 0.016). CONCLUSIONS: Adult patients with CAH treated with long-term glucocorticoids are at risk for decreased BMD, increased BMI, and disturbed reproductive function.  相似文献   

Summary An A-to-G transition in the second intron was the sole mutation detected in four Yupik Eskimo patients with salt-wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Allele-specific hybridization should be an efficient means of performing prenatal diagnosis of the disease in this highly inbred population.  相似文献   

The concentration of 17-OH-progesterone was determined in second trimester amniotic fluid collected from 58 pregnancies at risk for fetal 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The prediction was incorrect in 1 male nonsalt-loser who had an increased plasma 17-OH-progesterone concentration at 3 months of age. All 11 infants predicted to be affected were salt-losers. The adrenals from 2 affected fetuses available for study were significantly enlarged in comparison with adrenal size in 84 normal fetuses from 15 to 26 weeks' gestation. Amniotic fluid steroid analysis reliably predicts the fetus with 21-hydroxylase deficiency most at risk in early infancy. There is no evidence from this study to indicate that ACTH is not the main trophic factor for fetal adrenal growth and steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Precursor-to-product ratios in steroid hormone metabolism may accurately reflect enzymatic activity and production of metabolites relative to their disappearance. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of direct precursor-to-product steroid ratios to discriminate between infants with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-α-hydroxylase deficiency and infants with no disorder, thus characterizing the biochemical phenotype in CAH. Deidentified dried blood spot samples from confirmed CAH cases identified by newborn screen (CAH-positive, N = 8) and from cases with no disorder (CAH-negative, N = 10) were obtained from the California State Newborn Screening Program. Samples (~6.25 mm circular spots) underwent methanol and water extraction (9:1 ratio). Deuterated steroids served as isotope internal standards. 17-α-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), 11-deoxycortisol (S), androstenedione (A4) and cortisol (F) concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), and the 17-OHP/S, 17-OHP/A4, and S/F ratios were calculated. The mean 17-OHP and A4 concentrations in samples from CAH cases were significantly increased when compared to cases with no disorder (p = 0.003 for both). 17-OHP/S and 17-OHP/A4 ratios were also significantly elevated in CAH cases (p = 0.007 and p < 0.001, respectively). In contrast, S and F concentrations and the S/F ratio were similar between the two groups. In CAH, the elevated 17-OHP/S ratio is a biomarker of diminished 21-α-hydroxylase activity, and the elevated 17-OHP/A4 ratio is a biomarker of adrenal androgen excess via increased 17,20-lyase activity. The similar S/F ratio indicates that the rate of production via 11-β-hydroxylase and disappearance of F is maintained in CAH.  相似文献   

The variability of clinical and biological expression of the 21 OH hydroxylase deficiency is likely to be related to genetical variability. Beside the well known autosomic recessive mode of inheritance the frequencies of the different forms of the disease, especially the classical and late onset form, have been more precisely defined through neonatal screening programs for the classical form which lead to a frequency of about 1 case/20,000 with a calculated gene frequency around 1/140. The linkage with the major histocompatibility complex allows the location of the putative locus of the 21 OH ase on the short arm of the chromosome 6 in the class III of the MHC. This linkage has made possible a better fetal diagnosis even if some pitfalls as recombination must be kept in mind. On the basis of clinical conditions the abnormal genes are likely to be considered as an allelic series with a least two main types of pathological alleles: the "severe" and "moderate". During the last two years, taking advantages of molecular gene biology, the structure of the normal human 21 OH ase gene has been studied. It exists as duplicate genes in close relation with the gene of the fourth component of the complement. A deletion of one of the copy has been demonstrated in the form associated with the BW47 MHC haplotype. It is likely that during the coming years genetical heterogeneity will be demonstrated as it has been for other genetic diseases as thalassemia.  相似文献   

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