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Human apolipoprotein (apo) B mRNA is edited in a tissue specific reaction, to convert glutamine codon 2153 (CAA) to a stop translation codon. The RNA editing product templates and hybridises as uridine, but the chemical nature of this reaction and the physical identity of the product are unknown. After editing in vitro of [32P] labelled RNA, we are able to demonstrate the production of uridine from cytidine; [alpha 32P] cytidine triphosphate incorporated into RNA gave rise to [32P] uridine monophosphate after editing in vitro, hydrolysis with nuclease P1 and thin layer chromatography using two separation systems. By cleaving the RNA into ribonuclease T1 fragments, we show that uridine is produced only at the authentic editing site and is produced in quantities that parallel an independent primer extension assay for editing. We conclude that apo B mRNA editing specifically creates a uridine from a cytidine. These observations are inconsistent with the incorporation of a uridine nucleotide by any polymerase, which would replace the alpha-phosphate and so rule out a model of endonucleolytic excision and repair as the mechanism for the production of uridine. Although transamination and transglycosylation remain to be formally excluded as reaction mechanisms our results argue strongly in favour of the apo B mRNA editing enzyme as a site-specific cytidine deaminase.  相似文献   

A C-to-U RNA editing event creates a functional initiation codon for translation of the psbL mRNA in tobacco plastids. Small trans-acting guide RNAs (gRNAs) have been shown to be involved in editing site selection in kinetoplastid mitochondria. A computer search of the tobacco plastid genome (ptDNA) identified such a putative gRNA, a 14-nucleotide sequence motif that is complementary to the psbL mRNA, including the A nucleotide required to direct the C-to-U change. The critical A nucleotide of the putative gRNA gene was changed to G by plastid transformation. We report here that the introduced mutation did not abolish psbL editing. Since no other region of the plastid genome contains significant complementarity to the psbL editing site we suggest that, if gRNAs serve as trans-acting factors for plastid psbL mRNA editing, they either have only a limited complementarity to the editing site, or are encoded in the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

RNA editing sites and their site-specific trans-acting recognition factors are thought to have coevolved. Hence, evolutionary loss of an editing site by a genomic mutation is normally followed by the loss of the specific recognition factor for this site, due to the absence of selective pressure for its maintenance. Here, we have tested this scenario for the only tomato-specific plastid RNA editing site. A single C-to-U editing site in the tomato rps12 gene is absent from the tobacco and nightshade plastid genomes, where the presence of a genomic T nucleotide obviates the need for editing of the rps12 mRNA. We have introduced the tomato editing site into the tobacco rps12 gene by plastid transformation and find that, surprisingly, this heterologous site is efficiently edited in the transplastomic plants. This suggests that the trans-acting recognition factor for the rps12 editing site has been maintained, presumably because it serves another function in tobacco plastids. Bioinformatics analyses identified an editing site in the rpoB gene of tobacco and tomato whose sequence context exhibits striking similarity to that of the tomato rps12 editing site. This may suggest that requirement for rpoB editing resulted in maintenance of the rps12 editing activity or, alternatively, the pre-existing rpoB editing activity facilitated the evolution of a novel editing site in rps12.  相似文献   

The plastid psbA mRNA is present in all tissues, while the encoded 32 kDa D1 protein of photosystem II accumulates tissue-specifically and in response to light. To study the regulation of D1 accumulation, a chimeric uidA gene encoding beta-glucuronidase (GUS) under control of the psbA 5'- and 3'-regulatory regions (224 and 393 bp, respectively), was integrated into the tobacco plastid genome. A high level of GUS accumulation in leaves and the lack of GUS in roots, with uidA mRNA present in both tissues, indicated tissue-specific accumulation of the chimeric gene product. Light-regulated accumulation of GUS in seedlings was shown. (i) Light-induced accumulation (100-fold) of GUS in etiolated cotyledons was accompanied by only a modest increase in mRNA levels. (ii) Inhibition of GUS synthesis was observed in cotyledons when light-grown seedlings were transferred to the dark, with no reduction in mRNA levels. Tissue-specific and light-regulated accumulation of GUS indicates that D1 accumulation is controlled via cis-acting regulatory elements in the untranslated region of the psbA mRNA. We propose that in tobacco, control of translation initiation is the primary mechanism regulating D1 protein accumulation.  相似文献   

The C-to-U editing of apolipoprotein B (apo-B) mRNA is catalyzed by a multiprotein complex that recognizes an 11-nucleotide mooring sequence downstream of the editing site. The catalytic subunit of the editing enzyme, apobec-1, has cytidine deaminase activity but requires additional unidentified proteins to edit apo-B mRNA. We purified a 65-kDa protein that functionally complements apobec-1 and obtained peptide sequence information which was used in molecular cloning experiments. The apobec-1 complementation factor (ACF) cDNA encodes a novel 64.3-kDa protein that contains three nonidentical RNA recognition motifs. ACF and apobec-1 comprise the minimal protein requirements for apo-B mRNA editing in vitro. By UV cross-linking and immunoprecipitation, we show that ACF binds to apo-B mRNA in vitro and in vivo. Cross-linking of ACF is not competed by RNAs with mutations in the mooring sequence. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments identified an ACF-apobec-1 complex in transfected cells. Immunodepletion of ACF from rat liver extracts abolished editing activity. The immunoprecipitated complexes contained a functional holoenzyme. Our results support a model of the editing enzyme in which ACF binds to the mooring sequence in apo-B mRNA and docks apobec-1 to deaminate its target cytidine. The fact that ACF is widely expressed in human tissues that lack apobec-1 and apo-B mRNA suggests that ACF may be involved in other RNA editing or RNA processing events.  相似文献   

Gene regulation by mRNA editing.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The editing of mRNA coding sequences by the modification, removal or addition of nucleotides has recently been recognized as another form of RNA processing. Studies of the extensive editing of mitochondrial mRNAs in trypanosomatids have revealed the involvement of small guide RNAs (gRNAs) which are encoded by the minicircles of kinetoplast DNA.  相似文献   

We have defined some of the sequences involved in high frequency recA-independent recombination at the oriV1 region of the F factor. Using a mobilization assay, we determined that plasmid pMB080, a pBR322 derivative bearing the PvuII-BamHI (F factor co-ordinates 45.43 to 46.0) fragment from the oriV1 region of F, contained all sequences necessary to undergo efficient site-specific recombination with the F derivative pOX38, which retains the oriV1 region. We constructed a series of pMB080 deletions in vitro using exonucleases S1 and Bal31. Deletions removing a ten base-pair sequence, which forms part of an inverted repeat segment located 62 base-pairs to the left of the NcoI site (45.87) within the cloned fragment, totally eliminated the recA-independent recombination reaction. Other deletions differentially affected both the frequency and stability of cointegrate molecules formed by the site-specific recombination system. The F factor oriV1 region is involved also in low-frequency recombination with several sites on pBR322 and related plasmids. We have determined the precise location of these recombination sites within oriV1 by DNA sequencing. These studies revealed that recombination always took place within an eight base-pair spacer region between the ten base-pair inverted repeats found to be important for oriV1-oriV1 interactions. We propose that the low-efficiency recombination between pBR322 and pOX38 results from the ability of the F site-specific recombination apparatus to weakly recognize and interact with sequences that bear some resemblance to the normal oriV1 recognition elements. Furthermore, we suggest, by analogy with the lambda paradigm, that the nucleotide sequences at the junctions of secondary site recombinants define at least one crossover site used during the normal site-specific recombination process.  相似文献   

Although leaf chloroplast transformation technology was developed more than a decade ago, no reports exist of stable transformation of undeveloped plastids or other specialized plastid types, such as proplastids, etioplasts, or amyloplasts. In this work we report development of a dark-grown tobacco suspension cell model system to investigate the transformation potential of undeveloped plastids. Electron microscope analysis confirmed that the suspension cells carry plastids that are significantly smaller (approximately 50-fold less in volume) and have a very different subcellular localization and developmental state than leaf cell chloroplasts. Using antibiotic selection in the light, we demonstrated that both plastid and nuclear transformation of these cell suspensions is efficient and reproducible, with plastid transformation frequency at least equal to that of leaf chloroplast transformation. Homoplasmic plastid transformants are readily obtained in cell colonies, or in regenerated plants, providing a more consistent and versatile model than the leaf transformation system. Because of the uniformity of the cell suspension model, we could further show that growth rate, selection scheme, particle size, and DNA amount influence the frequency of transformation. Our results indicate that the rate-limiting steps for nuclear and plastid transformation are different, and each must be optimized separately. The suspension cell system will be useful as a model for understanding transformation in those plant species that utilize dark-grown embryogenic cultures and for characterizing the steps that lead to homoplasmic plastid transformation.  相似文献   

Reorganization of tobacco root plastids during arbuscule development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present paper we analyzed plastid populations labeled by the green fluorescent protein in non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal roots of tobacco (Nicotiana tahacum L.). We show by confocal laser scanning microscopy (i) a dramatic increase in these plastids in mycorrhizal roots and (ii) the formation of dense plastid networks covering the symbiotic interface of the arbuscular mycorrhiza, the arbuscule. These cytological observations point to an important role of root cortical cell plastids in the functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.  相似文献   

Four forms of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) are synthesized from the same mRNA, resulting from alternative initiations of translation at three CUG start codons and one AUG start codon. The CUG- and AUG-initiated forms have distinct intracellular localizations and can modify cell phenotypes differently, indicating that control of the alternative expression of the different forms of bFGF has an important impact on the cell. In this study, we investigated the roles of the mRNA 5' untranslated region and the alternatively translated region located between the CUG and AUG codons in the regulation of alternative translation of the different forms of bFGF. Deletions and site-directed mutagenesis were carried out in bFGF mRNA leader, and translation was studied in vitro and in vivo. The results enabled us to identify five cis-acting RNA elements (two in the 5' untranslated region and three in the alternatively translated region) involved in the regulation of either global or alternative initiation of translation. Each of these elements had a specific effect on the level of synthesis of the different forms of bFGF. Furthermore, we showed that the 5' untranslated region regulatory elements had different effects on bFGF translation, depending on the translation system used. These results suggest that bFGF translation is modulated by cis-acting elements corresponding to secondary or tertiary RNA structures, which could be the targets of cell-specific trans-acting factors.  相似文献   

Removal of antibiotic resistance genes from transgenic tobacco plastids   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Iamtham S  Day A 《Nature biotechnology》2000,18(11):1172-1176
Removal of antibiotic resistance genes from genetically modified (GM) crops removes the risk of their transfer to the environment or gut microbes. Integration of foreign genes into plastid DNA enhances containment in crops that inherit their plastids maternally. Efficient plastid transformation requires the aadA marker gene, which confers resistance to the antibiotics spectinomycin and streptomycin. We have exploited plastid DNA recombination and cytoplasmic sorting to remove aadA from transplastomic tobacco plants. A 4.9 kbp insert, composed of aadA flanked by bar and uidA genes, was integrated into plastid DNA and selected to remove wild-type plastid genomes. The bar gene confers tolerance to the herbicide glufosinate despite being GC-rich. Excision of aadA and uidA mediated by two 174 bp direct repeats generated aadA-free T(0) transplastomic plants containing the bar gene. Removal of aadA and bar by three 418 bp direct repeats allowed the isolation of marker-free T(2) plants containing a plastid-located uidA reporter gene.  相似文献   

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