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Novel amino linker and spacer phosphoramidites were synthesized from methoxyoxalamido (MOX) percursors possessing a secondary hydroxyl, which when phosphitylated endowed stability to the corresponding phosphoramidites. The synthetic strategy is robust, and the chemistry is reactive towards a variety of primary aliphatic diamines and amino alcohols to produce distinctly unique phosphoramidites. The selection of building blocks determines the length and physico-chemical properties of the phosphoramidite tethering arms, and the synthesis can be specifically tailored to suit individual requirement.  相似文献   

We designed and synthesized a series of novel 3,6-bicyclolide oximes, possessing linkers of varying lengths to the secondary binding site. The E isomers exhibited excellent antibacterial profiles against a broad spectrum of resistant pathogens.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of our click chemistry based methodology to construct novel SPOS (solid phase organic synthesis) resins, the triazolylmethyl linked catechol 6a was discovered, which is readily available via copper(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) of azidomethyl substituted polystyrene with O-propargylcatechol and can be applied for the parallel synthesis of N-phenyltriazole carboxamides. As a proof-of-concept, a ‘catch-and-release’ strategy could be successfully applied for a parallel synthesis of dopaminergic phenyltriazoles of type 2. A focused model library of 20 test compounds revealing three points of diversity was generated by a three-step SPOS approach. Product purification was performed employing a solid-supported carboxylic acid anhydride as a scavenger. GPCR-ligand binding screening revealed dopamine D3 receptor ligands with Ki values in the single digit nanomolar range.  相似文献   

Heat- and solvent-tolerant enzymes from halophiles, potentially important industrially, offer a robust framework for protein engineering, but few solved halophilic structures exist to guide this. Homology modelling has guided mutations in glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) from Halobacterium salinarum to emulate conversion of a mesophilic GDH to a methionine dehydrogenase. Replacement of K89, A163 and S367 by leucine, glycine and alanine converted halophilic GDH into a dehydrogenase accepting l-methionine, l-norleucine and l-norvaline as substrates. Over-expression in the halophilic expression host Haloferax volcanii and three-step purification gave ~98 % pure protein exhibiting maximum activity at pH 10. This enzyme also showed enhanced thermostability and organic solvent tolerance even at 70 °C, offering a biocatalyst resistant to harsh industrial environments. To our knowledge, this is the first reported amino acid specificity change engineered in a halophilic enzyme, encouraging use of mesophilic models to guide engineering of novel halophilic biocatalysts for industrial application. Calibrated gel filtration experiments show that both the mutant and the wild-type enzyme are stable hexamers.  相似文献   

Using rimonabant, a potent inverse agonist for cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R), as parent ligand, a series of novel univalent and bivalent ligands were designed by variation of spacer length and its chemical structure. The ligands synthesized were evaluated for affinity and selectivity by radioligand displacement and a functional steady-state GTPase assay. The results showed the nature of the spacer influences the biological readout. Albeit all compounds show significantly lower affinities than rimonabant, this fact could be used to demonstrate that affinities and selectivity are influenced by the chemical structure and length of the spacer and might be helpful for designing bivalent probes for other GPCR receptors.  相似文献   

The ability of proteins to self-assemble into complex, functional nanoscale structures is expected to become of significant use in the manufacture of artificial nanodevices with a wide range of novel applications. The bacterial protein TRAP has potential uses as a nanoscale component as it is ring-shaped, with a central, modifiable cavity. Furthermore, it can be engineered to make a ring of 12-fold symmetry, which is advantageous for packing into two-dimensional arrays. The 12mer form of TRAP is made by linking multiple subunits together on the same polypeptide, but the usefulness of the 12mers described to date is limited by their poor stability. Here we show that, by altering the length of the peptide linker between subunits, the thermostability can be significantly improved. Since the subunit interfaces of the different 12mers are essentially identical, stabilization arises from the reduction of strain in the linkers. Such a simple method of controlling the stability of modular proteins may have wide applications, and demonstrates the lack of absolute correlation between interactions observable by crystallography and the internal energy of a complex.  相似文献   

Microwave, flow and combination methodologies have been applied to the synthesis of a number of substituted indoles. Based on the Hemetsberger–Knittel (HK) process, modifications allow formation of products rapidly and in high yield. Adapting the methodology allows formation of 2-unsubstituted indoles and derivatives, and a route to analogs of the antitumor agent PLX-4032 is demonstrated. The utility of the HK substrates is further demonstrated through bioconjugation and subsequent ring closure and via Huisgen type [3+2] cycloaddition chemistry, allowing formation of peptide adducts which can be subsequently labeled with fluorine tags.  相似文献   

2'-Deoxyuridine derivatives bearing a substituent at the C5-position, which has a different chain length and a different functional group (methyl or amino), were synthesized and incorporated into oligodeoxyribonucleotides. The effect of the substituent groups in the major groove on the stability of the duplexes was investigated by UV melting experiments. It was found that the stabilization of these duplexes by a terminal amino group depended on the length of a linker arm.  相似文献   

5-Arylcarbamoyl-2-methylisoxazolidin-3-yl-3-phosphonates have been synthesised from N-methyl-C-diethoxyphosphorylnitrone and N-arylacrylamides in good yields. cis- and trans-isoxazolidine phosphonates obtained herein were evaluated for activity against a broad range of DNA and RNA viruses. None of the compounds were endowed with antiviral activity at subtoxic concentrations. Isoxazolidines having phenyl substituted with halogen (Ar = 2-F-C6H4; 3-Br-C6H4; and 4-Br-C6H4) have been found to inhibit proliferation of L1210, CEM as well as HeLa cells with IC50 in the 100–170 μM range.  相似文献   

A series of novel nucleoside 5'-triphosphates and phosphoramidites containing alkyne or amino groups for the postsynthetic functionalization of nucleic acids were designed and synthesized. For this purpose, the new 3-aminopropoxypropynyl linker group was used. It contains two alternative functional capabilities: an amino group for the reaction of amino-alkynyl-modified oligonucleotides with corresponding activated esters and an alkyne group for the copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction. It was shown that a variety of methods of the attachment of the new linker can be used to synthesize a diversity of modified pyrimidine nucleosides.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake of vitamin folic acid occurs via folate-receptor mediated endocytosis. Many types of cancer cells express high levels of folate receptors as they need continuous supply of this vitamin for their proliferation. With an objective to use folic acid as a 'Trojan Horse' to transport anticancer drugs into cancer cells, a novel heterobifunctional disulfide-containing linker was synthesized and utilized to covalently link an amino- and hydroxyl-containing anticancer drug, and an appropriately functionalized folic acid to create novel targetable folate-drug conjugates that are shown to release free drugs under biologically relevant pH via sulfhydryl-assisted cleavage of the self-immolative disulfide-containing linker.  相似文献   

We have developed efficient synthetic routes to two hydrophobic amino acids, suitably protected for solid-phase peptide synthesis, and have successfully synthesized peptides containing these or other hydrophobic amino acids as spacers between a Lys16 moiety and an integrin-targeting motif. These peptides have in turn been used to formulate a range of lipopolyplex vectors with Lipofectin and plasmid DNA. The transfection efficiencies of these vectors and their aggregation behavior in buffers and in serum have been studied. We have shown that vectors containing peptides incorporating long linkers that are entirely hydrophobic are less efficient transfection agents. However, linkers of equivalent length that are in part hydrophobic show improved transfection properties, which is probably due to the improved accessibility of the integrin-binding motif.  相似文献   

We have used photo-crosslinking to investigate the structure and dynamics of four-way junction hairpin ribozyme constructs. Four phenylazide photo-crosslinkers were coupled to 2′-NH2-modified U+2 in the substrate and irradiated at different Mg2+ concentrations and temperatures. Consistent with the role of divalent metal ions in hairpin ribozyme folding, we observed more interdomain crosslinks in the presence of Mg2+ than in its absence. In general, we observed intradomain crosslinks to nucleotides 2–11 and interdomain crosslinks to the U1A binding loop. Crosslinks to A26 and G36 in domain B were also observed when crosslinking was carried out at −78°C. In contrast to crosslinking results at higher temperatures (0, 25 and 37°C), similar crosslinks were obtained in the presence and absence of Mg2+ at −78°C, suggesting Mg2+ stabilizes a low-energy hairpin ribozyme conformation. We also evaluated the effects of photo-crosslinker structure and mechanism on crosslinks. First, most crosslinks were to unpaired nucleotides. Second, shorter and longer photo-crosslinkers formed crosslinks to intradomain locations nearer to and farther from photo-crosslinker modification, respectively. Finally, fluorine substitutions on the phenylazide ring did not change the locations of crosslinks, but rather decreased crosslinking efficiency. These findings have implications for the use of phenylazide photo-crosslinkers in structural studies of RNA.  相似文献   

A novel linker for the synthesis of oligonucleotides on a glass support is described. Oligonucleotides synthesised on the support remain tethered to the support after ammonia treatment and are shown to take part in sequence specific hybridisation reactions. These hybridizations were carried out with oligonucleotides synthesised on 'ballotini' solid sphere glass beads and microscope slides. The linker has a hexaethylene glycol spacer, bound to the glass via a glycidoxypropyl silane, terminating in a primary hydroxyl group that serves as starting point for automated or manual oligonucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   

Sensory adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis involves reversible methylation of specific glutamyl residues on chemoreceptors. The reactions are catalyzed by a dedicated methyltransferase and dedicated methylesterase. In Escherichia coli and related organisms, control of these enzymes includes an evolutionarily recent addition of interaction with a pentapeptide activator located at the carboxyl terminus of the receptor polypeptide chain. Effective enzyme activation requires not only the pentapeptide but also a segment of the receptor polypeptide chain between that sequence and the coiled-coil body of the chemoreceptor. This segment has features consistent with a role as a flexible and presumably unstructured linker and enzyme tether, but there has been no direct information about its structure. We used site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to characterize structural features of the carboxyl-terminal 40 residues of E. coli chemoreceptor Tar. Beginning ~ 35 residues from the carboxyl terminus and continuing to the end of the protein, spectra of spin-labeled Tar embedded in native membranes or in reconstituted proteoliposomes, exhibited mobilities characteristic of unstructured, disordered segments. Binding of methyltransferase substantially reduced mobility for positions in or near the pentapeptide but mobility for the linker sequence remained high, being only modestly reduced in a gradient of decreasing effects for 10-15 residues, a pattern consistent with the linker providing a flexible arm that would allow enzyme diffusion within defined limits. Thus, our data identify that the carboxyl-terminal linker between the receptor body and the pentapeptide is an unstructured, disordered segment that can serve as a flexible arm and enzyme tether.  相似文献   

Trinucleotide phosphoramidites representing codons for all 20 amino acids have been prepared and used in automated, solid-phase DNA synthesis. In contrast to an earlier report, we show that these substances can be used to introduce entire codons into oligonucleotides in excess of 98% yield, and are ideal reagents for the synthesis of mixed oligonucleotides for random mutagenesis.  相似文献   

A tether length study of C32-O-phenalkyl ether derivatives of ascomycin was conducted wherein it was determined that a 2-carbon tether provides optimum in vitro immunosuppressive activity. Oxygen-bearing substituents along the 2-carbon tether can further increase the potency of this design.  相似文献   

Chloride-activated alpha-amylases contain a noncatalytic triad, independent of the glycosidic active site, perfectly mimicking the catalytic triad of serine-proteases and of other active serine hydrolytic enzymes. Mutagenesis of Glu, His, and Ser residues in various alpha-amylases shows that this pattern is a structural determinant of the enzyme conformation that cannot be altered without losing the intrinsic stability of the protein. (1)H-(15)N NMR spectra of a bacterial alpha-amylase reveal proton signals that are identical with the NMR signature of catalytic triads and especially a deshielded proton involving a protonated histidine and displaying properties similar to that of a low barrier hydrogen bond. It is proposed that the H-bond between His and Glu of the noncatalytic triad is an unusually strong interaction, responsible for the observed NMR signal and for the weak stability of the triad mutants. Furthermore, a stringent template-based search of the Protein Data Bank demonstrated that this motif is not restricted to alpha-amylases, but is also found in 80 structures from 33 different proteins, amongst which SH2 domain-containing proteins are the best representatives.  相似文献   

Involvement of oxidative stress, leading to chondrocyte senescence and cartilage ageing has been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). New efforts to prevent the development and progression of OA include strategies and interventions aimed at reducing oxidative damage in articular cartilage using antioxidants as adjuncts to conservative therapy. Diacerein is an anthraquinone derivative with a marked disease modifying effect on OA owing to IL-1 β inhibition. In the present work an attempt was made at design and development of a co-drug of diacerein with antioxidant thymol. Structural elucidation was carried out by spectral analysis. When release kinetics of prodrug was studied in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and small intestinal homogenates of rats, 91% and 94% diacerein was available respectively at the end of 4.5 h. Chemical linkage of thymol with diacerein improved its lipophilicity and hence bioavailability. Screening of prodrug in Freud’s adjuvant-induced arthritis and ulcerogenic potential by Rainsford’s cold stress model exhibited significant reduction in paw volume, joint diameter and ulcer index with superior anti-inflammatory/anti-arthritic activities than the standards. Results of histopathology of tibio-tarsal joint indicated that animals treated with diacerein exhibited moderate synovitis while thymol and physical mixture-treated animals showed mild synovitis. Interestingly in prodrug-treated animals synovitis was not observed. The results of this study underline the promising potential of co-drug of diacerein and thymol in the management of OA.  相似文献   

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