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Subtypes of helper cells. Non-inflammatory type 1 helper T cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Class II MHC-restricted T cells recently have been characterized as being either type 1 (Th1) or type 2 (Th2) based on their ability to both secrete different lymphokines and perform different functions. Characterization of these subtypes to date have indicated that Th1 cells secrete IL-2, IFN-gamma, lymphotoxin, and IL-3, whereas Th2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-3. Functionally, Th1 cells mediated cytotoxicity and delayed-type hypersensitivity, and have been termed "inflammatory cells," whereas Th2 cells mediate helper function for Ig secretion and have been termed, "regulatory cells." We now present evidence that not all Th1 clones are inflammatory and capable of mediating cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity. We have generated a number of myelin basic protein-specific Th1 clones that do not mediate swelling when injected together with myelin basic protein directly into the footpads of syngeneic mice. These results suggest that Th1 cells can be further subdivided based on their ability to mediate delayed-type hypersensitivity, and that the Th1/Th2 characterization of Th cells may be insufficient to adequately characterize all functional subtypes of class II MHC-restricted T cells.  相似文献   

A sequential culture technique for the in vitro induction and subsequent assay of T helper cells is employed to examine the histocompatibility requirements for antigen recognition by murine T helper cells. F1 T cells are primed in vitro with antigen-pulsed parental strain macrophages and tested for antigen-specific helper activity in cultures containing anti-Thy 1.2 serum and C treated spleen cells from hapten-primed parental or F1 mice. A semiallogenieic system is used and appropriate controls are included to avoid possible complicating effects of allogeneic interactions. The results indicate that F1 T helper cells preferentially stimulate carrier-specific anti-hapten plaque-forming cell responses in spleen cells which are H-2 identical with the macrophage used initially to prime the T cells. Parental spleen cell cultures do not respond to F1 T helper cells which were primed with the other parental strain macrophage. Supplementing this culture with macrophages which are histocompatible with those used to prime the F1T cells is sufficient to restore T helper cell activity. Thus, the genetic restriction described here is between the primed T cell and the macrophage used to elicit secondary responses and not between the T cell and B cell. The results in this semiallogeneic system, however, do not rule out the possibility of additional allogeneic genetic restrictions in the subsequent interaction of T cells with B cells.  相似文献   

CD4(+)CD25(high)CD127(low/-) forkhead box p3 (Foxp3)(+) regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) possess functional plasticity. Here we describe a higher frequency of T helper type 1 (T(H)1)-like, interferon-γ (IFN-γ)-secreting Foxp3(+) T cells in untreated subjects with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) as compared to healthy control individuals. In subjects treated with IFN-β, the frequency of IFN-γ(+)Foxp3(+) T cells is similar to that in healthy control subjects. In vitro, human T(reg) cells from healthy subjects acquire a T(H)1-like phenotype when cultured in the presence of interleukin-12 (IL-12). T(H)1-like T(reg) cells show reduced suppressive activity in vitro, which can partially be reversed by IFN-γ-specific antibodies or by removal of IL-12.  相似文献   

Th physically interact with B cells and produce lymphokines that influence B cell growth and differentiation. The respective contribution of cell contact and lymphokines to induction of B cell growth and differentiation was addressed using purified plasma membranes (PM) from resting Th (PMrest) and anti-CD3-activated Th (PMCD3) together with lymphokines. Results show that PMCD3, but not PMrest, induce 10% of resting B cells to enter the G1 phase of the cell cycle, with few B cells entering G1b and S/G2. The inclusion of IL-4, but not IL-2, IL-5, or IFN-gamma, amplifies the B cell response to PMCD3 by increasing the total percentage of activatable B cells to greater than 40% and inducing B cell progression into G1b, S, and G2. Direct comparison between PMrest and PMCD3 purified from Th1 and Th2 indicate that both Th1 and Th2 induce similar levels of B cell proliferation in the presence of IL-4. Further, the lymphokine requirements for B cell proliferation induced by PMCD3 from Th1 and Th2 is indistinguishable. B cell differentiation to IgM, IgG1, and IgG2a synthesis by PMCD3 required IL-4 and IL-5. Using lymphokine conditions that supported B cell differentiation, PMCD3 purified from Th1 and Th2 induced similar levels of IgM, and IgG1. Given the functional data on PMCD3 from Th1 and Th2, the data indicate that there are no substantive differences between Th1- and Th2-derived PMCD3, and that the major differences in the ability of viable Th1 and Th2 to activate B cells is the lymphokines produced by the cells.  相似文献   

The profile of lymphokines secreted by 14 T cell clones and 24 T cell lines reactive with Yersinia Ag isolated from the synovial fluid cells of two HLA-B27+ patients with Yersinia-triggered reactive arthritis was characterized. In response to Ag-specific or -nonspecific stimulation, all of the Yersinia-reactive T cell clones and lines had a pattern of lymphokine secretion resembling that of murine (Th1) cells. A total of 50% of T cell lines and clones randomly isolated from a reactive arthritis patient, without prior in vitro stimulation with Yersinia Ag, also exhibited a Th1-like profile of cytokine secretion upon nonspecific activation. This indicates that the selective expansion of this subset of T cells had already occurred in vivo. The possibility that the predominance of Th1-like T cells was an artefact generated by the T cell cloning procedure was excluded; 50% of the randomly isolated T cell clones and lines produced IL-4, IL-5, or both cytokines upon nonspecific activation. These results indicate that Yersinia Ag selectively activate a Th1-like subset of T cells in patients with Yersinia-triggered reactive arthritis. Accumulation of such cells in the synovial tissue of patients with reactive arthritis may play a key role in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

Type 2 immunity is characterized by expression of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13, which can function in mediating protective immunity in the host or possess a pathogenic role. T helper (Th) 2 cells have emerged to play a beneficial role in mediating anti-parasitic immunity and are also known to be key players in mediating allergic diseases. In addition to the Th2 cells, recent studies have identified T follicular helper (Tfh) cells as an alternative source of IL-4 to regulate type 2 humoral immune responses, indicating that Th2 and Tfh cells exhibit overlapping phenotypical and functional characteristics. Th2 and Tfh cells appear to utilize distinct mechanisms for regulation of IL-4 expression; however unlike Th2 cells, the regulation and function of Tfh-derived IL-4 is not yet fully understood. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms for IL-4 expression and function in both cell subsets will be beneficial for the development of future therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

目的:分析侵袭性肺曲霉病患者辅助性T细胞(Th)以及调节性T细胞(Treg)在外周血中单个核细胞中的表达情况及其临床相关性,探讨Th和Treg细胞介导的免疫反应在侵袭性肺曲霉病中的作用。方法分离21例侵袭性肺曲霉病患者及19例健康人外周血的单个核细胞,采用流式细胞术分析Th1、Th2、Th17、Treg细胞群的表达情况,Real-timePCR方法检测相关转录因子T-bet、GATA-3、RORγt以及Foxp3的表达,ELISA法检测血清中相关细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-4、IL-17以及TGF-β的表达。结果与健康人对照组相比,侵袭性肺曲霉病患者Th1细胞以及Treg细胞占CD4+T细胞的比例较之对照组明显降低;Th1、Th17、Treg细胞相关转录因子T-bet、RORγt、Foxp3以及相关细胞因子IFN-γ、IL-17A、TGF-β与对照组相比表达明显降低。结论IPA患者的Th1、Th17以及Treg细胞所介导的免疫反应受抑制。  相似文献   

After activation with anti-CD3, activated Th (THCD3), but not resting Th, fixed with paraformaldehyde induce B cell RNA synthesis when co-cultured with resting B cells. This activity is expressed by Th of both Th1 and Th2 subtypes, as well as a third Th clone that is not classified into either subtype. It is proposed that anti-CD3 activation of Th results in the expression of Th membrane proteins that trigger B cell cycle entry. Kinetic studies reveal that 4 to 8 h of activation with anti-CD3 is sufficient for ThCD3 to express B cell-activating function. However, activation of Th with anti-CD3 for extended periods of time results in reduced Th effector activity. Inhibition of Th RNA synthesis during the anti-CD3 activation period ablates the ability of ThCD3 to induce B cell cycle entry. This indicates that de novo synthesis of proteins is required for ThCD3 to express effector function. The ability of fixed ThCD3 to induce entry of B cell into cycle is not due to an increase in expression of CD3, CD4, LFA-1, ICAM-1, class I MHC or Thy-1. Other forms of Th activation (PMA and A23187, Con A) also induced Th effector function. Furthermore, purified plasma membranes from anti-CD3 activated, but not resting Th, induced resting B cells to enter cycle. The addition of IL-4, but not IL-2, IL-5, or IFN-gamma amplified the DNA synthetic response of B cells stimulated with PM from activated Th. Taken together these data indicate that de novo expression of Th surface proteins on activated Th is required for Th to induce B cell cycle entry into G1 and the addition of IL-4 is required for the heightened progression into S phase.  相似文献   

Murine helper T lymphocyte (HTL) clones reactive to ovalbumin (OVA) were maintained in continuous culture in vitro. Clones were propagated by weekly stimulation in the presence of irradiated splenic filler cells, antigen, and supernatant fluid (SF) containing IL 2. By varying the quantity of these reagents in cultures of HTL cells, the reactivity to antigen of the cloned cells was altered markedly. After stimulation by antigen or SF, HTL clones became profoundly unresponsive to antigenic restimulation. Cells remained unresponsive for 2 to 9 days after stimulation, depending on the culture conditions that were chosen for their maintenance. The addition of SF containing a high concentration of IL 2 prolonged the duration of unresponsiveness by 3 days, and the presence of a non-T splenic filler cell increased the period of unresponsiveness by an additional 4 days. The use of a high concentration of OVA in cell cultures also prolonged the time of unresponsiveness. The results described here demonstrate that the response to antigen of HTL cells is down-regulated after stimulation, and appears to be correlated with exposure to SF that contains IL 2.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the expression of S1P(1,3,4,5) the receptors for sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), and LPA(1,2,3) the receptors for lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in T helper 1 (Th1) and T helper 2 (Th2) cells. S1P and LPA induce the chemotaxis of Th1 and Th2 cells, an activity that is resistant to pertussis toxin (PTX) pretreatment in Th1, but is sensitive in Th2 cells. Also, I-TAC-induced Th1 and eotaxin-induced Th2 cell chemotaxis are blocked by PTX pretreatment. LPA but not S1P induces calcium flux response in Th1 and Th2 cells, which is due to the influx of extracellular calcium and is mediated by receptor activation, since EGTA and suramin (SUR) completely abrogate LPA-induced the release of calcium. No cross-desensitization is observed between thapsigargin (TG) and LPA in both cell types. PTX and SUR but not EGTA inhibit I-TAC- or eotaxin-induced [Ca(2+)](i) release in Th1 and Th2 cells. Our results indicate that lysophospholipids and chemokines stimulate different signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

T cell helper defect in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Purified peripheral blood T lymphocytes from normal donors were shown to help allogeneic tonsillar B cells to differentiate and secrete specific anti-SRBC antibody in vitro in a plaque-forming assay. Utilizing this system, a comparison was made between the allogeneic helper activity generated by the T cells of normal individuals and patients with various disease states. Allogeneic helper activity was absent when T lymphocytes from patients with CLL were used. Conversely, relatively normal allogeneic helper function was provided by T cells of patients with a variety of other disorders studied. Thus, a functional deficiency was identified in CLL patients in the subpopulation of regulatory T cells responsible for providing helper activity in allogeneic interactions.  相似文献   

The CD4 glycoprotein, a member of the Ig super-family, has long been known to play an important role in the immunologic activation of Th cells. The precise manner in which CD4 participates in this activation process is not yet understood. In an attempt to further define its role in Th cell activation, we modeled the D1 domain of the murine CD4 protein (L3T4) based on the experimentally determined high resolution structure of the human CD4 protein. Because the D1 domain of CD4 strongly resembles the V kappa chain of an antibody, we addressed the question of whether the CDR-like regions of CD4 are also involved in mediating protein-protein interactions. Consequently, we used the modeled L3T4 structure as a template in the design of conformational mimics of the CDR3-like region (residues 86-94). Only the analog designed to mimic both the sequence and conformation of this region exhibited highly specific inhibition of CD4-dependent responses. Because the inhibitory activity could be localized to the Th cell itself, it appears that this analog acts by uncoupling a CD4 association (independent of an APC) critical to generating a proliferative response.  相似文献   

The immunopotentiating activity of nigerooligosaccharides (NOS), a mixture of nigerose, nigerosyl glucose and nigerosyl maltose, was studied in vitro and in vivo in mice. Mitogen-induced proliferation of splenocytes from normal mice was augmented in a dose-dependent manner by nigerose of NOS. NOS enhanced interleukin 12 (IL-12) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by normal splenocytes in the presence of the potent IL-12 inducer, heat-killed Lactobacillus plantarum L-137, in vitro. Consistent with the in vitro finding, L. plantarum L-137-induced IL-12 production and IL-2-induced IFN-gamma production were augmented in mice fed with a 14.6% NOS diet for 2 weeks compared with mice fed with a control diet. Notably, mice fed with the NOS diet showed significantly longer survival time than the control mice after the induction of an endogenous infection by administering 5-fluorouracil in a lethal dose. Taken together, these results suggest that NOS may exert immunopotentiating activity through the activation of an IL-12-dependent T helper 1-like immune response.  相似文献   

We previously established monoclonal antibodies (mAb) that are putatively directed to the I region of H-2k but are reactive only with T cells. Because of their specificity to the unique epitopes different from class II antigens, they are designated as anti-Iat reagents. The present study demonstrated that these anti-Iat inhibit the H-2k-restricted helper T (Th) cell function by acting on the very H-2 restriction site of both H-2k and H-2kxb F1 T cells. This was determined by both the cytotoxic treatment and blocking of antigen-primed Th cells. In the F1 Th population, only those restricted to H-2k were eliminated, leaving the H-2b-restricted Th cells uninhibited. The inhibition of the response was not due to the induction of suppressor T cells, but to the elimination of the function of radioresistant Lyt-1+,2- Th cells. Iatk epitopes were also found on an H-2k-restricted but not on H-2b-restricted Th cell clone established from the same H-2kxb F1 animal. None of the anti-Iatk were reactive with class II antigens on B cells. These results indicate that Iat epitopes are not directly encoded by the I region genes, but are associated with the H-2 restriction site of T cells, which see the self class II polymorphism. Thus, Iat epitopes are expressed clonally in high frequency on H-2k-restricted Th cells of F1, being excluded from the H-2b-restricted Th population. The relationship between Iat and T cell receptor molecules is unknown.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from mice primed with dinitrophenylated human γ-globulin (DNP-HGG) did not mount a secondary anti-DNP response in diffusion chamber cultures upon stimulation with dinitrophenylated keyhole limpet hemocyanin (DNP-KLH). The same cells, however, responded to stimulation with DNP-KLH complexed with anti-KLH antibody of rabbit or mouse origin. There is an optimal antigen:antibody ratio at which the immune complexes (IC) must be formed for maximal activity. T cells are required for the immunogenic activity of IC, since T-cell-depleted cultures did not respond. It was found that IC made with carrier and anticarrier antibody stimulated the development of carrier-specific helper T cells in cultures of spleen cells, thymocytes, and nylon wool nonadherent spleen cells from nonimmune mice. In contrast, free carrier did not elicit helper T cells. IC made with carrier and the F(ab′)2 fragment of anticarrier antibody were immunogenic, but those made with carrier and the Fab′ fragment of anticarrier antibody were not, suggesting that helper T-cell activation is triggered by crosslinking of antigen-specific surface receptors.  相似文献   

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