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Calf-thymocyte membrane vesicles, prepared by hypotonic lysis and homogenization, were isolated by standard centrifugal techniques designed for enrichment of plasma membrane. At 20°C, these vesicles equilibrated with d-glucose and 3-O-methyl-d-glucose more rapidly than with l-glucose. About 25% of the equilibrium d-sugar space (6 μl/mg protein) was very slowly penetrated by l-glucose ( ). The time course of d-sugar accumulation in excess of l-glucose accumulation indicated that this space equilibrated with d-glucose and 3-O-methyl-d-glucose with half-times of approximately 0.2–0.4 min. The remainder of the equilibrium d-sugar space (about 75%) appeared equally accessible to both glucose isomers ( to 5 min). This was confirmed in studies of efflux from preloaded vesicles, where the d-glucose space fell with a short half-time (0.2 min) to the l-glucose space, after which the two isomers exited with the same half-time. Addition of sucrose to increase osmolarity reduced both spaces (specific and non-specific) in a manner which indicated that little if any of the vesicle sugar was bound. This was confirmed by the fact that equilibrium glucose space was independent of glucose concentration and by the fact that vesicles immediately lost their sugar when diluted with water at 0°C. These data indicate the presence of two vesicle types, discriminant and indiscriminant as regards transport of the glucose isomers. Entry of d-glucose into the discriminant (stereospecific) vesicles was temperature sensitive (Q10 > 2), saturable (Km 2 mM), and was inhibited by phloretin (Ki < 200 μM), N-ethylmaleimide (Ki < 10 mM) and cytochalasin B (Ki < 2 μM), suggesting that these vesicles contain the plasma-membrane glucose carrier. Entry of l- and d-glucose into the indiscriminant vesicles showed none of these properties. The equilibrium-exchange Km and V were about five times the entry Km and V, indicating the substrate loading greatly facilitates carrier translocation, at least in the outward direction.  相似文献   

The transport of uridine into rabbit renal outer-cortical brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles was compared at 22 degrees C. Uridine was taken up into an osmotically active space in the absence of metabolism for both types of membrane vesicles. Uridine influx by brush-border membrane vesicles was stimulated by Na+, and in the presence of inwardly directed gradients of Na+ a transient overshoot phenomenon was observed, indicating active transport. Kinetic analysis of the saturable Na+-dependent component of uridine flux indicated that it was consistent with Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km 12 +/- 3 microM, Vmax. 3.9 +/- 0.9 pmol/s per mg of protein). The sodium:uridine coupling stoichiometry was found to be consistent with 1:1 and involved the net transfer of positive charge. In contrast, uridine influx by basolateral membrane vesicles was not dependent on the cation present and was inhibited by nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR). NBMPR-sensitive uridine transport was saturable (Km 137 +/- 20 microM, Vmax. 5.2 +/- 0.6 pmol/s per mg of protein). Inhibition of uridine flux by NBMPR was associated with high-affinity binding of NBMPR to the basolateral membrane (Kd 0.74 +/- 0.46 nM). Binding of NBMPR to these sites was competitively blocked by adenosine and uridine. These results indicate that uridine crosses the brush-border surface of rabbit proximal renal tubule cells by Na+-dependent pathways, but permeates the basolateral surface by NBMPR-sensitive facilitated-diffusion carriers.  相似文献   

L-Alanine transport was studied in plasma-membrane vesicles from rat liver. A gradient of NaSCN, but not of KSCN, stimulated alanine uptake. Monensin plus carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone abolished the observed overshoot in uptake. After equilibration of alanine, NaSCN induced uphill transport.  相似文献   

Transport of [3H]tetraethylammonium, an organic cation, has been studied in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney cortex. Some characteristics of carrier-mediated transport for tetraethylammonium were demonstrated in brush-border and basolateral membrane vesicles; the uptake was saturable, was stimulated by the countertransport effect, and showed discontinuity in an Arrhenius plot. In brush-border membrane vesicles, the presence of an H+ gradient ( [H+]i greater than [H+]o) induced a marked stimulation of tetraethylammonium uptake against its concentration gradient (overshoot phenomenon), and this concentrative uptake was completely inhibited by HgCl2. In contrast, the uptake of tetraethylammonium by basolateral membrane vesicles was unaffected by an H+ gradient. Tetraethylammonium uptake by basolateral membrane vesicles was significantly stimulated by a valinomycin-induced inside-negative membrane potential, while no effect of membrane potential was observed in brush-border membrane vesicles. These results suggest that tetraethylammonium transport across brush-border membranes is driven by an H+ gradient via an electroneutral H+-tetraethylammonium antiport system, and that tetraethylammonium is transported across basolateral membranes via a carrier-mediated system and this process is stimulated by an inside-negative membrane potential.  相似文献   

1. Transport of glycine has been demonstrated in membrane vesicles isolated from rat brain, using artificially imposed ion gradients as the sole energy source. 2. The uptake of glycine is strictly dependent on the presence of Na+ and Cl- in the medium, and the process can be driven either by an Na+ gradient (out greater than in) or by a C1- gradient (out greater than in) when the other essential ion is present. 3. The uptake of glycine is stimulated by a membrane potential (interior negative), as demonstrated by the effects of the ionophores valinomycin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and anions of different permeabilities. 4. The kinetic analysis shows that glycine is accumulated by two systems with different affinities. 5. The presence of ouabain, an inhibitor (Na+ + K+)-activated ATPase, does not affect glycine transport. 6. The existence of a high-affinity, Na+-dependent glycine-uptake system in membrane vesicles derived from rat brain suggests that this amino acid may have a transmitter role in some areas of the rat brain.  相似文献   

Transport of glycylglycine into rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles was found to be Na+-independent, H+ gradient-dependent and electrogenic. Marked overshoot uptake of the dipeptide was observed when an inward-directed proton gradient and inside-negative potential difference were imposed simultaneously across the vesicular membranes. Saturable depolarization of vesicular membranes could be demonstrated with glycylglycine by use of a fluorescent cyanine dye, di-S-C3(5). The results indicate that glycylglycine is contransported with H+ across the membranes.  相似文献   

We examined the mechanism of prostaglandin E2 transport in rabbit renal basolateral membrane vesicles which were predominantly oriented right-side-out. In the presence of an inwardly directed H+ gradient, the initial rate of uptake was markedly accelerated and the influx of prostaglandin E2 resulted in a transient accumulation (overshoot) above the equilibrium value. Both H+-independent and H+-stimulated prostaglandin E2 uptake were shown to be insensitive to valinomycin-induced K+ diffusion potentials. Intravesicular probenecid inhibited the pH gradient-stimulated uptake of prostaglandin E2 but did not affect the pH-stimulated uptake of thiocyanate and acetate which enter membranes via ionic and nonionic diffusion, respectively. Finally, the existence of a Na+ cotransport or of a K+ antiport pathway for prostaglandin E2 could not be demonstrated. Thus, these data demonstrate the presence of an electrically neutral H+-prostaglandin E2 cotransport or OH- -prostaglandin E2 antiport mechanism in the basolateral membrane of the rabbit proximal tubule.  相似文献   

This study describes evidence for the existence of a H+/glycine symport system in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles. An inward proton gradient stimulates glycine transport across the brush-border membrane, and this H+-driven glycine uptake is attenuated by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. It is a positive rheogenic process, i.e. the H+-dependent glycine uptake is further enhanced by an intravesicular negative potential. Glycine uptake is stimulated to a lesser degree by an inward Na+ gradient. H+-dependent glycine uptake is inhibited by sarcosine (69%), an analog amino acid, imino acids (proline 81%, hydroxy proline 67%), and beta-alanine (31%), but not by neutral (L-leucine) or basic (L-lysine) amino acids. The results demonstrate that H+ glycine co-transport system in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles is a carrier-mediated electrogenic process and that transport is shared by imino acids and partially by beta-alanine.  相似文献   

The properties of a peptide-transport system in rabbit enterocyte basolateral membrane were examined with glycyl-L-proline as the substrate. Basolateral-membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit proximal intestine were characterized in terms of both purity and orientation. Marker-enzyme assays show that the basolateral-membrane marker, ouabain-sensitive K(+)-activated phosphatase, is enriched 17-fold with respect to the initial homogenate. The activities of enzymes used as markers for other membranes and organelles are low, and contamination of the final membrane fraction with these is minimal. The use of immunoblotting techniques further confirms the absence of brush-border-membrane contamination. Proteins in the basolateral-membrane vesicle preparation gave no cross-reaction with antibodies against the 140 kDa antigen and the Na+/glucose-symport protein, markers specific to the brush-border membrane of the enterocyte. Conversely, antibodies raised against the classical basolateral-membrane marker, the RLA class I histocompatibility complex, reacted strongly with a 43 kDa basolateral-membrane protein. The orientation of the basolateral-membrane vesicles was shown to be predominantly inside-out on determination by two independent criteria. The uptake of [1-14C]glycyl-L-proline by these vesicles is stimulated by the presence of an inwardly directed pH gradient, and this stimulation can be abolished by the proton ionophores carbonyl cyanide p-trichloromethoxyphenylhydrazone (CCCP) and tetrachlorotrifluoromethylbenzimidazole (TTFB). Transport is also inhibited by HgCl2, thimerosal, Na+ and other glycyl dipeptides.  相似文献   

An inward-directed proton gradient energizes the transport of intact glycylsarcosine against a concentration gradient in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles. Dissipation of the proton gradient abolishes the uphill transport. Generation of an inside-negative membrane potential nearly doubles the intravesicular concentration of the dipeptide at the peak of the overshoot without altering the equilibrium value. These data provide direct evidence for peptide-proton cotransport in the renal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

Pig lymphocyte plasma-membrane vesicles that are impermeable to large molecules were prepared by means of centrifugation on a continuous dextran gradient. They were isolated in a yield of 60--80% of the total plasma membrane recovered, and were characterized as being impermeable to macromolecules by their exclusion of inulin (mol.wt. 5200) and Dextran T10 (mol.wt. 10 000).  相似文献   

Free-flow electrophoresis was used to separate microvilli from the lateral basal plasma membrane of the epithelial cells from rat small intestine. The activities of the marker enzyme for the microvillus membrane, i.e. alkaline phosphatase (EC 3.1.31), was clearly separated from the marker for the lateral-basal plasma membrane, i.e. the (Na+, K+)-ATPase (EC A microvillus membrane fraction was obtained with a high specific activity of alkaline phosphatase (an 8-fold enrichement over the starting homogenate). The lateral-basal plasma membrane fraction contained (Na+, K+)-ATPase (5-fold over homogenate) with some alkaline phosphatase (2-fold over homogenate).Glucose transport was studied in both membrane fractions. The uptake of d-glucose was much faster than that of l-glucose in either plasma membrane, d-Glucose uptake could be accounted for completely by its transport into an osmotically active space. Interestingly, the characteristics of the glucose transport of the microvillus membrane were different from those of the lateral-basal plasma membrane. In particular: Na+ stimulated the d-glucose transport by the microvillus membrane, but not by the lateral-basal plasma membrane. In addition, the glucose transport of the microvillus membrane was much more sensitive to phlorizin inhibition than that of the lateral-basal plasma membrane.These experiments thus provide evidence not only for an asymmetrical distribution of the enzymes, but also for differences in the transport properties with respect to glucose between the two types of plasma membrane of the intestinal epithelial cell.  相似文献   

The characteristics of renal transport of D-galactose by luminal membrane vesicles from either whole cortex, pars recta or pars convoluta of rabbit proximal tubule were investigated by a spectrophotometric method using a potential-sensitive carbocyanine dye. Uptake of D-galactose by luminal membrane vesicles prepared from whole cortex was carried out by an Na+-dependent and electrogenic process. Eadie-Hofstee analysis of saturation-kinetic data suggested the presence of multiple transport systems in vesicles from whole cortex for the uptake of D-galactose. Tubular localization of the transport systems was studied by the use of vesicles derived from pars recta and pars convoluta. In pars recta, Na+-dependent transport of D-galactose and D-glucose occurred by means of a high-affinity system (half-saturation: D-galactose, 0.15 +/- 0.02 mM; D-glucose, 0.13 +/- 0.02 mM). These results indicated that the "carrier' responsible for the uptake of these hexoses does not discriminate between the steric position of the C-4 hydroxyl group of these two isomers. This is further confirmed by competition experiments, which showed that D-galactose and D-glucose are taken up by the same and equal affinity transport system by these vesicle preparations. Uptake of D-galactose and D-glucose by luminal membrane vesicles isolated from pars convoluta was mediated by a low-affinity common transport system (half-saturation: D-galactose, 15 +/- 2 mM; D-glucose, 2.5 +/- 0.5 mM). These findings strongly suggested that the "carrier' involved in the transport of monosaccharides in vesicles from pars convoluta is specific for the steric position of the C-4 hydroxyl group of these sugars and presumably interacts only with D-glucose at normal physiological concentration.  相似文献   

The kinetic basis for trans-effects of intravesicular substrates on the uptake of the organic cation, tetraethylammonium (TEA), into rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) was studied. Preloading BBMV with 1, 2, or 4 mM TEA stimulated the initial rate of uptake and the total net accumulation of 0.1 mM [3H]TEA. The stimulatory effect of intravesicular TEA on the initial rate of uptake was a saturable function of the trans-TEA concentration, with a half-maximal effect noted at an intravesicular concentration of 0.28 mM. A 1 mM trans-concentration of TEA increased the Jmax of [3H]TEA uptake (from 4.3 to 6.8 nmol.mg-1.min-1) without affecting the apparent Kt. An outwardly directed H+ gradient also increased Jmax (to 10.7 nmol.mg-1.min-1), although the addition of an outwardly directed TEA gradient did not produce further increases in the rate of TEA uptake. External H+ acted as a competitive inhibitor of TEA uptake, and an increase in external [H+] (from 32 nM to 100 nM) produced an increase in the apparent Kt for TEA transport (from 0.12 to 0.26 mM) without affecting the Jmax. The results suggested that TEA and H+ compete for a common site or set of mutually exclusive sites on the cytoplasmic and luminal aspects of TEA/H+ exchanger in the renal brush border, and that these sites have a similar affinity for TEA.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline into rabbit renal brush-border vesicles was stimulated by a K+ diffusion potential (interior-negative) induced by valinomycin. Na+ salts of two anions of different epithelial permeabilities also affected 5-oxoproline transport. These results show that the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport in renal brush-border vesicles is an electrogenic process which results in a net transfer of positive charge. Maximum transport of 5-oxoproline occurred at an extravesicular pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and over that pH range, 5-oxoproline exists completely as an anion with a negative charge. The simplest stoichiometry consistent with this process is, therefore, the cotransport of one 5-oxoproline anion with two sodium ions. The presence of K+ inside the vesicles stimulated the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline. This stimulatory effect was specific for K+ and required the presence of Na+. The presence of Na+ gradient was not mandatory for the K+ action. The stimulation by the intravesicular K+ was seen in the presence as well as in the absence of a K+ gradient. Therefore, the increased influx of 5-oxoproline was not coupled to the simultaneous efflux of K+. The presence of K+ in the extravesicular medium alone did not affect the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline, showing that the site of K+ action was intravesicular. Glutamate did not interact with the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport even in the presence of an outward K+ gradient.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on sodium and glucose transport in rabbit renal brush border membrane vesicles was examined. When membrane vesicles were preincubated in the presence of ethanol the sodium-dependent D-glucose uptake was significantly inhibited. This effect, as suggested by O'Neill et al. (1986) FEBS Lett. 194, 183-188, may be due to a faster collapse of the Na+ gradient. As a matter of fact, the amiloride-insensitive sodium pathway was increased by ethanol in our brush border membrane preparation. However, sodium/D-glucose cotransport was inhibited by ethanol, although to a lesser degree, also in the absence of a sodium gradient. In addition, ethanol inhibited glucose-dependent sodium uptake, suggesting that a direct interaction with the translocator was involved. This conclusion was also supported by kinetic measurements showing a decrease of Vmax and an increase in Km for glucose in membrane vesicles treated with ethanol. Moreover, ethanol influenced the interaction of phlorizin with the cotransporter: uptake experiments performed in the presence of the two inhibitors demonstrated that phlorizin and ethanol behave as not mutually exclusive inhibitors of D-glucose transport. These data indicate that in rabbit renal brush border membranes ethanol not only affects the 'passive pathway', i.e. the sodium permeability, but it also directly interferes with carrier functions.  相似文献   

1. Rat isolated fat-cells were coated with rabbit anti-(rat erythrocyte) antibody and incubated with fresh guinea-pig serum for 25 min at 37 degrees C, which resulted in a more than 95% release of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase. 2. Under these conditions fragmentation of the plasma membrane was examined by following the plasma-membrane markers 5'-nucleotidase, adrenaline-sensitive adenylate cyclase and membrane-bound rabbit immunoglobulin G through a differential-centrifugation fractionation procedure. 3. Approx. 50% of the plasma-membrane markers remained associated with triacylglycerol. Of the remainder more than half was pelleted by centrifugation at 10 000 g for 30 min. 4. The 10 000 g supernatant was fractionated by centrifugation on a sucrose density gradient (15-50%, w/w). This procedure resulted in the production of two visible white bands on the density gradient. The bands consisted of vesicles derived from the plasma membrane, since they coincided with peaks of 5'-nucleotidase activity, contained membrane-bound immunoglobulin G and the denser one had adenylate cyclase activity. The phospholipid and protein contents of the vesicles were determined and compared with those in purified plasma membrane. 5. It is suggested that complement-mediated lysis of rat fat-cells caused the production of plasma-membrane vesicles that differ in composition from the whole plasma membrane.  相似文献   

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