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Cooperatively breeding birds have been used frequently to study sex allocation because the adaptive value of the sexes partly depends upon the costs and benefits for parents of receiving help. I examined patterns of directional sex allocation in relation to maternal condition (Trivers-Willard hypothesis), territory quality (helper competition hypothesis), and the number of available helpers (helper repayment hypothesis) in the superb starling, Lamprotornis superbus, a plural cooperative breeder with helpers of both sexes. Superb starlings biased their offspring sex ratio in relation to prebreeding rainfall, which was correlated with maternal condition. Mothers produced relatively more female offspring in wetter years, when they were in better condition, and more male offspring in drier years, when they were in poorer condition. There was no relationship between offspring sex ratio and territory quality or the number of available helpers. Although helping was male biased, females had a greater variance in reproductive success than males. These results are consistent with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis and suggest that although females in most cooperatively breeding species make sex allocation decisions to increase their future direct reproductive success, female superb starlings appear to base this decision on their current body condition to increase their own inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

In the cooperatively breeding apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea, Corcoracidae) both sexes are philopatric and help to raise offspring. However, male helpers provision nestlings more often than females, an activity associated with reduced nestling starvation and enhanced fledgling production. Presuming that males are the more helpful sex, we examined the helper repayment hypothesis by testing the predictions that offspring sex ratio should be skewed toward the production of males (a) among breeding groups with relatively few helpers, and (b) in the population as a whole. The relationship between sex and hatching order was examined as a potential mechanism of biasing sex allocation. The sex ratio of all sexed offspring was male biased (57.9%; n = 171) as was the mean brood sex ratio (0.579; n = 70 broods). These biases were less pronounced in the subset of clutches/broods in which all offspring were sexed. This overall bias appeared to result from two distinct patterns of skew in the hatching order. First, mothers in small breeding groups produced significantly more males among the first-hatching pair. This is consistent with the helper repayment hypothesis given that later hatching chicks were less likely to survive, particularly in small groups. Second, almost all fourth-hatching chicks, usually the last in the brood, were male (91.7%, n = 12). This bias is difficult to interpret but demonstrates the value of examining hatching sequences when evaluating specific predictions of sex allocation theory in birds.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, the fitness consequences of producing sons or daughters depend upon the fitness impacts of positive (repayment hypothesis) and negative (local competition hypothesis) social interactions among relatives. In this study, we examine brood sex allocation in relation to the predictions of both the repayment and the local competition hypotheses in the cooperatively breeding long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus. At the population level, we found that annual brood sex ratio was negatively related to the number of male survivors across years, as predicted by the local competition hypothesis. At an individual level, in contrast to predictions of the repayment hypothesis, there was no evidence for facultative control of brood sex ratio. However, immigrant females produced a greater proportion of sons than resident females, a result consistent with both hypotheses. We conclude that female long-tailed tits make adaptive decisions about brood sex allocation.  相似文献   

According to theory, in species in which male variance in reproductive success exceeds that of the females, sons are more costly to produce; females mated with high quality males or those in better condition should produce more sons. In monogamous species, however, the variance in the reproductive success of the two sexes is often similar and mate choice is often mutual, making predictions regarding sex allocation more difficult. In the rock sparrow Petronia petronia, both males and females have a sexually selected yellow patch on the breast, whose size correlates with individual body condition. We investigated whether the brood sex ratio co‐varies with the size of the yellow patch of the father and the mother in a sample of 173 broods (818 chicks) over 8 breeding seasons. While the size of the yellow patch of the mother and the father did not predict per se a deviation from the expected 1:1 sex ratio, brood sex ratios were predicted by the interaction of male and female yellow patch size. This result is surprising, as the ornament is sexually selected by both males and females as an indicator of quality in both sexes and should therefore be inherited by all offspring irrespective of their sex. It indirectly suggests that other sex‐specific traits associated with patch size (e.g. polygyny in males and fecundity in females) may explain the sex allocation bias observed in rock sparrows. Thus, female individual quality alone, as expressed through the size of the yellow patch, was not associated with the biases in sex ratios reported in this study. Our results rather suggest that sex allocation occurs in response to male attractiveness in interaction with female attractiveness. In other words, females tend to preferentially allocate towards the sex of the parent with more developed ornament within the pair.  相似文献   

The maintenance of plumage color polymorphism in the parasiticjaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) is still not well understood.Earlier studies indicated that selection may favor pale femalesand melanic males. If so, females would maximize their fitness,producing pale female and melanic male offspring. We thereforepredicted that females might bias their offspring sex ratiotoward daughters in pale pairs and toward sons in melanic pairs.Females might also choose to mate assortatively in relationto plumage color, thereby maximizing the probability of producingeither pale or melanic offspring. Because females are largerthan males, differential rearing costs may affect the offspringsex ratio independent of parental plumage color. We examinedoffspring sex ratio allocation, breeding variables indicativeof parental quality, and mating pattern in relation to plumagecolor in a colony of parasitic jaegers in northern Norway. Jaegerstended to mate assortatively in relation to plumage color. Thereproductive performance declined with season, and matched pairsappeared to be of lower quality than mixed pairs. The proportionof male offspring increased with hatching date in matched paleand mixed pairs, whereas the situation was reversed in matchedmelanic pairs. Matched pale pairs produced an overall surplusof favorable pale but costly daughters despite their lower quality,while melanic pairs produced a surplus of favorable melanicsons. However, differential offspring rearing costs and parentalrearing capacity may have additionally affected the realizedoffspring sex ratio. Mixed pairs producing an overall surplusof pale and melanic daughters allocated their resources accordingto differential rearing costs and parental quality only. Wesuggest that both strategies of sex ratio allocation togetherwith differences in reproductive success in matched versus mixedpairs may have a balancing effect on the mating pattern betweenplumage morphs and may contribute to the maintenance of thecolor polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The sex ratios of offspring are targets of natural selection that can affect parental energy expenditure and fitness, adult sex ratios, and population dynamics. Parents may manipulate offspring sex ratios based on sex differences in their offsprings' potential for reproductive success. In Lincoln's Sparrows (Melospiza lincolnii), male bill shape is associated with the quality of songs, and song quality predicts female preferences in a reproductive context. Males and females that hatch later relative to brood mates or later in the breeding season tend to develop bill shapes that are, for males, associated with low‐quality song. Because females do not sing and do not experience this selection pressure, we predicted that the sex of offspring produced late relative to their brood mates or relative to the season should be biased toward females. Using a molecular technique to sex nestlings, we found no effects of hatching order or any interaction between date of clutch initiation (season) and hatching order on offspring sex. However, we found a seasonal decline in the proportion of male offspring, from approximately 0.8 at the beginning to 0.4 at the end of a clutch initiation season only 19 d in duration. To our knowledge, this is the shortest period over which the offspring sex ratio has been shown to change in a bird population. Moreover, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that sex differences in the potential attractiveness of offspring ultimately influence offspring sex ratios.  相似文献   

The sex allocation hypothesis predicts that females manipulate the offspring sex ratios according to mate attractiveness. Although there is increasing evidence to support this prediction, it is possible that paternal effects may often obscure the relationship between female control of offspring sex ratios and male attractiveness. In the present study, we examined whether females played a primary role in the manipulation their offspring sex ratios based on male attractiveness, in the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a live‐bearing fish. We excluded the paternal effects by controlling the relative sexual attractiveness of the male by presenting them to the females along with a more attractive or less attractive stimulus male. The test male was perceived to be relatively more attractive by females when it was presented along with a less attractive stimulus male, or vice versa. Subsequently, test male was mated in two different roles (relatively more and less attractive) with two females. If females were responsible for offspring sex ratio manipulation, the sex ratio of the brood would be altered on the basis of the relative attractiveness of the test male. On the other hand, if males play a primary role in offspring sex ratio manipulation, the sex ratios would not differ with the relative attractiveness of the test male. We found that females gave birth to more male‐biased broods when they mated with test males in the attractive role than when they mated with males in the less attractive role. This finding suggests that females are responsible for the manipulation of offspring sex ratios based on the attractiveness of their mates.  相似文献   

Complex sex allocation in the laughing kookaburra   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
In groups of the cooperatively breeding laughing kookaburra(Dacelo novaeguineae), offspring sex varied with the type ofsocial group and with hatch rank. Groups with female helpers,especially if all helpers were female, had male-biased clutchand fledging sex ratios. Groups without female helpers (unassistedpairs or male-only helpers) had female-biased clutch and fledgingsex ratios. Breeding females responded facultatively to increasesin the number of female helpers in their group by producingmore male eggs. These biases may occur if breeding femalestry to limit the number of daughters recruited into their groupbecause unlike male helpers, female helpers depress the breedingsuccess of their parents. Across all nests, two-thirds of first-hatchedyoung were male, two-thirds of second-hatched young were female, and the sex ratio of third-hatched young was even. Hatch ranksex ratios also varied dramatically between different typesof social groups, from 16.7% for second-hatched nestlings ofunassisted pairs to 100% for first-hatched nestlings of groupswith only female helpers. A corollary of the relationship betweenhatch rank and sex was that hatching sex sequences were distributed nonrandomly: all groups avoided hatching a daughter first followedby a son (FM). Sibling competition is aggressive and sometimesfatal. Since females grow to be 15% larger than males the hatchingsequence of sexes could affect nestling growth and mortality.However, an exhaustive analysis found little evidence thatgrowth or survival of males was compromised if hatched aftera sister. The small number of FM sequences may only have occurredin nests that were able to ameliorate any negative consequences.Alternatively, when clutch size is small and fledging successunpredictable because of brood reduction, the preferred broodsex ratio may be contingent on the number of fledged young,making it advantageous to order the sexes in the brood.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that overall population sex ratios should be around parity. But when individual females can receive higher fitness from offspring of one sex, they may benefit by biasing their brood sex ratios accordingly. In lekking species, higher variance in male reproductive success relative to that of females predicts that male offspring gain disproportionately from favorable rearing conditions. Females should therefore produce male-biased broods when they are in a position to raise higher quality offspring: i.e., in better body condition or when they reproduce earlier in the breeding season. To investigate these hypotheses, we studied brood sex ratios of lance-tailed manakins Chiroxiphia lanceolata . We found that overall sex ratios and mean brood sex ratios were not different from random expectation. Brood sex ratios were not related to laying date or female body condition. However, we detected a quadratic relationship between brood sex ratios and maternal age: both young (1–2 years) and old (8+ years) females produced female-biased brood sex ratios. This relationship was most clear in a year also distinguished by early rainy and breeding seasons. We suggest that breeding inexperience in young females and senescence in older females is the most plausible explanation for these results, and that the relationship between female age and brood sex ratio is mediated by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that the allocation of resourcesto male and female function should depend on potential fitnessgain realized through investment in either sex. In the greattit (Parus major), a monogamous passerine bird, male resourceholdingpotential (RHP) and fertilization success both depend on malebody size (e.g., tarsus length) and plumage traits (e.g., breaststripe size). It is predicted that the proportion of sons ina brood should increase both with male body size and plumage traits,assuming that these traits show a father—offspring correlation. Thiswas confirmed in our study: the proportion of sons in the brood increasedsignificantly with male tarsus length and also, though not significantly,with the size of the breast stripe. A sex ratio bias in relationto male tarsus length was already present in the eggs because(1) the bias was similar among broods with and without mortalitybefore the nestlings' sex was determined, and (2) the bias remainedsignificant when the proportion of sons in the clutch was conservativelyestimated, assuming that differential mortality before sex determinationcaused the bias. The bias was still present among recruits.The assumption of a father—offspring correlation was confirmedfor tarsus length. Given that both RHP and fertilization successof male great tits depend on body size, and size of father andoffspring is correlated, the sex ratio bias may be adaptive.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that females should bias the production of offspring towards the sex that will maximize maternal fitness. Here we demonstrate evidence for nonrandom sex allocation by female ruffs (Philomachus pugnax), at both the individual and population level in relation to female condition. At the population level, female condition varies significantly across 3 years and is mirrored by population sex ratio, such that in years when females are in poor condition the population offspring sex ratio is female-biased, while in years when females are in better condition there was little or no bias. In the year when females were in overall poor condition, females in better condition produced more daughters. The same relationship is also revealed by comparing the sex ratios of individual females breeding in two consecutive years in different condition. As the condition of an individual female improves (across years) she tends to produce more female offspring. Although we have shown that, as in other birds, female condition is an important determinant of sex allocation, our results also suggest that such nonrandom allocation does not occur in every year, being particularly strong in a year when females, on average, are in poorer condition. We suggest that our results are consistent with the idea that skewing the sex ratio is likely to carry a cost to females and that it is adaptive only when the fitness differential between sons and daughters is sufficient to outweigh probable costs.  相似文献   

The attractiveness hypothesis predicts that females produce broods with male-biased sex ratios when they mate with attractive males. This hypothesis presumes that sons in broods with male-biased sex ratios sired by attractive males have high reproductive success, whereas the reproductive success of daughters is relatively constant, regardless of the attractiveness of their sires. However, there is little direct evidence for this assumption. We have examined the relationships between offspring sex ratios and (1) sexual ornamentation of sons and (2) body size of daughters in broods from wild female guppies Poecilia reticulata. Wild pregnant females were collected and allowed to give birth in the laboratory. Body size and sexual ornamentation of offspring were measured at maturity. Our analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between offspring sex ratios (the proportion of sons per brood) and the total length as well as the area of orange spots of sons, two attributes that influence female mating preferences in guppies. The sex ratio was not associated with the body size of daughters. These results suggest that by performing adaptive sex allocation according to the expected reproductive success of sons and daughters, female guppies can enhance the overall fitness of their offspring.  相似文献   

We examined the sex ratios of adults and nestlings in the cooperatively breeding bell miner Manorina melanophrys . Males were over-represented among helpers (mean of 6.8 male helpers per nest compared to 0.3 female helpers). 58% of nestlings sampled were identified as male using a molecular genetic marker. This was a significant departure from parity, yet the magnitude of the bias varied between years. The beneficial and male-biased nature of helping behaviour in this species and the similar size of male and female nestlings suggest the net cost of raising males is lower than the cost of raising females. Consequently, the male-biased sex ratio of nestlings we observed is consistent with the predictions of the repayment hypothesis that females may bias the production of their young towards the more helpful sex. Difficulties of generating quantitative predictions from repayment models that can be tested in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the processes by which secondary sexual characters in monogamous species with biparental care may evolve is described by the differential allocation hypothesis. It predicts that mates adjust their parental effort to the attractiveness of their partner. The more attractive sex is expected to withhold parental effort while the less attractive sex is expected to compensate for the partner's decreased effort thus preventing a reduction in breeding success. Asymmetry in attractiveness then imposes costs on the less attractive sex which are thought to be exceeded by the indirect (i.e. genetic) benefits which result from sharing offspring with a highly attractive partner. This idea was tested with bluethroats, Luscinia s. svecica , a bird species in which the male is characterized by a complex multiple-coloured plumage ornament on the throat and chest. We manipulated male attractiveness by attaching conspicuous coloured leg bands which matched the blue and chestnut components of the male ornament. Control males were banded with green and yellow bands. The results from another field experiment on mate-guarding behaviour demonstrate the effectiveness of this treatment. As measures of parental effort we determined: 1. clutch size; 2. feeding rates by video recording feeding activity of both parents; and 3. brood mass up to day 9. The results do not support the differential allocation hypothesis. The experimental and control groups differed in none of the above variables. On the basis of these results we discuss the ecological factors which may influence the differential allocation process in monogamous birds.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that mothers in good conditionshould bias their brood sex ratio in response to the differentialbenefits obtained from increased maternal expenditure in sonsand daughters. Although there is well-documented variationof offspring sex ratios in several bird species according tomaternal condition, the assumption that maternal condition has different fitness consequences for male and for female offspringremains unclear. The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) is asexually size-dimorphic seabird, with females approximately31% heavier than males. It has been reported that the sex ratiois male biased in years with poor feeding conditions, whichsuggests that either females adjust their sex ratio in accordancewith their condition or that they suffer differential brood mortality before their sex can be determined. In this studyI tested whether the condition of mothers affected their daughters'fitness more than their sons' fitness. I manipulated maternalinvestment by trimming the flight feathers and thereby handicappingfemales during the chick-rearing period. Adult females in thehandicapped group had a poorer physical condition at end ofchick growth, as measured by mass and by the residuals of masson wing length compared to control birds. Female chicks wereaffected by the handicapping experiment, showing a lower massand shorter wing length (reduced approximately 8% in both measures)than controls. However, this effect was not found in male chicks.Hatching sex ratios were also related to female body conditionat hatching. The brood sex ratio of females in poor conditionwas male biased but was female biased for females in good condition.Overall, these results suggest that the variation in the sexratio in blue-footed boobies is an adaptive response to thedisadvantage daughters face from being reared under poor conditions.  相似文献   

In a French population of Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota),the sex ratio at weaning was biased in favor of males. Thisbias also seemed to exist at birth. Under Fisher's equal allocationprinciple, this means that daughters should be more costlyto produce than sons. Because the Alpine marmot can be considereda cooperative breeding species, we investigated whether thedifferential cost between sons and daughters may be explainedby the helper repayment hypothesis. The Alpine marmot usessocial thermoregulation during hibernation, allowing juvenilesto better survive over winter. In the study population, juvenilesurvival during winter increased with group size. More precisely,juvenile survival during winter increased with the number andwith the proportion of subordinate males in the hibernatinggroup, but juvenile survival did not depend on the number of subordinate females. As our results did not support alternativehypotheses to explain the observed bias in sex ratio amongoffspring at emergence, we conclude that the helper repaymenthypothesis is the best candidate to explain the observed offspringsex ratio bias in Alpine marmots. By participating in socialthermoregulation, subordinate males may repay part of the investment they received from their parents and thus become less costlyto produce. We suggest that only subordinate males helped becausethey may gain direct fitness benefits, whereas subordinatefemales may only expect indirect fitness benefits from helping.Finally, the offspring sex ratio per individual parent wasmale biased, but mothers adjusted the size and the sex compositionof their litters according to their phenotypic condition asexpected from the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory has been a remarkably productive field in behavioral ecology with empirical evidence regularly supporting quantitative theoretical predictions. Across mammals in general and primates in particular, however, support for the various hypotheses has been more equivocal. Population‐level sex ratio biases have often been interpreted as supportive, but evidence for small‐scale facultative adjustment has rarely been found. The helper repayment (HR) also named the local resource enhancement (LRE) hypothesis predicts that, in cooperatively breeding species, mothers invest more in the sex which assists with rearing future offspring and that this bias will be more pronounced in mothers who require extra assistance (i.e., due to inexperience or a lack of available alloparents). We tested these hypotheses in captive cotton‐top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) utilizing the international studbook and birth records obtained through a questionnaire from ISIS‐registered institutions. Infant sex, litter size, mother's age, parity, and group composition (presence of nonreproductive subordinate males and females) were determined from these records. The HR hypothesis was supported over the entire population, which was significantly biased toward males (the “helpful” sex). We found little support for helper repayment at the individual level, as primiparous females and those in groups without alloparents did not exhibit more extreme tendencies to produce male infants. Primiparous females were, however, more likely to produce singleton litters. Singleton births were more likely to be male, which suggests that there may be an interaction between litter size adjustment and sex allocation. This may be interpreted as supportive of the HR hypothesis, but alternative explanations at both the proximate and ultimate levels are possible. These possibilities warrant further consideration when attempting to understand the ambiguous results of primate sex ratio studies so far.  相似文献   

Timing of birth and food availability may select for biased offspring sex ratios when they differentially affect the reproductive value of male and female young. Here we show that early hatching date enhances more the probability of male Eurasian kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) to breed as one-year-old than that of females in a Finnish population. This rarely documented phenomenon has been previously observed in a kestrel population in the Netherlands. As kestrels in the Finnish population are migratory, our results refute the hypothesis that early-fledged males would have an advantage for early breeding only in resident populations. Contrary to the predictions, the Finnish population showed no change in brood sex ratio during the breeding season in a long-term data from 8years. As far as we know, this is the first demonstration that biased sex allocation may not occur even when it would appear to be adaptive. This result is different from the Dutch kestrel population, in which the season began with a bias towards males and ended with a bias in favour of females. We suggest that high inter-annual variation in food abundance in Finland might reduce selection for a sex ratio trend.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding vertebrate species, a clear theoreticalprediction about the direction of sex ratio adjustment can bemade: mothers should bias the sex ratio of their offspring towardsthe helping sex when helpers are absent. A consistent trendin the direction predicted by theory exists in cooperative birds,but theory is still poorly tested in cooperative mammals. Here,multivariate analyses are applied to a long-term data set totest this prediction in two ways in the alpine marmot: (1) acrossfemales in a population and (2) in individual females acrossmultiple years. It was shown that in the alpine marmot offspringsex ratio was biased towards the helping sex (males) when helperswere absent, whereas helped mothers produced unbiased sex ratio.Unhelped mothers did not adjust the litter size but producedmore sons and fewer daughters than helped mothers. These resultssupport the theoretical prediction and explain well the malebias observed among juvenile alpine marmots at the populationlevel. The occurrence of possible sex ratio manipulations incooperatively breeding vertebrates is also discussed.  相似文献   

The control of primary sex-ratio by vertebrates has become a major focus in biology in recent years. Evolutionary theory predicts that a differential effect of maternal characteristics on the fitness of sons and daughters is an important route, whereby selection is expected to favour a bias towards the production of one sex. However, despite experimental evidence for adaptive brood sex-ratio manipulation, support for this prediction remains a major challenge in vertebrates where inconsistencies between correlative studies are frequently reported. Here, we used a large dataset (2215 nestlings over 3 years) from a wild population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) and show that variations in breeding conditions affect female sex allocation in this species. Our results also suggest that such variation in sex allocation, owing to breeding season heterogeneity, modifies the relationships between maternal characteristics and maternal investment. Indeed, we detect a positive effect of maternal age on brood sex-ratio when age also affects offspring condition (in a low-quality breeding season). Our results indicate that including measures of both breeding season quality and maternal investment will help to better understand sex allocation patterns.  相似文献   

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