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Synopsis The behaviour of three piranha species,Serrasalmus marginatus, S. spilopleura, andPygocentrus nattereri, and their prey fishes was studied underwater in the Pantanal region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. General habits, predatory tactics, feeding behaviour, and social interactions while foraging, as well as defensive tactics of prey fishes were observed.S. marginatus is solitary whereas the other two species live in shoals; their agonistic behaviour varies accordingly, the simplest being displayed by the solitary species. Predatory tactics and feeding behaviour also vary:S. spilopleura shows the most varied diet and highly opportunistic feeding strategy, which includes aggressive mimicry. The solitaryS. marginatus, besides fin and scale-eating, occasionally cleans larger individuals ofP. nattereri. Several cichlid species display defensive tactics clearly related to piranha attacks: tail protecting, watching, and confronting the predator are the most commonly observed behaviours. Piranhas seem to strongly influence use of habitat, social structure, and foraging mode of the fish communities.  相似文献   

From the data of commercial landings and underwater observations on the Vavilov Ridge (the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean), approximately 50 bottom, near bottom, and near bottom-pelagic fish species of 38 families are recorded. The following species have the highest commercial importance: mackerel scads Decapterus longimanus,and D. macarellus,,mackerel Scomner japonicus, Beryx splendens, Allocyttus guineensis, Epigonus affinis,,etc.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports the common occurrence of osteoclasts during normal and experimental bone resorption in a number of teleost fishes. Light-microscopical observations on osteoclasts are presented in resorption areas on perichondral bone (mandibula and pharyngeal jaws of cichlids and vertebrae of gymnotids), on dermal bone (mandibula of salmonids and characoids and frontal bone of cichlids), on chondroid bone (pharyngeal jaws of cichlids), and on elasmoid body scales (eichlids and gymnotids). Osteoclasts acting along the bone surface usually lie in a Howship's lacuna whereas others are wrapped around bone extremities. Electronmicroscopical observations reveal that teleost osteoclasts show features similar to those of higher vertebrate osteoclasts, c.g., the presence of a ruffled border and the occurrence of numerous vacuoles, lysosomes and mitochondria. The multinucleated aspect that characterizes osteoclasts in other vertebrate groups is not a distinct feature of teleost osteoclasts since some are possibly mononucleated. Teleost osteoclasts are also able to resorb uncalcified tissues adjoining bone resorption areas, either as a primary process directed toward the tissue (basal plate of elasmoid scale) or as a secondary phenomenon (cartilage).  相似文献   

In the initial step of pronuclear association in fertilized fish eggs, the female and male pronuclei (containing large nucleolus-like bodies) were juxtaposed in the center of the blastodisc and formed nucleoplasmic projections along adjacent surfaces. After contact of the pronuclei, small internuclear bridges joining them were formed by fusion at several regions of the nuclear envelope projections. No specific site of fusion or breakdown of nuclear envelopes was recognized in the pronuclei during karyogamy. In the advanced stage, clumps of condensing chromatin appeared in the nucleoplasm of the newly fused pronuclei. The number and diameter of the internuclear bridges increased gradually by progressive fusion in many regions, finally yielding a spherical zygote nucleus. Following complete formation of the zygote nucleus, the pronuclear envelope began to break down concomitantly with shrinkage of the nucleoplasm, which was highly convoluted around the entire nuclear surface. The nucleoplasm containing chromosomes then mingled with the perinuclear cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary 1. A full understanding of the community ecology of coral reef fishes must be based on an understanding of how fishes interact to share the available resources of the reef environment.2. The goal of such studies is the construction of suitable models that can be used to predict the effects of environmental changes. The validity of such predictions is a test of the adequacy of the model.3. The data on which models can be based are obtained in a combination of three approaches: (a) sampling, (b) laboratory experiments and (c) direct observation.4. Direct observations can be made by viewing from the surface, by the use of underwater chambers, by submersible vehicles, by underwater television and by diving.5. The use of diving techniques is limited by visibility, temperature and depth. Diving time can be extended by saturated diving from an underwater habitat.6. The critical areas for information about coral reef fish communities are: census, population dynamics, natural history and behavior, space sharing and food sharing.7. Complex communities can be analyzed by successively categorizing the species according to each of these aspects until the unique niche of each species is defined.8. The most pressing need in the study of coral reef fish ecology is for continuous monitoring of representative stations throughout complete seasonal cycles.
Observations directes sur la stabilité et le partage des ressources dans les communautés de poissons habitant les récifs coralliens
Extrait La complexité structurale des récifs coralliens rend difficile le recensement des poissons qui y vivent, alors que cependant ces rassemblements extrêmement complexes offrent une excellente occasion d'étudier les mécanismes aboutissant au développement et au maintien d'une communauté animale hautement diversifiée. Au cours des operations «Tektite» et «FLARE» les auteurs ont procédé à une observation directe de populations de poissons sur de petits récifs coralliens, en utilisant des appareils «Rebreathe» et SCUBA à circuit ouvert. Une troisième station fut équipée d'un appareil de télévision sousmarin à circuit fermé, permettant d'observer une population de poissons pendant une durée prolongée; un tel dispositif ne trouble aucunement le comportement des poissons observés, mais n'est utilisable que pour des espèces d'assez grande taille et ne se cachant pas dans les anfractuoistés des récifs. La télévision permet une observation de durée illimitée et constitue le seul moyen de recenser les gran des espèces nomadiques, que l'approche d'un plongeur met en fuite. Pour les petites espèces vivant cachées, le recensement et les autres observations in situ ne peuvent être effectués, pendant un temps suffisant, qu'à partir d'un habitacle sousmarin. Ainsi peuvent être rassemblées des données permettant la discrimination entre espèces transitantes, visiteuses ou résidentes; l'évaluation du taux de remplacement; la situation des abris et des terrains de chasse; la stabilité des groupes et essaims; les cycles d'activité; la diversité des réactions interspécifiques aboutissant à l'organisation et à la stabilité des communautés. L'observation n'entraînant aucune destruction peut être poursuivie pendant une longue durée.

The electrosensory system is ideally suited for the integration of behavioral and cellular approaches and, therefore, has led to the most detailed explanations of natural behaviors at the single-cell level. The electric sense shares basic principles in the coding of sensory information with more advanced sensory modalities and thus provides a convenient model system for studying neuronal mechanisms of information processing in general.  相似文献   

Quantitative methods of observation and analysis were used in a 12-month study of grooming behavior of free-rangingMacaca mulatta on La Cueva Island at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Observations lasting 30–120 minutes were made from eight positions on the island at a standard time of day when monkeys were either feeding or resting. Two dependent variables were obtained: (1) the number of monkeys present in the observation area were noted by age and sex class at five-minute intervals throughout each observation, and (2) the frequency of grooming encounters was tabulated by the age and sex class(es) of groomer and recipient. These data were computed as grooms/hour/possible interacting combination of monkeys. Grooming frequencies were higher in non-feeding situations than when monkeys were feeding. The largest social group had the lowest mean grooming rates, while the smallest group had the highest grooming frequencies. More grooming occurred during the November-to-February mating season than at other periods of the year. Adult females were involved in over 60% of all grooming behavior, juveniles participated in 25% of the grooming, while adult males groomed females, primarily during the mating season, and rarely groomed other males or juveniles. Genealogical relationships, levels of group aggression and the feeding or resting context all influenced the frequency of grooming. This study provides support for the hypothesis that the basic social unit for rhesus macaques consists of a core of adult females with their juvenile and infant progeny.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen and fish behavior   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Synopsis This essay reviews the behavioral responses of fish to reduced levels of dissolved oxygen from the perspective of optimization theory as used in contemporary behavioral ecology. A consideration of oxygen as a resource suggests that net oxygen gain per unit of energy expenditure will be the most useful currency for ecological models of breathing. In the process of oxygen uptake, fish always expend energy on perfusion, usually on ventilation and often on locomotion. These costs, and the risk of predation, will vary with oxygen availability and the type of behavioral response shown. The principal categories of behavioral response to reduced external availability of dissolved oxygen are (1) changes in activity, (2) increased use of air breathing, (3) increased use of aquatic surface respiration, and (4) vertical or horizontal habitat changes. Fish should choose whichever combination of responses minimizes the costs of meeting their oxygen demands. A small number of studies provides qualitative support for this prediction.  相似文献   

Available fragmentary data on tactile sensie of fish are summed up for the first time. Data are presented on morphology and distribution of tactile receptors (free nerve endings, Merkel cells, Rohon-Beard cells, etc.) and on their innervation. Main tactile organs of fish are considered—barbels and various other cutaneous outgrowths, free rays of fins, rostrum, breeding tubercles, dermal teeth. Information is presented on functional parameters of tactile reception and its significance in orientation and in manifestation by fish of reproductive, defensive, social, exploratory, and food searching behavior. An important role is shown of the intraoral tactile reception in estimation by fish of texture and attractiveness of food objects. Time of formation of tactile sensitivity in fish ontogenesis is indicated and dynamics of its formation is analyzed. A low level of knowledge of structure and function of the tactile system is noted. The majority of the available data are mostly facts indicating the importance of tactile sense in various life manifestations of fish but not disclosing the functional potential of the system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although many studies involve observations of parent birds feeding their young, few investigators have attempted to quantify possible sources of bias associated with such observations. To address this issue, we observed the provisioning behavior of Thick‐billed Murres (Uria lomvia) at a breeding colony on Coats Island, Nunavut, Canada from 2004 to 2007. We also attached electronic recorders that indicated every return to the colony and, for some prey items, allowed us to determine whether they were correctly identified based on the profile of the dive preceding delivery. We recorded when the bird arrived without a fish and, because our electronic recorders did not impact feeding rates, we were able to convert the number of arrivals into feeding rates. Of 3744 arrivals observed by the recorders, 13% of arrivals were missed by the observers at the colony, 13% were unidentified and 5% were misidentified. The proportion of missed feedings (AIC weight = 0.46) and unidentified prey (AIC weight = 0.48) increased with decreasing light level, whereas the proportion of misidentified prey increased with increasing light level (AIC weight = 0.30). Distance from the observation blind to the breeding site also influenced the proportion of missed feedings. Unidentified and misidentified feeds occurred more often when the breeding site was partially obscured. Unidentified prey also varied with observer (P= 0.0005), although this did not correlate with observer experience. Fish lengths recorded by observers viewing photographs of fish subsequently collected, and therefore of known length, were consistently about one centimeter lower than actual fish length (R2= 0.71). After correcting for missed feeds and misidentification of fish lengths, we obtained robust estimates of chick energy intake rates (accuracy ± 2%). We concluded that light level was the largest source of bias in feeding watches, but that other factors, such as breeding site location, needed to be considered when analyzing data collected from these watches.  相似文献   

Recent droughts raise global concern over potential biodiversity loss and mitigating impacts to vulnerable species has become a management priority. However, drought impacts on populations are difficult to predict, in part, because habitat refuges can buffer organisms from harsh environmental conditions. In a global change context, more extreme droughts may turn previously suitable habitats into ecological traps, where vulnerable species can no longer persist. Here, we explore the impacts of California's recent record‐breaking drought on endangered juvenile Coho salmon. We estimated the variability of cumulative salmon survival using mark–recapture of nearly 20,000 tagged fish in intermittent stream pools during a 7‐year period encompassing drought and non‐drought conditions. We then determined the relative importance of physical habitat, streamflow, precipitation, landscape, and biological characteristics that may limit survival during drought. Our most striking result was an increase in the number of pools with reduced or zero survival during drought years and a coincident increase in spatial variability in survival among study reaches. In nearly half of the stream pools, salmon survival during drought was similar to mean survival of pools assessed during non‐drought years, indicating some pools had remarkable resistance (ability to withstand disturbance) to extreme drought. Lower survival was most attributable to longer duration of disconnection between upstream and downstream habitats, a consequence of increasing drought severity. Our results not only suggest that many pools sustain juvenile salmon in non‐drought years transition into ecological traps during drought but also highlight that some pools serve as refuges even under extreme drought conditions. Projected increases in drought severity that lead to longer droughts and greater habitat fragmentation could transform an increasing proportion of suitable habitats into ecological traps. Predicting future impacts of drought on Coho salmon and other sensitive species will require identification and protection of drought refuges and management strategies that prevent further habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Vertical migration and feeding periodicity of daphnids weremonitored for three summers in three lakes, two of which hadundergone reciprocal fish transfers during May of the secondyear. In Peter and Paul Lakes, the diel migratory behavior ofthe Daphnia assemblages was fairly constant. In Tuesday Lake,where fish manipulations greatly reduced planktivory. Daphniapulex became abundant and exhibited high variability in thedirection of diel migration. Daphnids of Tuesday Lake were smallerand more recently established than those of the other lakes.Weather and lunar phase did not correlate well with migratoryor feeding behavior, though there was a negative correlationwith the chlorophyll a content of the mixed layer. In this studyhigh planktivory by fish was associated with pronounced andconsistent nocturnal migration. Low planktivory by fish wasassociated with variable, inconsistent migration. Evidently,planktivorous fish are essential for maintenance of verticalmigration in these daphnid populations.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed metallothionein (MT) excretion from liver to bile in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to sub-lethal copper concentrations (2 mg L−1) in a laboratory setting. MTs in liver and bile were quantified by spectrophotometry after thermal incubation and MT metal-binding profiles were characterized by size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (SEC-HPLC–ICP-MS). Results show that liver MT is present in approximately 250-fold higher concentrations than bile MT in non-exposed fish. Differences between the MT profiles from the control and exposed group were observed for both matrices, indicating differential metal-binding behavior when comparing liver and bile MT. This is novel data regarding intra-organ MT comparisons, since differences between organs are usually present only with regard to quantification, not metal-binding behavior. Bile MT showed statistically significant differences between the control and exposed group, while the same did not occur with liver MT. This indicates that MTs synthesized in the liver accumulate more slowly than MTs excreted from liver to bile, since the same fish presented significantly higher MT levels in liver when compared to bile. We postulate that bile, although excreted in the intestine and partially reabsorbed by the same returning to the liver, may also release MT-bound metals more rapidly and efficiently, which may indicate an efficient detoxification route. Thus, we propose that the analysis of bile MTs to observe recent metal exposure may be more adequate than the analysis of liver MTs, since organism responses to metals are more quickly observed in bile, although further studies are necessary.  相似文献   

Stream and river ecosystems present fluvial fishes with a dynamic energy landscape because moving water generates heterogeneous flow fields that are rarely static in space and time. Fish movement behavior should be consistent with conserving energy in these dynamic flowing environments, but little evidence supporting this hypothesis exists. Here, we tested experimentally whether three general movement behaviors—against the current, with the current, or holding position (i.e., staying in one position and location)—were performed in a way consistent with minimizing the cost of swimming in a heterogeneous flow field. We tested the effects of water velocity on movement behavior across three age classes (0, 1, and 5 years) of two different fluvial specialist fishes, the pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus). Individuals from the three age classes were exposed to a continuous and dynamic velocity field ranging from 0.02 to 0.53 m s−1, which represented natural benthic flow regimes occupied by these species in rivers. Both sturgeon species exhibited the same pattern with regard to their tendency to hold position, move upstream, or move downstream. Moving downstream was positively associated with velocity for all age groups. Moving upstream was inversely related to velocity for young fish, but as the fish aged, moving upstream was not related to water velocity. The oldest fish (age 5) moved upstream more frequently compared to the younger age classes. Holding position within a water current was the most frequent behavior and occurred with similar probability across the range of experimental velocity for youngest fish (age 0), but was inversely related to velocity in older fish. Our experiment across age classes suggests that the suite of swimming behaviors exhibited by fluvial specialists might have evolved to mitigate the energetic costs of complex energy landscapes generated by moving water to ultimately maximize net energy gain.  相似文献   

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant medicine causing relaxation and mood improvement in people, with silencing certain personality traits in some cases. The question arise if such phenomena can be observed in nontarget organisms such as fish. Fluoxetine affects fishes behavior; however, it is not known if the medicine affects its “personality.” This study aimed to evaluate the reaction of the invasive Neogobius fluviatilis and native Gobio gobio individuals to fluoxetine at environmental concentration of 360 ng/L. We prepared three variants of the experiments: (a) behavioral trials with unexposed fishes, (b) behavioral trials with the same fishes after 21 days of fluoxetine exposure, and (c) behavioral trials with the same fishes after 21‐day depuration period, that is, without fluoxetine. The fishes reaction time (RT), that is, difference in time spent on reaching food with and without the necessity of overcoming the obstacle, was analyzed. Additionally, the personality, bold or shy, traits of each fish individual, was assigned. The results indicated that environmental concentrations of the antidepressant influenced RT. The average RT of the fishes cultured with fluoxetine was by 7‐min shorter in comparison with the nonexposed control. Share of individuals exposed to fluoxetine assigned as bold raised to 71.4% in comparison with 46.4% in nonexposed control. This sheds new light on wild fishes behavior caught from freshwater. Environmental concentrations of the antidepressant influenced the time of fishes reaction and share individuals assigned as bold. Moreover, 21‐day recovery lasting might be not enough to get fluoxetine effect on fishes.  相似文献   

The orosensory food testing behavior in fish was studied using the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius as an example. The patterns of the chronology of manipulations performed by fish in testing food objects were identified. The existence of two stereotypical patterns of feeding behavior was confirmed, and their new characteristics were obtained. The relationship between the responsiveness to food and the predisposition of fish to feeding was revealed.  相似文献   

Huysseune A  Sire JY 《Tissue & cell》1990,22(3):371-383
This paper presents transmission electron microscopical observations on the chondroid bone (CB) supporting the neurocraniad articulation facet of the upper pharyngeal jaws of juvenile specimens of Hemichromis bimaculatus (an acellular-boned teleost fish). Chondroid bone, a skeletal tissue morphologically intermediate between cartilage and bone, is composed of a dense mineralized collagenous matrix, resembling that of woven-fibred bone, and large chondrocyte-like cells. The latter vary considerably in their morphological features (functional cells, cells containing a large vacuole and degenerating cells). The CB is mineralized except for its upper layer. Mineralization is initiated in matrix vesicles. Clusters of apatite crystals coalesce at the mineralization front. Distally, the tissue grows by incorporation of cells which exhibit the features of osteoblasts, and which derive from less differentiated fibroblast-like cells located in the outermost layer of the tissue. Proximally, the CB is subjected to erosion by multinucleated clastic cells. The deposition of bone against the wall of lacunae which have been opened by clastic resorption may suggest a possible active involvement of the CB cells. Further studies should point out whether this bone substantially contributes to the acellular dermal dentigerous bone located below.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of unmanaged arthropod flower visitors as crop pollinators is critical if robust and reliable long‐term alternatives are to be found for honey bee pollination. However, data on pollinator assemblages can be scant. Field observation of crop flower visitors is a common data collection technique but it can be inadequate for species identification and is labour‐intensive if used across many sites. Trapping may reduce this problem, but trap performance and sampling consistency over long distances (sites separated by >100 km) are rarely examined. Window traps were designed to collect flower‐visiting arthropods from peak‐flowering onion (Allium cepa) and pak choi (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) fields across several regions throughout New Zealand. Trap efficacy was evaluated by comparing trapped samples with observations of flower visiting arthropods during the same trapping period, from dawn (6:00 to 7:00 hours) through to dusk (20:00–21:00 hours) at the same locations. Similar types of larger arthropods (length ≥3 mm) were observed and trapped within both crops, with the hymenopteran genera Apidae, Colletidae and Halictidae and the dipteran families Syrphidae, Calliphoridae, Anthomyiidae, Stratiomyidae, Sarcophagidae, Bibionidae, Tachinidae and Muscidae the most commonly recorded. The total counts of these taxa across fields were strongly correlated between the two methods; however, the ratio of trapped to observed individuals could vary greatly between taxa. Trapping allowed more arthropods to be identified to the species level and also helped record more small arthropods (body length <3 mm) when compared with observation. Window traps can be effective for assessing the relative diversity of flower visitor assemblages and the abundance of specific taxa in specific cropping systems at the regional scale, but variation in trap efficiency between arthropod taxa must be assessed for a true measure of assemblage composition.  相似文献   

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