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Genotype × environment interaction effects can be exploited by breeding for specific adaptation to well-defined subregions within a target region. Previous work showed that genotype × location interaction for dry matter (DM) yield of lucerne (Medicago sativa L. subsp. sativa) cultivars in northern Italy is large and associated with soil type and level of summer drought stress of locations, suggesting the presence of two contrasting subregions. Thirteen farm landraces collected across the region and four control varieties were evaluated for DM yield in four artificial environments created at one site by the factorial combination of soil type (sandy loam or silty clay) and drought stress level (almost nil or high) for: (1) exploring the possibility to reproduce in artificial environments the adaptation patterns occurring across the region; (2) investigating the adaptation pattern of landraces and its relationship with environmental factors at collecting sites; and (3) providing a preliminary comparison of wide- versus specific-adaptation strategies based on yield gains predicted from selection of populations. Different soils filled large (24.0×1.6×0.8-m deep), bottomless containers in concrete. Water amounts were controlled by irrigation under a moving rain shelter. Cultivars varied largely for adaptation pattern across the artificial environments, mainly due to cultivar × stress interaction. Better response to stress conditions of landraces was closely associated with the level of summer drought at collecting sites (r=0.82), highlighting the importance of evolutionary adaptation. The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction-modelled responses of control cultivars successfully reproduced those observed across locations, candidating the artificial environments as a cheaper alternative to more selection locations when breeding for wide or specific adaptation. The latter implied about 40–50% greater estimated gains relative to breeding for wide adaptation.  相似文献   

The evolution of local adaptation is crucial for the in situ persistence of populations in changing environments. However, selection along broad environmental gradients could render local adaptation difficult, and might even result in maladaptation. We address this issue by quantifying fitness trade‐offs (via common garden experiments) along a salinity gradient in two populations of the Neotropical water strider Telmatometra withei—a species found in both fresh (FW) and brackish (BW) water environments across Panama. We found evidence for local adaptation in the FW population in its home FW environment. However, the BW population showed only partial adaptation to the BW environment, with a high magnitude of maladaptation along naturally occurring salinity gradients. Indeed, its overall fitness was ~60% lower than that of the ancestral FW population in its home environment, highlighting the role of phenotypic plasticity, rather than local adaptation, in high salinity environments. This suggests that populations seemingly persisting in high salinity environments might in fact be maladapted, following drastic changes in salinity. Thus, variable selection imposed by salinization could result in evolutionary mismatch, where the fitness of a population is displaced from its optimal environment. Understanding the fitness consequences of persisting in fluctuating salinity environments is crucial to predict the persistence of populations facing increasing salinization. It will also help develop evolutionarily informed management strategies in the context of global change.  相似文献   



Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to occur naturally in saline environments and it has been suggested that differences in fungal behaviour and efficiency can be due to the origin and adaptation of the AM fungus. These findings invite to look out for AM fungal species isolated in saline environments and compare their salt-tolerance mechanisms with those of species living in non-saline areas.


A fungal strain of G. intraradices (Gi CdG) isolated from a region with serious problems of salinity and affected by desertification, has been compared with a collection strain of the same species, used as a model fungus. An in vitro experiment tested the ability of both AM fungi to grow under increasing salinity and an in vivo experiment compared their symbiotic efficiency with maize plants grown under salt stress conditions.


The isolate Gi CdG developed better under saline conditions and induced considerably the expression of GintBIP, Gint14-3-3 and GintAQP1 genes, while it showed a lower induction of GintSOD1 gene than the collection G. intraradices strain. The isolate Gi CdG also stimulated the growth of maize plants under two levels of salinity more than the collection strain. The higher symbiotic efficiency of Gi CdG was corroborated by the enhanced efficiency of photosystem II and stomatal conductance and the lower electrolyte leakage exhibited by maize plants under the different conditions assayed.


The higher tolerance to salinity and symbiotic efficiency exhibited by strain Gi CdG as compared to the collection G. intraradices strain may be due to a fungal adaptation to saline environments. Such adaptation may be related to the significant up-regulation of genes encoding chaperones or genes encoding aquaporins. The present study remarks that AM fungi isolated from areas affected by salinity can be a powerful tool to enhance the tolerance of crops to saline stress conditions.  相似文献   


Key message

The use of a breeding strategy combining the evaluation of line per se with testcross performance maximizes annual selection gain for hybrid wheat breeding.


Recent experimental studies confirmed a high commercial potential for hybrid wheat requiring the design of optimum breeding strategies. Our objectives were to (1) determine the optimum allocation of the type and number of testers, the number of test locations and the number of doubled haploid lines for different breeding strategies, (2) identify the best breeding strategy and (3) elaborate key parameters for an efficient hybrid wheat breeding program. We performed model calculations using the selection gain for grain yield as target variable to optimize the number of lines, testers and test locations in four different breeding strategies. A breeding strategy (BS2) combining the evaluation of line per se performance and general combining ability (GCA) had a far larger annual selection gain across all considered scenarios than a breeding strategy (BS1) focusing only on GCA. In the combined strategy, the production of testcross seed conducted in parallel with the first yield trial for line per se performance (BS2rapid) resulted in a further increase of the annual selection gain. For the current situation in hybrid wheat, this relative superiority of the strategy BS2rapid amounted to 67 % in annual selection gain compared to BS1. Varying a large number of parameters, we identified the high costs for hybrid seed production and the low variance of GCA in hybrid wheat breeding as key parameters limiting selection gain in BS2rapid.  相似文献   

Deployment of salt tolerant cultivars is an effective approach to minimize yield loss in a saline soil. In soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., substantial genetic variation exists for salt response. However, breeding for salt tolerance is hampered because no economically viable screening method has been developed for practical breeding. To facilitate the development of an effective screening method for salt tolerance in soybean, the present study was conducted to determine the heritability of salt tolerance and to identify associated quantitative trait loci (QTL). F2:5 lines from the cross of S-100 (salt tolerant) × Tokyo (salt sensitive) were evaluated in a saline field in Hyde County, N.C., USA, in 1999 and in a greenhouse located in Raleigh, N.C., USA, in 2001. S-100 and Tokyo are ancestors of popular soybean cultivars released for the southern USA. The visual salt tolerance ratings of the F2:5 lines ranged from 0 (complete death) to 5 (normal healthy appearance). The entry-mean heritability for salt tolerance was 0.85, 0.48, and 0.57 in the field (four replications), greenhouse (two replications), and combined environments, respectively. The genotypic correlation between field and greenhouse ratings was 0.55, indicating reasonably good agreement between the two screening environments. To identify QTL associated with salt tolerance, each line was characterized with RFLP markers and an initial QTL single-factor analysis was completed. These results were used to identify genomic regions associated with the trait and to saturate the selected genomic regions with SSR markers to improve mapping precision. Subsequently, a major QTL for salt tolerance was discovered near the Sat_091 SSR marker on linkage group (LG) N, accounting for 41, 60, and 79% of the total genetic variation for salt tolerance in the field, greenhouse, and combined environments, respectively. The QTL allele associated with tolerance was derived from S-100. Pedigree tracking was used to examine the association between the salt tolerance QTL and flanking SSR marker alleles in U.S. cultivars descended from S-100 or Tokyo through 60 years of breeding. The presence of alleles from S-100 at the Sat_091 and Satt237 marker loci was always associated with salt tolerance in descendants. Alleles from Tokyo for these same markers were generally associated with salt sensitivity in descendent cultivars. The strong relationship between the SSR marker alleles and salt tolerance suggests that these markers could be used for marker-assisted selection in commercial breeding.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Increasing salt tolerance in the tomato   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In this paper, a number of strategies to overcome the deleterious effects of salinity on plants will be reviewed; these strategies include using molecular markers and genetic transformation as tools to develop salinity-tolerant genotypes, and some cultural techniques. For more than 12 years, QTL analysis has been attempted in order to understand the genetics of salt tolerance and to deal with component traits in breeding programmes. Despite innovations like better marker systems and improved genetic mapping strategies, the success of marker-assisted selection has been very limited because, in part, of inadequate experimental design. Since salinity is variable in time and space, experimental design must allow the study of genotype x environment interaction. Genetic transformation could become a powerful tool in plant breeding, but the growing knowledge from plant physiology must be integrated with molecular breeding techniques. It has been shown that the expression of several transgenes promotes a higher level of salt tolerance in some species. Despite this promising result, the development of a salt-tolerant cultivar by way of transgenesis has still not been achieved. Future directions in order to overcome the present limitations are proposed. Three cultural techniques have proved useful in tomato to overcome, in part, the effects of salinity: treatment of seedlings with drought or NaCl ameliorates the adaptation of adult plants to salinity; mist applied to tomato plants grown in Mediterranean conditions improves vegetative growth and yield in saline conditions; and grafting tomato cultivars onto appropriate rootstocks could reduce the effects of salinity.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion into estuaries creates stressful conditions for nektonic species. Previous studies have shown that Gambusia affinis populations with exposure to saline environments develop genetic adaptations for increased survival during salinity stress. Here, we evaluate the genetic structure of G. affinis populations, previously shown to have adaptations for increased salinity tolerance, and determine the impact of selection and gene flow on structure of these populations. We found that gene flow was higher between populations experiencing different salinity regimes within an estuary than between similar marsh types in different estuaries, suggesting the development of saline‐tolerant phenotypes due to local adaptation. There was limited evidence of genetic structure along a salinity gradient, and only some of the genetic variation among sites was correlated with salinity. Our results suggest limited structure, combined with selection to saltwater intrusion, results in phenotypic divergence in spite of a lack of physical barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

Improving salinity tolerance in crop plants: a biotechnological view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salinity limits the production capabilities of agricultural soils in large areas of the world. Both breeding and screening germplasm for salt tolerance encounter the following limitations: (a) different phenotypic responses of plants at different growth stages, (b) different physiological mechanisms, (c) complicated genotype × environment interactions, and (d) variability of the salt-affected field in its chemical and physical soil composition. Plant molecular and physiological traits provide the bases for efficient germplasm screening procedures through traditional breeding, molecular breeding, and transgenic approaches. However, the quantitative nature of salinity stress tolerance and the problems associated with developing appropriate and replicable testing environments make it difficult to distinguish salt-tolerant lines from sensitive lines. In order to develop more efficient screening procedures for germplasm evaluation and improvement of salt tolerance, implementation of a rapid and reliable screening procedure is essential. Field selection for salinity tolerance is a laborious task; therefore, plant breeders are seeking reliable ways to assess the salt tolerance of plant germplasm. Salt tolerance in several plant species may operate at the cellular level, and glycophytes are believed to have special cellular mechanisms for salt tolerance. Ion exclusion, ion sequestration, osmotic adjustment, macromolecule protection, and membrane transport system adaptation to saline environments are important strategies that may confer salt tolerance to plants. Cell and tissue culture techniques have been used to obtain salt tolerant plants employing two in vitro culture approaches. The first approach is selection of mutant cell lines from cultured cells and plant regeneration from such cells (somaclones). In vitro screening of plant germplasm for salt tolerance is the second approach, and a successful employment of this method in durum wheat is presented here. Doubled haploid lines derived from pollen culture of F1 hybrids of salt-tolerant parents are promising tools to further improve salt tolerance of plant cultivars. Enhancement of resistance against both hyper-osmotic stress and ion toxicity may also be achieved via molecular breeding of salt-tolerant plants using either molecular markers or genetic engineering.  相似文献   

High soil salinity negatively influences plant growth and yield. Some taxa have evolved mechanisms for avoiding or tolerating elevated soil salinity, which can be modulated by the environment experienced by parents or offspring. We tested the contribution of the parental and offspring environments on salinity adaptation and their potential underlying mechanisms. In a two-generation greenhouse experiment, we factorially manipulated salinity concentrations for genotypes of Medicago truncatula that were originally collected from natural populations that differed in soil salinity. To compare population level adaptation to soil salinity and to test the potential mechanisms involved we measured two aspects of plant performance, reproduction and vegetative biomass, and phenological and physiological traits associated with salinity avoidance and tolerance. Saline-origin populations had greater biomass and reproduction under saline conditions than non-saline populations, consistent with local adaptation to saline soils. Additionally, parental environmental exposure to salt increased this difference in performance. In terms of environmental effects on mechanisms of salinity adaptation, parental exposure to salt spurred phenological differences that facilitated salt avoidance, while offspring exposure to salt resulted in traits associated with greater salt tolerance. Non-saline origin populations expressed traits associated with greater growth in the absence of salt while, for saline adapted populations, the ability to maintain greater performance in saline environments was also associated with lower growth potential in the absence of salt. Plastic responses induced by parental and offspring environments in phenology, leaf traits, and gas exchange contribute to salinity adaptation in M. truncatula. The ability of plants to tolerate environmental stress, such as high soil salinity, is likely modulated by a combination of parental effects and within-generation phenotypic plasticity, which are likely to vary in populations from contrasting environments.  相似文献   

Summary Various methods of evaluating phenotypic stability have been proposed; however, no single method can adequately describe cultivar performance. The objectives of this study were to integrate a number of methods of evaluating stability and to use this approach for cultivar selection. These objectives were considered in the context of the broad-based oilseed rape cultivar (Brassica napus spp. oleifera) evaluation system currently used in western Canada. Regression analysis was used to assess cultivar response to environments. Cluster analysis was used to assemble cultivars into groups with similar regression coefficients (b i ) and mean yield. Three parametric stability parameters, years within locations mean square (MS; Y/L), Shukla's stability variance ( i 2 ), and Francis and Kannenberg's coefficient of variability (CV i ), were compared to determine which method would be most suitable for selection of oilseed rape cultivars from within clustered groups. Yield data from three cultivars and six breeding lines that had been tested for 2 years at 26 locations in the Western Canola Cooperative Test A were used for all calculations. The cluster analysis was successful in identifying commercially acceptable breeding lines. The parameter MS i Y/L was considered to be more appropriate than either CV i or i 2 , because it measured only the unpredictable portion of the genotype x environment interaction and was independent of the other cultivars in the test. The use of cluster analysis to group entries with similar b i values and mean yields, followed by selection for stability within groups, was advocated.Contribution No. 846 of the Plant Science Department, University of Manitoba  相似文献   

Organic selection (the Baldwin Effect) by which an environmentally elicitedphenotypic adaptation comes under genotypic control following selectionwas proposed independently in 1896 by the psychologists James Baldwinand Conwy Lloyd Morgan and by the paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn.Modified forms of organic selection were proposed as autonomization bySchmalhausen in 1938, as genetic assimilation by Waddington in 1942, andas an explanation for evolution in changing environments or for speciationby Matsuda and West-Eberhard in the 1980s. Organic selection as amechanism mediating proximate environmental effects on the evolution ofmorphology and behaviour is the topic of this essay. Discussion includesthe context in which organic selection was proposed, Lamarckian or neo-Lamarckian implications of organic selection, Waddingtons experimentalstudies demonstrating the existence and efficacy of genetic assimilation,stabilizing selection and norms of reaction favoured by Schmalhausen, andMatsudas search for a mechanism of organic selection in endocrine changesand in heterochrony.  相似文献   

Summary Due to the complex requirements of moisture stress, substantial genetic diversity with a wide array of character combinations and effective simultaneous selection for several variables is necessary for improving the productivity and adaptation of a component crop in order for it to fit into a cropping system under semi-arid tropical conditions. Sesamum indicum L. is grown in Venezuela after rice/sorghum/or maize under such conditions. A mutation breeding program was undertaken using six locally adapted varieties to develop genotypes suitable for the above system. The diversity pattern for nine variables was assessed by multivariate analysis in 301 M4 progenies. Analysis of the characteristic roots and principal components in three methods of selection, i.e., M2 bulks (A), individual plant selection throughout (B), and selection in M3 for single variable (C), revealed differences in the pattern of variation between varieties, selection methods, and varieties x methods interactions. Method B was superior to the others and gave 17 of the 21 best M5 progenies. Piritu and CF varieties yielded the most productive progenies in M5 and M6. Diversity was large and selection was effective for such developmental traits as earliness and synchrony, combined with multiple disease resistance, which could be related to their importance by multivariate analyses. Considerable differences in the variety of character combinations among the high yielding. M5 progenies of CF and Piritu suggested possible further yield improvement. The superior response of Piritu and CF over other varieties in yield and adaptation was due to major changes in plant type and character associations. Multilocation testing of M5 generations revealed that the mutant progenies had a 40%–100% yield superiority over the parents; this was combined with earliness, synchrony, and multiple disease resistance, and was confirmed in the M6 generation grown on a commercial scale. This study showed that multivariate analysis is an effective tool for assessing diversity patterns, choice of appropriate variety, and selection methodology in order to make rapid progress in meeting the complex requirements of semi-arid cropping systems.Project supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific segregating populations derived from a cross between tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cv M82-1 -8 (M82) and the wild species L. pennellii accession LA-716 (Lpen716) were used to study the genetic basis of salt tolerance and its implications for breeding. BC1 (M82 x (M82 x Lpen716)) and BC1 S1 (progenies of selfed BC1 plants) populations were grown under arid field conditions and irrigated with water having electrical conductivities of 1.5 (control), 10 and 20 dSm-1. The evaluation of salt tolerance was based on total fruit yield (TY), total dry matter (TD) and TD under salinity relative to the control (RD). Sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were measured in the leaves and stems. The methods for estimating heritability were adapted to BC1 plants and BC1S1 families. TY, TD and RD had heritability estimates of 0.3–0.45, indicating that salt tolerance can be improved by selection. Genetic correlations between traits indicated that high yield may be combined with salt tolerance and that ion contents are not likely to provide an efficient selection criteria for salt tolerance. Genetic correlations between performances under various salinity levels suggested that similar mechanisms affect the responses to salinity treatments of 10 and 20 dSm-1. Responses to paper selection confirmed that salt tolerance of the tomato may be improved by selection, and that this selection should be based on dry matter and yield parameters under salinity.Passed away May 1986  相似文献   

Summary Twelve genotypes representing a wide range of autumn cauliflower were grown in two seasons from six seedling propagation treatments in three sequential sowings. Genotypes differed in their mean time of maturity and spread of maturity, and in their sensitivity to environment for these characters. Those genotypes derived from self-incompatible stocks showed greater stability than those from self-compatible stocks. In particular, a National Vegetable Research Station breeding line KC revealed outstanding stability and is thus a potential new variety. The best environments for discriminating between genotypes were those which gave the least check to early growth.  相似文献   

The relative importance of natural selection and genetic drift in determining patterns of phenotypic diversity observed in nature is still unclear. The natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) is one of a few amphibian species capable of breeding in saline ponds, even though water salinity represents a considerable stress for them. Results from two common-garden experiments showed a pattern of geographic variation in embryonic salinity tolerance among populations from either fresh or brackish environments, consistent with the hypothesis of local adaptation. Full-sib analysis showed increased variation in survival among sibships within population for all populations as osmotic stress was increased (broad-sense heritability increased as salinity raised). Nevertheless, toads native to the brackish water environment had the highest overall survival under brackish conditions. Levels of population genetic differentiation for salinity tolerance were higher than those of neutral genetic differentiation, the latter obtained through the analysis of eight microsatellite loci. Microsatellite markers also revealed little population differentiation, lack of an isolation-by-distance pattern, and moderate gene flow connecting the populations. Therefore, environmental stress tolerance appears to have evolved in absence of geographic isolation, and consequently we reject the null hypothesis of neutral differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Relative growth rates of six genetic groups of common carp were compared in small netting cages and in earthen ponds. These groups of carp included an isolate of the Chinese Big Belly Carp, its crossbred with a European isolate, and four European progenies, purebreds or crossbreds. Five different environments were produced in the ponds, mainly by varying the stocking rates of carp. Each of the (ten) cages was treated as a different environment. Each cage and each pond were stocked with random samples of each genotype, i.e., communal testing was carried out. The performance of a given genotype in a given environment was estimated from its weight gain in that environment. The mean weight gain of all groups, stocked into a given environment, was taken as an estimate of that environment as it influenced the growth of carp. The characteristics of the regression of growth of a given genotype on the environment in which it grew [i.e., the coefficient of regression (b) and the Y intercept (a)] are taken as measures of its adaptation to that environment. No real differences in adaptation to pond versus cage conditions were isolated for four of the tested groups, the Chinese x European crossbred, the two European crossbreds and one of the European purebreds. The Chinese carp showed a specific adaptation to growth in ponds (or a lack of adaptation to growth in cages), whereas Dor-70 was specifically adapted to cage conditions. These results may be explained by the genetic history of the two lines. The Big Belly Carp was domesticated under conditions of Chinese subsistence aquaculture, which apparently generated an adaptation to gathering and utilizing natural foods. These are prominently absent in cages. Dor-70 was produced in a long-term selection experiment, which apparently generated a response for growth in cages. These results may be of applicative value, if common carp were to be considered as candidates for commercial cage aquaculture. It would then be important to use strains like Dor-70, which are adapted to these conditions, and avoid strains like the Chinese Big Belly carp.  相似文献   

Knowing how microevolutionary processes, such as genetic drift and natural selection, shape variation in adaptive traits is strategic for conservation measures. One way to estimate local adaptation is to compare divergences in quantitative traits (QST) and neutral loci (FST). Therefore, we have assessed the pattern of phenotypic and molecular genetic divergence among natural subpopulations of the fruit tree Eugenia dysenterica DC. A provenance and progeny test was performed to assess the quantitative traits of the subpopulations collected in a wide distribution area of the species in the Brazilian Cerrado. The sampled environments are in a biodiversity hotspot with heterogeneous soil and climate conditions. By associating quantitative trait variation in initial seedling development with neutral microsatellite marker variation, we tested the local adaptation of the traits by the QSTFST contrast. Genetic drift was prevalent in the phenotypic differentiation among the subpopulations, although the traits seedling emergence time and root green mass, which are relevant for adaptation to the Cerrado climate, showed signs of uniform selection. Our results suggest that E. dysenterica has a spatial genetic structure divided into two large groups, separated by a line that divides the Cerrado biome in a southwestern to northeastern direction. This structure must be taken into account for managing E. dysenterica genetic resources both for conservation and breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Molecular marker-assisted selection for malting quality traits in barley   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Selection for malting quality in breeding programs by micromalting and micromashing is time-consuming, and resource-intensive. More efficient and feasible approaches for identifying genotypes with good malting quality would be highly desirable. With the advent of molecular markers, it is possible to map and tag the loci affecting malting quality. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of molecular marker assisted selection for malting quality traits. Two major quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions in six-row barley for malt extract percentage, -amylase activity, diastatic power, and malt -glucan content on chromosomes 1 (QTL1) and 4 (QTL2) have been previously identified. The flanking markers, Brz and Amy2, and WG622 and BCD402B, for these two major QTL regions were used in marker-assisted selection. Four alternative selection strategies; phenotypic selection, genotypic selection, tandem genotypic and phenotypic selection, and combined phenotypic and genotypic selection, were compared for both single and multiple trait selection in a population consisting of 92 doubled haploid lines derived from Steptoe × Morex crosses. Marker assisted selection for QTL1 (tandem genotypic and phenotypic selection, and combined phenotypic and genotypic selection) was more effective than phenotypic selection, but for QTL2 was not as effective as phenotypic selection due to a lack of QTL2 effects in the selection population. The effectiveness of tandem genotypic and phenotypic selection makes marker assisted selection practical for traits which are extremely difficult or expensive to measure such as most malting quality traits. It can substantially eliminate undesirable genotypes by early genotyping and keeping only desirable genotypes for later phenotypic selection.  相似文献   

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