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Abstract. The ventromental plates of larvae of twenty-six cytologi-cally identified species of Chironomus Meigen from Europe are described. Variation in plate features, including size, striae, inner and outer hook series, and ventral surface ornamentation, is reported. A principal components analysis based on plate characters is undertaken, and the taxonomic composition of the resulting groupings is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of various mercury chloride (HgCl2) concentrations associated with bottom sediments on mercury accumulation in chironomid larvae and the modifications of morphofunctional parameters (mortality, growth, and structure of the mouth apparatus) have been studied. It was shown that, upon exposure, the larvae accumulated mercury in amounts exceeding its sediment concentrations. The mortality rate and metamorphosis duration increased with an increase in metal concentrations, while the animal size remained unaffected. Among all investigated morphological structures, the antennae were the most heavily effected.  相似文献   

The article describes the larva, pupa, adults and karyotype of Chironomus reissi, sp. n., which live on leaf detritus beds of small temporary waters in the southeast of Brazil. The species belongs to the pseudothummi cytocomplex with the chromosome arm combination AE, BF, CD, G.  相似文献   

The colonization by Chironomus spp. of two ponds filled after a dry period was investigated. Field data were collected by means of quantitative benthic samples and emergence traps. C. melanescens. C. annularius, C. riparius, C. piger, C. luridus, C. obtusidens, C. plumosus, C. dorsalis and Camptochironomus tentans were determined cytotaxonomically in ponds investigated. C. melanescens and C. annularius appear to be the most characteristic species colonizing in high numbers in newly filled ponds. Larvae of C. annularius grew more slowly in ponds compared with the former one which resulted in a characteristic succession of both larval types. Most species mentioned disappeared completely from the ponds investigated after the metamorphosis of a single cohort. They were replaced by C. plumosus which was often attended by C. annularius in smaller ponds.  相似文献   

Gunderina LI  Salina EA 《Genetika》2003,39(8):1059-1065
Intra- and interspecific variation and divergence of multilocus markers for genomic DNA of the sibling species from the thimmi group, Chironomus riparius and C. piger, were studied by PCR with arbitrary primers (RAPD). A high level of RAPD polymorphism was determined in both laboratory and natural populations of these species. The genetic distances were estimated between the C. riparius populations and between the sibling species C. riparius and C. piger. The genetic distance between C. riparius and C. piger was 4 to 5 times higher than that between the C. riparius populations. A comparison of the variation and divergence for the RAPD markers with those for other genomic markers--enzyme-coding genes and chromosomes (linked gene groups)--showed that different components of the genome differed in their contribution to the genome divergence.  相似文献   

B. Czeczuga 《Hydrobiologia》1970,36(3-4):353-360
Summary The author investigated the presence of various carotenoids in the body of the larvae of the Chironomus annularius MEIG. moquito (Diptera: Chironomidae) by means of columnar and thin-layer chromatography.The investigations revealed the presence of the following carotenoids in the larvae: -carotene, -carotene, canthaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, lutein, astacene and a kind of xanthophyl which was not possible to identify more closely.  相似文献   

Non‐biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) adapt to species‐specific environmental conditions and hence are promising bioindicators for aquatic and ecotoxicological monitoring. Although their utility for these purposes was historically limited by difficulties in their morphological identification, DNA barcoding offers a possible solution. Here, eight Japanese species of the genus Chironomus, which is characterized by its worldwide distribution and abundance among Chironomidae, were subjected to DNA barcoding using cytochromec oxidase subunit I (COI). To examine whether this DNA barcode is a useful indicator for Japanese species of Chironomus, we calculated genetic distances within and between the COI sequences of Chironomus species both from this study and worldwide and constructed phylogenetic trees. Based on 415 bp COI sequences and the Kimura two‐parameter model, the average genetic distances within 37 species and between 72 species were 2.6% and 17.2%, respectively. Although the ranges of genetic distances within and between species overlapped from 0.8% to 17.3%, 99.7% of average genetic distances between species were >3.0%. Some of this overlap is attributable to distances within species that were “too large” as well as those between species that were “too small”. Of eight Japanese species examined, two showed genetic distances between species that were below a 3.0% threshold, and four had distances within species that were greater than 3.0%. These results suggest a possible reclassification of these species and the need for further sampling to unveil biogeographic variations among different countries and regions.  相似文献   

Larvae of the midge, Chironomus riparius Mg., have four anal papillae arranged as two pairs, one dorsal to and the other ventral to the anus. Structural study with light and electron microscopes has revealed that their integument consists of a thin cuticle overlaying a thick, syncytial epidermis which is specialised to facilitate ion transport. There is a distinct neck or collar region at the junction of each papilla with the rest of the body wall. Although in many respects these structures resemble those in mosquitoes, there are both morphological and physiological features which suggest that differences exist in the means by which ion exchange with the environment is controlled and effected in the two families.  相似文献   

A new technique for the establishment of a permanent laboratory culture of Chirono-mus riparius is described. Larvae and pupae were reared in plastic tanks containing tap water, filamentous algae and a commercially prepared fishfood. The tanks were aerated, maintained at a constant temperature of 24°C and subjected to a constant lighting regime of 13 h of light followed by 11 h of darkness. Adults flew freely in a modified handling box, mated, and oviposited on strips of filter paper placed in the plastic tanks containing the aquatic stages. It has proved unnecessary to change the water or medium, which has saved both time and effort. Moreover, larvae established themselves in ail parts ofthe alga, and therefore more could be kept in each tank than when, as in previous methods, they are provided only with a substratum on the floor of the container.  相似文献   

An account is given of the diagnostic characters of the larvae and pupae of 10 of the 18 African species of the subgenus Chironomus Meigen from a wide range of habitats in southern Malawi.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature, type of mineral substrate, and type and amount of feed on the growth of Chironomus calligraphus as a subsidy for the production of Chironomus larvae to feed the fish. Egg production was evaluated at 22, 25, and 28?°C on fine (0.074–0.210?mm), or silty sand (0.002–0.250?mm), and no mineral substrate as control. For larval production, 0.10, 0.20, and 0.30?mg/larvae of fish feed, poultry feed, or turkey manure were used as food. The highest number of egg masses was produced when mineral substrates and 25?°C were used, but the higher number of eggs/mass was registered in the control. Therefore, the total number of eggs and hatched larvae produced was the same in the presence or in the absence of mineral substrates (p?>?0.05). The best results for survival and growth were recorded for larvae reared with fish or poultry food. The increase in the amount of feed was correlated with weight gain only for larvae fed with poultry feed, with no reduction in survival.  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific variation and divergence of multilocus markers for genomic DNA of the sibling species from the thimmi group,Chironomus riparius and C. piger, were studied by PCR with arbitrary primers (RAPD). A high level of RAPD polymorphism was determined in both laboratory and natural populations of these species. The genetic distances were estimated between the C. riparius populations and between the sibling species C. riparius and C. piger. The genetic distance between C. riparius andC. piger was 4 to 5 times higher than that between the C. riparius populations. A comparison of the variation and divergence for the RAPD markers with those for other genomic markers—enzyme-coding genes and chromosomes (gene linkage groups)—showed that different components of the genome differed in their contribution to the genome divergence.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The effects of a sewage effluent in Moat Brook, Staffordshire, were determined from regular collections of water and biological samples from directly comparable stations above and below the sewage outfall.
The eutrophic conditions below the outfall result in the replacement of Polypedilum laetum by Chironomus riparius (except in the spring) as the dominant member of the Chironominae. Continuous recruitment of first instar larvae to the population of C. riparius in summer and autumn results in much overlap of generations, but emergence trap captures suggest at least five generations in the year.
The usefulness of C. riparius as an indicator of enriched conditions in lotic ecosystems should be considered in relation to oviposition behaviour and the occurrence and seasonal variation in density of the adults and aquatic stages (including the more conspicuous third and fourth instar larvae).  相似文献   

Hirabayashi  Kimio  Wotton  Roger S. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):151-159
In laboratory experiments, we used fluorescent dye markers to investigate processing of organic matter by larvae of Psectrocladius limbatellus (Holm.) (Diptera: Chironomidae). 59% of the organic matter used was incorporated into tubes, 39% was present in faecal pellets (both after 24 h), and 2% was found in the larval gut at the end of experiments. Ingested matter passed through the gut rapidly, resulting in the gut being emptied more than 20 times each day. Further 24-h experiments using dye-marked faecal pellets showed that 6% of pellets produced were re-ingested and 12% were incorporated into tubes. There was no preference for conditioned faecal pellets as food over those that had recently been egested and tubes also provided a food reserve on which larvae feed. Chironomid larvae recycle organic matter resulting in its mineralization and their ‘engineering’ has a dramatic effect on the substratum. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Karyotype and morphology of Chironomus sp. larvae from the Caspian Sea have been described. 2n = 8. Chromosomal arm combination is AB, CD, EF, G (cytocomplex thummi). All chromosomes display conjugation of homologues. Centromere areas are of s-type. The nucleolar organizer and two Balbiani rings are disposed in arm C, and another Balbiani ring is in arm B. Half larvae have heterozygotic paracentric inversions in arm D. The larva belongs to salinarius form. One scleritis is colorless, an occipital scleritis is light and irregularly colored. Premandible has 4-5 cogs. Epipharingeal ridge has 18-23 dens. This new species is close to salinarius group, especially to Ch. albidus Konst., but differs from it at the larva stage in the structure of non-massive basal antenna segment, in the presence of large quantity of premandible denses, in light color of occipital scleritis, and in a series of morphometric rates. A similarity berween Ch. paraalbidus and Ch. albidus, on the one hand, and Boeotendipes, on the other one, has been found out.  相似文献   

Five variable microsatellite loci are reported for the nonbiting midge species Chironomus riparius and Chironomus piger. All loci show considerable intraspecific variation and species‐specific alleles, which allow to discriminate among the two closely related species and their interspecific hybrids, and to estimate genetic diversity within and between populations. Additionally, the loci were localized on C. riparius polytene chromosomes to verify their single copy status and investigate possible chromosomal linkage. The described markers are used in different studies with regard to population and ecological genetics and evolutionary ecotoxicology of Chironomus.  相似文献   

A. Kumar  J. P. Gupta 《Genetica》1990,82(3):157-163
Chironomus circumdatus is one of the most common and wide-spread species in India. Cytogenetic studies pertaining to the mitotic and polytene chromosomes, nucleolar organizer regions, C-banding and naturally occurring chromosomal polymorphism have been carried out for the first time in this Indian species. Altogether seven inversions comprising six paracentric and one pericentric are detected in the Indian populations. The distribution of inversions in relation to different environmental conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

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