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Chlamydia pecorum sp. nov. is proposed as the fourth species of the genus Chlamydia on the basis of the results of a genetic analysis of Chlamydia strains that were isolated from cattle and sheep which had various diseases, including sporadic encephalitis, infectious polyarthritis, pneumonia, and diarrhea. The levels of DNA-DNA homology between C. pecorum and strains of C. psittaci, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Chlamydia trachomatis were less than 10%. Several DNA probes were used to identify C. pecorum. The C. pecorum strains were distinguished from C. psittaci strains by the results of immunological assays, including an immunofluorescence antibody assay performed with monoclonal antibodies and an immunoblot analysis of the immunological specificity of the major outer membrane protein. Species identification was based on results obtained from DNA analyses and serology. The type strain of C. pecorum is strain ATCC VR628.  相似文献   

A panel of 30 putative Mycoplasma fermentans strains, isolated from various sources including human, ovine and cell lines, were tested by a previously described polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to confirm their identity by amplification of a conserved 206 bp region of the insertion sequence IS1550. In addition, the application of another PCR based on the major part of the IS1550 element showed one or two products of different length (1144 and 1341 bp) enabling M. fermentans strains to be divided into two types designated as Type A and Type B. A PCR, which amplifies the macrophage activating lipopeptide gene (malp), supported the identification of all the strains as M. fermentans. Thirteen other species of Mycoplasma from human sources gave negative results in these tests, with the exception of Mycoplasma orale, which was detected by both IS1550-PCRs based on the major part and the conserved 206 bp region of the IS1550 element. This study suggests that all M. fermentans isolates possess both the IS1550 element and the malp gene. In contrast to the IS1550, the malp gene is shown to be species-specific and the use of a malp PCR described here could prove to be a useful adjunct to IS1550 detection as confirmation of the presence of M. fermentans in clinical material.  相似文献   

Bacterial strain Bacillus sp. VT-8 was shown to use trinitrotoluene (TNT) as the sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy, as well as to carry out its co-oxidation. Resistance of Bacillus sp. VT-8 to high TNT concentrations was shown. Efficient detoxification of TNT-contaminated soil and water samples was demonstrated. This strain may be recommended for TNT biodegradation at concentrations of up to 140 mg/L due to its high degradation activity and the absence of toxic effect of TNT on Bacillus sp. VT-8.  相似文献   

UV irradiation is widely used to inactivate contaminating DNA in PCR. Highly UV-absorbent deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in PCR mixtures reduce the efficiency of UV decontamination. Optimal decontamination may be achieved by irradiating the PCR mixture without the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates.  相似文献   

The suitability of a 16S rRNA-based mycoplasma group-specific PCR for the detection of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures was investigated. A total of 104 cell cultures were tested by using microbiological culture, DNA fluorochrome staining, DNA-rRNA hybridization, and PCR techniques. A comparison of the results obtained with these techniques revealed agreement for 95 cell cultures. Discrepant results, which were interpreted as false negative or false positive on the basis of a comparison with the results obtained with other methods, were observed with nine cell cultures. The microbiological culture technique produced false-negative results for four cell cultures. The hybridization technique produced false-negative results for two cell cultures, and for one of these cell cultures the DNA staining technique also produced a false-negative result. The PCR may have produced false-positive results for one cell culture. Ambiguous results were obtained with the remaining two cell cultures. Furthermore, the presence of contaminating bacteria interfered with the interpretation of the DNA staining results for 16 cell cultures. For the same reason the hybridization signals of nine cell cultures could not be interpreted. Our results demonstrate the drawbacks of each of the detection methods and the suitability of the PCR for the detection of mycoplasmas in cell cultures.  相似文献   

Twelve Mycoplasma (M.) strains isolated from the nose, the trachea, and the lung of ostriches (Struthio camelus) displaying respiratory disease were investigated. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences placed five of these strains within the M. synoviae cluster, and seven strains within the M. hominis cluster of genus Mycoplasma, which was further confirmed by analyses of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region, and partial rpoB gene and amino acid sequences. Genomic information as well as phenotypic features obtained by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry analysis and serological reactions indicated that the strains examined are representatives of two hitherto unclassified species of genus Mycoplasma, for which the names Mycoplasma nasistruthionis sp. nov., with type strain 2F1AT (= ATCC BAA-1893T = DSM 22456T), and Mycoplasma struthionis sp. nov., with type strain 237IAT (= ATCC BAA-1890T = DSM 22453T), are proposed.  相似文献   

Background. Enterohepatic Helicobacter species are emerging pathogens, which are increasingly isolated from humans with enteric diseases. Nevertheless, current methods to detect Helicobacteraceae in the human gut have significant limitations. Methods. Based on 16S‐rRNA gene alignments and computer aided primer analysis a set of group‐specific PCR primers was designed. The evaluation of the PCR assay was performed using 36 ATCC reference strains and intestinal biopsies from 10 patients with defined gastric Helicobacter pylori status. The amplification products derived from clinical samples were cloned and subsequently analyzed by DNA sequencing. Sensitivity of the PCR‐assay was determined by spiking previously negative tested samples with decreasing amounts of Helicobacter DNA. Results. The analysis of the ATCC reference strains revealed amplification products in all 14 Helicobacter strains and Wolinella succinogenes, 21 other microorganisms representing negative controls did not produce PCR fragments. Four out of the 10 patient‐derived samples were positive. Three of them represented H. pylori‐derived DNA confirming the gastric H. pylori infection in these patients. In the fourth patient, who was suffering from Crohn's disease, H. pullorum was identified. The sensitivity of the PCR assay was 0.1 pg of Helicobacter‐derived DNA representing about 40 bacteria. Conclusion. The novel PCR assay described here is an important new tool in rapid and sensitive assessment for the presence of Helicobacteraceae in human gut.  相似文献   

The cyanobacterium Microcystis sp. frequently develops water blooms consisting of organisms with different genotypes that either produce or lack the hepatotoxin microcystin. In order to monitor the development of microcystin (mcy) genotypes during the seasonal cycle of the total population, mcy genotypes were quantified by means of real-time PCR in Lake Wannsee (Berlin, Germany) from June 1999 to October 2000. Standard curves were established by relating cell concentrations to the threshold cycle (the PCR cycle number at which the fluorescence passes a set threshold level) determined by the Taq nuclease assay (TNA) for two gene regions, the intergenic spacer region within the phycocyanin (PC) operon to quantify the total population and the mcyB gene, which is indicative of microcystin synthesis. In laboratory batch cultures, the cell numbers inferred from the standard curve by TNA correlated significantly with the microscopically determined cell numbers on a logarithmic scale. The TNA analysis of 10 strains revealed identical amplification efficiencies for both genes. In the field, the proportion of mcy genotypes made up the smaller part of the PC genotypes, ranging from 1 to 38%. The number of mcyB genotypes was one-to-one related to the number of PC genotypes, and parallel relationships between cell numbers estimated via the inverted microscope technique and TNA were found for both genes. It is concluded that the mean proportion of microcystin genotypes is stable from winter to summer and that Microcystis cell numbers could be used to infer the mean proportion of mcy genotypes in Lake Wannsee.  相似文献   

A total of 119 Bacillus thuringiensis strains (83 type strains and 26 native isolates), as well as five B. cereus group species, were analyzed by repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence-based PCR analysis (Rep-PCR) fingerprinting. Primers Bc-REP-1 and Bc-REP-2 were specifically designed according to an extragenic 26-bp repeated sequence found in the six B. cereus group genomes reported. A total of 47 polymorphic bands were detected, and the patterns varied from 5 to 13 bands in number and from 0.2 to 3.8 kb in size. Virtually each type strain showed a distinctive B. cereus (Bc)-Rep-PCR pattern, except for B. thuringiensis serovars dakota (H serotype 15 [H15]) and sotto (H4a,4b), as well as serovars amagiensis (H29) and seoulensis (H35), which shared the same patterns. As expected, serovar entomocidus (H6) and its biovar subtoxicus showed an identical pattern; similarly, serovars sumiyoshiensis (H3a,3d) and fukuokaensis (H3a,3d,3e), which share two antigenic determinants, also showed identical Bc-Rep-PCR patterns. Interestingly, serovars israelensis (H14) and malaysiensis (H36), which share several phenotypic attributes, also showed identical Bc-Rep-PCR patterns. Native, coleopteran-active strains, including the self-agglutinated LBIT-74 strain, showed Bc-Rep-PCR patterns identical or very similar to that of the tenebrionis strain. Likewise, native mosquitocidal strains (including some self-agglutinated strains) also showed patterns identical or very similar to that of the serovar israelensis IPS-82 strain. Additionally, native beta-exotoxin-producing strains from serovar thuringiensis showed patterns identical to that of the B. thuringiensis type strain. The B. cereus group-specific Bc-Rep-PCR fingerprinting technique was shown to be highly discriminative, fast, easy, and able to identify B. thuringiensis serotypes, including nonflagellar and self-agglutinated strains.  相似文献   

Two moderately halophilic and psychrotolerant new Mycoplasma species were isolated from common cephalopods. Three strains were isolated in pure culture from two individual European flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus), and two individual octopuses (Octopus vulgaris). The strains showed optimal growth at 25 °C and a salinity of 3% (w/v) NaCl. Molecular analyses revealed that the isolates belonged to two new, but phylogenetically related species, divergent from all previously described Mollicutes, representing the first marine isolates of the class, and also the first Mycoplasma strains for which NaCl requirement has been demonstrated. A genome search against all available marine metagenomes and 16S rRNA gene databases indicated that these two species represent a novel non-free-living marine lineage of Mollicutes, specifically associated with marine animals. Morphology and physiology were compatible with other members of this group, and genomic and phenotypic analyses demonstrated that these organisms represent two novel species of the genus Mycoplasma, for which the names Mycoplasma marinum sp. nov. and Mycoplasma todarodis sp. nov. are proposed; the type strains are PET (DSM 105487T, CIP 111404T) and 5HT (DSM 105,488T, CIP 111405T), respectively.  相似文献   

The DNA cleavage patterns and protein profiles of six Mycoplasma gallisepticum strains from various parts of the world were compared. Obvious differences among the strains were obtained by DNA restriction analysis. Reflection of genotypic variations in the polypeptide patterns was less pronounced; slight differences in the protein profiles of the strains were found. The data presented here indicate that some intraspecies polymorphism exists among M. gallisepticum strains.  相似文献   

Strain 831-C4T (T = type strain), isolated from the surface of lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa) obtained from a retail food market, was shown to be a sterol-requiring mollicute. Morphological examination of this organism by electron and dark-field microscopic techniques showed that it consists of small, nonhelical, nonmotile, pleomorphic coccoid cells, with individual cells surrounded by a single cytoplasmic membrane. No evidence of a cell wall was observed. The organism grew rapidly in all conventional culture medium formulations for mollicutes in either aerobic or anaerobic environments. The optimum temperature for growth was 30 degrees C, but multiplication occurred at 18 to 37 degrees C. Strain 831-C4T catabolized glucose, but hydrolysis of arginine or urea could not be demonstrated. The genome size of strain 831-C4T was determined to be about 569 megadaltons, while the base composition (guanine-plus-cytosine content) of the DNA was 30.0 mol%. Recent studies in which we compared the 16S rRNA sequences of strain 831-C4T with those of more than 40 other mollicutes indicated that this organism is phylogenetically related to the Spiroplasma-Mycoplasma mycoides clade. Strain 831-C4T was serologically unrelated to the type strains of previously described Mycoplasma species and to 18 other unclassified sterol-requiring isolates cultivated from various animal, plant, or insect sources. Strain 831-C4T (= ATCC 49193) is the type strain of Mycoplasma lactucae sp. nov.  相似文献   

J H Haas  L W Moore  W Ream    S Manulis 《Applied microbiology》1995,61(8):2879-2884
Two PCR primer pairs, based on the virD2 and ipt genes, detected a wide variety of pathogenic Agrobacterium strains. The endonuclease domain of VirD2 protein, which cleaves transferred DNA (T-DNA) border sequences, is highly conserved; primer oligonucleotides specific for the endonuclease portion of virD2 detected all pathogenic strains of Agrobacterium tested. PCR primers corresponding to conserved sequences in ipt, the T-DNA-borne cytokinin synthesis gene, detected only Agrobacterium tumefaciens and distinguished it from Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The virD2 and ipt primer pairs did not interfere with each other when included in the same PCR amplification, and this permitted simultaneous detection of both genes in a single reaction. One nonpathogenic Agrobacterium radiobacter strain contained virD2 but not ipt; we speculate that this strain arose from a pathogenic progenitor through a deletion in the T-DNA. The virD2 primer pair appears to be universal for all pathogenic Agrobacterium species; used together, the primer sets reported here should allow unambiguous identification of Ti plasmid DNA in bacteria isolated from soil and plants.  相似文献   

A group-specific primer pair was designed to amplify the 16S rRNA gene of representative reference strains from environmentally sourced, mesophilic aerobic spore-forming Bacillus taxa. The PCR generated a 1114 bp amplicon but did not do so with DNA extracted from 16 other Eubacterial species. When amplicons were digested with restriction enzymes AluI or TaqI, different profiles containing between 2 and 5 fragments ranging in size from 76 to 804 base pairs were seen with different Bacillus species. This procedure, known otherwise as amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis or ARDRA, produced unique and distinguishable patterns to differentiate between 15 ATCC reference strains (10 Bacillus, 3 Paenibacillus and 2 Brevibacillus member species) as well as 3 misidentified Bacillus probiotic strains in a commercial collection. Our simplified PCR-ARDRA protocol provides a facile method for the identification of most environmentally important species of Bacillus.  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme digestion and field inversion gel electrophoresis were used to analyze the chromosomes of strains of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and the related organism Mycoplasma flocculare. The chromosome size for the M. hyopneumoniae type strain was calculated from individual fragments to be 1,011.3 +/- 32.9 kbp. The chromosomes of M. hyopneumoniae field strains were approximately the same size. The restriction patterns obtained for the chromosomes of phenotypically similar M. hyopneumoniae strains were quite different. Therefore, the species M. hyopneumoniae seems to be very heterogeneous. A field inversion gel electrophoresis analysis of the entire chromosomes allowed us to distinguish M. hyopneumoniae strains easily and hence to characterize further the species M. hyopneumoniae. The chromosome size for M. flocculare was calculated to be 988.3 +/- 39.5 kbp. Restriction enzyme XhoI, which statistically should cut the M. hyopneumoniae chromosome frequently, did not cut the DNA of any of the M. hyopneumoniae strains but did digest M. flocculare DNA, indicating that there is a site-specific modification at CTCGAG which probably belongs to a restriction modification system in M. hyopneumoniae and is absent in M. flocculare.  相似文献   

We describe a novel high-resolution melt assay that clearly differentiates Chlamydia abortus live vaccine strain 1B from field C. abortus strains and field wild-type isolates based on previously described single nucleotide polymorphisms. This modern genotyping technique is inexpensive, easy to use, and less time-consuming than PCR-RFLP.  相似文献   

Twelve filtrable, pleomorphic organisms isolated from swine joints and respiratory tracts had typical colonial and microscopic characteristics of mycoplasmas. They resisted penicillin and did not revert to cell wall-producing bacterial forms in media devoid of bacterial inhibitors. The morphological and growth characteristics of these mycoplasmas were similar to those described previously for Mycoplasma granularum. However, a new name, M. hyosynoviae, is proposed for them since they differed biologically, serologically, and electrophoretically from the prototype strain of M. granularum. M. hyosynoviae required sterols, was stimulated by gastric mucin, and metabolized arginine; however, it did not metabolize urea, ferment glucose, or reduce tetrazolium. The organism produced "film and spots" on horse serum-supplemented medium and produced alpha hemolysis of guinea pig and sheep erythrocytes; however, it did not digest serum, produce phosphatase, or hemadsorb guinea pig or swine erythrocytes. M. hyosynoviae was distinguished from three other swine mycoplasmas, M. granularum, M. hyorhinis, and M. laidlawii, by means of acrylamide gel electrophoresis, growth inhibition, metabolic inhibition, and immunodiffusion techniques. It was also serologically and electrophoretically distinct from 13 additional non-swine mycoplasmas which require sterols and metabolize arginine.  相似文献   

Gliding motility of Mycoplasma sp. nov. strain 163K.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The gliding movements of Mycoplasma sp. nov. strain 163K cells were characterized by photomicrographic and microcinematographic studies. The capability of gliding proved to be a very stable property of strain 163K. Cells were continuously moving, without interruption by resting periods, on glass as well as on plastic surfaces covered with liquid medium. Gliding cells always moved in the direction of their headlike structure; their course did not indicate any preference for a certain direction. Under appropriate growth conditions, cells showed linear and circular movements. Under inadequate conditions, cells glided in narrow circles or entered into zigzag trembling and tumbling movements. Organisms glided as single cells, in pairs, and in multicellular configurations. Movement patterns and gliding velocity were significantly affected by the cultivation and preparation time, the medium viscosity, and the storage and observation temperature. The number of passages on artificial media and the composition of the media used did not have a striking influence on gliding motility, but movements were effectively inhibited by homologous antiserum. The data obtained suggest that at least some of the structures associated with gliding are heat sensitive and located on the cell surface, that the gliding mechanism requires an intact energy metabolism, and, finally, that gliding motility is an extremely stable genetic property of Mycoplasma sp. nov. strain 163K.  相似文献   

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