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F T Ashton  J Weisel    F A Pepe 《Biophysical journal》1992,61(6):1513-1528
The substructure of the thick filaments of chemically skinned chicken pectoralis muscle was investigated by electron microscopy. Images of transverse sections of the myosin filaments were determined to have threefold symmetry by cross-correlation analysis, which gives an unbiased determination of the rotational symmetry of the images. Resolution, using the phase residual test (Frank et al. 1981. Science [Wash. DC]. 214:1353-1355), was found to be between 3.2 and 3.6 nm. Three arrangements of nine subfilaments in the backbone were found in all regions of the filament at ionic strengths of 20 and 200 mM. In the average images of two of these, there were three dense central subfilaments and three pairs of subfilaments on the surface of the thick filament. In the average image of the third arrangement, all of the protein mass of the nine subfilaments was on the surface of the filament with three of them showing less variation in position than the others. A fourth arrangement appearing to be transitional between two of these was seen often at 200 mM ionic strength and only rarely at 20 mM. On average, the myosin subfilaments were parallel to the long axis of the filament. The different arrangements of subfilaments appear to be randomly distributed among the filaments in a transverse section of the A-band. Relative rotational orientations with respect to the hexagonal filament lattice, using the three densest subfilaments as reference showed a major clustering (32%) of filaments within one 10 degrees spread, a lesser clustering (15%) at 90 degrees to the first, and the remainder scattered thinly over the rest of the 120 degrees range. There was no obvious pattern of distribution of the two predominant orientations that could define a superlattice in the filament lattice.  相似文献   

There has been some disagreement about the number of myosin molecules in vertebrate skeletal myosin filaments calculated from the myosin to actin weight ratio determined by quantitative sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Tregear &; Squire, 1973; Potter, 1974; Morimoto &; Harrington, 1974). In this work it was found that (1) thoroughly washed fibrils are required to obtain the true value for the myosin to actin weight ratio. (2) Neither actin nor myosin is extracted preferentially during the required washing procedure. (3) There are four myosin molecules per 14.3 nm interval along the myosin filament or about 400 myosin molecules per filament.From published estimates of the number of molecules of C-protein per myosin filament (Offer et al., 1973; Morimoto &; Harrington, 1974) and the findings in this work, we conclude that there are four molecules of C-protein at each of the 14 C-protein binding positions along the filament, i.e. one C-protein molecule for each of the four myosin molecules contributing to the cross-bridges at each position.  相似文献   

The critical parameters required for the assembly of myosin filaments with a length distribution comparable to that for native myosin filaments were examined. It was found that: Two steps are required in the dilution of a myosin solution from 0.6M KCl to 0.15M KCl. In Step I the KCl concentration is reduced from 0.6 to 0.3M KCl and in Step II from 0.3 to 0.15M KCl. The rate of change of KCl required for Step I is different than that required for Step II. Increasing the total time of dilution in either Step I or II alone leads to an increase in length and a broadening of the length distribution. In Step I assembly of myosin molecules into nonsedimentable units occurs. These may be the basic units from which the filaments are assembled in Step II. Rapid dilution in Step I alone has no effect on the length distribution obtained at 0.15M KCl, but rapid dilution in Step II alone leads to short filaments (about 0.6 micron). Increasing the time of dilution in Step II alone to 3 hrs or 6 hrs gives a bimodal distribution in lengths with one peak at about 0.8 micron and the other at about 2.2 microns. The length distribution obtained at 0.15M KCl is not critically dependent on information contained in the portion of the filament previously assembled in Step II, but is critically dependent on the rate of change of KCl concentration during the assembly of the rest of the filament.  相似文献   

Improved fixation procedures have enabled substructure to be observed by electron microscopy in transverse sections of vertebrate skeletal muscle thick filaments as thin as 140 nm. Optical diffraction combined with digital autocorrelation analysis, focal series and tilting experiments have confirmed the presence of a regular substructure having a repeat near 4 nm and shown that it is highly unlikely to be an artifact associated with the electron microscope imaging system. The results obtained strongly suggest that the thick filament is constructed from a bundle of rod-like subfilaments arranged parallel to the thick filament axis to within less than a degree. This cannot easily be reconciled with the general theory of thick filament structure proposed by Squire (1973), but it is consistent with the model proposed by Pepe, 1966, Pepe, 1967. Optical diffraction of 140 nm thick serial transverse sections has also suggested a structural change along the length of the filament that is manifest by a variation in the proportion of filaments showing strong diffraction maxima in one, two or three directions.  相似文献   

Following the original proposals about myosin filament structure put forward as part of a general myosin filament model (Squire, 1971, 1972) it is here shown what the most likely molecular packing arrangements within the backbones of certain myosin filaments would be assuming that the model is correct. That this is so is already indicated by recently published experimental results which have confirmed several predictions of the model (Bullard and Reedy, 1972; Reedy et al., 1972; Tregear and Squire, 1973).The starting point in the analysis of the myosin packing arrangements is the model for the myosin ribbons in vertebrate smooth muscle proposed by Small &; Squire (1972). It is shown that there is only one reasonable type of packing arrangement for the rod portions of the myosin molecules which will account for the known structure of the ribbons and which is consistent with the known properties of myosin molecules. The dominant interactions in this packing scheme are between parallel myosin molecules which are related by axial shifts of 430 Å and 720 Å. In this analysis the myosin rods are treated as uniform rods of electron density and only the general features of two-strand coiled-coil molecules are considered.Since the general myosin filament model is based on the assumption that the structures of different types of myosin filament must be closely related, the packing scheme derived for the myosin ribbons is used to deduce the structures of the main parts (excluding the bare zones) of the myosin filaments in a variety of muscles. It is shown in each case that there is only one packing scheme consistent with all the available data on these filaments and that in each filament type exactly the same interactions between myosin rods are involved. In other words the myosin-myosin interactions involved in filament formation are specific, they involve molecular shifts of either 430 Å or 720 Å, and are virtually identical in all the different myosin filaments which have been considered. Apart from the myosin ribbons, these are the filaments in vertebrate skeletal muscle, insect flight muscle and certain molluscan muscles.In the case of the thick filaments in vertebrate skeletal muscle the form of the myosin packing arrangement in the bare zone is considered and a packing scheme proposed which involves antiparallel overlaps between myosin rods of 1300 Å and 430 Å. It is shown that this scheme readily explains the triangular profiles of the myosin filaments in the bare zone (Pepe, 1967, 1971) and many other observations on the form of these myosin filaments.Finally it is shown that the cores of several different myosin filaments, assuming they contain protein, may consist of different arrangements of one or other of two types of core subfilament.  相似文献   

An LMM fragment (Mr 62,000) of myosin has been prepared which has aggregation properties that are sensitive to the presence of Mg.ATP. Aggregation of the LMM by reducing the ionic strength in the presence of 1 mM Mg.ATP produces non-periodic aggregates which gradually rearrange to paracrystals with a 43 nm axial repeat pattern. This fragment includes the C-terminal end of the myosin rod starting at residue 1376. Therefore, at least one of the Mg.ATP binding sites responsible for this effect is located somewhere along this region of the myosin rod. Although assembly of the rod fragment of myosin into paracrystals does not show sensitivity to Mg.ATP, assembly of intact myosin molecules to form filaments does show sensitivity to Mg.ATP. For myosin filaments, assembly initially gives a broad distribution around a mean length of 1.5 microns, which sharpens around the mean length with time. The rearrangement of the LMM rods and intact myosin molecules both induced by the presence of Mg.ATP are probably related. These findings highlight the complexity of the cooperative interactions between different portions of the myosin molecule that are involved in determining the assembly properties of the intact molecule.  相似文献   

Effects of C-protein on synthetic myosin filament structure.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
In the absence of C-protein, synthetic filaments prepared from column-purified myosin exhibit the following features: individual filament diameters are uniform over a long length, but a wide distribution of diameters is apparent over the population; approximately 25% of the filaments have a frayed appearance and take up stain poorly, whereas the remaining 75% are well-stained; optical diffraction of well-stained filaments reveals a 14.3-nm subunit period and a 43-nm axial period (Koretz, 1978; Koretz, 1979). Addition of C-protein to myosin before filament formation affects all of these features in a manner related to C-protein concentration. At the physiological ratio of C-protein to myosin in the banded region of the natural thick filament, synthetic aggregates are uniform in diameter over the population and show less than 10% frays. Whereas the subunit period remains unchanged, the axial period has increased to 114.4 nm, or eight times the subunit repeat. Above and below the physiological ratio, disorder of a specific nature is apparent. Addition of C-protein after filament formation appears to coat the aggregates so that elements of backbone ultrastructure are obscured, and some evidence of axial period change is visible in diffraction patterns. A model is presented for the binding of C-protein to myosin, and its observed effects on filament structure are explained in terms of this model.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the interactions between two types of sarcomeric proteins: myosin heavy chain (MyHC) and members of an abundant thick filament-associated protein family (myosin-binding protein; MyBP). Previous work has demonstrated that when MyHC is transiently transfected into mammalian nonmuscle COS cells, the expressed protein forms spindle-shaped structures consisting of bundles of myosin thick filaments. Co-expression of MyHC and MyBP-C or -H modulates the MyHC structures, resulting in dramatically longer cables consisting of myosin and MyBP encircling the nucleus. Immunoelectron microscopy indicates that these cable structures are more uniform in diameter than the spindle structures consisting solely of MyHC, and that the myosin filaments are compacted in the presence of MyBP. Deletion analysis of MyBP-H indicates that cable formation is dependent on the carboxy terminal 24 amino acids. Neither the MyHC spindles nor the MyHC/MyBP cables associate with the endogenous actin cytoskeleton of the COS cell. While there is no apparent co-localization between these structures and the microtubule network, colchicine treatment of the cells promotes the formation of longer assemblages, suggesting that cytoskeletal architecture may physically impede or regulate polymer formation/extension. The data presented here contribute to a greater understanding of the interactions between the MyBP family and MyHC, and provide additional evidence for functional homology between MyBP-C and MyBP-H.  相似文献   

A new constitutive model for the biomechanical behaviour of smooth muscle tissue is proposed. The active muscle contraction is accomplished by the relative sliding between actin and myosin filaments, comprising contractile units in the smooth muscle cells. The orientation of the myosin filaments, and thereby the contractile units, are taken to exhibit a statistical dispersion around a preferred direction. The number of activated cross-bridges between the actin and myosin filaments governs the contractile force generated by the muscle and also the contraction speed. A strain-energy function is used to describe the mechanical behaviour of the smooth muscle tissue. Besides the active contractile apparatus, the mechanical model also incorporates a passive elastic part. The constitutive model was compared to histological and isometric tensile test results for smooth muscle tissue from swine carotid artery. In order to be able to predict the active stress at different muscle lengths, a filament dispersion significantly larger than the one observed experimentally was required. Furthermore, a comparison of the predicted active stress for a case of uniaxially oriented myosin filaments and a case of filaments with a dispersion based on the experimental histological data shows that the difference in generated stress is noticeable but limited. Thus, the results suggest that myosin filament dispersion alone cannot explain the increase in active muscle stress with increasing muscle stretch.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional arrangement of the myosin filaments in the A-band of frog sartorius muscle was studied using electron micrographs of very thin and accurately cut transverse sections through the bare region (on each side of the M-band) where the thick filament shafts are roughly triangular in shape. It was found that the orientations of these triangular profiles are arranged to give a superlattice of the same size and shape as that proposed by Huxley & Brown (1967) on the basis of X-ray diffraction evidence, but the contents of the superlattice may not be as they suggested. The results from detailed image analysis strongly suggest that myosin filaments (which have been shown to have 3-fold rotational symmetry, Luther, 1978; Luther, Munro and Squire, unpublished results) are arranged with one of two orientations which are 60 ° (or 180 °) apart. This arrangement of filaments with 3-fold symmetry is not that predicted for a superlattice with the symmetry suggested by Huxley & Brown.Two rules define the way in which the orientations of neighbouring filaments are defined. Rule (1): no three mutually adjacent filaments in the hexagonal array of filaments in the A-band can all have identical orientations; and rule (2): no three successive filaments along a 101? row in the filament array can have identical orientations. These two no-three-alike rules are sufficient to describe the observed arrangement of filament profiles in the frog bare region (except for some minor violations discussed in the text), and they lead automatically to the generation of the required superlattice. The A-band structure in fish muscle is different; there is no superlattice and the triangular bare region profiles have only one orientation. The frog superlattice and fish simple lattice are explained directly in terms of different interactions between the M-bridges in the M-bands of these muscles. The observed structures require that the myosin filament symmetry at the centre of the M-band is that of the dihedral point group 32. The two possible forms of interaction between filaments with this symmetry (apart from a completely random structure) give rise to the observed A-band lattices in frog and fish muscles. The 3-fold rotational symmetry of the myosin filaments required to explain the observed micrographs also requires that the myosin crossbridge arrangements around the actin filaments in frog and fish muscles will be different. It is suggested that the structure in the frog A-band (and in the A-bands of other higher vertebrates) has evolved from that in fish to improve the distribution of crossbridges around the aotin filaments. The X-ray diffraction evidence of Huxley & Brown (1967) will be accounted for in terms of the proposed A-band structure in a further paper in this series.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1850-1857
We have used two actin-binding proteins of the intestinal brush border, TW 260/240 and villin, to examine the effects of filament cross-linking and filament length on myosin-actin interactions. TW 260/240 is a nonerythroid spectrin that is a potent cross-linker of actin filaments. In the presence of this cross-linker we observed a concentration- dependent enhancement of skeletal muscle actomyosin ATPase activity (150-560% of control; maximum enhancement at a 1:70-80 TW 260/240:actin molar ratio). TW 260/240 did not cause a similar enhancement of either acto-heavy meromyosin (HMM) ATPase or acto-myosin subfragment-one (S1) ATPase. Villin, a Ca2+-dependent filament capping and severing protein of the intestinal microvillus, was used to generate populations of actin filaments of various lengths from less than 20 nm to 2.0 microns; (villin:actin ratios of 1:2 to 1:4,000). The effect of filament length on actomyosin ATPase was biphasic. At villin:actin molar ratios of 1:2- 25 actin-activated myosin ATPase activity was inhibited to 20-80% of control values, with maximum inhibition observed at the highest villin:actin ratio. The ATPase activities of acto-HMM and acto-S1 were also inhibited at these short filament lengths. At intermediate filament lengths generated at villin:actin ratios of 1:40-400 (average lengths 0.26-1.1 micron) an enhancement of actomyosin ATPase was observed (130-260% of controls), with a maximum enhancement at average filament lengths of 0.5 micron. The levels of actomyosin ATPase fell off to control values at low concentrations of villin where filament length distributions were almost those of controls. Unlike intact myosin, the actin-activated ATPase of neither HMM nor S1 showed an enhancement at these intermediate actin filament lengths.  相似文献   

Myosin X is a member of the diverse myosin superfamily that is ubiquitously expressed in various mammalian tissues. Although its association with actin in cells has been shown, little is known about its biochemical and mechanoenzymatic function at the molecular level. We expressed bovine myosin X containing the entire head, neck, and coiled-coil domain and purified bovine myosin X in Sf9 cells. The Mg(2+)-ATPase activity of myosin X was significantly activated by actin with low K(ATP). The actin-activated ATPase activity was reduced at Ca(2+) concentrations above pCa 5 in which 1 mol of calmodulin light chain dissociates from the heavy chain. Myosin X translocates F-actin filaments with the velocity of 0.3 microm/s with the direction toward the barbed end. The actin translocating activity was inhibited at concentrations of Ca(2+) at pCa 6 in which no calmodulin dissociation takes place, suggesting that the calmodulin dissociation is not required for the inhibition of the motility. Unlike class V myosin, which shows a high affinity for F-actin in the presence of ATP, the K(actin) of the myosin X ATPase was much higher than that of myosin V. Consistently nearly all actin dissociated from myosin X in the presence of ATP. ADP did not significantly inhibit the actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin X, suggesting that the ADP release step is not rate-limiting. These results suggest that myosin X is a nonprocessive motor. Consistently myosin X failed to support the actin translocation at low density in an in vitro motility assay where myosin V, a processive motor, supports the actin filament movement.  相似文献   

A survey of skeletal muscles throughout craniates shows basic kinds of myosin filament arrangement, simple-lattice and superlattice, within the A-band of each sarcomere. Distribution of simple- and superlattice arrangements across a phylogeny of craniates suggests that the superlattice arrangement is primitive and that Amia and teleosts are derived in showing simple-lattice arrangements. Two taxa examined (Scyliorhinus and Acipenser) show both lattice types within the same organism implying that there is not a simple evolutionary transformation of one to the other fiber arrangement. We discuss the possible functional significance of the different lattice types. We believe that the crossbridges may have greater competition for actin binding sites in simple-lattice muscles compared to the superlattice types. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The alternatively spliced SM1 and SM2 smooth muscle myosin heavy chains differ at their respective carboxyl termini by 43 versus 9 unique amino acids. To determine whether these tailpieces affect filament assembly, SM1 and SM2 myosins, the rod region of these myosin isoforms, and a rod with no tailpiece (tailless), were expressed in Sf 9 cells. Paracrystals formed from SM1 and SM2 rod fragments showed different modes of molecular packing, indicating that the tailpieces can influence filament structure. The SM2 rod was less able to assemble into stable filaments than either SM1 or the tailless rods. Expressed full-length SM1 and SM2 myosins showed solubility differences comparable to the rods, establishing the validity of the latter as a model for filament assembly. Formation of homodimers of SM1 and SM2 rods was favored over the heterodimer in cells coinfected with both viruses, compared with mixtures of the two heavy chains renatured in vitro. These results demonstrate for the first time that the smooth muscle myosin tailpieces differentially affect filament assembly, and suggest that homogeneous thick filaments containing SM1 or SM2 myosin could serve distinct functions within smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Actin filaments, assembled from highly purified actin from either skeletal muscle or Dictyostelium amoebae, are very stable under physiological ionic conditions. A small and limited amount of exchange of actin filament subunits for unpolymerized actin or subunits in other filaments has been measured by three techniques: fluorescence energy transfer, incorporation of 35S-labelled actin monomers into unlabelled actin filaments, and exchange of [14C]ATP with filament-bound ADP. A 40 kDa protein purified from amoebae destabilizes these otherwise stable filaments in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Myosin purified from Dictyostelium amoebae is phosphorylated both in the tail region of the heavy chain and in one of the light chains. Phosphorylation appears to regulate myosin thick-filament formation.  相似文献   

Rabbit uterine myosin was purified by DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The purified myosin was shown to be free from contamination with actin or other impurities by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. It was also shown to have two light chains with molecular weights of 22,000 and 17,000. The C protein normally found in crude, rabbit skeletal muscle myosin was not found in crude, rabbit uterine myosin.On reducing the ionic strength of a solution of rabbit uterine myosin, the myosin molecules first aggregated to form short, tapered bipolar filaments with bare zones. These were observed in the presence or absence of 10 mm-magnesium. These filaments ranged in length from 0.3 μm to 0.6 μm. On reaching 0.1 m-KCl, and only if 10 mm-magnesium was present, the filaments grew in length by linear overlap of the tapered bipolar filaments and obliteration of the bare zone regions. These filaments ranged in length from 0.7 μm to 1.2 μm.  相似文献   

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