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Given the known high-resolution structures of alpha-helical transmembrane domains, we show that there are statistically distinct classes of transmembrane interfaces which relate to the folding and oligomerization of transmembrane domains. Distinct types of interfaces have been categorized and refer to those between: the same polypeptide chain, different polypeptide chains, helices that are sequential neighbors, and those that are nonsequential. These different interfaces may reflect different phases in the mechanism of transmembrane domain folding and are consistent with the current experimental evidence pertaining to the folding and oligomerization of transmembrane domains. The classes of helix-helix interfaces have been identified in terms of the numbers and different types of pairwise amino acid interactions. The specific measures used are interaction entropy, the information content of interacting partners compared to a random set of contacts, the amino acid composition of the classes and the abundances of specific amino acid pairs in close contact. Knowledge of the clear differences in the types of helix-helix contacts helps with the derivation of knowledge-based constraints which until now have focused on only the interiors of transmembrane domains as compared to the exterior. Taken together, an in vivo model for membrane protein folding is presented, which is distinct from the familiar two-stage model. The model takes into account the different interfaces of membrane helices defined herein, and the available data regarding folding in the translocation channel.  相似文献   

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a common inherited hemolytic anemia caused by mutations in erythrocyte proteins including the anion exchanger, AE1 (band 3). This study examined seven missense mutations (L707P, R760Q, R760W, R808C, H834P, T837M, and R870W) located in the membrane domain of the human AE1 that are associated with this disease. The HS mutants, constructed in full-length AE1 cDNA, could be transiently expressed to similar levels in HEK 293 cells. Immunofluorescence, cell surface biotinylation, and pulse chase labeling showed that the HS mutants all exhibited defective cellular trafficking from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane. Impaired binding to an inhibitor affinity matrix indicated that the mutant proteins had non-native structures and may be misfolded. Further characterization of the HS R760Q mutant showed no change in its oligomeric structure or turnover (half-life=15 h) compared to wild-type AE1, suggesting the mutant was not aggregated or targeted for rapid degradation via the proteasome. Intracellular retention of HS mutant AE1 would lead to destruction of the protein during erythroid development and would account for the lack of HS mutant AE1 in the plasma membrane of the mature red cell.  相似文献   

Pharmacological chaperones represent a class of therapeutic compounds for treating protein misfolding diseases. One of the most prominent examples is the FDA-approved pharmacological chaperone lumacaftor (VX-809), which has transformed cystic fibrosis (CF) therapy. CF is a fatal disease caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). VX-809 corrects folding of F508del CFTR, the most common patient mutation, yet F508del exhibits only mild VX-809 response. In contrast, rarer mutations P67L and L206W are hyperresponsive to VX-809, while G85E is nonresponsive. Despite the clinical success of VX-809, the mechanistic origin for the distinct susceptibility of mutants remains unclear. Here we use interactomics to characterize the impact of VX-809 on proteostasis interactions of P67L and L206W and compare these with F508del and G85E. We determine that hyperresponsive mutations P67L and L206W exhibit decreased interactions with proteasomal and autophagy degradation machinery compared with F508del and G85E. We then show inhibiting the proteasome attenuates P67L and L206W VX-809 response. Our data suggest a previously unidentified but required role for protein degradation in VX-809 correction. Furthermore, we present an approach for identifying proteostasis characteristics of mutant-specific therapeutic response to pharmacological chaperones.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide defines both the folding pathway and the final three-dimensional structure of a protein. Eighteen amino acid substitutions have been identified in bacteriophage P22 coat protein that are defective in folding and cause their folding intermediates to be substrates for GroEL and GroES. These temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) substitutions identify amino acids that are critical for directing the folding of coat protein. Additional amino acid residues that are critical to the folding process of P22 coat protein were identified by isolating second site suppressors of the tsf coat proteins. Suppressor substitutions isolated from the phage carrying the tsf coat protein substitutions included global suppressors, which are substitutions capable of alleviating the folding defects of numerous tsf coat protein mutants. In addition, potential global and site-specific suppressors were isolated, as well as a group of same site amino acid substitutions that had a less severe phenotype than the tsf parent. The global suppressors were located at positions 163, 166, and 170 in the coat protein sequence and were 8-190 amino acid residues away from the tsf parent. Although the folding of coat proteins with tsf amino acid substitutions was improved by the global suppressor substitutions, GroEL remained necessary for folding. Therefore, we believe that the global suppressor sites identify a region that is critical to the folding of coat protein.  相似文献   

Collagens contain large numbers of Gly-Xaa-Yaa peptide repeats that form the characteristic triple helix, where the individual chains fold into a polyproline II helix and three of these helices form a right-handed triple helix. For the proper folding of the triple helix collagens contain trimerization domains. These domains ensure a single starting point for triple helix formation and are also responsible for the chain selection in heterotrimeric collagens. Trimerization domains are non-collagenous domains of very different structures. The size of trimerization domains varies from 35 residues in type IX collagen to around 250 residues for the fibrillar collagens. These domains are not only crucial for biological functions, but they are also attractive tools for generating recombinant collagen fragments of interest as well as for general use in protein engineering and biomaterial design. Here we review the current knowledge of the structure and function of these trimerization domains.  相似文献   

Folding enzymes often use distinct domains for the binding of substrate proteins ("chaperone domains") and for the catalysis of slow folding reactions such as disulfide formation or prolyl isomerization. The human prolyl isomerase FKBP12 is a small single-domain protein without a chaperone domain. Its very low folding activity could previously be increased by inserting the chaperone domain from the homolog SlyD (sensitive-to-lysis protein D) of Escherichia coli. We now inserted three unrelated chaperone domains into human FKBP12: the apical domain of the chaperonin GroEL from E. coli, the chaperone domain of protein disulfide isomerase from yeast, or the chaperone domain of SurA from the periplasm of E. coli. All three conveyed FKBP12 with a high affinity for unfolded proteins and increased its folding activity. Substrate binding and release of the chimeric folding enzymes were found to be very fast. This allows rapid substrate transfer from the chaperone domain to the catalytic domain and ensures efficient rebinding of protein chains that were unable to complete folding. The advantage of having separate sites, first for generic protein binding and then for specific catalysis, explains why our construction of the artificial folding enzymes with foreign chaperone domains was successful.  相似文献   

A complex involving Derlin-1 and p97 mediates the retrotranslocation and endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation of misfolded proteins in yeast and is used by certain viruses to promote host cell protein degradation (Romisch, K. (2005) Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 21, 435-456; Lilley, B. N., and Ploegh, H. L. (2004) Nature 429, 834-840; Ye, Y., Shibata, Y., Yun, C., Ron, D., and Rapoport, T. A. (2004) Nature 429, 841-847). We asked whether the components of this pathway are involved in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of the mammalian integral membrane protein, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a substrate for the ubiquitin-proteasome system. We report that Derlin-1 and p97 formed complexes with CFTR in human airway epithelial cells. Derlin-1 interacted with nonubiquitylated CFTR, whereas p97 associated with ubiquitylated CFTR. Exogenous expression of Derlin-1 led to its co-localization with CFTR in the ER where it reduced wild type (WT) CFTR expression and efficiently degraded the disease-associated CFTR folding mutants, DeltaF508 and G85E (>90%). Consistent with this, Derlin-1 also reduced the amount of WT or DeltaF508 CFTR appearing in detergent-in-soluble aggregates. An approximately 70% knockdown of endogenous Derlin-1 by RNA interference increased the steady-state levels of WT and DeltaF508 CFTR by 10-15-fold, reflecting its significant role in CFTR degradation. Derlin-1 mediated the degradation of N-terminal CFTR fragments corresponding to the first transmembrane domain of CFTR, but CFTR fragments that incorporated additional domains were degraded less efficiently. These findings suggest that Derlin-1 recognizes misfolded, nonubiquitylated CFTR to initiate its dislocation and degradation early in the course of CFTR biogenesis, perhaps by detecting structural instability within the first transmembrane domain.  相似文献   

Intramolecular chaperone: the role of the pro-peptide in protein folding.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M Inouye 《Enzyme》1991,45(5-6):314-321
Subtilisin, an alkaline serine protease, is produced in the bacterium as pre-pro-subtilisin; the pre-peptide of 29 amino acid residues is the signal peptide essential for the secretion of prosubtilisin from the cytoplasm into the culture medium. On the other hand, the pro-peptide of 77 residues covalently linked to the amino terminal end of the subtilisin intramolecularly guides the folding of subtilisin into the active enzyme. Importantly, the pro-peptide is not required for the enzymatic activity and is removed intramolecularly by autoprocessing upon the completion of the protein folding. In this review, I will first summarize all the data concerning the functions of the subtilisin pro-peptide. On the basis of these results, I shall discuss a new general concept, an intramolecular chaperone to explain the essential role of the pro-peptide in protein folding.  相似文献   


HoxN, a high-affinity, nickel-specific permease of Ralstonia eutropha H16, and NhlF, a nickel/cobalt permease of Rhodococcus rhodochrous J1, are structurally related members of the nickel/cobalt transporter (NiCoT) family. These transporters have an eight-helix structure and are characterized by highly conserved segments with polar or charged amino acid residues in transmembrane domains (TMDs) II, III, V, and VI. Two histidine residues in a Ni2+ binding motif, the signature sequence of NiCoTs, in TMD II of HoxN have been shown to be crucial for activity. Replacement of the corresponding His residues in NhlF affected both Co2+ and Ni2+ uptake, demonstrating that NhlF employs a HoxN-like mechanism for transport of the two cations. Multiple alignments of bacterial NiCoT sequences identified a striking correlation between a hydrophobic residue (Val or Phe) in TMD II and a position in the center of TMD I occupied by either an Asn (as in HoxN) or a His (as in NhlF). Introducing an isoleucine residue at the latter position strongly reduced HoxN activity and abolished NhlF activity, suggesting that a Lewis base N-donor moiety is important. The Asn-to-His exchange had no effect on HoxN, whereas the converse replacement reduced NhlF-mediated Ni2+ uptake significantly. Replacement of the entire TMD I of HoxN by the respective NhlF segment resulted in a chimera that transported Ni2+ and Co2+ with low capacity. The Val-to-Phe exchange in TMD II of HoxN led to a considerable rise in Ni2+ uptake capacity and conferred to the variant the ability to transport Co2+. NhlF activity dropped in response to the converse mutation. Our data predict that TMDs I and II in NiCoTs spatially interact to form a critical part of the selectivity filter. As seen for the V64F variant of HoxN, modification of this site can increase the velocity of transport and concomitantly reduce the specificity.  相似文献   

Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations at low dielectric constant have been carried out for peptides matching the double spanning segments of transmembrane proteins. Different folding dynamics have been observed. The peptides folded into the stable helix-turn-helix conformation-alpha-hairpin-with antiparallel-oriented strands or unstable alpha-hairpin conformation that unfolded later into the straight helical structure. The peptide having flexible residues in the TM helices often misfolded into a tangled structure that can be avoided by restricting the flexibility of these residues. General conclusions can be drawn from the observed folding dynamics. The stability and folding of some double spanning transmembrane fragments are self-assembling. The following and/or neighboring peptide chains of the protein may support the stability of the hairpin structure of other fragments. The stability of the TM helices containing flexible residues could be maintained due to contacts with neighboring TM segments.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose transporter is a membrane protein localized in the Golgi apparatus. It translocates UDP-galactose from the cytosol into the Golgi lumen, thus providing galactosyltransferases with their substrate. We characterized murine UDP-galactose transporter through molecular cloning for the following purposes: (i) to elucidate the molecular bases underlying the genetic defects of murine Had-1 mutants, which are deficient in UDP-galactose transporting activity, and (ii) to obtain information that would help us in planning rational approaches to identify functionally essential regions, based on comparison of primary structures between human and murine UDP-galactose transporters. We identified five nonsense mutations, one missense Gly178Asp mutation, and two aberrant splicing mutations. Although glycine178 is highly conserved among nucleotide-sugar transporters, a Gly178Ala variant was functional. The species-differences between human and murine UDP-galactose transporters were largely confined to the N- and C-terminal regions of the transporters. Substantial deletions in the N- and C-terminal regions did not lead to loss of UDP-galactose transporting activity, indicating that these cytosolic regions are dispensable for the transporting activity. The transporter was fused with green-fluorescent protein at the C-terminal cytosolic tail without impairing the functions of either protein. Our results demonstrate the importance of the transmembrane core region of the UDP-galactose transporter protein.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a fatal genetic disorder associated with defective hydration of lung airways due to the loss of chloride transport through the CF transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR). CFTR contains two membrane-spanning domains (MSDs), two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), and a regulatory domain, and its channel assembly requires multiple interdomain contacts. The most common CF-causing mutation, F508del, occurs in NBD1 and results in misfolding and premature degradation of F508del-CFTR. VX-809 is an investigational CFTR corrector that partially restores CFTR function in people who are homozygous for F508del-CFTR. To identify the folding defect(s) in F508del-CFTR that must be repaired to treat CF, we explored the mechanism of VX-809 action. VX-809 stabilized an N-terminal domain in CFTR that contains only MSD1 and efficaciously restored function to CFTR forms that have missense mutations in MSD1. The action of VX-809 on MSD1 appears to suppress folding defects in F508del-CFTR by enhancing interactions among the NBD1, MSD1, and MSD2 domains. The ability of VX-809 to correct F508del-CFTR is enhanced when combined with mutations that improve F508del-NBD1 interaction with MSD2. These data suggest that the use of VX-809 in combination with an additional CFTR corrector that suppresses folding defects downstream of MSD1 may further enhance CFTR function in people with F508del-CFTR.  相似文献   

Human CD39/NTPDase1 is an endothelial cell membrane-associated nucleotidase. Its large extracellular domain rapidly metabolizes nucleotides, especially ADP released from activated platelets, inhibiting further platelet activation/recruitment. Previous studies using our recombinant soluble CD39 demonstrated the importance of residues S57, D54, and D213 for enzymatic/biological activity. We now report effects of S57A, D54A, and D213A mutations on full-length (FL)CD39 function. Enzymatic activity of alanine modified FLCD39s was less than wild-type, contrasting the enhanced activity of their soluble counterparts. Furthermore, conservative substitutions D54E and D213E led to enzymes with activities greater than the alanine modified FLCD39s, but less than wild-type. Reductions in mutant activities were primarily associated with reduced catalytic rates. Differences in enzymatic activity were not attributable to gross changes in the nucleotide binding pocket or the enzyme's ability to multimerize. Thus, composition of the active site of wild-type CD39 appears optimized for ADPase function in the context of the transmembrane domains.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for retention of integral membrane proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is not well understood. We recently discovered a novel ER molecular chaperone termed Cosmc, which is essential for folding and normal activity of the Golgi enzyme T-synthase. Cosmc, a type II single-pass transmembrane protein, lacks any known ER retrieval/retention motifs. To explore specific ER localization determinants in Cosmc we generated a series of Cosmc mutants along with chimeras of Cosmc with a non-ER resident type II protein, the human transferrin receptor. Here we show that the 18 amino acid transmembrane domain (TMD) of Cosmc is essential for ER localization and confers ER retention to select chimeras. Moreover, mutations of a single Cys residue within the TMD of Cosmc prevent formation of disulfide-bonded dimers of Cosmc and eliminate ER retention. These studies reveal that Cosmc has a unique ER-retention motif within its TMD and provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms by which TMDs of resident ER proteins contribute to ER localization.  相似文献   

Proline residues occur frequently in transmembrane alpha helices, which contrasts with their behaviour as helix-breakers in water-soluble proteins. The three membrane-embedded proline residues of bacteriorhodopsin have been replaced individually by alanine and glycine to give P50A, or P50G on helix B, P91A, or P91G on helix C, and P186A or P186G on helix F, and the effect on the protein folding kinetics has been investigated. The rate-limiting apoprotein folding step, which results in formation of a seven transmembrane, alpha helical state, was slower than wild-type protein for the Pro50 and Pro91 mutants, regardless of whether they were mutated to Ala or Gly. These proline residues give rise to several inter-helix contacts, which are therefore important in folding to the seven transmembrane helix state. No evidence for cis-trans isomerisations of the peptidyl prolyl bonds was found during this rate-limiting apoprotein folding step. Mutations of all three membrane-embedded proline residues affected the subsequent retinal binding and final folding to bacteriorhodopsin, suggesting that these proline residues contribute to formation of the retinal binding pocket within the helix bundle, again via helix/helix interactions. These results point to proline residues in transmembrane alpha helices being important in the folding of integral membrane proteins. The helix/helix interactions and hydrogen bonds that arise from the presence of proline residues in transmembrane alpha helices can affect the formation of transmembrane alpha helix bundles as well as cofactor binding pockets.  相似文献   

The relative orientation and proximity of the pseudo-symmetrical inner transmembrane helical pairs 5/8 and 2/11 of Glut1 were analyzed by chemical cross-linking of di-cysteine mutants. Thirteen functional di-cysteine mutants were created from a C-less Glut1 reporter construct containing cysteine substitutions in helices 5 and 8 or helices 2 and 11. The mutants were expressed in Xenopus oocytes and the sensitivity of each mutant to intramolecular cross-linking by two homobifunctional thiol-specific reagents was ascertained by protease cleavage followed by immunoblot analysis. Five of 9 mutants with cysteine residues predicted to lie in close proximity to each other were susceptible to cross-linking by one or both reagents. None of 4 mutants with cysteine substitutions predicted to lie on opposite faces of their respective helices was susceptible to cross-linking. Additionally, the cross-linking of a di-cysteine pair (A70C/M420C, helices 2/11) predicted to lie near the exoplasmic face of the membrane was stimulated by ethylidene glucose, a non-transported glucose analog that preferentially binds to the exofacial substrate-binding site, suggesting that the binding of this ligand stimulates the closure of helices at the exoplasmic face of the membrane. In contrast, the cross-linking of a second di-cysteine pair (T158C/L325, helices 5/8), predicted to lie near the cytoplasmic face of the membrane, was stimulated by cytochalasin B, a glucose transport inhibitor that competitively inhibits substrate efflux, suggesting that this compound recruits the transporter to a conformational state in which closure of inner helices occurs at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. This observation provides a structural explanation for the competitive inhibition of substrate efflux by cytochalasin B. These data indicate that the binding of competitive inhibitors of glucose efflux or influx induce occluded states in the transporter in which substrate is excluded from the exofacial or endofacial binding site.  相似文献   

In a systematic study of the periplasmic folding of antibody fragments in Escherichia coli, we have analysed the expression of an aggregation-prone and previously non-functional anti-phosphorylcholine antibody, T15, as a model system and converted it to a functional molecule. Introduction of heavy chain framework mutations previously found to improve the folding of a related antibody led to improved folding of T15 fragments and improved physiology of the host E.coli cells. Manipulation of the complementarity determining regions (CDR) of the framework-mutated forms of T15 further improved folding and bacterial host physiology, but no improvement was seen in the wild type, suggesting the existence of a hierarchy in sequence positions leading to aggregation. Rational mutagenesis of the T15 light chain led to the production of functional T15 fragments for the first time, with increased levels of functional protein produced from V(H) manipulated constructs. We propose that a hierarchical analysis of the primary amino acid sequence, as we have described, provides guidelines on how correctly folding, functional antibodies might be achieved and will allow further delineation of the decisive structural factors and pathways favouring protein aggregation.  相似文献   

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