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Gene overexpression can be used to investigate the biological pathways that are important in the response to a small molecule or other perturbation. To facilitate the use of gene overexpression in the study of small-molecule mechanisms, we developed a microarray-based protocol for monitoring the growth of a pool of yeast strains, each overexpressing a different protein. In this protocol, yeast harboring a set of approximately 3,900 galactose-inducible overexpression plasmids are grown in the absence or presence of a small molecule for multiple generations. The plasmids are then extracted from the two populations, processed and labeled in such a manner that their relative concentrations can be determined by competitive hybridization to a microarray. Although this protocol was developed for monitoring a specific set of overexpression plasmids, it could presumably be adapted to monitor yeast that have been transformed with any set of plasmids for which the gene inserts have been spotted, or otherwise arrayed, in a microarray format. This protocol can be completed in approximately 15 hours of hands-on time over the course of several days.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in TOR, AMPK and MAP-kinase signalling maintain cellular homeostasis and coordinate growth and division with environmental context. We have applied quantitative, SILAC mass spectrometry to map TOR and nutrient-controlled signalling in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Phosphorylation levels at more than 1000 sites were altered following nitrogen stress or Torin1 inhibition of the TORC1 and TORC2 networks that comprise TOR signalling. One hundred and thirty of these sites were regulated by both perturbations, and the majority of these (119) new targets have not previously been linked to either nutritional or TOR control in either yeasts or humans. Elimination of AMPK inhibition of TORC1, by removal of AMPKα (ssp2::ura4+), identified phosphosites where nitrogen stress-induced changes were independent of TOR control. Using a yeast strain with an ATP analogue-sensitized Cdc2 kinase, we excluded sites that were changed as an indirect consequence of mitotic control modulation by nitrogen stress or TOR signalling. Nutritional control of gene expression was reflected in multiple targets in RNA metabolism, while significant modulation of actin cytoskeletal components points to adaptations in morphogenesis and cell integrity networks. Reduced phosphorylation of the MAPKK Byr1, at a site whose human equivalent controls docking between MEK and ERK, prevented sexual differentiation when resources were sparse but not eliminated.  相似文献   

The amino acid sensitive TOR pathway from yeast to mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dann SG  Thomas G 《FEBS letters》2006,580(12):2821-2829
The target of rapamycin (TOR) is an ancient effector of cell growth that integrates signals from growth factors and nutrients. Two downstream effectors of mammalian TOR, the translational components S6K1 and 4EBP1, are commonly used as reporters of mTOR activity. The conical signaling cascade initiated by growth factors is mediated by PI3K, PKB, TSC1/2 and Rheb. However, the process through which nutrients, i.e., amino acids, activate mTOR remains largely unknown. Evidence exists for both an intracellular and/or a membrane bound sensor for amino acid mediated mTOR activation. Research in eukaryotic models, has implicated amino acid transporters as nutrient sensors. This review describes recent advances in nutrient signaling that impinge on mTOR and its targets including hVps34, class III PI3K, a transducer of nutrient availability to mTOR.  相似文献   

Fission yeast has two TOR kinases, Tor1 and Tor2. Recent studies have indicated that this microbe has a TSC/Rheb/TOR pathway like higher eukaryotes. Two TOR complexes, namely TORC1 and TORC2, have been identified in this yeast, as in budding yeast and mammals. Fission yeast TORC1, which contains Tor2, and TORC2, which contains Tor1, apparently have opposite functions with regard to the promotion of G1 arrest and sexual development. Rapamycin does not inhibit growth of wild-type fission yeast cells, unlike other eukaryotic cells, but precise analyses have revealed that rapamycin affects certain cellular functions involving TOR in this yeast. It appears that fission yeast has a potential to be an ideal model system to investigate the TOR signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The TOR (target of rapamycin) pathway controls cell growth in response to nutrient availability in eukaryotic cells. Inactivation of TOR function by rapamycin or nutrient exhaustion is accompanied by triggering various cellular mechanisms aimed at overcoming the nutrient stress. Here we report that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is regulated by TOR function because upon specific Tor1 and Tor2 inhibition by rapamycin, Mpk1 is activated rapidly in a process mediated by Sit4 and Tap42. Osmotic stabilization of the plasma membrane prevents both Mpk1 activation by rapamycin and the growth defect that occurs upon the simultaneous absence of Tor1 and Mpk1 function, suggesting that, at least partially, TOR inhibition is sensed by the PKC pathway at the cell envelope. This process involves activation of cell surface sensors, Rom2, and downstream elements of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. Rapamycin also induces depolarization of the actin cytoskeleton through the TOR proteins, Sit4 and Tap42, in an osmotically suppressible manner. Finally, we show that entry into stationary phase, a physiological situation of nutrient depletion, also leads to the activation of the PKC pathway, and we provide further evidence demonstrating that Mpk1 is essential for viability once cells enter G(0).  相似文献   

Amino acids are key nutrients for protein synthesis and many metabolic processes. There is compelling evidence that amino acids themselves regulate protein synthesis, degradation, and cell growth. Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) plays a central role in cellular growth regulation. Amino acids potently activate mTORC1, however, the mechanism of amino acid signaling is largely unknown. Recent studies have identified Rag small GTPases as key components mediating amino acid signals to mTORC1 activation.  相似文献   

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A method for the rapid screening of plasmids in yeast cells has been developed. The method is an adaptation of the currently used alkaline lysis methods forEscherichia coli plasmids. Following the conditions described, several dozen ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae-transformed clones can be analyzed for their plasmid content in less than 2 h. The plasmids obtained by this procedure are suitable for restriction analysis or forE. coli andS. cerevisiae transformation.  相似文献   



Due to the increased use of genetic modifications in crop improvement, there is a need to develop effective methods for the detection of both known and unknown transgene constructs in plants. We have developed a strategy for detection and characterization of unknown genetic modifications and we present a proof of concept for this method using Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa (rice). The approach relies on direct hybridization of total genomic DNA to high density microarrays designed to have probes tiled throughout a set of reference sequences.  相似文献   

The TOR (target of rapamycin), an atypical protein kinase, is evolutionarily conserved from yeast to man. Pharmacological studies using rapamycin to inhibit TOR and yeast genetic studies have provided key insights on the function of TOR in growth regulation. One of the first bona fide cellular targets of TOR was the mammalian protein kinase p70 S6K (p70 S6 kinase), a member of a family of kinases called AGC (protein kinase A/protein kinase G/protein kinase C-family) kinases, which include PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase A), PKG (cGMP-dependent kinase) and PKC (protein kinase C). AGC kinases are also highly conserved and play a myriad of roles in cellular growth, proliferation and survival. The AGC kinases are regulated by a common scheme that involves phosphorylation of the kinase activation loop by PDK1 (phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1), and phosphorylation at one or more sites at the C-terminal tail. The identification of two distinct TOR protein complexes, TORC1 (TOR complex 1) and TORC2, with different sensitivities to rapamycin, revealed that TOR, as part of either complex, can mediate phosphorylation at the C-terminal tail for optimal activation of a number of AGC kinases. Together, these studies elucidated that a fundamental function of TOR conserved throughout evolution may be to balance growth versus survival signals by regulating AGC kinases in response to nutrients and environmental conditions. This present review highlights this emerging function of TOR that is conserved from budding and fission yeast to mammals.  相似文献   

Coordinating cell growth with nutrient availability is critical for cell survival. The evolutionarily conserved TOR (target of rapamycin) controls cell growth in response to nutrients, in particular amino acids. As a central controller of cell growth, mTOR (mammalian TOR) is implicated in several disorders, including cancer, obesity, and diabetes. Here, we review how nutrient availability is sensed and transduced to TOR in budding yeast and mammals. A better understanding of how nutrient availability is transduced to TOR may allow novel strategies in the treatment for mTOR‐related diseases.  相似文献   

Here we describe a DNA-chip-based method for high-throughput sequence mapping. This involves competitive hybridization between short and differentially labeled fluorescent oligonucleotide probes and glass-supported PCR products. Competition between an excess of oligonucleotide probes targeting the same sequence segment improves sequence discrimination and reduces sensitivity to experimental conditions such as probe concentrations, hybridization, and washing temperatures and durations. The method was found to be particularly adapted to sequence mapping of combinatorial libraries obtained by DNA shuffling between members of a gene family. We present an application of this technique for the characterization of recombination biases in combinatorial libraries used in directed evolution.  相似文献   

Manipulation of the activity of the p53 tumor suppressor pathway has demonstrated potential benefit in preclinical mouse tumor models and has entered human clinical trials. We describe here an improved, extensive small-molecule chemical compound library screen for p53 pathway activation in a human cancer cell line devised to identify hits with potent antitumor activity. We uncover six novel small-molecule lead compounds, which activate p53 and repress the growth of human cancer cells. Two tested compounds suppress in vivo tumor growth in an orthotopic mouse model of human B-cell lymphoma. All compounds interact with DNA, and two activate p53 pathway in a DNA damage signaling-dependent manner. A further screen of a drug library of approved drugs for medicinal uses and analysis of gene-expression signatures of the novel compounds revealed similarities to known DNA intercalating and topoisomerase interfering agents and unexpected connectivities to known drugs without previously demonstrated anticancer activities. These included several neuroleptics, glycosides, antihistamines and adrenoreceptor antagonists. This unbiased screen pinpoints interference with the DNA topology as the predominant mean of pharmacological activation of the p53 pathway and identifies potential novel antitumor agents.  相似文献   

We present a protocol for a novel method for identifying the targets of DNA-binding proteins in the genome of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is accomplished by engineering a DNA-binding protein so that it leaves behind in the genome a permanent mark -- a 'calling card' -- that provides a record of that protein's visit to that region of the genome. The calling card is the yeast Ty5 retrotransposon, whose integrase interacts with the Sir4 protein. If Sir4 is fused to a DNA-binding protein, it recruits the Ty5 integrase, which directs insertion of a Ty5 calling card into the genome. The calling card along with the flanking genomic DNA is harvested by inverse PCR and its genomic location is determined by hybridization of the product to a DNA microarray. This method provides a straightforward alternative to the 'ChIP-chip' method for determining the targets of DNA-binding proteins. This protocol takes approximately 2 weeks to complete.  相似文献   

[目的]酿酒酵母的嗜果糖性是葡萄酒酵母选育工作的一项重要内容.建立评价菌体发酵果糖能力的方法,是葡萄酒酿酒酵母嗜果糖性研究的基础.[方法]以3株不同果糖发酵能力的酵母菌为研究对象,考察菌体在模拟葡萄汁培养基条件下,发酵情况与单糖利用之间的关系;并通过数学方程拟合单糖动力发酵曲线,得到发酵持续时间、葡萄糖浓度拟为0时的果糖浓度、果糖与葡萄糖曲线面积的差值等参数.[结果]这些参数可以反应出菌体的发酵速率和嗜果糖性.其中后两个参数能显著将3个菌株的嗜果糖特性区分开.[结论]为高果糖利周优良葡萄酒酿酒酵母菌株的筛选和构建,提供了较为全面、客观和有效的评价方法.  相似文献   

Fission yeast has two TOR (target of rapamycin) kinases, namely Tor1 and Tor2. Tor1 is required for survival under stressed conditions, proper G(1) arrest, and sexual development. In contrast, Tor2 is essential for growth. To analyze the functions of Tor2, we constructed two temperature-sensitive tor2 mutants. Interestingly, at the restrictive temperature, these mutants mimicked nitrogen starvation by arresting the cell cycle in G(1) phase and initiating sexual development. Microarray analysis indicated that expression of nitrogen starvation-responsive genes was induced extensively when Tor2 function was suppressed, suggesting that Tor2 normally mediates a signal from the nitrogen source. As with mammalian and budding yeast TOR, we find that fission yeast TOR also forms multiprotein complexes analogous to TORC1 and TORC2. The raptor homologue, Mip1, likely forms a complex predominantly with Tor2, producing TORC1. The rictor/Avo3 homologue, Ste20, and the Avo1 homologue, Sin1, appear to form TORC2 mainly with Tor1 but may also bind Tor2. The Lst8 homologue, Wat1, binds to both Tor1 and Tor2. Our analysis shows, with respect to promotion of G(1) arrest and sexual development, that the loss of Tor1 (TORC2) and the loss of Tor2 (TORC1) exhibit opposite effects. This highlights an intriguing functional relationship among TOR kinase complexes in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.  相似文献   

Dixon C  Mathias N  Zweig RM  Davis DA  Gross DS 《Genetics》2005,170(1):47-59
A pathological feature of Parkinson's disease is the presence of Lewy bodies within selectively vulnerable neurons. These are ubiquitinated cytoplasmic inclusions containing alpha-synuclein, an abundant protein normally associated with presynaptic terminals. Point mutations in the alpha-synuclein gene (A30P and A53T), as well as triplication of the wild-type (WT) locus, have been linked to autosomal dominant Parkinson's. How these alterations might contribute to disease progression is unclear. Using the genetically tractable yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system, we find that both the WT and the A53T isoforms of alpha-synuclein initially localize to the plasma membrane, to which they are delivered via the classical secretory pathway. In contrast, the A30P mutant protein disperses within the cytoplasm and does not associate with the plasma membrane, and its intracellular distribution is unaffected by mutations in the secretory pathway. When their expression is elevated, WT and A53T, but not A30P, are toxic to cells. At moderate levels of expression, WT and A53T induce the cellular stress (heat-shock) response and are toxic to cells bearing mutations in the 20S proteasome. Our results reveal a link between plasma membrane targeting of alpha-synuclein and its toxicity in yeast and suggest a role for the quality control (QC) system in the cell's effort to deal with this natively unfolded protein.  相似文献   

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