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On the basis of an ichthyoplankton survey made in July 2003 in Kandalaskha Gulf, the Basin, the Gorlo Strait, and the Voronka the species composition and distribution of fish eggs and larvae are investigated. The ichtyoplankton comprises 17 fish species, of which the majority (11) were boreal forms. Other fish were represented by arctic species (2) and arctic-boreal species (4). The traits of distribution of abundantly caught species are considered in detail: larvae of the White Sea oligovertebrate herring Clupea pallasii marisabli, eggs of the dab Limanda limanda, larvae of the northern sand lance Ammodytes marinus, and of the capelin Mallotus villosus villosus. The presence of all larvae of White Sea herring only within Kandalaskha Gulf is considered to be evidence supporting the hypothesis suggested by Dmitriev (1946) on the absence of their drift beyond large gulfs of the White Sea. The natural barrier for mutual exchange with early developmental stages of fish between the White Sea and the Barents Sea in summer may be a developed hydrologic front in the boundary area of the Basin and Gorlo Strait, discovered in the course of the survey. This front causes their death by thermohaline shock in the abrupt gradient zone.  相似文献   

According to results of layer-by-layer fishings performed in June 2006 in the Knyazhaya and Kolvitsa estuaries, data on the spatial distribution of larval White Sea herring Clupea pallasi marisalbi during the tidal cycle are provided. In these estuaries, the presence of a system of counter-currents that form a two-layer circulation was revealed. The surface current that is directed to the bay is traced to a depth of 2–4 m; below this, a current directed to the tail part of estuaries was recorded. It was established that larval herrings perform vertical migrations, as a result of which they can be freely drifted from inlets with a surface current and penetrate back from the adjoining water areas with a counter-current, which promotes a decrease in their drift in the open part of Kandalaksha Bay beyond shallow zones of juvenile feeding.  相似文献   

A total of 15 species of ostracods of 7 genera and 3 families of the suborder Podocopa Sars have been recorded in rockpools of the Kandalaksha Bay in the White Sea. Among them, Potamocypris pallida Alm is a new species for the fauna of Russia. Data on species composition and the dominant complex and ecological features of ostracods which inhabit waters of rockpools are presented.  相似文献   

Despite the dynamic nature of spatial pattern, the temporal variation of spatial structure of marine benthic assemblages is rarely assessed using several temporal scales. We quantified the variability of density and biomass of main benthic species in the intertidal soft-bottom flats at two bights in Chupa Inlet (Kandalaksha Bay, the White Sea). The data cover the 21-year period (1987–2008) of a long-term monitoring survey (1987–present) using a hierarchical sampling design with two temporal (year, season within a year) and three spatial scales (bights—7 km, stations within a bight—10–100 m, and replicate samples—10 s cm apart). We used nested ANOVA to test significance and variance components to compare the relative contribution of different scales of variability of density and biomass of 18 most occurring macrobenthic species. Some species demonstrated high large-scale variability, however, the majority showed high small-scale variability and residual variance. The interactive variability was at least as important as the temporal effects, indicating that the spatial pattern changes through time. The assemblages were more variable at small scales and more stable at larger scales. Potential implications for sampling design are discussed.  相似文献   

Stolyarov  A. P.  Mardashova  M. V. 《Biology Bulletin》2021,48(10):1832-1838
Biology Bulletin - Abstract—Features of the species and spatial structure of sublittoral macrobenthic communities in a lagoon ecosystem of Green Cape (White Sea) have been studied. Thirty-one...  相似文献   

Microbiology - The composition of microbial communities and the rates of microbial processes in the water column of a meromictic trough in the Biofilter Bay, Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea were...  相似文献   

A. D. Naumov 《Hydrobiologia》2013,706(1):159-173
The effect on bottom organisms of periodic freezing of the upper layer of intertidal sediments during abnormal cold winters has been studied for a long time in seas of a moderate climatic zone. However, the effect of ice cover every year on intertidal communities in polar seas is still poorly investigated. Seasonal and long-term variation in the structure of intertidal soft-bottom communities in two small bights in the White Sea with annual ice cover was studied for over two decades. Sampling was carried out four times a year, in the hydrological spring, summer, autumn, and winter. It was found that bottom macrobenthic communities at upper and lower horizons of the intertidal distinctly differed in the studied sites. Periodic changes caused by the effect of abnormal ice conditions, including the partial removal by ice of sediment with in situ organisms, were discovered. Recovery of communities after disturbance normally took less than half a year. Communities at the lower and upper horizons of the intertidal zone were more stable than intermediate communities, which led to periodic shifts of the biological border between lower and upper intertidal assemblages.  相似文献   

The community of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (APB) in the water column of the Kislo-Sladkoe stratified lake recently isolated from the sea (White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay) was investigated in September 2010. The water of the sulfide-rich zone was greenish-brown due to intense development of green sulfur bacteria (GSB). Nine APB strains were isolated from the water samples: three belonging to GSB, five, to purple sulfur bacteria (PSB), and one, to purple nonsulfur bacteria (PNB). GSB predominated in the phototrophic community of the chemocline. Unexpectedly, two morphologically different green-colored GSB strains were found to be phylogenetically identical and related to the brown-colored Chlorobium phaeovibrioides (99% similarity according to the 16S rRNA gene sequencing). Homology to the closest green-colored species (Chlorobium luteolum) was 98%. Two morphologically and physiologically similar PSB strains (TcrPS10 and AmPS10) had rounded cells containing okenone and gas vesicles. According to the 16S rRNA gene sequencing, these strains were most closely related (99%) to two different Thiocapsa species: Tca. marina (containing okenonee and no gas vesicles) and Tca. rosea (containing spirilloxanthin and gas vesicles). The remaining isolates of purple bacteria were similar to the already described APB species.  相似文献   

It was determined on the basis of data on species composition and distribution that ichthyoplankton in the Sea of Japan within the exclusive economic zone of Russia was represented in October 1995 and September 2001 by 13 species. Anchovy Engraulis japonicus and saury Cololabis saira were the most abundant and widely distributed. The area of distribution of anchovy larvae and juveniles was great, but was restricted mostly to subtropical waters. The larvae and juveniles of saury were captured to the west of the frontal interface in the waters of subarctic structure. The character of the distribution of early progeny suggests that the spawning of saury in summer ran in the economic zone of Russia. The early progeny of saury was absent in the zone of Japan filled with subtropical waters. Because of peculiarities of spawning strategy of the spawners, the regions of distribution and maximum concentrations of their larvae and juveniles did not overlap and were associated with different water masses. The species composition of larvae and young fishes collected with the Maruchi-Ami fry net was more diverse in comparison to the fish-egg net IKS-80. The parameters of the catches of both nets on conversion to the filtered volume of water were comparable only in the regions with increased concentrations of larvae and juveniles. The fry net was not very efficient for calculating recruitment in the dispersed autumn aggregations.  相似文献   

The community of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (APB) in the water column of Lake Kislo- Sladkoe (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea), which has recently become separated from the sea, was investigated in March?April 2012, March?April 2013, and in September 2013. The lake, which was previously considered meromictic, was in fact mixed and was strongly affected by the sea. In winter the lake is sometimes washed off with seawater, and this together with the seasonal cycles of succession processes determines the succession of the community. The consequences of the mixing in autumn 2011 could be observed in the APB community as late as autumn 2013. Green-colored green sulfur bacteria (GSB) usually predominated in the chemocline. In winter 2013 stagnation resulted in turbidity of water under the ice, which was responsible for both predominance of the brown GSB forms and the changes ratio of the species of purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) in anoxic water layers. Production of anoxygenic photosynthesis in the lake was at least 240 mg C m-2 day-1 in September and 0–20 mg C m–2 day–1 in March—April, which corresponded to 40 and 69%, respectively, of oxygenic photosynthesis. Okenone-containing purple sulfur bacteria, strain TcakPS12, were isolated in 2012 from lake water. The ells of this strain form filaments of not separated cells. Strain TcakPS12 exhibited 98% similarity with the type strains of Thiocapsa pendens DSM 236 and Thiocapsa bogorovii BBS, as well as with the strains AmPS10 and TcyrPS10, which were isolated from Lake Kislo-Sladkoe in 2010.  相似文献   

Based on eigenvector filtering and phase surface methods, the correlation between abundance dynamics and water temperature was studied in seven species of White Sea littoral polychaetes. Cyclic fluctuations in abundance with periods of approximately 5 and 12 years were revealed. Some instances of the 5-year cycles of abundance can be explained by climatic changes in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition and abundance of the ichthyoplankton obtained in 2012, 2014, and 2015 in the waters of northeast Sakhalin are presented; these data were collected during the standard accounting surveys to estimate the egg concentration and breeders of Alaska pollock Theragra chalcogramma. The areas of the main concentrations of eggs and larvae of a number of commercial fish species have been determined, interannual variations in their abundance have been analyzed, and the distribution of ichthyoplankton with some parameters of the environment, such as depth, temperature, and main currents, has been linked. During the study period, 30 species representing 11 families were recorded in the ichthyoplankton. The average concentration of ichthyoplankton varies within the range of 113–201 ind./m2. The pollock eggs absolutely dominated by 78–89%; followed by the eggs of the Bering flounder Hippoglossoides robustus (5–8%). It was found that the number of eggs and larvae of flounders and of a number of the other fish species in the northern part of the study area increases during the years characterized by a large volume of runoff of Amur River.  相似文献   

Species composition, distribution, and the character of structural changes in the heterotrophic flagellate community were studied along environmental gradients in the Chernaya River estuary. There were 99 species and forms of heterotrophic flagellates, subdivided into three groups: prevalently marine species and euryhaline species preferring biotopes either of higher or decreased salinity. The heterotrophic flagellate community of the estuary was continuously divided into two distinct variants: (1) cenosis of halophilic species, prevalently of sea forms and euryhaline species preferring biotopes of increased salinity; (2) cenosis of halophobic species with prevalence of euryhaline forms gravitating to fresh biotopes. The arbitrary and indistinct boundary between the variants of the community ran at a salinity of 9–10‰. The response of estuarine communities of heterotrophic flagellates and infusorians to variation of abiotic factors was similar and differed from response of communities of microphyto-, meiozoo-and macrozoobenthos; this implied similarity of the response mechanism to environmental factors in organisms of one level of organization.  相似文献   

The species composition and patterns of distribution of echinoderms from the upper sublittoral zone to depth of 30 m in the southern and middle of Kola Bay in the Barents Sea were studied. In total, five species of starfishes, four species of brittle stars, three species of sea urchins and one species of holothurians were recorded. From the beginning of 20th century, under the impact of climate change and anthropogenic effect, the number of echinoderm species in the surveyed area decreased by two times, and the fauna has a more boreal character against the background of the domination of boreal-arctic species. The occurrence, population density and biomass of echinoderms, especially of common species, were several times less in the middle bend of the bay than in the southern one. The causes of this phenomenon have been discussed. The quantitative data (frequency of occurrence, number and biomass) for most of the species of echinoderms living in Kola Bay are given for the first time.  相似文献   

为研究人工鱼礁对产卵鱼类的诱集效果和庇护效应,2014—2015年对青岛崂山青山湾海域人工鱼礁区及附近海域鱼卵和仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布进行了水平和垂直拖网调查. 2014年春、夏、秋3个季节的7个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵7306粒、仔稚鱼52尾,隶属于4目9科11属12种;2015年同期进行的13个航次调查中,共采集鱼卵10373粒、仔稚鱼159尾,隶属于6目11科14属15种.2年间鱼卵和仔稚鱼样品均以鲈形目数量最多,鲽形目次之,其中鱼卵样品中仅有少鳞鱚和短吻红舌鳎构成优势种;仔稚鱼样品以少鳞鱚优势度最高,但不存在仔稚鱼优势种.鱼卵和稚鱼的高优势度物种的季节间演替明显.春、夏、秋季鱼类浮游生物群落Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数平均值均较低,说明该海域鱼类浮游生物群落结构稳定性较低.2年间所采集物种对应的成鱼平均营养级分别为3.71和3.78,均属第三营养级中的低级肉食性鱼类,绝大多数为暖温种,无冷温性种类,表现出明显的暖温带特点.综合分析认为,人工鱼礁区鱼类浮游生物群落的多样性相对较高,这与鱼礁区流速和流场特征及复杂的空间异质性有关.  相似文献   

Microbiological, biogeochemical, and isotopic geochemical investigation of Lake Kislo-Sladkoe (Polusolenoe in early publications) at the Kandalaksha Bay shore (White Sea) was carried out in September 2010. Lake Kislo-Sladkoe was formed in the mid-1900s out of a sea gulf due to a coastal heave. At the time of investigation, the surface layer was saturated with oxygen, while near-bottom water contained sulfide (up to 32 mg/L). Total number of microorganisms was high (12.3 × 106 cells/mL on average). Light CO2 fixation exhibited two pronounced peaks. In the oxic zone, the highest rates of photosynthesis were detected at 1.0 and 2.0 m. The second, more pronounced peak of light CO2 fixation was associated with activity of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the anoxic layer at the depth of 2.9 m (413 μg C L?1 day?1). Green-colored green sulfur bacteria (GSB) predominated in the upper anoxic layer (2.7–2.9 m), their numbers being as high as 1.12 × 104 cells/mL, while brown-colored GSB predominated in the lower horizons. The rates of both sulfate reduction and methanogenesis peaked in the 2.9 m horizon (1690 μg S L?1 day?1 and 2.9 μL CH4 L?1 day-1). The isotopic composition of dissolved methane from the near-bottom water layer (δ13C (CH4) = ?87.76‰) was significantly lighter than in the upper horizons (δ13C (CH4) = ?77.95‰). The most isotopically heavy methane (δ13C (CH4) = ?72.61‰) was retrieved from the depth of 2.9 m. The rate of methane oxidation peaked in the same horizon. As a result of these reactions, organic matter (OM) carbon of the 2.9 m horizon became lighter (?36.36‰), while carbonate carbon became heavier (?7.56‰). Thus, our results demonstrated that Lake Kislo-Sladkoe is a stratified meromictic lake with active microbial cycles of carbon and sulfur. Suspended matter in the water column was mostly of autochthonous origin. Anoxygenic photo-synthesis coupled to utilization of reduced sulfur compounds contributed significantly to OM production.  相似文献   

Microbiology - The community of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (APB) from the water column of the meromictic Lake Trekhtsvetnoe (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea, Russia) was studied in March 2012 and...  相似文献   

The species composition and phytoplankton biomass, concentrations of chlorophyll “a” (Chl) and nutrients in the surface water layer, and accompanying hydrophysical conditions were studied in Onega Bay of the White Sea in June 2015. The temperature and salinity of surface water layer and the water column stability varied greatly in the bay. The nutrients' concentrations exceeded the limiting threshold necessary for the phytoplankton development. The phytoplankton abundance was relatively low, averaged as 13.46 ± 9.00 mg C/m3 (total phytoplankton biomass), 0.78 ± 0.43 mg/m3 (concentration of chlorophyll “a”), and 0.18 ± 0.27 mg C/m3 (picophytoplankton biomass). The highest phytoplankton biomass has been registered along the frontal zones. Three phytoplankton communities that differed significantly in their structure have been found.  相似文献   

Microbiological and biogeochemical investigations of the processes of methane production (MP) and methane oxidation (MO) in the coastal waters and littoral of the Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea were carried out. The studies were conducted in the coastal zones and in the water areas of the Kandalaksha Preserve, Moscow University White Sea Biological Station, and Zoological Institute (RAS) Biological Station in August, 1999, 2000, and 2001 and in March, 2001. The rate of CO2 assimilation in the shallow and littoral sediments was 35-27800 microg C/(dm3 day) in summer and 32.8-88.9 microg C/(dm3 day) in winter. The maximal rates of MP were observed in the littoral sediments in the zone of macrophyte decomposition, in local depressions, and in the estuary of a freshwater creak (up to 113 microl/(dm3 day)). The maximal level of MO was observed in the shallow estuarine sediments (up to 2450 microl/(dm3 day)). During the winter season, at the temperature of -0.5 to 0.5 degrees C, the MP rate in the littoral sediments was 0.02-0.3 microl/(dm3 day), while MO rate was 0.06-0.7 microl/(dm3 day). The isotopic data obtained indicate that the C(org) of the mats and of the upper sediment layers is enriched with the heavy 13C isotope by 1-4 per thousand as compared to the C(org) of the suspension, comprised on 33.5-34.3% of phytoplankton. A striking difference was found between the levels of methane emission by the typical littoral microlanscapes. In fine sediments, the average emission was 675 microl CH4/(m2 day), in the stormy discharge stretch sediments it was 1670 microl CH4/(m2 day), and under the stones and in silted pits, 1370 microl CH4/(m2 day). The calculation performed with consideration of the microlandscape areas with a high production allowed the CH4 production of 1 km2 of the littoral to be estimated as 192-300 1 CH4/(km2 day).  相似文献   

The species composition and spatial and trophic structures of the macrobenthos communities of the Ermolinskaya Bay were studied, and the main changes that had occurred since previous explorations (the 1960s) were analyzed. The most significant changes in the spatial structure of the macrobenthos community (species diversity, population density and biomass, and similarities of the species’ distribution) were observed with regard to the sea level zone: the most pronounced at the upper littoral, followed by the middle littoral, lower littoral, and sublittoral. The longitudinal gradient of the community structure (from the innermost area seaward) was pronounced less strongly. Altogether, four macrobenthos communities can be identified in Ermolinskaya Bay; they differ in species composition, diversity, population density and biomass, and trophic structure: (1) community of the upper littoral with the dominance of collecting deposit feeders, Hydrobia ulvae, and scrapers, Littorina saxatilis; (2) community of the middle littoral with the prevalence of deposit feeders, Hydrobia ulvae and Macoma balthica, seston feeders, Mya arenaria, and, to a lesser extent, Mytilus edulis; (3) community of the lower littoral with the domination of the filtering organisms, Mytilus edulis, to a lesser extent collecting deposit feeders, Hydrobia ulvae and Macoma balthica, and scrapers, Littorina littorea; and (4) community of the sublittoral, where the leading positions belong to the group of collecting deposit feeders, Macoma balthica, to a lesser extent also Hydrobia ulvae (in the innermost area) and Capitella capitata, Arenicola marina (in the marine part of the bay). The gradual siltation of the bay and the reduction of its connection to the sea have led to the development of a littoral complex of species in the sublittoral, whereas the species typical at the sublittoral in the 1960s are now mainly found at the outlet of the bay.  相似文献   

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