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Chromatin is composed of genomic DNA and histones, forming a hierarchical architecture in the nucleus. The chromatin hierarchy is common among eukaryotes despite different intrinsic properties of the genome. To investigate an effect of the differences in genome organization, chromatin unfolding processes were comparatively analyzed using Schizosaccaromyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and chicken erythrocyte. NaCl titration showed dynamic changes of the chromatin. 400-1000 mM NaCl facilitated beads with approximately 115 nm in diameter in S. pombe chromatin. A similar transition was also observed in S. cerevisiae chromatin. This process did not involve core histone dissociation from the chromatin, and the persistence length after the transition was approximately 26 nm for S. pombe and approximately 28 nm for S. cerevisiae, indicating a salt-induced unfolding to "beads-on-a-string" fibers. Reduced salt concentration recovered the original structure, suggesting that electrostatic interaction would regulate this discrete folding-unfolding process. On the other hand, the linker histone was extracted from chicken chromatin at 400 mM NaCl, and AFM observed the "beads-on-a-string" fibers around a nucleus. Unlike yeast chromatin, therefore, this unfolding was irreversible because of linker histone dissociation. These results indicate that the chromatin unfolding and refolding depend on the presence and absence of the linker histone, and the length of the linker DNA.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for organizing linear arrays of nucleosomes into the three-dimensional structure of chromatin are still largely unknown. In a companion paper (Leuba, S. H., et al. 1998. Biophys. J. 74:2823-2829), we study the contributions of linker histone domains and the N-terminal tail of core histone H3 to extended chromatin fiber structure by scanning force microscopy imaging of mildly trypsinized fibers. Here we complement and extend these studies by scanning force microscopy imaging of selectively reconstituted chromatin fibers, which differ in subtle but distinctive ways in their histone composition. We demonstrate an absolute requirement for the globular domain of the linker histones and a structural redundancy of the tails of linker histones and of histone H3 in determining conformational stability.  相似文献   

The many faces of histone lysine methylation   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Diverse post-translational modifications of histone amino termini represent an important epigenetic mechanism for the organisation of chromatin structure and the regulation of gene activity. Within the past two years, great progress has been made in understanding the functional implications of histone methylation; in particular through the characterisation of histone methyltransferases that direct the site-specific methylation of, for example, lysine 9 and lysine 4 positions in the histone H3 amino terminus. All known histone methyltransferases of this type contain the evolutionarily conserved SET domain and appear to be able to stimulate either gene repression or gene activation. Methylation of H3 Lys9 and Lys4 has been visualised in native chromatin, indicating opposite roles in structuring repressive or accessible chromatin domains. For example, at the mating-type loci in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, at pericentric heterochromatin and at the inactive X chromosome in mammals, striking differences between these distinct marks have been observed. H3 Lys9 methylation is also important to direct additional epigenetic signals such as DNA methylation--for example, in Neurospora crassa and in Arabidopsis thaliana. Together, the available data strongly establish histone lysine methylation as a central modification for the epigenetic organisation of eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genomes are repetitively packaged into chromatin by nucleosomes, however they are regulated by the differences between nucleosomes, which establish various chromatin states. Local chromatin cues direct the inheritance and propagation of chromatin status via self-reinforcing epigenetic mechanisms. Replication-independent histone exchange could potentially perturb chromatin status if histone exchange chaperones, such as Swr1C, loaded histone variants into wrong sites. Here we show that in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Swr1C is required for loading H2A.Z into specific sites, including the promoters of lowly expressed genes. However S. pombe Swr1C has an extra subunit, Msc1, which is a JumonjiC-domain protein of the Lid/Jarid1 family. Deletion of Msc1 did not disrupt the S. pombe Swr1C or its ability to bind and load H2A.Z into euchromatin, however H2A.Z was ectopically found in the inner centromere and in subtelomeric chromatin. Normally this subtelomeric region not only lacks H2A.Z but also shows uniformly lower levels of H3K4me2, H4K5, and K12 acetylation than euchromatin and disproportionately contains the most lowly expressed genes during vegetative growth, including many meiotic-specific genes. Genes within and adjacent to subtelomeric chromatin become overexpressed in the absence of either Msc1, Swr1, or paradoxically H2A.Z itself. We also show that H2A.Z is N-terminally acetylated before, and lysine acetylated after, loading into chromatin and that it physically associates with the Nap1 histone chaperone. However, we find a negative correlation between the genomic distributions of H2A.Z and Nap1/Hrp1/Hrp3, suggesting that the Nap1 chaperones remove H2A.Z from chromatin. These data describe H2A.Z action in S. pombe and identify a new mode of chromatin surveillance and maintenance based on negative regulation of histone variant misincorporation.  相似文献   

Higher-order chromatin structural domains approximately 130 nm in width are observed as prominent components of both Drosophila melanogaster and human mitotic chromosomes using buffer conditions which preserve chromosome morphology as determined by light microscopic comparison with chromosomes within living cells. Spatially discrete chromatin structural domains of similar size also exist as prominent components within interphase nuclei prepared under equivalent conditions. Examination of chromosomes during the anaphase-telophase transition suggests that chromosomes decondense largely through the progressive straightening or uncoiling of these large-scale chromatin domains. A quantitative analysis of the size distribution of these higher-order domains in telophase nuclei indicated a mean width of 126±36 nm. Three-dimensional views using stereopairs of chromosomes and interphase nuclei from 0.5 m thick sections suggest that these large-scale chromatin domains consist of 30 nm fibers packed by tight folding into larger, linear, fiber-like elements. Reduction in vitro of either polyamine or divalent cation concentrations within two different buffer systems results in a loss of these large-scale domains, with no higher-order chromatin organization evident above the 20–30 nm fiber. Under these conditions the DNA distribution within mitotic chromosomes and interphase nuclei appears significantly diffuse relative to the appearance by light microscopy within living cells, or, by electron microscopy, within cells fixed directly without permeabilization in buffer. These results suggest that these large-scale chromatin structural domains are fundamental elements of chromosome architecture in vivo.  相似文献   

The JIL-1 kinase localizes to Drosophila polytene chromosome interbands and phosphorylates histone H3 at interphase, counteracting histone H3 lysine 9 dimethylation and gene silencing. JIL-1 can be divided into four main domains, including an NH2-terminal domain, two separate kinase domains, and a COOH-terminal domain. In this study, we characterize the domain requirements of the JIL-1 kinase for histone H3 serine 10 (H3S10) phosphorylation and chromatin remodeling in vivo. We show that a JIL-1 construct without the NH2-terminal domain is without H3S10 phosphorylation activity despite the fact that it localizes properly to polytene interband regions and that it contains both kinase domains. JIL-1 is a double kinase, and we demonstrate that both kinase domains of JIL-1 are required to be catalytically active for H3S10 phosphorylation to occur. Furthermore, we provide evidence that JIL-1 is phosphorylated at serine 424 and that this phosphorylation is necessary for JIL-1 H3S10 phosphorylation activity. Thus, these data are compatible with a model where the NH2-terminal domain of JIL-1 is required for chromatin complex interactions that position the kinase domain(s) for catalytic activity in the context of the state of higher order nucleosome packaging and chromatin structure and where catalytic H3S10 phosphorylation activity mediated by the first kinase domain is dependent on autophosphorylation of serine 424 by the second kinase domain. Furthermore, using a lacO repeat tethering system to target mutated JIL-1 constructs with or without catalytic activity, we show that the epigenetic H3S10 phosphorylation mark itself functions as a causative regulator of chromatin structure independently of any structural contributions from the JIL-1 protein.  相似文献   

We have investigated the cellular characteristics, especially chromatin condensation and the basic nuclear protein profile, during spermiogenesis in the common tree shrew, Tupaia glis. Spermatids could be classified into Golgi phase, cap phase, acrosome phase, and maturation phase. During the Golgi phase, chromatin was composed of 10-nm and 30-nm fibers with few 50-nm to 60-nm knobby fibers. The latter were then transformed into 70-nm knobby fibers during the cap phase. In the acrosome phase, all fibers were packed into the highest-order knobby fibers, each about 80–100 nm in width. These chromatin fibers became tightly packed in the maturation phase. In a mature spermatozoon, the discoid-shaped head was occupied by the acrosome and completely condensed chromatin. H3, the core histone, was detected by immunostaining in all nuclei of germ cell stages, except in spermatid steps 15–16 and spermatozoa. Protamine, the basic nuclear protein causing the tight packing of sperm chromatin, was detected by immunofluorescence in the nuclei of spermatids at steps 12–16 and spermatozoa. Cross-immunoreactivity of T. glis H3 and protamine to those of primates suggests the evolutionary resemblance of these nuclear basic proteins in primate germ cells. This work was supported by the Thailand Research Fund (Senior Research Fellowship to Prof. Prasert Sobhon).  相似文献   

The genome of eukaryotic cells is packed into a compact structure called chromatin that consists of DNA as well as histone and non-histone proteins. Histone chaperones associate with histone proteins and play important roles in the assembly of chromatin structure and transport of histones in the cell. The recently discovered histone chaperone Chz1 associates with the variant histone H2A.Z of budding yeast and plays a critical role in the exchange of the canonical histone pair H2A-H2B for the variant H2A.Z-H2B. Here, we present an NMR approach that provides accurate estimates for the rates of association and dissociation of Chz1 and H2A.Z-H2B. The methodology exploits the fact that in a 1:1 mixture of Chz1 and H2A.Z-H2B, the small amounts of unbound proteins that are invisible in spectra produce line broadening of signals from the complex that can be quantified in terms of the thermodynamics and kinetics of the exchange process. The dissociation rate constant measured, 22 ± 2 s− 1, provides an upper bound for the rate of transfer of H2A.Z-H2B to the chromatin remodeling complex, and the faster-than-diffusion association rate, 108 ± 107 M− 1 s− 1, establishes the importance of attractive electrostatic interactions that form the chaperone-histone complex.  相似文献   

This article discusses the advances made in epigenetic research using the model organism fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. S. pombe has been used for epigenetic research since the discovery of position effect variegation (PEV). This is a phenomenon in which a transgene inserted within heterochromatin is variably expressed, but can be stably inherited in subsequent cell generations. PEV occurs at centromeres, telomeres, ribosomal DNA (rDNA) loci, and mating-type regions of S. pombe chromosomes. Heterochromatin assembly in these regions requires enzymes that modify histones and the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery. One of the key histone-modifying enzymes is the lysine methyltransferase Clr4, which methylates histone H3 on lysine 9 (H3K9), a classic hallmark of heterochromatin. The kinetochore is assembled on specialized chromatin in which histone H3 is replaced by the variant CENP-A. Studies in fission yeast have contributed to our understanding of the establishment and maintenance of CENP-A chromatin and the epigenetic activation and inactivation of centromeres.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterised the pht1 gene from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The sequence of the predicted translation product has revealed a striking similarity to the family of H2A.F/Z histone variant proteins, which have been found in a variety of different organisms. Cells deleted for the pht1 gene locus grow slowly, exhibit an altered colony morphology, increased resistance to heat shock and show a significant decrease in the fidelity of segregation of an S. pombe minichromosome. We propose that the histone H2A variant encoded by the pht1 gene is important for chromosomal structure and function, possibly including a role in controlling the fidelity of chromosomal segregation during mitosis.  相似文献   

Mis18 is a key regulator responsible for the centromere localization of the CENP‐A chaperone Scm3 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and HJURP in humans, which establishes CENP‐A chromatin that defines centromeres. The molecular and structural determinants of Mis18 centromere targeting remain elusive. Here, by combining structural, biochemical, and yeast genetic studies, we show that the oligomerization of S. pombe Mis18, mediated via its conserved N‐terminal Yippee‐like domain, is crucial for its centromere localization and function. The crystal structure of the N‐terminal Yippee‐like domain reveals a fold containing a cradle‐shaped pocket that is implicated in protein/nucleic acid binding, which we show is required for Mis18 function. While the N‐terminal Yippee‐like domain forms a homodimer in vitro and in vivo, full‐length Mis18, including the C‐terminal α‐helical domain, forms a homotetramer in vitro. We also show that the Yippee‐like domains of human Mis18α/Mis18β interact to form a heterodimer, implying a conserved structural theme for Mis18 regulation.  相似文献   

Summary— Trypanosoma brucei brucei, a protozoan parasite of wild and domestic animals in Africa, is related to the pathogenic agent of human sleeping sickness. Four H1 histone proteins were isolated from nuclei of procyclic culture forms and cleaved with proteases. Amino acid sequence analysis of purified fragments indicated the presence of variants which displayed sequence identities as compared to the C-terminal domain of human H1. Substitutions of amino acids and posttranslational modifications of the histones in iT b brucei H1 may influence protein conformation and histone-histone as well as histone-DNA interactions in the chromatin of the parasite. Digestion of soluble chromatin with immobilized trypsin at low and high ionic strengths indicated an internal localization of H1 in the condensed chromatin. The influence of histone H1 of T b brucei on the compaction pattern of the chromatin was investigated by dissociation and reconstitution experiments. Electron microscopy revealed that trypanosome H1 was able to induce condensation of the chromatin of the parasite and of rat liver into dense tangles. After dephosphorylation of H1, 30 nm fibers were induced in rat liver chromatin, while the resulting fibers were distinctly thinner in T b brucei. It can be concluded that the absence of 30 nm fibers in T b brucei chromatin cannot be explained by the divergent variants and posttranslational phosphorylations of H1 only but rather by the influence of both, the divergent core histones, previously described, and H1 properties.  相似文献   

The fully organized structure of the eukaryotic nucleosome remains unsolved, in part due to limited information regarding the binding site of the H1 or linker histone. The central globular domain of H1 is believed to interact with the nucleosome core at or near the dyad and to bind at least two strands of DNA. We utilized site-directed mutagenesis and in vivo photobleaching to identify residues that contribute to the binding of the globular domain of the somatic H1 subtype H1c to the nucleosome. As was previously observed for the H10 subtype, the binding residues for H1c are clustered on the surface of one face of the domain. Despite considerable structural conservation between the globular domains of these two subtypes, the locations of the binding sites identified for H1c are distinct from those of H10. We suggest that the globular domains of these two linker histone subtypes will bind to the nucleosome with distinct orientations that may contribute to higher order chromatin structure heterogeneity or to differences in dynamic interactions with other DNA or chromatin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

ATMTel1 and ATRRad3 checkpoint kinases phosphorylate the C‐terminus of histone H2AX (H2A in yeasts) in chromatin flanking DNA damage, establishing a recruitment platform for checkpoint and repair proteins. Phospho‐H2A/X (γH2A/X)‐binding proteins at double‐strand breaks (DSBs) have been characterized, but those required for replication stress responses are unknown. Here, we present genetic, biochemical, small angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS), and X‐ray structural studies of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Brc1, a 6‐BRCT‐domain protein that is structurally related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rtt107 and mammalian PTIP. Brc1 binds γH2A to form spontaneous and DNA damage‐induced nuclear foci. Spontaneous Brc1 foci colocalize with ribosomal DNA repeats, a region prone to fork pausing and genomic instability, whereas DNA damage‐induced Brc1 foci colocalize with DSB response factors. γH2A binding is critical for Brc1 function. The 1.45 Å resolution crystal structure of Brc1–γH2A complex shows how variable BRCT insertion loops sculpt tandem‐BRCT phosphoprotein‐binding pockets to facilitate unique phosphoprotein‐interaction specificities, and unveils an acidic DNA‐mimicking Brc1 surface. From these results, Brc1 docking to γH2A emerges as a critical chromatin‐specific response to replication‐associated DNA damage.  相似文献   

The structures of eukaryotic ribosomal 5S RNA from rat liver and of prokaryotic 5S RNA from E. coli (A-conformer) have been investigated by scattering methods. For both molecules, a molar mass of 44,500±4,000 was determined from small angle X-ray scattering as well as from dynamic light scattering. The shape parameters of the two rRNAs, volume V c, surface O c, radius of gyration R s, maximum dimension of the molecule L, thickness D, and cross section radius of gyration R sq, agree within the experimental error limits. The mean values are V c=57±3 nm3, O c=165±10 nm2, R s=3.37±0.05 nm, L=10.8±0.7 nm, D=1.57±0.07 nm, R sa=0.92±0.01 nm.Identical structures for the E. coli 5S rRNA and the rat liver 5S rRNA at a resolution of 1 nm can be deduced from this agreement and from the comparison of experimental X-ray scattering curves and of experimental electron distance distribution function. The flat shape model derived for prokaryotic and eukaryotic 5S rRNA shows a compact region and two protruding arms. Double helical stems are eleven-fold helices with a mean base pair distance of 0.28 nm. Combining the shape information obtained from X-ray scattering with the information about the frictional behaviour of the molecules, deduced from the diffusion coefficients D 20,w 0 =(5.9±0.2)·10-7 cm2s-1 and (6.2±0.2)·10-7 cm2s-1 for rat liver 5S rRNA and E. coli 5S rRNA, respectively, a solvation shell of about 0.3 nm thickness around both molecules is determined. This structural similarity and the consensus secondary structure pattern derived from comparative sequence analyses suggest that all 5S rRNAs may indeed have conserved essentially the same type of folding of their polynucleotide strands during evolution, despite having very different sequences.  相似文献   

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