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Infection of rats with Friend murine leukemia virus (Fr-MLV) clone A8 causes thymoma in all the animals within 7 weeks. The rapid induction of thymoma is associated with a unique enhancer structure in the U3 region of the A8-LTR. Our Southern blot analyses showed that the thymomas were oligo clonal. The A8-induced thymomas showed 3-to 11-fold overexpression of c-myc mRNA. These results suggest that provirus insertion into particular positions of the host genome is correlated with tumorigenesis after A8 infection and that up-regulation of c-myc plays an important role in the induction of thymoma.  相似文献   

Human neural stem cells (hNSC) represent an essential source of renewable brain cells for both experimental studies and cell replacement therapies. Their relatively slow rate of proliferation and physiological senescence in culture make their use cumbersome under some experimental and pre-clinical settings. The immortalization of hNSC with the v-myc gene (v-IhNSC) has been shown to generate stem cells endowed with enhanced proliferative capacity, which greatly facilitates the study of hNSCs, both in vitro and in vivo. Despite the excellent safety properties displayed by v-IhNSCs--which do not transform in vitro and are not tumorigenic in vivo--the v-myc gene contains several mutations and recombination elements, whose role(s) and effects remains to be elucidated, yielding unresolved safety concerns. To address this issue, we used a c-myc T58A retroviral vector to establish an immortal cell line (T-IhNSC) from the same hNSCs used to generate the original v-IhNSCs and compared their characteristics with the latter, with hNSC and with hNSC immortalized using c-myc wt (c-IhNSC). T-IhNSCs displayed an enhanced self-renewal ability, with their proliferative capacity and clonogenic potential being remarkably comparable to those of v-IhNSC and higher than wild type hNSCs and c-IhNSCs. Upon growth factors removal, T-IhNSC promptly gave rise to well-differentiated neurons, astrocytes and most importantly, to a heretofore undocumented high percentage of human oligodendrocytes (up to 23%). Persistent growth-factor dependence, steady functional properties, lack of ability to generate colonies in soft-agar colony-forming assay and to establish tumors upon orthotopic transplantation, point to the fact that immortalization by c-myc T58A does not bring about tumorigenicity in hNSCs. Hence, this work describes a novel and continuous cell line of immortalized human multipotent neural stem cells, in which the immortalizing agent is represented by a single gene which, in turn, carries a single and well characterized mutation. From a different perspective, these data report on a safe approach to increase human neural stem cells propagation in culture, without altering their basic properties. These T-IhNSC line provides a versatile model for the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in human neural stem cells expansion and for development of high throughput assays for both basic and translational research on human neural cell development. The improved proclivity of T-IhNSC to generate human oligodendrocytes propose T-IhNSC as a feasible candidate for the design of experimental and, perhaps, therapeutic approaches in demyelinating diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Early passage bovine brain capillary endothelial cells were immortalized by transfection with the plasmid pSV3 neo. Cells from one clone, SV-BEC, expressed nuclear SV 40 large T antigen, displayed a contact-inhibited and anchorage-dependent proliferation, and a high sensitivity to the addition of exogenous basic fibroblast growth factor. SV-BEC cells are morphologically unaltered and express typical markers of endothelial cells: Factor VIII-related antigen, angiotensin-converting enzyme andGriffonia simplicifolia agglutinin binding site. Endothelium like immunoreactivity was detected in the conditioned medium from these cells. Moreover, SV-BECs present numerous intercellular tight junctions characteristic of the blood-brain barrier and possess functionalβ1- andβ2-adrenergic receptors, as observed on isolated bovine brain capillaries.  相似文献   

Mcm10 is essential for chromosome replication in eukaryotic cells and was previously thought to link the Mcm2-7 DNA helicase at replication forks to DNA polymerase alpha. Here, we show that yeast Mcm10 interacts preferentially with the fraction of the Mcm2-7 helicase that is loaded in an inactive form at origins of DNA replication, suggesting a role for Mcm10 during the initiation of chromosome replication, but Mcm10 is not a stable component of the replisome subsequently. Studies with budding yeast and human cells indicated that Mcm10 chaperones the catalytic subunit of polymerase alpha and preserves its stability. We used a novel degron allele to inactivate Mcm10 efficiently and this blocked the initiation of chromosome replication without causing degradation of DNA polymerase alpha. Strikingly, the other essential helicase subunits Cdc45 and GINS were still recruited to Mcm2-7 when cells entered S-phase without Mcm10, but origin unwinding was blocked. These findings indicate that Mcm10 is required for a novel step during activation of the Cdc45-MCM-GINS helicase at DNA replication origins.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the ARF-p53 tumor suppressor pathway leads to immortalization of murine fibroblasts. The role of this pathway in immortalization of human epithelial cells is not clear. We analyzed the functionality of the p14(ARF)-p53 pathway in human mammary epithelial cells (MEC) immortalized by human papillomavirus 16 (HPV16) E6, the p53 degradation-defective E6 mutant Y54D, or hTERT. E6-MEC or E6Y54D-MEC maintains high-level expression of p14(ARF). Late-passage hTERT-immortalized MEC express p53 but down-regulate p14(ARF). Enforced expression of p14(ARF) induces p53-dependent senescence in hTERT-MEC, while both E6-MEC and E6Y54D-MEC are resistant. We show that E6Y54D inhibits p14(ARF)-induced activation of p53 without inactivation of the p53-dependent DNA damage response. Hence, p53 degradation and inhibition of p14(ARF) signaling to p53 are independent functions of HPV16 E6. Our observations imply that long-term proliferation of MEC requires inactivation of the p14(ARF)-p53 pathway.  相似文献   

In clones of the CEM human acute lyumphoblastic leukemic cell line, glucocorticoids, oxysterols and activators of the cAMP pathway acting synergistically with glucocorticoids, each can cause apoptotic cell death. Morphologically and kinetically, these deaths resemble one another. The kinetics are striking: in each case, after addition of the lethal compound(s), an interval of approximately 24 h follows, during which cell growth continues unabated. During this “prodromal” period, removal of the apoptotic agent leaves the cells fully viable. We hypothesize that a sequence of biochemical events occurs during the prodrome which eventually results in the triggering of the full apoptotic response as evidenced by the activation of caspases and DNA fragmentation. At some point, the process is irreversible and proceeds relatively rapidly to cell death. Suppression of c-Myc seems a universal early event evoked by each of these lethal compounds or combinations, and we conclude that the negative regulation of this proto-oncogene is an important aspect of the critical pre-apoptotic events in these cells.  相似文献   

The search for novel and more efficient chemo-agents against malignant osteoblastoma is important. In this study, we examined the potential anti-osteoblastoma function of bufotalin, and studied the underlying mechanisms. Our results showed that bufotalin induced osteoblastoma cell death and apoptosis in dose- and time-dependent manners. Further, bufotalin induced endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress activation in osteoblastoma cells, the latter was detected by the induction of C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), phosphorylation of inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) and PKR-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK), as well as caspase-12 activation. Conversely, the ER stress inhibitor salubrinal, the caspase-12 inhibitor z-ATAD-fmk as well as CHOP depletion by shRNA significantly inhibited bufotalin-induced osteoblastoma cell death and apoptosis. Finally, by using a mice xenograft model, we demonstrated that bufotalin inhibited U2OS osteoblastoma cell growth in vivo. In summary, our results suggest that ER stress contributes to bufotalin-induced apoptosis in osteoblastoma cells. Bufotalin might be investigated as a novel anti-osteoblastoma agent.  相似文献   

After tail amputation in lizard, a regenerative response is elicited leading to the formation of a new tail. The stimulation of the proliferation process may involve the proto‐oncogene c‐myc. The immunocytochemical analysis detects the c‐myc protein few days after wound in free cells accumulating over the injured tissues of the tail stump. Western blot detects a protein band at 68–70 kDa that is more intense in the regenerating blastema than in normal tail tissues. Nuclei positive for the c‐myc protein are seen in mesenchymal‐like cells located among muscles, connectives and fat tissues of the tail stump 4 days postamputation. Proliferating cells labelled for 5BrdU are seen at 4 days postamputation and are sparse in the mesenchyme of the regenerating blastema formed at 12 days postamputation. Fine immunolocalization of the c‐myc protein shows it is mainly located over euchromatin or poorly condensed chromatin to indicate gene activation. The study correlates the detection of the c‐myc protein with activation of cell division in the injured tissues leading to the formation of the regenerative blastema. The lizard c‐myc protein probably activates a controlled proliferation process through a mechanism that can give information on the uncontrolled process occurring in cancer.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of sodium butyrate (SB) on the viability of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) in vitro and the effect of this agent on the expression of 20 apoptosis-related genes. Data suggest that PBL treated with 2 mmol L(-1) SB resisted for at least 8 h the destructive activity of the agent, but eventually 30% of cells died within 72 h. As documented by flow cytometry and cytochrome c release study, cells underwent mitochondrial-derived apoptosis. While the expression of the majority of genes examined by RT-PCR and Western blots remained indifferent to 2 mmol L(-1) SB, the cellular levels of BimEL, c-myc, p53, and p21(WAF1) varied profoundly with the time of SB treatment. The Bax activator BimEL increased rapidly, driving cells toward apoptosis likely controlled by c-myc and p21(WAF1) activities. The c-myc, exercising the role of mediator of the function of BimEL and inhibitor of p21(WAF1) expression, decreased significantly for several hours after adding SB but within 48 h it returned to close to its original value. An apoptosis inhibitor and executive caspase substrate p21(WAF1) increased early at the beginning of treatment but subsequently, within a time frame of 72 h, profoundly dropped in terms of both a caspase-dependent and caspase-independent way. We suggest that variations in c-myc and p21(WAF1) expression delay apoptosis making PBL resistant to SB for several hours, and together with fast catabolism of SB in vivo protect PBL against the destructive activity of this anti-cancerous metabolite of colonic bacteria.  相似文献   

We previously isolated from African green monkey (CV-1) cells a replication origin, ors8, that is active at the onset of S-phase. Here, its homologous sequence (hors8, accession number: DQ230978) was amplified from human cells, using the monkey-ors8-specific primers. Sequence alignment between the monkey and the human fragment revealed a 92% identity. Nascent DNA abundance analysis, involving quantification by real-time PCR, indicated that hors8 is an active replication origin, as the abundance of nascent DNA from a genomic region containing it was 97-fold higher relative to a non-origin region in the same locus. Furthermore, the data showed that the hors8 fragment is capable of supporting the episomal replication of its plasmid, when cloned into pBlueScript (pBS), as assayed by the DpnI resistance assay after transfection of HeLa cells. A quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay, using antibodies against Ku, Orc2, and Cdc6, showed that these DNA replication initiator proteins were associated in vivo with the human ors8 (hors8). Finally, nascent DNA abundance experiments from human cells synchronized at different phases of the cell cycle revealed that hors8 is a late-firing origin of DNA replication, having the highest activity 8 h after release from late G(1).  相似文献   

Background information. PCD (programmed cell death) is a common mechanism to remove unwanted and excessive cells from organisms. In several exocrine cell types, PCD mode of release of secretory products has been reported. The molecular mechanism of the release, however, is largely unknown. Our aim was to study the molecular mechanism of saliva release from cystic cells, the specific cell type of snail SGs (salivary glands). Results. SG cells in active feeding animals revealed multiple morphological changes characteristic of PCD. Nerve stimulation and DA (dopamine) increased the number of TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase‐mediated dUTP nick‐end labelling)‐positive cells both in inactive and feeding animals. The DA‐induced PCD was prevented by TEA (tetraethylammonium chloride) and eticlopride, emphasizing the role of K channels and D2 receptors in the PCD of cystic cells. DA enhanced cyto‐c (cytochrome c) translocation into the cytosol and methyl‐β‐cyclodextrin prevented it, suggesting apoptosome formation and ceramide involvement in the PCD linking of the surface DA receptor to mitochondria. Western blot analysis revealed that the release of cyto‐c was under the control of Bcl‐2 and Bad. DA also increased the active caspase‐3 in gland cells while D2 receptor antagonists and TEA attenuated it. Conclusion. Our results provide evidence for a type of transmitter‐mediated pathway that regulates the PCD of secretory cells in a mitochondrial‐caspase‐dependent manner. The activation of specific molecules, such as K channels, DA receptors, cyto‐c, ceramide, Bcl‐2 proteins and caspase‐3, but not caspase‐8, was demonstrated in cells involved in the DA‐induced PCD, suggesting that PCD is a physiological method for the release of saliva from SG cells.  相似文献   

A human cruciform binding protein (CBP) was previously shown to bind to cruciform DNA in a structure-specific manner and be a member of the 14-3-3 protein family. CBP had been found to contain the 14-3-3 isoforms beta, gamma, epsilon, and zeta. Here, we show by Western blot analysis that the CBP-cruciform DNA complex eluted from band-shift polyacrylamide gels also contains the 14-3-3sigma isoform, which is present in HeLa cell nuclear extracts. An antibody specific for the 14-3-3sigma isoform was able to interfere with the formation of the CBP-cruciform DNA complex. The effect of the same anti-14-3-3sigma antibody in the in vitro replication of p186, a plasmid containing the minimal replication origin of the monkey origin ors8, was also analyzed. Pre-incubation of total HeLa cell extracts with this antibody decreased p186 in vitro replication to approximately 30% of control levels, while non-specific antibodies had no effect. 14-3-3sigma was found to associate in vivo with the monkey origins of DNA replication ors8 and ors12 in a cell cycle-dependent manner, as assayed by a chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay that involved formaldehyde cross-linking, followed by immunoprecipitation with anti-14-3-3sigma antibody and quantitative PCR. The association of 14-3-3sigma with the replication origins was maximal at the G(1)/S phase. The results indicate that 14-3-3sigma is an origin binding protein involved in the regulation of DNA replication via cruciform DNA binding.  相似文献   

Though RecQL4 was shown to be essential for the initiation of DNA replication in mammalian cells, its role in initiation is poorly understood. Here, we show that RecQL4 is required for the origin binding of Mcm10 and Ctf4, and their physical interactions and association with replication origins are controlled by the concerted action of both CDK and DDK activities. Although RecQL4-dependent binding of Mcm10 and Ctf4 to chromatin can occur in the absence of pre-replicative complex, their association with replication origins requires the presence of the pre-replicative complex and CDK and DDK activities. Their association with replication origins and physical interactions are also targets of the DNA damage checkpoint pathways which prevent initiation of DNA replication at replication origins. Taken together, the RecQL4-dependent association of Mcm10 and Ctf4 with replication origins appears to be the first important step controlled by S phase promoting kinases and checkpoint pathways for the initiation of DNA replication in human cells.  相似文献   

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