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Interactions between yeast TFIIIB components.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Interactions between yeast TFIIIB components.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

Long-term growth (now over 13 months) of thymus-derived lymphocytes from numerous normal human bone marrow and peripheral blood cell samples was accomplished by using a factor present in media obtained from mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes. This long-term growth could neither be initiated nor maintained by mitogens alone. All cell cultures were greater than 90% E rosette-positive, whereas the tests for B cell markers, surface IgG and IgM, and EAC rosette were routinely negative. There was no evidence for the presence of granulocytes, monocytes, and their precursors in these cultures. The E rosette-positive cells were then tested to see if they had T cell functions. PHA, Con A, and pokeweed mitogens stimulated lymphproliferative responses in these cultures comparable to those of fresh peripheral blood cells. These proliferating cells were also able to release cell mediators, such as interferon and colony-stimulating activity. Further evidence for the T lymphocyte nature of these cultured cells was obtained from one-way mixed leukocyte cultures in which these cells responded to but were unable to stimulate allogeneic cells. The functional and morphologic characteristics of these cultured cells show that these cells are T cells that grow continuously in vitro.  相似文献   

Data on the influence of the black yeast melanin (3 samples) on the in vitro differentiation of human keratinocytes are presented. The effect of melanins was estimated by the morphological state of keratinocytes using electron microscopy. The obtained differences in the state of the formed multilayer keratinocyte sheets depended on the melanin sample.  相似文献   

Mismatch repair (MMR) is initiated when a heterodimer of hMSH2*hMSH6 or hMSH2*hMSH3 binds to mismatches. Here we perform functional analyses of these human protein complexes in yeast. We use a sensitive genetic system wherein the rate of single-base deletions in a homopolymeric run in the LYS2 gene is 10 000-fold higher in an msh2 mutant than in a wild-type strain. Expression of the human proteins alone or in combination does not reduce the mutation rate of the msh2 strain, and expression of the individual human proteins does not increase the low mutation rate of a wild-type strain. However, co-expression of hMSH2 and hMSH6 in wild-type yeast increases the mutation rate 4000-fold, while co-expression of hMSH2 and hMSH3 elevates the rate 5-fold. Analysis of cell extracts indicates that the proteins are expressed and bind to mismatched DNA. The results suggest that hMutSalpha and hMutSbeta complexes form, bind to and prevent correction of replication slippage errors in yeast. Expression of hMSH6 with hMSH2 containing a proline substituted for a conserved Arg524 eliminates the mutator effect and reduces mismatch binding. The analogous mutation in humans is associated with microsatellite instability, defective MMR and cancer, illustrating the utility of the yeast system for studying human disease alleles.  相似文献   


Main conclusion

Expression of eight LEA genes enhanced desiccation tolerance in yeast, including two LEA_2 genes encoding atypical, stably folded proteins. The recombinant proteins showed enzyme, but not membrane protection during drying. To screen for possible functions of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins in cellular stress tolerance, 15 candidate genes from six Arabidopsis thaliana LEA protein families were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a genetically amenable eukaryotic model organism. Desiccation stress experiments showed that eight of the 15 LEA proteins significantly enhanced yeast survival. While none of the proteins belonging to the LEA_1, LEA_5 or AtM families provided protection to yeast cells, two of three LEA_2 proteins, all three LEA_4 proteins and three of four dehydrins were effective. However, no significantly enhanced tolerance toward freezing, salt, osmotic or oxidative stress was observed. While most LEA proteins are highly hydrophilic and intrinsically disordered, LEA_2 proteins are “atypical”, since they are more hydrophobic and possess a stable folded structure in solution. Because nothing was known about the functional properties of LEA_2 proteins, we expressed the three Arabidopsis proteins LEA1, LEA26 and LEA27 in Escherichia coli. The bacteria expressed all three proteins in inclusion bodies from which they could be purified and refolded. Correct folding was ascertained by Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. None of the proteins was able to stabilize liposomes during freezing or drying, but they were all able to protect the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from inactivation during freezing. Significantly, only LEA1 and LEA27, which also protected yeast cells during drying, were able to stabilize LDH during desiccation and subsequent rehydration.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RP-A; also known as replication factor A and human SSB), is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein that is required for simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro. RP-A isolated from both human and yeast cells is a very stable complex composed of 3 subunits (70, 32, and 14 kDa). We have analyzed the DNA-binding properties of both human and yeast RP-A in order to gain a better understanding of their role(s) in DNA replication. Human RP-A has high affinity for single-stranded DNA and low affinity for RNA and double-stranded DNA. The apparent affinity constant of RP-A for single-stranded DNA is in the range of 10(9) M-1. RP-A has a binding site size of approximately 30 nucleotides and does not bind cooperatively. The binding of RP-A to single-stranded DNA is partially sequence dependent. The affinity of human RP-A for pyrimidines is approximately 50-fold higher than its affinity for purines. The binding properties of yeast RP-A are similar to those of the human protein. Both yeast and human RP-A bind preferentially to the pyrimidine-rich strand of a homologous origin of replication: the ARS307 or the simian virus 40 origin of replication, respectively. This asymmetric binding suggests that RP-A could play a direct role in the process of initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) is O-glycosylated at residues Ser9 and Thr10 during secretion by yeast and COS-1 cells [Ernst, J.F., Mermod, J.-J. and Richman, L.I. (1992) Eur. J. Biochem. 203, 663-667]. Two types of octapeptides encompassing residues 4-11 (peptide 4-11) and variants thereof, or residues 8-15 (peptide 8-15) of hGM-CSF were tested as substrates for in vitro O-glycosylation using dolichyl-phosphate- D-mannose: protein O-D-mannosyltransferase (Man-transferase) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GalNAc-transferase) of rat liver cells. Peptide 8-15 was found to be O-glycosylated at residues Ser9 and Thr10 by GalNAc-transferase and, with reduced efficiency, also by Man-transferase. Peptide 4-11 was a good substrate for yeast Man-transferase, leading to mannosylation of only Thr10, whereas it was very poorly O-glycosylated at positions Ser5 and Ser7 by GalNAc-transferase. The observed differences in peptide-acceptor activities indicate that the site of O-glycosylation depends on similar, but not identical protein structural features in yeast and mammalian cells.  相似文献   

正Embryonic stem cells(ESCs)are pluripotent and can self-assemble to form cell clusters or embryoid bodies(EBs),which can then differentiate into all cell types of the three germ layers,as among which one is the primordial germ cell(PGCs)(Daley,2007).In vivo PGCs are the gamete founder cells(the ooctyes and sperms),which transmit genetic information from one generation to the next generation to maintain mammalian life cycles.About 15%of couples in China are infertile;some of these infertility cases are  相似文献   

Copper, phospholipids, and cholesterol remain tightly bound to the ferroxidase-II protein from human serum following extensive purification. In vivo studies with copper-deficient rats and in vitro studies with general and copper-specific chelating agents strongly suggest that the copper atoms associated with purified ferroxidase-II are extremely tightly bound and are essential for its catalytic activity. Only partial removal of the protein bound copper atoms can be achieved by treatment with chelating agents; however, virtually complete loss of the bound copper atoms accompanies the hydrolysis and removal of the bound lipid components. No dissociation or denaturation of ferroxidase-II occurs upon hydrolysis or removal of the bound lipid components. These results suggest that intact lipid components are necessary for the binding of copper to ferroxidase-II and that the association of the protein, lipid, and copper components is indispensable for the catalytic activity of ferroxidase-II.  相似文献   

Functional dissection in vitro of the human c-fos promoter.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Yeast extract, a component of Drosophila cell culture media, is shown to contain substances of high, intermediate, and low molecular weight, that are, respectively, essential, inhibitory, and stimulatory for colony formation in semisolid agar medium. Furthermore, it is shown that high concentrations of pyridoxal greatly increase the cloning efficiency of Drosophilia cells. A cloning method with line Kc is described which routinely gives cloning efficiencies in excess of 20%.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by thermally dimorphic fungi of the Paracoccidioides species complex. Several pathogenic fungi produce hemagglutinins and hemolysins, which are virulence factors involved in adhesion of pathogens to host tissues or cells and in destruction of erythrocytes. The present research investigated hemolytic and hemagglutinating activities of yeast cells and soluble components from P. restrepiensis (PS3; formerly P. brasiliensis B339) and P. lutzii (LDR2). Different concentrations of live and heat‐killed yeast cells and soluble components from a cell free antigen preparation (native or heated, 56°C or 100°C, 30 min) were mixed with 1% human erythrocyte suspensions. Yeast cells from both species caused hemolysis, P. lutzii LDR2 being more strongly hemolytic than P. restrepiensis B339, whereas the opposite phenomena occurred with soluble components in most conditions. Live or heat‐killed yeast cells of both fungi agglutinated erythrocytes, but only heated soluble components from P. restrepiensis B339 showed hemagglutinating activity. In conclusion, yeast cells of P. restrepiensis B339 and P. lutzii LDR2 produce hemolysins and hemagglutinins, which are most likely predominantly restricted to yeast cells in P. lutzii LDR2 and predominantly released in soluble form by P. restrepiensis B339, requiring further study.

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