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The asebia (ab) mutation in the mouse is an autosomal recessive trait with hypoplastic sebaceous glands. As a first step toward cloning the ab gene, we report here the genetic mapping of the ab locus with respect to Chromosome 19 microsatellite markers. 644 backcross progeny were generated by mating (CAST/EiJ × DBA/1LacJ-ab2J/ab2J) F1 heterozygous females and parental ab2J/ab2J mutant males. Our results located the ab gene to an interval of 1.6 cM on mouse Chromosome 19 defined by flanking markers D19Mit11 and D19Mit53/D19Mit27, and identified a tightly linked polymorphic marker, D19Mit67, that co-segregates with the mutation in the backcross progeny examined. This places ab locus 4 cM distal to its present position as indicated in Mouse Genome Database at The Jackson Laboratory. We have also mapped a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig in this locus interval which suggests the ab interval to be less than one megabase of DNA.  相似文献   

An acetylated sugar, sucrose octaacetate (SOA), tastes bitter to humans and has an aversive taste to at least some mice and other animals. In mice, taste aversion to SOA depends on allelic variation of a single locus, Soa. Three Soa alleles determine `taster' (Soa a ), `nontaster' (Soa b ), and `demitaster' (Soa c ) phenotypes of taste sensitivity to SOA. Although Soa has been mapped to distal Chromosome (Chr) 6, the limits of the Soa region have not been defined. In this study, mice from congenic strains SW.B6-Soa b , B6.SW-Soa a , and C3.SW-Soa a/c and from an outbred CFW strain were genotyped with polymorphic markers on Chr 6. In the congenic strains, the limits of introgressed donor fragments were determined. In the outbred mice, linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analyses were conducted. Positions of the markers were further resolved by using radiation hybrid mapping. The results show that the Soa locus is contained in a ∼1-cM (3.3–4.9 Mb) region including the Prp locus. Received: 5 February, 2001 / Accepted: 1 May, 2001  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of the mouse agouti locus.   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
S J Bultman  E J Michaud  R P Woychik 《Cell》1992,71(7):1195-1204
The agouti (a) locus acts within the microenvironment of the hair follicle to regulate coat color pigmentation in the mouse. We have characterized a gene encoding a novel 131 amino acid protein that we propose is the one gene associated with the agouti locus. This gene is normally expressed in a manner consistent with a locus function, and, more importantly, its structure and expression are affected by a number of representative alleles in the agouti dominance hierarchy. In addition, we found that the pleiotropic effects associated with the lethal yellow (Ay) mutation, which include pronounced obesity, diabetes, and the development of neoplasms, are accompanied by deregulated overexpression of the agouti gene in numerous tissues of the adult animal.  相似文献   

With the advent of molecular genetic mapping, it is possible to study the genetic basis of natural heritable variation in new ways. Here, three potential uses of molecular genetic mapping in plant ecology and evolutionary biology are discussed; (1) accurate estimation of genetic parameters, (2) understanding speciation and/or adaptation, and (3) investigating whole genome organization. Basic methods for mapping genes and important mapping strategies are outlined. Recent studies are introduced to illustrate progress so far in applying the new methods in ecological and evolutionary research.  相似文献   

 The Mla-12-mediated resistance in barley against Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei requires for its function the Rar1 gene. High-resolution genetic mapping was accomplished by inspecting more than 4000 plants segregating for Rar1 within an 0.7-cM interval containing the target gene. Marker enrichment in the target region was carried out by an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)-based search for polymorphic loci using bulked DNA templates from resistant and susceptible recombinants adjacent to Rar1. RFLP markers closely linked to Rar1 were used to investigate the relationship between physical and genetical distances by PFGE Southern analysis, indicating the physical linkage of two genetically separated RFLP loci. Comparative mapping of Rar1-linked RFLP probes in barley and rice identified a break of collinearity in the orthologous chromosome segments. Received: 11 February 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

Recently, the copper toxicosis (CT) locus in Bedlington terriers was assigned to canine chromosome region CFA10q26, which is homologous to human chromosome region HSA2p13-21. A comparative map between CFA10q21-26 and HSA2p13-21 was constructed by using genes already localized to HSA2p13-21. A high-resolution radiation map of CFA10q21-26 was constructed to facilitate positional cloning of the CT gene. For this map, seven Type I and eleven Type II markers were mapped. Using homozygosity mapping, the CT locus could be confined to a 42.3 cR3000 region, between the FH2523 and C10.602 markers. On the basis of a partial BAC contig, it was estimated that 1-cR3000 is equivalent to approximately 210 kb, implying that the CT candidate region is therefore estimated to be about 9 Mb. Received: 16 December 1999 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

Although mouse t haplotypes carry recessive mutations causing male sterility and embryonic lethality, they persist in wild mouse populations via male transmission ratio distortion (TRD). Genetic evidence suggests that at least five t-haplotype-encoded loci combine to cause TRD. One of these loci, called the t complex responder (Tcr), is absolutely required for any deviation from Mendelian segregation to occur. A candidate for the Tcr gene has previously been identified. Evidence that this gene represents Tcr is its localization to the appropriate genomic subregion and testis-specific expression pattern. Here, we report the molecular cloning of the region between recombinant chromosome breakpoints defining the Tcr locus. These results circumscribe Tcr to a 150- to 220-kb region of DNA, including the 22-kb candidate responder gene. This gene and two other homologs were created by large genomic duplications, each involving segments of DNA 10-fold larger than the individual genes.  相似文献   

Molecular mapping of the mouse ob mutation.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The mouse ob mutation has been mapped relative to a series of RFLPs among the progeny of three separate mouse crosses: an intraspecific backcross, an intraspecific intercross, and an interspecific intercross. Genotypic assignment at the ob locus was made by making use of measurements of body mass index and the plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin. These data have suggested that the development of diabetes in these animals is a consequence of unlinked polygenes. There was also evidence that unlinked Mus spretus alleles can diminish the obesity of ob/ob mice. From these data we have mapped several markers on chromosome 6 with the following order: cen-Cola-2-Met-ob-Cpa-Tcrb. The homologs of markers that flank ob map to human chromosome 7q, suggesting that if there is a human homologue of ob, it maps to 7q31.  相似文献   

Myodystrophy (myd), an autosomal recessive mutation of the mouse characterized by progressive weakness and dystrophic muscle histology, maps to the central portion of Chromosome (Chr) 8 (Lane et al. J. Hered 67, 135, 1976). This portion of Chr 8 contains the genes for a mitochondrial uncoupling protein (Ucp) and kallikrein (Kal3), which map to distal 4q in the human, providing evidence for a segment of homology. Characteristics of the myd phenotype coupled with this homology suggest that myd may be a mouse homolog of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), which maps to human 4q35. We have confirmed and expanded the region of mouse 8-human 4 homology by generating a map of Chr 8 in an interspecific backcross of C57BL/6J and a partially inbred strain derived from M. spretus. The map is comprised of the genes for Ucp, coagulation factor XI (Cf11), and chloride channel 5 (Clc5), all of which have homologs on distal human 4q, 15 microsatellite loci, and the membrane cofactor protein pseudogene (Mcp-ps). To place myd in the genetic map, 75 affected progeny from an intersubspecific backcross of animals heterozygous for myd with Mus musculus castaneus were genotyped with Chr 8 microsatellite loci. The mutation maps between D8Mit30 and D8Mit75, an interval that is flanked by genes with human homologs at distal 4q. These results are consistent with the possibility that myd is the mouse homolog of FSHD.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Escherichia coli phoP gene, a member of the family of environmentally responsive two-component systems, and found its deduced amino acid sequence to be 93% identical to that of the Salmonella typhimurium homolog, which encodes a major virulence regulator necessary for intramacrophage survival and resistance to cationic peptides of phagocytic cells. The phoP gene was mapped to kilobase 1202 on the Kohara map (25-min region) of the E. coli genome (Y. Kohara, K. Akiyama, and K. Isono, Cell 50:495-508, 1987) and found to be transcribed in a counterclockwise direction. Both E. coli and S. typhimurium phoP mutants were more sensitive than their isogenic wild-type strains to the frog-derived antibacterial peptide magainin 2, suggesting a role for PhoP in the response to various stresses in both enteric species.  相似文献   

Abstract Fear conditioning is one of a number of models for investigating the genetic basis of individual variation in emotion and learning. Genetic mapping using crosses between strains of laboratory mice has identified a locus on chromosome one that appears to influence not only variation in conditioned fear, but also in other validated tests of fear-related behaviour, (including the open-field and the elevated-plus maze), suggesting that the rodent locus may act in ways consistent with how a locus influencing susceptibility to anxiety in humans is believed to operate. Here we use high-resolution mapping in genetically heterogeneous mice to show that a quantitative trait locus influencing conditioned fear can be separated from loci influencing open-field activity. Mapping in two different heterogeneous stocks, the Boulder and Northport HS, gave similar map locations for open-field activity at two positions on the current mouse physical map, one at 162 Mb on chromosome one (negative log P-value 5.4) the other at 173 Mb (negative log P-value 4.8), while mapping of contextual conditioned fear in the Boulder HS identified a locus at 170 Mb (negative log P-value 5.4). Estimates of the 95% confidence intervals show that the locations do not overlap. The region containing a gene or genes that influence variation in conditioned fear is approximately 1 megabase in size and contains only one gene of known function, a pre-B cell leukaemia factor.  相似文献   

 The genetic structure of the rym5 locus was studied in a population comprising 391 doubled-haploid lines that were evaluated for resistance to two strains of Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus (BaYMV-1, 2) and to Barley Mild Mosaic Virus (BaMMV). The absence of recombinants that are able to differentiate between the reaction to these different bymoviruses provides evidence that rym5 is a complex locus, which is either composed of several closely linked genes or of an allelic series of a single gene. For marker-assisted introgression of this locus into adapted barley germplasm, a CAPS (cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence) and a microsatellite marker were developed that flank the gene at distances of 0.8 and 1.3% recombination, respectively. Received: 19 June 1998 / Accepted: 24 July 1998  相似文献   

The Odc-rs8 locus belongs to a family of mouse DNA sequences related to the gene encoding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). Odc-rs8 was mapped by recombinant inbred (RI) strain analysis to the region of Chromosome (Chr) 12 occupied by the variable region genes of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (Igh) complex. In the present study, alleles at Odc-rs8 were shown to cosegregate with those for Igh variable region (Igh-V or V H) genes among 37 inbred mouse strains that had been characterized previously for their haplotypes at Igh. For a more precise definition of the location of Odc-rs8 relative to Igh-V, DNAs from 17 Abelson murine leukemia virus (A-MuLV)-transformed pre-B cell lines cultured from mice heterozygous at Igh and Odc-rs8 were analyzed for the presence of DNA restriction fragments (RFs) derived from each parental Odc-rs8 allele. These cell lines, each of which has rearranged one or both Igh genes, previously were employed in mapping members of nine V H gene families by deletion analysis (Brodeur et al. 1988). Comparing the deletion profiles of the cell lines for Odc-rs8 with those for the V H gene families has located Odc-rs8 b within the VHJ558/VH3609 gene cluster and Odc-rs8 c either within or upstream of the 5-most 9% of VHJ558, identifying Odc-rs8 as a potentially useful marker for the 5 end of the Igh complex.  相似文献   

 Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis provides a valuable tool for characterizing and understanding relationships among genes for useful traits in crop species, particularly in ones with complex genomes such as the hexaploid cultivated oat Avena sativa L. (2n=6x=42). Using Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) and F2 RFLP linkage data, we mapped three dominant oat dwarfing loci to different regions of the oat genome. Dw6, in oat line OT207, is 3.3±1.3 cM from the Xumn145B locus, which has not been placed on the hexaploid oat linkage map. Dw7, in line NC2469-3, is 4.3±2.3 cM from Xcdo1437B and 33±4.1 cM from Xcdo708B. This places Dw7 to linkage group 22. Dw8, in the Japanese lines AV17/3/10 and AV18/2/4, mapped 4.9±2.2 cM from Xcdo1319A in an AV17/3/10בKanota’ F2 population and 6.6±2.6 cM from it in an AV18/2/4בKanota’ population. This places Dw8 to linkage group 3. Aneuploid analysis of markers linked to the dwarfing genes located Dw6 on the smallest oat chromosome (chromosome 18) and Dw7 on the longest satellited chromosome (chromosome 19). The RFLP markers closely linked to the three dwarfing genes identify distinct regions of the oat genome that contribute to plant height and they should be useful in characterizing new genetic sources of dwarfness in oat. Received: 8 May 1997 / Accepted: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

We have identified cDNAs clones for several cold-inducible mRNAs from the brown adipose tissue of mice. pCIN-1, a plasmid with a 900-base pair insert, encoded the mitochondrial uncoupling protein (UCP) as determined by the ability of the cDNA insert to select, by hybridization, an mRNA that could be translated into a 32,000-Da protein immunoprecipitable with anti-UCP antibodies. Nine tissues were analyzed; however, UCP cDNA hybridized to an mRNA species of 1.6 and 2.0 kilobase pairs only in brown adipose tissue. A maximum induction of 10-fold occurred within 6 h of exposure to cold (5 degrees C). A BamHI restriction fragment polymorphism detected by Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA in recombinant inbred mouse strains allowed us to map the UCP gene to Chromosome 8. The analysis of the UCP gene expression in diabetic (db) and obese (ob) mice maintained at 27 degrees C for 3 days followed by cold exposure for 4 h at 5 degrees C indicated that UCP mRNA levels in mutant mice were unaffected at 27 degrees C and only slightly reduced at 5 degrees C. Accordingly, the inability of diabetic and obese mice to thermoregulate is not associated with a lack of UCP mRNA induction.  相似文献   

The Drosophila runt gene, which controls early events in embryogenesis, has been shown to have homologues in human and mouse. The human gene on 21q22 is involved in the t(8;21) associated with acute myeloid leukemia. Two mouse runt-like loci encoding DNA-binding proteins have been identified. We report here the isolation and partial sequence of a molecular clone of a third mouse runt-like locus. By using a panel of somatic cell hybrids and interspecific backcross mice, we map the novel locus to the telomeric region of mouse chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Mutations at the recessive reeler locus (rl) on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 5 result in abnormal development of multiple central nervous system components, including the cerebral and cerebellar cortices. These abnormalities are characterized by highly disorganized laminar structures thought to have arisen from a post-migration failure of neuronal organization events that are probably mediated through cell-cell interactions. As a result of a mutagenesis scheme designed to generate visible recessive mutations induced by the drug chlorambucil, we had previously recovered a new allele of the reeler locus (rl Alb ) that is likely to involve a deletion based on the known mechanisms of chlorambucil action. We have constructed a high-resolution genetic map from two intercrosses segregating this allele. Our first cross, in which the mutation was outcrossed to the 101 strain prior to intercrossing, consisted of 196 meioses and resulted in the positioning of four loci proximal to rl, with D5Mit1 being the closest (2.6±1.1 cM). The second cross consisted of intercrossing rl heterozygotes derived from an outcross to the C57BL/6 strain. A total of 318 mice (636 meioses) gave rise to a panel of 41 recombinants, which were used to map a total of 14 loci within a 6.4-cM interval bounded by D5Mit1 and the En-2 gene. A yeast artificial chromosome contig consisting of clones containing two of these loci, D5Mit72 (located 0.31 cM distal to rl), and D5Mit61 (no recombinants with rl), has been assembled and is being used to locate the rl gene.  相似文献   

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