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分子模拟与微生物、自身免疫交叉识别以及肿瘤免疫治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡兵  魏于全 《生命科学》2004,16(2):66-72
分子模拟是生物界广为存在的一种自然现象。细菌等病原微生物可利用蛋白质序列或结构的相似而模拟宿主细胞某些分子的功能,从而协助其入侵与存活;另一方面,微生物也可因某些蛋白质的同源或相似而致宿主交叉免疫反应,导致自身免疫参与自身免疫疾病的发生,其本质是一种交叉识别。本室及其他研究小组发现可利用不同种属某些肿瘤相关同源分子的异源性激发特异的免疫反应,并因其同源性而交叉反应于宿主分子,从而产生抗肿瘤的自身免疫,亦即通过异种同源分子的策略主动免疫治疗肿瘤。这种模拟还可以在表位肽的水平进行,相信分子模拟的深入研究将有助于揭示进化与分子识别的本质以及自身免疫的规律,从而探索分子模拟在疾病预防与治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) was described as a distinct clinical syndrome in 1972. Since then many cases have been reported in the literature worldwide. In this study we present our experience with a group of 17 Mexican patients with this syndrome, and we analyze their clinical and serological features, as well as the causes of death in these patients. The patients are Mexican mestizos living in Guadalajara and most of them have been followed-up at Hospital General de Occidente for a period of 1–10 years. The female/male ratio was 16:1, and their age ranged from 14–55 years with a mean of 29 years. The disease duration has ranged from 1–17 years, with a mean of 6 years. Among the clinical manifestations we have found a high frequency of lymphadenopathy when compared with published series (13/17 or 76%), and the laboratory findings in our patients included a very high polyclonal increase of gammaglobulins (93%), lymphopenia (76%), direct immunofluorescence speckled nuclear epidermal deposits in skin biopsies (75%) and positive rheumatoid factor (65%). Other clinical and serological features were similar to those reported in other series of patients with MCTD. Six of the 17 patients have died (35%), and in 3 of them (17.5%) the cause of death was due to an infectious disease that suddenly presented, and apparently was not related to a concomitant high dose of steroids or malnutrition in the patients. It seems that in addition to the already well known autoimmune abnormalities that occur in MCTD, there are other features like the presence of lymphadenopathy, the high polyclonal increase of gammaglobulins, and the lymphopenia, that reflect the profound disturbance of the immune system in this syndrome, possibly contributing to the sudden appearance of a severe infectious disease in some of our patients.Abbreviations ANA antinuclear antibody - CIE counterimmunoelectrophoresis - MCTD mixed connective tissue disease - PHA passive hemagglutination - PM polymyositis - RF rheumatoid factor - SLE systemic lupus erythematosus - SS systemic sclerosis (SS)  相似文献   

叶珊慧  肖楚吟  高建全 《生物磁学》2010,(11):2103-2104
目的:对结缔组织病与其常见伴发疾病进行研究分析,探讨肿瘤等疾病与与结缔组织病的相关性。方法:收集确诊有结缔组织病患者共333例,对其临床资料并进行回顾性统计分析。结果:本文中333例结缔组织病中发生肺间质病变79例(23.7%),发生肿瘤8例(2.4%),出现肾损害有124例(37.2%)。结论:间质性肺病、肿瘤、肾损害在结缔组织病患者中占一定的比例,其机制可能与结缔组织病本身的病理生理改变、外源性因素等共同作用所致。  相似文献   

The presence of sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) was demonstrated in the connective tissue of bovine and cod skeletal muscle by histochemical staining using Alcian blue added MgCl2 (0.06 M and 0.4 M, respectively). For further identification of the sulfated GAGs, a panel of monoclonal antibodies, 1B5, 2B6, 3B3 and 5D4 was used that recognizes epitopes in chondroitin-0-sulfate (C0S), chondroitin-4-sulfate/dermatan sulfate (C4S/DS), chondroitin-6-sulfate (C6S) and keratan sulfate (KS), respectively. Light microscopy and Western blotting techniques showed that in bovine and cod muscle C0S and C6S were primarily localized pericellularly, whereas cod exhibited a more intermittent staining. C4S was expressed around the separate cells and also in the perimysium and myocommata. In contrast to bovine muscle, which hardly expressed highly sulfated KS, cod exhibited a very strong and consistent staining. Western blotting showed that C0S and C6S were mainly associated with proteoglycans (PGs) of high molecular sizes in both species. Contrary to bovine muscle, C4S in cod was associated with molecules of various sizes. Both cod and bovine muscle contained KSPGs of similar sizes as C4S. KSPGs of different sizes and buoyant densities, sensitive to keratanase I and II were found expressed in cod.  相似文献   

Summary Liver connective tissue cells (LCTC) isolated from patients with fibrotic livers have morphological and biochemical characteristics of myofibroblasts. We have examined the proliferation of LCTC derived from normal livers and from livers with fibrosis of different etiologies, as well as proliferation of skin fibroblasts. We have compared proliferation rates in the presence of fresh human serum and heat-inactivated serum. While skin fibroblast and LCTC from normal liver showed no difference, proliferation of LCTC from fibrotic livers was markedly decreased in the presence of heat-inactivated serum. We demonstrate that the native complement component C1 is a factor involved in the induction of DNA synthesis and proliferation of LCTC isolated from fibrotic livers. We propose that native C1, acting probably in cooperation with other growth factors, is involved in the expansion of connective tissue cells during the development of liver fibrosis.  相似文献   

The hydroskeleton plays a central role in the architecture of the trunk of the Chaetognath. Its fibrous part is composed by a ‘basement membrane’ which separates the epithelial and nervous level from the locomotory muscle and other tissues which surround the general cavity. This structure corresponds to a dense connective tissue sheath; together with the aqueous phase of the general cavity it constitutes the main part of the hydroskeleton. The axes of the lateral and caudal fins are extensions of this connective tissue; they are rich in ground substance and contain several kinds of fibrils and granules.The ‘basement membrane’ is made of a network of densely packed parallel layers of collagen fibrils which form helices which wrap around the trunk. The collagen fibrils of this connective stratum are sandwiched between two basal lamina; they are embedded in a reduced extracellular matrix whose components are closely related to the architecture of the collagen fibrils. In the core of the fin, the ground substance is very abundant and classical cross-striated collagen fibrils are not to be found. A compact fibrillar transition zone is to be noted between the dense connective stratum surrounding the body and the hyaline axis of the fins. In this zone, no crossbanded collagen fibrils are to be seen.The hydroskeleton and the fins show variations within the phylum. They could be related to speciation, and the ancestral pathway of the phylum. Furthermore these variations are related to the general problem of the evolution of the extracellular matrices and collagen molecule itself.  相似文献   

The 47-kDa heat shock protein (HSP47) is an endoplasmic reticulum molecular chaperone that assists in the maturation of collagen molecules and whose expression is known to be upregulated in lesions of fibrotic diseases. We examined the levels of HSP47 protein and autoantibodies to HSP47 in the sera of patients with rheumatic autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sj?gren's syndrome, and mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot analysis. Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) were assessed as an example of non-autoimmune fibrotic disease. HSP47 antigen and autoantibody levels are significantly elevated in the sera of the rheumatic autoimmune disease patients, but not in the sera of the IPF patients. The sera of the MCTD patients showed particularly high levels of HSP47 antigen relative to healthy controls (1.99+/-0.22 vs 0.41+/-0.07 ng/ml). Autoantibodies to HSP47 were also in high levels in the sera of MCTD patients. These results suggest that simultaneous occurrence of systemic inflammation and upregulation of HSP47 caused leakage of HSP47 from fibrotic lesions into the peripheral blood, and the leaked antigen induced high titer of autoantibodies to HSP47. The high levels of HSP47 antigen and autoantibody may be useful blood markers of MCTD.  相似文献   

The abundance and cross-linking of intramuscular connective tissue contributes to the background toughness of meat, and is thus undesirable. Connective tissue is mainly synthesized by intramuscular fibroblasts. Myocytes, adipocytes and fibroblasts are derived from a common pool of progenitor cells during the early embryonic development. It appears that multipotent mesenchymal stem cells first diverge into either myogenic or non-myogenic lineages; non-myogenic mesenchymal progenitors then develop into the stromal-vascular fraction of skeletal muscle wherein adipocytes, fibroblasts and derived mesenchymal progenitors reside. Because non-myogenic mesenchymal progenitors mainly undergo adipogenic or fibrogenic differentiation during muscle development, strengthening progenitor proliferation enhances the potential for both intramuscular adipogenesis and fibrogenesis, leading to the elevation of both marbling and connective tissue content in the resulting meat product. Furthermore, given the bipotent developmental potential of progenitor cells, enhancing their conversion to adipogenesis reduces fibrogenesis, which likely results in the overall improvement of marbling (more intramuscular adipocytes) and tenderness (less connective tissue) of meat. Fibrogenesis is mainly regulated by the transforming growth factor (TGF) β signaling pathway and its regulatory cascade. In addition, extracellular matrix, a part of the intramuscular connective tissue, provides a niche environment for regulating myogenic differentiation of satellite cells and muscle growth. Despite rapid progress, many questions remain in the role of extracellular matrix on muscle development, and factors determining the early differentiation of myogenic, adipogenic and fibrogenic cells, which warrant further studies.  相似文献   

Summary Data from our in vitro studies indicate a new source of prolactin (PRL)-like activity, normal human connective tissue. Fascial cells from primary culture and subsequent passages produced an extracellular antigen which specifically reacted in a radioimmunoassay RIA developed to detect human pituitary PRL. An initial peak of first surge of fascial PRL-like activity occurred between 4 and 15 d in primary culture. Ibuprofen, cytotoxic levels of 0.01% azide, or 7.5 mM EDTA and medium lacking serum [fetal bovine serum (FBS)] significantly (P≤0.05) reduced PRL-like activity levels, whereas female steroids, 257 to 342 milliosmolarity, 1 to 3.6 mg/ml glucose, 2 to 20% FBS, and dialyzed FBS (MWCO ⊂) 1 kDa) were without effect. Optimum production of PRL-like activity occurred at pH 7.3. A second surge began after 18 d and continued until passage indicating that perhaps two populations of cells produced PRL-like activity in primary culture. Production of PRL-like activity by cells from early passages (1 and 2) became detectable at confluence, was serum-dependent, showed two patterns (tonic, rising to plateau), and averaged 3.2 fg·cell−1·3 d−1 feed interval. Cells from late passages showed morphologic damage from repetitive trypsinization, aging, and reduced production of PRL-like activity with aberrant production pattern. Production of PRL-like activity was maintained in an unusual long-term culture. these in vitro studies demonstrate the most recently recognized and ubiquitous source of human extrapituitary PRL or PRL-like activity, normal connective tissue (fascia). A portion of this paper was presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic investigation, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19–22 March 1986. This work was supported in part by grant HD21883 (to D. H. R.) from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structure, postnatal development and reaction to efferent duct ligation of the loose connective tissue of the rat rete testis were studied by light and electron microscopy.The loose connective tissue of adult rats consists of elongate fibroblasts in a homogenous ground substance, together with some Leydig cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells. During postnatal development this tissue increases in amount, while the interstitial areolar tissue decreases. The looseness of the tissue becomes more evident between days 22 and 27, and may reflect an increase in hydration.Efferent duct ligation for 15 min to five days has no effect on the histological appearance of the tissue.  相似文献   

The rabbit model is commonly used to study carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). It has been proposed that the subsynovial connective tissue (SSCT) in the carpal tunnel may play a role in the etiology of CTS, but the material properties of the rabbit SSCT are unknown. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to measure the shear properties of the rabbit SSCT. In six rabbit cadaver forepaws, the excursion of the third digit flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and load to failure of the SSCT were measured in a custom device. The mean excursion to full flexion in this model was 7.08 mm (S.D. 0.77). The mean shearing force at full flexion was 317 mN (S.D. 166). At full flexion percentage of maximum shear force in the SSCT was 54.5% (S.D. 19.4). The mean energy absorbed at full flexion was 0.29 mJ (S.D. 0.31). The mean excursion needed to reach 5% of the maximum shear force was 3.04 mm (S.D. 0.99). The testing model presented in this study demonstrates structural parameters to evaluate the shear properties of the SSCT in a rabbit model. The data presented could be used for estimating sample sizes in a more comprehensive study of the effect of CTS on the SSCT properties.  相似文献   

Alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) was recently shown to be present in mouse subcutaneous tissue fibroblasts in the absence of tissue injury. In this study, we used a combination of immunohistochemistry and correlative confocal scanning laser and electron microscopy to investigate the structural organization of α-SMA in relation to the nucleus. Furthermore, we explored colocalization analysis as a method for quantifying the amount of α-SMA in close approximation to the nucleic acid marker, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenyl-indole, dihydrochloride. Our findings indicate the presence of α-SMA within nuclear invaginations in close proximity to the nuclear membrane, but not in the nucleoplasm. Although the function of these α-SMA-rich nuclear invaginations is at present unknown, the morphology of these structures suggests their possible involvement in cellular and nuclear mechanotransduction as well as nuclear transport.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) is important in advanced glycation end-product (AGE)-induced effects in renal interstitial (NRK-49F) fibroblasts. Leptin is a JAK2-activating cytokine via the long form leptin receptor (Ob-Rb). Leptin and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) may be involved in renal fibrosis. However, the relationship between leptin and CTGF in terms of AGE-induced effects remains unknown. Thus, the effects of AGE (150 microg/ml) and leptin on mitogenesis, CTGF and collagen expression in NRK-49F cells were determined. We found that leptin and AGE increased mitogenesis and type I collagen protein expression at 3 and 7 days, respectively. AGE increased leptin mRNA and protein expression at 2-3 days. AGE increased CTGF mRNA and protein expression at 3-5 days. AG-490 (JAK2 inhibitor) abrogated AGE-induced leptin mRNA and protein expression at 2-3 days. AG-490 and Ob-Rb anti-sense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) abrogated AGE-induced CTGF mRNA and protein expression at 3-5 days. AG-490 and CTGF anti-sense ODN abrogated AGE-induced mitogenesis and collagen protein expression at 7 days. Additionally, leptin dose (0.2-1 microg/ml) and time (1-2 days)-dependently increased CTGF protein expression. AG-490 abrogated leptin (1 microg/ml)-induced CTGF protein expression at 2 days. AG-490 and CTGF anti-sense ODN abrogated leptin-induced mitogenesis and collagen protein expression at 3 days. We concluded that AGE induced JAK2 to increase leptin while leptin induced JAK2 to increase CTGF-induced mitogenesis and type I collagen protein expression in NRK-49F cells. Additionally, AGE-induced mitogenesis and type I collagen protein expression were dependent on leptin-induced CTGF.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical pathogenesis of the aortic connective tissue diseases (such as, Marfan's syndrome, dissecting aneurysm or aortic aneurysm) was examined by estimating glycoprotein, collagen and elastin contents in the aorta and the intramolecular cross-linking component (isodesmosine) and the intermolecular cross-linking components (cystine, histidinoalanine) in comparison with the control samples obtained from subjects with aortic regurgitation. The elastin content in the aorta and isodesmosine content obtained from the extract of the aortic sample found to be decreased. Ratio of cysteine residues (Cys/Cys-Cys) in the elastin fraction in disease increased. Content of histidinoalanine was found to be decreased. It may be suggested that elastin is maintained in its native nature and shape by intra- and inter-molecular cross-linking bridges, and they are readily denatured by various disease conditions. After elastin was solubilized by elastase, immunoreactive elastin content in those aortic diseases was found to be increased in the human connective tissue. Serum elastase and elastase-like activities tend to increase more than those in the control. These findings may suggest that the change in the structure of elastin would make more susceptible to elastase and other proteolytic enzymes. The reasonable hypothesis may be that molecular defect of fibillin or other constitutional structural glycoproteins produce deficient and functionally incompetent elastin associated microfibrils, and the defect of microfibrils cause to insufficient intra- and inter-molecular cross-links in elastin.  相似文献   

用RT-PCR法从人胎盘组织中克隆出人源结缔组织生长因子(h-CTGF)cDNA序列867bp,将此cDNA亚克隆至表达载体pET-9a,重组质粒转化BL21(DE3)pLysS,诱导出N端缺失61个氨基酸残基的截短型rh-CTGF,表达量占总菌体蛋白的7%,主要以不溶性包涵体形式存在,采用离心、洗涤和凝胶过滤分离纯化后,行活性检测表明截短型rt-CTGF无刺激增殖活性,并对用原核表达rt-CTGF作了讨论,为制备抗体、CTGF表达调控和功能研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

Summary In this paper an immunodominant epitope of Topoisomerase I is described. An epitope expression sublibrary was constructed from Topoisomerase I cDNA. The subclones were screened with an antiserum from a patient with systemic sclerosis (SSc). The positive clones defined one immunodominant B cell epitope (epitope III), which was located at the carboxyterminal part of the protein. The epitope, 52 amino acids in length, neither contains the p 30gag sequence nor the suggested active site Tyr-723, both presumed antibody recognition sites.More than 70% of our anti-TopoI sera recognize this epitope III, indicating that it is a major recognition site of the anti-TopoI autoantibodies in SSc sera. DNA relaxation experiments show that all sera that recognize epitope III and most sera with antibodies to other epitopes inhibit Topoisomerase I activity.Abbreviations used in this paper SSc Systemic sclerosis - Topol DNA Topoisomerase I (EC  相似文献   

Dermal connective tissue collagen is the major structural protein in skin. Fibroblasts within the dermis are largely responsible for collagen production and turnover. We have previously reported that dermal fibroblasts, in aged human skin in vivo, express elevated levels of CCN1, and that CCN1 negatively regulates collagen homeostasis by suppressing collagen synthesis and increasing collagen degradation (Quan et al. Am J Pathol 169:482–90, 2006, J Invest Dermatol 130:1697–706, 2010). In further investigations of CCN1 actions, we find that CCN1 alters collagen homeostasis by promoting expression of specific secreted proteins, which include matrix metalloproteinases and proinflammatory cytokines. We also find that CCN1-induced secretory proteins are elevated in aged human skin in vivo. We propose that CCN1 induces an “Age-Associated Secretory Phenotype”, in dermal fibroblasts, which mediates collagen reduction and fragmentation in aged human skin.  相似文献   

目的在传统结缔组织铺片基础上开展脂肪组织油红染色方法在医学本科生组织学实验教学中的应用。方法学生先进行疏松结缔组织铺片,并施行脂肪组织油红o-甲苯胺兰-伊红三重染色,然后镜下观察。结果油红o染色把结缔组织中的脂肪细胞内脂滴保存下来并染上红色。脂肪组织中央的细胞脂滴均匀红染,充满胞浆,周边的脂肪细胞胞浆中油红染色很少,细胞呈空泡状,显示出脂肪细胞亚群存在。甲苯胺兰染色使得疏松结缔组织中肥大细胞染成紫红色,胞核染色浅,细胞数量多、成群分布。伊红可使得结缔组织内除脂肪细胞、肥大细胞意外的其他细胞的胞浆和胶原纤维染成淡红色。结论传统的组织学平铺片技术基础上引入脂肪油红o-甲苯胺兰-伊红三重染色,可增强学生动手能力,并能很好地了解输送结缔组织中细胞的不同表型和分布,丰富组织学内容,把教学、科研连接一起,达到提高实验教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

Grade II furcation defect has a great potential for regeneration. Attempts have been made to regenerate lost periodontium in furcation defects through variety of approaches. A total of 22 patients with Grade II furcation defect were examined. The patients were sequentially grouped into three groups namely, (Group A) subepithelial connective tissue graft as a barrier membrane, (Group B) bovine bone graft material Bio-OssTM and (Group C) with the combination of the two. The treatment modalities show that there was a strong improvement in the resolution of the grade II furcation defects. The reduction in horizontal furcation defect measurement was 20.63% for group A. The change was found to be moderate (p=0.023*). The % change is 20.97% for group B and it is statistically significance (p = 0.001**). The % change was 20.78% in Group C with a good statistical significance (p=0.003**). Complete obliteration of the defect clinically and radio-graphically was observed for grade II furcation defect. Thus, the effect of sub-epithelial connective tissue graft with hydroxyl-apatite for furcation treatment in Indians is documented in this report.  相似文献   

目的:观察博莱霉素(BLM)诱导肺纤维化形成中肺肥大细胞(MCs)是否表达结缔组织生长因子(CTGF)。方法:32只雄性SD大鼠,随机分为博莱霉素(BLM)组和对照(Control)组(n=16)。BLM组为气管内一次性滴注BLM(5mg/ks);Control组为气管内滴注与BLM等容量的生理盐水(NS)。各组分别在气管滴注后第14天和第28天处死大鼠,取肺组织样本。用氯胺-T法检测肺组织羟脯氨酸含量以判断肺纤维化程度;用甲苯胺蓝染色显示肺组织切片中的MCs;免疫组化染色显示肺CTGF的表达和分布。结果:①与对照大鼠比,气管内滴注BLM后第28天大鼠的肺羟脯氨酸含量明显增高(P〈0.01)。②与对照大鼠比,气管内滴注BLM后第14天和第28天大鼠肺内MCs数明显增多(均P〈0.01),肺内CTGF表达上调(均P〈0.01)。③对照大鼠肺内未见CTGF免疫阳性的MCs;而气管内滴注BLM后第14天和第28天大鼠肺内病灶区中有CTGF免疫阳性的MCs。结论:肺纤维化形成中肺MCs表达CTGF,这可能是MCs促进肺纤维化的作用机制之一。  相似文献   

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