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For the study of the dinuclear center of heme-copper oxidases cytochrome bo 3 from Escherichia coli offers several advantages over the extensively charactererized bovine cytochrome c oxidase. The availability of strains with enhanced levels of expression allows purification of the significant amounts of enzyme required for detailed spectroscopic studies. Cytochrome bo 3 is readily prepared as the fast form, with a homogeneous dinuclear center which gives rise to characteristic broad EPR signals not seen in CcO. The absence of CuA and the incorporation of protohemes allows for a detailed interpretation of the MCD spectra arising from the dinuclear center heme o 3. Careful analysis allows us to distinguish between small molecules that bind to heme o 3, those which are ligands of CuB, and those which react to yield higher oxidation states of heme o 3. Here we review results from our studies of the reactions of fast cytochrome bo 3 with formate, fluoride, chloride, azide, cyanide, NO, and H2O2.  相似文献   

The reaction of nitric oxide (NO) with fast and reduced cytochrome bo(3)(cyt bo(3)) from Escherichia coli has been investigated. The stoichiometry of NO binding to cyt bo(3) was determined using an NO electrode in the [NO] range 1-14 microM. Under reducing conditions, the initial decrease in [NO] following the addition of cyt bo(3) corresponded to binding of 1 NO molecule per cyt bo(3) functional unit. After this "rapid" NO binding phase, there was a slow, but significant rate of NO consumption ( approximately 0.3molNOmol bo(3)(-1)min(-1)), indicating that cyt bo(3) possesses a low level of NO reductase activity. The binding of NO to fast pulsed enzyme was also investigated. The results show that in the [NO] range used (1-14 microM) both fast and pulsed oxidised cyt bo(3) bind NO with a stoichiometry of 1:1 with an observed dissociation constant of K(d)=5.6+/-0.6 microM and that NO binding was inhibited by the presence of Cl(-). The binding of nitrite to the binuclear centre causes spectral changes similar to those observed upon NO binding to fast cyt bo(3). These results are discussed in relation to the model proposed by Wilson and co-workers [FEBS Lett. 414 (1997) 281] where the binding of NO to Cu(B)(II) results in the formation of the nitrosonium (Cu(B)(I)-NO(+)) complex. NO(+) then reacts with OH(-), a Cu(B) ligand, to form nitrite, which can bind at the binuclear centre. This work suggests for the first time that the binding of NO to oxidised cyt bo(3) does result in the reduction of Cu(B).  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is not a proton pump.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J Moyle  P Mitchell 《FEBS letters》1978,88(2):268-272
We conclude that the reduction of O2 to 2 H2O by cytochrome c oxidase of rat liver mitochondria involves the translocation of 4-from cytochrome c at the outer surface of the cristae membrane per O2 reduced and protonated by 4 H+ ions that enter the reaction domain from the inner aqueous phase. This net electron-translocating function of cytochrome c oxidase plugged through the mitochondrial cristae membrane is not linked to a proton-pumping function, such as that proposed by Wikstr?m [7,8].  相似文献   

The nature of the ions that are translocated by Escherichia coli and Paracoccus denitrificans complexes I was investigated. We observed that E. coli complex I was capable of proton translocation in the same direction to the established deltapsi, showing that in the tested conditions, the coupling ion is the H(+). Furthermore, Na(+) transport to the opposite direction was also observed, and, although Na(+) was not necessary for the catalytic or proton transport activities, its presence increased the latter. We also observed H(+) translocation by P. denitrificans complex I, but in this case, H(+) transport was not influenced by Na(+) and also Na(+) transport was not observed. We concluded that E. coli complex I has two energy coupling sites (one Na(+) independent and the other Na(+) dependent), as previously observed for Rhodothermus marinus complex I, whereas the coupling mechanism of P. denitrificans enzyme is completely Na(+) independent. This work thus shows that complex I energy transduction by proton pumping and Na(+)/H(+) antiporting is not exclusive of the R. marinus enzyme. Nevertheless, the Na(+)/H(+) antiport activity seems not to be a general property of complex I, which may be correlated with the metabolic characteristics of the organisms.  相似文献   

The general structure of cytochrome oxidase is reviewed and evidence that the enzyme acts as a redox-linked proton pump outlined. The overall H+/e stoichiometry of the pump is discussed and results [Wikström (1989),Nature 338, 293] which suggest that only the final two electrons which reduce the peroxide adduct to water are coupled to protein translocated are considered in terms of the restrictions they place on pump mechanisms. Direct and indirect mechanisms for proton translocation are discussed in the context of evidence for redox-linked conformational changes in the enzyme, the role of subunit III, and the nature of the CuA site.  相似文献   

The L-phenylalanine transaminase gene of Paracoccus denitrificans was cloned by a shotgun method using the Escherichia coli K-12 mutant DG30, which lacks three distinct transaminase genes. Plasmid pPAP142 was constructed by inserting a 2.2-kb fragment carrying the transaminase gene into pUC18. Strain E. coli K-12 HB101 cells harboring the plasmid produced 20-fold to 30-fold more transaminase than wild type P. denitrificans cells. The nucleotide sequence of the 2.2-kb fragment was determined, revealing that the deduced amino acid sequence of the transaminase of P. denitrificans is similar to that of other transaminases.  相似文献   

Proton pump coupled to cytochrome c oxidase in Paracoccus denitrificans   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The proton translocating properties of cytochrome c oxidase in whole cells of Paracoccus denitrificans have been studied with the oxidant pulse method. leads to H+/2e- quotients have been measured with endogenous substrates, added methanol and added ascorbate (+TMPD) as reductants, and oxygen and ferricyanide as oxidants. It was found that both the observed leads to H+/O with ascorbate (+TMPD) as reductant, and the differences in proton ejection between oxygen-and ferricyanide pulses, with endogenous substrates or added methanol as a substrate, indicate that the P. denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase translocates protons with a stoichiometry of 2H+/2e-. The results presented in this and previous papers are in good agreement with recent findings concerning the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and suggest unequal charge separation by different coupling segments of the respiratory chain of P. denitrificans.  相似文献   

K Matsushita  L Patel  H R Kaback 《Biochemistry》1984,23(20):4703-4714
Cytochrome o type oxidase purified from the membrane of Escherichia coli consists of four polypeptides (Mr 66000, 35000, 22000, and 17000), and the monomeric form predominates in octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside. The oxidase complex contains two b-type cytochromes (b-558 and b-563) and 2 mol of heme/mol of enzyme. Cytochrome o utilizes ubiquinol-1 and a number of other artificial electron donors as substrates but does not oxidize reduced cytochrome c or ferrocyanide. Activity is highly dependent upon exogenous phospholipids and/or Tween 20, and the quinone analogues 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide and 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole are potent inhibitors. Proteoliposomes were formed by detergent dilution or dialysis in the presence of the oxidase and phospholipids, followed by freeze-thaw/sonication. Vesicles formed by this means are unilamellar and contain a random distribution of 85-90-A intramembranous particles on the convex and concave fracture surfaces. During oxidase turnover, the reconstituted system generates a proton electrochemical gradient (interior negative and alkaline) of -115 to -140 mV; however, respiratory control is minimal (i.e., respiratory control ratios of about 1.5 are observed). By using a glass electrode to measure changes in external pH and the fluorescence of entrapped 8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonate to measure changes in internal pH, it is apparent that during ubiquinol oxidation, protons are released on the external surface of the membrane and consumed on the internal surface. In contrast, with N,N,N',-N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, an electron donor that carries few protons at neutral pH, little change in external pH is observed until the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone is added, at which point the medium becomes alkaline. The results taken as a whole are consistent with the concept that oxidase turnover generates an electrical potential (interior negative) due to vectorial electron flow from the outer to the inner surface of the membrane. The pH gradient (interior alkaline), on the other hand, appears to result from scalar (i.e., nonvectorial) reactions that consume and release protons at the inner and/or outer surfaces of the membrane, respectively. In other words, cytochrome o oxidase from Escherichia coli does not appear to catalyze vectorial proton translocation.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase couples reduction of dioxygen to water to translocation of protons over the inner mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. A likely proton acceptor for pumped protons is the Delta-propionate of heme a(3), which may receive the proton via water molecules from a conserved glutamic acid (E278 in subunit I of the Paracoccus denitrificans enzyme) and which receives a hydrogen bond from a conserved tryptophan, W164. Here, W164 was mutated to phenylalanine (W164F) to further explore the role of the heme a(3) Delta-propionate in proton translocation. FTIR spectroscopy showed changes in vibrations possibly attributable to heme propionates, and the midpoint redox potential of heme a(3) decreased by approximately 50 mV. The reaction of the oxidized W164F enzyme with hydrogen peroxide yielded substantial amounts of the intermediate F' even at high pH, which suggests that the mutation rearranges the local electric field in the binuclear center that controls the peroxide reaction. The steady-state proton translocation stoichiometry of the W164F enzyme dropped to approximately 0.5 H(+)/e(-) in cells and reconstituted proteoliposomes. Time-resolved electrometric measurements showed that when the fully reduced W164F enzyme reacted with O(2), the membrane potential generated in the fast phase of this reaction was far too small to account either for full proton pumping or uptake of a substrate proton from the inside of the proteoliposomes. Time-resolved optical spectroscopy showed that this fast electrometric phase occurred with kinetics corresponding to the transition from state A to P(R), whereas the subsequent transition to the F state was strongly delayed. This is due to a delay of reprotonation of E278 via the D-pathway, which was confirmed by observation of a slowed rate of Cu(A) oxidation and which explains the small amplitude of the fast charge transfer phase. Surprisingly, the W164F mutation thus mimics a weak block of the D-pathway, which is interpreted as an effect on the side chain isomerization of E278. The fast charge translocation may be due to transfer of a proton from E278 to a "pump site" above the heme groups and is likely to occur also in wild-type enzyme, though not distinguished earlier due to the high-amplitude membrane potential formation during the P(R)--> F transition.  相似文献   

Ching E  Gennis R  Larsen R 《FEBS letters》2002,527(1-3):81-85
In this report we describe the activation volumes associated with the heme-heme electron transfer (ET) and CO rebinding to the binuclear center subsequent to photolysis of the CO-mixed-valence derivative of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo(3) (Cbo). The activation volumes associated with the heme-heme ET (k=1.2 x 10(5) s(-1)), and CO rebinding (k=57 s(-1)) are found to be +27.4 ml/mol and -2.6 ml/mol, respectively. The activation volume associated with the rebinding of CO is consistent with previous Cu X-ray absorption studies of Cbo where a structural change was observed at the Cu(B) site (loss of a histidine ligand) due to a change in the redox state of the binuclear center. In addition, the volume of activation for the heme-heme ET was found to be quite distinct from the activation volumes obtained for heme-heme ET in bovine heart Cytochrome c oxidase. Differences in mechanisms/pathways for heme b/heme o(3) and heme a/heme a(3) ET are suggested based on the associated activation volumes and previously obtained Marcus parameters.  相似文献   

The aerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli contains two terminal oxidases that catalyze the oxidation of ubiquinol-8 and the reduction of oxygen to water. They are the cytochrome o oxidase complex encoded by cyoABCDE and the cytochrome d oxidase complex encoded by cydAB. To determine how these genes are regulated in response to a variety of environmental stimuli, including oxygen, we examined their expression by using lacZ protein fusions in wild-type and fnr mutant strains of E. coli. Anaerobic growth resulted in a 140-fold repression of cyoA'-'lacZ expression relative to aerobic growth and a 3-fold increase in cydA'-'lacZ expression. Anaerobic repression of both fusions was mediated in part by the fnr gene product, as evidenced by a 30-fold derepression of cyoA'-'lacZ expression and a 4-fold derepression of cydA'-'lacZ expression in an fnr deletion strain. Supplying wild-type fnr in trans restored wild-type repression for both fusions. Fnr thus functions as an anaerobic repressor of both cyoABCDE and cydAB expression. Reduced-minus-oxidized difference spectrum analyses of cell membranes confirmed the effect of the fnr gene product on the production of cytochrome d oxidase in the cell. Based on the pattern of anaerobic cydAB expression observed, we propose the existence of a second, as yet unidentified, regulatory element that must function either to activate cydAB expression as oxygen becomes limiting or to repress cydAB expression aerobically. Whereas cytochrome o oxidase encoded by cyoABCDE appears to be produced only under oxygen-rich growth conditions, in keeping with its biochemical properties, cytochrome d oxidase is expressed moderately aerobically and is elevated yet further when oxygen becomes limiting so that the organism can cope better under oxygen starvation conditions. We also examined cyoABCDE and cydAB expression in response to growth on alternative carbon compounds and to changes in the culture medium pH and osmolarity.  相似文献   

A fast-responding O2 electrode has been used to confirm and extend observations of a significant kinetic discrepancy between O2 reduction and consequent proton translocation in 'O2-pulse' experiments in intact cells of P. denitrificans. The permeant, chaotropic SCN- ion abolishes this discrepancy, and greatly increases the observable----H+/O ratio, to a value approaching its accepted, true, limiting stoichiometry. The observable H+ decay rates are very slow, particularly in the absence of SCN-. The submaximal----H+/O ratios observed in the absence of SCN- are essentially independent of the size of the O2 pulse, in a manner not easily explained by a delocalised chemiosmotic energy-coupling scheme. Osmotically active protoplasts of P. denitrificans do not show a significant kinetic discrepancy between O2 reduction and H+ translocation, even in the the absence of SCN-. However, the submaximal----H+/O ratios observed in the absence of SCN- are again essentially independent of the size of the O2 pulse. As in intact cells, the observable H+ decay rates are very slow. The energy-transfer inhibitor venturicidin causes a significant increase in the----H+/O ratio observed in protoplasts of P. denitrificans in the absence of SCN-; the decay kinetics of the H+ translocation process are also somewhat modified. Nevertheless, the----H+/O ratio observed in the presence of venturicidin is also independent of the size of the O2 pulse. This observation militates further against arguments in which (a) a non-ohmic leak of protons from the bulk aqueous phase might alone be the cause of the low----H+/O ratios observed in the absence of SCN-, and (b) in which there might be a delta p-dependent change ('redox slip') in the actual----H+/O ratio. It is concluded that the observable protonmotive activity of the respiratory chain of P. denitrificans in the absence of SCN- is directly influenced by the state of the H+-ATP synthetase in the cytoplasmic membrane of this organism. We are unable to explain the data in terms of a model in which the putative protonmotive force may be acting to affect the----H+/O ratio. The possibility is considered that the delocalised bulk-to-bulk phase membrane potential set up in response to protonmotive activity is energetically insignificant.  相似文献   

In order to probe the reaction chemistry of respiratory quinol-oxidizing enzymes on a rapid time scale, a photoreleasable quinol substrate was synthesized by coupling decylubiquinol with the water-soluble protecting group 3',5'-bis(carboxymethoxy)benzoin (BCMB) through a carbonate linkage. The resulting compound, DQ-BCMB, was highly soluble in aqueous detergent solution, and showed no reactivity with quinol-oxidizing enzymes prior to photolysis. Upon photolysis in acetonitrile, 5, 7-bis(carboxymethoxy)-2-phenylbenzofuran, carbon dioxide, and decylubiquinol were formed. In aqueous media, free 3', 5'-bis(carboxymethoxy)benzoin was also produced. Photolysis of DQ-BCMB with a 308 nm excimer laser led to the release of the BCMB group in less than 10(-6) s. Decylubiquinol was released in the form of a carbonate monoester, which decarboxylated with an observed first-order rate constant of 195-990 s(-1), depending on the reaction medium. Yields of decylubiquinol as high as 35 microM per laser pulse were attained readily. In the presence of Escherichia coli cytochrome bo(3), photolysis of DQ-BCMB led to the oxidation of quinol by the enzyme with a rate that was limited by the rate of the decylubiquinol release. Mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1) reacted with photoreleased decylubiquinol with distinct kinetic phases corresponding to rapid b heme reduction and somewhat slower c heme reduction. Oxidation of photoreleased ubiquinol by this enzyme showed saturation kinetics with a K(m) of 3.6 microM and a k(cat) of 210 s(-1). The saturation behavior was a result of decylubiquinol being released as a carbonate monoester during the photolysis of DQ-BCMB and interacting with cytochrome bc(1) before decarboxylation of this intermediate yielded free decylubiquinol. The reaction of cytochrome bc(1) and photoreleased decylubiquinol in the presence of antimycin A led to monophasic b heme reduction, but also yielded slower quinol oxidation kinetics. The discrimination of kinetic phases in the reaction of cytochrome bc(1) with ubiquinol substrates has provided a means of exploring the bifurcation of electron transfer that is central to the operation of the Q-cycle in this enzyme.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the stoicheiometry of respiration-driven proton translocation coupled to the oxidation of NAD(P)-linked or flavin-linked substrates in intact cells of Escherichia coli. Observed stoicheiometries (-->H(+)/O quotient; Mitchell, 1966) were approx. 4 with l-malate as substrate and approx. 2 for succinate, d-lactate and glycerol oxidation. It is concluded that the potential number of equivalent energy-conservation sites associated with the respiratory chain is 2 in aerobically grown cells of E. coli harvested during the exponential phase of growth.  相似文献   

The NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) couples the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone with the translocation of protons across the membrane. Recently, it was demonstrated that complex I from Klebsiella pneumoniae translocates sodium ions instead of protons. Experimental evidence suggested that complex I from the close relative Escherichia coli works as a primary sodium pump as well. However, data obtained with whole cells showed the presence of an NADH-induced electrochemical proton gradient. In addition, Fourier transform IR spectroscopy demonstrated that the redox reaction of the E. coli complex I is coupled to a protonation of amino acids. To resolve this contradiction we measured the properties of isolated E. coli complex I reconstituted in phospholipids. We found that the NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity did not depend on the sodium concentration. The redox reaction of the complex in proteoliposomes caused a membrane potential due to an electrochemical proton gradient as measured with fluorescent probes. The signals were sensitive to the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), the inhibitors piericidin A, dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide (DCCD), and amiloride derivatives, but were insensitive to the sodium ionophore ETH-157. Furthermore, monensin acting as a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger prevented the generation of a proton gradient. Thus, our data demonstrated that the E. coli complex I is a primary electrogenic proton pump. However, the magnitude of the pH gradient depended on the sodium concentration. The capability of complex I for secondary Na(+)/H(+) antiport is discussed.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies have been obtained against a synthetic dodecapeptide identical to the aminoacid sequence 120-131 DSPIKDGVWPPE (inferred from its DNA sequence) of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase subunit III. The antibodies had a titer higher than 1:10000 when tested against the antigen. These antibodies have been used to produce immunological evidence that, despite the fact that subunit III is not isolated with cytochrome c oxidase, it exists in Paracoccus denitrificans lysates. The antibodies did not show reactivity with bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase either by ELISA or immunoblotting. It was also shown that the antibodies react with a single polypeptide present in Paracoccus denitrificans cell lysates, having an apparent molecular weight close to that of subunit III of bovine heart oxidase.  相似文献   

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