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Circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of the desert beetle T.gigas usually has two narrow peaks: morning (M) and evening (E). While entrained with diurnal (Tz = 24 hr) full or skeleton photoperiods, the M peak is precedes light, while the E peak coincides with light. In a variety of natural and laboratory conditions both peaks tend to maintain a stable mutual phase relationship, about 12 hr apart. The phase responses of the M and E peaks were studied using 6-hr, 30 lx green LED-light pulses applied around ct3, ?t12 and ct18. The PRC for the E peak, plotted versus ct0 (extrapolated moment of light-on) as abscissa, had the same position, as the PRC for the M peak. Both PRCs were asymmetric, but in an opposite way: for the M peak the area of phase advances was bigger, than the area of phase delays, while for the E peak, vice versa. The transient PRCs on day 1, 2 etc. did not differ from the steady state PRC, i.e, the phase response was accomplished virtually in one cycle. Period changes were almost all positive (period became longer after a light pulse). The only "dead zone" in the period response curve (decrease of Dt down to zero) was around subjective evening - early night. Here again, the M peak appeared more "eager" to phase advances than the E peak. Our data support the hypothesis that M and E peaks are controlled by putative separate oscillators. These oscillators seem to have different properties, tend to phase shift to a different extent, and are extremely strongly mutually coupled with phases locked at approximately 180°. The asymmetry of properties of the M and E oscillators has a clear adaptive significance.  相似文献   


Enzymatic activity of five lysosomal hydrolases: acid p‐nitrophenyl phosphatase (EC, acid β‐glycerophosphatase (EC, arylsulphatase (EC, β‐galactosidase (EC and β‐N‐acetylhexosaminidase (EC was studied in the supernatants of homogenates of hearts of unirradiated mice, serving as controls, and a group of U.V.‐irradiated mice.

In the control group, determinations made at 6‐hr intervals showed rhythmic diurnal changes in activities of three acid hydrolases. These changes were statistically significant in the case of acid p‐nitrophenyl phosphatase, acid β‐glycerophosphatase, and β‐N‐acetylhexosaminidase. The effect of U.V.‐irradiation was manifested mainly by depression of enzyme activities of the acid hydrolases during the first few hours after exposure. Depression of activities of arylsulphatase and β‐N‐acetylhexosaminidase by U.V. was statistically significant. Presumably, the fall in enzyme activities of the acid hydrolases was due to chemical mediators formed in the skin under the influence of U.V.‐irradiation and adrenal corticoids secreted into the blood.  相似文献   

The beetle T. gigas is interesting as a successful survivor among competing species in a hostile, arid, environment (the sand-desert), and as a promising biological model system in laboratory experiments. Behaviour and motor activity rhythms of T. gigas were studied in the field, using autonomous monitors. In order to avoid extreme temperatures, this beetle developed a peculiar behavioural strategy: narrow time windows for activity (in the morning and in the evening). The rest of the time it spends deep in the sand, at constant comfortable temperature and in continuous darkness, in temporal isolation. We demonstrated that there are no available Zeitgebers for the beetle during its rest interval. Hence, a reliable circadian clock is the only way for T. gigas to implement the proper timing of its activity. It means, that the circadian timing system of this beetle is not just a source of relative advantage, but is a crucial prerequisite of survival.  相似文献   

The beetle T. gigas is interesting as a successful survivor among competing species in a hostile, arid, environment (the sand-desert), and as a promising biological model system in laboratory experiments. Behaviour and motor activity rhythms of T. gigas were studied in the field, using autonomous monitors. In order to avoid extreme temperatures, this beetle developed a peculiar behavioural strategy: narrow time windows for activity (in the morning and in the evening). The rest of the time it spends deep in the sand, at constant comfortable temperature and in continuous darkness, in temporal isolation. We demonstrated that there are no available Zeitgebers for the beetle during its rest interval. Hence, a reliable circadian clock is the only way for T. gigas to implement the proper timing of its activity. It means, that the circadian timing system of this beetle is not just a source of relative advantage, but is a crucial prerequisite of survival.  相似文献   

2010年于云南采集鞘翅目拟步甲科伪叶甲族一种昆虫——腹伪叶甲Lagria ventralis Reitter,1880。其原始描述过于简单,且缺少特征图和整体照片。本文对其进行详细描述,并给予特征图和整体照片。检视标本保存于西华师范大学标本馆。  相似文献   

记述西藏贞琵甲属Agnaptoria Reitter2新种:黑头贞琵甲A.nigriceps,sp.nov.和单刷贞琵甲A.apicopilosa,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

With 38 described species or subspecies, Gnaptorina Reitter is the second‐most species‐rich genus in the darkling beetle subtribe Gnaptorinina (Tenebrionidae: Tenebrioninae). In this study, we reconstructed a phylogeny of the genus based on one nuclear and three mitochondrial genes and used this phylogeny to explore the historical biography and diversification of Gnaptorina species. We implemented multiple molecular species delimitation approaches to reassess the status of Gnaptorina species and taxonomic subdivisions of the genus. Dating and historical biogeography analyses suggest an early Eocene origin of the genus, with the southeastern regions of the Tibetan Plateau most likely as areas of origin. Based on these results, we propose a new classification for Gnaptorina with three major clades identified. Consequently, the monotypic subgenus Boreoptorina is newly synonymized with the more species‐rich subgenus Hesperoptorina, and G. dongdashanensis Shi is transferred from Hesperoptorina to the subgenus Gnaptorina. In addition, G. minxiana Medvedev, formerly treated as a subspecies of G. potanini Reitter, is elevated to species. Results of molecular species delimitation analyses are largely congruent and confirm the status of most morphological species.  相似文献   

对中国贞琵甲属Agnaptoria Reitter,1887进行了初步总结,描述西藏1新种:芒康贞琵甲Agnaptoria markama,sp.nov.,给出了贞琵甲属已知种检索表。模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   

Ai-min Shi 《ZooKeys》2013,(309):1-12
Two new species of Itagonia Reitter, 1887, Itagonia tibialis sp. n. and Itagonia litangensis sp. n. are described from Sichuan, China. A key to the known species of Itagonia from China is given.  相似文献   

Males of Zophobas aff. confusus and Nyctobates gigas (Tenebrionidae) collected in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, were studied through conventional staining, C-banding, silver nitrate impregnation (AgNO(3)), and the base specific fluorochromes CMA(3) and DAPI. Z. aff. confusus was found to have 2n = 20 (9+Xyp) while N. gigas exhibited 2n = 18 (8+neoXY). Large pericentromeric blocks of constitutive heterochromatin (CH) were detected throughout the autosomal complement of the two species, except in one autosomal pair of N. gigas in which no heterochromatic block was observed. The sex chromosomes of both species were almost totally heterochromatic. Double staining with CMA(3)/DA (distamycin) and DAPI/DA marked CH in Z. aff. confusus. However, DAPI staining was more intense. N. gigas was found to possess blocks of CH-positive CMA(3) and homogeneous DAPI. AgNO(3) staining also revealed differences between the two species. In Z. confusus an NOR was observed in the sexual bivalent Xyp and N. gigas was found to have an autosomal NOR.  相似文献   

Abstract  Species of the Australian genus Myrabolia are reviewed. Lectotypes are designated for Silvanus brevicornis Erichson, Myrabolia haroldiana Reitter, M. lindensis Blackburn and M. longicornis Blackburn. The following new species are described and illustrated: M. australis, M. blackburni , M. elongata , M. kioloa , M. lawrencei , M. micra , M. pelion and M. tasmanica. Ocholissa leai Grouvelle, originally described in Colydiidae, is here transferred to Myrabolia as M. leai (Grouvelle) comb. n. The nomenclatural history, a diagnosis and distribution data are provided for each species. A key to the species of the genus is presented.  相似文献   

We have studied mitotic and meiotic chromosomes in the males of two species of Blaps: B. gigas and B. gibba. Karyological characteristics such as the occurrence of a multivalent configuration at diakinesis and two types of metaphase-II spreads support the notion that multiple-chromosome sex systems involving five chromosomes in B. gigas and eight chromosomes in B. gibba have developed in these species. Results obtained by means of silver staining and C-banding techniques suggest that the complex sex systems occurring in B. gigas and B. gibba may have originated from exchanges of terminal ribosomal genes among the Y chromosome and some autosomes.  相似文献   

贞琵甲属Agnaptoria是小琵甲亚族Gnaptorinina中第三大属和青藏高原特有类群,已知36种/亚种。本文选取3个线粒体基因(COI; Cytb; 16S rDNA)和1个核基因(28S rDNA-D2)片段,采用最大似然法(Maximum likelihood,ML)构建了该属的系统发育树;运用ASAP(Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning)、GMYC(Generalized Mixed Yule Coalescent)和PTP(Poisson Tree Processes)3种方法对该属进行了分子物种界定分析。结果表明:综合运用3种分子物种界定方法的界定结果与形态鉴定结果基本吻合。依据形态特征与分子物种界定技术相结合的综合鉴定方法,大大提高了该类群的物种鉴定效率,为该类群未来在系统发育、地理分布格局演化等方面的研究提供了可靠的分子数据。  相似文献   

唐婷  柳峰松  任国栋 《昆虫学报》2008,51(4):365-371
谢氏宽漠王Mantichorula semenowi Reitter是一种沙漠指示性甲虫。本研究由该种甲虫体内克隆到两种不同的HSP70基因片段,分别为MsHSP70MsHSC70。同源性发现表明这两个基因片段与已报道的其他昆虫的热休克蛋白核苷酸序列高度同源。半定量RT-PCR分析显示:经42℃热激1 h 后立即诱导MsHSP70表达至最高峰;在恢复到室温的1~4 h 内MsHSP70表达量逐渐降低,但仍然高于未热激对照组。而MsHSC70在42℃热激1 h后表达受到抑制,但在恢复2 h和4 h时有少量的表达,分别仅为未热激对照组的0.25和0.28倍。结果提示MsHSP70MsHSC70在保护细胞方面具有不同的作用。本实验结果为谢氏宽漠王在极端的沙漠环境胁迫下的抗逆适应性研究提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The asidine darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Asidini) are a morphologically diverse tribe of flightless tenebrionids found in many arid and sub‐arid habitats around the world. The 260 currently described North American species are contained in 27 genera, all of which are restricted to the western half of the continent. Evolutionary relationships within and between the North American Asidini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) genera were reconstructed using partial sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) (660 bp) and nuclear ribosomal 28S (D2 region) (492 bp), and 100 phenotypic characters for 50 North American asidine species, representing 20 of the 27 currently described genera and 1 new genus. Species from two additional tenebrionid tribes (Branchini and Coniontini) and the South American asidine genus Cardigenius were chosen as outgroups. Analyses were performed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. Clade support was inferred based on the posterior probability distribution of tree topologies, nonparametric bootstrap analysis, and partitioned Bremer support indices. The generic classification of the North American Asidini is revised based on the results, with ten genera recognized. Seven current genera: Craniotus LeConte, Heterasida Casey, Litasida Casey, Microschatia Solier, Pelecyphorus Solier, Philolithus Lacordaire, Stenomorpha Solier, are redescribed, and Ardamimicus Smith gen.n ., Ferveoventer Smith gen.n . and Micrasida Smith gen.n . are described, including Ardamimicus cognatoi Smith sp.n ., Ferveoventer browni Smith sp.n . and Micrasida obrienorum Smith sp.n . Twenty current genera are treated as subgenera pending further analyses: Philolithus Lacordaire with subgenera Glyptasida Casey, Gonasida Casey, Herthasida Wilke and Tisamenes Champion; Pelecyphorus Solier, with subgenera: Astrotus LeConte, Parasida Casey (= Plesiasida nom.n ), Poliorcetes Champion, Sicharbas Champion, Stenosides Solier, Ucalegon Champion and Zaleucus Champion, and Stenomorpha Solier with subgenera Asidina Casey, Asidopsis Casey, Bothrasida Casey, Megasida Casey, Notiasida Casey, Platasida Casey, Pycnomorpha Motschulsky, Stethasida Casey and Trichiasida Casey; all stat.rev .  相似文献   

动物对栖息地选择是复杂的,探索其内在机制对寻求维持动物多样性的有效方法具有重要意义。以古尔班通古特沙漠的地表甲虫优势种——中华漠王(Platyope proctoleuca chinensis)(鞘翅目:拟步甲科)为研究对象,2007—2008年连续2年采用陷阱捕获法监测其在不同生境下的种群数量和洞穴数量,分析该甲虫在景观和微尺度环境下对栖息地的选择。结果表明:在景观尺度上,与垄间相比,中华漠王更喜欢在沙丘上活动,在沙丘不同坡面上,中华漠王在背风坡的种群数量大于迎风坡;在微尺度上,中华漠王喜好沙丘上部的微环境,在背风坡上部种群数量相对更多;洞穴数量在景观和微生境2种尺度上的分布基本与种群数量空间分布一致。此外,中华漠王对微生境的选择与洞穴建立的难易程度有关,而洞穴的建立与土壤质量密切相关,特别是土壤的物质组成及其硬度。  相似文献   


Existing classifications of Tenebrionidae are reviewed briefly. The inclusion of the families Alleculidae, Lagriidae, and Nilionidae in Tenebrionidae is confirmed. The splitting off from this complex of a family, Tentyriidae, by Doyen is discussed and rejected. Various taxa which had been included in Tenebrionidae are excluded, amongst which Syrphetodes, Brouniphylax, Exohadrus, Arthopus, Cotulades, Docalis, and Latometus (=Elascus) have not previously been formally excluded. A new family, Archeocrypticidae, is established and defined briefly for Archeocrypticus, Sivacrypticus, and Enneboeus.

Data from matrices based on adult and larval characters comparing Tenebrionidae with most other families of Tenebrionoidea (=Heteromera) are presented for derived characters in common, and for overall similarity. The families most closely related to Tenebrionidae according to these data are Zopheridae, Chalcodryidae, Merycidae, Archeocrypticidae, Synchroidae, Colydiidae, and Monommatidae; none is very close to Tenebrionidae, which has had a long independent history.

Characters of the subfamilies recognised are tabulated, and interpreted in a phylo‐genetic dendrogram. Phylogeny is discussed in relation to adaptive changes in the biology of the various subfamilies, which are Zolodininae new subfamily, Pimeliinae new sense (including Tentyriinae), Toxicinae new sense, Phrenapatinae new sense (including Archeoglenini new tribe), Diaperinae new sense, Gnathidiinae, Tenebrioninae new sense, Alleculinae, Nilioninae, Lagriinae new sense, Cossyphinae, and Cossyphodinae new status.

Biology, economic importance, copulation, orientation of the aedeagus, and distribution are discussed briefly.

Definitions of the family and subfamilies and a key to subfamilies are given, and keys to tribes are included for the smaller subfamilies. The previously unknown larvae of the genera Zolodinus, Menimus, Archeoglenes, Lepispilus, and Nyctoporis are described in detail. Pupae of Zolodinus and Nyctoporis are described. Keys to larvae include many other genera which were hitherto unknown or poorly known.  相似文献   

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