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The 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of the digestive gland-gonad complex (DGG) of the schistosome vector Biomphalaria glabrata was characterized and the effects of infection by Schistosoma mansoni noted. The in vivo spectrum was comprised of 11 peaks, 5 downfield and 6 upfield of an external 85% phosphoric acid standard. Based on a variety of analytical procedures, the upfield peaks from the standard were demonstrated to be composed of carbamoyl phosphate + a mixture of 3 phosphatides and sphingomyelin, the gamma + beta phosphorus resonances of nucleotide triphosphate (NTP) and nucleotide diphosphate (NDP), respectively, the alpha phosphorus resonances of NTP + NDP, NAD(H) + the phosphorus resonance of uridine phosphate from uridine diphosphoglucose (UDPG), the phosphorus resonance of glucose phosphate from UDPG and, last, the beta phosphorus resonance of NTP. The downfield peaks were assigned as glycerophosphoryl choline, intracellular inorganic phosphate (Pi), sugar phosphates + phosphoryl choline, aminoethyl phosphonate (AEP), and ceramide AEP. T1 values for the in vivo NMR components were determined by inversion recovery. Infection produced distinct alterations in the levels of nonnucleotide components of the in vivo 31P NMR spectrum and the spectra of tissue extracts. Specifically, the levels of phosphonate, phospholipids, and carbamoyl phosphate were markedly reduced, and the relative level of Pi was increased. The potential significance of these changes to the parasite-host relationship was discussed. In contrast, starvation resulted in a decreased level of phosphonate only. The pH of the intact DGG was estimated by titrating the inorganic phosphate component of tissue extracts. The mean pH was 6.9 for both control and infected material.  相似文献   

The aerobic heterotrophic bacterial flora in over 200 individuals from 10 wild populations and 3 laboratory colonies of the schistosome vector snail Biomphalaria glabrata was examined. Internal bacterial densities were inversely proportional to snail size and were higher in stressed and laboratory-reared snails. The numerically predominant bacterial genera in individual snails included Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Vibrio, and several members of the Enterobacteriaceae. Enterobacteriaceae seldom predominated in laboratory colonies. Our data suggest that Vibrio extorquens and a Pasteurella sp. tend to predominate in high-bacterial-density snails. These snails may be compromised and may harbor opportunistic snail pathogens.  相似文献   

The aerobic heterotrophic bacterial flora in over 200 individuals from 10 wild populations and 3 laboratory colonies of the schistosome vector snail Biomphalaria glabrata was examined. Internal bacterial densities were inversely proportional to snail size and were higher in stressed and laboratory-reared snails. The numerically predominant bacterial genera in individual snails included Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, Vibrio, and several members of the Enterobacteriaceae. Enterobacteriaceae seldom predominated in laboratory colonies. Our data suggest that Vibrio extorquens and a Pasteurella sp. tend to predominate in high-bacterial-density snails. These snails may be compromised and may harbor opportunistic snail pathogens.  相似文献   

1. 31P NMR was used to characterize phosphate pools in perchloric acid extracts of muscles with various composition of muscle fibre types. 2. The white m. pectoralis major (MPM) of chickens 15 min post mortem is characterized by 1.6-times higher relative content of phosphocreatine (PCr) in comparison with mixed leg muscle (LM) of this species. The glycerophosphorylcholine (GPC) does not occur in MPM at NMR detectable level in contrast to the leg muscles. Relative amounts of other phosphates are similar in both muscles. 3. The intermediate MPM of pigeons as well as mixed LM of this species contain 15 min post mortem a very small amount of PCr and ATP but a large amount of inorganic phosphate. Relative content of GPC is higher in leg muscles than in intermediate MPM. 4. Muscles with higher occurrence of white fibres contain relatively more PCr than muscles with lower occurrence of white fibres. 5. The occurrence of GPC seems to be connected with metabolism of red muscle fibres.  相似文献   

Excretory-secretory (E-S) products contained in supernatants from in vitro cultured Schistosoma mansoni primary sporocysts were assayed for their effects on the in vitro motility of Biomphalaria glabrata hemocytes. Both whole (unfractionated) and fractionated E-S products were tested in modified Boyden chemotaxis chambers. E-S product fractionation was accomplished using both membrane ultrafiltration (MF) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Transformation (Tr) products, but not those products released by 8-day sporocysts, significantly inhibited the random motility of hemocytes from an S. mansoni susceptible strain (M-Line) of B. glabrata. This activity was found in both high and low MF fractions of Tr but not in an intermediate MF fraction. In an effort to isolate the active component(s) of the high MF fraction, HPLC was used to separate components based on size exclusion. Although each of four HPLC fractions displayed some inhibitory activity, the greatest consistent activity was found in fraction 3, which was composed, predominantly, of a 108-kDa protein. In contrast to the response of M-Line cells to Tr E-S products, the motility of hemocytes from an S. mansoni-resistant strain (10-R2-OK) of B. glabrata was not significantly reduced from controls. The high MF fraction, however, elicited a slight positive chemokinetic response, while the low MF fraction reduced 10-R2-OK hemocyte motility slightly but not significantly. While three HPLC fractions significantly reduced 10-R2-OK hemocyte motility, this effect was significantly less than that produced by the same HPLC fractions on M-Line hemocyte motility. These data suggest that S. mansoni sporocyst Tr E-S products differentially affect the random motility of M-Line and 10-R2-OK snail hemocytes. Although the significance of this differential effect on the in vivo defenses of B. glabrata is not known, it could be important in the host-parasite interaction which leads to either resistance or susceptibility.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata and Stagnicola palustris were raised in aquaria under crowded and uncrowded conditions. Measurements of greatest shell diameter were taken at regular intervals. Von Bertalanffy and logistic growth curves were fitted by least squares and maximum likelihood methods. The resulting parameter estimates produced better fits for the logistic equation than for the von Bertalanffy equation.  相似文献   

Two strains of Biomphalaria glabrata were studied with respect to the effects of ionizing radiation on their susceptibility to Schistosoma mansoni infection. Gamma radiation at levels of 3.5 and 5 krad did not induce susceptibility in the resistant S-3 strain, but was found to initiate resistance in the susceptible PR-1 strain. In an attempt to understand the induced resistance in irradiated snails, histopathologic examinations and analyses of snail hemolymph were performed. Results indicated that miracidia invading irradiated snails were quickly surrounded and encapsulated by amoebocytes. Similarly, alterations in the hemolymph of irradiated snails suggested that radiation induced aging. It is suggested that radiation-altered snails may be of value in studying the defense mechanisms of these organisms.  相似文献   

Metabolism of the major monoamines and their functions were studied in the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata. In both juvenile and adult snails, the plasma (cell-free hemolymph) appears to act as a reservoir for most of these monoamines and their metabolites including among others, L-dopa and dopamine as major constituents. Significant quantities of L-tryptophan, precursor of indoleamines, also was found in the plasma. L-dopa, serotonin, homovanillic acid and dopamine were prominently represented in the central nervous system of the snail, while serotonin and its metabolites, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid and 5-hydroxytryptophol were found in the ovotestis. Catecholamines such as L-dopa, dopamine and homovanillic acid were identified in the albumen gland. Functional aspects of both dopamine and serotonin were studied using in vitro cultures of albumen glands, the site of perivitelline fluid and galactogen synthesis in B. glabrata. Dopamine was found to stimulate the release of secretory proteins when exogenously added to gland cultures and this process was inhibited by chlorpromazine, a dopamine receptor antagonist. Similarly, exogenous serotonin stimulated in vitro protein secretion by albumen glands. Thus, these results suggest that monoamines may play important roles in regulating reproductive activity of this snail and provides an excellent model for studying neurotransmitter function and metabolism in molluscs.  相似文献   

A morphological abnormality was observed in Biomphalaria glabrata involving swollen tentacles and everted preputium. Selection and isolated selfing resulted in clonal stocks breeding true for the character. Crossing experiments demonstrated the character is a single recessive gene character following simple Mendelian inheritance.  相似文献   

The relationship between phosphorylation ratio [( ATP])/[ADP][Pi], phosphocreatine (PCr)/Pi, and ATPase activity was determined for isolated rat heart mitochondria, and the use of phosphorylation ratio and/or PCr/Pi as bioenergetic indices (Chance, B., Eleff, S., Leigh, J. S., Sokolow, D., and Sapega, A. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 6714-6718) was evaluated. Isolated rat heart mitochondria were suspended at low concentration (0.5-2.0 mg of protein/ ml) in oxygenated KCl/sucrose/4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid medium at 25 degrees C and pyruvate, malate, PCr, ATP, Pi, and Mg2+ were added. Changes in extramitochondrial phosphorus compounds were followed by 31P NMR. The ATPase activity was varied by the addition of potato apyrase. It was found that the logarithm of steady state PCr/Pi decreased linearly with increasing ATPase rate with a PCr/Pi intercept of 32.8 at 0 ATPase rate. The log phosphorylation ratio was also linearly related to the ATPase rate with an extrapolated maximum value of 6.87 at 0 ATPase rate, corresponding to a phosphorylation ratio of 7.41 X 10(6) M(-1) and a delta GATP of -16.3 kcal. The phosphorylation ratio in these experiments (for state 4 respiration) was greater by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude than previously reported for either isolated mitochondria or for whole tissue.  相似文献   

31P NMR spectra were obtained from perchloric acid (PCA) and KOH extracts of Phytophthora palmivora mycelium. Signals indicating the presence of large amounts of short-chain polyphosphate were observed in the spectra of PCA extracts of mycelia grown under both low (0.1 mM) and high (10 mM) phosphate conditions. The mean chain length of polyphosphate was calculated from the relative areas of signals arising from terminal and internal P nuclei in the polyphosphate chain. The small amount of polyphosphate evident in the KOH extract had an average chain length similar to PCA-soluble polyphosphate. 32P tracer studies indicated that phosphorus in the PCA fraction accounted for between 50 and 60% of total phosphorus, the bulk of the remainder being divided between the lipid and KOH extracts. The presence of the fungicide phosphorous acid markedly reduced the average chain length of acid-soluble polyphosphate. This reduction occurred both under low-phosphate conditions, in which treatment with phosphorous acid retards growth, and under high-phosphate conditions, in which no significant growth retardation is observed. Treatment with phosphorous acid perturbed phosphorus distribution and lipid composition under low-phosphate conditions.  相似文献   

Multilayered mats have been observed lining the shell of some Biomphalaria glabrata infected with Steinhausia brachynema. Occurrence of the mats is associated with extensive infection with the microsporidia in these snails, in contrast to most B. glabrata in which infection appears restricted to the intestinal wall. Observations suggest that this variation in pathology may be influenced by a genetic difference in the host snails.  相似文献   

31P NMR studies of spinach leaves and their chloroplasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experimental arrangement is described which enables high quality 31P NMR spectra of compressed spinach leaf pieces to be continuously recorded in which all the resonances observed (cytoplasmic and vacuolar Pi, glycerate-3-P, nucleotides) were sharp and well resolved. 31P NMR spectra obtained from intact chloroplasts showed a distinct peak of stromal Pi. An upfield shift of the stromal Pi resonance was associated with a decrease in the external Pi and vice versa. Nucleotides were largely invisible to NMR in intact chloroplasts, whereas the same nucleotides reappeared in a typical 31P NMR spectrum of an acid extract of intact chloroplasts. Perfusion of compressed spinach leaf pieces with a medium containing Pi triggered a dramatic increase in the vacuolar Pi over 12 h. Addition of choline to the Pi-free perfusate of compressed leaf pieces resulted in a steady accumulation of phosphorylcholine in the cytoplasmic compartment at the expense of cytoplasmic Pi. When a threshold of cytoplasmic Pi concentration was attained, Pi was drawn from the vacuole to sustain choline phosphorylation. In spinach leaves, the vacuole represents a potentially large Pi reservoir, and cycling of Pi through vacuolar influx (energy dependent) and efflux pathways is an efficient system that may provide for control over the cytosolic-free Pi and phosphorylated intermediate concentrations. 31P NMR spectra of neutralized perchloric acid extracts of spinach leaves showed well defined multipeak resonances (quadruplet) of intracellular phytate. The question of cytosolic Pi concentration in green cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Biomphalaria glabrata is recorded for the first time in the state of Piaui, where it was collected from several breeding places in the city of Parnaíba. Examination of 694 specimens showed that a part of them were infected with trematodes other than Schistosomatidae. So far no autochthonous cases of schistosomiasis have been identified in the city. The presence of B. glabrata in Parnaíba extends by 20 km eastward its range on the Northern Coastal Region of the Great Northeastern Region of Brazil, where it had been found as far as Araioses, on the eastern extreme of the state of Maranh?o.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) provides a non-destructive method for the quantitative observation of the most abundant phosphate-containing metabolites in isolated perfused kidney and in kidneys inside an anaesthetised animal.
  • 2.2. In this paper, the NMR method is introduced and the intracellular pH changes following acute renal acidosis are measured (from the resonance position of Pi) for the isolated perfused rat kidney.
  • 3.3. The results are discussed in relation to the biochemical data obtained by freeze extraction.

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