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Helpers at the nest in the cooperative breeding system of long-tailedtits Aegithalos caudatus exhibit kin preference in their helpingbehavior. The aim of this study was to use multivariate analysesto investigate whether helpers accrue indirect fitness benefitsthrough their cooperation by increasing the productivity ofrelatives. All birds started each season breeding independentlyin pairs, but birds that failed in their own breeding attemptoften redirected their care to help another pair provision theiroffspring. About half of all broods had one or more helpers,86% of which were male. Provisioning rates increased and therewas a corresponding increase in the mass of nestlings withinbroods as the number of helpers increased. Helpers had no significantshort-term effect on productivity because nest predation, nestlingsurvival, and brood size were unaffected by the presence ofhelpers. However, in the long term helpers had a highly significanteffect on the recruitment of fledglings, the positive effectof helpers being linear within the range of helper numbers thatwe observed. We found no evidence to suggest that these resultswere confounded by the effects of individual or habitat quality.We conclude that long-tailed tits accrue indirect fitness benefitsby helping kin. Nevertheless, the inclusive fitness benefitfrom helping is substantially lower than that of independentbreeding, showing that helpers are making the best of a badjob.  相似文献   

Phenotypes expressed in a social context are not only a function of the individual, but can also be shaped by the phenotypes of social partners. These social effects may play a major role in the evolution of cooperative breeding if social partners differ in the quality of care they provide and if individual carers adjust their effort in relation to that of other carers. When applying social effects models to wild study systems, it is also important to explore sources of individual plasticity that could masquerade as social effects. We studied offspring provisioning rates of parents and helpers in a wild population of long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus using a quantitative genetic framework to identify these social effects and partition them into genetic, permanent environment and current environment components. Controlling for other effects, individuals were consistent in their provisioning effort at a given nest, but adjusted their effort based on who was in their social group, indicating the presence of social effects. However, these social effects differed between years and social contexts, indicating a current environment effect, rather than indicating a genetic or permanent environment effect. While this study reveals the importance of examining environmental and genetic sources of social effects, the framework we present is entirely general, enabling a greater understanding of potentially important social effects within any ecological population.  相似文献   

Kin selection is a major force in social evolution, but dispersal is often assumed to reduce its impact by diluting kinship. In most cooperatively breeding vertebrates, in which more than two individuals care for young, juveniles delay dispersal and become helpers in family groups. In long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus), however, offspring disperse to breed and helpers are failed breeders that preferentially aid kin. Helping also occurs among immigrants, but their origins are unknown and cooperation in these cases is poorly understood. Here, we combine long-term demographic and genetic data from our study population to investigate immigration and helping in this species. We first used a novel application of parentage analysis to discriminate between immigrants and unknown philopatric recruits. We then cross-checked sibship reconstruction with pairwise relatedness estimates to show that immigrants disperse in sibling coalitions and helping among them is kin biased. These results indicate that dispersal need not preclude sociality, and dispersal of kin coalitions may help maintain kin-selected cooperation in the absence of delayed dispersal.  相似文献   

红头长尾山雀繁殖生态的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
在安徽合肥紫蓬山区,对红头长尾山雀的繁殖生态进行了系统的观察,并研究了雏鸟的生长特征。研究表明,红头长尾山雀自3月中旬以后开始发情,3月下旬开始营巢,巢位于杉树枝下,球形侧开口或侧顶开口。4月初产卵,每窝平均产6.25枚卵,孵化期为15—16d,孵化率为88%。育维期15—16d,22维全部成活到离巢,雏成活率达100%。体重、翅、嘴峰、跗跖、第5枚初级飞羽和尾羽等形态学参数适合用Logistic曲线方程拟合,拟合参数中,嘴峰的拐点最小,飞羽、翅和尾羽的增长率较高,表明与取食有关的形态优先发育,与飞行有关的形态则在后期发育较快。  相似文献   

Carotenoids are antioxidants playing major roles in physiologicalfunctions at various stages of an animal's life. Female birdsdeposit large amounts of carotenoids into their eggs. Carotenoidsare, however, a limiting resource, and females are expectedto balance carotenoid deposition into the eggs with their utilizationfor themselves. Carotenoid availability is thus likely to determineboth the levels of yolk carotenoids and maternal care duringrearing. Carotenoids have been shown to benefit the embryo andthe growing nestling, and it can be hypothesized that an increasein carotenoid availability during laying leads to higher nestlingcondition and competitive ability. We manipulated carotenoidavailability to great tit pairs prior to and during egg layingand later partially cross-fostered chicks at hatching. Duringthe rearing period, we measured how carotenoid availabilityaffected nestlings begging behavior and male and female feedingeffort. We also manipulated the ectoparasite load, predictingthat carotenoid supplementation would help adults and nestlingto cope with parasites. Nestlings hatched from eggs laid bycarotenoid-supplemented females and raised in small broods beggedmore intensely. Nestlings in small deparasitized broods alsobegged more actively. The feeding effort of control femalesincreased with brood size, whereas the feeding effort of carotenoid-supplementedfemales was high whatever the brood size. Male feeding effortwas unaffected by our treatment. Our results support the hypothesisthat maternally derived carotenoids increase nestling beggingbehavior and hence competitive ability. They further suggestthat carotenoid availability determines the level of parentalinvestment and can mediate trade-offs between life-history traits.  相似文献   

Adverse weather conditions during parental care may have direct consequences for offspring production, but longer‐term effects on juvenile and parental survival are less well known. We used long‐term data on reproductive output, recruitment, and parental survival in northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) to investigate the effects of rainfall during parental care on fledging success, recruitment success (juvenile survival), and parental survival, and how these effects related to nestling age, breeding time, habitat quality, and parental nest visitation rates. While accounting for effects of temperature, fledging success was negatively related to rainfall (days > 10 mm) in the second half of the nestling period, with the magnitude of this effect being greater for breeding attempts early in the season. Recruitment success was, however, more sensitive to the number of rain days in the first half of the nestling period. Rainfall effects on parental survival differed between the sexes; males were more sensitive to rain during the nestling period than females. We demonstrate a probable mechanism driving the rainfall effects on reproductive output: Parental nest visitation rates decline with increasing amounts of daily rainfall, with this effect becoming stronger after consecutive rain days. Our study shows that rain during the nestling stage not only relates to fledging success but also has longer‐term effects on recruitment and subsequent parental survival. Thus, if we want to understand or predict population responses to future climate change, we need to consider the potential impacts of changing rainfall patterns in addition to temperature, and how these will affect target species' vital rates.  相似文献   

Hormones mediate major physiological and behavioural components of the reproductive phenotype of individuals. To understand basic evolutionary processes in the hormonal regulation of reproductive traits, we need to know whether, and during which reproductive phases, individual variation in hormone concentrations relates to fitness in natural populations. We related circulating concentrations of prolactin and corticosterone to parental behaviour and reproductive success during both the pre-breeding and the chick-rearing stages in both individuals of pairs of free-living house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Prolactin and baseline corticosterone concentrations in pre-breeding females, and prolactin concentrations in pre-breeding males, predicted total number of fledglings. When the strong effect of lay date on total fledgling number was corrected for, only pre-breeding baseline corticosterone, but not prolactin, was negatively correlated with the reproductive success of females. During the breeding season, nestling provisioning rates of both sexes were negatively correlated with stress-induced corticosterone levels. Lastly, individuals of both sexes with low baseline corticosterone before and high baseline corticosterone during breeding raised the most offspring, suggesting that either the plasticity of this trait contributes to reproductive success or that high parental effort leads to increased hormone concentrations. Thus hormone concentrations both before and during breeding, as well as their seasonal dynamics, predict reproductive success, suggesting that individual variation in absolute concentrations and in plasticity is functionally significant, and, if heritable, may be a target of selection.  相似文献   

Parental effort has a direct impact on individual fitness. Theoretical models exploring how parental effort evolves to cope with offspring demand and sexual conflicts may differ in the assumptions they make in respect to the genetic heritability of parental behaviours. Only a few attempts, however, have been made to estimate the heritability of parental behaviours and their possible co‐evolution with offspring solicitation behaviour. Analysing parent and offspring behaviours in four generations of cross‐fostered broods of house sparrows, we found that parental effort (food delivery rate) was repeatable across consecutive broods and heritable across generations. In contrast, parental response to experimentally induced changes in nestling begging was neither repeatable across broods nor heritable across generations or correlated to nestling begging. Thus, the results give no indication for genetic covariance between begging intensity and parental response, but provide the first cross‐fostering‐based evidence for the heritability of parental investment levels across generations.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, the fitness consequences of producing sons or daughters depend upon the fitness impacts of positive (repayment hypothesis) and negative (local competition hypothesis) social interactions among relatives. In this study, we examine brood sex allocation in relation to the predictions of both the repayment and the local competition hypotheses in the cooperatively breeding long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus. At the population level, we found that annual brood sex ratio was negatively related to the number of male survivors across years, as predicted by the local competition hypothesis. At an individual level, in contrast to predictions of the repayment hypothesis, there was no evidence for facultative control of brood sex ratio. However, immigrant females produced a greater proportion of sons than resident females, a result consistent with both hypotheses. We conclude that female long-tailed tits make adaptive decisions about brood sex allocation.  相似文献   

How has evolution led to the variation in behavioural phenotypes (personalities) in a population? Knowledge of whether personality is heritable, and to what degree it is influenced by the social environment, is crucial to understanding its evolutionary significance, yet few estimates are available from natural populations. We tracked three behavioural traits during different life‐history stages in a pedigreed population of wild house sparrows. Using a quantitative genetic approach, we demonstrated heritability in adult exploration, and in nestling activity after accounting for fixed effects, but not in adult boldness. We did not detect maternal effects on any traits, but we did detect a social brood effect on nestling activity. Boldness, exploration and nestling activity in this population did not form a behavioural syndrome, suggesting that selection could act independently on these behavioural traits in this species, although we found no consistent support for phenotypic selection on these traits. Our work shows that repeatable behaviours can vary in their heritability and that social context influences personality traits. Future efforts could separate whether personality traits differ in heritability because they have served specific functional roles in the evolution of the phenotype or because our concept of personality and the stability of behaviour needs to be revised.  相似文献   

Antler size in red deer: heritability and selection but no evolution   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
We present estimates of the selection on and the heritability of a male secondary sexual weapon in a wild population: antler size in red deer. Male red deer with large antlers had increased lifetime breeding success, both before and after correcting for body size, generating a standardized selection gradient of 0.44 (+/- 0.18 SE). Despite substantial age- and environment-related variation, antler size was also heritable (heritability of antler mass = 0.33 +/- 0.12). However the observed selection did not generate an evolutionary response in antler size over the study period of nearly 30 years, and there was no evidence of a positive genetic correlation between antler size and fitness nor of a positive association between breeding values for antler size and fitness. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that a heritable trait under directional selection will not evolve if associations between the measured trait and fitness are determined by environmental covariances: In red deer males, for example, both antler size and success in the fights for mates may be heavily dependent on an individual's nutritional state.  相似文献   

Kleptoparasitism (food theft) is a tactic used opportunisticallyby many foraging birds, but little is known about its fitnessbenefits. Here we show that habitual kleptoparasitism by individualparent roseate terns (Sterna dougallii) is associated with consistentlysuperior reproductive performance relative to nonkleptoparasitic("honest") parents, as measured by growth and survival to fledgingamong their offspring. In broods of two, both chicks of kleptoparasiticparents exhibited superior growth performance during the middleand later stages of the rearing period, relative to chicks ofhonest parents. This difference was especially pronounced insecond-hatched chicks, whose survival is highly variable amongyears and dependent on food availability. Over a 10-year period,average productivity (number of chicks fledged per pair) wassignificantly higher among kleptoparasites than among honestparents, with a larger relative difference during years of foodshortage. Our study indicates that kleptoparasitism in roseateterns is an important component of parental quality and providesthe first evidence that food stealing is associated with enhancedfitness in a facultatively kleptoparasitic seabird.  相似文献   

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