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The first stage of visual processing occurs in the retina, the function of which is to process the raw information obtained from the outside world. In the present study, the electrical activities of a group of retinal ganglion cells were recorded from a small functioning piece of retina, using multi-electrode array (MEA), and the action potentials were detected by applying nonlinear algorithm. By analyzing the ensemble retinal ganglion output characteristics, it is revealed that both firing rates and correlated activity between adjacent neurons in the retina contribute to visual information encoding.  相似文献   

Ganglion cells are the output retinal neurons that convey visual information to the brain. There are ~20 different types of ganglion cells, each encoding a specific aspect of the visual scene as spatial and temporal contrast, orientation, direction of movement, presence of looming stimuli; etc. Ganglion cell functioning depends on the intrinsic properties of ganglion cell’s membrane as well as on the excitatory and inhibitory inputs that these cells receive from other retinal neurons. GABA is one of the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitters in the retina. How it modulates the activity of different types of ganglion cells and what is its significance in extracting the basic features from visual scene are questions with fundamental importance in visual neuroscience. The present review summarizes current data concerning the types of membrane receptors that mediate GABA action in proximal retina; the effects of GABA and its antagonists on the ganglion cell light-evoked postsynaptic potentials and spike discharges; the action of GABAergic agents on centre-surround organization of the receptive fields and feature related ganglion cell activity. Special emphasis is put on the GABA action regarding the ON–OFF and sustained–transient ganglion cell dichotomy in both nonmammalian and mammalian retina.  相似文献   

Xiao L  Jing W  Liang PJ 《生理学报》2011,63(5):423-430
在脊椎动物的视觉系统中,信息的初级处理发生在视网膜.随着多电极记录技术的发展,视网膜神经节细胞的协同活动在不同物种中被广泛地观察到.然而,协同活动在视觉信息处理中的作用还不清楚,并且存在一定的争议.本文回顾了近些年关于视网膜神经节细胞协同活动的相关研究,对协同活动的分类、检测以及生理功能进行讨论.  相似文献   

Carriers of blue cone monochromacy have fewer cone photoreceptors than normal. Here we examine how this disruption at the level of the retina affects visual function and cortical organization in these individuals. Visual resolution and contrast sensitivity was measured at the preferred retinal locus of fixation and visual resolution was tested at two eccentric locations (2.5° and 8°) with spectacle correction only. Adaptive optics corrected resolution acuity and cone spacing were simultaneously measured at several locations within the central fovea with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO). Fixation stability was assessed by extracting eye motion data from AOSLO videos. Retinotopic mapping using fMRI was carried out to estimate the area of early cortical regions, including that of the foveal confluence. Without adaptive optics correction, BCM carriers appeared to have normal visual function, with normal contrast sensitivity and visual resolution, but with AO-correction, visual resolution was significantly worse than normal. This resolution deficit is not explained by cone loss alone and is suggestive of an associated loss of retinal ganglion cells. However, despite evidence suggesting a reduction in the number of retinal ganglion cells, retinotopic mapping showed no reduction in the cortical area of the foveal confluence. These results suggest that ganglion cell density may not govern the foveal overrepresentation in the cortex. We propose that it is not the number of afferents, but rather the content of the information relayed to the cortex from the retina across the visual field that governs cortical magnification, as under normal viewing conditions this information is similar in both BCM carriers and normal controls.  相似文献   

The canonical flow of visual signals proceeds from outer to inner retina (photoreceptors→bipolar cells→ganglion cells). However, melanopsin-expressing ganglion cells are photosensitive and functional sustained light signaling to retinal dopaminergic interneurons persists in the absence of rods and cones. Here we show that the sustained-type light response of retinal dopamine neurons requires melanopsin and that the response is mediated by AMPA-type glutamate receptors, defining a retrograde retinal visual signaling pathway that fully reverses the usual flow of light signals in retinal circuits.  相似文献   

Eger M  Wilms M  Eckhorn R  Schanze T  Hesse L 《Bio Systems》2005,79(1-3):133-142
Blind subjects with photoreceptor degeneration perceive phosphenes when their intact retinal ganglion cells are stimulated electrically. Is this approach suitable for transmitting enough information to the visual cortex for partially restoring vision? We stimulated the retina of anesthetized cats electrically and visually while recording the responses in the visual cortex. Transmission of retino-cortical information T was quantified by information theory. T was 20-160 bit/s (per stimulation and recording site) with random electrical or visual impulse stimulation at rates between 20 and 40 s-1. While increasing spatial density of independent electrical stimulation channels T did not saturate with 7 electrodes/mm2 retina. With seven electrodes up to 500 bit/s was transmitted to 15 cortical recording sites. Electrical stimulation basically employs temporal stimulus patterns. They are intimately linked with intensity/contrast information coded by the spike density of retinal ganglion cells. From the cortical information spread we estimated the spatial resolution as 0.5mm cortex corresponding to 0.5-1.0 degrees visual angle. If the human cortex can receive and decode the information transmitted by a retina implant, our quantitative results measured in cats suggest that visuo-motor coordination and object recognition in many in- and out-door situations will be possible.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(5):338-348
Ganglion cells in the vertebrate retina integrate visual information over their receptive fields. They do so by pooling presynaptic excitatory inputs from typically many bipolar cells, which themselves collect inputs from several photoreceptors. In addition, inhibitory interactions mediated by horizontal cells and amacrine cells modulate the structure of the receptive field. In many models, this spatial integration is assumed to occur in a linear fashion. Yet, it has long been known that spatial integration by retinal ganglion cells also incurs nonlinear phenomena. Moreover, several recent examples have shown that nonlinear spatial integration is tightly connected to specific visual functions performed by different types of retinal ganglion cells. This work discusses these advances in understanding the role of nonlinear spatial integration and reviews recent efforts to quantitatively study the nature and mechanisms underlying spatial nonlinearities. These new insights point towards a critical role of nonlinearities within ganglion cell receptive fields for capturing responses of the cells to natural and behaviorally relevant visual stimuli. In the long run, nonlinear phenomena of spatial integration may also prove important for implementing the actual neural code of retinal neurons when designing visual prostheses for the eye.  相似文献   

Firth SI  Wang CT  Feller MB 《Cell calcium》2005,37(5):425-432
A characteristic feature of developing neural networks is spontaneous periodic activity. In the developing retina, retinal ganglion cells fire bursts of action potentials that drive large increases in intracellular calcium concentration with a periodicity of minutes. These periodic bursts of action potentials propagate across the developing inner retina as waves, driving neighboring retinal ganglion cells to fire in a correlated fashion. Here we will review recent progress in elucidating the mechanisms in mammals underlying retinal wave propagation and those regulating the periodicity with which these retinal waves occur. In addition, we will review recent experiments indicating that retinal waves are critical for refining retinal projections to their primary targets in the central visual system and may be involved in driving developmental processes within the retina itself.  相似文献   

Mukamel EA  Schnitzer MJ 《Neuron》2005,46(3):357-359
Visual information reaches the brain by way of a fine cable, the optic nerve. The million or so axons in the optic nerve represent an information bottleneck in the visual pathway-where the fewest number of neurons convey the visual scene. It has long been thought that to make the most of the optic nerve's limited capacity the retina may encode visual information in an optimally efficient manner. In this issue of Neuron, Puchalla et al. report a test of this hypothesis using multielectrode recordings from retinal ganglion cells stimulated with movies of natural scenes. The authors find substantial redundancy in the retinal code and estimate that there is an approximately 10-fold overrepresentation of visual information.  相似文献   



The neural retina is a highly structured tissue of the central nervous system that is formed by seven different cell types that are arranged in layers. Despite much effort, the genetic mechanisms that underlie retinal development are still poorly understood. In recent years, large-scale genomic analyses have identified candidate genes that may play a role in retinal neurogenesis, axon guidance and other key processes during the development of the visual system. Thus, new and rapid techniques are now required to carry out high-throughput analyses of all these candidate genes in mammals. Gene delivery techniques have been described to express exogenous proteins in the retina of newborn mice but these approaches do not efficiently introduce genes into the only retinal cell type that transmits visual information to the brain, the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).  相似文献   

It has been accepted for a hundred years or more that rods and cones are the only photoreceptive cells in the retina. The light signals generated in rods and cones, after processing by downstream retinal neurons (bipolar, horizontal, amacrine and ganglion cells), are transmitted to the brain via the axons of the ganglion cells for further analysis. In the past few years, however, convincing evidence has rapidly emerged indicating that a small subset of retinal ganglion cells in mammals is also intrinsically photosensitive. Melanopsin is the signaling photopigment in these cells. The main function of the inner-retina photoreceptors is to generate and transmit non-image-forming visual information, although some role in conventional vision (image detection) is also possible.  相似文献   

Positional identity in the visual system affects the topographic projection of the retina onto its central targets. In this review we discuss gradients and positional information in the retina, when and how they arise, and their functional significance in development. When the axons of retinal ganglion cells leave the eye, they navigate through territory in the central nervous system that is rich in positional information. We review studies that explore the navigational cues that the growth cones of retinal axons use to orient towards their target and organize themselves as they make this journey. Finally, these axons arrive at their central targets and make a precise topographic map of visual space that is crucial for adaptive visual behavior. In the last section of this review, we examine the topographic cues in the tectum, what they are, when, and how they arise, and how retinal axons respond to them. We also touch on the role of neural activity in the refinement of this topography. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Retinal detachment remains one of the most frequent causes of visual impairment in humans, even after ophthalmoscopically successful retinal reattachment. This study was aimed at monitoring (ultra-) structural alterations of retinae of rabbits after experimental detachment. A surgical procedure was used to produce local retinal detachments in rabbit eyes similar to the typical lesions in human patients. At various periods after detachment, the detached retinal area as well as neighbouring attached regions were studied by light and electron microscopy. In addition to the well-known degeneration of photoreceptor cells in the detached retina, the following progressive alterations were observed, (i) in both the detached and the attached regions, an incomplete but severe loss of ganglion cell axons occurs; (ii) there is considerable ganglion cell death, particularly in the detached area; (iii) even in the attached retina distant from the detachment, small adherent groups of photoreceptor cells degenerate; (iv) these photoreceptor cells degenerate in an atypical sequence, with severely destructed somata and inner segments but well-maintained outer segments; and (v) the severe loss of retinal neurons is not accompanied by any significant loss of Müller (glial) cells. It is noteworthy that the described progressive (and probably irreparable) retinal destructions occur also in the attached retina, and may account for visual impairment in strikingly large areas of the visual field, even after retinal reattachment.  相似文献   

Transplantation of neural stem cells for replacing neurons after neurodegeneration requires that the transplanted stem cells accurately reestablish the lost neural circuits in order to restore function. Retinal ganglion cell axons project to visual centers of the brain forming circuits in precise topographic order. In chick, dorsal retinal neurons project to ventral optic tectum, ventral neurons to dorsal tectum, anterior neurons to posterior tectum and posterior neurons to anterior tectum; forming a continuous point-to-point map of retinal cell position in the tectal projection. We found that when stem cells derived from ventral retina were implanted in dorsal host retina, the stem cells that became ganglion cells projected to dorsal tectum, appropriate for their site of origin in retina but not appropriate for their site of implant in retina. This led us to ask if retinal progenitors exhibit topographic markers of cell position in retina. Indeed, retinal neural progenitors express topographic markers: dorsal stem cells expressed more Ephrin B2 than ventral stem cells and, conversely, ventral stem cells expressed more Pax-2 and Ventroptin than dorsal stem cells. The fact that neural progenitors express topographic markers has pertinent implications in using neural stem cells in cell replacement therapy for replacing projecting neurons that express topographic order, e.g., analogous neurons of the visual, auditory, somatosensory and motor systems.  相似文献   

Olveczky BP  Baccus SA  Meister M 《Neuron》2007,56(4):689-700
Due to fixational eye movements, the image on the retina is always in motion, even when one views a stationary scene. When an object moves within the scene, the corresponding patch of retina experiences a different motion trajectory than the surrounding region. Certain retinal ganglion cells respond selectively to this condition, when the motion in the cell's receptive field center is different from that in the surround. Here we show that this response is strongest at the very onset of differential motion, followed by gradual adaptation with a time course of several seconds. Different subregions of a ganglion cell's receptive field can adapt independently. The circuitry responsible for differential motion adaptation lies in the inner retina. Several candidate mechanisms were tested, and the adaptation most likely results from synaptic depression at the synapse from bipolar to ganglion cell. Similar circuit mechanisms may act more generally to emphasize novel features of a visual stimulus.  相似文献   

The visual system is beautifully crafted to transmit information of the external world to visual processing and cognitive centers in the brain. For visual information to be relayed to the brain, a series of axon pathfinding events must take place to ensure that the axons of retinal ganglion cells, the only neuronal cell type in the retina that sends axons out of the retina, find their way out of the eye to connect with targets in the brain. In the past few decades, the power of molecular and genetic tools, including the generation of genetically manipulated mouse lines, have multiplied our knowledge about the molecular mechanisms involved in the sculpting of the visual system. Here, we review major advances in our understanding of the mechanisms controlling the differentiation of RGCs, guidance of their axons from the retina to the primary visual centers, and the refinement processes essential for the establishment of topographic maps and eye-specific axon segregation. Human disorders, such as albinism and achiasmia, that impair RGC axon growth and guidance and, thus, the establishment of a fully functioning visual system will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a transmembrane glycoprotein frequently studied for its role in Alzheimer's disease. Our recent study in APP knockout (KO) mice identified an important role for APP in modulating normal neuronal development in the retina. However the role APP plays in the adult retina and whether it is required for vision is unknown. In this study we evaluated the role of APP in retinal function and morphology comparing adult wildtype (WT) and APP-KO mice. APP was expressed on neuronal cells of the inner retina, including horizontal, cone bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells in WT mice. The function of the retina was assessed using the electroretinogram and although the rod photoreceptor responses were similar in APP-KO and WT mice, the post-photoreceptor, inner retinal responses of both the rod and cone pathways were reduced in APP-KO mice. These changes in inner retinal function did not translate to a substantial change in visual acuity as assessed using the optokinetic response or to changes in the gross cellular structure of the retina. These findings indicate that APP is not required for basic visual function, but that it is involved in modulating inner retinal circuitry.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to sever the optic chiasma in the mid-sagittal plane in 12 rats. This was successful in 8 animals. The area of retina giving rise to the uncrossed fibres was determined from the position of undegenerated retinal ganglion cells in each eye following section of the chiasma. The ganglion cells giving rise to the uncrossed optic fibres occupy about 40 degrees of the temporal retina, corresponding to the the binocular overlap in the visual field.  相似文献   

The dual reciprocal and antagonistic organization of B- and D-neurons of the afferent visual system is obtained using differentiation and integration as mathematical equivalents of visual information processing by an impulse frequency code. The spatial and temporal derivatives lead to the transient responses. A constant and a time-dependent term proportional to the luminance distribution describe the sustained response components and the shift-effect of retinal on- and off-center ganglion cells. Receptive field properties of lateral geniculate cells and their antagonistic shift-effect are obtained by passing the retinal output, i.e. the difference between B- and D-neurons' activity, once again through the same operations. However, the factor of proportionality is applied to the retina alone. The surprisingly small difference between retinal and geniculate receptive field properties on the one hand and the dramatic change from a synergistic to an antagonistic shift-effect on the other hand are thereby explained. The theory offers an understanding of a a possible functional significance of the shift-effect as a mechanism of transientrestoration of visual information, which prevents the system from total fading by means of shifts of the retinal image, normally produced by eye movements.  相似文献   

The adult visual system is highly organized in its patterns of connectivity. Connections between the retina and its central target, the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), are remodeled during development as inappropriate synaptic inputs are eliminated by a process that requires retinal activity. Multineuronal recordings of the neonatal ferret retina reveal that during the refinement period, retinal ganglion cells spontaneously display rhythmic bursting activity in which the bursts of neighboring cells are correlated by propagating excitatory waves. These spontaneous retinal waves have temporal and spatial properties that appear instructive for the refinement of the early patterns of retinogeniculate connections prior to visual stimulation.  相似文献   

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