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J M Zhou  Z X Xue  Z Y Du  T Melese  P D Boyer 《Biochemistry》1988,27(14):5129-5135
Whether the tightly bound ADP that can cause a pronounced inhibition of ATP hydrolysis by the chloroplast ATP synthase and F1 ATPase (CF1) is bound at catalytic sites or at noncatalytic regulatory sites or both has been uncertain. We have used photolabeling by 2-azido-ATP and 2-azido-ADP to ascertain the location, with Mg2+ activation, of tightly bound ADP (a) that inhibits the hydrolysis of ATP by chloroplast ATP synthase, (b) that can result in an inhibited form of CF1 that slowly regains activity during ATP hydrolysis, and (c) that arises when low concentrations of ADP markedly inhibit the hydrolysis of GTP by CF1. The data show that in all instances the inhibition is associated with ADP binding without inorganic phosphate (Pi) at catalytic sites. After photophosphorylation of ADP or 2-azido-ADP with [32P]Pi, similar amounts of the corresponding triphosphates are present on washed thylakoid membranes. Trials with appropriately labeled substrates show that a small portion of the tightly bound 2-azido-ATP gives rise to covalent labeling with an ATP moiety at noncatalytic sites but that most of the bound 2-azido-ATP gives rise to covalent labeling by an ADP moiety at a catalytic site. We also report the occurrence of a 1-2-min delay in the onset of the Mg2+-induced inhibition after addition of CF1 to solutions containing Mg2+ and ATP, and that this delay is not associated with the filling of noncatalytic sites. A rapid burst of Pi formation is followed by a much lower, constant steady-state rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Under steady state photophosphorylating conditions, each ATP synthase complex from spinach thylakoids contains, at a catalytic site, about one tightly bound ATP molecule that is rapidly labeled from medium 32Pi. The level of this bound [32P]ATP is markedly reduced upon de-energization of the spinach thylakoids. The reduction is biphasic, a rapid phase in which the [32P] ATP/synthase complex drops about 2-fold within 10 s, followed by a slow phase, kobs = 0.01/min. A decrease in the concentration of medium 32Pi to well below its apparent Km for photophosphorylation is required to decrease the amount of tightly bound ATP/synthase found just after de-energization and before the rapid phase of bound ATP disappearance. The [32P]ATP that remains bound after the rapid phase appears to be mostly at a catalytic site as demonstrated by a continued exchange of the oxygens of the bound ATP with water oxygens. This bound [32P]ATP does not exchange with medium Pi and is not removed by the presence of unlabeled ATP. The levels of tightly bound ADP and ATP arising from medium ADP were measured by a novel method based on use of [beta-32P]ADP. After photophosphorylation and within minutes after the rapid phase of bound ATP loss, the measured ratio of bound ADP to ATP was about 1.4 and the sum of bound ADP plus ATP was about 1/synthase. This ratio is smaller than that found about 1 h after de-energization. Hence, while ATP bound at catalytic sites disappears, bound ADP appears. The results suggest that during and after de-energization the bound ATP disappears from the catalytic site by hydrolysis to bound ADP and Pi with subsequent preferential release of Pi. These and related observations can be accommodated by the binding change mechanism for ATP synthase with participation of alternating catalytic sites and are consistent with a deactivated state arising from occupancy of one catalytic site on the synthase complex by an inhibitory ADP without presence of Pi.  相似文献   

Chloroplast envelope membranes display properties that are important in lipid synthesis, regulation of metabolites, and protein transport, as well as in signal transduction. The recent discovery showing that phosphorylation of lipids occurs in envelope membranes provides a new approach for understanding the role of chloroplast lipids in these processes. The present investigation shows that three major lipid kinase activities are at least present in envelope membranes. These activities greatly depend on external conditions, such as pH, ATP concentrations, temperature, and chloroplast ATP and wortmannin sensitivity. Two types of phosphorylated lipid couples displayed similar intrinsic responses toward these biochemical parameters, namely phosphatidic acid (PA) and its lysoderivative (LPA) and monogalactosyl-phosphate-diacylglycerol (MGpDG) and its lysoderivative (LMGpDG), but not phosphatidylinositol-monophosphate (PIP) and its lysoderivative (LPIP). Phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol was not dependent on chloroplast ATP, but was sensitive toward wortmannin in intact chloroplasts and outer envelope membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

A modified ‘cold chase’ technique was used to study tight [14C]ADP and [14C]ATP binding to noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0F1). The binding was very low in the dark and sharply increased with light intensity. Dissociation of labeled nucleotides incorporated into noncatalytic sites of CF0F1 or CF1 reconstituted with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes was also found to be light-dependent. Time dependence of nucleotide dissociation is described by the first order equation with a k d of about 5 min−1. The exposure of thylakoid membranes to 0.7–24.8 μM nucleotides leads to filling of up to two noncatalytic sites of CF0F1. The sites differ in their specificity: one preferentially binds ADP, whereas the other – ATP. A much higher ATP/ADP ratio of nucleotides bound at noncatalytic sites of isolated CF1 dramatically decreases upon its reconstitution with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes. It is suggested that the decrease is caused by conformational changes in one of the α subunits induced by its interaction with the δ subunit and/or subunit I–II when CF1 becomes bound to a thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

Jürgen Schumann 《BBA》1984,766(2):334-342
Light-induced exchange of tightly bound ADP on the membrane-associated chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) was concluded to be a two-step mechanism involving a loose enzyme-ADP complex (Strotmann, H., Bickel-Sandkötter, S. and Shoshan, V. (1979) FEBS Lett. 101, 316–320). Rapid binding of [14C]ADP to the coupling factor after deenergization of thylakoids which were illuminated in the presence of [14C]ADP was suggested to reflect the conversion of loosely bound to tightly bound ADP. Experimental data of the present paper support the assumption of an intermediate enzyme form with loosely bound ADP: (a) the amplitude of the rapid binding phase is independent on the concentration of uncoupler added in the light; (b) the amplitude is virtually unaffected by dilution of the medium [14]CADP concentration; (c) high concentrations of unlabeled ADP are required to reduce the rapid binding phase while binding of medium [14C]ADP is inhibited by unlabeled ADP in the micromolar range. These results exclude the possibility that the rapid initial formation of tightly bound [14C]ADP on deenergization might be caused by an energized nucleotide-free enzyme form which is able to pick up [14C]ADP from the medium at a higher rate than the deenergized nucleotide-free form. At saturating [14C]ADP concentrations in the light, the amount of the loose enzyme-ADP complex is about 35%, while 65% of the coupling factors contain a tightly bound ADP. Dissociation of the loose complex is slow in the absence of medium nucleotides but accelerated if ADP is present, suggesting that ADP binding to another site of the enzyme promotes release of the former ADP molecule. The significance of the loosely bound nucleotide in the catalytic mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

Bound [32P]ATP is found on deenergized, washed chloroplast thylakoids which were illuminated in the presence of ADP and [32P]Pi. Tight binding of [32P]ATP occurred both during and after energization. Different classes of bound [32P]ATP were distinguished on the basis of their rates of formation, susceptibility to hexokinase and displacement by unlabeled ATP. 1. The rates of formation and discharge of the rapidly labeled tightly bound ATP class were much lower than that of ATP formation. The level of this bound ATP saturates at lower concentrations of substrates than does the rate of phosphorylation. Unlabeled ATP, present in the reaction medium, displaces the rapidly labeled tightly bound ATP without affecting the rate of phosphorylation. 2. We therefore conclude that the rapidly labeled bound ATP class does not fulfill the requirements expected for a catalytic intermediate and that the nucleotide tight binding site(s) on the ATP synthetase differ from the catalytic site(s) for ATP formation. 3. Since the rapidly labeled tightly bound [32P]ATP is not abolished by high concentrations of hexokinase, but is nevertheless displaced by exogenous ATP, we propose that tight binding of ATP to non-catalytic sites occurs via a free species of newly synthesized ATP which diffuses slowly to the medium from a space accessible to ATP but not to hexokinase.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic membrane protein expression is still a major bottleneck for structural studies. Production in E. coli often leads to low expression level and/or aggregated proteins. In the last decade, strategies relying on new fusion protein expression revealed promising results. Fusion with the amphipatic Mistic protein has been described to favor expression in E. coli membranes. Although, this approach has already been reported for a few membrane proteins, little is known about the activity of the fused proteins. We used this strategy and obtained high expression levels of a chloroplast ATP/ADP transporter from A. thaliana (NTT1) and characterized its transport properties. NTT1 fused to Mistic has a very low transport activity which can be recovered after in vivo Mistic fusion cleavage. Moreover, detailed molecular characterization of purified NTT1 mature form, NTT1 fused to Mistic or NTT1 cleaved-off from this fusion highlights the correct fold of the latter one. Therefore, considering the higher quantity of purified NTT1 mature form obtained via the Mistic fusion approach, this is a valuable strategy for obtaining quantities of pure and active proteins that are adequate for structural studies.  相似文献   

The effects of modulated ADP/ATP and NADPH/NADP+ ratios, and of protein kinase inhibitors, on the in vitro reformation of phototransformable protochlorophyllide, i.e. the aggregated ternary complexes between NADPH, protochlorophyllide, and NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR, EC, in etioplast membranes isolated from dark-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum) were investigated. Low temperature fluorescence emission spectra (–196 °C) were used to determine the state of the pigments. The presence of spectral intermediates of protochlorophyllide and the reformation of phototransformable protochlorophyllide were reduced at high ATP, but favoured by high ADP. Increased ADP level partly prevented the chlorophyllide blue-shift. The protein kinase inhibitor K252a prevented reformation of phototransformable protochlorophyllide without showing any effect on the chlorophyllide blue-shift. Addition of NADPH did not overcome the inhibition. The results indicate that protein phosphorylation plays a role in the conversion of the non-phototransformable protochlorophyllide to POR-associated phototransformable protochlorophyllide. The possible presence of a plastid ADP-dependent kinase, the activity of which favours the formation of PLBs, is discussed. Reversible protein phosphorylation is suggested as a regulatory mechanism in the prolamellar body formation and its light-dependent dispersal by affecting the membrane association of POR. By the presence of a high concentration of phototransformable protochlorophyllide, prolamellar bodies can act as light sensors for plastid development. The modulation of plastid protein kinase and protein phosphatase activities by the NADPH/NADP+ ratio is suggested. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Purification of cytochrome b6 was pursued to further develop rational technology for purification, proof of purity, and study of properties of membrane proteins. Cytochrome b6 was purified—the first time from any source—from spinach chloroplast membranes; yield of pure cytochrome b6 was 30% of that found in ethanol-extracted particles. The three-step procedure (pH 8) employed: (I) extraction in Triton X-100-4 M (optionally 2 M) urea, (II) chromatography in a Bio-Gel A-1.5m Column (Triton X-100-4 M urea). Without this step, subsequent electrophoresis failed. (III) Preparative disc gel electrophoresis.

Properties of cytochrome b6: Cytochrome b6 migrated in undenatured form as a single band in disc electrophoresis (pH 8, 7 or 8.9). None of the limited, accepted properties of the cytochrome in particles was altered by the purification procedure: Reduced b6 has absorption maxima (22 °C) at 434, 536, and 563 nm; at −199 °C the a absorption region shows two peaks of equal intensity at 561 and 557 nm. Cytochrome b6 is reduced by dithionite (not by ascorbate) and is autoxidizable. The prosthetic group of b6 is protohaemin and is fully extractable by acid-acetone. No non-haem iron is present. The millimolar extinction coefficient of reduced b6 (563–600nm) per mole of haem is 21. The protein equivalent weight is 40000 g per mole of haem. Cytochrome b4 is an intrinsically aggregatable molecule. The reduced cytochrome does not react with CO except when Triton X-100 is present.  相似文献   

1. Divalent antibodies against chloroplast coupling factor 1 inhibited the factor ATPase, ATP synthesis, hydrolysis and Pi-ATP exchange in chloroplasts. These antibodies also inhibited coupled electron flow rates but not the basal or uncoupled rates. 2. Several types of non-precipitating, modified antibodies prepared from the original antibody preparation strongly inhibited the ATPase and Pi-ATP exchange reaction but had little effect on ATP formation. 3. It is suggested that the inhibition of ATP synthesis by the divalent antibodies is probably due to an indirect blocking of the active site, while the inhibition of ATP-utilizing reactions by the modified antibodies is related to their effect on the transfer of ATP from a non-catalytic to a catalytic site on coupling factor 1, via an energy-dependent conformational change.  相似文献   

Z Y Du  P D Boyer 《Biochemistry》1990,29(2):402-407
Washed chloroplast thylakoid membranes upon exposure to [3H]ADP retain a tightly bound [3H]ADP on a catalytic site of the ATP synthase. The presence of sufficient endogenous or added Mg2+ results in an enzyme with essentially no ATPase activity. Sulfite activates the ATPase, and many molecules of ATP per synthase can be hydrolyzed before most of the bound [3H]ADP is released, a result interpreted as indicating that the ADP is not bound at a site participating in catalysis by the sulfite-activated enzyme [Larson, E. M., Umbach, A., & Jagendorf, A. T. (1989) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 973, 75-85]. We present evidence that this is not the case. The Mg2(+)- and ADP-inhibited enzyme when exposed to MgATP and 20-100 mM sulfite shows a lag of about 1 min at 22 degrees C and of about 15 s at 37 degrees C before reaching the same steady-state rate as attained with light-activated ATPase that has not been inhibited by Mg2+ and ADP. The lag is not eliminated if the enzyme is exposed to sulfite prior to MgATP addition, indicating that ATPase turnover is necessary for the activation. The release of most of the bound [3H]ADP parallels the onset of ATPase activity, although some [3H]ADP is not released even with prolonged catalytic turnover and may be on poorly active or inactive enzyme or at noncatalytic sites. The results are consistent with most of the tightly bound [3H]ADP being at a catalytic site and being replaced as this Mg2(+)- and ADP-inhibited site regains equivalent participation with other catalytic sites on the activated enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Inactivation of the membrane-bound ATPase by tight ADP binding was studied under nonenergized conditions. The energy state of the system was controlled either by omitting MgCl2, preventing ATP hydrolysis, or by addition of an uncoupler which dissipates the . In the absence of Mg2+, ATP prevents the inactivation of the enzyme by ADP, in a competitive manner. This effect of ATP resembles that of GDP with Mg2+ present. In the presence of nigericin, Mg2+, and ATP, inactivation occurs after a 10–15-sec interval, during which the enzyme is able to hydrolyze ATP at a relatively rapid rate. The degree of inactivation is proportional to the level of bound ADP detected. This behavior is different from that of the coupled ATPase (no uncoupler added), where inactivation is attained only upon exhaustion of the ATP by its hydrolysis, despite the finding that ADP binds tightly to the active ATPase at all stages of the reaction. Higher levels of tightly bound ADP were detected in the presence of an uncoupler. We suggest that the interval during which the enzyme becomes inactive is that required for the enzyme to generate and bind ADP, and to change from the active to the inactive conformation. These results support the mechanism suggested previously for the modulation of the ATPase by tight nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

Extracellular nucleotides affect female reproductive functions, fertilization, and pregnancy. The aim of this study was to investigate biochemical characteristics of ATP and ADP hydrolysis and identify E-NTPDases in myometrial cell membranes from Wistar albino rats. The apparent K m values were 506.4?±?62.1 and 638.8?±?31.3?μM, with a calculated V max (app) of 3,973.0?±?279.5 and 2,853.9?±?79.8?nmol/min/mg for ATP and ADP, respectively. The enzyme activity described here has common properties characteristic for NTPDases: divalent cation dependence; alkaline pH optimum for both substrates, insensitivity to some of classical ATPase inhibitors (ouabain, oligomycine, theophylline, levamisole) and significant inhibition by suramine and high concentration of sodium azides (5?mM). According to similar apparent Km values for both substrates, the ATP/ADP hydrolysis ratio, and Chevillard competition plot, NTPDase1 is dominant ATP/ADP hydrolyzing enzyme in myometrial cell membranes. RT-PCR analysis revealed expression of three members of ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase family (NTPDase 1, 2, and 8) in rat uterus. These findings may further elucidate the role of NTPDases and ATP in reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

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