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Organization of microtubules (MTs) in relation to the behavior of nuclei was examined in dividing binucleate cells ofAdiantum capillus-veneris L. To induce binucleate cells, caffeine, an inhibitor of formation of the cell plate, was applied at 4 mM to synchronously dividing protonemal cells during cytokinesis (Murata and Wada 1993). Formation of the preprophase band (PPB) during the next cell cycle was examined in non-centrifuged and centrifuged cells. The two nuclei were separated or associated with one another in both non-centrifuged and centrifuged cells, although the location of the nuclei in the cylindrical protonemal cells was different (Murata and Wada 1993). Irrespective of centrifugation, a single PPB was formed around the nuclei in cells with associated nuclei. Two PPBs were formed in cells with separated nuclei in centrifuged cells. Patterns of mitosis and cytokinesis varied, depending on the location of the PPB and the distribution of the nuclei. The role of the nucleus in formation of the PPB is discussed.  相似文献   

The rate of transition from one- to two-dimensional growth of fernAdiantum gametophytes under white light depends on the age of gametophyte cultured under red light. When gametophytes were cultured for longer period under red light, the rate of transition decreased and the number of abnormal gametophytes increased. Although the first step of the transition was the first longitudinal cell division following the two transverse ones (Wada and Furuya, 1970), the time-lapse-video study revealed that the apical cell of protonemata became flattened in the plane perpendicular to the incident ray of white light before the first longitudinal cell division. Analytical study of growing part of the apical cell with grains of activated charcoal as markers revealed that the apical cell flattening occurred evenly throughout the equatorial circumference of the cell even in the shaded side of the protonemata as well as in the side irradiated with white light.  相似文献   

Caffeine induced a mitosis-like state in cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) BY-2 cells after DNA synthesis had been arrested by aphidicolin. Cells were synchronized upon removal of aphidicolin. When aphidicolin was readded, the cell cycle was again interrupted and caffeine, when added with aphidicolin, induced the mitosis-like state in 5–10% of cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the toxic effects on plant cells of sulfite, a product of the air pollutant sulfur dioxide, is not well understood. Therefore, changes in the fine structure and organization of microtubules and microfibrils induced by sulfite were studied by electron and light microscopy in the protonemata of the fernAdiantum capillusveneris L. Under red-light conditions, growing protonemata fumigated with 0.05 or 0.1 μ1/1 SO2 for 1 to 4 days showed abnormalities, such as apical swelling, and they sometimes burst at the apex. The incidence of abnormalities seemed to be correlated with the concentration of the sulfite dissolved in the culture medium. At an appropriate concentration (3.3–6.6. mM) of sulfite (applied as K2SO3), cell swelling at the apical region of protonema was also induced. When the concentration of sulfite was as high as 6.6 mM, more than 60% of protonemata burst at the tip. During the apical swelling, no distinct changes were observed in the fine structure of organelles, such as the chloroplasts, mitochondria, microbodies, Golgi bodies and nucleus. However, the arrangement of cortical microtubules and that of the innermost layer of microfibrils around the subapical region of protonemata were changed from transverse to the cell axis (i.e., circular) to random and the cell wall was thickened. These observations suggest that sulfite may influence the mechanisms that maintain the transverse orientation of microtubules in the subapical region of a protonema and that the resultant random arrangement of microtubules induces the random arrangement of microfibrils and leads to apical swelling.  相似文献   

Protonemal cells ofAdiantum capillus-veneris were grown under red light conditions over 6 days and exposed to blue light for 8 hr (and then dim green light for 1 hr for technical reasons), before they were centrifuged acropetally over at least 1 hr at 2,000×g. After this treatment, an arrangement of endoplasmic microtubules (MTs) that resembled the shape of a tadpole could be detected some distance below the nucleus in about 40% of the cells. The percentage of protonemata bearing this Mtstructure was dependent on centrifugation time as well as the time of blue light irradiation. The size of the structure was constant at any time of its existence. Additionally, a wide belt of transversally oriented cortical MTs in the upper part of the protonemata was detected in many cells after blue light irradiation and acropetal centrifugation. Its formation rate seemed to be also dependent on the period of blue light irradiation and centrifugation time. None of the endoplasmic and few of the cortical transverse MT patterns could be seen without blue light irradiation. A strict coincidence in the formation of both MT patterns was not seen. Further, a few tadpole-shaped MT arrays remained during mitosis, whereas the cortical transverse MT pattern was found in stages other than metaphase and anaphase.  相似文献   

This paper describes genes from yeast and mouse with significant sequence similarities to aDrosophila gene that encodes the blood cell tumor suppressor pendulin. The protein encoded by the yeast gene, Srp1p, and mouse pendulin share 42% and 51% amino acid identity withDrosophila pendulin, respectively. All three proteins consist of 10.5 degenerate tandem repeats of 42 amino acids each. Similar repeats occur in a superfamily of proteins that includes theDrosophila Armadillo protein. All three proteins contain a consensus sequence for a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the N-terminal domain, which is not part of the repeat structure. Confocal microscopic analysis of yeast cells stained with antibodies against Srp1p reveals that this protein is intranuclear throughout the cell cycle. Targeted gene disruption shows thatSRP1 is an essential gene. Despite their sequence similarities,Drosophila and mouse pendulin are unable to rescue the lethality of anSRP1 disruption. We demonstrate that yeast cells depleted of Srp1p arrest in mitosis with a G2 content of DNA. Arrested cells display abnormal structures and orientations of the mitotic spindles, aberrant segregation of the chromatin and the nuclei, and threads of chromatin emanating from the bulk of nuclear DNA. This phenotype suggests that Srplp is required for the normal function of microtubules and the spindle pole bodies, as well as for nuclear integrity. We suggest that Srp1p interacts with multiple components of the cell nucleus that are required for mitosis and discuss its functional similarities to, and differences fromDrosophila pendulin.  相似文献   

A new branch was induced on the side wall of fern protonema by cell centrifugation and subsequent polarized red light irradiation after the induction of cell division under white light. Nuclear behavior during the branch formation was analyzed. Immediately after cell division, the two daughter nuclei moved away from the division site in both red and dark conditions. Under continuous irradiation with polarized red light, cell swelling occurred as an early step of branching near the cell dividing wall, even though the nucleus was localized far from the branching site at the beginning of the swelling. After a new branch started to grow, the nucleus returned to the branching site and moved into the new branch from its basipetal end. When a protonema incubated in the dark was centrifuged again acropetally or basipetally just before the irradiation of polarized red light, the rate of apical growth or branch formation was increased, respectively. Moreover, growth of a branched protonema was altered from its former apex or from the branch again by dislocating the nucleus acropetally or basipetally by centrifugation, respectively. These facts suggest that the nucleus has no polarity physiologically, i.e. head and tail, namely either end of the spindle-shaped nucleus can be the nuclear front in a tip-growing protonema.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature-sensitive cell division cycle (cdc) mutants of the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe, previously characterized as defective in nuclear division were examined by thin section electron microscopy. All of the mutants failed to enter mitosis, rather they accumulated at one of four distinct terminal phenotypes. Class one were arrested with a nucleus rectangular in cross-section and a laterally situated spindle pole body (SPB). The second group had spherical or rectangular nuclei with a single SPB. The sole member of the third group wascdc 27. K 3, which had a spherical crenated nucleus with a single SPB from which microtubules emerged and extended into the cytoplasm. Allelic variants ofcdc 25 comprised the fourth group all of which displayed aberrant nuclear morphologies. Utilizing this ultrastructural data together with a knowledge of the transition points of these mutants a model for the interdependence of certain cell cycle event is proposed in which the initiation of DNA synthesis is uncoupled from the replication and separation of the SPB. This paper also provides new information on SPB structure inS. pombe. This is discussed in connection with the transient assembly of both spindle and cytoplasmic microtubules.  相似文献   

Summary Lateral roots ofVicia faba were treated with a solution of 5-aminouracil (3.93×10–3M) for 6 hours. After 15 hours roots were recovering from the temporary inhibition of mitosis induced by 5-AU and were approaching peak mitotic indices; they were then treated with 0.1% caffeine or 0.1% isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX) for 1 hour. Treatment with methylxanthines when the mitotic index was high gave relatively high yields of binucleate cells, 3.8 to 7.5%. DNA synthesis, cell cycle duration and nuclear growth were determined for binucleate cells. Caffeine induced binucleate cells underwent a marked reduction in nuclear volume, from 1,074 m3 at 1+1 hours to 534 m3 at 1+14 hours. Only 15% of these binucleates entered S phase; those that did so were in mitosis or had divided by 1+14 hours. We conclude that 85% of the binucleate cells are so inhibited by caffeine that their G1 is extended to>14 hours or that they are no longer proliferating cells. IBMX-induced binucleate cells, by contrast, did enter S phase and many of them also divided. Though in IBMX-induced binucleate cells there was also a decrease in nuclear volume up to 1+10 hours, subsequently mean nuclear volume increased e.g. at 1+16 and 1+18 hours. Both caffeine and IBMX treatments resulted in decreases in mean volume of prophase nuclei of mononucleate cells; this is further evidence that both methylxanthines inhibit the macromolecular synthesis required to sustain nuclear growth. It also suggests that nuclear division can be initiated at considerably lower nuclear volumes than those of untreated cells. We suggest that caffeine may act as a mimic of the normal mechanism that regulates the switch from a proliferating to a non-proliferative condition.  相似文献   

Summary The same basic ultrastructural features of interphase and mitotic nuclei were found for both the haploid Colonia and the diploid wild type strains of the myxomycete,Physarum polycephalum. Differences in nuclear size and chromocenter numbers were observed, but the nucleolar cycle and the intranuclear and acentriolar type of mitosis characteristic of the plasmodial stage of the diploid is present in haploid plasmodia, ruling out any relation between ploidy level and type of mitotic figure.  相似文献   

Spores ofAdiantum capillus-veneris L., which were preincubated at 25 C for three days in the dark, were suspended in 1 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, and incubated for four days under continuous red light in the presence or absence of 3 mM sulfite. At day 0, 2 and 4 of the incubation, contents of cell constituents were determined. Total lipid content decreased continuously over four days of incubation in the absence of sulfite or in the presence of 3 mM sulfate. In contrast, when sulfite was added to the medium, the decrease stopped after day 2. The content of insoluble glucan increased markedly between day 2 and 4 in the medium without sulfite, whereas it decreased continuously for four days in the medium containing sulfite. The protein content decreased promptly by day 2, but its decrease was delayed when 3 mM sulfite was added to the medium. The content of amino acids also decreased by day 2, but it increased thereafter in the absence of sulfite or in the presence of 3 mM sulfate. In the presence of sulfite, however, the content continued to decrease until day 4. The results indicate that 3 mM sulfite in the incubation medium depressed the utilization of reserve lipid and protein, the synthesis of insoluble glucan and the increase of amino acid pool sizes in fern spores.  相似文献   

The arrangements of cortical microtubules (MTs) in a tip-growing protonemal cell of Adiantum capillus-veneris L. and of cellulose microfibrils (MFs) in its wall were examined during blue-light (BL)-induced apical swelling. In most protonemal cells which had been growing in the longitudinal direction under red light, apical swelling was induced within 2 h of the onset of BL irradiation, and swelling continued for at least 8 h. During the longitudinal growth under red light, the arrangement of MFs around the base of the apical hemisphere (the subapical region) was perpendicular to the cell axis, while a random arrangement of MFs was found at the very tip, and a roughly axial arrangement was observed in the cylindrical region of most cells. This orientation of MFs corresponds to that of the cortical MTs reported previously (Murata et al. 1987, Protoplasma 141, 135–138). In cells irradiated with BL, a random rather than transverse arrangement of both MTs and MFs was found in the subapical region. Time-course studies showed that this reorientation occurred within 1 h after the onset of the BL irradiation, i.e. it preceded the change in growth pattern. These results indicate that the orientation of cortical MTs and of cellulose MFs is involved in the regulation of cell diameter in a tip-growing Adiantum protonemal cell.Abbreviations BL blue light - MF(s) microfibril(s) - MT(s) microtubule(s)  相似文献   

Changes in hydrolytic enzyme activities were investigated during spore germination ofAdiantum capillus-veneris L. The spores were incubated for 3 days in the dark at 25 C for imbibition, and then germination of the spores was induced by continuous irradiation with red light. At day 2 after onset of the red light irradiation, rhizoids appeared out of spore coats and protonemal cells became visible on the following day. Lipase occurred in dry spores and its activity decreased during 3 days of dark incubation. The activity started to increase when the spore germination was induced by red light irradiation. On the other hand, amylolytic and aminopeptidase activities which were also detected in dry spores decreased continuously during the dark incubation and following the germination process. RNase activity also decreased during 3 days of dark incubation but the activity was retained thereafter at a constant level with or without red light irradiation. Developmental patterns of these hydrolytic enzymes were classified into two groups: One decreased during imbibition and dark incubation but increased after red light irradiation and the other continuously decreased during dark incubation and germination. These results are discussed in relation to compositional changes of cell constitutions such as lipid, sugars, proteins and amino acids during spore germination.  相似文献   

E. Hartmann  M. Weber 《Planta》1988,175(1):39-49
A phytochrome-regulated phototropic response of the moss Ceratodon purpureus was investigated. Chlorotetracycline (CTC) was used to visualize membrane-associated calcium gradients in the tip cell of moss caulonemal filaments. A tip-to-base Ca2+ gradient was observed. The ionophore monensin rapidly inhibited the growth of the tip cell and abolished the CTC fluorescence. Six hours after transferring to inhibitor-free medium, protonemal growth resumed and reached the normal growth rate within 12 h. The growth was accompanied by a reappearance of the CTC-fluorescence gradient. Unilateral irradiation given during the monensin treatment or after the treatment during the period when growth inhibition persisted led, with the re-initiation of growth, to a typical positive phototropic bending in complete darkness. Far-red light applied just before the growth response started, or during growth inhibition, abolished the phototropic response. The phytochrome-mediated signal was qualitatively (position) and quantitatively (degree of bending) memorized. Signal perception and response could be separated temporally. This result indicates that at least under some circumstances, e.g. under the influence of monensin, the phytochrome-mediated signal can be stored for several hours in darkness. Calcium seems to be essential for the processing of polar growth only. A specific function (second messenger) in phytochrome-dependent signal transduction could not be confirmed.Abbreviation CTC chlorotetracycline  相似文献   

A. Kadota  M. Wada  M. Furuya 《Planta》1985,165(1):30-36
Summary Perception of polarized light inducing phytochrome-mediated polarotropism in protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris L. was analyzed using brief microbeam irradiation with polarized red (R) or far-red light (FR). The polarotropic response inducible by irradiation of the subapical 10–30-m part with polarized R vibrating parallel to the cell axis was nullified by subsequently giving R at the apical 0–2.5-m region. This inhibitory effect of R showed an action dichroism, that is, polarized R vibrating normal to the cell axis was effective but the parallel-vibrating R was not. On the other hand, FR irradiation of the extreme tip after irradiation of the whole cell with depolarized R effectively induced a tropic response. This FR effect also showed action dichroism, with parallel-vibrating polarized FR being more effective than FR vibrating normal to the cell axis. When the apical-dome region and the adjacent subapical 10–20-m region were sequentially irradiated with polarized R vibrating obliquely in different directions, polarotropism took place depending on the vibrating direction of the light given to the apical-dome region. Obliquely vibrating polarized FR given to the apical dome after irradiation of the whole cell with depolarized R also induced polarotropism. Thus, the difference in amount (or percent) of the far-redabsorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) between the extreme tip and the subapical region appears to be crucial in regulating the direction of apical growth; the difference in Pfr level between the two sides of the protonemal apex may occur mainly at the apical dome. Furthermore, the transition moments of the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr) and Pfr seem to be aligned parallel and normal, respectively, to the cell surface at the periphery of the apical hemisphere.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms regulate cell numbers and cell fate by using asymmetric cell division (ACD) and symmetric cell division (SCD) during their development and to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. A stem cell self-renews and generates differentiated cells. In plants, various types of cells are produced by ACD or SCD; however, the molecular mechanisms of ACD or SCD and the cell division mode switch are largely unknown. The moss Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens is a suitable model to study plant stem cells due to its simple anatomy. Here, we report the cell division mode switch induced by abscisic acid (ABA) in P. patens. ABA is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses and induces round-shape cells, called brood cells, from cylindrical protonemal cells. Although two daughter cells with distinct sizes were produced by ACD in a protonemal stem cell on ABA-free media, the sizes of two daughter cells became similar with ABA treatment. Actin microfilaments were spatially localized on the apices of apical stem cells in protonemata on ABA-free media, but the polar accumulation was lost under the condition of ABA treatment. Moreover, ABA treatment conferred an identical cell fate to the daughter cells in terms of cell division activity. Collectively, the results indicate ABA may suppress the ACD characteristics but evoke SCD in cells. We also noticed that ABA-induced brood cells not only self-renewed but regenerated protonemal cells when ABA was removed from the media, suggesting that brood cells are novel stem cells that are induced by environmental signals in P. patens.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of the cytoskeletal proteins centrin, actin, and tubulin were followed during cell division in the unicellular phytoflagellateApedinella radians (Pedinellophyceae). Three centrin, or centrin-like, components appear to coordinate independent developmental events during cell division. The first component, basal body centrin, maintains a physical link between basal bodies and the anterior nuclear membrane. Basal body centrin divides in two at metaphase, and each portion segregates with two basal bodies at anaphase. As the positioning of basal bodies defines the anterior region of the cell, basal body centrin appears to play a role in maintaining cell polarity throughout the cell cycle. The second centrin component consists of an array of filamentous bundles arranged as a six-pointed star. During cell division, the star undergoes a conformational change resulting in two distinct centrin triangles, one distributed to each daughter cell, suggesting that centrin filamentous bundles are involved in maintaining cell (radial) symmetry. The third centrin component is transient and associates with the spindle poles, emerging prior to mitosis and remaining until late anaphase/early telophase. Spindle pole centrin establishes temporary horizontal bipolarity, thereby establishing the spindle axis. Unlike centrin filamentous bundles, actin filamentous bundles depolymerize prior to mitosis, indicating they do not influence cell symmetry during cell division. Mitosis is described for the first time in a pedinellid and features a closed spindle, the absence of rhizoplasts and a persistent spindle.  相似文献   

A protonemal branch was induced on a side wall of a fern filamentous protonema by cell centrifugation and subsequent polarized-red light irradiation as described in a previous paper (Wada 1995, J. Plant Res. 108: 501–509). Changes in microtubule (MT) and microfilament (MF) patters during the branch development were observed under fluorescence microscopy. A ring-like band of cortical MTs (MT-ring) and MFs similar to a preprophase band or a subapical ring structure (Murataet al. 1987) appeared transiently at the future branching site before cell swelling, the first visible step of branch formation. At this stage, the nucleus was located far from the branching site and the MT-ring appeared to be connected to the nucleus by endoplasmic MFs as well as with endoplasmic MTs. The MT-ring disappeared when cell wall swelling occurred. When the cell wall swelling began, a fan-like pattern of cortical MTs emanating from the new growing tip was established and the MTs reached the opposite flank of the protonema. When a new branch started to elongate and the nucleus moved into the branch, a faint subapical ring of MTs appeared at the subapical part of the new branch. Strands of MTs and MFs emanating from the nuclear front end reached a part of the subapical ring.  相似文献   

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