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NK cells, CD3- large granular lymphocytes, have diverse means by which they lyse targets, including antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The low affinity receptor for the Fc portion of Ig (Fc gamma RIIIA), like the TCR, is a multimeric receptor complex coupled to a protein tyrosine kinase. In the present study, we observed that inhibition of tyrosine kinase activity by herbimycin A interferes with receptor-mediated phosphorylation of a variety of substrates and mobilization of intracellular calcium. Fc gamma RIIIA induced IL-2R alpha-chain expression was also extremely sensitive to herbimycin A as was antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, in fact more so than receptor-mediated phosphorylation and calcium mobilization. In contrast to Fc gamma RIIIA, the surface molecules and biochemical mechanisms involved in NK cytotoxicity and lymphokine-activated killing are not well characterized. Interestingly, however, herbimycin A also blocks these modes of cytolysis, implicating a role for tyrosine kinase function in these processes. Whether FcR-mediated signaling and receptor-mediated signaling involved in NK activity share specific biochemical intermediates is not known, but the involvement of tyrosine kinase function in the latter means of cytotoxicity may provide novel avenues for understanding the biochemical basis of this perplexing cellular function.  相似文献   

Herbimycin A, an antibiotic which reverses Rous sarcoma virus transformation, inhibited irreversibly the auto- and trans-phosphorylation activities of p60v-src in in vitro immune complex kinase assays. The addition of a sulfhydryl compound such as dithiothreitol, 2-mercaptoethanol, glutathione (reduced form) or cysteine abolished the ability of herbimycin A to inactivate p60v-src kinase as well as the ability to reverse transformed cell morphology, whereas the addition of oxidized glutathione, cystine or methionine showed no effect. The sulfhydryl alkylating reagent N-ethylmaleimide also, although less effectively, inactivated p60v-src kinase activity in vitro. These results suggest the likelihood that sulfhydryl groups of p60v-src are involved in the inactivation of v-src tyrosine kinase activity by herbimycin A.  相似文献   

A cell-specific isozyme of calmodulin (CaM)-dependent phosphodiesterase that exhibits micromolar affinity for cAMP has been purified 900-fold from mouse testis by DEAE chromatography, gel filtration, affinity chromatography with CaM-Sepharose 4B, and isoelectric focusing. The highly purified enzyme is stimulated 5-6-fold by CaM in the presence of Ca2+ and hydrolyzes both cAMP and cGMP with anomalous substrate dependence, i.e. high and low affinity components (Km 2 and 20 microM) are observed either in the presence or absence of CaM. Each of the substrates acts as a noncompetitive inhibitor of the other, suggesting the presence of two distinct catalytic sites on the enzyme. Hydrodynamic studies suggest that the testis phosphodiesterase is an asymmetric monomer of 68-70 kDa that forms a dimer after interaction with Ca2+ and CaM; the tetrameric complex exhibits an apparent molecular size of 180 kDa. These enzymatic and biophysical properties differ in many respects from those of the brain isozyme, suggesting that they are different proteins. Nevertheless, common epitopes do exist, since the testis enzyme interacted with rabbit antibodies raised against bovine brain CaM-dependent phosphodiesterase. The major peptide of 68 kDa was strongly reactive on immunoblots, and was distinguished unambiguously from the 60-kDa species from mouse brain. A comparison of the immunoreactive fragments produced by limited proteolysis with staphylococcal V-8 protease indicated several similarities in the domains of these polypeptides. Thus, although differing in several important physical and biochemical parameters, the testis enzyme appears immunologically related to CaM-dependent phosphodiesterase from brain. On the basis of these data, we conclude that common elements of the structural genes for these isozymes have been conserved, whereas certain biological properties, including substrate specificity, have diverged substantially.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1467-1475
The antigenic site recognized by a rat monoclonal antibody (clone YL 1/2) reacting with alpha-tubulin (Kilmartin, J.V., B. Wright, and C. Milstein, 1982, J. Cell Biol., 93:576-582) has been determined and partially characterized. YL 1/2 reacts specifically with the tyrosylated form of brain alpha-tubulin from different mammalian species. YL 1/2 reacts with the synthetic peptide Gly-(Glu)3-Gly-(Glu)2- Tyr, corresponding to the carboxyterminal amino acid sequence of tyrosylated alpha-tubulin, but does not react with Gly-(Glu)3-Gly- (Glu)2, the constituent peptide of detyrosylated alpha-tubulin. Electron microscopy as well as direct and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy shows that YL 1/2 binds to the surface of microtubules polymerized in vitro and in vivo. Further in vitro studies show that the antibody has no effect on the rate and extent of microtubule polymerization, the stability of microtubules, and the incorporation of the microtubule-associated proteins (MAP2) and tau into microtubules. In vivo studies using Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts injected with YL 1/2 show that; when injected at low concentration (2 mg IgG/ml in the injection solution), the antibody binds to microtubules without changing their distribution in the cytoplasm. Injection of larger concentration of YL 1/2 (6 mg IgG/ml) induces the formation of microtubule bundles, and still higher concentrations cause the aggregation of microtubule bundles around the nucleus (greater than 12 mg IgG/ml).  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity reaches a peak during the aggregation stage of development where it functions to regulate extracellular levels of cAMP. During the subsequent differentiation of the two cell types at the culmination stage, the activity reappears but only in stalk cells. We found that extracts from the culmination stage contained PDE which could be activated by preincubation with Mg2+ and dithiothreitol (DTT), a treatment which is known to release an endogenous inhibitor from the aggregation stage enzyme. When the culmination stage extracts were subjected to chromatography on Biogel P300, two peaks of activity were eluted, PDE-I (Mr greater than 260,000) and PDE-II (Mr 100,000). Treatment of the fractions with Mg-DTT did not affect the low-molecular-weight enzyme but caused activation of the high-molecular-weight enzyme and the appearance of a third, intermediate form. Kinetic analysis of the two peaks revealed Km values for cAMP of 2 mM and 10 microM for PDE-I and PDE-II, respectively. We tested the possibility that these forms of the enzyme might be distributed differently in the two cell types by measuring the Km for cAMP and the effect of Mg-DTT treatment on isolated sections of stalk and spore cells. The spore sections contained a high Km form of the enzyme (0.3 mM) which was activated by preincubation with Mg . DTT whereas stalk sections contained a low Km form (3 microM) which was not affected by the activation treatment. We conclude that both cell types contain enzyme protein and that the apparent localization of PDE activity in stalk cells is due to the inhibition of activity in spore cells.  相似文献   

Insulin induced phosphorylation and activation of the cGMP inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase (cGI-PDE) in human platelets were demonstrated after isolation of the enzyme with specific polyclonal cGI-PDE antibodies. The demonstration of this insulin effect required suppression of basal cGI-PDE phosphorylation, through the use of the protein kinase inhibitor H-7 (1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine). The human platelet insulin receptor beta-subunit, previously identified as a 97 kDa polypeptide, was detected with the use of wheat germ agglutinin chromatography and anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. These results suggest that insulin, through phosphorylation/activation of cGI-PDE, could decrease cAMP/cAMP dependent protein kinase (cAMP-PK) activity and thereby make the platelets more sensitive towards aggregating agents.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity was characterized in culture of ewe myometrial cells and its sensitivity to steroid hormones was tested. Cultured myometrial cells were maintained from the first to the 20th subculture in the presence of 2% of serum in a medium supplemented with 1 μM of insulin. It was found that myometrial cells possess a PDE activity with atypical kinetics. The nonlinear responses in Lineweaver-Burke plots suggest the presence of high- and low-affinity PDE activities. In cell culture, apparent Km values were similar to those obtained from the original myometrium. Vmax values increased with successive subcultures, revealing an increase in the capacity of the cells to degrade cAMP; in parallel, the growth rate decreased. The PDE specific activity in cultured myometrial cells was inhibited by estra-diol or progesterone. When added together, no synergistic effect was obtained. The rate of inhibition for both steroids was constant during successive passages for both low- and high-affinity conditions. Results obtained in myometrial cell long-term culture were compatible with reports in other species in vivo. Considering the role of cAMP in the regulation of uterine functions, subcultured myometrial cells provided us a useful experimental system with which to study the cAMP metabolism process.  相似文献   

Epidermal mucous metaplasia of cultured 13-day-old chick embryonic tarsometatarsal skin can be induced by culture in medium containing retinol (20 microM) for only 8-24 h and then in a chemically defined medium without vitamins or serum for 6 days. In the induction of mucous metaplasia, retinol primarily affects the dermal cells and a signal(s) induced in the dermis by excess retinol alters epidermal differentiation toward secretory epithelium. In this work we found that Bt2cAMP (2 mM) stimulated mucous metaplasia severalfold when added to retinol-pretreated skin but inhibited epidermal mucous metaplasia when added together with retinol. Forskolin (100 microM), an activator of adenylate cyclase, also stimulated mucous metaplasia when added to retinol-pretreated skin. On the other hand, transduction in the epidermal cells of a signal(s) induced in dermal cells by excess retinol was inhibited by herbimycin A (500 ng/ml), an inhibitor of protein-tyrosine kinases, and TPA (0.1 microM), an activator of protein kinase C. Hence these findings indicated that cAMP stimulated signal-induced mucous metaplasia, and that transduction of the signal(s) in the epidermal cells required protein-tyrosine kinase and was inhibited by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

We studied the phosphorylation of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor in intact freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, labelled with [32P]Pi. Insulin receptors partially purified by wheat-germ agglutinin chromatography were immunoprecipitated with either antibodies to insulin receptor or antibodies to phosphotyrosine. Receptors derived from cells incubated in the absence of insulin contained only phosphoserine. Addition of insulin to hepatocytes led to a dose-dependent increase in receptor beta-subunit phosphorylation, with half-maximal stimulation being observed at 2 nM-insulin. Incubation of cells with 100 nM-insulin showed that, within 1 min of exposure to the hormone, maximal receptor phosphorylation occurred, which was followed by a slight decrease and then a plateau. This insulin-induced stimulation of its receptor phosphorylation was largely accounted for by phosphorylation on tyrosine residues. Sequential immunoprecipitation of receptor with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies and with anti-receptor antibodies, and phosphoamino acid analysis of the immunoprecipitated receptors, revealed that receptors that failed to undergo tyrosine phosphorylation were phosphorylated on serine residues. The demonstration of a functional hormone-sensitive insulin-receptor kinase in normal cells strongly supports a role for this receptor enzymic activity in mediating biological effects of insulin.  相似文献   

We have previously shown in cultured rat microvascular endothelial cells (RMEC) that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulates a protein tyrosine kinase (PTK)-dependent reduction in cellular coupling. We hypothesized that connexin 43 (Cx43) becomes phosphorylated following exposure to LPS. Cx43 was immunoprecipitated from control and LPS-treated RMEC monolayers. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43, detected by immunoblot, was found only in the LPS treatment. To verify these results, Cx43 was radiolabeled with [(32)P]-orthophosphate. Radiolabeled Cx43 exhibited a slight increase in phosphorylation in response to LPS; phosphoamino acid analysis displayed equivalent amounts of phosphoserine in control and LPS treatments, but detected phosphotyrosine only in the LPS treatment. The PTK inhibitors PP-2 (10 nM) and geldanamycin (200 nM) were found to block the response to LPS in terms of Cx43 tyrosine phosphorylation and cellular coupling. The phosphatase inhibitor BpV (1 microM) accentuated the effect of LPS, while the putative phosphatase activator C(6)-ceramide prevented it. When measuring cell communication, phosphatase inhibition also blocked the reversal of the LPS response following LPS washout. We conclude that Cx43 is tyrosine phosphorylated following exposure to LPS and suggest that the LPS-induced increase in intercellular resistance may be mediated by tyrosine phosphorylation of this connexin. Altering tyrosine kinase and phosphatase activities can modulate the LPS-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43 and reductions in cellular coupling.  相似文献   

Immunoprecipitation of 32P-labeled CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase from freshly isolated rat hepatocytes followed by trypsin digestion and two-dimensional peptide mapping revealed multiple phosphorylation sites. Treatment of the hepatocytes with 0.5 mM of the cAMP analog, 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate or elevation of intracellular cAMP levels by cholera toxin activated the cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in intact cells. Despite the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase no change in the rate of [3H]choline incorporation into phosphatidylcholine was detected. In addition, the activity of cytidylyltransferase in total cell homogenates and its distribution between soluble and particulate fractions remained unchanged. Comparison of peptide maps of 32P-labeled cytidylyltransferase obtained from control and cholera-toxin-treated hepatocytes did not reveal any differences in the phosphorylation state of cytidylyltransferase. Furthermore, only [32P]phosphoserine residues were detected following phosphoamino acid analysis. We conclude that cytidylyltransferase activity is not altered solely by the activation of the cAMP-dependent kinase in fresh hepatocytes.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma-inducible protein-10 (IP-10) is a chemokine, which plays an important role in mediating inflammation by attracting activated T cells, and it has been demonstrated in inflammatory skin diseases and cutaneous T cell lymphomas. Keratinocytes can abundantly produce IP-10 mRNA after IFN-gamma treatment. In this study we explored possibilities to downregulate IP-10 expression using human cultured keratinocytes as a model system. Decreased IP-10 mRNA levels were found using specific inhibitors of protein kinase (PK)-C (H-7 and Calphostin C). Moreover, depletion of PK-C by pretreatment of the cells with phorbol myristate (PMA) also down-regulated IP-10 mRNA expression. In addition, elevated cAMP levels were shown to inhibit IP-10 mRNA expression as could be concluded from experiments with forskolin and W-7, substances which, directly or indirectly, raise the intracellular cAMP level. With Genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase, the IFN-gamma-induced IP-10 mRNA expression was also found to be diminished. These data suggest that inhibitors of the IP-10 mRNA expression in cultured keratinocytes may be potentially of clinical relevance to suppress inflammatory processes in the skin.  相似文献   

The fifth instar large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, exhibits fluctuation in both cyclic AMP titre and cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity. Cyclic AMP titres are lowest very early in the instar, increase rapidly to peak at 14% of the instar, and decrease throughout the remainder of the instar. The juvenile hormone (JH) mimic (Law-Williams mixture) treated bugs exhibit a similar pattern for cyclic AMP titres except the peak titre is at 20% of the instar. Phosphodiesterase activity is the greatest at 5% of the instar, decreases during the middle of the instar, and increases again at approximately 90% of the instar. One day corresponds to 14% of the instar in these bugs. Treatment with JH shifts the period of greatest activity to 11% of the instar. One day corresponds to 20% of the instar for JH treated bugs. It is proposed that these findings are due to a stimulatory effect of JH on phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid receptor activity that can be detected in the liver from 15-day foetal rats would appear to be associated with the haemopoietic cells. In hepatocytes, purified by culture for 1-2 days from 15-day foetal rats, the glucocorticoid receptor activity is low and dexamethasone does not induce the enzyme tyrosine aminotransferase. If culture is continued both receptor activity and steroid responsiveness are acquired. Cultured hepatocytes from 19-day foetal liver contain receptor from the first day of culture and, furthermore, the subsequent level of response to glucocorticoids is directly correlated with the actual receptor concentration. It would appear that the glucocorticoid receptor is not acquired by hepatocytes until after 18 days of gestation. Nevertheless, the fact that bromodeoxyuridine has no effect on the rate of accumulation of receptor in hepatocytes suggests that the differentiative event leading to the subsequent appearance of the receptor has already occurred before day 15 of gestation. However, the acquisition of the receptor would appear to be dependent on mitosis as cytosine arabinoside can inhibit the process.  相似文献   

In a screen of mouse erythroleukemia cDNA expression libraries with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies, designed to isolate tyrosine kinase coding sequences, we identified several cDNAs encoding proteins identical or very similar to known protein-tyrosine kinases. However, two frequently isolated cDNAs, clk and nek, encode proteins which are most closely related to protein kinases involved in regulating progression through the cell cycle, and contain motifs generally considered diagnostic of protein-serine/threonine kinases. The clk gene product contains a C-terminal cdc2-like kinase domain, most similar to the FUS3 catalytic domain. The Clk protein, expressed in bacteria, becomes efficiently phosphorylated in vitro on tyrosine as well as serine/threonine, and phosphorylates the exogenous substrate poly(glu, tyr) on tyrosine. Direct biochemical evidence indicates that both protein-tyrosine and protein-serine/threonine kinase activities are intrinsic to the Clk catalytic domain. These results suggest the existence of a novel class of protein kinases, with an unusual substrate specificity, which may be involved in cell cycle control.  相似文献   

Platelets have abundant tyrosine kinase activities, and activation of platelets results in the increased tyrosine phosphorylation of numerous protein substrates. The stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation elicited by thrombin can be completely inhibited by preincubation with 10nm prostacyclin (PGI2), 1 microM PGD2, or 1mM N2,2'-O-dibutyryl-cAMP. In contrast, incubation of platelets with agents that increase cGMP (sodium nitroprusside or with 1mM 8-Bromo-cGMP) was without effect. The inhibition by prostacyclin was dose dependent, with an IC50 of approximately 3nM, corresponding to the dose range necessary to inhibit other platelet activation processes. These results demonstrate a novel pathway by which agents which raise cAMP may inhibit platelet signal transduction and differential mechanism of action between compounds which raise cAMP and those which elevate cGMP.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were isolated from 17-day-old chick embryos by the use of collagenase. Glucagon and dibutyryl cAMP (bt2cAMP), individually or in combination, stimulated tyrosine aminotransferase (TAT) activity and synthesis in the isolated hepatocytes; maximal stimulation occurred 4 h after exposure of hepatocytes to the inducers. The stimulatory effects produced by glucagon and bt2cAMP were abolished by treatment of hepatocytes with cordycepin or cycloheximide. The effects of the hormone and the cyclic nucleotide were not additive. The induction of the enzyme by glucagon suggests a physiological role for the hormone in the expression of TAT activity during chick embryonic development.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which glucagon and cAMP analogues inhibit phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis was investigated in rat hepatocytes. The studies were facilitated by preparation of an antibody to a synthetic peptide (D-F-V-A-H-D-D-I-P-Y-S-S-A) corresponding to residues 164-176 of CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyl-transferase. The antibody, which was purified by affinity chromatography, quantitatively immunoprecipitated cytidylyltransferase from rat liver cytosol. Various analogues of cAMP had no effect on the labeling of cytidylyltransferase with 32Pi in rat hepatocytes. Nor did the cAMP analogues have any effect on the distribution of cytidylyltransferase between cytosol and membranes. These results indicate that the supply of CDP-choline does not limit phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in hepatocytes treated with cAMP analogues. A decreased supply of diacylglycerol was considered as an alternative mechanism for inhibition of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. An approximately 30% decrease in diacylglycerol concentration was observed in hepatocytes treated with the cAMP analogues or glucagon, compared with controls. A similar decrease of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis was observed. The cAMP-mediated decrease in diacylglycerol levels and inhibition of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis were reversed by addition of 0.5-1.5 mM oleic acid to the treated hepatocytes. A correlation coefficient of 0.93 was calculated between the levels of diacylglycerol and the rate of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. In another approach, the diacylglycerol levels were increased by an inhibitor of diacylglycerol lipase (U-57908) which also reversed the cAMP effects on diacylglycerol levels and phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis. We conclude that the cAMP-mediated inhibition of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis was not due to an effect on the phosphorylation of cytidylyltransferase. Instead, phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis appears to be inhibited due to a decreased level of diacylglycerol, a substrate for CDP-choline: 1,2-diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase.  相似文献   

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