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Three mutanase (alpha-1,3-glucanase)-producing microorganisms isolated from soil samples were identified as a relatives of Paenibacillus. A mutanase was purified to homogeneity from cultures of each, and the molecular masses of the purified enzymes were approximately 132, 141, and 141kDa, respectively. The corresponding three genes for mutanases were cloned by PCR using primers designed from each N-terminal amino acid sequence. Another mutanase-like gene from one strain was also cloned by PCR using primers designed from conserved amino acid sequences among known mutanases. Consequently, four mutanase-like genes were sequenced. The genes contained long open reading frames of 3411 to 3915bp encoding 1136 to 1304 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequences of the mutanases showed relatively high similarity to those of a mutanase (E16590) from Bacillus sp. RM1 with 46.9% to 73.2% identity and an alpha-1,3-glucanase (AB248056) from Bacillus circulans KA-304 with 46.7% to 70.4% identity. Phylogenetic analysis based on the amino acid sequences of the enzymes showed bacterial mutanases form a new family between fungal mutanases (GH family 71) and Streptomycetes mycodextranases (GH family 87).  相似文献   

A mutanase (alpha-1,3-glucanase)-producing microorganism was isolated from a soil sample and was identified as a relative of Paenibacillus sp. The mutanase was purified to homogeneity from culture, and its molecular mass was around 57 kDa. The gene for the mutanase was cloned by PCR using primers based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme. The determined nucleotide sequence of the gene consisted of 3651-bp open reading frame that encoded a predicted 1217-amino acid polypeptide including a 43-amino acid signal peptide. The mature enzyme showed similarity to mutanases RM1 of Bacillus sp. strain RM1 and KA-304 of Bacillus circulans with 65.6% and 62.7% identity, respectively. The predicted molecular mass of the mutanase was 123 kDa. Thus, the enzyme purified from the isolate appears to be truncated by proteolysis. The genes for the full-length and truncated mutanases were expressed in Bacillus subtilis cells, and the corresponding recombinant enzymes were purified to homogeneity. The molecular masses of the two enzymes were 116 and 57 kDa, respectively. The specific activity was 10-fold higher for the full-length enzyme than for the truncated enzyme. The optimal pH and temperature for both recombinant enzymes was pH 6.4 in citrate buffer and 45 degrees C to 50 degrees C. Amongst several tested polysaccharides, the recombinant full-length enzyme specifically hydrolyzed mutan.  相似文献   

A mutan-degrading bacterium, closely related to Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus, was isolated from soil. It produced 0.4 U mutanase ml−1 in 2 days in shake-flask cultures when bacterial mutan was the sole carbon source. Mutanase activity was optimal at pH 6.2 and 45°C over 1 h and was stable between pH 5.8 and 12 at 4°C for 24 h and up to 40°C for 1 h. Mutan produced by Streptococcus mutans was rapidly hydrolyzed by this enzyme. The hydrolysis of mutan (1 g l−1) resulted in 17% saccharification over 2 h and, at the same time, glucan was entirely solubilized.  相似文献   

The KRICT PX1 gene (GB: FJ380951) consisting of 996 bp encoding a protein of 332 amino acids (38.1 kDa) from the recently isolated Paenibacillus sp. strain HPL-001 (KCTC11365BP) has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The xylanase KRICT PX1 showed high activity on birchwood xylan, and was active over a pH range of 5.0 to 11.0, with two optima at pH 5.5 and 9.5 at 50 °C with Km value of 5.35 and 3.23, respectively. The xylanase activity was not affected by most salts, such as NaCl, LiCl, KCl, NH4Cl, CaCl2, MgCl2, MnCl2, and CsCl2 at 1 mM, but affected by CuSO4, ZnSO4, and FeCl3. One mM of EDTA, 2-mercaptoethanol, and PMSF did not affect the xylanase activity. TLC analysis of the catalyzed products after reaction with birchwood xylan revealed that xylobiose was the major product with smaller amounts of xylotriose and xylose. A similarity analysis of the amino acids in KRICT PX1 resulted 72% identity with xylanase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus (GB: ZP_03040360), 70% identity with intracellular xylanase from an uncultured bacterium (GB: AAP51133), 68% identity with endo-1-4-xylanse from Paenibacillus sp. (GB: ZP_02847150). In addition, the amino acid alignment of KRICT PX1 with glycosyl hydralase (GH) family 10 xylanases revealed a high degree of homology in highly conserved regions including the catalytic sites, and this was confirmed through PROSITE scan. These results imply that KRICT PX1 is a new xylanase gene, and this alkaline xylanase belongs to GH family 10.  相似文献   

A Paenibacillus sp. strain 2S-6 was isolated from the black liquor of the first brownstock washing stage of kraft pulping process and identified by its 16S rDNA sequence. This bacterial strain utilized a variety of saccharides and polysaccharides as carbon source, but neither lignin nor lipids. Crude xylanase from Paenibacillus sp. 2S-6 was produced in a 5 L laboratory fermenter at 37 °C, pH 7. After 24 h, up to 10.5 IU xylanase per mg of protein in the crude extract of fermentation broth was obtained. After two-stage ultrafiltration, the optimal activity of partially purified xylanase reached 60.51 IU/mg at 50 °C, pH 6. A major band indicating molecular weight of 33 kDa was shown on SDS-PAGE for the partially purified xylanase. After 4 h at 60 °C, 48.99% and 31.25% residual xylanase activities were demonstrated at pH 7 and 9, respectively. Efficacy of its xylanase on the bleaching agent saving was demonstrated by using 5 IU xylanase per gram oven-dried pulp prior to bleaching, referred as biobleaching. Identical levels of brightness and higher levels of viscosity were obtained for the xylanase pretreated eucalypt kraft pulps followed by a 20% reduction of the bleaching agent dosage in the first step of a commercial C70/D30-Eo-D bleaching sequence.  相似文献   

Binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) isolate (232-C6) is an effective biocontrol agent for protection of potato from Rhizoctonia canker, a disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Production of hydrolytic enzymes is one of the best known inducible defense responses following microbial infection. We isolated and characterized a cell wall alpha-glucan from BNR, which induces beta-1,3 glucanase activities in potato sprouts, the primary site of infection by R. solani. An autoclaving method, previously reported for isolation of oligosaccharide elicitors was used, and the glucan purified by chromatographic techniques. Maximal induction of beta-1,3 glucanase activity in potato sprouts was obtained with 250 microg of the alpha-glucan elicitor after 6 days from inoculation time. Both, BNR mycelium and the alpha-glucan produced a similar kinetic response of beta-1,3 glucanase. However, the alpha-glucan did not induce phytoalexin accumulation, previously correlated with the defense response. Uronic acids (approximately 10% with respect to total neutral sugars) were determined and identified as glucuronic acid by high-pH anion-exchange chromatography. Methylation analysis showed that the glucan consists of (1-->3) and (1-->4)-linked glucose units with preponderance of the first ones. Some of the (1-->4) linkages were branched at position 6. The glucan was partially degraded with amyloglucosidase. This, together with the NMR spectra data and the high optical rotation of the original (+195 degrees ) and degraded glucans (+175 degrees ) proved the alpha configuration. Further methylation of the amyloglucosidase degraded glucans indicated that they consist of (1-->3)-linked glucoses. The present study is the first report on the isolation and characterization of an alpha-glucan from Rhizoctonia, that may be important as a biocontrol factor.  相似文献   

Cycloisomaltooligosaccharide glucanotransferase (CITase; EC, a member of the glycoside hydrolase family 66 (GH66), catalyzes the intramolecular transglucosylation of dextran to produce cycloisomaltooligosaccharides (CIs; cyclodextrans) of varying lengths. Eight CI-producing bacteria have been found; however, CITase from Bacillus circulans T-3040 (CITase-T3040) is the only CI-producing enzyme that has been characterized to date. In this study, we report the gene cloning, enzyme characterization, and analysis of essential Asp and Glu residues of a novel CITase from Paenibacillus sp. 598K (CITase-598K). The cit genes from T-3040 and 598K strains were expressed recombinantly, and the properties of Escherichia coli recombinant enzymes were compared. The two CITases exhibited high primary amino acid sequence identity (67%). The major product of CITase-598K was cycloisomaltoheptaose (CI-7), whereas that of CITase-T3040 was cycloisomaltooctaose (CI-8). Some of the properties of CITase-598K are more favorable for practical use compared with CITase-T3040, i.e., the thermal stability for CITase-598K (≤ 50 °C) was 10 °C higher than that for CITase-T3040 (≤ 40 °C); the kcat/KM value of CITase-598K was approximately two times higher (32.2 s− 1 mM− 1) than that of CITase-T3040 (17.8 s− 1 mM− 1). Isomaltotetraose was the smallest substrate for both CITases. When isomaltoheptaose or smaller substrates were used, a lag time was observed before the intramolecular transglucosylation reaction began. As substrate length increased, the lag time shortened. Catalytically important residues of CITase-598K were predicted to be Asp144, Asp269, and Glu341. These findings will serve as a basis for understanding the reaction mechanism and substrate recognition of GH66 enzymes.  相似文献   

Earlier, the purification of a 21.4 kDa protein with trypsin inhibitory activity from seeds of Murraya koenigii has been reported. The present study, based on the amino acid sequence deduced from both cDNA and genomic DNA, establishes it to be a miraculin-like protein and provides crystal structure at 2.9 Å resolution. The mature protein consists of 190 amino acid residues with seven cysteines arranged in three disulfide bridges. The amino acid sequence showed maximum homology and formed a distinct cluster with miraculin-like proteins, a soybean Kunitz super family member, in phylogenetic analyses. The major differences in sequence were observed at primary and secondary specificity sites in the reactive loop when compared to classical Kunitz family members. The crystal structure analysis showed that the protein is made of twelve antiparallel β-strands, loops connecting β-strands and two short helices. Despite similar overall fold, it showed significant differences from classical Kunitz trypsin inhibitors.  相似文献   

Pathogenic properties of the natural isolate of Shewanella algae from the coelomic fluid of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) were investigated. The isolate had oxydative metabolism, was positive for ornithine decarboxylase, cytochrome oxidase, catalase, DNase and gelatinase, hemolytically active, did not produce acid from carbohydrates, and did not hydrolyze urea and esculin. The strain was resistant to penicillin, amoxicillin, and ampicillin and susceptible to tetracycline and carbenicillin. Among cellular fatty acids, 13:0-i, 15:0-i, 16:0, 16:1(n-7), 17:0-i, and 17:0-ai dominated. These biochemical properties made it possible to attribute the isolated bacteria to the genus Shewanella and identified as S. algae. The cells of this bacterium were introduced into the coelomic cavity of another echinoderm, the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus. As a result, in about 24 h the animals became slow and 3-8 days after the inoculation died. Dividing bacteria were being found during the experiment in the coelomic fluid as well as in the phagosomes of amoebocytes, i.e. cells acting as phagocytes in the coelomic fluid. The studies of the invasive properties of strain 156 showed that bacterial cells entered the subcuticular space of S. nudus and A. japonicus through the cuticle and stayed there for a long time without penetrating epithelium and exerting toxic effect upon the organisms of the laboratory animals. Pathogenic effect of S. algae can be manifested only if the cutaneous epithelium is destroyed permitting it to penetrate the lower tissue layers. The toxicity of S. algae is confirmed by in vitro experiments. The inoculation of the embryonic cells of S. nudus with samples of this bacterium caused the death of 10% of cells within an hour and 100% of cells within 12 h after inoculation. The results of the investigations demonstrate that S. algae could produce opportunistic infection in the sea cucumber A. japonicus and the sea urchin S. nudus, which may be natural reservoirs of this human pathogen.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution and analysis of the essential oils of species from three sections of Hypericum L. (Guttiferae/Clusiaceae/Hypericaceae) from Portugal are presented. Hypericum perfoliatum (section Drosocarpium) grows wild in the centre and south of Portugal; Hypericum humifusum and Hypericum linarifolium are both from section Oligostema, the former occurring throughout the country, while the second is distributed mainly in the north and centre; Hypericum pulchrum (section Taeniocarpium) is confined to the littoral north of Portugal. The essential oils were obtained by distillation–extraction, hydrodistillation and distillation in a modified Marcusson apparatus from the dried aerial parts of the different populations and were analysed by GC and GC–MS. Monoterpene hydrocarbons constituted the main fraction in all oils (43–69%, 53–85%, 28–45% and 48–65% for H. perfoliatum, H. humifusum, H. linarifolium and H. pulchrum, respectively). Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (2–13%, 6–18%, 21–27% and 16–18%, respectively) and a third fraction of non-terpenic compounds (20–29%, 3–16%, 2–14% and 5–11%, respectively) from the four species attained relatively high amounts in all oils. Within each species, no major differences were detected in the essential oil composition, despite the fact that different locations, phenological phases and extraction methodologies were used. Notwithstanding the dominance of α-pinene in all four species' oils, cluster and principal components analysis on the identified components showed that the range of α-pinene, β-pinene and n-nonane supported a separation of the four species. The essential oil composition of the four species showed some qualitative resemblances, which correlate well with the taxonomical classification based on morphological characters.  相似文献   

The degradation of xylan requires the action of glycanases and esterases which hydrolyse, in a synergistic fashion, the main chain and the different substituents which decorate its structure. Among the xylanolytic enzymes acting on side-chains are the α-glucuronidases (AguA) (E.C. which release methyl glucuronic acid residues. These are the least studies among the xylanolytic enzymes. In this work, the gene and cDNA of an α-glucuronidase from a newly isolated strain of Aspergillus fumigatus have been sequenced, and the gene has been expressed in Pichia pastoris. The gene is 2523 bp long, has no introns and codes for a protein of 840 amino acid residues including a putative signal peptide of 19 residues. The mature protein has a calculated molecular weight of 91 725 and shows 99 % identity with a putative α-glucuronidase from A. fumigatus A1163. The recombinant enzyme was expressed with a histidine tag and was purified to near homogeneity with a nickel nitriloacetic acid (Ni-NTA) column. The purified enzyme has a molecular weight near 100 000. It is inactive using birchwood glucuronoxylan as substrate. Activity is observed in the presence of xylooligosaccharides generated from this substrate by a family 10 endoxylanase and when a mixture of aldouronic acids are used as substrates. If, instead, family 11 endoxylanase is used to generate oligosaccharides, no activity is detected, indicating a different specificity in the cleavage of xylan by family 10 and 11 endoxylanases. Enzyme activity is optimal at 37 °C and pH 4.5–5. The enzyme binds cellulose, thus it likely possesses a carbohydrate binding module. Based on its properties and sequence similarities the catalytic module of the newly described α-glucuronidase can be classified in family 67 of the glycosyl hydrolases. The recombinant enzyme may be useful for biotechnological applications of α-glucuronidases.  相似文献   

组蛋白作为核小体的基本组分,是染色质的结构和功能必需的。组蛋白的变体和修饰共同参与染色质修饰及基因的表达调控。真核生物细胞中的5种组蛋白在进化中高度保守,然而纤毛虫的组蛋白H4与其他真核生物相比有较大的差异。本实验应用PCR技术从八肋游仆虫(Euplotes octocarinatus)中获得了2种组蛋白H4基因,分别为H4A和H4B,GenBank登录号为:JN715068和JN715069。序列分析表明,H4A基因开放阅读框324 bp,预测编码107个氨基酸,分子量为11.6 ku,等电点为10.99。而H4B基因编码框384 bp,编码127个氨基酸,分子量为14.4 ku,等电点为9.93。Blast结果显示,H4A序列与其他生物中H4的一致性相对较高,达81%~94%,而H4B的一致性为36%~70%。H4A和H4B的一致性仅为44.7%。实时荧光定量PCR表明,H4A的转录本高于H4B。结果提示:在进化过程中八肋游仆虫可能进化出特殊的组蛋白H4基因,不同的组蛋白H4可能发挥不同的功能。  相似文献   

Wolbachia are intracellular bacteria mostly found in a diverse range of arthropods and filarial nematodes. They have been classified into seven distinct ‘supergroups’ and other lineages on the basis of molecular phylogenetics. The arthropod-infecting Wolbachia are usually regarded as reproductive parasites because they manipulate their host species’ sexing system to enhance their own spread, and this has led to their investigation as potential agents of genetic control in medical entomology. We report 12 partial Wolbachia gene sequences from: aspC, aspS, dnaA, fbpA, ftsZ, GroEL, hcpA, IDA, rpoB, rpe, TopI and wsp as well as a single ftsZ pseudogene sequence, which have all been PCR-amplified from Simulium squamosum (Diptera: Simuliidae). To our knowledge this is the first such report from Simuliidae. Uninterrupted open-reading frame sequences were obtained from all 12 genes, covering ∼6.2 kb of unique DNA sequence. Phylogenetic analyses with the different coding genes gave consistent results suggesting that the Wolbachia sequences obtained here do not derive from any of the known Wolbachia supergroups or lineages. Consistent with a unique genetic status for the S. squamosumWolbachia, the hypervariable regions of the Wolbachia-specific wsp gene were distinct from all previous records in both sequence and length. As well as potential implications for newly emerging Wolbachia-based disease control methods, the results may be relevant to some problems experienced in the laboratory colonisation of Simulium damnosum sensu lato and why it is such a diverse species complex.  相似文献   

Multiheme cytochromes c have been found in a number of sulfate- and metal ion-reducing bacteria. Geobacter sulfurreducens is one of a family of microorganisms that oxidize organic compounds, with Fe(III) oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. A triheme 9.6 kDa cytochrome c7 from G. sulfurreducens is a part of the metal ion reduction pathway. We cloned the gene for cytochrome c7 and expressed it in Escherichiacoli together with the cytochrome c maturation gene cluster, ccmABCDEFGH, on a separate plasmid. We designed two constructs, with and without an N-terminal His-tag. The untagged version provided a good yield (up to 6 mg/l of aerobic culture) of the fully matured protein, with all three hemes attached, while the N-terminal His-tag appeared to be detrimental for proper heme incorporation. The recombinant protein (untagged) is properly folded, it has the same molecular weight and displays the same absorption spectra, both in reduced and in oxidized forms, as the protein isolated from G. sulfurreducens and it is capable of reducing metal ions in vitro. The shape parameters for the recombinant cytochrome c7 determined by small angle X-ray scattering are in good agreement with the ones calculated from a homologous cytochrome c7 of known structure.  相似文献   

A 500 bp fragment encoding an isoform of cysteine proteinase from Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis was subcloned and expressed in the pHis vector, resulting in a recombinant protein of 24 kDa, rLacys24. In Western blots of L. (L.) amazonensis extracts, antibodies directed to rLacys24 recognized a cysteine proteinase isoform of 30 kDa. Analysis by fluorescence-activated cell sorter showed a significantly higher expression of CD8+ lymphocytes in animals immunized with rLacys24 plus CFA, whereas a low expression of CD4+ lymphocytes was observed in these animals. The cytotoxicity of lymphocytes isolated from mice immunized with rLacys24 plus CFA on L. (L.) amazonensis-infected macrophages was significantly higher than that observed in the presence of lymphocytes from control animals. Immunization of BALB/c mice with rLacys24 plus CFA resulted in a low but significant decrease of foot lesions after challenge with L. (L.) amazonensis compared to those exhibited by control mice.  相似文献   

Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick is considered as one of the main problem of ruminants’ productivity in endemic countries such as parts of Africa, the Middle East and India. The disease is economically important and hence, its control and eradication is a priority. This problem reinforces the need for alternative approach like vaccine to control tick infestations instead of continuous application of acaricide which led to the natural selection of the acaricide-resistant ticks. Therefore, the present study provided evidence for the construction of transformant containing the chromosomally integrated multi-copy expression cassettes of HAO3, its successful and efficient expression in Pichia pastoris yeast and purification of the secreted protein by ultrafiltration (UF) system in a high level yield and purity.The result of antigenicity assay for the rHAO3 protein pointed well toward its capability for the elicitation of antibody response in immunized rabbits. Interestingly, the results indicated that the expressed HAO3 protein reacted well with mid gut antigen (MGAg) and rBm86 (Gavac) antisera in ELISA and western blot assays making it evident that the epitopes present in expressed protein are well recognized by the antibodies against MGAg and rBm86 proteins. Moreover, the presence of cross-reactive epitopes between rHAO3 protein with its native antigen from mid gut cells was also determined.  相似文献   

将华根霉脂肪酶基因克隆到甲基营养型毕赤酵母中表达,以甲醇利用快型菌株为宿主,在7 L发酵罐水平对脂肪酶基因拷贝数分别为3、5、6的3株基因重组菌——XY RCL-3、XY RCL-5、XY RCL-6进行高密度发酵调控,同时研究了甲醇浓度对表达华根霉脂肪酶的影响。结果表明,XY RCL-5在相同条件下发酵产酶能力高于XY RCL-6和XY RCL-3,最适甲醇诱导浓度控制在0.1%±0.02%时,酶活可达到12 500 U/mL,菌体干重达到204 g/L,蛋白浓度也能达到8.02 g/L。  相似文献   

It has been previously established that the Leopard Whipray, Himantura leoparda, consists of two genetically isolated, cryptic species, provisionally designated as ‘Cluster 1’ and ‘Cluster 4’ (Arlyza et al., Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 65 (2013) [1]). Here, we show that the two cryptic species differ by the spotting patterns on the dorsal surface of adults: Cluster-4 individuals tend to have larger-ocellated spots, which also more often have a continuous contour than Cluster-1 individuals. We show that H. leoparda's holotype has the typical larger-ocellated spot pattern, designating Cluster 4 as the actual H. leoparda. The other species (Cluster 1) is described as Himantura tutul sp. nov. on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of a 655-base pair fragment of its cytochrome-oxidase I gene (GenBank accession No. JX263335). Nucleotide synapomorphies at this locus clearly distinguish H. tutul sp. nov. from all three other valid species in the H. uarnak species complex, namely H. leoparda, H. uarnak, and H. undulata. H. tutul sp. nov. has a wide distribution in the Indo-West Pacific, from the shores of eastern Africa to the Indo-Malay archipelago. H. leoparda under its new definition has a similarly wide Indo-West Pacific distribution.  相似文献   

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