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A phosphate-hydrolyzing activity from Glycine max embryo axes was purified by a series of chromatographic steps and electroelution from activity gels, and demonstrated to be an inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase by partial internal amino acid sequence. This enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, sodium pyrophosphate (NaPPi), inositol hexakisphosphate, and inositol 1-monophosphate, but not p-nitrophenyl phosphate, ADP, AMP or glucose 6-P. Using NaPPi as substrate, the highly purified protein hydrolyzed up to 0.4 mmol phosphate min(-1) mg(-1) protein and had a Km(avg) of 235 microM for NaPPi. Since NaPPi is relatively inexpensive and readily available, we used this as substrate for the subsequent characterization. We observed the following: (a) specific inhibition by Li and NaF but not by butanedione monoxime, or orthovanadate; (b) activation by Cu(2+) and Mg(2+); (c) optimum activity at pH 7.4; and (d) temperature stability after 1-h incubations at 37-80 degrees C, with maximum activity at 37 degrees C. The partially purified protein was detected by in-gel activity assays and the band was electroeluted to yield a highly purified protein. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and native IEF-PAGE yielded a single major polypeptide of 29 kDa and pI approximately 5.9, respectively. In addition, in-gel activity from embryo axes and whole hypocotyls at early germination times revealed one high and one intermediate molecular weight isoform, but only the intermediate one corresponded to IMPase. Throughout the post-imbibition period, the activity of the high molecular weight isoform disappeared and IMPase increased, indicating an increasing expression of the enzyme as germination and growth proceeded. These data indicate that the inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase present in the embryo axis of G. max has a wide phosphate substrate specificity, and may play an important role in phosphate metabolism during the germination process.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible role of basic residues in H+ translocation through vacuolar-type H+-pumping pyrophosphatases (V-PPases), conserved arginine and lysine residues predicted to reside within or close to transmembrane domains of an Arabidopsis thaliana V-PPase (AVP1) were subjected to site-directed mutagenesis. One of these mutants (K461A) exhibited a “decoupled” phenotype in which proton-pumping but not hydrolysis was inhibited. Similar results were reported previously for an E427Q mutant, resulting in the proposal that E427 might be involved in proton translocation. However, the double mutant E427K/K461E has a wild type phenotype, suggesting that E427 and K461 form a stabilising salt bridge, but that neither residue plays a critical role in proton translocation.  相似文献   

The leaves of stevia [Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni)] are a rich source of steviol glycosides that are used as non-calorific sweetener in many countries around the world. Steviol moiety of steviol glycosides is synthesized via plastidial 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway, where (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase (HDR) is the key enzyme. HDR catalyzes the simultaneous conversion of (E)-4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate into five carbon isoprenoid units, isopentenyl diphosphate and dimethylallyl diphosphate. Stevia HDR (SrHDR) successfully rescued HDR lethal mutant strain MG1655 ara<>ispH upon genetic complementation, suggesting SrHDR to encode a functional protein. The gene exhibited diurnal variation in expression. To identify the possible regulatory elements, upstream region of the gene was cloned and putative cis-acting elements were detected by in silico analysis. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay, using a putative light responsive element GATA showed the binding of nuclear proteins (NP) isolated from leaves during light period of the day, but not with the NP from leaves during the dark period. Data suggested the involvement of GATA box in light mediated gene regulation of SrHDR in stevia.  相似文献   

A novel fucose-binding lectin, designated SauFBP32, was purified by affinity chromatography on fucose–agarose, from the serum of the gilt head bream Sparus aurata. Electrophoretic mobility of the subunit revealed apparent molecular weights of 35 and 30 kDa under reducing and non-reducing conditions, respectively. Size exclusion analysis suggests that the native lectin is a monomer under the selected experimental conditions. Agglutinating activity towards rabbit erythrocytes was not significantly modified by addition of calcium or EDTA; activity was optimal at 37 °C, retained partial activity by treatment at 70 °C, and was fully inactivated at 90 °C. On western blot analysis, SauFBP showed intense cross-reactivity with antibodies specific for a sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fucose-binding lectin. In addition, the similarity of the N-terminal sequence and a partial coding domain to teleost F-type lectins suggests that SauFBP32 is a member of this emerging family of lectins.  相似文献   

Except for its redox properties, cytochrome c is an inert protein. However, dissociation of the bond between methionine-80 and the heme iron converts the cytochrome into a peroxidase. Dissociation is accomplished by subjecting the cytochrome to various conditions, including proteolysis and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-mediated oxidation. In affected cells of various neurological diseases, including Parkinson's disease, cytochrome c is released from the mitochondrial membrane and enters the cytosol. In the cytosol cytochrome c is exposed to cellular proteases and to H2O2 produced by dysfunctional mitochondria and activated microglial cells. These could promote the formation of the peroxidase form of cytochrome c. In this study we investigated the catalytic and cytolytic properties of the peroxidase form of cytochrome c. These properties are qualitatively similar to those of other heme-containing peroxidases. Dopamine as well as sulfhydryl group-containing metabolites, including reduced glutathione and coenzyme A, are readily oxidized in the presence of H2O2. This peroxidase also has cytolytic properties similar to myeloperoxidase, lactoperoxidase, and horseradish peroxidase. Cytolysis is inhibited by various reducing agents, including dopamine. Our data show that the peroxidase form of cytochrome c has catalytic and cytolytic properties that could account for at least some of the damage that leads to neuronal death in the parkinsonian brain.  相似文献   

Absorbance difference spectroscopy and redox titrations have been applied to investigate the properties of photosystem I from the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. At room temperature, the (P740+ − P740) and (FA/B − FA/B) absorbance difference spectra were recorded in the range between 300 and 1000 nm while at cryogenic temperatures, (P740+A1 − P740A1) and (3P740 − P740) absorbance difference spectra have been measured. Spectroscopic and kinetic evidence is presented that the cofactors involved in the electron transfer from the reduced secondary electron acceptor, phylloquinone (A1), to the terminal electron acceptor and their structural arrangement are virtually identical to those of chlorophyll a containing photosystem I. The oxidation potential of the primary electron donor P740 of photosystem I has been reinvestigated. We find a midpoint potential of 450 ± 10 mV in photosystem I-enriched membrane fractions as well as in thylakoids which is very similar to that found for P700 in chlorophyll a dominated organisms. In addition, the extinction difference coefficient for the oxidation of the primary donor has been determined and a value of 45,000 ± 4000 M− 1 cm− 1 at 740 nm was obtained. Based on this value the ratio of P740 to chlorophyll is calculated to be 1:~ 200 chlorophyll d in thylakoid membranes. The consequences of our findings for the energetics in photosystem I of A. marina are discussed as well as the pigment stoichiometry and spectral characteristics of P740.  相似文献   

Megumi Hirono 《BBA》2007,1767(7):930-939
The H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase is a proton pump that hydrolyzes inorganic pyrophosphate. It consists of a single polypeptide with 14−17 transmembrane domains, and is found in a range of organisms. We focused on the second quarter region of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) H+-pyrophosphatase, which contains long conserved cytoplasmic loops. We prepared a library of 1536 mutants that were assayed for pyrophosphate hydrolysis and proton translocation. Mutant enzymes with low substrate hydrolysis and proton-pump activities were selected and their DNAs sequenced. Of these, 34 were single-residue substitution mutants. We generated 29 site-directed mutant enzymes and assayed their activity. The mutation of 10 residues in the fifth transmembrane domain resulted in low coupling efficiencies, and a mutation of Gly198 showed neither hydrolysis nor pumping activity. Four residues in cytoplasmic loop e were essential for substrate hydrolysis and efficient H+ translocation. Pro189, Asp281, and Val351 in the periplasmic loops were critical for enzyme function. Mutation of Ala357 in periplasmic loop h caused a selective reduction of proton-pump activity. These low-efficiency mutants reflect dysfunction of the energy-conversion and/or proton-translocation activities of H+-pyrophosphatase. Four critical residues were also found in transmembrane domain 6, three in transmembrane domain 7, and five in transmembrane domains 8 and 9. These results suggest that transmembrane domain 5 is involved in enzyme function, and that energy coupling is affected by several residues in the transmembrane domains, as well as in the cytoplasmic and periplasmic loops. H+-pyrophosphatase activity might involve dynamic linkage between the hydrophilic and transmembrane domains.  相似文献   

The main cofactors involved in the function of Photosystem II (PSII) are borne by the D1 and D2 proteins. In some cyanobacteria, the D1 protein is encoded by different psbA genes. In Thermosynechococcus elongatus the amino acid sequence deduced from the psbA3 gene compared to that deduced from the psbA1 gene points a difference of 21 residues. In this work, PSII isolated from a wild type T. elongatus strain expressing PsbA1 or from a strain in which both the psbA1 and psbA2 genes have been deleted were studied by a range of spectroscopies in the absence or the presence of either a urea type herbicide, DCMU, or a phenolic type herbicide, bromoxynil. Spectro-electrochemical measurements show that the redox potential of PheoD1 is increased by 17 mV from −522 mV in PsbA1-PSII to −505 mV in PsbA3-PSII. This increase is about half that found upon the D1-Q130E single site directed mutagenesis in Synechocystis PCC 6803. This suggests that the effects of the D1-Q130E substitution are, at least partly, compensated for by some of the additional amino-acid changes associated with the PsbA3 for PsbA1 substitution. The thermoluminescence from the S2QA−• charge recombination and the C ≡ N vibrational modes of bromoxynil detected in the non-heme iron FTIR difference spectra support two binding sites (or one site with two conformations) for bromoxynil in PsbA3-PSII instead of one in PsbA1-PSII which suggests differences in the QB pocket. The temperature dependences of the S2QA−• charge recombination show that the strength of the H-bond to PheoD1 is not the only functionally relevant difference between the PsbA3-PSII and PsbA1-PSII and that the environment of QA (and, as a consequence, its redox potential) is modified as well. The electron transfer rate between P680+• and YZ is found faster in PsbA3 than in PsbA1 which suggests that the redox potential of the P680/P680+• couple (and hence that of 1P680*/P680+•) is tuned as well when shifting from PsbA1 to PsbA3. In addition to D1-Q130E, the non-conservative amongst the 21 amino acid substitutions, D1-S270A and D1-S153A, are proposed to be involved in some of the observed changes.  相似文献   

Arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are polymorphic enzymes mediating the biotransformation of arylamine/arylhydrazine xenobiotics, including pharmaceuticals and environmental carcinogens. The NAT1 and NAT2 genes, and their many polymorphic variants, have been thoroughly studied in humans by pharmacogeneticists and cancer epidemiologists. However, little is known about the function of NAT homologues in other primate species, including disease models. Here, we perform a comparative functional investigation of the NAT2 homologues of the rhesus macaque and human. We further dissect the functional impact of a previously described rhesus NAT2 gene polymorphism, causing substitution of valine by isoleucine at amino acid position 231. Gene constructs of rhesus and human NAT2, bearing or lacking non-synonymous polymorphism c.691G>A (p.Val231Ile), were expressed in Escherichia coli for comparative enzymatic analysis against various NAT1- and NAT2-selective substrates. The results suggest that the p.Val231Ile polymorphism does not compromise the stability or overall enzymatic activity of NAT2. However, substitution of Val231 by the bulkier isoleucine appears to alter enzyme substrate selectivity by decreasing the affinity towards NAT2 substrates and increasing the affinity towards NAT1 substrates. The experimental observations are supported by in silico modelling localizing polymorphic residue 231 close to amino acid loop 125–129, which forms part of the substrate binding pocket wall and determines the substrate binding preferences of the NAT isoenzymes. The p.Val231Ile polymorphism is the first natural polymorphism demonstrated to affect NAT substrate selectivity via this particular mechanism. The study is also the first to thoroughly characterize the properties of a polymorphic NAT isoenzyme in a non-human primate model.  相似文献   

Modulation of surface properties of biomembranes by any ligand leading to permeabilization, fusion, rupture, etc. is a fundamental requirement for many biological processes. In this work, we present the interaction of piroxicam, a long acting Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID) with isolated mitochondria, membrane mimetic systems, intact cells and a mitochondrial protein cytochrome c. Dye permeabilization study on isolated mitochondria indicates that piroxicam can permeabilize mitochondrial membrane. Direct imaging by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) shows that piroxicam induces changes in mitochondrial membrane morphology leading to fusion and rupture. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) imaging of piroxicam treated DMPC vesicles and mixed micelles formed from CTAB and SDS show that causing membrane fusion is a general property of piroxicam at physiological pH. In intact cells viz., V79 Chinese Hamster lung fibroblast, piroxicam is capable of releasing cytochrome c from mitochondria into the cytosol in a dose dependent manner along with the enhancement of downstream proapoptotic event viz., increase in caspase-3 activity. We have also shown that piroxicam can reduce cytochrome c within a time frame relevant to its lifetime in blood plasma. UV-visible spectroscopy has been used to study the reaction mechanism and kinetics in detail, allowing us to propose and validate a Michaelis-Menten like reaction scheme. CD spectroscopy shows that small but significant changes occur in the structure of cytochrome c when reduced by piroxicam.  相似文献   

Aminoaldehyde dehydrogenases (AMADHs, EC belong to the large aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) superfamily, namely, the ALDH9 family. They oxidize polyamine-derived ω-aminoaldehydes to the corresponding ω-amino acids. Here, we report the first X-ray structures of plant AMADHs: two isoenzymes, PsAMADH1 and PsAMADH2, from Pisum sativum in complex with β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) at 2.4 and 2.15 Å resolution, respectively. Both recombinant proteins are dimeric and, similarly to other ALDHs, each monomer is composed of an oligomerization domain, a coenzyme binding domain and a catalytic domain. Each subunit binds NAD+ as a coenzyme, contains a solvent-accessible C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal (type 1) and a cation bound in the cavity close to the NAD+ binding site. While the NAD+ binding mode is classical for PsAMADH2, that for PsAMADH1 is unusual among ALDHs. A glycerol molecule occupies the substrate binding site and mimics a bound substrate. Structural analysis and substrate specificity study of both isoenzymes in combination with data published previously on other ALDH9 family members show that the established categorization of such enzymes into distinct groups based on substrate specificity is no more appropriate, because many of them seem capable of oxidizing a large spectrum of aminoaldehyde substrates. PsAMADH1 and PsAMADH2 can oxidize N,N,N-trimethyl-4-aminobutyraldehyde into γ-butyrobetaine, which is the carnitine precursor in animal cells. This activity highly suggests that in addition to their contribution to the formation of compatible osmolytes such as glycine betaine, β-alanine betaine and γ-aminobutyric acid, AMADHs might participate in carnitine biosynthesis in plants.  相似文献   

The mayfly species Siphluriscus chinensis (Siphluriscidae) has valuable structures useful for phylogeny reconstruction, given its putative basal position within the Ephemeroptera. Here its nearly complete mitochondrial genome is sequenced. We built phylogenetic trees through multiple analytical strategies with some other insect mitogenomes. Structurally, the obtained mitochondrial genome of S. chinensis is 16,616 bp in length, 1 containing 37 genes and an extra trnK-like (trnK2 (AAA)) gene. The 12 PCGs start with typical ATN codons, except the nad1 gene which starts with an unnormalized TTG. Like other known mayfly mitogenomes, the strand bias has negative AT-skew and negative GC-skew. Phylogenetically, our topologies suggest that Odonata is the basally diverged clade in Pterygota; Ephemeroptera is the sister group of the Neoptera; and S. chinensis is indeed the most basal mayfly branch.  相似文献   

Edward A. Berry  Dong-Woo Lee  Kazuo Nagai 《BBA》2010,1797(3):360-7281
Ascochlorin is an isoprenoid antibiotic that is produced by the phytopathogenic fungus Ascochyta viciae. Similar to ascofuranone, which specifically inhibits trypanosome alternative oxidase by acting at the ubiquinol binding domain, ascochlorin is also structurally related to ubiquinol. When added to the mitochondrial preparations isolated from rat liver, or the yeast Pichia (Hansenula) anomala, ascochlorin inhibited the electron transport via CoQ in a fashion comparable to antimycin A and stigmatellin, indicating that this antibiotic acted on the cytochrome bc1 complex. In contrast to ascochlorin, ascofuranone had much less inhibition on the same activities. On the one hand, like the Qi site inhibitors antimycin A and funiculosin, ascochlorin induced in H. anomala the expression of nuclear-encoded alternative oxidase gene much more strongly than the Qo site inhibitors tested. On the other hand, it suppressed the reduction of cytochrome b and the generation of superoxide anion in the presence of antimycin A3 in a fashion similar to the Qo site inhibitor myxothiazol. These results suggested that ascochlorin might act at both the Qi and the Qo sites of the fungal cytochrome bc1 complex. Indeed, the altered electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) lineshape of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein, and the light-induced, time-resolved cytochrome b and c reduction kinetics of Rhodobacter capsulatus cytochrome bc1 complex in the presence of ascochlorin demonstrated that this inhibitor can bind to both the Qo and Qi sites of the bacterial enzyme. Additional experiments using purified bovine cytochrome bc1 complex showed that ascochlorin inhibits reduction of cytochrome b by ubiquinone through both Qi and Qo sites. Moreover, crystal structure of chicken cytochrome bc1 complex treated with excess ascochlorin revealed clear electron densities that could be attributed to ascochlorin bound at both the Qi and Qo sites. Overall findings clearly show that ascochlorin is an unusual cytochrome bc1 inhibitor that acts at both of the active sites of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Alpha-14 giardin (annexin E1), a member of the alpha giardin family of annexins, has been shown to localize to the flagella of the intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia. Alpha giardins show a common ancestry with the annexins, a family of proteins most of which bind to phospholipids and cellular membranes in a Ca2+-dependent manner and are implicated in numerous membrane-related processes including cytoskeletal rearrangements and membrane organization. It has been proposed that alpha-14 giardin may play a significant role during the cytoskeletal rearrangement during differentiation of Giardia. To gain a better understanding of alpha-14 giardin's mode of action and its biological role, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of alpha-14 giardin and its phospholipid-binding properties. Here, we report the apo crystal structure of alpha-14 giardin determined in two different crystal forms as well as the Ca2+-bound crystal structure of alpha-14 giardin, refined to 1.9, 1.6 and 1.65 Å, respectively. Although the overall fold of alpha-14 giardin is similar to that of alpha-11 giardin, multiwavelength anomalous dispersion phasing was required to solve the alpha-14 giardin structure, indicating significant structural differences between these two members of the alpha giardin family. Unlike most annexin structures, which typically possess N-terminal domains, alpha-14 giardin is composed of only a core domain, followed by a C-terminal extension that may serve as a ligand for binding to cytoskeletal protein partners in Giardia. In the Ca2+-bound structure we detected five bound calcium ions, one of which is a novel, highly coordinated calcium-binding site not previously observed in annexin structures. This novel high-affinity calcium-binding site is composed of seven protein donor groups, a feature rarely observed in crystal structures. In addition, phospholipid-binding assays suggest that alpha-14 giardin exhibits calcium-dependent binding to phospholipids that coordinate cytoskeletal disassembly/assembly during differentiation of the parasite.  相似文献   

The glutamine/amino acid transporter was solubilized from rat renal apical plasma membrane (brush-border membrane) with C12E8 and reconstituted into liposomes by removing the detergent from mixed micelles by hydrophobic chromatography on Amberlite XAD-4. The reconstitution was optimised with respect to the protein concentration, the detergent/phospholipid ratio and the number of passages through a single Amberlite column. The reconstituted glutamine/amino acid transporter catalysed a first-order antiport reaction stimulated by external, not internal, Na+. Optimal activity was found at pH 7.0. The sulfhydryl reagents HgCl2, mersalyl and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and the amino acids alanine, serine, threonine, cysteine, asparagine, methionine and valine strongly inhibited the transport, whereas the amino acid analogue methylaminoisobutyrate had no effect. Glutamine, alanine, serine, asparagine, threonine were efficiently translocated from outside to inside and from inside to outside the proteoliposomes as well. Cysteine and valine were translocated preferentially from outside to inside. The Km for glutamine on the external and internal side of the transporter was 0.47 and 11 mM, respectively; the values were not influenced by the type of the counter substrate. The transporter is functionally asymmetrical and it is unidirectionally inserted into the proteoliposomal membrane with an orientation corresponding to that of the native membrane. By a bisubstrate kinetic analysis of the glutamine antiport, a random simultaneous mechanism was found. The glutamine antiport was strongly stimulated by internal nucleoside triphosphates and, to a lower extent, by pyrophoshate. The reconstituted glutamine/amino acid transporter functionally corresponds to the ASCT2 protein.  相似文献   

Veena Prabhakar 《FEBS letters》2009,583(6):983-991
The Arabidopsis thaliana gene At1g74030 codes for a putative plastid phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) enolase (ENO1). The recombinant ENO1 protein exhibited enolase activity and its kinetic properties were determined. ENO1 is localized to plastids and expressed in most heterotrophic tissues including trichomes and non-root-hair cells, but not in the mesophyll of leaves. Two T-DNA insertion eno1 mutants exhibited distorted trichomes and reduced numbers of root hairs as the only visible phenotype. The essential role of ENO1 in PEP provision for anabolic processes within plastids, such as the shikimate pathway, is discussed with respect to plastid transporters, such as the PEP/phosphate translocator.  相似文献   

CRAMOLL 1 is a mannose/glucose isolectin isolated from Cratylia mollis seeds. This lectin has 82% sequence identity with Con A and essentially the same quaternary structure. As with Con A, CRAMOLL 1 seems to undergo complex post-translational processing which makes it difficult to the use of traditional molecular cloning for heterologous expression. Here we report the expression and purification of functional recombinant CRAMOLL 1 (rCRAMOLL 1) in Escherichia coli. This was accomplished by introducing a chemically synthesized DNA encoding the mature CRAMOLL 1 amino acid sequence into a bacterial expression vector under T7 promoter control. Most of the recombinant lectin was found in insoluble aggregates (inclusion bodies), but we were able to recover reasonable amounts of soluble lectin in the active form by decreasing the protein induction temperature. The recombinant lectin was purified to homogeneity with one-step affinity chromatography. The plant CRAMOLL 1 (pCRAMOLL 1) and rCRAMOLL 1 share several physicochemical properties such as molecular mass, charge density and secondary and tertiary structures. However, pCRAMOLL 1 has a lower thermodynamic stability than rCRAMOLL 1 when probed by acidification, high temperature or high hydrostatic pressure, and this is probably caused by the presence of tetramers composed of fragmented monomers, which are formed in the plant cotyledon but absent from the recombinant protein. rCRAMOLL 1 behaves identically to its plant counterpart with respect to its specificity for monosaccharides, and to its agglutinating activities against rabbit erythrocytes and Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote cells.  相似文献   

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