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Guo W 《Biometrics》2002,58(1):121-128
In this article, a new class of functional models in which smoothing splines are used to model fixed effects as well as random effects is introduced. The linear mixed effects models are extended to nonparametric mixed effects models by introducing functional random effects, which are modeled as realizations of zero-mean stochastic processes. The fixed functional effects and the random functional effects are modeled in the same functional space, which guarantee the population-average and subject-specific curves have the same smoothness property. These models inherit the flexibility of the linear mixed effects models in handling complex designs and correlation structures, can include continuous covariates as well as dummy factors in both the fixed or random design matrices, and include the nested curves models as special cases. Two estimation procedures are proposed. The first estimation procedure exploits the connection between linear mixed effects models and smoothing splines and can be fitted using existing software. The second procedure is a sequential estimation procedure using Kalman filtering. This algorithm avoids inversion of large dimensional matrices and therefore can be applied to large data sets. A generalized maximum likelihood (GML) ratio test is proposed for inference and model selection. An application to comparison of cortisol profiles is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

A mixed-model procedure for analysis of censored data assuming a multivariate normal distribution is described. A Bayesian framework is adopted which allows for estimation of fixed effects and variance components and prediction of random effects when records are left-censored. The procedure can be extended to right- and two-tailed censoring. The model employed is a generalized linear model, and the estimation equations resemble those arising in analysis of multivariate normal or categorical data with threshold models. Estimates of variance components are obtained using expressions similar to those employed in the EM algorithm for restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation under normality.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the balanced case of the analysis of variance. The use of a classification function leads to an easy determination of all possible sources of variation of any mixed classification. For mixed models a new method is derived, which allows to represent explicit the ANOVA-estimations of the variance components respectively the estimation of the mean sum of squares of the fixed effects for all sources of variation. Thereby the corresponding F-quotients and the approximate confidence intervals of variance components are received in a simple way.  相似文献   

Nonlinear mixed effects models for repeated measures data   总被引:51,自引:1,他引:50  
We propose a general, nonlinear mixed effects model for repeated measures data and define estimators for its parameters. The proposed estimators are a natural combination of least squares estimators for nonlinear fixed effects models and maximum likelihood (or restricted maximum likelihood) estimators for linear mixed effects models. We implement Newton-Raphson estimation using previously developed computational methods for nonlinear fixed effects models and for linear mixed effects models. Two examples are presented and the connections between this work and recent work on generalized linear mixed effects models are discussed.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for constructing an exact confidence interval for the ratio of the two variance components in a possibly unbalanced mixed linear model that contains a single set of m random effects. This procedure can be used in animal and plant breeding problems to obtain an exact confidence interval for a heritability. The confidence interval can be defined in terms of the output of a least squares analysis. It can be computed by a graphical or iterative technique requiring the diagonalization of an m X m matrix or, alternatively, the inversion of a number of m X m matrices. Confidence intervals that are approximate can be obtained with much less computational burden, using either of two approaches. The various confidence interval procedures can be extended to some problems in which the mixed linear model contains more than one set of random effects. Corresponding to each interval procedure is a significance test and one or more estimators.  相似文献   

The traditional method for estimating the linear function of fixed parameters in mixed linear model is a two-stage procedure. In the first stage of this procedure the variance components estimators are calculated and next in the second stage these estimators are taken as true values of variance components to estimating the linear function of fixed parameters according to generalized least squares method. In this paper the general mixed linear model is considered in which a matrix related to fixed parameters and or/a dispersion matrix of observation vector may be deficient in rank. It is shown that the estimators of a set of functions of fixed parameters obtained in second stage are unbiased if only the observation vector is symmetrically distributed about its expected value and the estimators of variance components from first stage are translation-invariant and are even functions of the observation vector.  相似文献   

论述的是来自非均街资料的混合模型中具有亲缘关系矩阵时利用迭代法估计方差组分问题。这篇文章表明计算程序是可行的,只要能够按照混合模型中固定效应的结构矩阵和Henderson方法3的固定效应的假设条件正确地计算二次型约化平方和,就可获得较为精确的方差组分估计值;而且表明方差初始比值k偏高或偏低,不影响迭代求解的最后结果,这是因为在迭代过程中可以通过结构矩阵x'x和x'x的控制而自行调整。这些方差组分不仅可应用于选种种畜用的BLUP计算,还可用来估计遗传参数。  相似文献   

Generalising the ANOVA method of estimating variance components in mixed linear models a simple procedure is presented to estimate skewness and kurtosis of the distributions of the random effects of the model. For the model II of a one-way classification this procedure is demonstrated explicitly.  相似文献   

In this article, we construct an approximate EM algorithm to estimate the parameters of a nonlinear mixed effects model. The iterative procedure can be viewed as an iterative method of moments procedure for estimating the variance components and an iterative reweighted least squares estimates for estimating the fixed effects. Therefore, it is valid without the normality assumptions on the random components. A computationally simple method of moments estimates of the model parameters are used as the starting values for our iterative procedure. A simulation study was conducted to compare the performances of the proposed procedure with the procedure proposed by Lindstrom and Bates (1990) for some normal models and nonnormal models.  相似文献   

Genetic models for quantitative seed traits with effects of several major genes and polygenes, as well as their GE interaction, were proposed. Mixed linear model approaches were suggested for analyzing the genetic models. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate unbiasedness and efficiency for estimating fixed effects and variance components of the embryo and the endosperm models, including effects of a major gene from an unbalanced modified diallel mating design with nine parents, respectively. Simulation results showed that estimates of generalized least squares (GLS) were unbiased and efficient, while those of ordinary least squares (OLS) were almost as good as GLS. Minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (MINQUE) could obtain unbiased estimates of the variance components. It was also suggested that precision of MINQUE estimation would be improved with augmentation of experimental size. Data from a modified diallel design in upland cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.) were used as a worked example to illustrate the parameter estimation.  相似文献   

A genetic model was proposed to simultaneously investigate genetic effects of both polygenes and several single genes for quantitative traits of diploid plants and animals. Mixed linear model approaches were employed for statistical analysis. Based on two mating designs, a full diallel cross and a modified diallel cross including F2, Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate the unbiasedness and efficiency of the estimation of generalized least squares (GLS) and ordinary least squares (OLS) for fixed effects and of minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (MINQUE) and Henderson III for variance components. Estimates of MINQUE (1) were unbiased and efficient in both reduced and full genetic models. Henderson III could have a large bias when used to analyze the full genetic model. Simulation results also showed that GLS and OLS were good methods to estimate fixed effects in the genetic models. Data on Drosophila melanogaster from Gilbert were used as a worked example to demonstrate the parameter estimation. Received: 11 November 2000 / Accepted: 2 May 2001  相似文献   

It is shown that maximum likelihood estimation of variance components from twin data can be parameterized in the framework of linear mixed models. Standard statistical packages can be used to analyze univariate or multivariate data for simple models such as the ACE and CE models. Furthermore, specialized variance component estimation software that can handle pedigree data and user-defined covariance structures can be used to analyze multivariate data for simple and complex models, including those where dominance and/or QTL effects are fitted. The linear mixed model framework is particularly useful for analyzing multiple traits in extended (twin) families with a large number of random effects.  相似文献   

The limitations of methods for analysis of variance(ANOVA)in estimating genetic variances are discussed. Among the three methods(maximum likelihood ML, restricted maximum likelihood REML, and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation MINQUE)for mixed linear models, MINQUE method is presented with formulae for estimating variance components and covariances components and for predicting genetic effects. Several genetic models, which cannot be appropriately analyzed by ANOVA methods, are introduced in forms of mixed linear models. Genetic models with independent random effects can be analyzed by MINQUE(1)method whieh is a MINQUE method with all prior values setting 1. MINQUE(1)method can give unbiased estimation for variance components and covariance components, and linear unbiased prediction (LUP) for genetic effects. There are more complicate genetic models for plant seeds which involve correlated random effects. MINQUE(0/1)method, which is a MINQUE method with all prior covariances setting 0 and all prior variances setting 1, is suitable for estimating variance and covariance components in these models. Mixed model approaches have advantage over ANOVA methods for the capacity of analyzing unbalanced data and complicated models. Some problems about estimation and hypothesis test by MINQUE method are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhang D 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):8-15
The routinely assumed parametric functional form in the linear predictor of a generalized linear mixed model for longitudinal data may be too restrictive to represent true underlying covariate effects. We relax this assumption by representing these covariate effects by smooth but otherwise arbitrary functions of time, with random effects used to model the correlation induced by among-subject and within-subject variation. Due to the usually intractable integration involved in evaluating the quasi-likelihood function, the double penalized quasi-likelihood (DPQL) approach of Lin and Zhang (1999, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B61, 381-400) is used to estimate the varying coefficients and the variance components simultaneously by representing a nonparametric function by a linear combination of fixed effects and random effects. A scaled chi-squared test based on the mixed model representation of the proposed model is developed to test whether an underlying varying coefficient is a polynomial of certain degree. We evaluate the performance of the procedures through simulation studies and illustrate their application with Indonesian children infectious disease data.  相似文献   

Variable Selection for Semiparametric Mixed Models in Longitudinal Studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary .  We propose a double-penalized likelihood approach for simultaneous model selection and estimation in semiparametric mixed models for longitudinal data. Two types of penalties are jointly imposed on the ordinary log-likelihood: the roughness penalty on the nonparametric baseline function and a nonconcave shrinkage penalty on linear coefficients to achieve model sparsity. Compared to existing estimation equation based approaches, our procedure provides valid inference for data with missing at random, and will be more efficient if the specified model is correct. Another advantage of the new procedure is its easy computation for both regression components and variance parameters. We show that the double-penalized problem can be conveniently reformulated into a linear mixed model framework, so that existing software can be directly used to implement our method. For the purpose of model inference, we derive both frequentist and Bayesian variance estimation for estimated parametric and nonparametric components. Simulation is used to evaluate and compare the performance of our method to the existing ones. We then apply the new method to a real data set from a lactation study.  相似文献   

Yuanjia Wang  Huaihou Chen 《Biometrics》2012,68(4):1113-1125
Summary We examine a generalized F ‐test of a nonparametric function through penalized splines and a linear mixed effects model representation. With a mixed effects model representation of penalized splines, we imbed the test of an unspecified function into a test of some fixed effects and a variance component in a linear mixed effects model with nuisance variance components under the null. The procedure can be used to test a nonparametric function or varying‐coefficient with clustered data, compare two spline functions, test the significance of an unspecified function in an additive model with multiple components, and test a row or a column effect in a two‐way analysis of variance model. Through a spectral decomposition of the residual sum of squares, we provide a fast algorithm for computing the null distribution of the test, which significantly improves the computational efficiency over bootstrap. The spectral representation reveals a connection between the likelihood ratio test (LRT) in a multiple variance components model and a single component model. We examine our methods through simulations, where we show that the power of the generalized F ‐test may be higher than the LRT, depending on the hypothesis of interest and the true model under the alternative. We apply these methods to compute the genome‐wide critical value and p ‐value of a genetic association test in a genome‐wide association study (GWAS), where the usual bootstrap is computationally intensive (up to 108 simulations) and asymptotic approximation may be unreliable and conservative.  相似文献   

Microarrays provide a valuable tool for the quantification of gene expression. Usually, however, there is a limited number of replicates leading to unsatisfying variance estimates in a gene‐wise mixed model analysis. As thousands of genes are available, it is desirable to combine information across genes. When more than two tissue types or treatments are to be compared it might be advisable to consider the array effect as random. Then information between arrays may be recovered, which can increase accuracy in estimation. We propose a method of variance component estimation across genes for a linear mixed model with two random effects. The method may be extended to models with more than two random effects. We assume that the variance components follow a log‐normal distribution. Assuming that the sums of squares from the gene‐wise analysis, given the true variance components, follow a scaled χ2‐distribution, we adopt an empirical Bayes approach. The variance components are estimated by the expectation of their posterior distribution. The new method is evaluated in a simulation study. Differentially expressed genes are more likely to be detected by tests based on these variance estimates than by tests based on gene‐wise variance estimates. This effect is most visible in studies with small array numbers. Analyzing a real data set on maize endosperm the method is shown to work well. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Estimation of variance components in linear mixed models is important in clinical trial and longitudinal data analysis. It is also important in animal and plant breeding for accurately partitioning total phenotypic variance into genetic and environmental variances. Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method is often preferred over the maximum likelihood (ML) method for variance component estimation because REML takes into account the lost degree of freedom resulting from estimating the fixed effects. The original restricted likelihood function involves a linear transformation of the original response variable (a collection of error contrasts). Harville's final form of the restricted likelihood function does not involve the transformation and thus is much easier to manipulate than the original restricted likelihood function. There are several different ways to show that the two forms of the restricted likelihood are equivalent. In this study, I present a much simpler way to derive Harville's restricted likelihood function. I first treat the fixed effects as random effects and call such a mixed model a pseudo random model (PDRM). I then construct a likelihood function for the PDRM. Finally, I let the variance of the pseudo random effects be infinity and show that the limit of the likelihood function of the PDRM is the restricted likelihood function.  相似文献   

Yau KK 《Biometrics》2001,57(1):96-102
A method for modeling survival data with multilevel clustering is described. The Cox partial likelihood is incorporated into the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) methodology. Parameter estimation is achieved by maximizing a log likelihood analogous to the likelihood associated with the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) at the initial step of estimation and is extended to obtain residual maximum likelihood (REML) estimators of the variance component. Estimating equations for a three-level hierarchical survival model are developed in detail, and such a model is applied to analyze a set of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) data on recurrent infections as an illustration with both hospital and patient effects being considered as random. Only the latter gives a significant contribution. A simulation study is carried out to evaluate the performance of the REML estimators. Further extension of the estimation procedure to models with an arbitrary number of levels is also discussed.  相似文献   

Lou XY  Yang MC 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):471-484
A genetic model is developed with additive and dominance effects of a single gene and polygenes as well as general and specific reciprocal effects for the progeny from a diallel mating design. The methods of ANOVA, minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation (MINQUE), restricted maximum likelihood estimation (REML), and maximum likelihood estimation (ML) are suggested for estimating variance components, and the methods of generalized least squares (GLS) and ordinary least squares (OLS) for fixed effects, while best linear unbiased prediction, linear unbiased prediction (LUP), and adjusted unbiased prediction are suggested for analyzing random effects. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate the unbiasedness and efficiency of statistical methods involving two diallel designs with commonly used sample sizes, 6 and 8 parents, with no and missing crosses, respectively. Simulation results show that GLS and OLS are almost equally efficient for estimation of fixed effects, while MINQUE (1) and REML are better estimators of the variance components and LUP is most practical method for prediction of random effects. Data from a Drosophila melanogaster experiment (Gilbert 1985a, Theor appl Genet 69:625–629) were used as a working example to demonstrate the statistical analysis. The new methodology is also applicable to screening candidate gene(s) and to other mating designs with multiple parents, such as nested (NC Design I) and factorial (NC Design II) designs. Moreover, this methodology can serve as a guide to develop new methods for detecting indiscernible major genes and mapping quantitative trait loci based on mixture distribution theory. The computer program for the methods suggested in this article is freely available from the authors.  相似文献   

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