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We confirmed that cholesterol esterase accelerated the incorporation of unesterified cholesterol solubilized in bile salt micelles into differentiated Caco-2 cells under various experimental conditions. Rat pancreatic juice and bovine cholesterol esterase increased the incorporation of micellar cholesterol into rat intestinal brush border membranes. The incorporation of micellar cholesterol was not changed in the brush border membranes enriched in and depleted of cholesterol esterase. The results suggest that the accelerated incorporation of micellar cholesterol by cholesterol esterase into absorptive cells is not mediated by the enzyme bound to the brush border membranes.  相似文献   

Abstract It is widely accepted that the functional and morphological differentiation of cells is initiated and determined by the interaction of molecules of the extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules of the cell membrane. To assess the influence of the underlying matrix on the characteristics of cells, enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells were cultivated on substrates commonly used for cell culture as well as on glass coated with hydrophobic layers. Providing the same starting conditions for growth, the parameters investigated on preconfluent Caco-2 cells were the number of adhering cells, the proliferative activity and the degree of differentiation indicated by the expression of three brush border enzymes. Whereas tissue culture treated polystyrene elicited highest rates of adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation, even glass altered the pattern of brush border enzyme expression. The hydrophobic surfaces strongly decreased the adhesion and the proliferation but the surviving cells exhibited a pronounced higher degree of differentiation. Interestingly, each sub-type of hydrophobic matrix triggered a different pattern of brush border enzyme expression. Thus, the development of a certain phenotype of a cell can not only be triggered by certain components of the extracellular matrix but also by artificially prepared surface coatings of the underlying matrix. In the future it seems to be feasible that cells can be programmed by tailoring the surface of the underlying substrate.  相似文献   

Mouse duodenum possesses mucosal surface ferricyanide reductase activity. The reducing activity, determined in vitro by measuring ferrocyanide production from ferricyanide, was found to be greater in duodenal fragments when compared with ileal fragments. Experiments with right-side out tied-off duodenal sacs show that reduction occurs mainly on the mucosal side and indicates that the reducing activity is associated with the brush border membrane. Experiments using mice with increased levels of iron absorption (hypoxic, iron-deficient) showed corresponding increases in reducing activity. The increase was present in duodenal but not ileal fragments. Inhibitor studies showed no effect of several compounds which inhibit other, more characterized, transplasma membrane reductases. In particular, doxorubicin (10 m) and quinacrine (1 mm) were without effect on duodenal mucosal transplasma membrane reducing activity. Depolarization of the membrane potential with high medium K + inhibited reducing activity. N-ethyl malemide (1 mm) was a potent inhibitor, but iodoacetate was found to be less inhibitory. Comparision with inhibitory effects on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) demonstrated that the effect of N-ethyl malemide on reducing activity was not secondary to GAPDH. Collectively these results indicate that mouse duodenum possesses mucosal surface transplasma membrane ferricyanide reductase activity and that the activity is correlated with the process of intestinal iron absorption. Furthermore, the reducing activity appears to be distinct from other reported transplasma membrane reductases.  相似文献   

We used rapid filtration assays to determine the ion selectivity of ion gradientdriven phenylalanine uptake by brush border membrane vesicles prepared from the larval midgut of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta). Phenylalanine uptake by these vesicles is stimulated by both potassium and sodium. Phenylalanine uptake by larval M. sexta midgut brush border membrane vesicles is voltage sensitive and shows little selectivity for potassium over sodium. However, phenylalanine uptake by these vesicles is stimulated by neither rubidium nor lithium.  相似文献   

血管活性肠肽的免疫调节作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
血管活性肠肽作为神经和内分泌系统中一种多功能的神经递质和神经调节因子,在上述两个生理系统中发挥重要的调节作用;同时也对机体免疫系统起着重要的作用,尤其是在局部黏膜免疫中起着一定的调节作用。血管活性肠肽通过它的两个受体VPAC1和VPAC2发挥生物效应。  相似文献   

S. typhimurium infection is associated with neutrophil infiltration within the intestinal mucosa. Neutrophil activation provides a major source of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The mucosal pathology of S. typhimurium infection may be in part due to the excessive production of these reactive species. This study was carried out to investigate if ROS play a role in mediating the changes in the structural components and functional properties of brush border membrane (BBM) in rats during S. typhimurium infection. This was done by determining the changes in the BBM extent of lipid peroxidation and absorptive function. A significant increase in the extent of lipid peroxidation of BBM during S. typhimurium infection was observed as judged by malondialdehyde (MDA) and conjugated diene formation and depletion of -tocopherol and protein associated thiol groups. A significant decrease in the BBMV (brush border membrane vesicle) transport of amino acids was also observed. However there was no change in the transport of D-glucose. The decrease in amino acid transport further led to a significant decrease in the enterocyte level of protein synthesis. Exposure of BBMV to a free radical donor, cumene hydroperoxide, also led to an increase in the extent of lipid peroxidation and a decrease in the amino acid transport. Possibly ROS might play a significant role in mediating the mucosal damage during S. typhimurium infection.  相似文献   

Functional intestinal epithelium relies on complete polarization of enterocytes marked by the formation of microvilli and the accurate trafficking of glycoproteins to relevant membrane domains. Numerous transport pathways warrant the unique structural identity and protein/lipid composition of the brush border membrane. Annexin II (Ca(2+)-dependent lipid-binding protein) is an important component of one of the apical protein transport machineries, which involves detergent-resistant membranes and the actin cytoskeleton. Here, we investigate in intestinal Caco-2 cells the contribution of annexin II to the sorting and transport of brush border hydrolases and role in intestinal cell polarity. Downregulation of annexin II in Caco-2-A4 cell line results in a severe reduction of the levels of the brush border membrane resident enzyme sucrase isomaltase (SI) as well as structural components such as ezrin. This reduction is accompanied by a redistribution of these proteins to intracellular compartments and a striking morphological transition of Caco-2 cells to rudimentary epithelial cells that are characterized by an almost flat apical membrane with sparse and short microvilli. Concomitant with this alteration is the redistribution of the intermediate filament protein keratin 19 to the intracellular membranes in Caco-2-A4 cells. Interestingly, keratin 19 interacts with annexin II in wild type Caco-2 cells and this interaction occurs exclusively in lipid rafts. Our findings suggest a role for annexin II and K19 in differentiation and polarization of intestinal cells.  相似文献   

一种用于穿透多肽筛选的随机文库的构建及筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescence protein, EGFP)为示踪物,在pET-14b载体上构建编码12个氨基酸的随机多肽表达文库.建立一种简便、经济、有效的文库筛选方法,从所构建的文库中筛选出细胞穿透多肽(cell-penetrating peptide, CPP). 采用点突变技术,首先在pET-14b载体多克隆位点NdeⅠ和XhoⅠ之间加入4个限制性内切酶位点,随后在BamH Ⅰ位点后加入三联终止密码子,接着再利用亚克隆的方法在Kpn Ⅰ 和XhoⅠ之间插入EGFP,形成一个新的用于原核表达示踪蛋白的载体pET-14bMCStop/EGFP.最后再利用点突变技术在上述构建的示踪载体的多克隆位点XhoⅠ和BamH Ⅰ之间插入36个随机碱基序列.以His-Tat-EGFP作为工具建立有效的筛选方法,利用这种方法对文库进行筛选. 酶切和测序表明,示踪载体的构建是正确的,且在大肠杆菌中可有效地表达出His标记的EGFP.在示踪载体的基础上构建的随机多肽文库至少包含了105个独立克隆,其中90%以上的克隆插入的随机片段都是36个碱基.建立的筛选方法是可行的,并用此方法进行了初步的筛选.  相似文献   

The endocytosis‐mediating performances of two types of peptide ligands, cell receptor binding peptide (CRBP) and cell membrane penetrating peptide (CMPP), were analyzed and compared using a common carrier of peptide ligands‐human ferritin heavy chain (hFTH) nanoparticle. Twenty‐four copies of a CMPP(human immunodeficiency virus‐derived TAT peptide) and/or a CRBP (peptide ligand with strong and specific affinity for either human integrin(αvβ3) or epidermal growth factor receptor I (EGFR) that is overexpressed on various cancer cells) were genetically presented on the surface of each hFTH nanopariticle. The quantitative level of endocytosis and intracellular localization of fluorescence dye‐labeled CRBP‐ and CMPP‐presenting nanoparticles were estimated in the in vitro cultures of integrin‐ and EGFR‐overexpressing cancer and human dermal fibroblast cells(control). From the cancer cell cultures treated with the CMPP‐ and CRBP‐presenting nanoparticles, it was notable that CRBPs resulted in quantitatively higher level of endocytosis than CMPP (TAT) and successfully transported the nanoparticles to the cytosol of cancer cells depending on concentration and treatment period of time, whereas TAT‐mediated endocytosis localized most of the nanoparticles within endosomal vesicles under the same conditions. These novel findings provide highly useful informations to many researchers both in academia and in industry who are interested in developing anticancer drug delivery systems/carriers.  相似文献   

Isolated brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from human placenta are known to transport amino acids via a Na+-dependent mechanism akin to that found in gut and kidney vesicle preparations. We studied sulfate transport in placental vesicles and failed to identify any Na+-dependent uptake mechanism. Rather, uptake is a non-electrogenic process that is trans-stimulated by outwardly directed anion flux which is independent of cation. If anion exchange is tightly coupled invivo, the net transfer of sulfate from mother to the growing fetus may be driven by the continuous flux of bicarbonate in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo pulse-chase labeling of rabbit jejunum loops was used in conjunction with subcellular fractionation and quantitative immunoprecipitation to determine whether or not the newly synthesized aminopeptidase N transits through the basolateral membrane before it reaches the apical brush border, its final localization. The kinetics of the arrival of the newly synthesized enzyme in the Golgi complex, basolateral and brush border membrane fractions strongly suggest that on leaving the Golgi aminopeptidase N is transiently integrated into the basolateral domain before reaching the brush border.  相似文献   

Purified human transcobalamin II receptor (TC II-R) binds to megalin, a 600 kDa endocytic receptor with an association constant, K(a), of 66 n M and bound(max) of 1.1 mole of TC II-R/mole of megalin both in the presence and absence of its ligand, transcobalamin II (TC II). Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting of Triton X-100 extracts of the apical brush border membrane (BBM) from rabbit renal cortex revealed association of these two proteins. (35)[S]-TC II complexed with cobalamin (Cbl; Vitamin B(12)) bound to Sepharose-megalin affinity matrix and the binding was enhanced 5-fold when TC II-R was prebound to megalin. Megalin antiserum inhibited both the TC II-R-dependent and -independent binding of (35)[S]-TC II-Cbl to megalin, while TC II-R antiserum inhibited only the TC II-R-dependent binding. In rabbits with circulating antiserum to megalin, renal apical BBM megalin was present as an immune complex, but its levels were not altered. However, the protein levels of both TC II-R and the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CIMPR) were drastically reduced and the urinary excretion of TC II, albumin, and other low-molecular weight proteins was significantly increased. These results suggest that megalin contains a distinct single high-affinity binding site for TC II-R and their association in the native renal BBM is important for tubular reabsorption of many proteins, including TC II.  相似文献   

Validation and quantitation of an in vitro M-cell model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study has evaluated an in vitro model of the follicle-associated epithelia that overlie Peyer's patches of the small intestine. The model shares many phenotypic characteristics of M cells in vivo. Co-cultures of the human adenocarcinoma cell line Caco-2 and freshly isolated Peyer's patch cells were established. Fluorescence microscopy and quantitative image analysis were used to validate the model against known markers of M-cell phenotype. Apical expression of alkaline phosphatase was down-regulated in co-cultures and villin was re-distributed from the apical membrane to the cytoplasm. alpha5beta1 integrin was found on the apical surfaces of the monolayers and B and T lymphocytes integrated into the monolayers. Particle transport was temperature-dependent in co-cultures, indicating that a transcytotic route was responsible. This model provides opportunities to study factors that influence M-cell development, assess putative Peyer's patch targeting in oral vaccine technologies, and study intestinal uptake in vitro.  相似文献   

Trp, Phe, and Tyr ethyl esters and their dipeptides with Gly at the C-terminals inhibited ovalbumin (OVA) permeation through Caco-2 monolayers. The inhibitory activity of Trp ethyl ester was the highest at near the concentration of 10-6 M. It was suggested that Trp ethyl ester inhibited transcellular permeation of OVA.  相似文献   

Chronic renal adaptation to dietary deprivation of Pi is accompanied by increased Na+/Pi co-transport across the brush border membrane of the renal proximal tubule. The increased activity of this co-transport system depends on de novo protein synthesis and insulin. The present study used normal and diabetic rats to determine if the endosomal pool of Na+/Pi co-transporters was altered by Pi deprivation and the possible role of insulin. In response to 5 days of dietary Pi deprivation there was a significant increase in endosomal Na+/Pi co-transport in control rats but there was no change in diabetic rats. The increase in endosomal Pi uptake was restored in diabetic rats treated with exogenous insulin. Na+/Pi-independent Pi uptake and proline uptake remained unchanged in all groups. The changes in endosomal Na+/Pi co-transport correlated with the abundance of the specific Na+/Pi co-transporter protein, as determined by Western blots. The pattern of endosomal changes paralleled that observed in brush border membranes. One possibility consistent with these findings is that the endosomal fraction contains newly synthesized Na+/Pi co-transporters targeted for delivery to the apical brush border membrane. Increased synthesis and delivery is required to maintain the adaptation to chronic Pi deprivation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

[背景]短链脂肪酸(Short-Chain Fatty Acids,SCFAs)具有提供能量、调节营养物质代谢、抑制内源性胆固醇合成等广泛的生理活性和生物学效应.[目的]利用建立的Caco-2细胞吸收SCFAs模型研究乳杆菌对肠吸收SCFAs的影响.[方法]通过跨膜电阻值(Transepithelial Electri...  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subs israelensis produces Cry toxins active against mosquitoes. Receptor binding is a key determinant for specificity of Cry toxins composed of three domains. We found that exposed loop alpha-8 of Cry11Aa toxin, located in domain II, is an important epitope involved in receptor interaction. Synthetic peptides corresponding to exposed regions in domain II (loop alpha-8, beta-4 and loop 3) competed binding of Cry11Aa to membrane vesicles from Aedes aegypti midgut microvilli. The role of loop alpha-8 of Cry11A in receptor interaction was demonstrated by phage display and site-directed mutagenesis. We isolated a peptide-displaying phage (P5.tox), that recognizes loop alpha-8 in Cry11Aa, interferes interaction with the midgut receptor and attenuates toxicity in bioassay. Loop alpha-8 mutants affected in toxicity and receptor binding were characterized.  相似文献   

抗菌肽(antimicrobial peptides, AMPs)是生物先天免疫系统的重要组成部分,可帮助宿主有效应对病原细菌、真菌和病毒等微生物的胁迫,被认为是医疗、食品加工和农业领域最具前途和潜力的抗生素替代物。病原微生物在与抗菌肽的互作中进化出了多种有针对性的抗性机制,本文从病原微生物对AMPs的感应与基因调控、细胞壁/膜成份的修饰、分泌蛋白酶降解及利用外排泵排出等四个方面综述了国内外的研究进展,并对AMPs类制品的研究前景进行了讨论与展望。  相似文献   

Trehalase found to be associated with the brush border membrane vesicles and the Ca2+ aggregated basolateral membrane vesicles were purified to homogeneity. They were found to differ in their molecular weight, subunit structure, heal stability, N-terminal residues, amino acid composition and also the active site residues. Chemical modification showed the presence of a histidine and tyrosine at the active site of brush border membrane vesicle trehalase and two histidines at the active site of basolateral membrane vesicle.  相似文献   

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