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A second slow-cycling retinylidene protein, in addition to slow-cycling (sensory) rhodopsin (SR), can be bleached with hydroxylamine and regenerated with all-trans retinal in photosensory signaling Halobacterium halobium membranes. Flash photolysis shows this protein undergoes a photochemical reaction cycle characterized by photoconversion of its ground state (lambda max 480 nm) to a species with lambda max less than or equal to 360 nm, which thermally regenerates the 480-nm species with a t1/2 of 260 msec at 25 degrees C, under conditions in which SR photocycles at 650 msec in the same membranes. Mutants characterized with respect to their phototaxis behavior are identified which contain SR and the 480-nm pigment, the latter ranging from undetectable to a concentration equal to that of SR. Receptor mutants lacking all phototaxis sensitivity lack both of the photochemically reactive proteins. The mutant properties contribute to an accumulation of behavioral and spectroscopic evidence that the 480-nm pigment is a second sensory photoreceptor in H. halobium. NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of [3H]retinal-labeled membrane proteins from the mutants indicates SR and the 480-nm pigment contain distinct chromophoric polypeptides differing in their migration rates. The data implicate polypeptides of 25,000 Mr and 23,000 Mr as retinal-binding polypeptides of SR and the 480-nm protein, respectively.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Alkaline p-nitrophenylphosphate phosphatase of Halobacterium halobiium, either purified or in crude extracts, was progressively inactivated by treatment with several metal chelators.
  • 2.2. The activity of treated crude extracts was fully restored in the presence of 25–50 μM Mn2+ or 1 mM Co2+, and partially restored in the presence of 1 mM Cd2+.
  • 3.3. Zn2+ ions, as well as other divalent cations tested, were without effect.
  • 4.4. In the presence of a saturating concentration of Mn2+, but not Co2+ or Cd2+, the activity of the metal-depleted enzyme reached values well over the native control activity.
  • 5.5. Activation of the metal-depleted enzyme by Mn2+ showed cooperative kinetics, whereas activation by Co2+ showed Lineweaver-Burk kinetics.
  • 6.6. The results suggest that the enzyme contains two different types of metal-binding sites: essential site(s), occupied by endogenous Mn2+ ions, and regulatory site(s), that can be occupied by exogenous Mn2+ with an activating effect.

Abstract It was found that a photorepellent system other than photosystem 370 (PS370) also controls the behavior of Halobacterium halobium . Both the dependence of background illumination and wavelength where the response showed maximum action distinguished that photosystem from PS370 whose photoreceptor pigment is thought to be an intermediate of s-rhodopsin (sR). A mutant strain that has no detectable activity in PS370 and in photoattractant response was isolated. This mutant strain showed the repellent response due to the new photosystem.  相似文献   

Phototaxis responses of Halobacterium halobium were monitored with a computerized cell-tracking system coupled to an electronic shutter controlling delivery of photostimuli. Automated analysis of rates of change in direction and linear speeds provided detection of swimming reversals with 67 ms resolution, permitting measurement of distinct phases of the responses to attractant and repellent stimuli. After stimulation, there was a latency period in which the population reversal frequency was unchanged, followed by an excitation phase in which reversal frequency increased, and a slower adaptation phase in which reversal frequency returned to its prestimulus value. A step-decrease in illumination of the attractant receptor slow-cycling or sensory rhodopsin (SR) (lambda max, 587 nm) was interpreted by the cells as an unfavorable stimulus and, after a minimum latency of 0.70 +/- 0.14 s, induced swimming reversals with the peak response occurring 1.34 +/- 0.07 s after onset of the stimulus. Two distinct repellent responses in the near UV/blue were observed. One was a reversal response to 400 nm light, which was dependent on orange-red background illumination as expected for the photointermediate repellent form of SR (lambda max, 373 nm). The minimum latency of this response was approximately the same as that of the SR attractant system. The second was a reversal response with shorter minimum latency (0.40 +/- 0.07 s) to light of longer wavelength (450 nm) than absorbed by the known SR repellent form. This result confirms recent findings of an additional repellent photosystem in this spectral range. Further, the longer wavelength repellent response is independent of orange-red background illumination, indicating that the photoreceptor mediating this response is not a photointermediate of SR.  相似文献   

An analogue of all-trans retinal in which all-trans/13-cis isomerization is blocked by a carbon bridge from C12 to C14 was incorporated into the apoproteins of sensory rhodopsin I (SR-I) and sensory rhodopsin II (SR-II, also called phoborhodopsin) in retinal-deficient Halobacterium halobium membranes. The "all-trans-locked" retinal analogue forms SR-I and SR-II analogue pigments with similar absorption spectra as the native pigments. Blocking isomerization prevents the formation of the long-lived intermediate of the SR-I photocycle (S373) and those of the SR-II photocycle (S-II360 and S-II530). A computerized cell tracking and motion analysis system capable of detecting 2% of native pigment activity was used for assessing motility behavior. Introduction of the locked analogue into SR-I or SR-II apoprotein in vivo did not restore phototactic responses through any of the three known photosensory systems (SR-I attractant, SR-I repellent, or SR-II repellent). We conclude that unlike the phototaxis receptor of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which has been reported to mediate physiological responses without specific double-bond isomerization of its retinal chromophore (Foster et al., 1989), all-trans/13-cis isomerization is essential for SR-I and SR-II phototaxis signaling.  相似文献   

Illumination of cell envelope vesicles from H. halobium causes the development of protonmotive force and energizes the uphill transport of glutamate. Although the uncoupler, p-trifluoromethoxycarbonyl cyanide phenylhydrazone (FCCP), and the membrane-permeant cation, triphenylmethylphosphonium (TPMP+), are inhibitory to the effect of light, the time course and kinetics of the production of the energized state for transport, and its rate of decay after illumination, are inconsistent with the idea that glutamate accumulation is driven directly by the protonmotive force. Similarities between the light-induced transport and the Na+-gradient-induced transport of glutamate in these vesicles suggest that the energized state for the amino acid uptake in both cases consists of a transmembrane Na+ gradient (Na+out/Na+in greater than 1). Rapid efflux of 22Na from the envelope vesicles is induced by illumination. FCCP and TPMP+ inhibit the light-induced efflux of Na+ but accelerate the post-illumination relaxation of the Na+ gradient created, suggesting electrogenic antiport of Na+ with another cation, or electrogenic symport with an anion. The light-induced protonmotive force in the H. halobium cell envelope vesicles is thus coupled to Na+ efflux and thereby indirectly to glutamate uptake as well.  相似文献   

Most halobacteria produce gas vesicles (GV). The well-characterized species Halobacterium halobium and some GV+ revertants of GV- mutants of H. halobium produce large amounts of GV which have a spindlelike shape. Most other GV+ revertants of H. halobium GV- mutants and other recently characterized halobacterial wild-type strains possess GV with a cylindrical form. The number of intact particles in the latter isolates is only 10 to 30% of that of H. halobium. Analysis of GV envelope proteins (GVPs) by electrophoresis on phenol-acetic acid-urea gels showed that the GVP of the highly efficient GV-producing strains migrated faster than the GVP of the low-GV-producing strains. The relative molecular mass of the GVP was estimated to be 19 kilodaltons (kDa) for high-producing strains (GVP-A) and 20 kDa for low-producing strains (GVP-B). Amino acid sequence analysis of the first 40 amino acids of the N-terminal parts of GVP-A and GVP-B indicated that the two proteins differed in two defined positions. GVP-B, in relation to GVP-A, had Gly-7 and Val-28 always replaced by Ser-7 and Ile-28, respectively. These data suggest that at least two different gvp genes exist in H. halobium NRL. This was directly demonstrated by hybridization experiments with gvp-specific DNA probes. A fragment of plasmid pHH1 and a chromosomal fragment of H. halobium hybridized to the probes. Only a chromosomal fragment hybridized to the same gyp probes when both chromosomal and plasmid DNAs from the low-GV-producing halobacterial wild-type strains SB3 and GN101 were examined. These findings support the assumption that GVP-A is expressed by a pHH1-associated gvp gene and GVP-B by a chromosomal gvp gene.  相似文献   

Halobacterium halobium swims by rotating its polarly inserted flagellar bundle. The cells are attracted by green-to-orange light which they can use for photophosphorylation but flee damaging blue or ultraviolet light. It is generally believed that this kind of 'colour vision' is achieved by the combined action of two photoreceptor proteins, sensory rhodopsins-I and -II, that switch in the light the rotational sense of the bundle and in consequence the swimming direction of a cell. By expressing the bacteriorhodopsin gene in a photoreceptor-negative background we have now demonstrated the existence of a proton-motive force sensor (protometer) and the function of bacteriorhodopsin as an additional photoreceptor covering the high intensity range. When the bacteriorhodopsin-generated proton-motive force drops caused by a sudden decrease in light intensity, the cells respond by reversing their swimming direction. This response does not occur when the proton-motive force is saturated by respiration or fermentation.  相似文献   

When suspensions of Halobacterium halobium are exposed to bright light, the light-scattering properties of the bacteria change. This light-scattering response can produce a transmission decrease of about 1% throughout the red and near-infrared region. The action spectrum for the light-scattering response appropriately matches the absorption spectrum of bacteriorhodopsin. The response is eliminated by cyanide p-trifluoro-methoxyphenylhydrazone, a proton ionophore, and by triphenylmethylphosphonium, a membrane permanent cation. A mild hypertonic shock induces a similar light-scattering change, suggesting that bright light causes the bacteria to shrink about 1% in volume, thereby producing the light-scattering response.  相似文献   

Properties of the Amylase from Halobacterium halobium   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Halobacterium halobium amylase had optimal activity at pH 6.4 to 6.6 in sodium beta-glycerophosphate buffer containing 0.05% NaCl at 55 C; Ca(2+) was not required. End products from amylose were maltose, maltotriose, and glucose. The amylase, which was devoid of transglucosylase activity, had a multichain attack mechanism.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we demonstrated the occurrence of novel proteins modified with a diphytanylglyceryl group in thioether linkage in Halobacterium halobium (Sagami, H., Kikuchi, A., and Ogura, K. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 14851-14854). In this study, we further investigated protein isoprenoid modification in this halobacterium using several radioactive tracers such as [3H]geranylgeranyl diphosphate. One of the radioactive bands observed on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis corresponded to a periodic acid-Schiff stain-positive protein (200 kDa). Radioactive and periodic acid-Schiff stain-positive peptides (28 kDa) were obtained by trypsin digestion of the labeled proteins. The radioactive materials released by acid treatment of the peptides showed a similar mobility to dolichyl (C55) phosphate on a normal-phase thin-layer plate. However, radioactive hydrolysates obtained by acid phosphatase treatment co-migrated not with dolichol (C55-65), but with diphytanylglycerol on both reverse- and normal-phase thin-layer plates. The mass spectrum of the hydrolysate was also coincident with that of diphytanylglycerol. The partial amino acid sequences of the 28-kDa peptides were found in a fragment (amino acids 731-816) obtainable by trypsin cleavage of the known cell-surface glycoprotein of this halobacterium. These results indicate that the cell-surface glycoprotein (200 kDa) is modified with diphytanylglyceryl phosphate.  相似文献   

Structure of the cell envelope of Halobacterium halobium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The structure of the isolated cell envelope of Halobacterium halobium is studied by X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and biochemical analysis. The envelope consists of the cell membrane and two layers of protein outside. The outer layer of protein shows a regular arrangement of the protein or glycoprotein particles and is therefore identified as the cell wall. Just outside the cell membrane is a 20 A-thick layer of protein. It is a third structure in the envelope, the function of which may be distinct from that of the cell membrane and the cell wall. This inner layer of protein is separated from the outer protein layer by a 65 A-wide space which has an electron density very close to that of the suspending medium, and which can be etched after freeze-fracture. The space is tentatively identified as the periplasmic space. At NaCl concentrations below 2.0 M, both protein layers of the envelope disintegrate. Gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation of the soluble components from the two protein layers reveal two major bands of protein with apparent mol wt of approximately 16,000 and 21,000. At the same time, the cell membrane stays essentially intact as long as the Mg++ concentration is kept at treater than or equal to 20 mM. The cell membrane breaks into small fragments when treated with 0.1 M NaCl and EDTA, or with distilled water, and some soluble proteins, including flavins and cytochromes, are released. The cell membrane apparently has an asymmetric core of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

An oxygen-induced superoxide dismutase was purified from the halophilic bacterium, Halobacterium halobium, strain NRL. Due to the high salt requirement for enzyme stability, the purification had to be performed in the presence of 2 M NaCl. The pI of the protein was 4.95. The approximate Mr was 38,500. The subunit size as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-electrophoresis was approximately 19,000. Metal analysis showed 1.5 atoms of manganese per dimer, 0.5 atom zinc, and 1.54 atoms copper. The N-terminal sequence of amino acids was determined, and based upon the first 26 amino acids significant homology to other manganese- and iron-containing superoxide dismutases was revealed.  相似文献   

Efficient transfection of the archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium.   总被引:28,自引:14,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
We developed an efficient polyethylene glycol-mediated spheroplast transfection method for the extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium. The 59-kilobase-pair linear phage phi H DNA molecule routinely produced between 5 X 10(6) and 2 X 10(7) transfectants per microgram of DNA. Between 0.5 and 1% of spheroplasts were transfected per microgram of luminal diameter H DNA. Under our conditions, survival and regeneration of H. halobium spheroplasts were also quite efficient, suggesting that this method will be useful for introducing other DNAs into these bacteria.  相似文献   

Light inhibition of respiration in Halobacterium halobium   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Biogenesis of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A protein closely resembling the purple membrane protein pre-exists in the cell membrane of H. halobium prior to the appearance of functional bacteriorhodopsin. It is associated with a differentiated membranous structure which has been isolated on a sucrose gradient and appears to be a precursor of the purple membrane. The identity of the precursor protein as a form of the purple membrane protein was established in different ways: (1) The cell proteins were labelled in vivo with 14C-proline during dark aerobic growth, the label was chased, and the cells transferred to the illuminated near-anaerobic conditions under which purple membrane is optimally synthesised (induction conditions). Cell lysates were fractionated on sucrose gradients at different times after induction. Label first found in the precursor fraction appeared within 24 h in the purple membrane fraction. (2) SDS-urea-acrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purple membrane protein and the precursor showed only one protein band whose migration coincided with that of the purple membrane band. (3) The amino-acid analysis of the purified precursor was very similar to that of the purple membrane.The absorption spectrum of the precursor showed little of the characteristic absorption of bacteriorhodopsin at 570 nm. A major band appears at 412 nm, the exact nature of which is not known. The difference spectrum (reduced versus oxidised) of a purified fraction showed only traces of cytochrome. Thin-layer chromatography of an acetone-soluble lipid extract indicated the presence of retinal and -carotene. Cells grown in the presence of nicotine did not develop purple membrane after induction: the species absorbing at 412 nm was much less abundant than in non-inhibited cells, but a new fraction was present with a sharp peak at 345 nm consisting mainly of lycopene.Abbreviations CTAB cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - CAP chloramphenicol - TLC thin layer chromatography - CD circular dichroism  相似文献   

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