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The chromosomes of a tryptophan(-), thymine(-) double auxotroph of Bacillus subtilis were uniformly aligned at the chromosome terminus by an amino acid starvation treatment. By subsequent incubations, the starved culture was rendered competent, while its state of synchronous chromosome arrest was maintained by thymine starvation. The competent, chromosome-arrested cells were transformed for three unlinked markers, located in two different chromosome regions. Shortly after addition of deoxyribonucleic acid, the cell walls were removed with lysozyme in a medium containing deoxyribonuclease and no thymine, and the protoplasted culture was assayed for single and double transformants. It was found that markers both near and distant from the terminus entered freely into the cell interior. There was no important difference in the relative frequency of entry of different markers between synchronously arrested cells and nonsynchronized control cultures. It is concluded that entry of a given marker into the cell interior can occur even if the replication site of the chromosome is stationary at a location distant from the locus of the resident homolog of the entering marker. A mechanism of donor deoxyribonucleic acid entry involving homology at the replication fork is excluded.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌感受态研究新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在枯草芽孢杆菌中,感受态的形成受到一种二元信号转导系统的调节,这种系统对胞外的感受态信息素浓度作出感应而激活晚期感受态基因的表达。各种晚期感受态蛋白分别负责外源DNA的吸附、吸收和内源化,它们共同构成了DNA的运输系统。初步探讨了枯草芽孢杆菌感受态调节在细胞生长和进化中的意义。  相似文献   

Development of Competence in the Bacillus subtilis Transformation System   总被引:51,自引:35,他引:16  
Competence in Bacillus subtilis, assayed by the ability of cells to be transformed with bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or transfected by phage DNA, has been shown to occur in a single semisynthetic medium with peak activity occurring 3 hr after the cessation of logarithmic growth. No step-down conditions or culture manipulations were necessary for routine transfection of 1% of the population. The results demonstrate that bacteriophage DNA is a valid assay for studying the development of competence in B. subtilis. Predictions of workers using transforming bacterial DNA, who have suggested that competence in B. subtilis is associated with a specific phase of growth, are substantiated. The peak of competence is not affected by marked differences in the rate of growth during the logarithmic phase. The effect on development of competence by this procedure of some components (including casein hydrolysate, tryptophan, and histidine) which were routinely included in the transformation medium by other investigators has been determined by use of infectious phage DNA as an assay. We have demonstrated that tryptophan, as well as histidine, increases the transformation frequency—even in strains which do not have auxotrophic demands for these components. Glutamic acid and alanine depress optimal levels of transfection.  相似文献   

The intercellular transfer of competence during growth under the conditions specified by the transformation procedure of Spizizen was investigated with Bacillus subtilis 168. The rate of competence development as assayed uniformly in medium B was not affected by variations in the cell concentration, although the first appearance of transformants occurred earlier with high cell densities in medium A, approximately in proportion to the onset of the stationary phase in the culture. Growth in the presence of Pronase enhanced the frequency of transformation, but did not detectably alter the kinetics of competence development. The rate of competence increase in physiologically noncompetent cultures was not changed by mixing with competent cultures either in medium A or in medium B; however, an early appearance of transformants was noted in mixed cultures in which the proportion of competent to noncompetent cells prevented exponential growth of the noncompetent strain. These experiments indicate that the normal development of competence in B. subtilis is not mediated by a soluble or loosely bound protein factor capable of transmitting competence directly via cell contact. The onset of competence is thus a function of internal physiological changes which are induced by the overall metabolic state of the culture.  相似文献   

Completed Chromosomes in Thymine-Requiring Bacillus subtilis Spores   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Origin:terminus genetic marker ratios (both purA: metB and purA:ilvA) were measured in extracts of spores of Bacillus subtilis strains W23 thy his and 168 thy. For strain W23 thy his, normalized to W23 spore deoxyribonucleic acid, both ratios were equal to unity and were consistent with the presence of only completed chromosomes in the spores. The same ratios in extracts of spores of 168 thy, normalized to strain 168 or the prototroph SB19, were abnormal, i.e., 2.26 +/- 0.10 and 0.71 +/- 0.06 for purA:metB and purA:ilvA, respectively. These values were unaffected by the extent of extraction of the spore deoxyribonucleic acid, the richness of the medium on which they are formed, and the thymine phenotype. The high ratio for purA:metB is in agreement with the results of earlier workers but, because of the low purA:ilvA ratio, cannot be explained simply by the presence of partially replicated chromosomes in spores of strain 168 thy. Furthermore, purA:leuA in such extracts is 1.01 +/- 0.06, consistent with the presence of only completed chromosomes. It is concluded that the abnormal origin:terminus marker ratios are only apparent and result from non-isogenicity between strains 168 thy and 168 in the metB thyB ilvA chromosome region introduced during construction of 168 thy by transformation of strain 168 with W23 thy deoxyribonucleic acid. It is concluded further that the chromosomes of strain 168 thy spores are in a completed form.  相似文献   

Cultures of Bacillus subtilis developed competence for the uptake of deoxyribonucleic acid in a chemically defined medium with a predictable, reproducible pattern. The gross effects of individual amino acids were determined. Seven amino acids, most of which are reported to be major components of the cell wall, were shown to impair the development of maximal levels of competence. When the synthetic growth medium was supplemented with a mixture of the nine amino acids which we found to stimulate the development of competence, the level of transfection was increased to 10 to 15% of the population. The actual level of competence in these populations was assayed by transformation of unlinked bacterial markers and by two different transfection assays. The results indicate that calculations from cotransfer of unlinked markers overestimates the degree of competence in highly competent populations of B. subtilis, whereas the number of plaques obtained in transfection is an under-estimate of the actual level of competence. The results are interpreted to indicate that neither method of analysis gives a true estimate of the competent population, but that more than 80% of the cells may be competent.  相似文献   

Competence proteins in Bacillus subtilis com mutants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The synthesis of nucleases and proteins specific for competence development have been studied in four different Bacillus subtilis competence-deficient mutants. The nuclease analysis showed that two DNA-binding-deficient mutants were impaired in three nuclease activities involved in binding and entry of donor DNA. The other two strains did not show any reduction in nuclease activities. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the proteins, synthesized during competence development, revealed that all four mutants are lacking several competence-specific polypeptides. Our data show that these com mutations have a strong pleiotropic effect, which could be due to a block in the metabolic pathway leading to competence development.  相似文献   

Competence and Deoxyribonucleic Acid Uptake in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The distribution of uninucleate and multinucleate cells of Bacillus subtilis, fractionated by zonal centrifugation, shows that the uninucleate cells are most likely to be competent. Only the competent fraction of the population incorporates deoxyribonucleic acid.  相似文献   

Spores of a thymine-requiring mutant of Bacillus subtilis 168 leucine(-), indole(-), thymine(-)) were uniformly labeled with (3)H-thymidine. These were seeded on thinlayer agar plates where they germinated into long-chained microcolonies. Autoradiograms were used to measure the distribution of labeled deoxyribonucleic acid in the chains of cells, which ranged in length from 2 to 32 cells. Four major grain clusters appeared in most chains. These clusters were homogeneous in size; their grain numbers were distributed symmetrically from 9 to 15 with an average of 12.0. When three or fewer major clusters appeared in short chains, some of them were composed of two subclusters. However, there were always four clusters per chain when these subclusters were counted as individuals. Groupings containing two to eight grains appeared, as well as the four major clusters in longer chains. These minor groups were fragments of the major clusters. In contrast to the symmetrical distribution of major clusters, fragmented clusters were distributed at random, indicating random fragmentation. The total number of major and minor clusters increased at a constant exponential rate when measured against total cell number per chain, i.e., number of generations. It was calculated from the rate that a detectable fragmentation, at least 16% of a conserved unit (defined as a single strand of the complete chromosome), occurred every 6.0 generations. These results led us to conclude that each B. subtilis spore contained four conserved units or two completed chromosomes. Segregation of the four units into progeny cells was almost random. The one notable exception was a conserved unit which frequently appeared in a terminal cell to which an empty spore coat was attached. The presence of two chromosomes in the spore is consistent with our proposed structure of the completed chromosome, in which two sister chromosomes are covalently linked at the initiation region. This double chromosome may be incorporated into the spore without further structural change.  相似文献   

Competent cultures of Bacillus subtilis 168 were fractionated on gradients of Renografin-76 to obtain a population enriched for competent cells. The cells in this fraction contained two nuclear bodies. The competent cell fraction synthesized deoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid at reduced rates compared to the noncompetent cell fraction and appeared to divide synchronously upon incubation. The state of the chromosome in competent cells was determined by density transfer experiments and marker frequency analyses. The results are consistent with a competent cell possessing two, or a multiple of two, chromosomes, one complete and the other partially duplicated. During subsequent growth the partially completed chromosome replicates preferentially.  相似文献   

Gene regulatory circuits must contend with intrinsic noise that arises due to finite numbers of proteins. While some circuits act to reduce this noise, others appear to exploit it. A striking example is the competence circuit in Bacillus subtilis, which exhibits much larger noise in the duration of its competence events than a synthetically constructed analog that performs the same function. Here, using stochastic modeling and fluorescence microscopy, we show that this larger noise allows cells to exit terminal phenotypic states, which expands the range of stress levels to which cells are responsive and leads to phenotypic heterogeneity at the population level. This is an important example of how noise confers a functional benefit in a genetic decision-making circuit.  相似文献   

Summary We report that centrifugation at relatively high g-forces reduces the ability of competent cells of Bacillus subtilis to bind and take up DNA, and to be transformed. The centrifugation supernatant from competent cells restores this reduction of competence; the supernatant from non-competent cells is inactive. Phosphocellulose chromatography of centrifugation supernatants from radioactive competent cultures gave rise to six sharp peaks, together, these were shown by subsequent SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to contain over 60 different polypeptide bands. Peak II, which showed competence restoring activity, produced three polypeptides. When these bands were further examined, one of these exhibited DNA binding activity and the other two each contained a different endonuclease. Competence restoring activity was not recovered from the SDS polyacrylamide gel of peak II. The three peaks from non-competent cultures produced altogether five faint bands in gel electrophoresis. None of these bands were similar to those found in peak II.This work was performed in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Georgetown University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy  相似文献   

Natural competence is a process by which bacteria construct a membrane-associated machine for the uptake and integration of exogenous DNA. Many bacteria harbor genes for the DNA uptake machinery and yet are recalcitrant to DNA uptake for unknown reasons. For example, domesticated laboratory strains of Bacillus subtilis are renowned for high-frequency natural transformation, but the ancestral B. subtilis strain NCIB3610 is poorly competent. Here we find that endogenous plasmid pBS32 encodes a small protein, ComI, that inhibits transformation in the 3610 strain. ComI is a single-pass trans-membrane protein that appears to functionally inhibit the competence DNA uptake machinery. Functional inhibition of transformation may be common, and abolishing such inhibitors could be the key to permitting convenient genetic manipulation of a variety of industrially and medically relevant bacteria.  相似文献   

P. J. Johnsen  D. Dubnau    B. R. Levin 《Genetics》2009,181(4):1521-1533
We present a new hypothesis for the selective pressures responsible for maintaining natural competence and transformation. Our hypothesis is based in part on the observation that in Bacillus subtilis, where transformation is widespread, competence is associated with periods of nongrowth in otherwise growing populations. As postulated for the phenomenon of persistence, the short-term fitness cost associated with the production of transiently nongrowing bacteria can be compensated for and the capacity to produce these competent cells can be favored due to episodes where the population encounters conditions that kill dividing bacteria. With the aid of a mathematical model, we demonstrate that under realistic conditions this “episodic selection” for transiently nongrowing (persisting) bacteria can maintain competence for the uptake and expression of exogenous DNA transformation. We also show that these conditions for maintaining competence are dramatically augmented even by rare episodes where selection favors transformants. Using experimental populations of B. subtilis and antibiotic-mediated episodic selection, we test and provide support for the validity of the assumptions behind this model and the predictions generated from our analysis of its properties. We discuss the potential generality of episodic selection for the maintenance of competence in other naturally transforming species of bacteria and critically evaluate other hypotheses for the maintenance (and evolution) of competence and their relationship to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relationships among deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) uptake, transformation, and autoradiographic labeling were investigated. It is shown that: (i) autoradiography is a good method for measuring the total fraction of competent cells able to incorporate transforming DNA; in our best experiment that fraction was 11.5%. (ii) Computation of the fraction of competent cells in a culture of Bacillus subtilis, by comparing the frequencies of single and double transformants for two unlinked markers, gives values which are somewhat different from those obtained by auto-radiography. (iii) On the average, a competent cell of B. subtilis irreversibly takes up from 0.9 x 10(-10) to 1.4 x 10(-10) mug of DNA; this amount represents about 1/55 to 1/35 of the bacterial chromosome weighing 5 x 10(-9) mug, and corresponds to three to six DNA molecules having a molecular weight of 1.6 x 10(7).  相似文献   

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