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江豚视网膜结构、神经节细胞计数及其分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江豚(Neophocaena aslaecrientalis)是水生哺乳动物,其最大的特点是具有出色的回声定位能力,因此,对江豚的研究多集中于听觉方面。其视觉所起的作用不大被研究者注意,尤其对视觉系统的解剖学和组织学方面的研究尚未见过报导。本实验对江豚视网膜的神经节细胞进行了某些定量研究,同时还观察了其视网膜的一般组织结构,以分析其视网膜的发达程度。为了探索各种动物的视网膜在视觉信息加工中的作用,一些研究者如马图瑞那(Maturana),雅各布森(Jacobson),卡利尼那(Kalinina),范布伦(Van Buren),斯通(Stone)对青  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜对双峰驼Camelus bactrianus眼球的主要结构及附属结构泪腺进行了组织学研究,同时对眼球的一些光学参数进行了测量.双峰驼眼球呈不规则圆球形,角膜径与眼球径比值为1∶1.135,晶状体径与角膜径比值为1∶1.77.组织学结构上与一般哺乳动物差别不大.视网膜属于脊椎动物典型的10层结构,视网膜总厚度(除色素上皮层)约149.777 μm.其中外核层、内核层和神经节细胞层细胞数之间比值为2.66∶1∶0.12.神经节细胞核体积平均值为461.58 μm3.研究初步表明双峰驼视觉调节能力较强,具有某些夜行动物的特点.  相似文献   

本文演示了四焦点开关傅里叶域光学相干断层扫描系统用于全眼段成像和体内视轴参数(VAP)测量的可行性.使用包括不同厚度平行玻璃板的两个同步转盘来将探测光束的焦点位置从角膜以及晶状体的前部和后部切换到视网膜.该过程同时增加了参考光束的深度范围.这种多级聚焦的方法可以使探测光束完全聚焦在人眼的每个部分.初步实验表明,该方法可...  相似文献   

胆鼻海豚(Tursips truncatus) 和江豚(Neomeris phocaeuoides)是生活在海洋里的哺乳动物。由于这类动物具有极其完善的回声定位系统,多年来,人们以极大的兴趣对它们做了大量的研究工作。1971年3月至1972年8月,我们先后捕捉胆鼻海豚、江豚,进行人工饲养,对其做了声讯号接收实验,还解剖了胆鼻海豚、江豚的听觉器官和江豚的鼻囊系统,制作了  相似文献   

江豚皮肤及其背部角质结节的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布在我国沿海和长江中的江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis)经分类学研究,马洛伊(Pilleri)认为与分布在日本的江豚(Neophocaena sunaraeri)和巴基斯坦的江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)不同,是独立的一个种。其解剖学的研究已有一些报道,组织学方面尚缺乏系统的资料。关于其皮肤的组织学结构在徐凤和周开亚的工作中虽有简略述及,但未见有详细的观察。为此对其显微结构进行了研究,并与白暨豚皮肤作了比较。  相似文献   

对2007-2018年辽宁海域发现的39头死亡东亚江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri)进行了外部形态参数测量和生长规律分析,并通过观察牙齿中的生长层组对2014-2018年的27头江豚个体进行了年龄鉴定.结果表明:死亡江豚以0~4龄个体为主,雄性21头,雌性18头;同龄雌雄个体间的体长、体重均无显著差异(P>0.05);所有江豚样本的体重与年龄(Y=137e^-2.475exp(-0.205t))、体长与年龄(Y=232(1-0.680e^-0.161t)均极显著相关(P<0.01),且随年龄增大,体重、体长均增加但增速下降.死亡江豚的发现时间在不同的海域存在差异:黄海北部海域集中在每年的3-6月,以大连星海湾至老虎滩沿岸为多;渤海的辽东湾海域主要在每年的10-11月初,多发现在大连长兴岛以北的海域.辽东湾海域江豚的死亡多发生在渔业作业期,可能与渔业生产活动有关.研究还发现,在一年中辽东湾海域死亡江豚集中出现的时间与斑海豹的分布期存在交替现象,是否与两种海洋哺乳动物适应海水温度能力、种群间的食物竞争以及季节性迁移等因素有关还有待于进一步的研究.  相似文献   

白鱀豚和江豚眼的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白鱀豚是我国特有的一种淡水豚,日前存在的数量已很少,因此是世界上一种珍贵而稀有的动物。同时,白鱀豚和江豚都是具有回声定位功能的动物,一般说,具有回声定位功能的动物其视觉都有不同程度的退化。为了了解白鱀豚的视觉功能,我们曾对其视神经和视网膜进行了研究。而眼的一些光学参数对视觉灵敏度的影响也是很大的。因此,本实验对白鱀豚  相似文献   

江豚听觉器官外形解剖的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides)又称江猪,它和其它鲸类一样,在适应水生环境的过程中,作为听觉器官的耳已起了巨大的变化。过去很多学者已对某些鲸类的听觉器官作过一些研究,并从耳的结构对鲸类耳的听觉作了一些理论上的探讨,如Yamada,M.(1953)对鲸类的听觉器官作过较详细的研究;Fraser,F.C.和Purves,P.E.(1960)对鲸类气囊的进化和现代鲸类外耳,中耳的构造和功能作过研究;Purves,P.E.(1966)对鲸类的外耳和中耳的解剖有较详细的叙述;Kasuya,T.(1973)以鼓-围耳骨作为齿鲸系统分类的重要参考;McCormick,J.G.et al(1970)对海豚耳的声音传导进行了分析。总之对鲸类听觉器官的研究在过去已经作了一些工作,为了更广泛的了解各种鲸类听觉器官的构造,给鲸类听觉的理论研究及生理学实验提供较充分的形态解剖学方面的资料,本文选择了我国沿海常见的江豚作为解剖观察的材料进行了观察。  相似文献   

根据2008年1月—2017年6月在大连海域收集的因搁浅、误捕及救助无效而死亡的斑海豹、江豚、小须鲸等海洋哺乳动物及2016年秋季和2017年春季在该海域进行的渔业资源调查,应用稳定同位素技术,分析了大连海域海洋哺乳动物及主要生物样品的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ13C、δ15N),并计算其营养级,进而构建大连海域食物网的连续营养谱.结果表明: 大连海域食物网的δ15N值范围为8.0‰~14.7‰,δ13C值范围为-21.1‰~-16.7‰.主要生物种类可划分为初级消费者、次级消费者及顶级捕食者3个营养组群.δ15N值分析显示,主要生物种类的营养级范围为2.63~4.59,其中,小须鲸、江豚、斑海豹的营养级依次为3.16、4.11、4.25,棘皮动物为3.24~3.84,头足类为3.81~3.93,腹足类为3.65~4.13,双壳类为2.63~3.15,甲壳类为3.58~4.12,鱼类为3.20~4.59.营养结构特征显示,初级消费者主要为双壳类,次级消费者主要为小须鲸、头足类、棘皮类、腹足类、甲壳类,顶级捕食者主要为江豚、斑海豹、鱼类.随着江豚体长的增加,δ15N值有增大趋势,说明随着江豚生长和摄食能力的增强,其摄食的食物趋向于更高营养层次的生物.研究建立了大连海域食物网的连续营养谱,可以为海洋哺乳动物和渔业资源的保护提供依据.  相似文献   

为了实现利用最小的保护成本满足最大限度的保护物种需求,本文以我国陆生濒危哺乳动物为主要研究对象,以1,434个生态功能小区为规划单元,在地理信息系统(geographic information system,GIS)支持下,确定了94种陆生濒危哺乳动物的潜在分布,利用C-Plan软件的迭代统计分析功能,确定了1,434个陆地生态功能小区作为规划单元的不可替代性值(Irreplaceable,IR).研究将高不可替代性值的规划单元划分为必须保护规划单元(mandatory reserve,MR) (20个)、协商保护规划单元(negotiable reserve,NR) (29个)和部分保护规划单元(partially reserve,PR)(40个)3种不同类型的优先保护等级,面积分别占全国生态功能区总面积的2.2%、6.0%和11.8%,可实现近98%的陆生濒危哺乳动物保护需求.研究结合规划单元内的生态敏感性和保护优先性,提出了基于陆生濒危哺乳动物保护的89个生态功能小区的优先保护规划建议.本研究在丰富系统保护规划理论的同时进行了有益的实践和应用研究,其结果可为我国陆地生态功能区的优先保护规划和陆生濒危哺乳动物的保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

以实际的北京萤火虫复眼结构与生理参数与依据,基于已知的GRIN透镜特征,把小眼的整个光学系统分成几个部分被模型化。模型中,在晶体柱部分使用了一个径向梯度折射率透镜柱具有的抛物线轮廓折射率公式;在晶锥末端所接的半椭球GRIN透镜部分,使用了一个径向梯度和纵向梯度分布都存在的折射率公式.模型的尺寸与折射率的大小根据实际晶锥的测量值.通过对模型小眼的光线追迹,证明模型小眼基本上是一个平行光入射,年行光出射的望远镜系统.小眼光学系统的前半部分把入射的平行光束聚焦到中间焦点,而这个点的位置恰好位于实际晶锥的腰的部位,而光线再次经过晶锥近端以后又以大致平行光束从晶锥末端出射。此模型小眼的最大入射角为30度,在这个入射角内其角放大率基本上是相同的。随着对平行入射光束与小眼光轴的角度的增加,所产生的中间像越来越远离晶锥光轴。  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the eye of a euphausiid crustacean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The compound eye of the Antarctic euphausiid Euphausia superba is a spherical clear zone eye. The dioptric system consists of a hexagonally-faceted cornea, two corneagenous cells, two crystalline cone cells which form the bipartite crystalline cone, and two accessory cone cells. The dioptric system of each ommatidium is separated from that of adjacent ommatidia by six distal pigment cells and a basement membrane. The proximal tip of the crystalline cone is cupped by the distal ends of the seven retinula cells whose nuclei are arranged in a staggered array slightly distal to the middle of the clear zone. In the distal half of the clear zone, each narrow retinula cell column is surrounded by large proximal extensions of the six distal pigment cells. The pigment cells narrow more proximally and terminate at the proximal basement membrane. A specialized axial channel complex extends from the crystalline cone through the clear zone, and is continuous with a conical refractive element which caps the distal end of the rhabdom. The rhabdom is fused, and made up of alternating highly birefringent layers of orthogonally-oriented microvilli. It is surrounded by a narrow extra-cellular space which is continuous with the distal refractive element and a second conical refractive element at the proximal end of the rhabdom.  相似文献   

Among ants, Cataglyphis bicolor shows the best performance in optical orientation. Its eye is of the apposition type with a fused rhabdom. Morphological studies on the general struture of the eye as well as the effect of light have been carried out with transmission and scanning electron microscopy. An ommatidium is composed of a dioptric apparatus, consisting of a cornea, corneal process and a crystalline cone, the sensory retinula, which is made up of eight retinula cells in the distal half and of an additional ninth one in the proximal half. The ommatidia are separated from each other by two primary pigment cells, which surround the crystalline cone and an average of 12 secondary pigment cells, which reach from cornea to the basement membrane. The eye of Cataglyphis bicolor possesses a light intensity dependent adaptation mechanism, which causes a radial and distal movement of the pigment granules within the retinula cells and a dilatation of cisternae of the ER along the rhabdom. Until now, no overall order in arrangement of retinula cells or direction of microvilli has been found from ommatidium to ommatidium. Such an order, however, must exist, either on the retina or the lamina level, since we have proven the ant's capacity for polarized light analysis.  相似文献   

The anterolateral eye, the posterolateral eye and the posteromedial eye of the web-building spider, Argiope amoena have been examined by light and electron microscopy. The dioptric apparatus of all three eyes is similar in structure, and consists of a cornea, a lens and a vitreous body. The retina contains monopolar receptor cells, the cell bodies of which are present beneath the vitreous body in all three eyes. Proximal processes of the receptor cells form rhabdoms beneath the cell body layer and then extend toward the first optic glomerulus as an ocellar nerve. Two distinct patterns of retinal organization are present in the three eyes. In one type the rhabdomic layer of the retina is backed by a pigmented layer. In the other type the rhabdomic layer is backed by a tapetal reflecting layer. Rhabdomic structure and cytoplasmic inclusions of the receptor cells differ greatly between the two types. The anterolateral eye possesses a single type of retina with the rhabdoms backed by the tapetum. Both the posterolateral and the posteromedial eye are similar in structure, each possessing beneath the common dioptric apparatus retinae of both types.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the dioptric apparatus of the larval compound eye of Chaoborus crystallinus (Diptera : Nematocera) is radically reconstructed. The thin larval cornea of the ommatidia is replaced by strongly curved corneal lenses, and the eucone larval cone is replaced by an imaginal cone of the acone type. Curvature of the future lens is already apparent in very young pupae, in which the cornea consists only of a thin epicuticle with corneal nipples. Fibrillary cuticle is secreted by cone and primary pigment cells throughout pupal development. Lens formation is accompanied by movement of the nuclei of the accessory pigment cells. The larval cone disintegrates unexpectedly late in young, images. During late pupal development, 7 cone cell projections emerge. In contrast to the dioptric apparatus, the retinula cells and rhabdom remain almost unchanged during metamorphosis. The main refractive element of the larval ommatidium appears to be the cone, while that of the imaginal ommatidium is the corneal lens. In addition to the compound eyes, the pairs of stemmata are retained during the whole post-larval development. Pupal stemmata show no structural differences from the larval stemmata. The stemmata are still present in 2-day-old images (“retained stemmata”), but the primary stemma loses its dioptric apparatus and is proximally relocated to the basal region of the compound eye. The reconstructions in the visual system of Chaoborus, which occur during ontogeny, are probably connected with the change from aquatic living larvae to aerial adults, and appear to fulfill stage-specific needs of vision.  相似文献   

The soldier beetle eye is unusual in having large optically isotropic corneal cones which project inwards from a thick isotropic cornea. Refraction is mainly at the corneal surface. Calculation shows that the first focal plane is near the tip of the cone, from which the optical pathway continues as a crystalline tract. At the distal end of the crystalline tract, 3 micrometer in diameter, the four cone cells enclose the proximal tip of the corneal cone; at the proximal end they enclose the distal tip of a long fused rhabdom rod. The eye is remarkable in that there are two classes of retinula cells; four cells contribute to the long thin axial rhabdom, 2 micrometer in diameter and 120 micrometer long, and the other four cells form two rounded rhabdoms, 10 x 4 micrometer in cross-section and 20 micrometer deep, which lie to one side of the optical axis. The physiological properties of individual retinula cells were measured by intracellular recording. The retinula cells are of three spectral types with peaks near 360, 450 and 520--530 nm. Except by the criterion of spectral sensitivity, the retinula cells sampled could not be sorted into more than one class. The measured value of the acceptance angle, near 3 degrees in the dark-adapted state, is consistent with the hypothesis that all sampled cells were of the anatomical type that participate in the central rhabdom rod. A calculation of the theoretical field size of individual retinula cells from measurments of refractive index and lens dimensions predicts that cells which participate in the central rhabdom will have acceptance angles near 3 degrees. The conclusion, therefore, is that only one anatomical type of cell has so far been sampled.  相似文献   

The lens and cornea combine to form a single optical element in which transparency and refraction are the fundamental biophysical characteristics required for a functional visual system. Although lens and cornea have different cellular and extracellular specializations that contribute to transparency and refraction, their development is closely related. In the embryonic mouse, the developing cornea and lens separate early. In contrast, zebra fish lens and cornea remain connected during early development and the optical properties of the cornea and lens observed by slit lamp and quasielastic laser light scattering spectroscopy (QLS) are more similar in the zebra fish eye than in the mouse eye. Optical similarities between cornea and lens of zebra fish may be the result of similarities in the cellular development of the cornea and lens.  相似文献   

The crystalline lens in the cichlid fish Aequidens pulcher undergoes a transformation of its optical properties every dawn and dusk as the eye adapts to changes in light conditions. During dusk the transformation result in an increase of the refractive power in the lens cortex, the outermost 40 percent. The change is thought to match the optical properties of the lens to the requirements of the retina. Using a short term in vitro lens culturing system together with optical measurements we here present data that confirm that the optical properties of the lens can change within hours and that dopamine influences the optical properties of the lens. Dopamine yields dose-dependent decrease of the refractive power in the lens cortex. The D1-agonist SKF-38393 induces a similar decrease of the refractive power in the cortex, while the D2-agonist quinpirole has no effect. The effect of dopamine can be blocked by using the D1-antagonist SCH 23390. Our results suggest that dopamine alone could be responsible for the light/dark adaptive optical changes in the lens, but the involvement of other signaling substances cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The sandlance, Limnichthyes fasciatus (Creediidae, Teleostei), behaves like a marine chameleon, with independent movements of its turret-like eyes, highly-effective camouflage and rapid strikes for isolated, mobile prey at close quarters. The optical system has a fixed circular pupil, a deep pit fovea and a flattened lens unlike any other teleost lens so far described. The convex, laminated structure of the cornea is also unparalleled in a teleost which suggests that the cornea may play a refractive role that might compensate for the reduced power of the flattened lens. This suggestion has been supported in the present investigation by four independent sets of observations:- i. Purkinje images formed underwater by the cornea; ii. Measurements of the magnification of intra-corneal iridophores viewed through the corneal lenticle; iii. Measurements of the magnification produced by the dissected corneal lenticle and lens when viewed over a grating; iv. Ray tracing experiments comparing the degree of refraction produced by the lens and by the corneal lenticle. All experimental observations confirm that the cornea of the sandlance has a significant refractive role, with a power of approximately 200 D compared with a power of 550 D for the lens. This is the first report of a significant refractive role played by the cornea in a teleost. The optical system of lens plus cornea, in combination with a deep pit fovea, may be more suitable for the detection and visual localisation of small, moving, underwater prey than the conventional wide-field spherical lens system of other teleosts. The evolutionary convergence of this marine optical system and lifestyle with those of the chameleon is remarkable, given the constraints imposed by underwater optics.  相似文献   

许曼飞  李孟园  姜岩  孟召娜  谭畅  王国昌  边磊 《昆虫学报》2022,65(10):1277-1286
【目的】明确灰茶尺蠖Ectropis grisescens成虫复眼的超微结构及其明暗适应中的变化,探究其调光机制。【方法】采用超景深显微镜测定了灰茶尺蠖成虫复眼的小眼数量、间角、直径和曲率半径等外部参数,并通过组织切片、光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜等技术观察了复眼的内部超微结构;通过光学显微镜观察了灰茶尺蠖成虫复眼在明暗环境中分别适应2 h后晶锥结构及色素颗粒的位置变化。【结果】灰茶尺蠖成虫复眼呈半球形,雌、雄虫单个复眼分别有2 502±105和3 123±78个小眼。小眼自远端至近端由角膜、晶锥、透明区构成的屈光层和由15个视网膜细胞构成的感光层组成。2个初级色素细胞包裹着晶锥,自角膜近端延伸至视网膜细胞核区的远端;每个小眼外围由6个次级色素细胞围绕,自角膜近端延伸至基膜;在透明区内14个视网膜细胞聚集成束(非感杆束),远端与晶锥束末端连接,在感光层内形成闭合型感杆束,延伸至第15个视网膜细胞(基部视网膜细胞)。在明暗适应时,灰茶尺蠖复眼的晶锥细胞间出现开闭,色素颗粒进行纵向位移,以适应外界的光强度的变化。【结论】灰茶尺蠖成虫复眼属于重叠像眼,感杆束为“14+1”模式;屏蔽色素颗粒的移...  相似文献   

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