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Hypothalamo-pituitary disconnected Soay rams were exposed to two photoperiodic treatments: 1) constant long days (16L:8D) for 48 wk after pretreatment under short days (LD group), and 2) constant short days (8L:16D) for 48 wk after pretreatment under long days (SD group). In the LD group, plasma prolactin (PRL) concentrations increased from 0 to 8 wk (maximum: 143.3 +/- 8.4 microg/l; 8.8 +/- 1. 2 wk), decreased from 9 to 34 wk (minimum: 15.6 +/- 1.6 microg/l; 34. 5 +/- 1.5 wk), and finally increased again under the constant conditions, with a similar cyclical pattern for all individuals. In the SD group, PRL concentrations showed an inverse pattern (minimum: 8.6 +/- 2.6 microg/l; 17.1 +/- 2.0 wk; maximum: 46.4 +/- 5.5 microg/l; 30.2 +/- 3.2 wk), with more variability. Plasma concentrations of FSH were basal in both groups. The duration of the daily nocturnal melatonin peak (measured at 10, 24, and 44 wk) remained close to 8 h under long days (high-fidelity melatonin signal) but decreased significantly (13.8 h to 9.3 h) under short days (low-fidelity melatonin signal). The results support the conclusion that the melatonin signal encoding photoperiod acts within the pituitary gland to induce both acute (inductive) and chronic (refractory) effects photoperiod on PRL secretion.  相似文献   

Seasonal cycles in the size of the testes, blood plasma concentration of testosterone, FSH and prolactin, intensity of the sexual skin flush, timing of rutting behaviour and moulting of the body coat were recorded in Soay rams after s.c. implantation of melatonin contained in a Silastic envelope which increased the circulating blood levels of melatonin to 200-600 pg/ml for many months. Two groups of 8 adult rams were held under alternating periods of short days (8L:16D) and long days (16L:8D) to drive the seasonal cycles and the treatments with melatonin were initiated during the long or short days, and one group of 8 ram lambs was kept out of doors and given implants during the long days of summer (4 melatonin-implanted and 4 control (empty implants) rams per group). The treatments demonstrated that melatonin implants during exposure to long days resulted in a rapid 'switch on' of reproductive redevelopment similar to that produced by exposure to short days melatonin implants prevented the rams from showing the normal responses to changes in the prevailing photoperiod rendering them nonphotoperiodic; and long-term cyclic changes in testicular activity, prolactin secretion and other characteristics occurred in the melatonin-implanted rams; the pattern was similar to that previously observed in rams exposed to prolonged periods of short days. The overall results are consistent with the view that melatonin is the physiological hormone that relays the effects of changing photoperiod on reproduction and other seasonal features, and that continuous exogenous melatonin from an implant interferes with the normal 'signal' and produces an over-riding short-day response.  相似文献   

Light entrainment and stimulation of PRL release were studied in rams submitted to artificial light regimes: In a first experiment four groups of animals were submitted to light regimes with a period of 6, 4, 3 or 2 months respectively (T6 to T2 groups) and amplitude of 8-16 h of daylength. In all four groups PRL level was significantly correlated with daylength (r greater than 0.51; P less than 0.01). However in July, when temperatures were indeed high, an additional PRL increase was observed in the T6, T4 and T3 groups, although the role of temperature appears debatable. In a second experiment, animals were exposed daily to 8 hrs. of light given in two photofractions. The first fraction of 7 hrs. began at the same time as "dawn", and the second of 1 hr ended at the same time as "dusk" of the T6 group in the first experiment which served as control group. Correlation of plasma prolactin in rams receiving 8 h light in one or two photofractions was highly significant (r = 0.66; P less than 0.001). This suggests that rams measured daylength between two limits considered as "dawn" and "dusk" even if lights were turned off during part of this interval.  相似文献   

Rams were treated with melatonin implants in 2 experiments designed to examine the control of reproductive seasonality. In Exp. 1, rams (n = 12) were allocated to 3 treatment groups: 2 groups were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram for 4 months from 11 November (N) and 9 December (D) and the remaining group was untreated (C). The seasonal increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency and testes size was advanced in Groups N and D. A second seasonal cycle in LH secretion and testes size occurred in Groups N and D after melatonin implants became exhausted. In Exp. 2, rams (n = 20) were allocated to 4 treatment groups: 10 rams were castrated on 6 October and 1 group of entire rams (EM) and one group of castrated rams (CM) were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram each month from 3 November until 8 January. The other group of entire rams (EC) and castrated rams (CC) was untreated. An increase in LH pulse frequency occurred after castration. Melatonin treatment increased LH pulse frequency in entire rams and reduced LH pulse frequency in castrated rams. The results demonstrated that the advanced reproductive development as a result of treatment with melatonin implants was due to an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator to increase LH pulse frequency. The ability of melatonin to influence LH pulse frequency in entire and castrated rams indicated that an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator is independent of testicular steroids.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of the egg of the medaka, Oryzias latipes, were studied before, during, and after fertilization. The resting potential of the unfertilized egg averaged ?39 ± 9 mV in Yamamoto's Ringers (Y. Ringers), but 20% of the values were between ?50 and ?60 mV. Fertilization triggers a small depolarization of 4 ± 3 mV in 10% Y. Ringers with an average duration of 20 ± 10 sec. The amplitude of this depolarization is independent of [Na+]o, [Ca2+]o, and [Cl?]o, so it appears to be due to a nonspecific leak triggered by sperm-egg fusion. The depolarization is followed by a longer hyperpolarizing phase with an average amplitude of 31 ± 12 mV. Recovery from this hyperpolarization has a fast phase lasting 155 ± 18 sec, followed by a slower phase which reaches a steady average membrane potential of ?19 ± 1 mV by 9 min after fertilization. The membrane resistance falls 10-fold during the first 2 min after fertilization, from 40 (1520 kΩ-cm2) to 3 MΩ. This is largely due to an increase in the K+ conductance. At the peak of the hyperpolarization, the membrane potential exhibits a 28 mV/decade [K+]o dependence and a 6 mV/decade [Na+]o dependence. The membrane resistance slowly recovers over the next 8 min to a value about 30% larger than before fertilization. The relation of current vs voltage was linear before, during, and after fertilization and indicated a reversal potential of ?98 ± 20 mV for the hyperpolarization peak. The egg's capacitance averaged 0.04 ± 0.01 μF (0.9 μF/cm2) before fertilization and approximately doubles within 90 sec after fertilization. It then decreases over a 9-min period, reaching a value 25% smaller than before fertilization.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure of male hamsters to short day lengths induces testicular regression. This is followed many weeks later by spontaneous recrudescence of the testes with reinitiation of spermatogenesis and function of the accessory sexual glands. Hamsters at this stage of the annual reproductive cycle are refractory to short photoperiods--even continuous darkness will not induce another bout of testicular regression. Animals refractory to short days are also refractory to the pineal hormone melatonin and a number of investigators attribute spontaneous recrudescence and photo and melatonin refractoriness to a developed target cell insensitivity to endogenous melatonin from the pineal. Refractoriness is terminated by exposure to long days for at least 11 weeks. The pineal gland is reported to be essential for this process. We report here the effects of pinealectomy, daily melatonin injections, and constant-release melatonin implants on the ability of male hamsters to recover from the refractory state. In the absence of the pineal gland, refractory male hamsters did not discriminate (count?) 15 weeks of long days to terminate refractoriness. Daily melatonin injections at 1900 h, but not at 1200 h (lights 0600-2000 h) during the 15 weeks of long-day exposure blocked the recovery from refractoriness. Constant-release melatonin implants abolished the animals ability to measure 12 and 15 weeks of long days to terminate refractoriness. These results demonstrate that general target tissue insensitivity to melatonin cannot account for the refractory state in hamsters, that a multiplicity of target tissues may exist for melatonin to account for its varied roles throughout the annual reproductive cycle in hamsters, and that the pineal gland is intimately involved in the animals' ability to measure a prescribed duration of long days to terminate refractoriness.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that prolactin (PRL) inhibits gonadotropin secretion in rams maintained under long days and that treatment with melatonin (s.c. continuous-release implant; MEL-IMP) reactivates the reproductive axis by suppressing PRL secretion. Adult Soay rams were maintained under long days (16L:8D) and received 1) no further treatment (control, C); 2) MEL-IMP for 16 wk and injections of saline/vehicle for the first 8 wk (M); 3) MEL-IMP for 16 wk and exogenous PRL (s.c. 5 mg ovine PRL 3x daily) for the first 8 wk (M+P). The treatment with melatonin induced a rapid increase in the blood concentrations of FSH and testosterone, rapid growth of the testes, an increase in the frequency of LH pulses, and a decrease in the LH response to N-methyl-D,L-aspartic acid. The concomitant treatment with exogenous PRL had no effect on these reproductive responses but caused a significant delay in the timing of the sexual skin color and growth of the winter pelage. These results do not support the hypothesis and suggest that PRL at physiological long-day concentrations, while being totally ineffective as an inhibitor of gonadotropin secretion, acts in the peripheral tissues and skin to maintain summer characteristics.  相似文献   

R R Gala 《Life sciences》1990,46(20):1407-1420
It is well known that stress in a number of forms induces the secretion of prolactin (PRL) in a number of species. What is not well known is that under certain conditions stress will also induce a decrease in PRL secretion. The conditions whereby stress decreases PRL are those where PRL secretion is elevated such as during the proestrous afternoon surge and during the nocturnal surge of pseudopregnancy. The physiologic significance of the stress-induced increase of PRL is suggested to be important in maintaining the competence of the immune system. The significance of the stress-induced decrease of PRL does not appear to have a major consequence on the physiology of reproduction in the rat and it is suggested that future studies be directed towards its significance in the immune system. The literature is reviewed dealing with the regulation of PRL secretion with emphasis on the factors that generate PRL surges in the rat. In addition the mechanism(s) of the stress-induced increase and decrease is (are) also examined. A hypothesis is presented suggesting an interaction between tuberoinfundibular dopamine secretion and a hypothalamic prolactin releasing factor in the generation of PRL surges and the differential effects of stress on PRL secretion.  相似文献   

The present study examines the ovulatory activity of wild and domesticated ewes subjected to either a constant photoperiod of long days (16L:8D) or natural changes in daily photoperiod for 16 mo. The aim was to determine whether an endogenous reproductive rhythm controls seasonal reproductive activity in these sheep, and how the photoperiod might affect this. The effects of long-day photoperiods on long-term changes in prolactin and melatonin secretion were also evaluated. The two species showed changes in reproductive activity under the constant photoperiod conditions, suggesting the existence of an endogenous rhythm of reproduction. This rhythm was differently expressed in the two types of ewe (P < 0.05), with the domestic animals exhibiting much greater sensitivity to the effects of long days. A circannual rhythm of plasma prolactin concentration was also seen in both species and under both photoperiod conditions, although in both species the amplitude was always lower in the long-day animals (P < 0.01). The duration of the nocturnal melatonin plasma concentrations reflected the duration of darkness in both species and treatments. The peak melatonin concentration did not differ between seasons either under natural or long-day photoperiods.  相似文献   

Seasonal cycles were monitored in groups of wild (mouflon), feral (Soay) and domesticated breeds of sheep (Shetland, Blackface, Herdwick, Norfolk, Wiltshire, Portland, Merino, Soay x Portland and Soay x Merino) living outdoors near Edinburgh (56 degrees N). Changes in the blood plasma concentrations of prolactin and FSH, and growth of the horns and pelage were measured every half calendar month from 1 to 3 years of age. In all breeds there was a clearly defined seasonal cycle in the plasma concentration of prolactin with an 18-66-fold increase in mean values from the nadir in November and December to the peak in May and June. The seasonal increase in prolactin was closely correlated with the seasonal increase in the growth of the horns, both within and between breeds (e.g. time of peak prolactin vs horn growth for 11 breeds, R = 0.62, P less than 0.05). In the mouflon, Soay and some of the domesticated breeds of sheep (Wiltshire, Herdwick and Shetland), the seasonal increase in prolactin was also temporally correlated with the resurgence of growth of the pelage in spring and a conspicuous moult. In the other breeds developed to produce fine wool (e.g. Norfolk, Portland and Merino), there was no clear seasonal change in the pelage and growth continued throughout the year. Comparison between breeds indicated that continuous growth of the pelage was associated with higher plasma prolactin concentrations in winter. The times of the seasonal changes in plasma concentrations of prolactin were not significantly correlated with the corresponding changes in the plasma concentrations of FSH. The overall results are consistent with a role for prolactin related to the growth of the horns and pelage rather than the seasonal cycle in reproduction. The differences between the wild-type and the domesticated breeds in the pelage represent the effect of selective breeding to produce a long fine fleece which has involved changes in both the seasonal pattern of prolactin secretion and the growth characteristics of the hair fibres.  相似文献   

Angus and Angus crossbred prepubertal heifers were ovariectomized and randomly assigned to either increasing light simulating the photoperiod of the vernal equinox to the summer solstice (I) or decreasing light simulating the photoperiod of the autumnal equinox to the winter solstice (D) for 43 degrees N latitude. Three blood samples were taken each week for 14 weeks, the first at 11:00 h and two others 2 days later, 1 h before lights on (dark), 1 h before lights off (light). At the end of 14 weeks 4 heifers from each treatment group were cannulated and samples were taken for 12 h at 15-min intervals, 6 h in the light and 6 h in the dark. All sera were assayed for LH, FSH and prolactin. In addition, the samples taken at 15-min intervals were assayed for melatonin. In samples taken weekly at 11:00 h circulating concentrations of LH and prolactin were higher among animals in Group I, while FSH concentrations were not different between Groups D and I. In samples collected weekly in the light or the dark, LH and prolactin concentrations were higher in Group I animals. However, prolactin concentrations were higher and LH concentrations tended to be higher in samples taken in the dark. FSH concentrations were not different between either D or I or dark and light. In samples taken at 15-min intervals the prolactin baseline was higher and pulse amplitude tended to be higher for Group I animals. Neither LH nor FSH pulse characteristics differed between I and D; however, LH baseline and LH pulse amplitude were higher in the dark. Melatonin pulse amplitude was higher among animals in Group D and higher in serum collected in the dark. These results suggest that photoperiod alters circulating concentrations of LH and prolactin and alters pulsatile release of LH, prolactin and melatonin in the prepubertal heifer.  相似文献   

In a study of the internal desynchronization of circadian rhythms in 12 shift workers, 4 of them, aged 25-34 years, agreed to be sampled every 2 h during their night shift (0000 hours to 0800 hours). They were oil refinery operators with a fast rotating shift system (every 3-4 days). We found marked changes in the secretory profiles of melatonin, prolactin and testosterone. Melatonin had higher peak-values resulting in a four-times higher amplitude than in controls. With respect to prolactin and testosterone, peak and trough times were erratic and the serum concentrations were significantly decreased in shift workers. Serum cortisol presented a decreased rhythm amplitude together with higher concentrations at 0000 hours in shift workers. This study clearly shows that fast rotating shift-work modifies peak or trough values and rhythm amplitudes of melatonin, prolactin, testosterone and cortisol without any apparent phase shift of these hormones. Whether the large rhythm amplitude of melatonin may be considered as a marker of tolerance to shift work, as reported for body temperature and hand grip strength, since it would help the subjects to maintain their internal synchronization, needs further investigation.  相似文献   

Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) concentrations were measured in young (3-4 month old) and middle-aged (10-12 month old) intact female rats on proestrus, in ovariectomized rats after two estrogen injections (estradiol benzoate; EB, 10 micrograms/100 g body weight, s.c.) or after preoptic stimulation in EB-primed ovariectomized rats. Only animals showing regular 4-day estrous cycles were selected for the experiment. The magnitude of proestrous LH surge was significantly smaller in middle-aged than in young rats. Two BE injections, at noon on Days 0 and 3, in ovariectomized middle-aged rats failed to induce surges in LH secretion on Day 4 whereas the same treatment produced LH surges in ovariectomized young rats. The preoptic electrochemical stimulation (50 microA for 60 sec) produced a prompt rise in serum LH levels in ovariectomized EB-primed young but not in middle aged rats. The preoptic stimulation with a larger current (200 microA) induced LH secretin in middle-aged rats. In none of these situations serum PRL concentrations were different between young and middle-age rats. These results suggest differential aging rates in the preoptic mechanisms governing LH and PRL secretion in the rat. The function of the preoptic ovulatory center in responding to the estrogen positive feedback action and inducing LH secretion may become impaired and independent of the PRL control mechanism, even before the regular estrous cycle terminates.  相似文献   

The 24-h pattern of melatonin secretion was evaluated in Suffolk ewes during prolonged exposure to an inductive photoperiod to assess whether altered secretion of melatonin could account for the eventual loss of response to stimulatory photoperiod (photorefractoriness). Secretory patterns of melatonin were determined approximately every two weeks in samples obtained hourly for 24-48 h. Sampling was begun one week before the switch from inhibitory (long) to inductive (short) photoperiod and continued for 150 days, by which time all but one of the ewes were unresponsive to that stimulatory day length. Melatonin was measured in two different radioimmunoassay systems. Reproductive state was monitored by luteinizing hormone secretion in ovariectomized ewes bearing constant-release estradiol implants. No evidence for disruption of the melatonin pattern was observed on any occasion. The duration and the phase of the melatonin elevation relative to the light/dark cycle did not vary with time of exposure to short days. These findings indicate that refractoriness of the Suffolk ewe to an inductive photoperiod is not caused by an inappropriate secretory pattern of melatonin.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of treating seasonally anoestrous ewes with melatonin before ram introduction on reproductive response, and on LH secretion in anoestrous ewes induced to ovulate by rams.In Experiment 1, a total of 667 ewes from three flocks involving Merino (Flock 1, N = 149), Merino entrefino (Flock 2, N = 325) and Rasa Aragonesa (Flock 3, N = 203) breeds were used. Within each flock, ewes isolated from rams since the previous lambing were assigned at random to receive melatonin implants of Regulin (75, 175 and 105 in Merino, Merino entrefino and Rasa Aragonesa flocks, respectively) or to serve as untreated controls (74 in Merino, 150 in Merino entrefino and 98 in Rasa Aragonesa flocks). Fertile rams were introduced into all flocks 5 weeks after implantation in March (Flocks 1 and 2) or April (Flock 3), and remained with the ewes for a 50 day mating period. Percentage of ewes with luteal activity at ram introduction did not differ between melatonin treated and control ewes in any flock. There were no significant differences in either the mean interval from ram introduction to lambing or the distribution of lambing. Implantation with melatonin resulted in an improvement of prolificacy in all three flocks, although this only reached statistical significance in the Merino flock (1.15 vs. 1.03 in treated and control ewes, respectively, P < 0.05). Fertility was increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the Merino entrefino flock (64.5% in treated vs. 51.3% in control ewes).In Experiment 2, two trials were undertaken utilizing a total of 63 ewes. Trial 1 involved 24 mature Manchega ewes and Trial 2 involved 39 Merino ewe lambs. Half of the animals in each trial received a Regulin implant on 28 February (Trial 1) or 12 March (Trial 2) and the remaining half acted as controls. Rams were introduced 5 weeks after implantation and remained with the ewes for a 25 day period. In both trials, anoestrous ewes at ram introduction were bled at 20 min intervals for 3 h before and 5 h after ram introduction and then at 3 h intervals over the next 24 h for assessment of plasma concentrations of LH. Secretion of LH before or following introduction of rams was not affected by melatonin. Both treated and control anoestrous ewes in each trial responded to introduction of rams with an increase in the frequency of the LH pulses (P < 0.05), but no significant changes were detected in pulse amplitude or mean levels of LH. A preovulatory surge of LH was detected between 8 and 26 h after ram introduction, but neither mean interval from ram introduction to the peak of LH surge, nor the magnitude of the LH peak, was influenced by melatonin treatment.Results from this study show that: (1) melatonin implants administered during early seasonal anoestrus have the potential to improve reproductive performance in Spanish breeds of sheep, but the response is conditioned by breed, management system and environmental factors; (2) melatonin did not modify the secretion of LH in anoestrous ewes induced to ovulate by the ram effect under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Prepubertal ewe lambs were treated with empty or filled melatonin implants. The implants were placed s.c. at birth and pituitary responsiveness to various doses of LHRH, LH/FSH pulsatility and prolactin and melatonin secretion were examined at 10, 19, 28, 36 and 45 weeks of age. Control animals (N = 10) showed no consistent alteration in pituitary responsiveness to LHRH during development. Ewes treated with melatonin (N = 10) had puberty onset delayed by 4 weeks (P less than 0.03) but no effect of melatonin on LH or FSH response to LHRH injection was observed at any stage of development. In the control and melatonin-treated ewe lambs the responses to LHRH injection were lower during darkness than during the day at all stages of development. No consistent differences in LH or FSH pulsatility were observed between treatment groups or during development. Prolactin concentrations, however, failed to decrease at the time of puberty (autumn) in the melatonin-treated group. Melatonin-treated ewe lambs maintained normal rhythmic melatonin production which was superimposed on a higher basal concentration and showed the same increase in melatonin output with age as the control ewes. These results indicate that the delayed puberty caused by melatonin implants is not due to decreased pituitary responsiveness to LHRH or to dramatic changes in basal LH or FSH secretion.  相似文献   

Debeljuk L  Lasaga M 《Peptides》2006,27(11):3007-3019
Tachykinins are present in the pituitary gland and in brain areas involved in the control of the secretion of pituitary hormones. Tachykinins have been demonstrated to stimulate prolactin release acting directly on the anterior pituitary gland. These peptides have also been revealed to be able to act at the hypothalamic level, interacting with neurotransmitters and neuropeptides that have the potential to affect prolactin secretion. Tachykinins seem to act by stimulating or inhibiting the release of the factors that affect prolactin secretion. Among them, tachykinins have been demonstrated to stimulate oxytocin and vasopressin release, which in turn results in prolactin release. Tachykinins also potentiated the response to vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and reinforced the action of glutamate, which in turn result in prolactin release. They have also been shown to interact with serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in the control of prolactin secretion. In addition, tachykinins have been shown to inhibit GABA release, a neurotransmitter with prolactin-release inhibiting effect. This inhibition may result in an increased prolactin secretion by removal of the GABA inhibition. On the other hand, tachykinins have also been shown to stimulate dopamine release by the hypothalamus, an action that results in an inhibition of prolactin release. Dopamine is a well known inhibitor of prolactin secretion. In conclusion, although tachykinins have been shown to have a predominantly stimulatory effect on prolactin secretion, especially at the pituitary level, under some circumstances they may also exert an inhibitory influence on prolactin release, by stimulating dopamine release at the hypothalamic level.  相似文献   

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