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长吻鮠精巢及精子结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
长吻鮠精巢高度分支呈指状。后1/3紫红色,由上皮细胞组成,既不产生精子,也不贮存精子。精巢的内部结构为叶型,由体细胞和生殖细胞构成,小叶的基本单位是小囊。精子头短而圆,主要为核占据,无顶体,核凹窝十分发达,有中心粒帽;尾极长,具侧鳍,轴丝基部有发达的囊泡状结构和线粒体。  相似文献   

Flagellar structure in spermatids of several species of cricket was studied with the electron microscope. The flagella of mid-spermatids contain the usual 9 + 2 set of fibers and a set of nine accessory fibers. At first all are hollow, then the lumina become filled with an electron-opaque matrix material in which narrow electron-lucent microcylinders are embedded. The accessory fibers and one central fiber become filled first, then the B subfibers and the other central fiber, and finally the A subfiber. In all but the B subfibers, microcylinders are arranged in a circular or oval group that lies against the wall of the lumen and encloses one or several additional microcylinders. In accessory fibers there are 9–11 microcylinders in the outer group and 4–5 in the inner group. In the central fibers and the A subfibers there are 7–9 microcylinders that enclose one or two more. In the B subfibers there is a crescentic group of 6–7 microcylinders that partially encloses 2–3 more. Microcylinders become packed as though they are independent units; the matrix appears to be an amorphous substance that fills the spaces around the microcylinders. The mean diameter of the microcylinders is 36 A, and they have a center-to-center distance of 56 A. In both respects they resemble wall subunits of flagellar fibers and microtubules and they may be similar structures but with a different localization. The diameter of accessory fibers is about 350 A, which is 25% greater than that of the other flagellar fibers and of cytoplasmic microtubules. Rotation tests suggest that the accessory fibers have 16 wall-subunits.  相似文献   

Pacinian corpuscles in the mesentery of adult cats were fixed with either glutaraldehyde, osmium tetroxide or permanganate solutions by close intra-arterial injection through the mesenteric artery, and were processed, after electron staining and Epon embedding, for electron microscopy. Better resolution of the corpuscle's ultrastructure was obtained than available heretofore. The myelinated segment of the corpuscle contains blood vessels separated from the axon by collagen fibers and 3 to 4 layers of lamellae. No blood vessels are found in the central core, though access from the vessels is afforded by diffusion through the "cleft" of the inner core. Two cell types are discernible in the inner core hemilamellae; the "clear cells" in which pinocytotic vesicles and organelles abound and reflect the greater metabolic activity of these cells, in contrast to the "dark cells." The ultraterminal is ellipsoidal in form with projections into the "cleft" which give this portion an irregular appearance in section. The terminal and ultraterminal are packed with mitochondria, and "synaptic" vesicles are seen in the ultraterminal. The innermost laminae of the inner core cells are in close apposition to the terminal and break their regular pattern of hemilamellation to surround the small ultraterminal projections at the apical part of the corpuscle.  相似文献   

埃及伊蚊感染鸡疟原虫(Plasmodium gallinaceum)18天后解剖,电镜下观察唾液腺内孢子体的形态。孢子体长7μm、宽0.8μm;复合膜由一层外膜、二层内膜及膜下微管组成。发达的膜下微管与孢子体重要的运动功能有关。细胞核约位于正中。胞质较均一,有时有空泡存在,胞质中有散在核糖体,未观察到内质网。孢子体有胞口。发达的棒状体及众多的微线体,可能与孢子体需侵入媒介唾液腺细胞、尔后再侵入鸟类宿主中胚层细胞有关。因而,任何作用于棒状体、微线体并导致其结构及功能变化的药物,都将影响甚至阻断孢子体对宿主细胞的入侵,这就为疟疾的药物预防提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   

本通过聚丙烯酰凝胶电泳法对家蝇幼虫体内的过氧化物酶、乳酸脱氢酶、苹果酸脱氢酶、酯酶和超氧化物歧化酶,以及对超氧化物歧化酶的特性进行了研究。实验结果为家蝇幼虫资源开发利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

刘玉堂  秦鹏春 《兽类学报》1995,15(4):273-278
本文应用光镜,电镜及组织化学方法对水貂卵丘形成过程进行了研究。结果表明,在发育过程中,卵泡细胞内含有一些圆形线粒体,许多单个粗面内质网囊池和丰富的核糖体,高尔基复合体罕见,当卵泡细胞变成单层柱状时,细胞内开始出现成团的微丝及一些直径1-2μm的厚壁泡。在卵泡细胞膜上可见到胞吐小泡以及细胞间夹有透明带物质,表明卵泡细胞可能参与透明带的形成,随着卵泡腔的形成,卵泡细胞开始出现含中性脂肪及磷脂的颗粒,卵  相似文献   

The following structures were observed in electron micrographs of the mouse spinal ganglion cells: Nissl bodies composed of both aggregated rough-type, largely oriented, membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and discrete particles; short rodlike mitochondria with well-developed transverse, obliquely or longitudinally arranged cristae, and a relatively typical Golgi complex. The components of ultracentrifuged ganglion cells (400,000 times gravity for 20 minutes) are stratified, the layers appearing in the order of their decreasing density as follows: (1) A microsomal or ergastoplasmic layer which may be further divided into three sublayers without sharp boundaries, namely, a discrete particle layer, a layer of discrete particles and highly distorted membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, and a layer composed of relatively intact, but stretched membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and discrete particles. (2) Mitochondria constitute a relatively broad layer. They are sometimes stretched; however, they retain most of their fine structure. The stratified nucleus is found within the mitochondrial layer. (3) A relatively wide layer of tightly packed vesicles. (4) At the centripetal end, resting against the cell membrane, are a few lipid vacuoles. A comparison is made between the ultrastructure of the stratified layers in situ and those described by others in differentially ultracentrifuged homogenates.  相似文献   

Abstract Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the susceptible (S) and the resistant (R) strains of housefly (Musca domestica) was investigated using kinetic analysis. The Vmax values of AChE for hydrolyzing acetylthiocholine (ATCh) and butyrylthiocholine (BTCh) were 4578.50 and 1716.08nmol/min/mg* protein in the R strain, and were 1884.75 and 864.72 nmol/min/mg. protein in the Sstrain, respectively. The Vmax ratios of R to S enzyme were 2.43 for ATCh and 1.98 for BTCh. The Km values of AChE for ATCh and BTCh were 0.069 and 0.034 mmol/L in the S strain, and 0.156, 0.059 mmol/L in the R strain, respectively. The Km ratios of R to S enzyme were 2.26 for ATCh and 1.74 for BTCh. The ki ratios of S to R enzyme for three insecticides propoxur, methomyl and paraoxon were 46.04, 4.17 and 2. 86, respectively. In addition, kcat and kcat/Km for measuring turnover and catalytic efficiency of AChE were determined using eserine as titrant. The kcat values of AChE from the R strain for both ATCh and BTCh were higher than those values from the S strain. But the values of kcat/Km were in contrary to the kcat values with R enzyme compared to S enzyme. The AChE catalytic properties and sensitivity to the inhibition by three insecticides in the R and S strains of housefly were discussed based on contribution of Vmax, Km, ki, kcat and kcat/Km. All these data implied that AChE from the R strain might be qualitatively altered. We also observed an intriguing phenomenon that inhibitors could enhance the activity of AChE from the resistant strain. This “flight reaction” of the powerful enzyme might be correlated with the developing resistance of housefly to organophosphate or carbamate insecticides.  相似文献   

The multilayered structure (MLS) in a spermatid of Marchantia is the morphogenetic blueprint of the headpiece in a mature sperm. As the nucleus begins elongation, a curved, tapered nuclear projection follows the path of microtubules extending from the MLS and becomes inserted into an indented zone at the rear of the asymmetric organelle. The indented zone defines the most forward penetration of the nucleus into the sperm headpiece. Partial disorganization of MLS lower strata nearest the nuclear projection facilitates overlapping of the nucleus with the rearward part of the anterior mitochondrion. At the front of the nascent headpiece, the mitochondrion is stabilized against microtubules following total disorganization of intervening MLS strata. Penetration of the nuclear projection along the MLS and directed disorganization of MLS lower strata control ultimate disposition of headpiece components. The headpiece is isolated and molded into final shape by undercutting and constriction of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

家蝇抗性和敏感品系中的乙酰胆碱酯酶动力学研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对家蝇抗性和敏感品系中的乙酰胆碱酯酶 (AChE)的催化特性进行了研究。抗性品系中AChE水解ATCh和BTCh的Vmax分别为 4578.50和 1 71 6.0 8;而敏感品系的Vmax则为 1 884.75和864.72nmol/min/mgprotein ;Vmax的比率 (R/S)对ATCh是 2 .2 6倍 ;对BTCh则是 1 .74倍。AChE的Km 值在敏感品系中分别是 0 .0 69和 0 .0 34;而在抗性品系中则分别是 0 .1 56和 0 .0 59mmol/L ;Km 的比率 (R/S)对ATCh是 2 .43倍 ;对BTCh则是 1 .98倍。此外 ,我们还用eserine作为滴定剂测定了AChE的转换数kcat和酶特异性常数kcat/Km,抗性品系中的AChEkcat值均比敏感品系的要高 ;而kcat/Km 值与此相反。本文着重分析了抗性品系与敏感品系间AChE的催化特性以及对残杀威、灭多威、对氧磷的敏感度差异 ,研究结果表明抗性品系中的AChE性质有可能发生变化。同时还观察到某些杀虫剂能增强抗性品系AChE的活力 ,我们认为这种“增强反应”可能与家蝇对有机磷或氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂的抗性发展有关  相似文献   

The fine structure of 3 members of the genus Cryptomonas, C. rostrella, C. reticulata, and C. calceiformis, has been examined. These species exhibit the features typical of the class Cryptophyceae. The presence of subpellicular trichocysts causes a regular folding of the periplast, and larger trichocysts are present within the gullet. The plastid contains thylacoids arranged in pairs and a prominent pyrenoid; both structures are enclosed in 4 membranes, the outermost of which is a rough endoplasmic reticulum. The nucleus, Golgi apparatus and the Corps de Maupas occupy characteristic positions within the cell, and are the most characteristic features. All these structures indicate that this algal class occupies a unique phylogenetic position.  相似文献   

柳属植物在秦岭地区的分布和分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明理 《植物研究》1993,13(2):136-145
本文对秦岭地区41种柳属植物采用简约性分析讨论形态演化,采用聚类分析讨论地理分布式样和分化。秦岭地区有较完整的多雄蕊类群→两雄蕊类群→单雄蕊类群的演化。其分布式样和区系特征和邻近地区即华北、华中和西南成分联系密切,表现出明显的过渡性质,其中青藏高原成分占重要地位,特别可以从太白山分布上去说明。本区的地理分化也被青藏高原成分和华中成分所作用。  相似文献   

Avers , Charlotte J. (Douglass Coll., Rutgers—The State U., New Brunswick, N.J.) Fine structure studies of Phleum root meristem cells. I. Mitochondria. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(9): 996–1003. Illus. 1962.—Mitochondrial numbers were computed from thick sections embedded in paraffin and stained with iron hematoxylin, from methacrylate embedded, 0.5 μ-thick sections stained with osmium, and from electron micrographs of ultrathin sections fixed in KMnO4. The mean mitochondrial counts per average cell (20 × 20 × 10μ) were: 121 ± 4 in paraffin sections, 600 ± 40 in methacrylate sections, and 991 ± 96 from electron micrographs. These numbers were higher than the Janus green B count of 91 ± 2 per cell found during an earlier study. In each case, arithmetical conversion factors were used to calculate total numbers of mitochondria per cell since section thicknesses were less than that of whole cell length or depth. Determinations of numbers of mitochondria probably varied depending on section thickness and specific staining procedures used, but the higher count from electron micrographs was assumed to be reasonable on a volumetric basis. The cytoplasmic volume of the average cell is about 2500 μ3 and the volume of a single average mitochondrion is about 0.1μ3. On this basis, the variety of structures and their relatively sparse distribution seems possible despite the apparently high numbers found. In addition to mitochondria, the numbers of various cellular components per unit cytoplasmic area were determined. These data showed that mitochondria were about 6 times more numerous than proplastids, about 4.5 times more numerous than Golgi bodies, and even more frequent when compared with vesicles, dense bodies, or microbodies. No correlation was found between cytoplasmic area and numbers of organelles per unit area. Photographic evidence was presented for the occurrence in plant cells of the hepatic cell, polymorphic “lysosome” described by Ashford and Porter. The controversial nature of the lysosome is discussed.  相似文献   

丛林猫在甘肃的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外工作期间得到寿鹿山自然保护区雷光炳、王树荣、田种时和李生俊等同志的积极支持与帮助;在整理本文时,承刘季科教授提出宝贵意见,特此致谢1997年12月29日收到修改稿##D丛林猫(Fellscha。s)是我国二类保护的猫后动物,广泛分布于亚洲中西部的伊朗、里海、高加索、印度半岛和中南半岛,以及我国的云南、西藏(高耀亭等.1987.中国动物志,兽类,第八卷,食肉目.科学出版社,319页)。1996年11月,笔者在腾格里沙漠南缘的甘肃省景泰县寿鹿山自然保护区(37”03’~27iN,103。4if~53iE)考察期间,于海拔2600m的青海云杉(Pice…  相似文献   

Avers , Charlotte J. (Douglass Coll., Rutgers—The State U., New Brunswick, N.J.) Fine structure studies of Phleum root meristem cells. II. Mitotic asymmetry and cellular differentiation. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(2): 140–148. Illus. 1963.—An electron microscopical study showed that ultrastructural differences distinguished the cell dividing symmetrically from that undergoing asymmetrical division in timothy grass epidermis. The spindle orientation led to cytokinesis which produced either equal- or unequal-sized sister cells, but the mitotic apparatus itself varied in the mitoses. In asymmetrical cells, the basal pole showed more extensive endoplasmic reticulum (ER) polarizations, which intruded into the spindle area during metaphase and anaphase. Such ER polarity was not obvious in symmetrical mitosis or in the apical end of asymmetrically dividing cells. The mitotic sequence is described photographically. Foci of ER were observed as early as prophase in the polar region, and it is suggested that there is a resemblance to astral ray foci seen in prophase of animal cell mitosis. Cell plate formation could be detected in anaphase by accumulations of vesicles and ER fragments along the spindle equator. Phragmosomes apparently were not involved in cell plate formation in Phleum, unlike Allium, cytokinesis. The mitotic asymmetry is discussed as a consequence of an intracellular gradient separate from the intercellular gradient of differentiation along the entire length of growing root tip epidermis.  相似文献   

The cell wall of the freshwater diatom Navicula pelliculosa (Bréb.) Hilse is composed of the silica shell and an organic skin which surrounds it. Isolated skins can be prepared by first removing the contents of the cell by mechanical shaking, followed by a posttreatment of these isolated cell walls with HF vapor to remove the silica shell. T h e skins can also be seen in sections, particularly well after the silica shell has been removed B y H. F; vapor. The origin and morphological composition of the shin in N. pelliculosa are not yet completely ascertaincd. As parts of the cell wn11, both the silica shell and the skin are extracellularly located. The growth of the silica shell, however, occurs intracellularly inside a vesicle delimited by a triple-layered membrane, the silicalemma. This membrane or secondary excreted organic material or both in various proportions may compose the skin.  相似文献   

THE FINE STRUCTURE OF ACANTHAMOEBA CASTELLANII : I. The Trophozoite   总被引:19,自引:15,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The fine structure of the trophozoite of Acanthamoeba castellanii (Neff strain) has been studied. Locomotor pseudopods, spikelike "acanthopodia," and microprojections from the cell surface are all formed by hyaline cytoplasm, which excludes formed elements of the cell and contains a fine fibrillar material. Golgi complex, smooth and rough forms of endoplasmic reticulum, digestive vacuoles, mitochondria, and the water-expulsion vesicle (contractile vacuole) are described. A canicular system opening into the water-expulsion vesicle contains tubules about 600 A in diameter that are lined with a filamentous material. The tubules are continuous with unlined vesicles or ampullae of larger diameter. Centrioles were not observed, but cytoplasmic microtubules radiate from a dense material similar to centriolar satellites and are frequently centered in the Golgi complex. Cytoplasmic reserve materials include both lipid and glycogen, each of which amounts to about 10% of the dry weight.  相似文献   

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