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A fragmentary hominid cranium with teeth, specimen L.894-1, dating from 1.84 m.y. BP in the Shungura Formation at Omo, is described. From its dental and cranial morphology and because of similarities to Olduvai Hominids 24 and 13 and Sangiran 4, among others, it is concluded that the specimen represents a member of an early species of the genus Homo (Homo habilis or Homo modjokertensis). The specimen shows approximal grooving on the premolars, pre-mortem chipping of the molar enamel, foramina ovale and spinosum divided by the sphenosquamosal suture, limited pneumatization of the mastoid region, and a possible interparietal bone. Sedimentological, ostracod, pollen, macrofloral, and taphonomic data indicate that the paleo-environmental context was a savanna/grassland or savanna woodland on the margin of a saline lake.  相似文献   

The Pliocene hominid mandibles of A. afarensis from Hadar, Ethiopia are described anatomically.  相似文献   

Human remains from the Xarusgol Valley, Ordos Plateau, northwestern China, have been considered to date to the Late Pleistocene. In order to ascertain their true age, direct AMS (14)C dating of a femur collected in the early 1920s was conducted. The results demonstrate that the femur is very young, with one sample of 'post-bomb' age and the other sample c. 200 years old. This first direct dating of a Chinese fossil hominid underscores the need to apply the same methodology to other Chinese modern human fossils currently believed to be of Pleistocene age.  相似文献   

Samples of paleosols from locality AL-333, known for numerous specimens of Australopithecus afarensis, were analyzed in order to reconstruct the original soils and environment of burial of the associated fossil hominids. The bones were found in swale-like features, within the calcareous and coarse-grained basal portion of a paleosol. This is more like an assemblage of bones buried during a single depositional episode, such as a flood, than an assemblage accumulated on a soil over a long period of time by carnivores or other means of death. What killed the hominids remains unclear, but considering the association of originally disarticulated bones of such hydraulically distinct types as phalanges and maxillae, it is very likely that they died and partially rotted at or very near this site. The paleosols at AL-333, here named the Fo and Go clay paleosols, have calcareous rhizoconcretions, granular surface horizons, prismatic peds, and shallow calcareous nodules and stringers like soils now supporting grassy woodland in semiarid regions. Although this group of hominids was buried in streamside gallery woodland, there is evidence from Laetoli, Tanzania, that A. afarensis ventured out into open wooded grassland as well. Evidence for this should be sought from other paleosols at Hadar.  相似文献   

The upper part of the Pliocene Hadar Formation, central Afar, Ethiopia, has yielded a 40% complete fossil hominid skeleton (A.L. 288-1, “Lucy”). This specimen is described in detail and selected measurements and illustrations are provided.  相似文献   

A hominid upper premolar was discovered in the Azmaka quarry, near Chirpan (Bulgaria). The associated fauna, especially the co-occurrence of Choerolophodon and Anancus among the proboscideans, and Cremohipparion matthewi and Hippotherium brachypus among the hipparions, constrains the age of the locality to the second half of the middle Turolian (ca. 7 Ma), making it the latest pre-human hominid of continental Europe and Asia Minor. The available morphological and metric data are more similar to those of Ouranopithecus from the Vallesian of Greece than to those of the early to middle Turolian hominids of Turkey and Georgia, but the time gap speaks against a direct phyletic link, and Turolian migration from the east cannot be rejected.  相似文献   

Our knowledge concerning stature in earlyHomo is scanty. In this paper, based on comparison with the fossil femur KNM-ER 999, an estimate of 482 mm femur length is derived for KNM-ER 736, the latter dating from the Lower Pleistocene. From comparison with other fossil and modern femora, KNM-ER 736 appears to be the longest hominid femur so far recovered from a site of Early Pleistocene age. Moreover, the estimated femur length is higher than the published mean values of most modern populations. Provided that trunk and head proportions were not radically different from modernH. sapiens, the finding would suggest that a stature similar to that of modern man was already reached by East AfricanHomo as early as about 1.6 Myr before present.  相似文献   

The late Miocene deposits at Rudabànya, Hungary, were laid down in a shallow valley sloping westwards from a range of hills and opening out into the Pannonian Lake. Rise and fall of lake level gave rise to varying conditions, from dry land with soil formation to swamp and lake. The stratigraphic and palaeontological succession has been investigated at one of the sites, Rudabànya 2, where two cycles of deposition and erosion are represented, with soil formation, swamp conditions with lignite formation, and periods of extended high lake level succeeding each other. Both mammal and plant fossils are present at several levels. Taphonomic modifications in the Rudabànya 2 vertebrate faunas include losses of skeletal elements through carnivore selection, fluvial sorting at some levels, and post-depositional destruction by leaching and/or acid soils. The lowest level, the lower lignite, has few fossils. The fossil mammals from the level above, the grey marl, are the least modified but they are mixed with abraded, probably allochthonous, bone fragments and more complete specimens resulting from near-lake deaths. Modifications of bones by carnivores are indicated, but the specimens were too broken post-depositionally for the impact of the carnivores to be assessed. Carnivore action is also indicated for the fauna of the black clay which formed on the surface of the grey marl. The fauna consists of relatively abundant small mammals and the primates Anapithecus hernyaki and Dryopithecus hungaricus, with the latter much less common. The predator accumulating the smaller species was probably a viverrid. The red marl fauna is a transported assemblage from higher up the valley with the fossils extremely fragmentary and abraded and few identifiable specimens, almost all of which are teeth. The black mud fauna is also probably a transported assemblage, lower energy than the red marl environment, and the bones are much modified subsequently by acid corrosion similar to that seen today in bone preserved in peat bogs. Dryopithecus is a major constituent of the fauna, with Anapithecus less common. D. hungaricus is thus associated more strongly with swamp forest and shallow riverine conditions with low energy movement of water, and A. hernyaki is associated with lake shore (probably forest) conditions, accumulating in lake sediments and lake-flat sediments. The palaeoecology of the area as a whole, based on the associated flora and fauna, is a combination of swamp forest, lake shore forest and open mud flats.  相似文献   

A partial mandible with two molars intact was recovered between 1981 and 1984 from deposits of the Middle Pliocene at Tabarin, in Kenya. It has been described and assigned toAustralopithecus cf.afarensis Johanson, White, andCoppens, 1978, with the condition that if ‘A. afarensis’ is revised, then the attribution may change. The taxon ‘A. afarensis’ was found to be invalid and was revised. The smaller specimens of ‘A. afarensis,’ to which the Tabarin mandible was said to be similar, were redescribed asHomo antiquus Ferguson, 1984. Since the Tabarin mandible andH. antiquus are successive transients of the same gens and are allopatric, the Tabarin hominid population is described as an earlier chronosubspecies,Homo antiquus praegens ssp. n.  相似文献   

The fragment of the skull of Orce attributed to the genusHomo is compared with fossil and extant mammals. The anatomical analysis supports the idea of ascribing it to an infantile individual of the genusHomo, close to the primitive Turkana specimens.  相似文献   


Human teeth erupt during root growth but few studies report the relationship between fractions of root development and eruption levels. The aim of this study was to assess root stages of deciduous and early erupting permanent teeth (maxillary and mandibular central incisors and first molars) at eruption levels and relate this to root fraction and tooth length. The sample consisted of 620 modern human skeletal remains with developing teeth. Tooth stage (based on Moorrees crown and root stages) and eruption levels of all developing teeth were assessed where possible. Tooth length of isolated teeth was measured. The distribution of root stage at eruption levels was calculated. Results showed that root stage at alveolar eruption was less variable than at partial eruption. Most teeth (72% of 138) at alveolar eruption were at root a quarter (R¼) whereas teeth at partial eruption were at R¼ or root half (R½) (38 and 50% of 128 respectively). These findings suggest that the active phase of eruption is probably a rapid process and occurs during the first half of root growth.  相似文献   

A molar tooth fragment from the Plio-Pleistocene Barranco León site 5 at Orce is shown to belong toHomo by analyses of its enamel in terms of the arrangement of the striae of Retzius and Hunter-Shreger bands, presence of perikymata, and of the thickness of the enamel, when compared with teeth of similarsized mammals of other taxa.  相似文献   

The effect of tooth shape on the breakdown of insects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

During excavations in Bed III, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania in 1962, a slender fossil femur and part of a tibial shaft were recovered. Their strange appearance resulted in their neglect for many years. Anatomical examination now confirms that these bones are hominid, probably hominine, yet distorted in form. The distortion does not appear to be the result of pathology but due to damage and abrasion while in the deposits; deposits dated at approximately 1 million years B.P. O.H. 34 is the first hominid to be recovered from Bed III, Olduvai Gorge.  相似文献   

Noncarious tooth lesions (NCTL) are frequent findings in contemporary dental practices. Unlike other dental and periodontal diseases, NCTL have not been studied in an anthropological context. The purpose of the present study was to compare the prevalence of NCTL in three archaeological samples from the Copper Age and Middle Ages and in subjects examined in three dental practices. Both archaeological samples and dental-practice subjects were from southern France. In the archaeological sample group, no NCTL were detected in 3,927 teeth from 259 individuals. In the dental-practice group, prevalence rates were in agreement with current epidemiological data. Our data also suggest that prevalence of NCTL increases with age and is higher in females. Premolars were the most affected tooth type. Occurrence of NCTL has long been attributed to toothbrushing and to erosion by intrinsic and extrinsic acids. More recently, occlusal stress associated with tooth flexure has been implicated. The reasons underlying the total absence of NCTL in archaeological samples are discussed. The most likely explanations involve differences in lifestyle, diet, and dental condition.  相似文献   

陕西省鄂尔多斯盆地渭北油田中三叠统铜川组发现一枚牙齿化石。该枚牙齿具有如下特征:牙齿细长,外形呈圆锥形,齿冠基部横截面为圆形,齿冠整体较直,沿长轴稍微向后缘弯曲,齿冠表面无齿脊和锯齿分布,发育纵向延伸的沟槽状纹饰。通过与鳄型类、蛇颈龙类和离片椎类的牙齿比较,该标本可以归入离片椎类。这枚牙齿化石为这一类群在中三叠统铜川组的首次发现,代表了离片椎类在华北板块最晚的化石记录。  相似文献   

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