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The Fab portion of a humanized antibody (Fab-12; IgG form known as rhuMAb VEGF) to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been affinity-matured through complementarity-determining region (CDR) mutation, followed by affinity selection using monovalent phage display. After stringent binding selections at 37 degrees C, with dissociation (off-rate) selection periods of several days, high affinity variants were isolated from CDR-H1, H2, and H3 libraries. Mutations were combined to obtain cumulatively tighter-binding variants. The final variant identified here, Y0317, contained six mutations from the parental antibody. In vitro cell-based assays show that four mutations yielded an improvement of about 100-fold in potency for inhibition of VEGF-dependent cell proliferation by this variant, consistent with the equilibrium binding constant determined from kinetics experiments at 37 degrees C. Using X-ray crystallography, we determined a high-resolution structure of the complex between VEGF and the affinity-matured Fab fragment. The overall features of the binding interface seen previously with wild-type are preserved, and many contact residues are maintained in precise alignment in the superimposed structures. However, locally, we see evidence for improved contacts between antibody and antigen, and two mutations result in increased van der Waals contact and improved hydrogen bonding. Site-directed mutants confirm that the most favorable improvements as judged by examination of the complex structure, in fact, have the greatest impact on free energy of binding. In general, the final antibody has improved affinity for several VEGF variants as compared with the parental antibody; however, some contact residues on VEGF differ in their contribution to the energetics of Fab binding. The results show that small changes even in a large protein-protein binding interface can have significant effects on the energetics of interaction.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are progressive, infectious neurodegenerative disorders caused primarily by the misfolding of the cellular prion protein (PrPc) into an insoluble, protease‐resistant, aggregated isoform termed PrPsc. In native conditions, PrPc has a structured C‐terminal domain and a highly flexible N‐terminal domain. A part of this N‐terminal domain consists of 4–5 repeats of an unusual glycine‐rich, eight amino acids long peptide known as the octapeptide repeat (OR) domain. In this article, we successfully report the first crystal structure of an OR of PrPc bound to the Fab fragment of the POM2 antibody. The structure was solved at a resolution of 2.3 Å by molecular replacement. Although several studies have previously predicted a β‐turn‐like structure of the unbound ORs, our structure shows an extended conformation of the OR when bound to a molecule of the POM2 Fab indicating that the bound Fab disrupts any putative native β turn conformation of the ORs. Encouraging results from several recent studies have shown that administering small molecule ligands or antibodies targeting the OR domain of PrP result in arresting the progress of peripheral prion infections both in ex vivo and in in vivo models. This makes the structural study of the interactions of POM2 Fab with the OR domain very important as it would help us to design smaller and tighter binding OR ligands.  相似文献   

Quinolinic acid (QA), a biologically potent but neurodestructive metabolite is catabolized by quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (QPRT) in the first step of the de novo NAD+ biosynthesis pathway. This puts QPRT at the junction of two different pathways, that is, de novo NAD+ biosynthesis and the kynurenine pathway of tryptophan degradation. Thus, QPRT is an important enzyme in terms of its biological impact and its potential as a therapeutic target. Here, we report the crystal structure of human QPRT bound to its inhibitor phthalic acid (PHT) and kinetic analysis of PHT inhibition of human QPRT. This structure, determined at 2.55 Å resolution, shows an elaborate hydrogen bonding network that helps in recognition of PHT and consequently its substrate QA. In addition to this hydrogen bonding network, we observe extensive van der Waals contacts with the PHT ring that might be important for correctly orientating the substrate QA during catalysis. Moreover, our crystal form allows us to observe an intact hexamer in both the apo‐ and PHT‐bound forms in the same crystal system, which provides a direct comparison of unique subunit interfaces formed in hexameric human QPRT. We call these interfaces “nondimeric interfaces” to distinguish them from the typical dimeric interfaces observed in all QPRTs. We observe significant changes in the nondimeric interfaces in the QPRT hexamer upon binding PHT. Thus, the new structural and functional features of this enzyme we describe here will aid in understanding the function of hexameric QPRTs, which includes all eukaryotic and select prokaryotic QPRTs. Proteins 2014; 82:405–414. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

All models of the RNA world era invoke the presence of ribozymes that can catalyse RNA polymerization. The class I ligase ribozyme selected in vitro 15 years ago from a pool of random RNA sequences catalyses formation of a 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage analogous to a single step of RNA polymerization. Recently, the three-dimensional structure of the ligase was solved in complex with U1A RNA-binding protein and independently in complex with an antibody fragment. The RNA adopts a tripod arrangement and appears to use a two-metal ion mechanism similar to protein polymerases. Here, we discuss structural implications for engineering a true polymerase ribozyme and describe the use of the antibody framework both as a portable chaperone for crystallization of other RNAs and as a platform for exploring steps in evolution from the RNA world to the RNA-protein world.  相似文献   

C(H)2-domain-deleted CC49 (HuCC49DeltaCH2), a recombinant humanized antibody that recognizes the TAG-72 antigen expressed on a variety of human carcinomas, is secreted from cultured cells as a mixture of two homodimeric isoforms. Isoform A contains two covalent interchain disulfide bonds at heavy chain positions 239 and 242, while isoform B fails to develop any interchain disulfide bonds but has 239-242 intrachain disulfide bonds instead. Form A is currently in preclinical development as a therapeutic agent for treating colorectal carcinoma, though form B shows equal efficacy. HuCC49DeltaCH2 form B can be crystallized from sodium formate only in the presence of detergents. X-ray diffraction data were collected on a single cryo-cooled crystal grown with Triton X-100 and the structure was solved by molecular replacement. The model has refined to R=0.246 (R(free)=0.297) for 2.8A data. The antibodies pack in the crystal around crystallographic 2-fold axes as tetramers with approximate 222 symmetry. Atomic force microscopy studies show that this tetrameric structure is the crystal building block and also exists free in the mother liquor. The tetramer is composed of two rings, back-to-back, with a thickness of approximately 83A. Each ring is composed of two antibodies with the complementarity-determining regions (CDR) of the two Fabs of one antibody interacting with the CDR regions of the second antibody in a head-to-head fashion. These rings are approximately 167A long and 112A wide. The C(H)3 domain is inverted with respect to the Fabs when compared to the usual orientation found in conventional antibodies. The polypeptides joining the C(H)3 domains to the Fab portions of the antibody are not seen and are almost certainly disordered. The antigen combining site of HuCC49DeltaCH2 is very similar, but not identical, in topology and charge distribution to that of antibody B72.3, which binds a similar epitope on TAG-72. The combining site consists of a deep cleft, heavily lined with aromatic amino acid side-chains but bounded by numerous charged groups.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) is a serine protease, a member of the prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) family, and has been implicated in several diseases. Therefore, it seems important to develop selective inhibitors for human DPPIV (hDPPIV) that are able to control the biological function of hDPPIV. In order to elucidate the binding mode and substrate specificity, we determined the crystal structure complex of hDPPIV and diprotin A (IIe-Pro-IIe), a slowly hydrolyzed substrate of hDPPIV, at 2.2 A resolution. In this paper, we discuss the molecular interaction mechanism of diprotin A with hDPPIV based on the X-ray crystal structure.  相似文献   

Guamerin, a canonical serine protease inhibitor from Hirudo nipponia, was identified as an elastase-specific inhibitor and has potential application in various diseases caused by elevated elastase concentration. However, the application of guamerin is limited because it also shows inhibitory activity against other proteases. To improve the selectivity of guamerin as an elastase inhibitor, it is essential to understand the binding mode of the inhibitor to elastase and to other proteases. For this purpose, we determined the crystal structure of guamerin in complex with chymotrypsin at 2.5 Å resolution. The binding mode of guamerin on elastase was explored from the model structure of guamerin/elastase. Guamerin binds to the hydrophobic pocket of the protease in a substrate-like manner using its binding loop. In order to improve the binding selectivity of guamerin to elastase, several residues in the binding loop were mutated and the inhibitory activities of the mutants against elastase and chymotrypsin were monitored. The substitution of the Met36 residue for Ala in the P1 site increased the inhibitory activity against elastase up to 14-fold, while the same mutant showed 7-fold decreased activity against chymotrypsin compared to the wild-type guamerin. Furthermore, the M36A guamerin mutant more effectively protected endothelial cells against cell damage caused by elastase than the wild-type guamerin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Molecular interactions among cytokines and cytokine receptors form the basis of many cell-signaling pathways relevant to immune function. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) signals through a multimeric receptor complex consisting of two different but structurally related transmembrane chains: the high-affinity receptor-binding subunit (IFN-gammaRalpha) and a species-specific accessory factor (AF-1 or IFN-gammaRbeta). In the signaling complex, the two receptors probably interact with one another through their extracellular domains. Understanding the atomic interactions of signaling complexes enhances the ability to control and alter cell signaling and also provides a greater understanding of basic biochemical processes. RESULTS: The crystal structure of the complex of human IFN-gamma with the soluble, glycosylated extracellular part of IFN-gammaRalpha has been determined at 2.9 A resolution using multiwavelength anomalous diffraction methods. In addition to the expected 2:1 complex, the crystal structure reveals the presence of a third receptor molecule not directly associated with the IFN-gamma dimer. Two distinct intermolecular contacts, involving the edge strands of the C-terminal domains, are observed between this extra receptor and the 2:1 receptor-ligand complex thereby forming a 3:1 complex. CONCLUSIONS: The observed interactions in the 2:1 complex of the high-affinity cell-surface receptor with the IFN-gamma cytokine are similar to those seen in a previously reported structure where the receptor chains were not glycosylated. The formation of beta-sheet packing interactions between pairs of IFN-gammaRalpha receptors in these crystals suggests a possible model for receptor oligomerization of Ralpha and the structurally homologous Rbeta receptors in the fully active IFN-gamma signaling complex.  相似文献   

Trans-sialidase (TS), a virulence factor from Trypanosoma cruzi, is an enzyme playing key roles in the biology of this protozoan parasite. Absent from the mammalian host, it constitutes a potential target for the development of novel chemotherapeutic drugs, an urgent need to combat Chagas'' disease. TS is involved in host cell invasion and parasite survival in the bloodstream. However, TS is also actively shed by the parasite to the bloodstream, inducing systemic effects readily detected during the acute phase of the disease, in particular, hematological alterations and triggering of immune cells apoptosis, until specific neutralizing antibodies are elicited. These antibodies constitute the only known submicromolar inhibitor of TS''s catalytic activity. We now report the identification and detailed characterization of a neutralizing mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb 13G9), recognizing T. cruzi TS with high specificity and subnanomolar affinity. This mAb displays undetectable association with the T. cruzi superfamily of TS-like proteins or yet with the TS-related enzymes from Trypanosoma brucei or Trypanosoma rangeli. In immunofluorescence assays, mAb 13G9 labeled 100% of the parasites from the infective trypomastigote stage. This mAb also reduces parasite invasion of cultured cells and strongly inhibits parasite surface sialylation. The crystal structure of the mAb 13G9 antigen-binding fragment in complex with the globular region of T. cruzi TS was determined, revealing detailed molecular insights of the inhibition mechanism. Not occluding the enzyme''s catalytic site, the antibody performs a subtle action by inhibiting the movement of an assisting tyrosine (Y119), whose mobility is known to play a key role in the trans-glycosidase mechanism. As an example of enzymatic inhibition involving non-catalytic residues that occupy sites distal from the substrate-binding pocket, this first near atomic characterization of a high affinity inhibitory molecule for TS provides a rational framework for novel strategies in the design of chemotherapeutic compounds.  相似文献   

A new Mn(II) complex with the planar ligand 6,7-dicycanodipyrido[2,2-D:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (L) [MnL(NO(3))(H(2)O)(3)]NO(3).CH(3)OH (1) has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, TG-DTA and molar conductance. Its crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction, crystal data: yellow, triclinic, space group P1;, Z=2, a=7.3743(8) A, b=11.2487(15) A, c=14.1655(15) A, alpha=79.412(2) degrees, beta=83.208(2) degrees, gamma=80.466(2) degrees. The Mn atom was hexa-coordinated to form a distorted octahedral geometry by two nitrogen atoms of L and four oxygen atoms of three H(2)O and NO(3)(-) in the complex. The binding mode of the complex with calf thymus DNA has also been investigated with spectrophotometric methods, viscosity and thermal denaturation measurements. The experimental results indicate that the complex intercalated into DNA base pairs via the ligand L. The intrinsic binding constant K(b) values for 1 (5.00 x 10(5) M(-1)) and L (1.65 x 10(5) M(-1)) were determined by absorption titration and calculated with the model of McGhee and Von Hippel. Biological tests against four different cell lines (HL-60, KB, Hela and BGC-823) in vitro showed that the complex had significant antitumor properties since the 50% inhibition concentrations (IC(50)) of the complex were within a microM range similar to those of antitumor drug 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) antagonists have become therapeutic drugs for immunological diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, etc. Low molecular weight synthetic peptides can mimic the binding sites of TNF-alpha receptors and block the activity of TNF-alpha. Based on the 3-D complex structure of TNF-alpha with its neutralizing monoclonal antibody (Mab) Z12, an antagonistic peptide (AP) was rationally de novo designed. The designed AP possessed similar structural character and potential bioactivity with Mab Z12. AP could competitively inhibit the binding of Mab Z12 to TNF-alpha, TNF-alpha-meditated caspase activation and TNF-alpha-induced cytotoxicity on murine L929 cells with a dose-dependent fashion. This study highlights the potential of computation-aided method for the design of novel peptides with the ability to block the deleterious biological effects of TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

Murine protein serine/threonine kinase 38 (MPK38), also known as maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK), has been associated with various human cancers and plays an important role in the formation of cancer stem cells. OTSSP167, a MELK selective inhibitor, exhibits a strong in vitro activity, conferring an IC50 of 0.41 nM and in vivo effect on various human cancer xenograft models. Here, we report the crystal structure of MPK38 (T167E), an active mutant, in complex with OTSSP167 and describe its detailed protein-inhibitor interactions. Comparison with the previous determined structure of MELK bound to the nanomolar inhibitors shows that OTSSP167 effectively fits into the active site, thus offering an opportunity for structure-based development and optimization of MELK inhibitors.  相似文献   

Acyl-plasmin-streptokinase complex has advantages as a 'site' directed fibrinolytic agent with the active site protected from the plasma protease inhibitors. But, in clinical use, the fibrinolytic potential of this acyl-enzyme complex is modified or abolished by the presence of streptokinase antibodies in the patients. Therefore, better therapeutic agents are required. In this work, chemical modification of the acyl-plasmin-streptokinase complex with polyethylene glycol was found to result in marked resistance to neutralization with streptokinase antibodies.  相似文献   

The molecular structure of the 1:1 complex of cycloheptaamylose with 2,5-diiodobenzoic acid has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The iodine atoms of the guest molecular are disordered and were not used in the structure determination. The cycloheptaamylose molecules form channels in the crystal by means of head to head and tail to tail association using the two-fold crystallographic axis.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the antigen-binding fragment of a monoclonal antibody (8F5) that neutralizes human rhinovirus serotype 2 has been determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Antibody 8F5, obtained by immunization with native HRV2 virions, cross-reacts with peptides of the viral capsid protein VP2, which contribute to the neutralizing immunogenic site B in this serotype. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and has been refined to an R-factor of 18.9% at 2.8 A resolution. The elbow angle, relating the variable and constant modules of the molecule is 127 degrees, representing the smallest elbow angle observed so far in an Fab fragment. Furthermore, the charged residues of the epitope can be well accommodated in the antigen-binding site. This is the first crystal structure reported for an antibody directed against an icosahedral virus.  相似文献   

Guo J  Zhang X 《Carbohydrate research》2004,339(8):1421-1426
The single-crystal structure of SrCl2 x 2C6H12O6 x 3H2O was determined with Mr = 572.88, a = 16.252, b = 7.941(2), c = 10.751(3) angstroms, beta = 127.652(4) degrees, V = 1098.5(6) angstroms3, C2, Z = 2, mu = 0.71073 angstroms and R = 0.0296 for 1998 observed reflections. The fructose moiety of the complex exists as a beta-d-pyranose. The strontium atom is surrounded by eight oxygen atoms, which are arranged in symmetry-related pairs that are derived from four sugar and two water molecules. Three nonvicinal hydroxyl groups of fructose are involved in strontium binding. All the hydroxyl groups and water molecules are involved in forming an extensive hydrogen-bond network. The Sr-fructose complex is isostructural with the Ca-fructose complex, and the crystal structures and FTIR spectra of the two complexes are compared in this article. The O-H, C-O, and C-O-H vibrations are shifted, and the relative intensities changed in the complexes IR spectra, which indicate sugar metalation. By studying the metal-binding properties of fructose, it is hoped that such would aid in the understanding of the structural chemistry of metal ions interacting with saccharides, as an actual biological system, and thereby aid in the interpretation of some particular biological processes.  相似文献   

hDDPI (human dipeptidyl peptidase I) is a lysosomal cysteine protease involved in zymogen activation of granule-associated proteases, including granzymes A and B from cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, cathepsin G and neutrophil elastase, and mast cell tryptase and chymase. In the present paper, we provide the first crystal structure of an hDPPI-inhibitor complex. The inhibitor Gly-Phe-CHN2 (Gly-Phe-diazomethane) was co-crystallized with hDPPI and the structure was determined at 2.0 A (1 A=0.1 nm) resolution. The structure of the native enzyme was also determined to 2.05 A resolution to resolve apparent discrepancies between the complex structure and the previously published structure of the native enzyme. The new structure of the native enzyme is, within the experimental error, identical with the structure of the enzyme-inhibitor complex presented here. The inhibitor interacts with three subunits of hDPPI, and is covalently bound to Cys234 at the active site. The interaction between the totally conserved Asp1 of hDPPI and the ammonium group of the inhibitor forms an essential interaction that mimics enzyme-substrate interactions. The structure of the inhibitor complex provides an explanation of the substrate specificity of hDPPI, and gives a background for the design of new inhibitors.  相似文献   

A Z Wei  I Mayr  W Bode 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):367-373
The stoichiometric complex formed between human leukocyte elastase and a synthetic MeO-Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val chloromethyl ketone inhibitor was co-crystallized and its X-ray structure determined, using Patterson search methods. Its structure has been crystallographically refined to a final R value of 0.145 (8.0 and 2.3 A). The enzyme structure is very similar to that recently observed in a complex formed with the ovomucoid third domain from turkey [(1986) EMBO J. 5,2453-2458]. The rms deviation of all alpha-carbon atoms is 0.32 A. The peptidic inhibitor is bound in a similar overall conformation as the ovomucoid binding segment. Covalent bonds are formed between Val-P1 of the inhibitor and His-57 NE2 and Ser-195 OG of the enzyme. The carbonyl carbon is tetrahedrally deformed to a hemiketal. The valine side chain is arranged in the S1 pocket in the g-conformation.  相似文献   

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