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Selenocysteine (Sec) is found in active sites of several oxidoreductases in which this residue is essential for catalytic activity. However, many selenoproteins have fully functional orthologs, wherein cysteine (Cys) occupies the position of Sec. The reason why some enzymes evolve into selenoproteins if the Cys versions may be sufficient is not understood. Among three mammalian methionine-R-sulfoxide reductases (MsrBs), MsrB1 is a Sec-containing protein, whereas MsrB2 and MsrB3 contain Cys in the active site, making these enzymes an excellent system for addressing the question of why Sec is used in biological systems. In this study, we found that residues, which are uniquely conserved in Cys-containing MsrBs and which are critical for enzyme activity in MsrB2 and MsrB3, were not required for MsrB1, but increased the activity of its Cys mutant. Conversely, selenoprotein MsrB1 had a unique resolving Cys reversibly engaged in the selenenylsulfide bond. However, this Cys was not necessary for activities of either MsrB2, MsrB3, or the Cys mutant of MsrB1. We prepared Sec-containing forms of MsrB2 and MsrB3 and found that they were more than 100-fold more active than the natural Cys forms. However, these selenoproteins could not be reduced by the physiological electron donor, thioredoxin. Yet, insertion of the resolving Cys, which was conserved in MsrB1, into the selenoprotein form of MsrB3 restored the thioredoxin-dependent activity of this enzyme. These data revealed differences in catalytic mechanisms between selenoprotein MsrB1 and non-selenoproteins MsrB2 and MsrB3, and identified catalytic advantages and disadvantages of Sec- and Cys-containing proteins. The data also suggested that Sec- and Cys-containing oxidoreductases require distinct sets of active-site features that maximize their catalytic efficiencies and provide strategies for protein design with improved catalytic properties.  相似文献   

Four female-sterile mutants, fs(1)K451, fs(1)K1214, fs(1)K575TS, and fs(1)384, were studied in terms of chorion structure and chorion protein composition. The first three of these mutants cause morphological defects, ie, substantial underproduction and disruption of the endochorion, correlated with underproduction of the six major chorion proteins, s15-s38; the phenotypes are consistent with the observation that these mutants interfere with amplification of the major chorion genes that encode the s15-s38 proteins [Orr et al.: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 81:3773-3777, 1984; Komitopoulou et al.: Dev Genet 7:75-80, 1986]. The fourth mutant, fs(1)384, and its alleles do not interfere with production of the major chorion proteins and the morphologically detectable bulk of the endochorion but lead to failure of endochorionic organization. Apparently this complementation group is responsible for a minor chorion product, which is evidently important morphogenetically and which is processed posttranslationally in a complex manner [Bauer and Waring: Dev Biol 121:349-358, 1987].  相似文献   

We have used electrophoretic variants of glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT, E.C. in Drosophila melanogaster to genetically map the structural gene to position 42.6 on the X chromosome. By pseudodominance tests over several deficiencies we have localized it cytogenetically to the interval 11Fl-2 to 12Al-2. The sedimentation constant (s 20,w) of the native enzyme was determined in sucrose density gradients to be 5.9 and the native molecular weight approximately 87,000. The similarity in physical properties to mammalian enzymes suggests that the enzyme may also be dimeric in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species, together with the thioredoxin and glutathione systems, is thought to participate in redox signaling in mammalian cells. The activity of thioredoxin is dependent on the redox status of thioredoxin reductase (TR), the activity of which in turn is dependent on a selenocysteine residue. Two mammalian TR isozymes (TR2 and TR3), in addition to that previously characterized (TR1), have now been identified in humans and mice. All three TR isozymes contain a selenocysteine residue that is located in the penultimate position at the carboxyl terminus and which is encoded by a UGA codon. The generation of reactive oxygen species in a human carcinoma cell line was shown to result in both the oxidation of the selenocysteine in TR1 and a subsequent increase in the expression of this enzyme. These observations identify the carboxyl-terminal selenocysteine of TR1 as a cellular redox sensor and support an essential role for mammalian TR isozymes in redox-regulated cell signaling.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) catalyzes the reduction of thioredoxin (Trx) by NADPH. Like other members of the pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase enzyme family, the enzyme from Drosophila melanogaster is a homodimer, and each catalytically active unit consists of three redox centers: FAD and an N-terminal Cys-57/Cys-62 redox-active disulfide from one monomer and a Cys-489'/Cys-490' C-terminal redox-active disulfide from the second monomer. Because dipteran insects such as D. melanogaster lack glutathione reductase, thioredoxin reductase (DmTrxR) is particularly important; in addition to its normal functions, it also reduces GSSG for antioxidant protection. DmTrxR, used as a model for the enzyme from the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, has been shown to cycle in catalysis between the two-electron and four-electron reduced states, EH2 and EH4 [Bauer, H. et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 33020-33028]. His-464' acts as an acid-base catalyst of the dithiol-disulfide interchange reactions required in catalysis. The H464'Q enzyme has only 2% of the wild-type activity, emphasizing the importance of this residue. The pH dependence of Vmax for wild-type DmTrxR has pKa values of 6.4 and 9.3 on the DmTrxR-DmTrx-2 complex, whereas H464'Q DmTrxR only has an observable pKa at 6.4, indicating that the pKa at pH 9.3 is contributed mainly by His-464'. The pKa at pH 6.4 has been assigned to Cys-57 and Cys-490'; the thiolate on Cys-490' is the nucleophile in the reduction of Trx. In contrast to wild-type DmTrxR, H464'Q DmTrxR does not stabilize a thiolate-FAD charge-transfer complex in the presence of excess NADPH. The rates of steps in both the reductive and the oxidative half-reactions are markedly diminished in H464'Q DmTrxR as compared to those of wild-type enzyme, indicating that His-464' is involved in both half-reactions.  相似文献   

Plants establish highly and systemically organized stress defense mechanisms against unfavorable living conditions. To interpret these environmental stimuli, plants possess communication tools, referred as secondary messengers, such as Ca2+ signature and reactive oxygen species (ROS) wave. Maintenance of ROS is an important event for whole lifespan of plants, however, in special cases, toxic ROS molecules are largely accumulated under excess stresses and diverse enzymes played as ROS scavengers. Arabidopsis and rice contain 3 NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases (NTRs) which transfer reducing power to Thioredoxin/Peroxiredoxin (Trx/Prx) system for scavenging ROS. However, due to functional redundancy between cytosolic and mitochondrial NTRs (NTRA and NTRB, respectively), their functional involvements under stress conditions have not been well characterized. Recently, we reported that cytosolic NTRA confers the stress tolerance against oxidative and drought stresses via regulation of ROS amounts using NTRA-overexpressing plants. With these findings, mitochondrial NTRB needs to be further elucidated.  相似文献   

Aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) are a large superfamily of NAD(P)H-dependent enzymes that function in a wide range of biological processes. The structures of two enzymes from the previously uncharacterized family 11 (AKR11A and AKR11B), the products of the iolS and yhdN genes of Bacillus subtilis have been determined. AKR11B appears to be a relatively conventional member of the superfamily with respect to structural and biochemical properties. It is an efficient enzyme, specific for NADPH and possesses a catalytic triad typical for AKRs. AKR11A exhibits catalytic divergence from the other members of the superfamily and, surprisingly, AKR11B, the most closely related aldo-keto reductase in sequence. Although both have conserved catalytic residues consisting of an acidic tyrosine, a lysine and an aspartate, a water molecule interrupts this triad in cofactor-bound AKR11A by inserting between the lysine and tyrosine side-chains. This results in a unique architecture for an AKR active site with scant catalytic power. In addition, the absence of a bulky tryptophan side-chain in AKR11A allows an unconventional conformation of the bound NADP+ cosubstrate, raising the possibility that it donates the 4-pro-S hydride rather than the 4-pro-R hydride seen in most other AKRs. Based upon the architecture of the active site and the resulting reaction velocities, it therefore appears that functioning as an efficient oxido-reductase is probably not the primary role of AKR11A. A comparison of the apo and holo forms of AKR11A demonstrates that the cosubstrate does not play the dramatic role in active site assembly seen in other superfamily members.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin reductase from Drosophila melanogaster (DmTrxR) catalyzes the reversible transfer of reducing equivalents between NADPH and thioredoxin (Trx), a small protein that is involved in a wide variety of biological redox processes. The catalysis involves three essential redox states of the enzyme: the oxidized form of DmTrxR (Eox), the 2-electron-reduced forms (EH2), and the 4-electron-reduced forms (EH4). In the present work, the macroscopic redox potentials of Eox/EH2 and EH2/EH4 couples were determined to be -272 +/- 5 mV for Em(Eox/EH2) and -298 +/- 11 mV for Em(EH2/EH4) on the basis of redox equilibria between DmTrxR and NADH. The value for Em(EH2/EH4) obtained from the steady-state kinetics of the TrxR-catalyzed reaction between NADPH and D. melanogaster Trx-2 (DmTrx-2) was reasonably consistent with that based on redox equilibria. The redox potential of the Trx-(S)2/Trx-(SH)2 couple from D. melanogaster Trx-2 (DmTrx-2) was calculated to be -275.4 +/- 0.3 mV by using the Nernst equation and the Keq for the equilibrium of the reaction involving NADP/NADPH and Trx-(S)2/Trx-(SH)2. For the accurate determination of the Keq, an improved protocol has been developed to minimize errors that can be introduced by using starting concentrations far from equilibrium of the TrxR-catalyzed reaction between NADPH and Trx. This improved approach gives an Em of -284.2 +/- 1.0 mV for Escherichia coli Trx and -271.9 +/- 0.4 mV for Plasmodium falciparum Trx, which agree well with published values (-283 or -285 mV and -270 mV, respectively). The redox potentials determined herein provide further direct evidence for the proposed catalytic mechanism of DmTrxR, and cast new light on the essential role of the DmTrx system in cycling GSSG/GSH and maintaining the intracellular redox homeostasis in D. melanogaster where glutathione reductase is absent.  相似文献   

Thioredoxins (Trx) participate in essential antioxidant and redox-regulatory processes via a pair of conserved cysteine residues. In dipteran insects like Drosophila and Anopheles, which lack a genuine glutathione reductase (GR), thioredoxins fuel the glutathione system with reducing equivalents. Thus, characterizing Trxs from these organisms contributes to our understanding of redox control in GR-free systems and provides information on novel targets for insect control. Cytosolic Trx of Drosophila melanogaster (DmTrx) is the first thioredoxin that was crystallized for X-ray diffraction analysis in the reduced and in the oxidized form. Comparison of the resulting structures shows rearrangements in the active-site regions. Formation of the C32-C35 disulfide bridge leads to a rotation of the side-chain of C32 away from C35 in the reduced form. This is similar to the situation in human Trx and Trx m from spinach chloroplasts but differs from Escherichia coli Trx, where it is C35 that moves upon change of the redox state. In all four crystal forms that were analysed, DmTrx molecules are engaged in a non-covalent dimer interaction. However, as demonstrated by gel-filtration analyses, DmTrx does not dimerize under quasi in vivo conditions and there is no redox control of a putative monomer/dimer equilibrium. The dimer dissociation constants K(d) were found to be 2.2mM for reduced DmTrx and above 10mM for oxidized DmTrx as well as for the protein in the presence of reduced glutathione. In human Trx, oxidative dimerization has been demonstrated in vitro. Therefore, this finding may indicate a difference in redox control of GR-free and GR-containing organisms.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster thioredoxin reductase-1 (DmTrxR-1) is a key flavoenzyme in dipteran insects, where it substitutes for glutathione reductase. DmTrxR-1 belongs to the family of dimeric, high Mr thioredoxin reductases, which catalyze reduction of thioredoxin by NADPH. Thioredoxin reductase has an N-terminal redox-active disulfide (Cys57-Cys62) adjacent to the flavin and a redox-active C-terminal cysteine pair (Cys489'-Cys490' in the other subunit) that transfer electrons from Cys57-Cys62 to the substrate thioredoxin. Cys489'-Cys490' functions similarly to Cys495-Sec496 (Sec = selenocysteine) and Cys535-XXXX-Cys540 in human and parasite Plasmodium falciparum enzymes, but a catalytic redox center formed by adjacent Cys residues, as observed in DmTrxR-1, is unprecedented. Our data show, for the first time in a high Mr TrxR, that DmTrxR-1 oscillates between the 2-electron reduced state, EH2, and the 4-electron state, EH4, in catalysis, after the initial priming reduction of the oxidized enzyme (Eox) to EH2. The reductive half-reaction consumes 2 eq of NADPH in two observable steps to produce EH4. The first equivalent yields a FADH--NADP+ charge-transfer complex that reduces the adjacent disulfide to form a thiolate-flavin charge-transfer complex. EH4 reacts with thioredoxin rapidly to produce EH2. In contrast, Eox formation is slow and incomplete; thus, EH2 of wild-type cannot reduce thioredoxin at catalytically competent rates. Mutants lacking the C-terminal redox center, C489S, C490S, and C489S/C490S, are incapable of reducing thioredoxin and can only be reduced to EH2 forms. Additional data suggest that Cys57 attacks Cys490' in the interchange reaction between the N-terminal dithiol and the C-terminal disulfide.  相似文献   

We transplanted imaginal disks of Drosophila melanogaster from larvae of the second half of the third larval instar into prepupae. Disks from the youngest donors differentiated bristles of only the distal segments of the leg. These disks also produced unusually large areas of cuticle that had no bristles. Disks from older donors differentiated bristles of more proximal segments and the area of cuticle with no bristles was reduced. To account for the regional variation in these results, there must be regional differences among the prospective leg cells at some time during the period from the second half of the third larval instar to the end of adult bristle differentiation. We asked whether prospective distal cells were more advanced than prospective proximal cells during bristle differentiation. We estimated when bristle precursor cells undergo their final cell divisions by heavily irradiating prepupae and pupae. We assumed that cells that were insensitive to the radiation had completed their cell divisions. The distal segments were the first to have insensitive bristles. Most leg bristles became insensitive between 12 and 18 hr after pupariation. The tarsus had a larger proportion of its bristles insensitive than the femur at 15 hr after pupariation. We also investigated when bristle-forming cells begin elongating their bristle shafts. We used the length of bristle rudiments as an indicator of when elongation is initiated. At 35 hr after pupariation, bristle rudiments of distal segments were two to three times longer than bristle rudiments of proximal segments. We discuss how these intersegmental differences observed during bristle differentiation can account for the regional variation in response of discs transplanted into older hosts. However, we do not exclude the possibility that regional differences among cells of the leg tissue exist at stages earlier than the time of bristle differentiation.  相似文献   

Human Thioredoxin-1 (hTrx-1) is a small redox protein with a molecular weight of 12 kDa that contains two cysteine residues found in its catalytic site. HTrx-1 plays an important role in cell growth, apoptosis, and cancer patient prognosis. Recently, we have demonstrated that hTrx-1 binds to the C2 domain of the human tumor suppressor, PTEN, in a redox dependent manner. This binding leads to the inhibition of PTEN lipid phosphatase activity in mammalian tissue culture systems. In this study, we show that over-expression of hTrx-1 in Drosophila melanogaster promotes cell growth and proliferation during eye development as measured by eye size and ommatidia size. Furthermore, hTrx-1 rescues the small eye phenotype induced by the over-expression of PTEN. We demonstrate that this rescue of the PTEN-induced eye size phenotype requires cysteine-218 in the C2 domain of PTEN. We also show that hTrx-1 over-expression results in increased Akt phosphorylation in fly head extracts supporting our observations that the hTrx-1-induced eye size increase results from the inhibition of PTEN activity. Our study confirms the redox regulation of PTEN through disulfide bond formation with the hTrx-1 in Drosophila and suggests conserved mechanisms for thioredoxins and their interactions with the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase signaling pathway in humans and fruit flies.  相似文献   

Cells of the neurogenic ectoderm of insects have to decide between a neural and an epidermal fate. In Drosophila, this decision id mediated by cellular interactions. The products of two different groups of genes, i.e., the neurogenic genes and the genes of the achaete-scute complex and daughterless, seem to provide the molecular basis for the elements of a signal chain that permits the commitment of the cells to a given fate.  相似文献   

Neph molecules are highly conserved immunoglobulin superfamily proteins (IgSF) which are essential for multiple morphogenetic processes, including glomerular development in mammals and neuronal as well as nephrocyte development in D. melanogaster. While D. melanogaster expresses two Neph-like proteins (Kirre and IrreC/Rst), three Neph proteins (Neph1-3) are expressed in the mammalian system. However, although these molecules are highly abundant, their molecular functions are still poorly understood. Here we report on a fly system in which we overexpress and replace endogenous Neph homologs with mammalian Neph1-3 proteins to identify functional Neph protein networks required for neuronal and nephrocyte development. Misexpression of Neph1, but neither Neph2 nor Neph3, phenocopies the overexpression of endogenous Neph molecules suggesting a functional diversity of mammalian Neph family proteins. Moreover, structure-function analysis identified a conserved and specific Neph1 protein motif that appears to be required for the functional replacement of Kirre. Hereby, we establish D. melanogaster as a genetic system to specifically model molecular Neph1 functions in vivo and identify a conserved amino acid motif linking Neph1 to Drosophila Kirre function.  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase (PFK;EC activity in Drosophila melanogaster is controlled by a single dosage-sensitive region of the genome between 45F and 47E of chromosome IIR. Only a single form of PFK was detected electrophoretically in both adults and larvae. Nearly 90% of the PFK activity in adults is localized to the thorax. Purification of the enzyme was hampered by the extreme lability of Drosophila PFK; however, a 36-fold partial purification was achieved.  相似文献   

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